صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


drive back, to repel. Ricésso, s. m. recess, recession, retreat, withdrawing, return or coming back. Ricétta, s. f. receipt. Ricettacolo, s. m. a receptacle, a place to receive or keep things in, shelter, rest. Ricettamento, s. m. reception, entertainment. Ricettamén to, receptacle, shelter, rest. Ricettáre, to receive, to entertain, to lodge, to shelter, to admit into. Ricettársi, to shelter one's self in, to retire into. Ricettário, s. m. a book of receipts.

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Ricettato, p. p. of Ricettare.
Ricettatore, he that receives,
entertains or shelters.
Ricettatrice, fem. of Ricetta-



Richiamáto, adj. recalled, re- [Ricioncáre, to drink over and
over again.
claimed, revoked.
Richiamatóre, he that reclaims, Ricipénte, adj. agreeable, pleas
recalls, or appeals.-Richia- sant. Obs.
matúre, he that debauches, Ricircolare, e Ricirculare, to
go about, to go round again,
spoils, or depravates.
Richiamo, s. m. revocation, re-Ricisa, s. f. a cut, gash or
graze.-Ricisa, a steep place.
clamation, appeal, calling for
Andare a ricisa, to cross or
justice.-Richiamo, lure, de-
coy, a hawk's lure.-Richid-pass over.-Cantare a ricisa,
to sing for ever.
mo, complaint, groan, lamen-
tation.Far richiamo di Ricisamente,
qualcheduno to complain of
somebody.- -Richiamo, an

Richiedere, to demand, to re-
quest, to ask, to intreat, to
beg earnestly.-Richieder bat-
taglia, to challenge.-Richi-
idere, to cite, to summon.-
Richiedere, to ask again.-
Richiedere, to require, to de-
mand, to be necessary or con-
Richiedere, to
plough deep.
Richiediménto, s. m. request,
petition, demand.
Richieditóre, he that requests,
petitions, demands or requires.
Richiesta, s. f. request, peti-
tion, desire.-Richiesta, cita-
tion, summons.

Ricétto, s. m. receptacle, shel-
ter, refuge, lodging, habita-
tion, abode. Dar ricetto, to
shelter, to receive, to enter-
tain or lodge.
Ricevénte, adj. receiving, that
receives, a receiver.
Ricévere, to receive, to take
what is given, to accept.-
Ricevere, to receive, to enter-Richiesto, adj. demanded, re-
tain or harbour, to welcome.
-Ricevere, to suffer, to bear,
to undergo.
Ricevévole, adj. receiving, that
receives, receptive, apt to re-
Riceviménto, s. m. a recep-
tion, or receiving, an enter-Richiudiménto, s. m. a shut-


Ricevitívo, adj. receptive, apt
or fit to receive.
Ricevitore, a receiver, he that

Ricevitrice, she that receives.
Ricevuta, s. f. receipt, acquit-
tance, discharge.-Far la ri-
cevuta, to give a receipt.
Ricezione, v. Ricevimento.
Richédere, v. Richiedere. Obs.
Richésto, v. Richiesto. Obs.
Richésta, v. Richiesta. Obs.
Richierére, v. Ricercare. Obs.
Richiamante, adj. recalling, re-
claiming, revoking, calling


Richiamáre, to recall, to re-
claim, to revoke or call back
Richiamare, to complain, to

make complaints to expos-
tulate.-Richiamare, to cite,

to summon, to accuse charge with, VOL. I.


quired, desired, intreated. Richináre, to bow, to salute,

to bow down.

Richiúdere, to shut up again,

to shut.
Richiudersi, to close, to close
up, to heal up.

ting up.
Richiusúra, s. f. an enclosure.
Richiúso, adj. shut, closed,
healed up.

adv. cleanly,

speaking of a cut. Ricíso, adj. cut, cut off. Ricogliere, to gather, to reap, to get in Ricogliere, to gather, to collect.-Ricoglier le fave, to gather the votes.Ricogliere, to fetch a thing out of pawn, to redeem it.-Ricogliere, to comprehend, to conceive, to understand, to observe, to take notice of.--Ricogliere il fiato, to breathe, to fetch one's breath.--Ricogliersi, to fly to a place for refuge or shelter, to one's self, to retire into, or back.-Ricogliersi, to clear or get clear, to disentangle or extricate one's self of, to get rid of or from.


Ricoglimento, s. m. a gather-
ing or collecting, a crop of
Ricoglitore, collector, gatherer..

Ricoglitore, a gatherer of money, taxes or tolls, a collector, an exactor, a dunner. Ricoglitrice, s. f. a midwife.-Ricoglitrice, fem. of Ricogli-"


Ricognizióne,s. f. acknowledgment, knowing again.-Ricognizióne, acknowledgment, gratitude, thankfulness. Ricídere, to cut, to cut off, to cut out. Ricidere, to shor-Ricognoscere, v. Riconoscere. Ricognosciménto, s. m. v. Riten, to cut short, to cross. cognizione. Ricidérsi, to break, to fret, tocut. Ricidiménto. s. m. a cutting Ricollicáre, to put to bed again. orshred, Obs.-Ricullicarsi, to go to Riciditúra, s. f. a chip or cleft.-Riciditúra, bed again. Obs. Ricolmare, to heap or heap up, the bending. to fill to the brim. Ricidivo, adj. v. Recidivo. Ricignere, to gird or gird about. Ricimentáre, to expose, to hazard or venture again. Ricingere, to gird or surround again. Ricíno, s. m. a kind of plant so called.

Ricinto, o Recinto, s. m. com-
pass, circumference, inclo-
sure. Ricinto, adj. girded,
environed, encompassed, sur-
rounded again,

Ricolorire, to colour, or paint again.


Ricólta, s. f. crop, harvest.Ricólla, retreat.-Sonare ricolta, to beat the retreat. Ricólto, s. m. harvest, crop.-Ricólto, adj. gathered, collected.-Egli ha la mano presta a ricevere, ma ricolta a dare, he is ready to take, but unwilling to give. Ricombattere, to fight again, Z z


to withstand, or oppose again. tuals or meat. Ricominciaménto, s. m. the Riconciliagióne, s. f. act of beginning again. Riconciliaménto, s. m. Ricominciare, to begin again.Riconciliazióne, s. f. Ricommittere, to commit, do ment, reconciliation, a makor pespetrate again.-Ricom-ing friends again. métiere, to commit a thing to one's care again, to trust him with it again. Ricompensa, s. f. Ricompensamento, s. m. compence, reward, requital. Ricompensare, to recompense, to reward, to requite, to make amends for.

Riconciliare, to reconcile, to
make friends again.-Ricon-
ciliarsi, to reconcile one's

re-self, make

be friends again.-Riconcilidrsi, to make a short confession of sins, which, perhaps, one had forgot in his former confession, before he goes to receive the sacrament. Riconciliato, adj. reconciled. Ricompensazione, s. f. r. Ri-Riconcimáre, to dung or muck compensa.

Ricompensato, rewarded, recompensed.


acknowledgment, requital,reward. Riconoscénza, 18morse, check, sting of con cile- science.-Riconoscenza, acknowledgment, acknowledging, owning, confession. Riconoscere, to know again. -Riconoscer una cosa de uno, to be bound to one for -Da voi riconosce la vit nosco la vita, I am bound to you for my life.-Riconoscere, to acknowledge, to consider, to be thankful or grateful for, to requite, to reward or recompense.-Riconoscere un' paese, una fortezza, una batteria, to observe, to view, to take a view of, to reconnoitre a country, a fortress, à battery.--Riconoscersi to repent, to acknowledge one's fault. Riconoscimento, s. m. an acknowledgment, a recognizance, a knowing again.Riconoscimento, acknowledgment, requital, reward.-Riconoscimento, acknowledg ment, gratitude, thankfulness.――Riconoscimento, re

Ricompenso, s. m. v. Ricom- Ricóncio, adj. mended, patchpensa. Obs.

Ricómpera, s. f. redemption, the act of buying again what has been sold. Ricamperagióne, s. f. 2. RiRicomperaménto, comRicompramento, s. m. pera. Ricomperáre, to redeem, to buy off what has been sold. Ricomperare, to buy, to buy again.-Ricomperåre, to fine. to tax, to lay a tax up

on, to asesss.

Ricomperáto, adj. bought again, redeemed. Ricomperatore, s. m. he that buys again.

ed or botched.
Ricondannáre, to condemn

Ricondito, adj. recondite, se-
cret, hidden.
Ricondótto, adj. brought back
again, reconducted.
Ricondúrre, to reconduct, to
conduct or lead back again.
-Ricondurre, to call back to
one's memory, to call to
mind.-Ricondurre, to reduce
ur bring back.-Ricondurre
in polvere, to reduce to pow-Riconoscitóre, he that acknow-
der or ashes.-Ricondurre, to ledges, requites or rewards.—
hire or farm again.
Riconoscitóre, a thankful
Riconférma, s. f.

Ricomperazione, s. f. v. Ri-Riconfermazione, compera.



a new

pentance. Riconoscimento, acknowledgment, acknowledging, owning, confession.


confir-Riconosciuto, adj. known, or known again.

to confirm Riconquista, s. f. re-acquisi-
tion, recuperation.
Riconquistare, to recuperate,
to conquer again.

Riconfessáre, to confess again,
Riconformáre, to conform, to
frame or square again.-Ri-Riconsideráre, to reflect, to
conformare, to confirm more consider again.
and more, or over and over.
Riconfortáre, to comfort, tu
strengthen, to corroborate or
encourage.-Riconfortáre, to
put in mind, to remember.

Ricomperévole, adj. redeema-Riconfermare, ble, recoverable. Ricómpiere, to fill up again, to accomplish or fulfil again. -Ricompiere,to recompense, to reward, to requite, to make amends. Not used. Nicompimento, s. m. repletion, a being stuffed or filled up. Ricomporre, so compose, order or dispose again.-Ricomporre una differenza, to setthe or make up a difference. Ricomposto, p. p. of Ricom

porre. Hicompra, v. Ricompera, Ricomprare, v. Ricomperare, and all its derivatives. Ricomunicare, to absolve of an Excommunication. Riconciáre, to mend, to piece, to pitch, to borch again.tompa si riconcia, the weather begins to be fine again.

Ricongiúgnere, to join again,
to rejoin.
Ricongiugniménto, 's. m. a
joining again, a rejoining,
Ricongiunto, adj. joined again,

Riconiare, to hammer or forge
again, to stamp new, as in

Riconoscente, adj. grateful,
Riconoscenza, s. f. a knowing
again.- -Riconoscenza, ac-
knowledgment, gratitude,

Ripowidre, to make friends again, to reconcile.-Ricouvidre, to dress or season vice; thankfulness-Riconoscenza,

Riconsideráto, adj. reflected, considered again. Riconsigliáre, to change one's mind, to bethink one's self, to do a thing upon second thoughts, to think better of it, to resolve or determine over again. Ogni animal d'amar si riconsiglia, all animals resolve to love.-Riconsigliare, to advise or counsel again. Riconsolamento, s. m. a new comfort or consolation. Riconsoláre, to comfort again, to give new comfort. Ricontáre, to tell of count again.-Ricontáre, to tell, to recount, to relate, to tell over again. Ricónto, s. m. an epilogue, a conclusion of a speech.

Riconvenire, to sue one in the, ricorsojo, to boil fiercely. Ricosteggiare, to coast along, to go along close to the shore again.

law, to convene him before a judge. Riconvertire, to convert again. Riconvitáre, to invite again. Ricoperchiáre, to cover again. Ricoperta, s. f. a covering or hiding.Ricapérta, cause, reason, account. Obs.- Ricoperta, pretence, pretext, cloak, colour. Ricoperto, covered or covered again.

Ricotonáre, to card, pick or
comb again.

Ricotonatura, s. f. carding,
picking or combing again.
Ricótta, s. f. a kind of new

Ricotto, sodden, boiled or
baked again, concocted.-
Ricotto, perpended, weighed,
digested, examined.
Ricoveraménto, s. m. recovery,

Ricopiáre, to copy again, to
Avrite fair again.
Ricopriménto, s. m. a covering_regaining or reobtaining.
or hiding.
Ricoprire, to cover again.-Ri-
coprire, to hide or conceal.—
Ricoprire, to excuse or jus-
tify.-Ricoprire, to shut up.
Ricorcáre, to lay down again.
Ricorcare, to provine, to lay
a vine stock in the ground
that others may come from
it.-Ricorcarsi, to lie down
again, to go to bed again.
Ricordaménto, s. m. remem-
Ricordanza, s. f. brance,

Ricoveráre, to recover, regain
or retrieve, to get again.-
Ricoverar le forze. to recover
one's strength.-Ricoverar la
battaglia, to regain the bat-
tle.-Ricoverare, to bring to,
to reduce.-Ricoverare a pe-
nitenza, to bring to repent
ance.-Ricoverare,tofly to,to
run or go to-Ricoverare, to
deliver or free, to save.-Ri-
coverar uno da qualche do.
fore, to ease or mitigate one's
pain.-Ricoverare, to go.
Il re Pipino di Francia rico-
vero al soccorso della chiesa
santa, king Pepin of France
went to the assistance of holy
church.-Ricoverarsi, to have
recourse to, fly to for help,
relief or assistance, to make
address to.

recollection. Recordáre, to put in mind. Ricordare, to name, to men. sion.-Ricordare i morti a tavola, to say out of the way things, not to the purpose disagreeable.-Ricordarsi, to remember, to call to mind. Ricordato, adj. remembered. Ricordatore, he that remer-Ricoverato, adj. recovered, rebers or puts in mind. Ricordazione, s. f. remem- Ricoveratúre, he that recovers,


regains or retrieves.
Ricovero, s. m. recovery.-
Ricovero, retreat, refuge, shel-
Ricovráre, v. Ricoverare, and
all its derivatives.
Ricreaménto, s. m. recreation,
refreshment, sport,


divertisement after labour, re freshment, sport, diversion, pastime. Ricredénte, adj. undeceived, disabused, convinced to the contrary. Far ricredente, to undeceive, to convince one of the contrary. Ricredere, to undeceive one's self, to be of another opinion. -Ricredere, to believe, to ceive.-Mi parve cosi bella, che non potero ricredermi, she appeared to me so handsome that I could scarce believe my eyes. Ricredúto, adj. undeceived, convinced to the contrary.→ Poi si parti si come ricreduta, then she went away as if she was convinced of the con

Ricrescere, to increase, to
grow, to multiply, to grow

Ricresciménto, s. m. an in-
creasing or multiplying, a
growing bigger.
Rictiare, . Ricreare, and its

Ricrío, s. m. recreation, re
freshment, diversion, pas-


Ricucire, to sew up again.
Ricucito, adj. sewed up again.
Ricucitúra, s. f. a sewing up

again, a scam.
Ricuócere, to boil, to bake or
roast again, to concoct or di-
gest.-Ricuocere, to examine,
weigh, consider, discuss or

Ricuperamento, s. m. recuperation, recovery, regaining, reobtaining. Ricuperare, to recover, regain or retrieve.Ricuperar la salute, to recover one's health. diver-Ricuperato, adj. recovered, regained, retrieved. Ricuperazione, s. f. recuperation, recovery, regaining, reobtaining.

brance, calling to memory. Ricordévole, adj. memorable, fit to be remembered, famous, renowned.-Ricorde. vole, mindful, remembering. Ricordo, s. m. v. Ricordazione. Ricoricáre, v. Ricorcare. Ricorenáre, to crown again. Ricórre, to gather, or assemble together, to take up. Ricorreggere, to correct or chide again. Ricorrere, to ran again.-Ricorrere, to have recourse, to y to for succour, to make address to Ricorre, to environ or surround. Ricorrimento, s m. recourse, address.-Ricorso, run again. -Ricorso, s. m. recourse, address-Acer ricorso, to have Ricreáto, p. p. of Ricreare. recourse, to fly for succour. Ricreatre, he that recreates. Ricorso, a running or flux of Ricreazioncélla, s. f. dim. of the water. Ricorsójo, adv. ex. Bollire a Ricreazione, s. f. recreation,

Ricreare, to create anew.-
Ricreare, to recreate, to re-
fresh, to divert, to delight.-
Rercare, to comfort, to give
comfort, to entertain.-Ri- |
crearsi, to recreate, to divert
or refresh one's self, to un-
bend one's self,
Recreativo, adj. recreative, di-
verting, pleasant, delightful,


Ricúrvo, adj. crooked, bent. Ricusa, s. f. refusal, denial, repulse.

Ricusáre, to refuse, to deny,

to reject.

Ridare, to give again.
Ridda, s. f. a country dance,
accompanied with singing.-
Menar la ridda, to lead the

Riddare to dance about, to ca-
per, to Luiver.
Riddóne, y. Ridga.

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or chearful look or counte- Riditóre, a jester, a banterer, a
nance-iidente, favourable,
propitious, gracious, kind.
Ajutato dalla ridente for-
tuna, assisted by a smiling


Ridividere, to divide, part, or
separate again.
Ridolénte, adj. redolent, yield-
ing a sweet smell or scent.

Ridolre, to pain again, to
Cause a new pain-Ridolére,
to smell well, to yield a sweet
smell or scent.

Ridolérsi, to grieve again, to
complain, to lament or be-
moan-Ridolersi to com-
plain or make complaints,
to expostulate.
Ridomandare, to demand or
ask again, to require.
Ridonare, to give again, to
give back again.
Ridondamento, s. m.
dance, excessiveness.
Ridondánte, adj. redounding.
Ridonzánza, s f. excessive-
ness, superfluity, overflow.
Ridondáre, to redound.-Cid
ridonderebbe a mio pregiu-
dizio, this would turn to my
prejudice.Ridondáre, to
abound too much in words
or things.
Ridósso, adv. ex. Cavaleur a
ridosso, to ride on the naked
horse. Ridosso generally
means upon, in a riding

-Ridursi, to shelter, to fly to a place, or to one, for shelter or refuge.-Ridarsi, to reduce, to come or amount, to consist.-A questi due comandumenti tutta la legge ed i profeti si riducono, under these two commandments all the law and the prophets come-Ridursi, to assemble or meet together.—Ridársi a mente, to remember, to call to mind.-Ridurre in espe ranza, to give hopes. Ridútto, p. p. of Ridurre. Riduttóre, a bringer back, he that reduces.

Riduzióne, s. f. reduction, a reduction or bringing back. Riédere, to return, to come back.


Riedificáre, to rebuild, build up again, to re-edify. redun-Riedificazióne, s. f. a rebuilding or building up again, a restauration. Riempiere, to fill up, to fill up again.-Riempiere le piazze o il popolo d'una cosa, to publish or divulge a thing, to reveal it. Riempimento, s.m. a filling up again.

Ridentétto, dim. of Ridente. Ridere, to langa-Non posso contine, mi dal videre, I cannot forbear laughing-Ri dere, to smile, to be or look pleasant-Ridono per le piagge erbente e fiori, the grass and flowers make the fields smile.-Ridere, to run over when over full.-Ridersi. to laugh at, to scoff at.-Perche | vi ridete di me? why do you laugh at me ?—Mi rido delle vostre minaccie, I laugh at your threats.-Ridere, to be favourable or prosperous to. La fortuna vi ride, fortune smiles upon you. Ridere agli agnoli, to laugh at nothing.-Ridere in bocca, to smile at one, and then to cut his throat. Ridévole, adj. ridiculous. Ridevolmente, adv. ridiculously. Ridiciménto, s. m. the saying of the same thing over again, repetition. Ridicitóre, s. m. Za repeater, Ridicitrice, s. f. for rehearser. Ridicolo, s. m. a ridiculous thing-Ridicolo, he that acts the ridiculous part in a play. -Ridicolo, adj. ridiculous, fit to make one laugh, to be laughed at. Ridicolosamente, adv. ridicu-Ridottévole, adj. formidable,


Ridottábile, adj. formidable,
dreadful. Obs.
Ridottare, to fear, to dread.

Ridottato, adj. feared, dreaded.

dreadful. Obs.
Ridotto, s. m. a ridotto, a place
where people meet together
to retire to.-Ridotto, recep-
tacle, shelter, place of retire-
ment.-Far il suo ridotto in
un luogo, to retire into a

Ridótto, adj. reduced.

lously. Ridicoloso, adj. ridiculous, fit to be laughed at. Ridificare, v. Riedificare. Obs Ridimandáre, to ask again. Ridire, to repeat, to say or tell over again-Ridire, to tell, to refer, to relate.--Ii non so ben ridir come v'entrai, 1 cannot tell you in what man-Ridrizzáre, e. Ridirizzare. ner I went in there.-Se vero Ridúcere, v. Ridure. al cuor l'occhia ridice, if my eyes don't deceive my heart. -Ridirsi, to retract or unsay what one has said, to recant. Ridirizzare, to make straight again. Ridirizzare, to redress, to reform or correct. Ridirizzare, to put in the right way-Ridirizzarsi, to

Riducimento, s. m. reduc


Riducitóre, v. Riduttóre.
Ridúrre, to reduce or bring
back.—Ridurre in polvere, to
reduce to powder.-Ridurre,
to reduce, to subdue, to bring
under the power.-Ridurre,
to reduce, to force or compel.

Riempitivamente, adv. quite


Riempitivo, adj. filling, that
fills up.

Riempitúra, v. Riempimento.
Riempiuto, adj. filled up
again, stuffed up again.
Rientráre, to come in again, to
go or get in again.-Rientrar
in se stesso, to recollect, to
reflect upon one's self.--Ricn-
trarsi, to shrink.
Rientráto, adj. come, gone,
gotten in again.-Rientrato,

Riepilogáre, to sum up.
Riescire, v. Rinscire..
Rietroguardia, v. Retroguardia.
Riézza, s. f. wickedness. Obs.
Rifacimento,s.m. restauration,"
reparation, re-establishment;
doing a thing over again that
it may be better.
Rifacitóre, he that makes
again.-Rifacitrice, fem. of

Rifallo, s. m. a new crime, a
new fault.
Rifáre, to do again, to do over
again.-Rifare, to re-edify,
to rebuild or build up again.

Rifre, to niend, to repair.
-Rifar il letto, to make the

aim at.


reform, reformation.

bed again.-Rifar sicuro, to to reflect, to reverberate. assure, to make sure again-Rifigliare, to bring forth again, Riforbire, to new furbish, tỡ Rifar certo, to certify, to pro- to lie-in again.-Rifigliare, furbish again. test again.-Rifarsi di che to be born again, to grow or Rifórma s. f. che si sia, to look handsomer. spring up again.-Rifighiare, Riformagióne, -Rifar i danni, to make up to renew or open again, the loss.-Arifar sia del mio, speaking of a sore or wound. I lay a wager, I warrant you. -Rifar le carni, to half roast or boil meat that it may keep. -Rifürst, to recover, mend, to recruit, to pick up one's crumbs again. Rifatto, adj. done over again. -Un mendico rifatto, an up


Rifináre, to end, to make an
Rifinire, end, to cease, to
leave off-Non la rifinirete
mai? shall you never have

Riforma di soldati, a reform or disbanding ome part of the army-Riformagióne, a magistrate in Florence so called. Riformare, to reform. dress or improve.--Ma poich al poco it viso riformossi, but after he had taken his na

to re


Rifavelláre, to speak again. Ritazione, s. f. restauration, repair, repairing.

Rifedire, to wound again. Obs.

tural shape.-Riformare sol-
dali, to reform troops, to dis-

Rifiorénte, adj. flourishing
Rifioriménte, s. m. a flourish-band or cashier part of them.
ing again.

fiorire, to blossom again.-
Sorire, to flourish, to
ive, to prosper again.

-Rifedire nel molle, to un-Rifisso, adj. fixed or put in



Riformáto, adj. reformed.---
Officiale riformato, a refor
mado, an half pay officer.--
I riformat, the Protestants,
those of the reformed religion.
-Religiasi riformati, the re-
Riformatore, a reformer.
Riformatrice, she that reforms.
Riformazióne, s. f. reforma.
tion, a reforming or reform.
Rifornire, to provide or furnish

dertake readily easy things.
Refedito, better Ritedúto, p. p. Rifiutagióne, s. f.
of Rifedire. Obs.
Rifiutaménto, s. m.
Rifendere, to cleave, to split, repulse.,
to cut or divide again, Rifiutante, adj. refusing, that
Riferendário, s. m. referenda- refuses, denying.
ry, an officer in chancery. Rifiutánza, s. f. v. Rifiuto. Obs.
Riferire, to refer, to relate.-Rifiutáre, to refuse, to deny.-again.
Riferire, to be like, to have
relation to, to regard.-Rife-
rire, to refer, to ascribe.-Ri-
ferirsi ad uno, to refer to ano-
ther's judgment.


Rifiutáre, to renounce, to Rifortificáre, to fortify again.,
quit, to forsake, to give over Rifrágnere, to reflect, to re-
a thing.-Rifiutito, adj. re- | Rifrágnersi,
fused, denied, forsaken.


verberate, to

Rifiutatrice, s. f. she that re- Rifrancáre, v. Rinfrancare,
fuses or denies.
Rifrangere, v. Rifragnere.
Rifiúto, s. m. refusal, repulse, Rifratto, adj. reflected, reverbe-
denial.-Fure un rifiuto, to rated, refracted.-Luce ri-
refuse.-Il rifiuto, retusal, the fratta, a wick-light -Ren-
thing refused.-Rifiuto, out- der rifratto, to see through
cast, refuse, trash, sad paltry another object.
stuff, trumpery, frippery. Rif:azióne, s. f. refraction.
Ridessióne, s. f. reflection, me- Rifreddamento, s. m. a cool-
ditation, consideration.-Faring, coldness, relenting.
riflessione sopra una cosa, to Rifreddare, to cool, or grow
reflect upon a thing, to think cold.
or consider of it.-Riflessiúne, Rifreddársì, to cool, to relent,
reflection, returning back. to lessen, to grow colder or
Riflessivo, adj. reflective.
Riflesso, s. m. reflection, rever.
beration.-Il riflesso del sole,
the reflection of the sun.-Ri-Rifrenamento, s. m. check,
curb, or hold.

Riférma, s. f. confirmation, ra-
Rifermare, to confirm, to rati-
fy, to approve.
Rifermato, adj.
ratified, approved.
Riférto, s. m. relation, account.
-Riferto, adj. referred.
Rifésso, adj. cleaved, splitted,
cut or divided again.
Rifezione, s. f. repair, restau-
ration, repairing-Sotto rife-
zione di tutti danni, upon pe-
nalty of making good all
Rifiammeggiare, to glitter, to
shine, to be exceeding bright.
Rifataménto, s. m. breath, re-flésso, adj. reflected.

Rifiatáre, to breathe.-Non ho
tempo di rifiatare, I have not
time to breathe.

Rificcáre, to fix in again.-
Rifecare, to relate, to tell
Rfidare, to confide, to trust or
rely upon.
Rifiédere, to wound again.-
Rifidere, to aspire, to coret,
to desire, to aim at.-Che
olo a ciò la mia mente refiede,
this is the only thing which 1

Rifreddáto, p. p. of Rifreddare.
Rifreddo, adj. grown cold.

Riflettere, to reflect, to reverbe-Rifrenáre, to refrain, to bridle,
rate, to strike or beat back.-
Riflettere, to reflect, to think,
to consider.

Rifússo, s. m. reflux, ebb or
Rifocillaménto, s. m. comfort,
refreshment, rest.
Rifocillare, to comfort, to re-

Rifóndere, to restore, to rebuild,
to re-establish or settle again.
-Rifóndere, to melt, to cast
again, or new cast.--Rifóndere,

to curb, to keep in, to check,
to restrain.
Rifrenato,adj.refrained, bridled,
curbed, checked, restrained.
Rifrenazióne, s. f. check, curb.
Rifrigeráre, to cool, to refresh,
to comfort.-Refrigerare, to
diminish, to assuage.
Rifrigerativo, adj. cooling, re-
freshing, refrigerative.
Rifrigerato, adj. cooled, re-

Rifrigero, s. m. refreshment,

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