صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


ask, to give quarters. A quar= tiére, out of the way.-Quar tiére, quarterage, quarter al lowance or salary. Quartier Mastro, s. m. a quar


a quart pot.—Quarta, quarter. Quarta austra verso garbino, south and by east.—Quartu austro verso scirocco, south-east, and by south.- -Quarta di maestro verso ponente, northwest by west.--Quarto di Quartina, s. f. tetrastic, four maestro verso tramontana, north- verses. west and by north.-Quarta d Quarto, adj. fourth.--Sedere in tramontana ver o greco, north-quarto, to be four in company. east and by east.-—— -Quarti di -Giuocare in quarto, to play tramontana verso maestro, north in four.Quarto, quaiter, a and by west.-Quarta garbino fourth part.-Furlar male del verso austro, south and by west. terzo e del quarto to speak ill of -Quarta garbino verso ponente, every body.. -Libro in quarto, south-west and by south.- a quarto, a book in quarto.-er Quarta greco verso levante, north- Quarto, a peck, a measure so east and by east- -Quarta called.- Quarto, a degree of co verso tramontana, north-east parentage.- Il prima quarto and by north.-Quarta levante della luna, the first quarter of verso greco, east and by north. the moon. Saltare in quarto, -Quartu levante verso scirocco, to stamp and roar, to be in a east and by south.-Quarta great passion.--Andar nei maestro verso ponente, north-quarto, to bear no delay. west and by west.--Quarta Quartodécimo, adj. fourteenth. maestro ver o eramontana,porth- Quartogénito, adj. the fourth west and by north.-Quarta ponente verso garbino, west and by south-Quarto ponente verso maestro, west and by north.-Quarta scirocco verso austro, south-east and by south.Quarta sciro co verso lecante, south-east and by east.Quarla tramontana verso greco, north-east and by east.Quarta tramontana vestro maestro, north and by west. Quartána, s. f. a quartan ague. Quartanáccia, s. f. a stubborn ague that will not yield to re

I have as many as I will. E in redibile quanta carne si mangia in Inghilterra, it is incredible the meat that is eaten in England.-2uanto, adv. as much, as far.-Quanto potete vedere, as much or as far as you can see. Quanto, so long, as long.--Quanto, as for, as much.-2uanto a me, as for me. -Quanto è al mio giud zio, as for, as for as much as I can judge or think.-Vi servirò quanto sarà in me, I'll serve you as far as it lies in my power.-Quanto io, as for my part-Quanto a ciò, as for that.Quanto è che siete qui? how long have you been here?Quanto prima, very soon, quickly. -Quanto, as much, as well.-L'amo quanto toi, I love it as much as you. -Tutto quanto, all, every bit. Questo è il quanto, this is point. Quanto più, the more. -Quanto più tosto, soon as.--Ai quanti siamo del mese? what day of the month is this?-Tintiquanti, altogether. Quantoche,adv. tho', although. Quantúnche, adv. Į though, alQuantúnque, S though. Quantunque io sappia il contrario, although I know the contrary. Quantunque, whosoever, whoever.Quantunque, as long as, as often.-Quantunque, how many, some.Quantunque volte, as often as, as many times, every time.Quantunque più potrò, as many as I can. Ho veduto quantun-medies. que desideravo, I've seen as Quartanário, adj. sick of a much as I could wish. Quaránta, s. m. forty, four

times ten.

Quarantamila, forty thousand. Quarantána, s. f. the space of forty days.

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Quaranténa, v. Quarantina.
Quarantésimo, adj. fortieth.
Quarantina, s. f. forty.-Far la
quarantina, to keep Lent.-
Far quarantina, to perform
quarantine in a pest-house.
Quarantétio, forty-eight.
Quáre, adv. why. Obs.
Quarentána, v. Quarantána.
Quarentina, v. Quarantina.
Quaresima, s. f. Lent.
Quaresima:e, adj. quadragesi-
mal, belonging to Lent.-Qua-
resimale, s. m. series of sermons
preached in Lent.

quartan ague.
Quartáto, adj. fat, well-fed,
strong, bony, well-set, lusty.
Quartato, adj. noble of father
and mother's side.
Quarteróne, s. m. the quarter
of the moon.


Quartuccio, s. m. a quarter of a
Quasi, adv. as if, like.-—2rasi
voles e dir, son bello anch' io, as
if it would say, I am hand-
some too. Quasi, almost, in a
manner. Sono stato quasi per
morire, I thought to die.
Quasiménte, adv. almost, in a


Quassù, adv. here above, up
Quassuso, here.Venite
quassù, come up here.
Quatriduáno, adj. of four days.
Quattamente, adv. squatting,

Quarto, adj. squatting, cow-
Quattone, ring, quiet, still.

Star quatto in luogo, to lie
still in a place.--Andar quat
tone, to creep along.
Quatto Quatto, adj. very quiet
or soft y.

Quattordécimo, adj. Į the four-
Quattordicesimo, Steenth.
Quattordici, s. in, fourteen.
Quattrágio, adj. the most su

Quarteruóla, s. f. a peck, a
measure of grain so called.
Quarteruólo, s. m. counter, to
mark at play.
Quartiere, s. f. quarter, the
fourth part.-Quartiere, part
or side of a town or city.
Quartiere, parts,quarters, coast,
country: -Quartiere, soldiers'
quarters quartière del re,
the king s quarters.—Quartiere
d'inverno, winter quarters.
Mover a quartiere, to dislodge,
to go away.-Quartiere quar-Quattro, adj. four.--Andare in
--Quartiere, quarters.
quattro, to go upon all four.
Domanlare, dar quartiérere, to --Non dir quattro se tu non l'hai


Quattrináta, s. f. ex. Datemi
una quattrinala fichi, give me
a faithing's worth of figs.
Quattrinello,s.m. ¿
a farthing.
i quattrino a quattrino si fa il
fold, many little make a

Quarta, s. f. quarter, or a fourth part-Quarta, a quart,,


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pron. rel. he, they,
those, them, some.

he that.

Quella, she that.-Non è quello,
it is not him.Chi è quello?
who is that?—Ci sono di quelli
che dicono, there are some that
say. Io non son di quelli, I am
none of those.- Quel tanto,
that which, that quantity.
Avrete quel tanto che vi farà di
bisogno, you shall have all that
you want.

Querce, s. f. Quercia. Poetical.
Quercéto, a wood, a grove or

thicket of oaks.

Quércia, s. f. an oak.. -Fur
quere, to stand upon one's

Quercíno, adj. of oak, oaky.
Querciuóla, s. f. Į a young

ly.-Queto, quiet, calm, peaceful.Mente queta, a quiet mind. Un cor queto, a contented heart.-Menare una vita

Questésso, this very same. Obs.
Questi, pron. this.-Questi è il
mio signore, this is my master.
Questionále, v. Quistionale.
Questionamento,s. m. question, queta, to live a quiet life.
interrogation.--Questionamento, Qui, adv. here, hither.-Son qui,
quarrel, debate, strife.
I am here.Di qui, da qui,

Questionante, adj. questioning,
disputing, quarreling, con-
tending.Un questionante, s.
m. a quarrelsome or litigious


from hence.--Da qui a tre giorno, in three days, or three days hence.-Di qua a otto di, in eight days.Qui, about


Quía, ex. Stare al quia, to stand

- here.

Questionáre, to question, to in-
terrogate or examine, to ask to reason.
questions, to demand.—Ques-Quicéntro, Į
tionáre, to quarrel, to dispute, Quici,
to contend, to argue.
Quicirítta, v. Quinciritta.
Questionáto, adj. questioned, Qui dentro, here within.
interrogated, examined, de- Quiddità, s. f. quiddity, the
manded, disputed, argued. essence of a thing.
Questióne, s. f. strife, contro-Quidditativo, adj. essential, in
versy, quarrel, dispute.-Ve-being.

nire a questione, to fall out.- Quidità, v. Quiddità.
Questione, question, interroga-Quiditatívo, v. Quidditativo.
tion, demand.---2 (estióne, Quiéscere,to rest,to quiet one's
question, proposition, query. self. Obs.

Questione, matter, business, Quiéta, s. f. quiet, rest, peace.
Questioneggiamento,s. m. ques-Quietameménte, adv. quietly,
tion, interrogation.--Questio- peaceably, in rest.

Soak 2uer-neggiamento, dispute, quarrel,

ciuolo, s. m. a club, a short and thick stick, fit to strike. Querciuolétto, s. m. a little young oak. Queréla,s. f. complaint, expostulation, groan, lamentation. Queréla, quarrel, dispute, contention. Porre, o dar querela, to accuse or indict one. Querelante, adj. complaining, lamenting. -Un querelante, s. m. a plaintiff, an accuser. Quereláre, to accuse, to indict. -Quereldre, to quarrel with one, to pick a quarrel with one.-Querelársi, to complain. Querelársi, to moan, to wail, to lament. Quereláto, adj. accused, indicted.

contention, strife.
Questioneggiante adj.question-
ing, interrogating, disputing.
-Un questioneggiante, a quar-
relsome, troublesome man.
Questioneggiare, to question,
to dispute, to contend.
Questionévole, adj. question-
able, that may be called in
question, doubtful.
Questo, pron. this.--Con questo
che,upon condition.-In questo,
thereupon, during this, in
this while.-

Io son venuto a
questo, I am come on purpose
for that.-Questo, e quello, this
and that.

Questore, s. m. a questor, an
office among the ancient Ro-


Querelatório, adj. moanful, Questoría, s. f. the dignity or
doleful, employment of a questor.
groaning. Neither is much Quetaménte, adv. quietly, in


peace, peaceably.

Querénte, adj. demanding, seck-Quetáre, to quiet, to pacify, to
ing, enquiring. Not used.-
appease, to calm.-Quetáre, to
Un querente, s. m. a demander, quit, to free, to dispense with,
a petitioner.
to give. Quetare un debito ad
Querimónia, s. f. complaint, uno, to acquit one of a debt.
groan, lamentation.
-Quelár i, to quiet, to be quiet,
Quérulo, adj. moanful, doleful, to be easy, or at rest.
groaning, querulous.
Quetáto, adj. quieted, pacified,
Queruléso, v. Querelóso. appeased, calmed, v. Quetare.
Quesito, s. in. a question, a de- Queto, adj. quiet, still, peace-
mand, a query.
able.-2ucto queto, very quiet-

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Quincirítta, adv. (a clownish word) here, just here, straight


Quincióltre, adv. hereabout.
Quindavalle, adv. there, below.

Quindécimo, adj. the fifteenth.
-Quindecimo,s.m. the fifteenth



tion, doubtful.
Quistionamento, s. m. question,
demand, doubt, dispute.
Quistionante, adj. litigious,

Quistionáre, v. Questionare.
Quistionatóre, a quarrelsome


Rabbatuffoláre, to pull or haul
about, to ruffle, to discom-
pose, to disorder, to fall to-
gether by the ears.
Rabbellire, to beautify,
bellish, or adorn.
Rabberciáre, to patch and
piece, to patch up, to mend.


Quistionatrice, s. f. a quarrel-Rabberciativo, adj. patching,

some woman.

Quistioncella, s. f. a little ques-
tion, doubt, or demand.
Quistione, v. Questione.

Quindi, adv. from thence.-
Quindi, that way.-
quindi, to pass that way.-
Quindi, of that country.-
Delle parti dell' Etruria e della
più nobil città di quello vegno, e
quinali sono, I came from the
principal city of Etruria, and Quistioneggiamento, v. Ques-
I was born there.-Quindi giù, tione, and its derivatives.
there below.-2Qndi sù, there Quistionévole, adj. question-
above. Quindi a pochi di, few able, doubtful.
days after. Quindi e quinci, Quitánza, s. f. quittance, ac-
here and there.--Da quindi in- quittance, discharge.
zi, from henceforth, here-Quitáre, to quit, to free, to
after, for the future.Di dispense with, to discharge, to
quindi, from thence, from that acquit, to absolve, to forgive,
place. -Per quindi, by that to give up, to yield up.
place. Quindi, afterwards. Quitato, adj. yielded, quitted,
Quindicesimo, adj.the fifteenth. discharged.
Quindici, adj. fifteen.Di
quindici anni, fifteen years old.
Quind' oltre, adv. thereabout.
Quíne, adv. here, in this place,
a word only used by the Tus-
can peasants.
Quinoltre, v. Quind' oltre.
Quinquagésima, s. f. [Pente-Quotáre, to settle, to order, to
coste] Easter.
dispose, to set in order. Obs.
Quinquagésimo, adj. the fif-Quotidianamente, adv. daily,


Quivi, adv. there, in that
place.--Quivi, then.—Di quivi,

from thence.
Quivirítta, adv. just here. Obs.
Quojájo, v. Cuojájo.
Quojo, s. m. v. Cuojo.
Quore, v. Cuore.

from day to day.


Quinquennio, s. m. the space Quotidianeggiare, to do one
of five years.
Quinquennio, adj. quinquen-!
nial, of five years continu-


Quinqueréme, s. m. a galley of
fifty oars on a side.
Quinta, s. f. a quint, a musica!


Quintadécima, s. f. the full of the moon.

settled thing every day with-
out discontinuing.
Quotidiáno, adj. quotidian,

Quoziente, s. m. quotient, a
term in arithmetic.


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Rabbíno, rabbin, a master or
doctor of the Jewish law.
Rabbiosamente, madly, furi-
ously, impetuously.
Rabbioso, adj. mad, furious,
raving mad.-
-Rabbioso, mad,
angry, furious, terrible, fierce,
cruel, impetuous.--Rabbiósa,
immoderate, greedy, exces-
sive, insatiable.
Rabboccare, to fill up to the
mouth.--Rabboccársi, to meet
again, to have another inter-
view together.
Rabbonacciáre, to calm, to ap-
pease, to quiet.--Rabbonac-
ciarsi, to grow calm again.-
Rabbonacciarsi, to reconcile, to
make peace with..
Rabbondáre, to abound, to re-
bound, to bound.

Rabboaire, to pacify again.
Rabbracciare,toembrace again.
Rabbreviáre, to shorten again,
Rabbruscamento, s. m. alter-
ation of the weather for the


Rabbruscáre, to grow bad; generally applied to the wea ther.

Quintána, s. f. quintain, a game
or sport, which consists in
running a tilt with poles
against a mark.
Quintavolo, s. m. a grand-
father's great grandfather.
Quinterno, s. m. a quire of
Quintessénza, s. f. quintessence,
the purest substance extract-
ed out of any thing.
Quinto, adj. the fifth-Quinto,
s. m. the fifth part.
Quintodécimo, adj. the fif-
Quiritta, adv. exactly here.


Rabbruzzarsi, to grow dark. RABACCHINO, a child or Rabbuffaménto, s. m. disturb


Rabacchio, a child, a boy.
Rabacchiuélo, a little boy.
Rabárbaro, s. m. rhubarb.
Rabbaruffare, to pull about, to
ruffle, to discompose or dis-
order, to fall together by the


Rabbassare, to lower, to bring
dowa, to abate-Rubbassare,
to fall in price or value.
Rabbattersi, to meet again, to
overtake or light on by

Quistionále, adj. questionable,
that may be called into ques-Rabbattere, to blunt.

ance, trouble, disorder, up


Rabbuffáre, to ruffle, to dis-
compose, to disorder, to pull
about.-Rabbuffure, to check,
to rebuke, to reprove, to chide,
to reprimand.
Rabbuffáto, adj. ruffled, rum.
pled, discomposed.
Rabbúffo, s. m. reprimand, re-
buke, reproof, check, chid-
Rabbujire, to grow dark, to
draw towards night.
Rabescare, to adorn or embel-

lish with Arabic work. Rabescato, adj. adorned or embellished with Arabic work. Rabésco, s. m. Arabic work. Rabicáno, adj. a kind of colour, and it is only applied to horses.

Rabino, v. Rabbino.
Raccapezzáre, to find out again.
-Raccapezzar la vie, to find
out one's way after having lost
it.-Non ho potuto raccapezzare
tre parole, he could not say
three words right.
Raccapitoláre, to repeat, to
say, to tell over again.
Raccappellare, v. Rineappel-

Raccapricciamento, v. Racca-
Raccapricciáre, to frighten, to
terrify, to give horror.
Raccapricciarsi,to be frighten-
ed, to startle, to start, to
tremble for fear, to have
one's hair stand on end for

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Raccertáre, to certify or assure
again, to encourage, to heart-Raccoglitore, a gatherer, col-
en, to put in heart again. lector, receiver.
Raccertato, adj. certified, as Raccoglitrice, fem. of Racco-
sured, encouraged, heartened. glitore, and also a midwife.
Racceso, adj. lighted, or kin-Raccolta, s. f. crop, harvest.—
dled again.


Raccolta, retreat -Sonare a ra cilta, to beat the retreat.Raccolta, reception. Raccolto, adj. gathered. Raccomandagióne, s. f. Raccomandamento,s.m. commendation.-Lettera di raccomandamento, a letter of recommendation. Raccomandáre, to recommend. -Raccomandare, to intrust, to trust, to commit to one's trust or charge, to put one in trust with.-Raccomandare, to wish one well. Mi raccomando, I

Raccettare, to lodge or give a
retreat or lodging, to receive
into one's house.
Raccettato, adj. lodged, receiv-
ed into one's house.
Raccettatére, an host, a good
hospitable man.-- Egli è un
reccettatore di viti, he is a re-
ceptacle or nest of all vices.
Raccetto, v. Ricetto.
Racchetáre, toappease, to com-
fort, to allay, to assuage, to
mitigate.-Racchetare i romori,
le sollevazioni, to appease or
suppress the troubles or sedi-wish you well.--Raccomandare,
tions.-Racchetare la coliera, to
appease or mitigate one's an-

Racchetársi, to forbear weep Raccapricciato, p. p. Racea-ing or crying. pricciare, and Raccapricci-Racchetáto, adj. appeased, comforted, mitigated.


to hang, to fasten.--Raccomandúrsi, to recommend, to commend one's self.-Raccoman→ darsi a Dio, to recommend one's self to God. Raccomandato, adj. recom


Raccomandatório, adj. commendatory, which serves to recommend.


Raccomandazióne, s. f. Raccomandígia, $ commendation.-Fare la raccomandazione dell' anima ad uno, to commend one's soul to God. -Fare o mandare raccomanda. zione, to salute one, to wish him well, to greet.

Raccapriccio, s. m. horror, Racchiúdere, to shut again, to dread, fright, fear. inclose.-Racchiudere i passi, to Raccattare, to recuperate, to stop the way or passage. regain, to retrieve.-Ruccultar Racchiúso, adj. shut up, inla sanità, to recover one's closed. health.-Il tempo perduto non si Racciabáttare, to mend old raccatta mai, time lost is never shoes or clothes. to be recovered.-Se non avessi Raccoccare, to notch again an altro per vivere che quel che mi arrow to the bow. date, serci mal raccattato, if I Raccoglienza, reception, enterhad nothing else to live upon tainment-Fare raccoglienza a but what you give me, it qualcheduno, to make one wel-Raccompagnare, to accomwould be very bad for me. come.--Raccoglienza favorevole,|_pany. Raccenciáre, to patch, to piece. a kind reception. Raccendere, to kindle or light Raccogliere, to gather.---Racagain —Raccendersi nell' iru, to cógliere, to assemble together, grow angry again.-Ogni volta to bring, draw, or join toche la vedo l'umor vi si raccende, gether, to gather, to call tomy love grows stronger every gether, to heap, to lay.-Rac-Racconciaménto, s. m. mendtime I see her.-Raccendersi cogliere, to receive, to enter- ing, reconcilement, reconcinel viso, to blush, to grow red tain, to lodge, to make wel- liation.-Aspettare il racconciain the face.. --Raccendere qual- come. Raccogliere, to con- miento del tempo, to wait for the che cosa a mente, to think, to tain, hoid, comprehend, or fine weather.-Racconciamenruminate in the mind.---Rac- comprise.--Raccogliere fruttato dei mare, the calm of the sea. cender la guerra,to kindle again d'una cosa, to reap, or get pro- Racconciare, to mend, piece, the war.-Raccendersi, to kin- fit by a thing.-Raccogliere, to patch, or botch.-Racconciare, die again, to break out again. conceive, to comprehend or to reconcile, to make friends Raccendimento, s m. a light apprehend, to understand or again.-Racconciarsi, to grow ing or kindling again. perceive.-Raccogliere l'alto o fair again, speaking of the Raccerchiare, to hoop or bind to spirito, to breathe, or take weather. with hoops again.Racer- breath.-Raccogiersi, to shei-Racconciato, adj. mended. chiare, to environ, to encom- ter one's self.- Raccogliersi in Racconciatóre, a mender, a pass, to surround.--La memo- se stesso, to recollect one's self. patcher, a botcher. ria delle nostre miserie miraccer-Raccoglimento, s. m. a gather-Raccóncio, s. m. mending, chia, my heart is encumbered ing, recollection.

Raccomunáre, to make common again, to incorporate. Raccomunato, adj. common, made common, enjoyed in common.

patching, botching.---Rac

when i think of your mise. Raccogliticcio, adj. picked up cóncio, adj. mended.


Racconfermare, to confirm
Racconfortáre, to comfort, to
fortify, to give comfort to.
Racconfortársi, to take cou-
rage, to cheer up.
Racconsegnare, to restore, to
return, to give back again.
Racconsoláre, to comfort, to
give comfort, to console, to
ease one's grief.
Racconsolársi, to comfort or
console one's self.
Racconsoláto, adj. comforted,

Racconsolatore, a comforter.
Raccontábile, adj. worthy to
be narrated or related, me-

Raccontamento, s. m. narration, relation, account. Raccontáre, to narrate, to relate, to give a relation or account of, to tell, to mention, to speak.

Raccontato, adj. narrated, related, mentioned, spoken of. Raccontatore, a narrator, a relater.

Racconto, s. m. narration, relation, account. -Racconto, story, tale.


onset, shock, encounter, en-

-Rad lolcáre, to

one's answer

grow mild. Smitigated, Raccozzáre, to strike, to dash, Raddolcáto, adj. sweetened, to run or beat against.-Rac- Raddolcito, cossáre, to join or set together, allayed, temperate, mild. to assemble, to get, to put, to Raddomandare, to ask again, to demand. bring, to draw together.Raccozzarsi, to meet.-Raccos- Raddoppiaménto, s. m. a reduplication, redoubling. zare le carte, to set the cards. Raccozzáto,adj.struck, dashed. Raddoppiáre, to reduplicate or Raccrescere, to increase again, redouble, to double again, to augment, to increase, to to augment. Raccrescimento, s. m. increase, reiterate.-Raddoppiare i passi, to walk faster. augmentation. Raccresciuto, adj. increased, Raddoppiato, adj. redoubled, doubled, reduplicated, inaugmented, creased, augumented. Raddoppiatamente, doubly, duplicatedly, repeatedly. Raddoppio, s. m. duplication. Raddormentarsi, to fall asleep again.-Raddormentato, fallen asleep again.

Racculáre, to draw or fall back,

to recoil.

A low word.

Raccusare, to accuse, to indict

Racimoláre, to gather or pick
up the clusters, or bunches of
grapes or berries.--Racimo-
láre, to pick, to pull.
Racimolo, s. m. the same as

Racémo, s. m. small part of a
bunch or cluster of grapes,
ivy-berries, and such like.
Racemóso, adj. hung with clus-Raddossáre, to put upon one's
ters, or bunches of grapes or
Raddótto, v. Ridotto.
Raddurre, o. Ridurre.
Rádere, to shave.-Rádere, to
exact upon, to cut one's
throat. Radere, to scrape,
to clean, to smooth, to polish.
-Radere dal cuore, to forget,
to go out of one's memory.
Radere, to scratch or blot
out a writing.--Rádere, to
raze to the ground, to sail
close by shore, to fly or run
level to the ground.
Radézza, s. f. rarity, thinness;
opposite to density.
Radiale, adj. radiant, casting
forth rays, bright, shining,

Racconto, adj. narrated, relat-Racimolúzzo, s. m. dimin. of
ed, mentioned, told, spoken_Racimolo.

Raccoppiare, to couple, or
join together again.-Raccop-
piáto, joined, reunited, joined
Raccorciaménto, s. m. shorten-
ing, or making short.
Raccorciare, to shorten, to
make short.
Raccorciato, adj.


Racquetáre, to appease, to se-
date, to quiet.
Racquetáto, adj. appeased, se-
dated, suppressed, composed.
Racquistagione, s. f. recove-
Racquistamento,s.m. S ry, ac-

Racquistare, to recover, to re-
gain or retrieve, to recupe-
rate, to get again.

Raccórcio, Sgrown or Racquistato, adj. recovered, remade short.

gained, recuperated.

Raccordaménto, s. m. remem-Racquistatóre, he that recover

brance, commemoration. Raccordáre, to remember, to mention, to make one remember. Raccordarsi, to remember. Raccorgersi, to repent, or return to a right understanding, to come to his wits or senses again, to bethink one's self.

Raccórre, v. Raccogliere. Raccortáre, v. Raccorciare. Raccosciarsi, to cower down, to bow or bend the body. Raccostáre, to accost one, to draw near him, to make or come up to him. Raccozzamento, s. m. a brunt, VOL. I.



Radiante, adj. radiant, shining, sparkling, bright.

Radiare, to shine, to sparkle, to cast forth rays or beams of light.

recupe-Radicale, adj. radical, belonging to the root, inbred.L'umido radicale, the radical moisture, the fundamental nourishes and preserves the juice of the body, which natural heat..


Racquistazióne, s. f.
Racquisto, s. m.
recovery, acquisition.
Radaménte, adv. seldom.
Raddensare, to thicken,
make thick again.
Raddirizzáre, to make strait,
to make strait again, to re-
dress, to rectify.
Raddirizzato, adj. made strait,
redressed, rectified.
Raddolcáre, to sweeten, to
Raddolcire, make sweet.--
Raddokire, to mitigate, to
sweeten, to allay, to soften, to
assuage.-Raddolcáre la collera,
to appease or sweeten, to allay

Radicalmente, adv. radically,

the root.

Radicáre, to radicate, to rake

[blocks in formation]
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