صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


a valiant or mighty act, strength.-Ha fatto gran prodezze in guerra, he has done wonders in war.-Uomo di gran prodeza, a mighty va.

liant man.

Prodicélla, s. f. dim of Proda.
Prodiéro, s. m. a prow-man,
he that rows at the prow of
a boat or galley.
Prodigalità, s. f. prodigality,
profuseness, lavishness.
Prodigalizzare, to be prodigal,
to spend lavishly, to squander
Prodigamente, adv. prodigally
wastefully, lavishly.
Prodigio, s. m. prodigy, a
monstrous or preternatural
Prodigiosamente, adv. prodi-

Prodigioso, adj. prodigious,
preternatural, monstrous, ex-
cessive, wonderful, extraor-



Proemiale, adj. Proemial.
Proemialmente, adv. by way
of proem.
Proémio, s. m. proem, preface,
or entrance into a discourse.
Profanamente, adv. profanely,
Profanare, to profane to abuse
holy things, to pollute or
Profanáto adj. profaned, abus-
ed, polluted.
Profanatóre, a profaser.
Profanatric e,

feminine of Pro

Profanità, s. f. profanity, pro


Profáno, adj. profane, impious,
irreligious.Projano, profane,
not sacred-Autore profano,
profane author.
Profénda, s. f. provender, that
quantity of hay or oats that
the ostler gives to the horse,
horses, or oxen of the pas-
Profendáre, to give food to
the horses or oxen of pas-

Proferire, v. Profferire.
Proférta, v. Profferta.
Proférto, v. Profferto.

Professatore, . Professore.
Professatrice, feminine of Pro-

Professióne, s. f. institute, sta-
tute, order, or decree.-Pro-
fessione, profession, calling,
condition, trade, or art.--Pro-
fessione, profession, the en
tering into any religious order.

Pródigo, adj. prodigal, lavish, profuse.-Viver da prolizo, to live prodigally or riotously. --Un prodigio, s. m. a prodigal man. Prodotto, s. m. product, fruit. -Prodotto, product, the number arising from the multi-Professare, to profess, to explication of several numbers ercise publicly a particular study or calling, to make one's given. self known of such a religion, Prodotto, adj. produced. Producente, adj. producing, sect, or party. bringing forth.' Producere, v. Produrre. Producibile, adj. apt to produce, or bring forth. Producimento, s. m. production, a bringing forth, product, work. Producitóre, a producer, maker, performer. Producitrice, she that produces or brings forth. Produrre, to produce, yield, or bring forth, to beget.-Produrre, to cause or occasion, to be the cause or the occasion of. Produrre, to pro-Professóra, she that professes, as a professor. A burlesque duce, to shew. Produttibile, adj. that be word. may produced or brought forth. Produttivo, adj. producing, productive, bringing forth. Prodútto, v. Prodotto. Produttore, he that produces, begets or engendereth. Produttrice, a mother, she that produced or causes. Produzione, s. f. production,

Profeteggiare, to prophesy, to prophetize, or foretel. Profetessa, a prophetess. Profetizzáre, v. Profeteggiare. Profeticamente, adv. prophetically, in a prophetical man


Profético, adj. prophetic, pro-

Profetizzáto. v. Profetato.
Profetizzáre, to prophetise,to
prophesy or foretel.
Profezia, s. f. a prophecy, a

Profferáre, v. Profferire. Obs.
Profferente, v. Profleritore.
Profïerénza, a pronouncing or
uttering. Profferenza, prof-,
fer, an offer or offering.
Profferiménto, s. m. a pro-
nouncing, speaking, or utter-
ing of words.
Proiferire, to utter, to pro-
nounce, to speak.-Proffer re,
to offer, to present.-Chi si
pro "crisce e pegzio il terzo, prof-
fered service stinks.
Profferito, adj. uttered, pro-
nounced, offered, 'presented.
-Proferito, s. m. porphyry.
Obs. Profferito, a proffer, an
offer, or offering.
Profferitóre, he that proffers,
offers, or gives.
Profferta, s. f. offering, offer,
oblation, proffer, proposal.
Profferto, s. m. offer. Obs.
Proffilare, to flourish the ed-
ges of any thing with gold,
silver, or the like.
Profilato, adj. pursled, flou-
rished with a needie.
Proffilo, s. m. profile, outline.

Rararre in profilo, to draw in profile or side ways. Profieuo, adj. proficuous, advantageous. Obs.

Far professione d'una reli-Profiguráto, adj. assimilated, compared. Obs. gione, to profess a religion. Professo, adj. professed.—Un Profiláre, v. Proffiláre. frate profeso, a professed monk. Profilato, v. Profliláto. -Una monaca professu, a pro- Profilo, v. Profilo. fessed nun.

Professóre, s. m. a professor.
Proféra, s. m. a prophet.
Profetále, adj. prophetical,

Profitabile, adj. profitable,
beneficial, useful, advanta-
Profittare, to profit, to make a
progress, to be a proficient,
improve.-Profiltúre, to
profit, to be profitable or
-Profittáre, to make an
adv ntage or good use of
a thing.


a bringing forth, product or

Profetante, adj. prophesying,
Profetare, to prophetise, to
prophesy, to

fel. to, adj. prophesied, fore-


Profittévo e, adj. profitable, useful, beneficial, advantageous.

Profittevolmente, adv. profit

[blocks in formation]

Profónda, s. f. profundity, deepness, depth. Profondamente, adv. deeply. Profondamente, seriously.Dormir profondamente, to sleep soundly-Profondamente, excessively, very much. Profondamento, s. m. a sinking, a forcing down. Profondáre, to sink, to go to the bottom, to perish.--Profondare, to go deep, to dive into, to search into, to sift, to examine

Profondataménte, adv. deep, deeply-Profondato, adj. sunk, or sunk down. Profondazione, s. f. a digging. Profondità, s. f. profundity, deepness, depth. Profondo, adj. deep.-Lago profondo, a deep lake. Vallone profondo, a deep valley.-Profondo, profound, high, eminent.-Profonda notte, a very dark night.-Ii profondo mezzo dì, noon, or noon day. Profondo sonno, a profound, dead, or sound sleep.--Profondo silenzio, a profound silence. Profonda ienza, profound learning.-Profonda riverenza, profound reverence. a very low bow.--Profonda alizione, anxious grief.-Profundo, adv. deep, deeply, pro foundly.-Profondo, s. m. profundity, deepness, depth.Dal profondo del cuore, from the bottom of the heart. Profumare, to perfume, to give a sweet scent to.-Frofumato, adj. perfumed, scented. Profumico,s. m.perfume,scent. Obs.

Prolissaménte, adv. tediously, with prolixity. Profumiéra, s. f. a perfuming-Prolissità, s. f. prolixity, te

[blocks in formation]

hold perfumes. Profummiére, v. Profumiere. Profúmo,s. m. perfume, scent. Profusamente, adv. profusely, lavishly.

Profusióne, s. f. profusion, profuseness,lavishness, squandering away.

Profúso, adj. profuse, lavish,
wasteful, prodigal, extrava-

Progénie, s. f. progeny, off-
spring, issue.
Progenitore, progenitor, an-
cestor, fore-father.
Progenitrice, feminine of Pro-
Progetto, s. m. project, design,
purpose, intent.
Progiudicáre, v. Pregiudicare,
and all its derivatives.
Progredire, to proceed, to go
on, to go forward, to ad-


Progressióne, s. f. progression,
a going on, or advancing.
Progressivamente, adv. pro-
gressively, by degrees.
Progressivo, adj. progressive,
which proceeds or goes on.
Progresso, s. m. progress, a
proceeding or going forward.
Progresso, progress, advance-
ment, proficiency, or pro-
ficience. In progresso di tempo,
in time, in progress of time,
in succceding times.
Proibire, to prohibit, to for-
bid, to bar or keep from.
Proibitivo, adj. prohibitory,
that prohibits, forbids or
hinders.-Frubito, adj. pro-
hibited, forbidden.
Proibitóre, s. m. he that for-

Proibizióne, s. f. prohibition.
Prolagáre, v. Prologáre.
Prólago, v. Prologo.
Prolato, adj. pronounced, ut-
tered, spoken. Obs.
Prolatore, he that pronounces,
speaks, or utters. Obs.
Prolazióne, s. f. pronunciation.


Prole, s. f. progeny, offspring,
Prolifico, adj. prolific, apt to


diousness, length in discourse. Prolisso, adj. prolix, long, tedious, large in speech. Prologáre, to speak out or at length, to tell a long story.

Prólogo, s. m. prologue, a speech before a stage play. Prolongazióne, v. Prolungazi. óne.

Prolungamento, prolongation,

Prolungáre, to prolong, to
lengthen out, to defer, to
delay, to make a thing last
longer.-Prolungare la vila, to
prolong life.-Prolungata, adj.
prolonged, lengthened, de-
ferred, delayed.
Prolungazióne, s. f. prolonga-
tion, delaying, lengthening.
Prómere, to tell, to speak out,
to disclose, to lay open. Obs.
Promessa, s. f.
a promise.
Promesso, adj. promised.
Prometténte, adj. that pro-

Prométtere, to promise, to en-
gage or give one's word.-
Promettere in matrimonio, to
promise or betroth -Promét-
tersi, to promise one's self, to
hope.-Promettere, to assure,
or promise-Vi prometto che
ell' cost, I assure you it is
SO. --Prométiere per altrui, to
bail, to be bail for one.
Promettitóre, one that pro-

Promettitrice, she that pro

Prominénte, adj. prominent,
jutting out or standing for-
Prominénza, s. f. prominence.
Promissióne, c. Promessione.
Promontoriétto, s. dim. of Pro-
Promontório, s. m. promon-
tory, a mountain, hill, or any
high ground running out
into the sea.
Promosso, adj. moved higher,
removed to a higher post or

Promotóre, promoter, one who
carries on any thing.
Promotrice, she that promotes.
Promovénte, adj. promoting.
Promovere, v. Promuovere.
Promoviménto, s. m. promo.
tion, preferment, advance-


Promovitóre, promoter.
Promovitrice, she that pro-


Promozióne, s. f. promotion, advancement, preferment. Promulgare, to promulgate, to publish, or proclaim.-Promulgáto, adj. promulgated,

bold, hardy.
Prónubo, s. m. a match-maker.
Pronúncia, v, Pronunzia, and
all its derivatives.
Prónunzia, s. f.
Pronunziaménte, s. m.
ciation, utterance of speech,



Promulgatore, promulgator,
publisher, proclaimer.
Promulgazione, promulgation.
Promuovere, to promote, to
advance or prefer, to farther
or carry on.—Promnízere, to
move or begin.---Promventer
guerra contro a qualched" ia, to Pronunziáre, to publish, to de-
declare war against one. clare, to pronounce, to pass
Promovere, to spur, to heite, one's judgment.-Pronunziare,
to induce.---Fron autor, to to prognosticate, to foretell.
grow, to thrive.
-Proniciáre, to pronounce,
Promúta, s. m. permutation, to utter, to speak.
Pronunziato adj. pronounced,
Promutare, to permute, to ex-published, declared.
change.-Promoto, adj. per- Pronunziatore, he that pro-
nounces, declares, or fore-

Pronunziazióne, s. f. pronun

muted, exchanged. Promutazione, s. f. permuta-_tells. tion, exchange. Pronepote, s. m. Pronipote, child, a nephew's son. Prono, adj

a great ciation.

prone unto, in

clined, apt, given unto. Pronóme, s. in. pronoun. Pronomináto, adj. renowned,


Pronosticamento, s. m. prog

nostication. Pronosticánza, v. Pronosticazi


Propagare, to propagate, to
multiply, to increase,to spread
Propagatore, propagator, he
that propagates.
Propagatrice, feminine of Pro-


[blocks in formation]

Propinåre, to drink the health
of a person, to drink a toast

Propinquaménte, adv.near, by.
Propinquità, s. f. propinquity,
nearness, nighness.
Propinquo, adj. nigh, near-
Propinquo, relation, related,
kin, allied.

Propio, adj. proper, peculiar,
particular, own, self.—ll dis-
corso è propio dell' uomo, rea-
soning is peculiar to man.—
Mia propia figliuola, my own
daughter.—Amor propio, self-
love.-Di sua propia testa, of
his own head-Nome propio,
a proper name.-Propio, pro-
per, fit, convenient.-Própio,
fit, good, apt.-Propio, pro-

tue, natural disposition.-La risibilità è propia dell' uomo, risibility is the property of men.

Propagazióne, s. f. propaga-perty, natural quality, or vir-
tion, encrease.
Propagginaménto, s. m. the
planting of many young

Pronosticáre, to prognosticate,
to foretell, to conjecture, to Propaggináre, to provine, to
lay a vine-stock or branch in
Pronosticatóre, one that prog- the ground to take root.-
nosticates, that foretells or Propagginare, to breed, to in-
crease, to multiply.-Propag-
Pronosticatrice, fem. of Prog-gine, a torment which was

-Possedere in propio, to be the right owner. Propiziatore, a favourer, a mediator, an intercessor. Propiziazióne, s. f. propitiation, atonement.

Propizio, adj. propitious, faanciently appointed for high-vourable, kind, merciful. Proponénte, adj. proposing.Proponente, s. f. proposition. Proponere, v. Proporre. Proponimentáccio, s. m. bad intention, wicked resolution, brutal deliberation, knavish purpose.

Pronosticazione, s. f. prognos-way robbers or murderers,
tication, foretelling.
which was, to bury them
Pronóstico, s. m. prognostic, alive, with their heads down-
a boding sign, or token of wards.
something to come.-Pronos-
tico, prognostication, conjec.


Propagginazione, s. f. the
planting of young vines or
branches of trees.
Propággine, s. f a layer of a
vine, or tree, a provine.-
Propagzine, offspring, issue.
Propaláre, to publish, to de-

Propaláto, adj. published.
Prope, adv. near, by, at hand.

Proponiménto, s. m. intent,
intention, resolution, delibe-
ration, purpose.
Propórre, to propose, pro-
pound, speak, declare, or set
forth, to make a motion.--
Proporre una questione, to pro-
pose or move a question.
Proporre, to intend, to delibe-
rate, to make a resolution, to
resolve, to determine, to in-
tend, to design, to purpose.
Proporzionále, adj. propor-
tional, of like proportion.
Proporzionalità, s. f. propor-
tionality, a likeness of pro-

Prontamente, adv. readily, quickly, nimbly. Prontare, to press, to urge, to importune, to trouble. Not used.--Prontare, to quicken, to hasten, to dispatch. Not used. Prontarsi, to endeavour, to procure, to strive, to do one's best. Not used. Prontezza, s. f. readiness, quickness, speed, haste.Prontessa, importunity. Not used in this sense. Prontitúdine, v. Prontezza. Pronto, adj. ready, in readiness, at hand, prepared.Far pronte sembianze ad uno, to look pleasantly upon one-Propietà, s. f. property, na- Proportionalmente, adv. proPronto, quick, sudden, speedy. tural virtue or quality.-Proportionally, with proportion. -Pronto, fierce, passionate, pietà, property, right to a Proporzionáre, to proportion,

Propensáre, to premeditate, to
think upon or contrive be-
fore-hand, Obs.
Propensáto, adj. premeditated,
thought before. Obs.
Propensióne, s. f. propensity,
inclination of mind, readiness,


Propriamente, adv. properly.

ate, to make answerable, to


Propozionatamente, adv. with convenient proportion. Proporzionáto, adj. proportioned, commensurate, fit, fit


Proporzionatore, he that uses
Proporzióne, s. f. proportion,
agreement, answerableness.
A proporzione, in proportion,
Proporzionévole, adj. propor-
tionable, of like proportion.
Proporzionevolmente, adv.
proportionably, with pro-

Propósito, s. m. purpose. de-
sign, resolution.--Cambiar pro-
posto, to change one's mind or
resolution.. --Con proposito,
with a design.-Proposito dis-
course, subject, talk-A pro-
posito, adv. to the purpose,
opportunely, seasonably, in
time, patly.-Fuor di proposito,
posterously.- -Con proposito,
designedly, purposely, for the



[blocks in formation]

Prora, s. f. the prow, the fore
part of a ship.
Proroga, s. f. prorogation, put-gion.
ting off.

Prosóne, s. m. one that talks
very slowly and much.
Prosuntuosetto, adj. dimin. of
Prosuntuosità, s. f. arrogance,
rashness, presumption.
Prosuntuoso, adj. presump-

Prorogare, to prorogue, to put
off, to prolong.
Prorogativa, s. f. insolence, ar-
rogance. Obs.
Prorogato, adj. prorogued, pro-
Prorogazióne, s. f. prorogation._tuous, arrogant, rash.
Prorompere, to break forth, to
burst out.--Porompere, to speak,
to utter suddenly.-Proruppe
in queste parole, he uttered sud-
denly these words. Porom-
pere in qualche follia, to be
guilty of some folly.
Prorótto, adj. broken or burst


Prosa, s. f. prose.
Prosaico, adj. prosaic, belong
ing to prose.
Prosápia, s. f. progeny, race,
lineage, blood, family.
Prosare, to write or speak in
prose,——Prosáre, to speak
slowly with affectation, to
love to talk much.-Prasare,
to joke, to laugh at, to ridi-
cule, to jeer or banter.
Prosástico, v. Prosaico.
Prosátóre, a writer in prose.
Proscénio, s. m. stage, the place
where the comedians act in
the play-house.

Propositúra, s. f. the office of a
chief, such as a provost, a she-
riff, and the like.
Proposizione, s. f. proposition,
proposition, saying, or maxim.
--Proposizione, proposition,pie-
mise, one of the parts of a
Prosciogliere, to absolve, to
Proposta, s. f. proposition, pro- forgive, to pardon-Proscio-
posal, motion, a thing pro-gliere, to loosen, to free, to set
posed to be proved, made out at liberty.
or demonstrated.--Proposta, Prosciogligióne, s. f.
purpose, design, resolution,


Propostáto, s. m. a title of
Propostía, s. f. S dignity
given to churches, as Abbey,
Priory, or Rectory.
Proposto, a rector, or provost.
-Proposto, a provost, a she-
riff.--Proposto, purpose, in-
tent, design, resolution.
Proposto, adj. proposed.
Fropréso, s. m. compass, cir-
cumference, inclosure. Obs.
Propriamente, adv. properly,
in a proper manner, with
Proprietà, v. Propietà,
Proprietário, Propietario,
Propugnácolo, s. m. fortress,
bulwark, rampart, defence.
Propulsáre, to repel, to drive




Proscioglimento, s. m.)
setting at liberty.
Prosciolto, adj. absolved, un-
bound, set free.
Prosciórre, v. Prosciogliere.
Prosciugare, to dry, or dry up.
Prosciutto, s. m. gammon of
bacon, ham.
Proscuitto, adj. proscribed, ba-


Prosopopea, s. f. prosopopeia,
a rhetorical figure, wherein
the speaker addresses himself
to things inanimate.-Proso-
popéa, arrogance, boldness,
impudence, gravity.
Prosperaménte, adv. prosper-
ously, favourably, fortunate-
Prosperare, to prosper, to
make prosperous, to give
success. Prosperare, to pros-
per, to thrive, to succeed, or
be successful.
Prosperáto, adj. prospered.
Prosperazióne. s. f. prosperity,
thriving, success.
Prosperévole, adj. prosperous,
favourable, fortunate.
Prosperevolmente, adv. pros-
perously, successfully.
Prosperità, s. f. prosperity,
success, happiness.
Próspero, adj. prosperous,
thriving, favourable, fortu-
nate, lucky.

Prosperosamente, adv. pros-
perously, successfully, hap-

Prosperóso, adj. strong, lusty,


Prospettiva, s. f. perspective. Prospetto, s. m. prospect, á view or sight afar off. Prossimamente, adv. next, Prossimanamente, lately, just now. Prossimáno, adj. near, nigh. Prossimano, kindred, allied, related. Prossimánza, s. f. proximity, nearness, kindred alliance. Prossimità, s. f. proximity, nearness.-Prossimità, proximity, kindred, alliance. Prossimo, adj. next, near, nigh. to prose-Prossimo, kindred, allied,

Proscrivere, to proscribe, to
out-law, to banish.
Proscrizione, s. f. proscription,
banishment, outlawry.
Proseguiménto, s. m. prosecu-
tion, pursuit, continuance.
Proseguitáre, Obs. S cute, to
pursue, to carry on or go on,
to continue, to follow.
Prosodia, s. f. prosody, that
part of grammar which teaches

related.--Prossimo, s. m. a neighbour.Amate il vostro prossimo, love your neighbour, love thy life, love all men.-Ama il tuo prossimo come te

stesso, love thy neighbour as thou lovest thyself. Prostendersi, to prostrate one's self, to cast one's self flat on the ground. Prosternere, to overthrow, to cast or strike down, to vanquish or defeat. Prostéso, adj. prostrated. Prostituíre, to prostitute, to expose to every one that comes, to make common.Prostituito, adj. prostituted. Prostituzione, s. f. prostitution.

Prostráre, to prostrate, to lay 'flat down.-Pro trarsi in ginocchione, to fall upon one's knees.

Prostráto, adj. prostrated, laid
flat down.

Prosumére, v. Presumere.
Prosumitóre, a presumptuous

[blocks in formation]

Proto, adj. chief, first, prime, Provatura, s. f. a kind of new
principal. Obs.
Protocollo, s. m. protocal, a Provazióne,, v. Provagione.
book wherein notaries regis-Provecciare, to make one's own
ter their deeds or writings, profit.

Protomartire, s. m. protomar-Provéccio, s. m. profit, advan-
tyr, the first martyr, who tage.

Provenire, to thrive, to grow.
Provento, s. m. revenue, rent,
income, profits.
Proverbiale, adj. proverbial,
belonging to a proverb.
Proverbialmente, adv. prover-

suffered death in testimony Provedenza, v. Providenza, of the truth, as Abel in the Proveniménto, s. m. success, Old Testament, and St. Ste-issue, event, hap. phen in the New. Protonotariáto, s. m. the dignity of a prothonotary. Protonotário, prothonotary. Prototipo, s. m. prototype, first pattern or model. Protrarre, to protract, to deProteggere, to protect, to de-lay, or prolong time, to draw fend, to maintain, to countenance, to patronize. Proteggitore, s. m. protector, defender.


Prosuntuoso, v. Presuntuoso, and its derivatives.

Protendersi, to stretch one's


out in length.
Protratto, adj. protracted, de-
layed, prolonged.
Protrazione, s. f. protraction,
putting off, deferring or de-

Pro tribunáli, er. Seder pro
tribunali, to sit in judgment.
Prova, s. f. proof, trial, ex-
periinent, essay.- Prova,
proof, testimony. Prova,
witness. Prova, contention,
strife.--Non isbigottire che io
vincerò la prova, don't be dis-
couraged, for I'll get the
better of it.Prova, effect.
-Prova, action, way, man-

Proténdere, to spread, to
stretch, or stretch out, to
open, to extend.
Protervamente, adv. froward-
ly, waywardly, peevishly,
perversely, impudently.
Protérvia, s. f. stubbornness,
Protervità, S perverseness,
Protérvo, adj. proterve, fro-
ward, wayward.
Protéso, adj.protended, stretch-
ed, extended.
Protésta, v. Protestazione.
Protestagióne, v. Protesta-
Protestante, s. m. a Protest-_periment, sign, token, mark.
Prováno, adj. obstinate, stub-
born, opinionated, wilful,
stiff, self-willed, heedy. Obs.
Provánte, adj. proving, that


Protestáre, to protest, to make
a protest-Protestare, to pro-
test, to affirm, to declare.
Protestato, adj. protested.
Protestazione, s. f. protesta-
tion, a free and open decia-
ration of one's mind, a so-
lemn declaration.
Protésto, s. m. protestation.-
Protesto, pretence, show, co-
lour. Obs.-Sotto protesto,
under pretence or colour.
Protétto, p. p. of Proteggere.
Protettorale, adj. of or be-
longing to a protector.


Provábile, adj. that may be
Provagióne, s. f.
Provamento, s. m.

proof, trial, ex

Provánza, s. f. proof, argu-
ment. Obs.
Prováre, to try, to attempt, to
essay.Provarsi con quatcheda-
no, to come to a trial of skill
with one.-Procare, to taste.
Prováre, to prove, to make
good, or to make out.-Pro
táre, to feel, to be sensible of,
to find-Provare, to thrive,
to grow.

Proverbiáre, to abuse, to jeer,
to taunt, to scoff.- -Prover-
biare, to use or speak pro-
verbs.-Proverbiuto, adj. abu-
sed, scoffed.
Provérbio, s. m. proverb, a
common or old pithy say-

Proverbiosamente, adv. in an-
ger, disdainfully, scornfully,
Proverbioso, abusive, outra-
geous, offensive, spiteful.
Proveito, adj. aged, full grown,
advanced in years.-tà pro-
vellu, old age.-Provetto, ex-
pert, skilful, experienced.
Provevolmente, adv. proba-
bly. Obs.
Providamente, adv. wisely,
advisedly, prudently, circum-
spectly, carefully.
Providenza, s. f. providence,
foresight, forecast.-Providen
za, Providence, God's mind.
Providenta, provision.
Providigióne, Obs. v. Provi-

Provido, adj. provident, cir-
cumspect, careful, wise,
wary, heedful.
Provinca, s. f. periwinkle, an
herb so called.
Província, s. f. province, a con-
siderable part of a king-

Provinciále, adj. provincial,
belonging to a province.-
Provinciale, s. m. a provincial,
a chief of all the religious

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