صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Ratificato, adj. ratified, con

Rasserenato, cleared up, se-Ratificáre, to ratify, to conrene, rejoiced. Rassettáre, to settle, to regulate, to fix or determine.Rassettáre, to restore, to repair.

Rassettáto, adj. settled, regulated, fixed, determined, restored.

Rassicurare, to encourage, to hearten, to put in heart again. Rassicurarsi, to take courage again, to cheer up again, to pluck up a good heart, to come to one's self again, to

recover one's self. Rassodare, to consolidate, to strengthen, to fasten, to make more fast, to harden, to make hard.—Rossoáre, to establish, to confirm, to secure, to corroborate, to fortify. Rassomigliamento, s. m. v. Rassomiglianza. Rassomigliante, adj. like, alike, equal.

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Ratificazióne, s. f. ratification, confirmation.

Ratio, adv. ex. Andar ratio, to go about, to wander, to rove up and down. Rato, adj. ratified, confirmed. Rattacconamento, s. m. the act of patching up, or mending shoes.

Rattacconáre, to patch, to piecca

Rattacconáto, patched up, pieced up, mended by means of one or more patches. Rattamente, adj. speedily, swiftly, quickly." Rattemperáre, to temperate, to moderate, to mitigate, to alleviate, to appease Rattemperare il pianto, to stop one's tears.--Rattemperare il dolore, to mitigate one's grief.-Rattemperare la collera, to relent one's anger.Rattemperarsi, | to restrain, to contain one's self, to forbear, to refain one's self.-Rattemperarsi dal piangere, to forbear crying, to cry no more.

Rassomiglianza, s. f. resemblance, likeness, similitude. Rassomigliáre, to resemble, be like or favour.--Questo ritratto i rassomiglia molto, this picture is very much like you. -Si rassomigliano molto, they Rattenére, to keep, detain or are much alike, they resem- stay, to hold back.-Rattenere ble one another. il passo, to stop.--Kettenérsi, Rassottigliáre, to sharpen, to to stop, to stay, to pause, to make sharp-Russottiglare, to rest, to stand still. diminish, to decay, to fail, to Rattenimento, s. m. restraint, decrease. Not much used in Ratténto, s. m. S detain this sense. ment, moderation, discretion, Rastiamento, s. m. a scraping caution, circumspection, re

sly, wary-Andar rattenuto in un ajare, to proceed cautiously in an affair.

Rattestáre, to join or put together.

Rattezza, s. f. swiftness, nimbleness, quickness. Rattiepidare, to cool. Rattiepidire, Rattiepidito, adj. cool, slackened, relented. Rattizzáre, to make up the fire that it may burn the better.--Rattizzare, to provoke, to stir up, to incense, or urge, to exasperate again. Ratto, s. m. rapine, robbery, pillage.-Viver di rullo, live by hook and crook.Ratto, rape, ravishment.Rutto, the channel of a river.


or grating.

Rastiúre, to scrape or grate. Rastiatojo, s. m. an instrument. to scrape with.


Rattenuto, adj. kept, detained,
hindered.-Ruttenito, reserv
ed, circumspect, cautious,

Ratto, adj. quick, nimble, swift, speedy, velocious.Ratto, adv. quickly, nimbly. swiftly, in haste.-Per dirti la cagione del mio venir a te sì ratto, to tell you the reason why

come to you in such haste. -Ratio, quickly, very soon, in a moment, as soon as Ratto come imbrunir vidi la sera, as soon as I saw that it grew dark-Rutto che, as soon as. -Rattoratto, adv.quick quick, make haste.-Rallo ratto che 'l tempo non si perda, quick quick, that we may not lose time.

Rattoppáre, to piece, to patch. Rattoppato, adj. pieced, patch, ed.

Rattórcere, to twist, wrest, wring, writh, or wreath. Rattóre, a ravisher, an extortioner.

Rattorniáre, to environ, to
surround, to encompass about.
Rattórto, adj. twisted, wrested,
wringed, writhed, or wreath-

Rattrappársi, to have lost the
use of his limbs.-Rattrappár-
si, to shrink, to grow less.
Rattrappato, adj. shrunk up
contracted, impotent.----
azete la mun molto rattrappala a
dare, you are very close-fist-
ed in giving.
Rattrarre, to shrink or con

adj. contracted shrunk. Ruitratto di freddo benumbed with cold. Rattristare, to vex, to grieve

or trouble. Rattúra, s. f. rape, ravishment,

again, to recover. Ravvivarsi, to revive, to grow bold and courageous. Ravvolgere, to wrap up, to cover or envelope, to fold up.-Ravvolgersi, to wander, to rove up and down, to go about.-Ravvogers in qualche afare, to entangle one's self in a business. Ravvolgimento, s. m. in

Ravvolgitúra, s. f. } wrap

right, sincere, true.-Reale, s. m. a fort, a bastion.-Obs. Reale, rial, a Spanish coin so called

Realgale, s. m. realgal, red arsenic.

Realménte, adv. rovally, like a king, magnificently, sumptuously, generously.-l'estato realmente, magnificently drest. Realmente really, indeed.Per dirvi la coa realmente, to tell you the plain truth.

ing, involving.—Ravvolgiménto, tossing up and down. Realtà, s. f. reality, real existRaccolgimento, a winding ence.--Realtà, loyalty, sinabout, a turning. cerity, uprightness.-Realtà, Ravvolto, adj involved, wrap- reality, decd-In realtà, in ped up, covered.-Ravvolto, reality, really, indeed. twined, twisted, wound about. Reáme, s. m. realm, kingRavvolto, crooked.-Gambe dom. ravvolte, crooked legs. Raziocináre, to ratiocinate, to


Raziocínio, s. m. ratiocination. Razionabile, adj. Į rational, Razionále, done with reason, reasonable, that hath the use of reason. Razionalità, s. f. power of reason, rationality. Razza, s. f. race, family, stock, generation.- Razza, race, sort, kind, people.-Razza, breed, strain, kind. Razzáre, to irradiate, to dart or cast forth beams. Obs. Razzare, to stamp with the


foot as horses do.

Razzato, adj. radiant, bright, shining, sparkling. Razzeggiáre, to irradiate, to


Razzénte, adj. sharp, tart, poignant.-Vin razzente, brisk


Razzése, s. m. a kind of wine so called. Razzimáto, adj. well settled, well ornamented, cleaned. Razzo, s. m. a ray, a beam. Razzo, a squib. Razzolare, to scrape as hens do -Ruzzolare, to examine, search or enquire into.-Chi da gallina nasce convien che rázzol, such father, such son. Razzuólo, s. m. a little beam or ray.-Razzućlo, spoke of a wheel.

Reaménte, adv. wickedly, impiously, falsely.

Reato, s. m. a crime, a fault or offence.

Rébbio, s. m. the branch of a fork, prong. Rebéllo, v. Ribello. Recaménto, s. m. a bringing, fetching or carrying. Recapitáre v. Ricapitare. Recapitáto, v. Ricapitate. Recapito, v. Ricápito. Recapitoláre, v. Ricapitolare. Recapitolazione, v. Ricapitolazione.

Recare, to bring, to carry, to fetch.- Recare, to dispose, to prepare, to persuade, to induce, to engage-Recare, to ascribe, to attribute or impute.-Recarsi una ingiuria o danno da uno, to look upon one to be the cause of some injury or harm done to one. —Recarsi addosso, to take upon one's self, to undertake to do a thing-Recarsi a mente, to remember, to call to memory. -Recare ad effetto, to effect, to perform, to bring to pass, or put in execution.-Recare a distruzione, to annul, abrogate, to ruin, to destroy, to bring to nothing.-Recare in uno o in una, to join together, to reduce to one.Recarsi a cuore,to take a heart, to undertake.- -Recursi ad onore, to take as an honour. Recari ad ingiuria, a disonore, to take as an affront, a disgrace.-Recarsi a male, to take

Ravaglione, s. m. measles.

Ravanello, s. m.?



Raucédine, s. f. hoarseness. Rauco, adj. hoarse. Raveggiullo, v. Raviggiúolo. Raverústo, s m a wild vine. Raviggiuolo, s. m. a kind of cream cheese so cailed. Raviuóli, s. m. pl. a paste-meat filled with green herbs, cheese and eggs, then boiled and laid on dishes, with fresh butter and grated cheese upon

Raumiliáre, to appea.e, to
mitigate, to pacify. Not used.
Raunaménto, o. Kagunamento.
Raunánza, v. Ragunanza.
Raunáre, u. Ragunare, and
all its derivatives.
Rauncinato, adj. crooked,

Ravvalorare, v. Avvalorare.
Ravvedersi, to grow better in
morals, to be reformed.
Ravzedersi, de' suoi peccati, to
repent one's sins.
Ravvedimento, s. m. repent-
ance, amendment of life.
Ravveduto, adj. repented,
mended, reformed.
Ravviamento. s. m. a setting
on again-Ravviamento, re-
sipiscence, repentance.
Ravviare, to put one in the
good way.-Ravviarsi, to go,.
to take one's way, to begin
one's journey, to set forward.
Ravviare, to set to rights.-
Ravviare i capelli, to comb one's
hair.-Ravviare una scuola, to
set a school on foot again.
Ravviare una bottega, to get
customers again.
Ravvicináre, to draw or bring
near again. Raveicinarsi, to
draw near again, to approach

Ravvilire, to discourage, to
dishearten, to dispirit.
Ravviluppamento, s. m. the
act of folding up.-Ravvilup
paménto, confusion, disorder.
Ravviluppare, to involve, to
wrap in, to entangle.-Rav-
vilupparsi, to confound, puz-
zle or perplex one's self.
Ravviluppato, adj. involved,'
wrapped in, entangled, con- Rè, s. m. a king.
founded, puzzled, perplexed. Réale, adj. royal.-Casa reale,
Ravvincidire, to grow flabby. a royal house. Sua altezza
Ravvisare,to remember athing, reale, his royal highness.
to call to mind, to know it Ede reah di Francia, he is of
the royal house of France.-lo,
Ravviváre, to come to life Reale, real, true.—Redle, up-


Recorsi in braccio, to take in one's arms.-Recarsi in colto take on one's shoulders. —Recarsi, a noja, to begin to


receive the matter which: raised or forced over the helm by the fire. Reciprocamente, adv. reciprocally, mutually.

Recusinte, ad refusing, that

Recusare, to refuse, to deny.
Recusáto, refused, denied.
Recusazione, s. f. refusal, de-


Reda, s. f. an heir.
Farsi reda, to inherit, to be
one's heir.-Rrda, posterity,
offspring, issue, children.

be tired.-Recarsi le mani al] petto, to examine one's conscience-Recarsi sopra di se, e in se stesso, to think, to consider, to reflect, to recollect one's self.-In se stessa reca-Reciprocazione, s 1. reciprocatasi, quel che dove se dire comin- tion, returning like for like. ciò a pensare, recollecting her-Recíproco, adj. reciprocal,muself, she began to think what_tual, interchangeable. she was to say.--Recarsi in Recíso, adj. cut, cut off. Come chi trova suo camin reciso, like guardia, to put one's self in him that finds an obstacle in guard-Recare d'una lingua in his way. Reciso, shurt, com-Retaggio, un' altra, to translate from one language to another.-Recare pendious, or concise. a un dì, to squander away, to Recitaménto, s. m, narration. dissipate, to consume.-Re-Recitante, an actor, a comecarsi ubbia, to loath, to nauseate or abhor. Recáta, s. f. a bringing, fetch--Recitare, to act, to repreing or carrying. Recato, adj. brought, fetched, carried.


Recatóre, a reacher, a fetcher,
a bringer.
Recatrice, s. f. she that car-
rieth, bringeth, or etcheth.
Recatúra, s. f. carriage, por-
terage, bringing.
Recchiáta, s. f. a bor on
Recchióne, s. m. the ear, a
blow, a slap.
Recédere, to recede, to go back
or retire, to recoil, to depart

Recedimento, s. m. retiring,
going back.
Recente, adj. recent, new, fresh,
lately done, or happened of

Recentemente, adv. recently,
of late, newly.
Recépere, to receive. Obs.
Récere, to vomit, to spew.
Recer l'anima, to expire, to
die, to breathe out one's last.
Recesso, &. m. recess, reces-
sion, retreat, withdrawing.-
Recesso di febbre, the increase
or redoubling of a fever, a
Recesso, part.
pass. of Recédere.
Recettacolo, v. Ricettacolo.
Recidere, to cut.
Recidiva, s. f. a relapse, fall-
ing again into a disease.
Recidivo, adj. recidivous, fall-
ing back or again-Morbo
recidivo, a relapse, falling back
into the same distemper.
Recinto, v. Ricinto.
Recipe, s. m. a recipe, a phy-
sician's bill to an apothecary.
Recipiente, adj. that receives.
-Recipiente, a recipient, a re-
ceiver, a vessel made fast to
the back of an alembic to


Recitáre, to recite, to relate.


Repággio, s. m. heritage, in-

Redare, to inherit.
Redarguire, to rebuke, or re-
prove, to disprove.
Redarguito, p. p. of Redar-

Redatrice, a female heir.
Redazione, s. f. redaction.
Reddimento, s m. reddition,

Recitativo, s. m. recitative, or
recitative music.
Recitato, adj. recited, related,
rehearsed, acted, represent-Reddire, to come back. Obs.
Reddita, s. f. return. Obs.
Recitatóre, s. m. he that re- Rede, v. Reda.
Redénto, adj. redeemed, ran-
cites or rehearses, a relator.
Recitazione, s. f. recitation, somed, recovered, rescued.
recital, relation, account, re- Redentore, redeemer, saviour.
Redentrice, she that redeems.
Redenzióne, &. f. redemption.
-La redenzione de' cristiani tat-
tivi, the redeeming of christ-
ian slaves-Redenzióne, reme-
dy, help, assistance.—2 nasi
senza alcuna rendenzione tatti
muojono, all die almost with-
out any remedy or assistance.
Redificáre, to rebuild, to build

Reciticcio, s. m. that which is
vomited out of one's mouth.
Reclinatório, &. m. rest, repose.

Reclamáre, to expostulate, to
implore, to beg for, to call
upon-Reclamare, to claim,
challenge, demand or sue.--
Reclamare, tomake complaints,
to complain.

Reclináre, to rest, to repose.
Reclúta, s. f. a recruit.
Reclutare, to recruit, to fill


Reclutato, adj. recruited.
Recogitáre, to think much, to

Recogitáto, adj. much thought

Reconciliare, v. Riconciliare.
Recóndito, adj. seeret, hidden.
Recreare, to rejoice, to glad-
den, to alleviate from labour
or trouble.

Recreazione, s. f. recreation,
diversion after labour, re-
freshment, pastime.
Recriáre, v. Recreare.
Recuperare, to recover, to get
again--Recuperar salute, to
recover health.
Recuperáto, adj. recovered.
Recuperazione, s. f. recovery.
Recusábile, adj. that may be
refused, that ought to be re-

Redificatore, 5. m. he that
builds again, rebuilder.
Redificazione, s. f. building
again, the act of rebuilding.
Redimere, to redeem, to ran-
som, to recover, to rescue.~
Redmire, to crown.
Redimíto, adj. redeemed.--Di
secondla corona rediita fa per
Onorio, she was crowned
again by Honorius.
Rédina, s. f. the rein of a
Rédine, bridle.-Åver in mano
le redimi del governo, to hold
the reins of the empire, to
Redintegráre, to reintegrate,
to restore, to make new.
Redintegrazione, s. f. reinte-
gration, making whole again,

Redire, to come back. Obs.
Redita, s. f. return. Obs.
Redità, s. f. heritage, inherit-


Reditá g'o, s. m. heritage, in-
Y y

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Redivivo, adj. that is come to Refúggio, s. m. refuge, a

life again.

Redúcere, v. Ridurre.
Reduciménto, s. m. reduction.
-Relitto, adj. reduced.
Reduzióne, v. Riduzione.
Reedificáre, v. Riedificare.
Reedificáto, adj. v. Riedificá-


Reedificátore, he that builds
up again.
Reedificazione, building up

Reézza, s. f. wickedness. Obs.
Refajuólo, he that sells thread.
Refe, s. m. thread.-Cucire a
refe doppio, to cheat both par-
tics at once.
Referendário, referendary, an
officer in chancery.--Referen-
dario, a tell-tale or tale bearer,

a spy.
Referiménto, s. m. the act of
- referring, report.
Referire, to refer, to report.
Referito, adj. referred,

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ménto, support, help, assistance, defence-La pecunia è reggimento di tutte le cose, money is the support of all things.-Reggimento, a regi ment of soldiers. Reggitore, a ruler, a commander.

Refúgio, place of safety.
Refuggire, v. Rifuggire. Obs.
Refulgere, v. Rifulgere. Poet.
Refutánza, v. Rifutanza. Obs.
Refutáre, to refute, to dis-Reggitrice, s. f. a female ruler,
a directress.
Regaláre, to present, to make Régia, s. f. 5. Réggia.
a present. Regalare, to re- Regiaménte, adv. royally.
gale, treat, feast, or entertain Regime, s. m. diet, a course of
-Regaláre, to adorn, to em- diet
bellish, to trim, to deck. Regina, s. f. a queen.-Regina,
Regaláto, adj. given as a pre-
queen at chess.
sent, presented, regaled, treat-Peginúccia, s. f. diminutive of
ed, adorned--Regalato, ex- Regina; used as a word of
quisite, excellent, extremely endearment for a little girl.
Régio, adj. rayal, majestical,
princely. Regio tetto, a king's

Regále, adj. royal, v. Reale
Regale, s. m. rigols, a musical_palace.
instrument so called.
Regalménte, adv. royally, no-
bly, magnificently.
Regálo, s. m. a présent, a gift.
Regalúccio, s. m. a smal pre-


re-Regatta, s. f. a race run on
water in boats.

Rege, s. m. a king, a sove


Regenerare, to regenerate, to

Reférto, s. m. a report.
Refettório, s. m. refectory, a
room in a monastery where
friars or nuns eat together. beget again.
Refezione, s. f. refection, re-Regenerato, adj. regenerated.
past, meal.
Regenerazióne, s. f. regenera-

Reflessione, s. f. reflection, a
beating or returning back.
-Refessióne, reflexion, medi-
tation, consideration.-Far re-
flessione sopra una cosa, to make
a reflection, or to reflect upon
a thing
Reflessivo, adj. reflexive, that

Reflésso, s. m. reflection, re-
turn back.
Reflesso, adj. reflected.
Reféttere, . Riflettere.
Reflússo, s. m. reflux, ebb or
Refrángere, to break.Re-
frangersi, to break, to break

Refratto, adj. refracted, bro

Regione, s. f. province, coun-
try-Regione, region.-Le tre
regioni dell' aria, the three re-
gions of the air.
Registráre, to register, to
record, to enter in a regis


Registráto, adj. registered, re-
Registratúra, s. f. a register,
Registro, s. m. amemori
al or book of public records.
Regname, s. ni. a realm.

Regnamento, s. m. rule, do


Régge, s. f. a gate. Obs.
Reggénte, adj. regent, that
governs. Un reggente, a
gent, one who governs a
kingdom, during the minori-
ty of a sovereign prince.
Réggere, to support, to bear
up, to prop.-kérgere, to go-
vern, to rule or reign over,
to sway-Reggere, to resist,
to withstand, to be against.
-Reggersi, to stop, to stay, to
stand still-Res gere, to main-Regnicolo, adj a native or in-
tain, to uphold, to keep up, habitant of a kingdom; most
to nourish.- Regere, to com- commonly said of the Neapo
ply with one, to give him litans.
what he demands. Reggere,
to suffer, to bear.-Reggere il
tormento, to bear the rack,
without owning the crime.

Regnánte, adj. regnant, reign-
re-ing, principal, chief, govern-
ing-Un regnante, s. m. a
prince, a king-Il re regnante,
the present king.
Regnare, to reign, to rule as a
king-Renare, to reign, to
sway, to predominate.-Reg-
núto, adj. reigned.
Regnatore, ruler, governor,
king, lord, master.

ken. Refrazione, s. f. refraction. Refrenáre, v. Raffrenare. Refrigerante, adv. cooling, that cools or refrigerates. Refrigerare, to refrigerate, to cool-Refrigerare, to comfort, to ease, to alleviate. Refrigerativo, adj. refrigeRefrigeratório,rative, retri- Reggiménto, s. m. govern

Regger con uno, to agree, to
live in peace with one.-Non
pssono reggere un' ora insieme,
they cannot live together an
hour in peace.
Reggia, s. f. a royal palace or

Régno, s. m. a kingdom, a realm.-Vuoituregno? dattene un grande, reggi te medesimo? will you have a kingdom? I'll give you a large one; rule yourself.--Regno, reign.Regno, the pope'striple crown. Régola, s. f. rule, order, precept, method, pattern, model, example.-Réola, an or der of friars.--Régola, rule, statute, or institution of a re

ligious order.Regola d'oro, Tegola del tre, the golden rule, the rule of three, in arithmetic.

over again.
Reiteráto, adj. reiterated.
Reiterázione, s. f. reiteration,

Relassamento, s. m. v. Relassa


Relassáre, to relax, to slacken,
to weaken, to enfeeble.
Relassato, adj. relaxed, slack-
ened, weak, enfeebled.

Regolante, adj regulating, go-
verning, directing, guiding.
Regoláre, adj. regular, done
according to the rule-Rego-
lare, exact, punctual. Rego-
láre, regular, distinguished
from secular-Un regolare, a Relassazióne, s. f. relaxation,
regular, a monk.-Regolare,
to regulate, to govern, to or-
der, to direct, to guide, to
frame, to prescribe.-Rego-
láre, to rule, to decide, to de-
termine, to settle.- Regolare
un orologio, to set a clock right.
-Regolarsi, to imitate one, to
go by his example.
Regolarità, s. f. regularity,
exactness, strictness.
Regolarmente, adv. regularly.
-Regolarmente, punctually,
Relatrice, s. f. a female rela-
Regolataménte, adv. regular-_tor, she that relates.
ly, strictly, constantly, al-

release, discharge.
Relativamente, adv. relatively,
in relation.
Relatívo, adj. relative, having
relation or nearness to some
other thing.-Un relativo, a
word which in concord an-
swers to some word foregoing,
called the antecedent.-Pro-
nome relativo, a pronoun re-
Relatóre, relator, he that re-
lates a thing.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Regolato, adj. orderly, sober,
moderate-Regolato, set, cer-
tain, regular.--Regolato, exact,
punctual. -Vento regolato,

Regolatore, a ruler, a director,
a guide.
Regolatrice, she that rules, go-
verns, directs or guides.-
L'anima è regolatrice di tutto il
corpo, the soul is the guide of
the body.

Regoletto, s. m. a petty king.
Regolizia, s. f. Equorice.
Régolo, s. m. a petty king.
Regolo, a prince of the royal
blood.-Régolo, a basilisk, or
cockatrice.-Regulo, a rule or
ruler to draw lines with.
Regolúzza, s. f. a little rule or

Regolúzzo, s. m. a petty king.
Regresso, s. m. regress.
Reina, . Regina.-Reina, a

kind of carp.
Reintegráre, to reintegrate, to
restore, to make new, to be-
gin again or afresh.

Relazione, relation, account,


Relegáre, to relegate, to ba-
nish or exile, to send away,
to confine to a place at a
distance, to remove out of

the way.

Relegáto, adj. relegated, ba-
nished, exiled.
Relegatore, he that banishes,
exiles, or sends away.
Relegazióne, s. f. relegation,
banishment, confinement.
Religióne, s. f. religion, wor-
ship, godliness, devotion.---
La religione cristiana, the
christian religion.-Religione,
a religious order of monks or


Rel giosamente, adv. religi-
ously, godly, piously.--Reli-
giosamente, religiously, strict-
ly, exactly, punctually.
Religioso, s. m. a friar or
Religiósa, s. f. monk, a nun.

-Religioso, adj. religious,
pious, devout, godly.
Relinquere, to relinquish, to

Relíquia, s. f. relics or reReintegráto, adj. reintegrated,mainders.-Reliquia, relic or begun afresh, or renewed. eliques. Reintegrazione, s. f. reinte-Reliquiário, s. m, a shrine or gration, making whole again, Reliquiére, place for rerenewing. Reità, s. f. crime, fault, guilti-Relitto, adj. relinquished, saken, abandoned. Obs. Reiteráre, to reiterate, to do Rema, s. f. a rheum or cold in the same thing over again. one's head.



Remígio, s. m. v. Remeggio.
Reminiscénza, s. f. reminis-
cence, the faculty or power
of remembering.
Remissibile, adj. remissible.
Remissióne, s. f. remission,
forgiveness, pardon.
Remito, v. Romito. Obs.
Remitório, v. Romitorio. Obs.
Remo, s. m. oar,
Remolino, s. m. a whirlwind.
Remóra, s. f. a kind of fish.
Remoráre, to retard, to hin
der the progression of.
Remoto, adj. remote, far dis-


Remozióne, s. f. the act of going or carrying from one place to another. Remuneraménto, s. m. reward, recompence, remuneration. Remuneráre, to remunerate, to recompense, to reward. Remuneráto, adj. remunerated, recompensed, rewarded. Remuneratore, remunerator,

rewarder. Remunerazióne, s. f. remuneration.

Rena, s. f. sand.-Fundure in
rena, to build in sand, in the
air.-Zuppare in renu, to sow
in the sand.
Renáccio, s. m. a sandy place.
Renajo, s. m. sands.-Renajo,
a place so called by the river
Arno in Florence.
Renajuólo, s. m. he that car-

ries sand.

Rendénte, adj. rendering, returning.

Réndere, to restore, to return, to give back again, to repay. for--Rendre, to render, to make. -La musica mi rende allegro, music makes me gay.-Render testimonianza, to witness. Render buon' odore, to smell

Reiteratamente, adv. over and (Remájo, s. m, a maker of oars.

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