صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

well --Render conto, to give a¦ reason, or to give an account. Kemuer fede, to assure or testify.-Render frutta, to yield fruit-Render grazie,to thank. -Render onore, to honour Rendere il cambio, to requite, to render like for like, to be even with one.-Rendere il sabuto, to salute again.-Render cenno, to answer one with a

ing against, skittish, jadish, resty. Renitenza, s. f. skittishness, resistance.

Renosità, s. f. sandy quality. Renéso, adj. sandy, full of sand, that has a sandy quality.

Rensa, s. f. lawn or cambric.
Renunziáre, to renounce, to
forsake to disown.

Renunziato, adj. renounced,
forsaken, disowned.
Reo, adj. wicked, bad, ill,
pious.- -Reo, guilty, culpa-
ble.-Reo di lesa maestà, guilty
of high treason.-Un reo, a

Repetitore, a requirer, a de-
mander of a thing again.
Repetizione, s. f. a repetition,
a rehearsal.

Repettito, adj. the same

Replezióne, s. f. repletion, sur-
Réplica, s. f. reply,
Replicamento, s. m. answer,

Replicáre, to reply, to an im-swer, to make a reply.-Replicáre, to contradict, gainsay, or speak against.-Voi mi state sempre a replicare, you are always contradicting me. Replicataménte, adv. again,

Reobárbaro, s. m. rhubarb. Reparáre, to repair, to retrieve, to restore or recover, to make amends.--Reparare una perdita, to retrieve a loss. Reparare l'onore a qualcheduno, to repair one's honour, to make one a reparation. Reparato, adj. repaired, made


Reparatóre, a restorer. Reparatrice, fem. of Repara

sign.Rendersi certo, to be certain or sure-Render lume, to give light.-Rendersi momaco o frate, to enter in a religious order-Render l'anima, render il fiato, render lo spiroto, to give up the ghost.-Render ragione, to give an account. -Non ho nessuno a chi render ragione, I have nobody to controul me.--Render versi per versi, to answer directly and to the purpose.-Rendere, to yield, bear, or produce.~— Render colpo ter colpo, to requite, to render like for like. --Render voce a voce, to answer exactly.Render diletto, to please.-Render merito, to make amends for.-Render capace, to convince.-Render Reparazióne, s. f. repair, rearia, to be like.-Rendere la paration, satisfaction. penna, to write.--Questa penná | Repatriáre, to return to one's rende grosso, this pen writes country again. thick.-Render sospetto, to give Repatriazióne, a returning to suspicion.--Render avvertito, one's country again. to let one know.-Render fa-Repentáglio, s. m. hazard, dancile, to facilitate.-Render gra- ger, peril.-Mettere in repentavida, to get with child.-Ren-glio, to hazard, to expose, to der forte, to fortify, to make strong-Render stone, to have a good sound.-Rendere, to answer.--Rendersi, to yield, to surrender, to submit. Rendimento, s. m. reddition, surrender.Rendimento di Repentemente, grazie, thanks.

Réndita, s. f. revenue, income. Renditóre, a restorer. Renditúzza, a poor income. Renduto, adj. rendered, restored.

Rene, s. f. pl. the reins, the loins, the back, the kidneys. Renélia, s. f. small gravel or sand-Renella, gravel, or gravel stone in the reins.

Reni, s. f. pl. the reins, the koins, the back.-Dur le reni, to run away, to turn back.Volgere le rem ad uno, to for

sake one, to leave him.

Renischio, e Renísto, s. m. a sandy place. Obs. both. Renitente, adj. resisting, striv



Repente, adj. sudden, hasty, swift, quick, unexpected, coming unawares. -Repente,

very steep.


adv. suddenly, upRepentinamente, S on a sud

den, unawares. Repentino, adj. sudden, unlooked for, unforeseen.. Morte repentina, a sudden death.

Répere, to creep, to crawl, as reptiles do. Reperire, to find, to find out, to meet with. Repério, adj. found, met with. Repertório, s. m. an inventory, a register, an index. Repétere, to repeat or rehearse, to say again, to speak again.

over and over.

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Represso, adj. repressed, restrained, kept, or held in. Repriménto, s. m. repression. Reprimere, to repress, to restrain, to keep back, to curb or quell.

Reprimúto, adj. repressed, restrained, curbed, quelled. Represso is better. Reprobáre, to reprove, to reject, to condemn. Reprobazióne, s. f. reprobation, condemnation. Réprobo, adj. reprobate, wicked, lewd.—Un reprobo, s. Die a reprobate. Repromissióne, the act of promising again. Reprováre, v. Reprobáre. Reprovazione, s. f. reprobation.

República, e Repúbblica, republic, commonwealth. Republicóne, a republican, a commonwealth man. A sneering word.

Repúbrica, v. Republica. Obs. Repudiánte, adj. repudiating, rejecting or divorcing. Repudiáre, to repudiate, to reject or put awry, to di

1 vorce.

Repetio, s. m. dispute, quar- Repudiáto, adj. repudiated, rel, debate, contest. Obs. rejected, divorced. Repetito, adj. repeated, said

Repúdio, s, m. repudiation, di

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Resta, s. f. the beard of corn.
Resta, bones or prickles of
fish. Rest a rope of onions
galic.Resla, the sest of
a lance.-Metter la lavia in
resta, to couch the lance.-
Resta, rest, pause, quiet, peace.
-Senta restas continually, in-
cessantly, without rest.
Restante, adj. reniaining.——
Restante, s. m. rest, remain-
der, what is left.
Restáre, to remain or be left.



Repúlsa, s. f. repulse, refusal, | Resisténte, adj. resisting, op


Repulsáre, to repulse, to re-
ject or deny.
Repulsazione, v. Repulsa.
Repulsivo, adj. rejecting, de-

Repúlso, p. pass. of Repulsare,
repulsed, repelled.
Reputánza, D. Reputazione.

Reputáre, to repute, to think,
count or look upon.-Rep
túre, to ascribe, to attribute
or impute.
Reputato, reputed, thought
upon, looked, accounted.
Reputazione, s. f. repute, re-
putation, fame, report, cre-
dit, name.
Réquia, v. Requie. Obs.
Requiáre, to rest, to lie at rest,
to lie at ease, to be quiet, to
repose one's self. Obs.-Non
requio infinattanto che non l'ebbe
sospinto a muover guerra ad Ot-
taviano, he had no rest till he
had prevailed with him to
declare war to Octavian.
Réquie, s. f. rest, repose, quiet,


Requisito, ad required, de-
manded, requisite, necessary,
convenient. Requisito, s. m.
a requisite, a thing requisite.
Requisizione, s. f. requisition,
demand, instance.
Resa, s. f. surrender.
Rescritto, s. m. a rescript, a
writing which is in answer,
to a writ, or petition.
Rescrivere, to transcribe, to
copy out. Rescrivere, to an-
swer in writing.
Resegare, to cut, to cut off.
Reserváre, to reserve, to keep.
Reservazione, s. f. reservation.
Résia, s. f. heresy.-Résia, dis-
sension, discord, division,

Resistenza, s. f. resistance, op-
position, difficulty.-Resisten-
za, fortification.
Resistere, to resist or with-
stand, to be against, to op-
pose-Reistere, to resist, to


Resistito, adj. resisted, oppos


Reso, rendered.

Resolutamente, adv. with re-
solution, in a resolute man-


Resolutivo, adj. that resolves,
fit to resolve.
Resoluto, e. Risoluto.
Resoluzione, s. f. resolution,
determination, full intention.
-Prender resoluzione, to take
a resolution-Resoluzióne, so-
lution, decision.
Respettivamente, adv. respec-
tively, mutually, in respect.
Respettivo, adj. respectful,
humble, submissive.
Respignere, ) to push, to force,
Respingere, to thrust or drive
back, to repel or repulse.
Respinto, p. p. of Respignere.
Respiramento, s. m. breath,

Respirare, to breathe, to fetch |
one's breath.-Respirar l'aria
fresca, to breathe the fresh
air.-Respirare, to rest, to re-
fresh one's self- -Respirare,
to breathe, to live.--Respirare,
to infuse, to communicate,
to impart.Respirare, to
breathe out, to evaporate, to

Respiráto, p. p. of Respirare.
Respirazione, s. f. respirati-
Respiro, s. m. Son,breath,
Responsióne, s. f.
Respúnso, s. m. S


-Non mi resta altro a dire, I have nothing else to say.— Restar d'accordo, to agree.— Restare, to cease, to leave off, to finish or make an end. E poichè le parole sue restaro, and when he had done speaking.-Resture, to stay, to tarry, to remain.-Non resterà per me, it shall not be my


Restáta, s. f. end, rest. Restauraménto, s. m. restauration, re-establishment. Restauráre, to restore or repair, to re-establish.-Restauráre, to restore, to give up again, to return, to make amends for.

Restauráto, adj. restored, repaired.

Restauratóre, restorer, re-esta-

Restauratrice, s. she that re-
stores or re-establishes.
Restaurazióne, s. f. restaura-
tion, re-establishment.
Restauro, s. m. restauration,
Resticciuolo, s. m. a little res

remainder, or remnant.
Restio, adj. restive or resty,
drawing back.-Cavallo restio,
a restive horse.
Restituiménto, v. Restituzione
Restituire, to restore, to re-
turn, to give back again.
Restituíto, p. p. of Restituire.
Restitutóre, he that r turns the
thing stolen, taken, or leat.,
Restituzione, s f. restitution.
Resto, s. m. rest, remainder,
remnant, residue, remains.

Datemi il resto, give me the remainder.-Il resto della mia eita, the residue of my life. Far del resto, to lay all at a stake, to venture all, to make one's last push.-Nel resto, as for the rest, finally, now. Restoso, adj. bony, full of bones, speaking of fishes. Restringente, adj. restringent, of a binding quality. Restringere, v. Restrignere. Restrizione, s. f. restriction, restraint, limitation, stint.

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Rettrice, s. f. governess: Reva, s. f. a custom they pay in France for the exportation of their commodities. Reveláre, to reveal, to lay Retrogradazione, s. f. retro- open, disclose or discover. gradation, backward (in as-Reveláto, adj. revealed, laid tronomy.)


Retrogrado, adj. retrograde, Revelatore, he that reveals. going back.

Resuscitazione, s. f. J. Risusci-Retroguardia, s. f. the rear of

tazione. Obs. Resultaménto, s. m. result,


Resultare, v. Risultare.
Resúrgere, v. Risúrgere.
Resurréssi, s. m. resurrec-
Resurrésso, S tion. Obs.
Resurressione, s. f. resurrec-

tion, a rising

again from the dead. Resuscitáre, v. Risuscitare. Retà, s. f. wickedness, malice: Obs.

[blocks in formation]

Retta, s. f. resistance, opposi-
tion. Far retta, to oppose, to
withstand.-Dar retia, to lis-
ten, to mind.
Rettaménte, adv. rightly, well.
Rettangoletto, s. m. dim: of

Rettangolo, s: m. a rectangle
or rectangular figure.

Retággio, s. m. heritage, inhe-Rettézza, v. Rettitudine.

Rete, s. f. a net, snare.-Cascar
nella rete, to fall into a snare
Arete, like a net.--Rete, a
In rete, S caul for women's
heads.Tender le reti, to lay
snares. Rete, the caul.
Retentivo, adj. retentive.-La
facultà retentiva, the retentive
Reticella, s. f. a small net.-
Reticíno, Reticella, a cut-
work, a kind of bonelace.
Rético, s. m. an heretic. Obs.
Reticoláto, adj. made like a


Reticolazione, s. f. a net-work
or lettice work.
Retificagione, s. f. ratification,
confirmation. Obs.
Retificáre, to ratify, to confirm
or establish a public act.

Rétina, s. f. one of the mem-
branes of the eye.
kétore, s. m. a rhetorician,
one skilled in, or a professor
of, thetoric.

Retribuíre, to retribute, to re-
compense or requite.
Retribuíto, p. p. of Retribuire.
s. m. rewarder.
Retributore, S
Retribuzione, s. f. retribution,
recompense, requital.
Retro, prep. behind.-I pie' di
retro, the hind feet.

Rettificamento, s. m. the act of

Rettificáre, to rectify, to set to
rights; with chymists, to di-
stil any spirit over again to
make it purer.-Rettificare, in
astrology, to rectify, to equa-
lize, to parallel, to level.
Rettificáto, p. p. of Rettifi-


Rettificatóre, he that rectifies.
Rettificazione, s. f. rectifica-

Revelazione, s. f. revelation.
Reverberare, v. Riverberare.
Reverberazione, v. Riverbera-

Revérbero, v. Riverbero.
Reveréndo, adj. reverend, wor-
thy to be revered or honour-

cd. Reverénte, adj. reverend, reverential, respectful, awful. Reverenteménte, adv. reve rently, humbly, modestly, respectfully.

Reverenza, s. f. reverence,
respect. Con reverenza par
lando, under favour, please
you, begging your pardon.
-Reverenza, bow, curtesy.-
Far la reverenza, to bow, to
curtesy.--Reverénza, rever-
ence, a title to religious peo-

Reverenziale, adj. reverential.
Reverire, to honour, to revere,
to respect.-La reverisco, your
servant, sir.
Reverito, p. p. of Reverire.
Revisióne, s. f. a revisal, a re-

Revisóre, a reviser.
Réuina, s. m. v. Rheumo
Reumático, adj. rheumatic.
Reumatismo,s. m. rheumatism.
Revocabile, adj. revocable,
that may be repealed, or re-

Rettile, s. m. a reptile, a creep-
ing animal, any animal that
crawls upon its belly.
Rettilineo, adj. rectilineal, com-
posed of right lines.
Rettitudine, s. f. rectitude, up-
Retto, adj. ruled, swayed, go-Revocare, to revoke, to call
verned, reigned.--Reito, back again, to repeal or make
right, straight, upright, even, void.-Revocato, adj. revok
just.- Linea retta, a righted, repealed.
line.-Uomo_retto, a just ho-
nest man. Intestino rettu, the
straight gut.

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Revocazione, s. f. revocation,

Revoluzione, s. f. revolution,
a notable turn of affairs or
change in government.—Re-
voluzione, a revolution, re-
volt, rebellion or rising.
Reupóntico, s. m. rhubarb, a
kind of dock root.
Rezza, s. f. a kind of fishing.
net.-Rezza, a caul for wo-
men's heads.

Rezzo, s. m. a shade of green

boughs or trees.-Far rezzo, to shade. Ed io tremavo nell' eterno rezzo, and I trembled in the eternal darkness. Riabbassare, to bring down, to abate.

Riabbattere. v. Rabbattere.
Riabbellire, v. Rabbellire.
Riabitáre, to inhabit again.
Riaccendere, to kindle or light


versi d'una malattia, to recover
from a sickness.
Riavúto, adj. gotten again, re-

Riavútosi, having gotten his
health again.

fluttering of the wings. Ribattitúra, s. f. the act of striking back, repercussion. Ribbattuto, adj. beaten back. Ribéca, s. f. rebec, a musical instrument so called.

ment with three chords. Ribeccáre, to peck again.Ribeccare, to reiterate, to tell over again.

Ribaciáre, to kiss again.-Ri-Ribéca, s. f. a musical instru-
baciáre, to join close.
Ribaciato, adj. kissed again.
| Ribadíre, to rivet or clench.---
Ribadire, to back, to support,
to strengthen, to confirm.
Ribadito, adj. rivetted.
Ribadatúra, s. f. the act of
Ribagnare, to wet, or bathe

Riaccéso, adj. kindled again. Riaccettare, to accept again. Riaccoccáre, v. Raccoccare. Riaccolta, s. f. refuge, shelter, sanctuary. Obs. Riaccottonáre, to card, pick, or comb again. Riacquistare, to recover, regain or retrieve. Riaddomandáre, to ask again. Riadirarsi, to fall in a passion again. Riadornáre, to adorn, trim, deck, or embellish again. Riaffermare, to confirm again. Riale, s m. a little rivulet, a brook. Obs. Riálto, s. m. a height, a high place, an eminence. Rialzaménto, s. m. a raising. Rialzare, to raise again. Riamante adj. loving, loves, being loved. Riamáre, to love him that loves you, to love again. Riamicáre, to reconcile, to make friends again. Riandáre, to go back again.Riandáre, to examine again. Riannestare, to ingraft again. Riapparire, to appear again. Riappiccáre, to hang again. Riapriménto. s. m. the act of opening again. Riaprire, to open again.. Riaperto, p. p. of Riaprire. Riarare, to plough again. Riárdere, to blast or burn again. Riardiménto, s. m. a blasting or burning again. Riarmare, to arm again, to refit again. Riarrecare, to carry or bring again. Riarso, adj. blast or burnt again. Riassetáre, v. Rassetare. Riassumere, to re-assume, or take upon one's self again. Riassunto, adj. re-assumed. Fiavère, to have again, to re

Ribecchino, s. m. a small rebec. ri-Ribellagióne, s. f. Obs. Į rebelRibellaménto, s. m. lion. Ribellante, a rebel, one who rebels against the prince or

Ribaldaccia, a wicked female.
Ribaldaccio, a great rogue, a


Ribaldáglia, s. £. mob, rabble,
rascally people.
Ribaldeggiare, to play the
rogue, to do base things.
Ribaldello, a rogue, a rascal.
Riba dería, s. f. ribaldry.
Ribáldo, s.


Ribellánte, adj. rebellious, dis


Ribelláre, to cause a rebellion.
Ribellarsi, to rebel, to rise up
in arms against one's sove-

Ribelláto, adj. rebelled.
Ribellazione, s. f. rebellion,
Ribellione, revolt, insur-

Ribello, adj. rebellious, dis-
obedient. Un ribello, s. m. a

m. a ribald, a rogue, a rascal, a vile fellow; 'tis used also adjectively. Andar ribaldo, to rove or ramble about. Ribaldóne, Ribaldonáccio, bald, a rascal, rogue, or varlet. Ribálta, s. f. an instrument to overturn any thing. Ribaltáre, to subvert, to over-Ribes, s. m. currants, a kind of grape.

a great ri-Ribendétto, adj. blessed again.
Ribenedíre, to bless again.
Ribenedizióne, s. f. a blessing
Ribére, to drink again.


Riavérsi, to recover, to get one's strength again.-Kia


Ribóbolo,s.m. a saying, a word or phrase of low Tuscan. Riboccare, to overflow or run

over.- --Riboccáre, to abound
with a thing, to swim in-it."
-To ribocco d'allegrezza, I am
ba-Ribócco, s. m. overflow, inun-

Ribalzáre, to toss again.
Ribálzo, s. m. jump, bounce,
toss-Ribalso, the reflection
of the rays of the sun.
Ribandiménto, s. m. revoca-
tion from banishment.
Ribandire, to revoke from ba-
nishment.-Riband re, to
nish again.
Ribandito, adj. revoked from
banishment, banished again.
Ribarbáre, to root again, to
take root again.
Ribarbero, S. m. rhubarb.


Ribastonare, to cudgel again.
Ribáttere, to beat back again.

Ribáttere, to confute, to
combat or answer.-Ribattere
un' opinione, to confute an
Ribattezzaménto, s. m. a re-
baptizing, or baptizing again.
Ribattezzáre, to rebaptize, or
baptize again.

Ribattimento, s. m. repercus-
sion, a striking back.-Ribat-
timento d'ali, a flapping or

Ridolliménto, s. m. fervour,
heat, passion.
Ribollire, to boil again.-Ri-
bollire, to agitate, to toss, to
stir, to trouble.
Ribbollito, p. p. of Ribollire.
Kibrézzo, s. m. chillness, qui-"
vering or shivering for fear,
a sudden fear, an horror.
Ributtaménto, s. m. repulse,
rebuff, denial.
Ributtáre, to drive back, to
push back-Ributiáre, to vo-
mit.-Kibultare, to drive one
from our presence, refusing
rudely to hear what he has
to say, and denying to com-
ply with his demands.
Ributtato, p. p. of Ributtare.

Ribútto, s. m. repulse, denial, | Ricamo, s. m. embroidery..

vomit. Ricacciare, to expel, to turn out again. Ricacciare, to thrust or put in again. Ricadénte, adj. falling again, relapsing, falling or hanging down.

Ricadere, to fall again, to reJapse-Ricadere nel male, to fall sick again, to have a relapse, to relapse-Ricader nel peccato, to relapse into the same fault or sin.-Ricadere, to lie, or lie down, to lodge, said of corn in the fields. Ricadere, to fall or hang over or down.—Ricadere, to fall or

return to.

Ricadia, s. f. vexation, trouble, anguish, adversity, misery.Ricadia, tediousness, weari


Ricadiménto, s. m. a relapse, second fall or recidive. Ricadioso, adj. sad, heavy, sorrowful, afflicted, cast down. -Ricadioso, tedious, wearisome, tiresome.

Ricaduta, s. f. relapse, second fall.

Ricadúto, adj. fallen again, relapsed. Ricaduto, weak,

feeble, faint. Ricagnáto, adj. flat-nosed Ricalare, to decline or fall again.

Ricangiare, v. Ricambiare. Ricantáre, to sing again, to sing over and over. Ricapitáre, to send, to direct. Ricapitare, to remit.-Ricapitare, to arrive or come at. Ricapitato, p. p. of Ricapitare. Essere ricapitato, to be well settled in a good post or office, to be provided for. Ricápito, s. m. direction.--Ricápito, recourse, refuge, address.-Ricápito, an accomplishing or finishing a performance.-Mi pare mill' anni di dar ricapito al mio negozio, 1 long to make an end of my affair.-Dur ricapito, to send, to direct well.-Uomo di ricapite, a man of importance. S'ella s'avesse cento amanti, ricapito darebbe a tutti quanti, had she a hundred lovers, she would nicely dispose of

them all.

Ricapitolare, to recapitulate, to sum up, to rehearse briefly what has been said before. Ricénte, adj. v. Recente. Obs. Ricapitolazione; s. f. ricapitu-Ricentemente, Q. Recentelation, summing up. Ricardáre, to card again. Ricardáto, adj. carded again. Ricaricáre, to charge again, to load again. Ricarminare, to card again.—Ri arminére, to turn, to handle about.

Ricaláto, p. p. of Ricalare.
Ricalcare, to tread again.
Ricalcato, adj. trodden again.

are kept.

Riccio, s. m. the husk, or the rough prickly shells of chesnuts.-Riccio, echin, urchin, or hedge hog.-Riccio marino, a sea urchin, which is a kind of crab-fish.Riccio marino, sea fennel, rock camphire→ Riccio, curled or frizzled lock.

Riccio, shaggy velvet. Ricciolino, s. m. a little curled or frizzled lock. Ricciutello, adj. somewhat curled or frizzled. Ricciuto, adj. curled, crisped, frizzled.

Ricciúto, s. m. he that has his
hair curled or frizzled.-Po
pol ricciuto, base, impudent,
untractable, unruly people.
Ricco, adj. rich, wealthy, opu
lent. --Rico, rich, costly,
magnificent.—Ricco, rich,
pentitul, copious.-Rieco, a
rich man.

Riccóne, a very rich man.
Riccóre, s. m. riches, wealth.

mente. Obs.

Ricascáre, to fall again.
Ricascáta, s. f. a relapse.

Ricalcitraménto, s. m. a kick-Ricattáre, to rescue, to re

ing or wincing. Ricalcitrante, adj. kicking or wincing.

Ricalcitráre, to kick or wince. -Ricalcitráre, to resist, to oppose, to kick against the spur.-Realcitrare, to reply, to answer, to make a reply or repartee.-lo tel co' dire, ma non mi stare a ricalcitrare, I'll tell it you, but don't contradict me.

Ricalcitrato, p. p. of Ricalci


Ricamaménto, s. m. embroi
Ricamare, to embroider.
Ricamáto, adj. embroidered.
Ricamatore, an embroiderer.
Ricamatrice, fem. of Ricama-


Ricamatúra, s. f. embroidery.
Ricambiare, to requite, to re-
compense,or reward.-Ricom-
kare, to exchange again.

deem, to recover.
Ricattato, adj. rescued, re-
deemed, recovered.
Ricattatore, he that recovers a
thing that was lost.
Ricátio, s. m. redemption, ran-


Ricerca, s. f. search, research, enquiry, perquisition, quest or seeking after.-Fare ricer ca d'una cosa, to enquire after a thing.

Ricercare, to seek again, to
look for a second time-Ri-
cercare, to search or enquire
into, or after.-Ricercare, to
demand, to ask, to require,
to request.Ricercare, to re-
quire. Ciò ricerca molto tem-
po, that requires a great deal
of time.

Ricercare, s. m. search, re
Ricercata, s. f.search, per-
quisition, enquiry.
Ricercato, adj. sought, looked


Ricavalcáre, to mount or ride
again, to remount.
Ricaváre, to draw, to take, to Ricercatore, s. m. a seeker, one
fetch or get out again.-Rica-|_ that requests, an enquirer.
váre, to copy, to transcribe Ricercatrice, fem. of Ricerca-

Ricothre, to draw profit from.
Ricaváto, p. p. of Ricavare.
Riccáccio, a rich fellow that
makes an ill use of his riches.
Riccamente, adv. richly.
Ricchezza, s. f. riches, wealth.
-Ricchezza, riches, sumptu-
ousness, grandeur-Ricchés
za, plenty, store, abundance,
copiousness, great quantity.
Ricciaja, s. f. a head full of
curled hair.-Raccižju, a place
where the husks of chesnuts


Ricerchiare, to put new hoops. Ricerchiato, adj. hooped again.

Ricerco, adj. sought or enquired after, searched into. Ricérnere, to sift again.-Ricernere, to expound, to explain or declare better. Ricessáre, to stand still, to make a halt, to be at a stay.

-Rices are, to repulse, to push, to beat, to thrust or

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