صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

houses of the same order in a province. Provincetta, s. f. dimin. of


Provocaménto, s. m. provoca-
tion, incensing, inciting, or
stirring up.
Provocáre, to provoke, to
anger, to exasperate, to urge,
to move, or stir up.
Provocativo, adj. provocative,
apt to provoke or stir up.
Provocato, adj. provoked.
Provocatóre, a provoker, one
that provokes.
Provocazione, s. f. provoca-

Provvedénza, v. Provvidenza.
Provvedere, to provide, or
furnish with, to assist, or
purvey-Provvedere, to pay,
to satisfy.--Provvedere, to
provide, to order, to see, to
take care.- -Provedere, to
foresee.-Provcedere, to con-
sider, to see, to reflect.
Provvedigióne, s. f. provision,
a thing provided.
Provvedimento, providence,
fore-cast, fore sight, wari-



ed which is necessary for the make public, to spread
subsistence of life.--Provci- abroad.--Pubblicáre to confis-
sióne, provision, pension.
Provviso, s. m. extempora-Pubblicáto, adj. published,
neous, telling or singing of
verses; and the composition
itself that has been inade ex-

Provvisóre, v. Provveditore.
Provvisto, adj. provided, fur-
nished, ready prepared.
Prúa, s. f. prow, the fore-part
of a ship.
Prudente, adj. prudent, advi-
sed, discreet, wise.
Prudentemente, adv. prudent-
ly, advisedly, discreetly,

Prudénza, s. f. prudence, wis-
Prudenziale, adj. prudential,
wise, advised, discreet.
Pridere, to itch, to smart
with itching.
Prudóre, s. m. itching, smart
Prudúra, s. f. caused by

Prugna, s. f. prune, plum.
Prugno, s. m. a plum tree.
Prugnóla, s. f. bullace, wild

Prugnólo, s. m. bullace-tree,
wild plum tree.
Prugnuolo, s. m. a kind of

Pruina, s. f. hoar-frost.


Prunáme, s. m. a place full of
Prunéto, v. Prunaja.
Pruno, s. m. a dog-briar, a
blackberry-bush, bramble,


Prunéso, adj. full of briars,'

Provveditúre, s. m. purveyor,
Provveditrice, she that pro-
vides, furnishes with, or takes
care of.
Provvedutamente, adv. cau-Pruinóso, adj. frosty.
tiously, prudenty, warily, Prunaja, s. f. Prunajo, s. m. a
with circumspection, wisely. place set with plum trees, a
Provveduto, adj. provided.- thorny place, full of bullace-,
Provvedito, provident, wary,
prudent, circumspect.
Provvidamente, adv. cautious-
ly, prudently, advisedly, with
circumspection, carefully.
Provvidente, adj. that pro-
vides, providing for.
Provvidenza, v. Providenza.
Próvvido, v. Provido.
Provvigionato, adj. that is in
pay, or receives wages or
provision, pensioner.
Provvisante, s. m. that tells,
or sings verses extempore,
extemporaneous poet.
Provvisare, to make or sing
verses extempore.
Provvisatore, s. m. an extem-
pore poet.
Provvisionáre, to take into
pay, to entertain into service
for pay, to give a pension.
Provvisionato, adj. that re-Pubblicano.publican, a farmer
ceives a pay or pension. of public rents and re-
Provvisióne, s. f. provision
any thing gotten, or procur-

Pruová, v. Prova.
Prurigine, s. f. v. Prurito.
Pruriginoso, adj. that causes'

Prurito, s. m. itching, itch.
Pruzura, s. f heat. Obs.
Psilio, or Psillo, s. m. fleawort.
or fleabane, an herb so


Pubblicamente, adv. public-
ly, ma estly.
Pubblicamento, s. m. publica-

confiscated. Pubblicatóre, a publisher, one who makes public. Pubblicatrice, femin. of Pubblicatore.

Pubblicazione, s. f. publica


Pubblicità, s. f. publicity.
Pubblico, s. m. the public,
the generality of the people.
-Pubblico, adj. public, com-
mon, belonging to the peo-
ple.Pubblico, public, ma-
nifest, known by every body.
Púbertà, s. f. puberty, the age
of fourteen years in men,
and twelve in women.
Pubescente, adj. that has at-
tained the age of puberty.
Púbblico, v. Publico, and all its
Pudicaménte, adj. chastely,
modestly, honestly.
Pudicizia, s f. pudicity, chas-
tity, modesty.
Pudico, adj. chaste, honest,


Pudóre, s. m. shame, shame-
facedness, bashfulness, mo-

Puerile, adj. puerile, childish.
-Età puerile, puerility.
Puerilità, c. Puerizia.
Puerilmente, adv. childishly,
like a child.

Puerízia, s. f. puerility, child-
ishness.-Puerizia, simplicity,
childish action.

Pugillo, s. m. pugil, a handful,
a measure so called.
Pugna, s. m. fight, fray, skir
mish, or battle.-Pugna, s. f.
pl. blows, cuffs.
Pugnáce, adj. fit for war, war.

Pugnaláta, s. f. a blow, stab or
wound with a poniard, or
Pugnále, s. m. poniard, dag-

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Pugnato, adj. fought, combated, contented. Pugnatore, a fighter. Pugnatrice, a she combatant. Pugnázzo, s. m. a little n gagement, a skirmish. Obs. Pubblicáre, te publish, to Pignello, s. m. a handful.


Pugnénte, adj. pricking, stinging, nipping.. -Pugnénte, sharp, biting, satirical, keen, poignant, abusive, bitter. Púgnere, to prick or sting.Pugnere, to vex, to afflict, to touch to the quick, to torment, to 'nettle, to exasperate.-Púgnere, to abuse, to offend.-Pugnere, to wound, to strike.-Pugnersi, to make haste. Però alquanto più te stesso pugni, therefore make a little more haste.--Pugnersi in qualche affare, to grow hot upon something, to be eager at it.


Pulcesécca, s. f. a pinch given ing.
in any part of the body. Pulsazione, s f. pulsation, a
Pulcina, s. f. chick, or chick-knocking or striking, parti-
Pulcino, s. m.en.-Aver i cularly the beating of the
pulcini di gennajo, to have chil- pulse."

dren at an advanced age-Pultiglia, s. f. v. Poltiglia.
E' più impacciato che un pulcin Pulzélla, s. f. maid, virgin.
nella stoppa, he is so puzzled, Pulzellétta, s. f. a young maid
that he does not know what or virgin.
to say or do. Tu mi prendi
per un pulcin nel capecchio? do
you take me for a dunce?
Pulcro, adj. fine, beautiful.

Puledríno, s. m. a little smart


go away.

Pulédro, s. m. colt, a horsePugneréccio, adj. sharp, prick-_colt, the colt of an ass. ing, pointed. Puledróccio, s. m. a tight Pugnetto, s. m. a prick, a Puledrocco, Scolt. goad-Pugnetto, a spur, a Puledrúccio, s. m. a little colt. motive, an incentive, incite- Puléggio, s. m. an herb so ment, inducement, encou- called.-Pigliar il puleggio, to ragement.- -Pugnetto, little fist, a little blow with a fist. Pugniménto, s. m. pricking or stinging-Chi vuol entrar per la siepe si dispone a ricever forte pugnimento di spine, who will go through the hedges, exposes himself to be pricked by the thorns.

Púlica, s. f. a notch in the
glass, a flaw.
Pulicária, s. f. fleawort, flea-
bane, an herb so called.
Puliménto, s. m. polish -Puli
mento, punishment. Obs.
Pulíre, to scour, to cleanse, to
make clean, to clean.-Pu-
lire, to polish, to smooth.-
Pulire, to polish, to finish.-
Tulire, to punish, to chastise.
Obsolete in this sense.
Pulitaménte, adv. cleanly,

Pugniticcio, s. m. a spur, a
motive, an incitement, in-
ducement, incentive.
Pugnitójo, v. Pungitojo.
Pugnitópo, s. m. a plant so neatly, finely.

Pugno, s. m. a fist..
Aver qualche cosa in pugno,
to have a thing safe, or in
one's power. Avere in pugno,
to hold in one's hand.-Dare
dove un calcio e dove un pugno,
to do sometimes one thing,
and sometimes another.-
Pugno, hand.-Scritta di suo
proprio pugno, written by his
own hand.-Púgno, a blow, a
cuff-Fare alle pugna, to box
one another.-Fare un pugno
in cielo, to kick the air.-Pug-
no, a handful.
Pugnuolo, s. m. a little fist.
Pula, s. f. husk, hull.
Pulce, s. m. a flea.-Metlere un
pulce nell' orecchio ad uno, to
put a flea into one's ear.
Pulcélla, s. f. maid, virgin.
Pulcellaggio, s. m. maiden-
head, virginity.
Pulcellona, s. f. an over-grown
maid.-Star pulceliona, for a
girl to out-stay her time
without marrying.

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Pulitézza, s. f. politeness, neat-
ness, gentleness.
Pulíto, adj. clean, neat.- Puli-
to, polished, smooth.-Pulito,
neat, handsome.-Far pulito,
to put in execution.
Pulitóre, s. m. a polisher, he
that polishes.
Pulitúra,s.f. polishing, smooth-
ing, trimming.
Pulizia, s. f. cleanness, neat-


Pulizióne, s. f. punishment.

Punga, s. f. fight, strife, bat-
tle. Obs.
Pungéllo, s. m. a goad.
Pungente, adj. pricking, sting-
ing, sharp, pointed, tart.
Pungentemente, adv. sharply,

Púngere, to prick, to sting, to


Pungétto, s. m. spur.-Pengét-
to, a little handful.-Pungetto,

Pungiglióne, s. m. a spur, a
goad.-Pungiglione, the sting
of a bee or wasp.
Pungiménto, s. m. pricking,
stinging.--Pungimento, com-
punction, remorse of cen-

Pungitivo, adj. sharp, biting,
nipping, cutting, satyrical,
keen, poignant, abusive, bit-
Pungitójo, s. m. spur, goad,

Pungoláre, to prick with the
goad, to stimulate.
Púngolo, s. m. a goad.
Punigióne, s. f. 2. punish-
Puniménto, s. m. Sment.
Punire, to punish, to inflict a

Punitivo, adj. punishable. Puníto, adj. punished. Punitóre, punisher. Punitrice, fem, of Punitóre. Punizióne, s. f. punishment. Púnta, s. f. point, the sharp end of any thing, the topLa punta d'una spada o d'un coltello, the point of a sword, or of a knife-La punta d'un campanile, the top of a steeple. Punia, thrust given with any sharp weapon.Far punta falsa, to make a fint-Star punta punta, to be at odds with one another.Io l'ho sulla punta della lingua, I have it at my tongue's end. Pullulativo, adj. pullulating, -Punta di soldati, a troop of germinating forth. soldiers.--Punta di best ame, Pullulazióne, s. f. germination, an herd or drove of cattle.sprouting, or building forth. La punta d'un esercito, the Pulpito, s m. pulpit. head of an army. -Punta, Pulsáre, to knock, to beat. stitch in one's side, pleurisy Pulsatile, adj. knocking, beat--Punta, battle, fight.-P

Pulloláre, v. Pullulare.
Pullulaménto, s. m. germina-
tion, sprouting, budding


Pulluláre, to pullulate, to bud
forth.-Pullulare, to stream or
gush out.

U u

gliar la punta, to grow sour. Puntaglia, s. f. fight, battle. Tener la puntaglia, to cope with the enemy, to resist him. Puntagúto, adj. sharp, pointed. Puntale, s. m. tag, point, aglet. -Il puntale, the chape of a sword-Puntale d'un macellajo, a butcher's skewer. Puntalmente, adv. particularly, individually, precisely, distinctly, punctually.--Puntalmente, directly.--Puntalmente, in the same point, or degree.

Puntáre, to point, to mark
with points or stops.-Puntúre,
to push, to thrust.-Puntáre,
to criticise, to tax, to find
fault with.
Puntáta, s. f. a thrust.-Pun-
táta, the depth of a shovel, or
as far in the ground as a
shovel can go at one thrust.
Puntataménte, adv. punctually,

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sophistical argument. —Di
quanti punti sono le vostre scarpe?
what size are your shoes of?
Punto, point, ruff. A term
used by players.-Quanti punti
avete? how many are you?
how many points have you ?-
Punto, a point or prick upon
dice.--Punto, a whit, a crum,
the least in the world, a bit.
Voi non avete punto di cosci-
enza, you have no conscience
at all-Punto, adv. at all, a
bit.-Sensa punto pensare, with-
out thinking a bit.-l'oi non vi
ricordate punto della vostra pro-
messa, you don't remember at
all of your promisc.-A punto,
adv. in time, in the nick of
time, exactly.---Di punto in
punto, exactly, to the full,
distinctly, precisely.-Armato
di tutto punto, armed from top
to toe.-Mettere in punto, to
get ready.-Essere in punto,
to be ready-Mettere al punto,
to irritate, to incense, to stir
up, to urge, to provoke, to
exasperate or anger.
Punto, adj. pricked, stung.-
Punto, provoked, incensed,
stirred, urged, exasperated,¦

Puntolíno, s. m. a little point,
or stitch.

Puntato, adj. pointed.-Parole
untante, serious, grave words.
Puntatura, s. f. punctuation.
Puntázza, s. f. an iron point,
put at the sharp end of a
pole, that it may be fixed in
the ground.
Puntazzo, s. m. a point of land
butting out into the sea.
Punteggiamento, s. m. punc-Puntóne, s. m. a prop.---l'un-
tuation in writing.
tone, point.Il puntone della
Punteggiare, to point, to make spada, the point of the sword.
the points or stops in writing. Puntine, adv. with the
-Punteggiato, adj. pointed.
Punteggiatúra, s. f. pointing,

Puntuále, adj. punctual, exact.
Puntualità, s. f. punctuality,


ly, exactly.

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Puntellare, to prop, to sup-
port.—Punteliato, adj. prop-Puntualmente, adv. punctual-
ped, supported.
Puntéllo, s. m. a prop, a sup-Puntúra, s. f. puncture, a prick,
porter or underset.
a wound made by a point-
Punterella, s. f. a little point. ed instrument Puntara, an-
Punteruólo, s. m. a bodkin. guish, trouble, pain, distress,
Puntiglio, s. m. punctilio, ca-
afiction.-untúra, a stitch
vil.--Star sul puntiglio, to stand in the side.
upon punctilics.
Puntiglioso, adj. punctilious
cavilling, carping, captious.
Puntico, adv. ex. A punting,

Punzóne, s. m. a great cuff or
blow, a box on the ear.-
Punzóne, coin to stamp mo-

Pupilla, s. f. the apple, ball,
sight of the eye.
Pupilláre, adj. of pupil, be-
longing to a pupil.
Pupillo, s. m. a young man
not yet of age, a pupil.
Puramente, adj. uprightly,
honestly, sincerely.
Purchè, adv. provided, only, if.
Pur, o Pure, yet, albeit, al-
though, moreover, however,
besides; but generally speak-
ing it is not expressed in En-
glish, though in Italian it is
of great force.-Pure, in case.
-Pures only, at least.-Pur
danzi, just now-Lo sò pur
troppo, I know it but too well.
-Pur volete andare? then you
are resolved to go?-Dite
pur quel che volete, say what
you will.-Ma pure? but
what?-E pure ardite negarlo?
dare you to deny it?
Puréllo, adj.
Purétto, pure, clean, neat.
Purézza, s. f. purity, innocence,
Purga, s. f..
Purgagióne, s. f.
Purgamento, s. m.
or scouring.
Purgante, adj. purging, cleans
ing, scouring.
Purgare, to purge, to cleanse,

a purge, expiation, cleansing

to scour, to expiate, to atone.

Purgar gl' indizi, to clear one's self by proofs and torments, by which one shews himself innocent of that whereof he is accused and charged.—Purgáre, to moderate, to lessen, to abate. Purgativo, adi. purgative, that is of a purging quality, apt to purge.

Punto, s. m. point.


Purgato, adj. purged, cleansed.
Purgatore, cleanser, expiator.
-Purgatúre, a Scourer of

Purgatório, s. m. purgatory.
Pugatério, metaph. any
great pain or trouble.
Purgatório, adj. purgative."

Puntúto, adj. pointed, sharp.
Punzecchiare, to prick, to
spur, to gead.
Punzellamento, s. m. pricking,
spurring, goading. Obs.--
Punzell ment-, instigation, sol
licitation, encouragement, eg-
ging, or setting on. Obso-Purgatóo, v. Purgatorio. Obs.
Purgatúra, 5. f. filth coming off
a thing that is cleansed. La
purgatura del naso, snot.
Purgazióne, s. f. purge, purga-

point, instant, moment.--
In un punto, in an instant, at
one. -Punto, point. part,
head.-Punto, point, subject. Punzelláre, to prick, to spur,
matter.business.--Punta, point, to goad. Obs.--Punzellare, to
stop.-Far punto, to stop. seduce, to instigate, to in-
Pinto, point, pass, state, con- tice, to spur, to egg, to set
dition.-Trento,stitch.-Punto, on, to encourage. Obs.
villation, wrangling, a false Punzióne, s. f. puncture.


Purglietta, s. f. a small purge, a light purge.

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Purificatújo, s. m. a small piece
of linen used at mass by the
priest that celebrates.
Purificazione, s. f. purification,
the act of purifying and
cleansing.-Purificazione, Pu-
rification, Candlemass-day.
Purità, s. f. purity, pureness,
cleanness, honestly, sincerity,
innocence, uprightness.
Puro, adj. pure, simple, chaste,
clean, meat, mere, upright.-
Per dirvi la pura verità, to tell
you the plain truth.
Purpureo, adj. purple coloured.
Pusignáre, to eat after supper.
Pusígno, s. m. a collation after

Putridire, to putrefy, to rot,
to grow rotten.
Putridito, adj. putrefied, cor-
rupted, rotten.
Pútrido, adj. putrid, corrupt,
rotten.-Febre putrida, a pu-

trid fever.

Putta, whore, wench, harlot,
strumpet.-Putta, a pie, a
magpie-Putta scodata, a craf-
ty cunning man.
Puttáccio, s. m. a plump boy,
a wicked boy, a tall boy.
Puttána,whole, strumpet,pros-
titute, harlot.
Puttanaccia, a vile, nasty


Puttaneggiare, to whore, to wench.-Puttaneggiare, to be a whore, to play the whore. Puttaneggiare, to feint, to dissemble. Puttanéggio, s. m. whoring, wenching, harlotry, Puttanella, a vile, nasty wench. Pusillanimità, s. f. pusillani-Puttanería, s. f. whoring, harmity, faint-heartedness, want of courage or generosity. Pusillanime, adj. pusillanimous, faint-hearted, cowardly.

Pusillanimaménte, adv.with timidity, pusillanimously.

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Putativo, adj. putative, re-
puted, supposed, commonly
taken for.
Putente, adj. stinking.
Putidóre, s. m. stink.
Putiglióso, adj. stinking. Obs.
Putire, to stink, to smell
strong.-Potrei farvi qualche
cosa che vi putirebbe, I could
do you something that you

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lotry, wenching.
Puttanésco, adj. whorish.
Puttanía, the trade of a whore.
Puttaniére, s. m. a whore-writing-book.
master, wencher, or fornica-


a boy.
Putto, a young boy.
Putto, adj. whorish, of or be-
longing to a whore.
Puzza, s. f. pus, corruption,
thick matter which issues
out of a wound or sore.-
Puzza, stink, stench, ill or
strong smell.
Puzzáre, to stink, to smell


Puzzévole, adj. stinking. Obs.
Puzzo, s. m. stink, stench, il
or strong smell.
Puzzola, s. f. a pole-cat.
Púzzola, a sort of pismire.
Puzzolente, adj.. stinking,
strong. Puzzolénte, stinking,
nasty, dirty, filthy.
Puzzóso, adj. stinking.

would not like. Putíto, adj. that stinks. Putolénte, adj. stinking. Obs. Putredine, s. f. putrefaction, corruption, rottenness. Putredinoso, adj. putrid, corrupt, rotten. Putrefare, to putrefy, to rot, to corrupt. Putrefarsi, to Puzzúra, s. f. stink, stench, ill putrefy, to corrupt, to rot, or strong smell.-Puzzúra, nastiness, dirt, filthiness.

to grow rotten. Putrefattévole, adj. corruptiPutrefattibile,

ble, apt

to putrefy, corrupt or rot.Putrefatto, adj. putrefied, rot



Quádra, s. f. one part of the quadrant, containing six hours or ninety degrees.-Dar la quadra, to jeer, to laugh at one, to play the fool with one. Quadragésima, the same Quaresima, s. f. the time of Lent.


Quadragesimále, adj. v. Quare-

Quadragésimo, adj.the fortieth.
Quadraménto, s. m. quadra-
ture, square, a squaring of
any thing.
Quadrangoláre, adj. quadran-
gular, of the form of a qua-

Quadrangolo, s. m. quadran-
gle, a figure in geometry,
having four angles, and as
many sides.

Quadrante, s. m. a quadrant. Quadráre, to square, to make square.-Quadráre, to like, to approve of.-La vostra opinione non mi quadra, I don't approve your opinion, I am not of your opinion. Queste cose non quadrano bene, these things don't answer well. Quadráto, s. m. a square piece, a quadrangle.

ten, corrupted.

Putrefazióne, s. f. putrefac


tion, pu

trescence, corruption, rot-QUA, adv. here.-Qua e là, here and there.-Di qua, this


Quadráto, adj. quadrate, foursquare, square.- -Quadráto, strong, well-set, lusty, well

giuso, the things or affairs of honourable.-Persona qualifi

this world. Quáglia, s. f. a quail. Quagliamento, s. m. curdling, qualing.

Quagliare, Quagliarsi, to quail, to curdle as milk.-Mi si quagliò il sangue ne le vene, the blood froze in my veins. Quagliáto, adj. quailed, cur

cuta, a person of quality. Qualificatóre, qualifier, he that confers qualification on an


Qualità, s. f. quality, condition, nature, kind.--Qualità, quality, noble birth.--ver le qualità requisite per qualche cosa, to be qualified for some thing.-E aler vizio d'un tale in qualità di magordomo, he is at the service of such a one as a steward.

Qualitativo, adj. qualifying, that qualities.—Qualificativo, qualihed, noble, excellent. Qualmente, adv. how, that, how as, so as.

Qualche, adj. some, any. Qualche giorno, some day or other. Sapete qualche cosa di nuovo? do you know any news?-2ualche parte, some where.-Qualche, what, what-Qualóra, adv. when, whensoever, whomsoever.-Qual- ever-ualora vi piacerà, when, che sieno le vostre ragioni, what- or whenever you please. soever your reasons may be. Qualsisia, adj. -In qualche luogo si toglia, Qualsivoglia, any where.-Qualche voi siate, Qua únque, whoever you are. Qualúnche, Qualched úno, adj. somebody, Qualúnque ora, adv. when, Qualúnque otta, Swhen

some one, some.


some- ever.

who, or what

soever, who

soever, or whoever.

times. Quando, adv. when, whenever. somebo-Quando tempo farà, when it is time. Quando, since.Quando, if.Quando, some times.Quando in un luogo, quando in un altro, sometimes in one place, sometimes in another. Di quando in quarulo, now and then.

Qualche fiata, adv. Qualche volta, Qualcúno, adj. some, dy, some one. Quale, which.-Quale, (without the article) such, as, like. - E' quale voi lo volevate, it is such as you would have it.Voi parlate quale ignorante, you talk like an ignorant.-Quale, what-Quale strada bi ogna tenere? what road must we keep?-Del quale, of whom, of which.-Alquale,to whom, to which.-De' quali, of whom, of which.-Quale, what.Qual grazia è questa? what favour is it?-Quale, some, he that, whosoever.-Qual sen' ando in contado e qual quà, e qual là, some went into the country, and some here, and some there.-Quale se tu? who are you?-Qual vuol grazia, bisogna che la domandi, he that wants a favour must sk it.-Tale quale such.Quale, s. m quality. Qualésso, adj. Cbs. who.

suited, well proportioned.-
Qudrati, the fore-teeth of a

Quadratúra, s. f. quadrature
the squaring of any thing.
Quad ello, s. m. arrow, belt
square dart shot out of a
cross bow, p. Quad ella, s. f
—Le quadrella d'amore, Cupid's
darts.-Quadrello, a kind of
weed so called-Quadrello, a died.
pack needle. Quadrelio, Quagliére, s. m. a quail-pipe.
quare stones or bricks.
Qualio s. m. rennet to cur-
Quadrétto, s. m. a little pic-dic milk.
ture-Quadretto, a square bed
in a garden. Quadretti diferro,
square iron, dice-shot.
Quadriennio, adj. quadrennial.
belonging to the space of four


Quadriga, s. f. four horses
drawing any carriage.
Quadrígia, s. f. a troop o
band of men.
Quadrilatero, adj. quadrilate
ral having four sides.
Quadrilúngo, adj. long and
Quadi mestre, adj. of four
Quadripartire, to put into four
Quadripartito, adj. divided in
four parts.

Quadrivio, s. m. a cross, a
place where four streets or
roads meet.
Quadro, s. m. a square.-
Quadro, a picture.-Lavorar
di quadro, to work upon plane

Quadro, adj. quadrate, four
squared, square.——— Quadro
sot, foolish, sottish, silly, wit-

Quadróne, s. m. a large picture.
Quadraccio, s.m square brick;

and also a small picture.
Quadrupede, adj. quadru e-
Quadrupédo, Sdal, hav
ing four feet. --Un quad-u-
pede, a quadruped, a four
footed beast.
Quadruplicáto, adj. quadru

Quadruplo, adj. quadruple, four times as much, four

fold. Quaero, adv. here within.-Di quaentro, from hence, from this place. Quaggi, adv. here below, down here.-2 aggiù, here below, in this world. Quageilso, adv. here below.

down here.-Le cose di quag

Quales o fu lo mal Christiano, che
mi furò la grasta? who was
that wicked Christian that
stole my pot away?
Qualificare, to qualify, to give
one a qualification, to make
him fit.

Qualificato, adj. qualified.
Qualificato, of quality, noble,

Quando, s. m. when, the time,
the hour.--La morte è certa,
ma il quando è incerto, death is
certain, but the hour is un-

Quandochè, adv. when, if.-
Quandochè, though, although.

Quando che sia, adv. when,
whenever, at any time.
Quandúnque, adv. when,

} when

ever. Obs. Quánquam, ex. Fare il quanquam, to be proud, to brag, to take too much upon one's


Quantità, s. f. quantity, big-
ness, extent, number.--In
gran quantità, in abundance, in
great quantity, a great many.
Quantitativo, adj. of or belong
ing to quantity.
Quanto, adj. how much, how
many, as many.-Quanto costa
questo libro? how much does
this book cost -Quanto ne co-
lete? how many will you
have?-Ne ho quanți ne vighe,

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