صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Rigidézza, s.f. rigidity, strict-Rigonfiare, to swell anew. Rigidità, Sness, severity, sternness, rigour Rigido, adj. rigid, strict, severe, rigorous, stern.- -Rigido, severe, rough, hard.-Inverno rigido, a sharp winter.-Pietra rigida, a hard stone. Alpi rigide, rugged Alps. Rigirare, to go round about, to environ-Rigiráre, to deceive, to cheat, to cozen.-Rigirdre, to manage, to con

Rigonfiáto, adj. swelled again. Rigóre, s. m. rigour, severity, hardness, sternness.-Rigor di febbre, the cold or violent shaking which accompanies an ague.-higúre, hardness, substance. It rigor del ver No, the sharpness of winter. Rigoro, s. m. a brook, stream, or rivulet. Obs. Rigorosamente, adv. rigorousJy, severely, hardly, sternly. Rigorosità, s. f. rigour, severi. ty, steruness. Rizoróso, adj. rigorous, severe, hard, stern.

Rigóso, adj. irrigated, watered. Obs.

Rigottáto, adj. curled, and it is only said of hair. Obs.

- Rigovernare, to govern, to manage, to rule. Rigradare, to divide in several degrees.

Rigrésso, s. m. an action in law.

Rigridare, to ery again, to scold again.

Rigridato, p. p. of Rigridare.Dopo d'aver gridato, e rigridato, after having scolded and scolded again.

Riguadagnare, to regain, to win back, to get again. Riguadagnato, adj. recovered, regained, gotten again. Riguardaménto, s. m. look.. view. Riguardaménto, the act of shunning, escaping and avoiding. Riguardante, a looker on, a spectator.

Riguardare, to look upon, to to see or behold, to stare at, to look fixedly.-Riguardáre, to look, to face, to front, to be situate against.-La mia casa riguarda sopra il fiume, my house looks on the river. Riguardare, to look, to mind, to consider, to concern, to regard.-Riguardare una cosa, to spare, to manage, to save a thing. Riguardarsi, to forbear a thing, to abstain or keep from a thing, to refrain or keep one's self from it. Riguardáto, adj. looked upon, seen, beheld.-Riguardato, considerable, estimable, ho nourable, qualified.

dance, store, copiousness.-Rifristo di pugna, a storm of blows. Rifuggire, to fly to a place, or to one, for shelter or refuge, to shelter one's self. Rituggito, adj. sheltered, fled to a place for refuge.-Un fuggito, s. m. una rifuggita, s. f. a refugee. Rifugio, s. m. refuge, shelter, sanctuary.


Rigiráto, adj. gone round
about, environed.
Rigire, to return, to go again.
ri-Rigiro, s. m. a whirling or turn-
ing round, a turning or wind-
ing about-Rigiro, a bye
way, a cunning shift, evasion,
subterfuge.-Rigiro, a com-Rigovernáre, to wash, to scour.

Rifulgénte, adj. refulgent,
shining, glittering, bright.
Rifulgere, to shine.
Rifúlso, p. p. of Ritúlgere.
Rifusáre, to refuse, to deny.

Riga, s. f. a linc.-Righe della
mano, the lines of the hand.
-Riga, a stroke or dash.
Rigáglia, s. f. profit.
Rigágno, s.m. brook, stream,

nel in a street.
Rigáligo, s. m. mall-wort or
confrey, an herb so called.
Rigano s. m. origan, origany,
wild or bastard marjoram, or
wild miut.

Rigáre, to water, to wet.--Elle
rigavan lor di sungue il volto,
they bedewed their faces with
blood.-Rigare, to streak, to
make streaks or lines.
Rigato, adj. watered, wet,

pass of words, a going about
the bush, a fetch about -
Rigiro, a trick, cunning,
slight, wile, craftiness, device,

Rigirtáre, to reject, to cast off,
to refuse, to slight or despise,
to disapprove. Rigatture, to
slight, to scorn, to contemn,
to undervalue.--Rigittáre, to
cast up, to vomit.

rivulet, a ken-Rigittáto, adj. rejected, vomit-
ed, cast up, slighted.
Rigittatóre, he that rejects.
Rigiucare, to play again.
Rigiúgnere, to overtake, to join
again, to rejoin.
Rignare, (to neigh like a
Ringhiáre, S horse.
Rigno, s. m. the neighing of a
horse or mare.
Rigo, s m. a line.
Rigodére, to enjoy again.
Rigóglio, s. m. pride, haughti-
ness, vanity, presumption, ar-
rogance.-Rigóglin, rankness
of plants.-Rigóglio, evapo
ration, vent.
Rigogliosamente, adv. proudly,
haughtily, arrogantly.
Rigoglioso, adj. proud, haugh-
ty,arrogant, presumptuous.-
Rigoglioso, lively, brisk.
Rigoglioso, vigorous, impe-
tuous, strong-Rigoglioso,
flourishing, prosperous.
Rigógolo, s. m. a witwall, or
woodwall, a bird so called.
Rigoletto, s m. a country
dance, a dance.-Rigoletto,
a young witwall, or wood-

Rigattiére, regrater, huckster.
Rigenerare, to regenerate, to
beget again.
Rigenerato, adj. regenerated,
born a second time.
Rigenerazione, s. f. regenera-
Rigermogliáre, to but or shoot

Rigettaménto, s. m. rejection.
Rigettáre, to reject, to cast off,
to refuse, to slight or despise.
-Rigettúre, to cast up or vo-

Rigettato, adj. rejected, slight-
ed, despised, cast off.
Rigidamente, adv. rigidly,
strictly, severely.

Rigonfiamento, s. m. a new Riguardatore, a looker on, a
spectator.-Riguardature, a

keeper, a guardian." Riguardatrice, fem. of Riguardatore. Riguardévole, adj. respectable, for whom we ought to have a regard or respect. Riguardevolmente, adv. considerably.

Riguardo, s. m. look, view, eye-sight-Riguardo, aspect. -Aver il riguardo, to look, to face, to front, to be situate against.Riguardo, look, countenance-Di feroce riguardo, of a surly or doggish look. Stare a riguardo, to stand upon one's guard, to be vigilant. Riguardo, care, trouble, vexation.--Riguardo, regard, consideration, respect account. In riguardo, far. as to, in respect.-Riguardo, interest. Riguardoso, adj. cautious, circumspect, prudent. Riguarire, to be well again, to be cured again of a distem



Riguiderdonamento, s. m. recompence, requital, reward. Riguiderdonáre, to recompense, to requite, to make amends,

to remunerate.

Rilasciare, to release, to let go,
to set at liberty.
Rilascio, s. m. a releasing or
setting at liberty, relay.
Rilassaménto, s. m. laxity, re-
laxation, slackening.
Rilassare, to slacken, to loosen

Riletto, adj. read again, read
over again.
Rilevamento, s. m. a raising up

Rilevante, adj, important, ma-
terial, of great concern or
importance, of great consc-
quence, considerable.
Rileváre, to raise, to get or
take up again.-Rileváre, to
raise, or erect-Rilevársí, to
get up.-Rileváre, to assist, to
help, to give assistance.-
Rileváre, to comfort, to give
comfort, to consolate, to ease
one's grief.-Rileváre, to
concern, import, matter, or
signify.-Rileváre, to spell.-
Kileváre, to cast up or com-
pute.--Rileváre, to bring up.
--Rileváre, to rise.-Rileváre,
to carry back.
Rilevato, adj. raised, lifted,
high.-Rilenito, great, consi-
derable, of great consequence.
-Rilevato, high, famous, no-
ble.-Rileráto, s. m. a rising
ground, a height.-Rilevato,
the brink, brim, side, edge.
-Rileváto, adv. magnificent-
ly, greatly, splendidly.
Rilevatore, he that helps or


Rilévo, s. m. remnants, frag-
Rilievo, ments, or scraps cf
dinner-Pascersi di rilievo,
to feed upon words.-Cosa di
rilievo, a thing of conse-
quence or moment.-Figura
di rilievo, a statue.-Rilievo,

or unbend, to relax.-Ruas-imbossed work.-Basso rilie-
sáre, to tire, to fatigue.-Ri- vo, basso relievo, when the
lassare, to leave, to let go, to work is but little raised from
release.-Rilassarsi, to yield its ground.
or give over, speaking of the Riliberáre, to free again, to set
ground, to fall away.
at liberty again, to deliver
Rilassatézza. v. Rilassamento. again.
Rilassato, adj. relaxed, slacked.
Rilasso, adj. wearied, slothful,
weak, sickly.
Rilaváre, to wash again.
Rilaváto, adj. washed again.

Riligióne, v. Religione. Obs.
Riligiosaménte, adv. Religio-
samente. Obs.
Riligióso, adj. v. Religioso.

Rilegaménto, s. m. a tvinger Rilogáre, to place, to place
binding fast again.-Rilegúre, again.

to tie or bind again.--Rilegare | Riluccicáre, to shine.
un libro, to bind up a book. | Rilucénte, adj. shining, glitter-
Rilegáre, to forbid, to de-ing, glistening.
ny, to prohibit -Rilegdre, to Rilucentezza, s. f. brightness,
banish, to exile, to confine
to a place at a distance.

shining, splendour.
Rilucere, to shine, to glitter, or

Rilegato, adj. tied again, v. Ri-¦ glisten.-Gli riluce il pelo,

Rileggere, to read over again.
Rilénte, ex a rilente, adv. cau-
tiously, advisedly, prudently,
with precaution. Not used.

he is very fat.
Rilustrare, to polish, or set a
gloss upon.
Rilutáre, v. Lutare.

ing against.
Rima, s. f. rhyme, the likeness
of sound at the end of words.
-Rima, poetry-Un dicitore
in rima, a poet.-Rima, verse.
-Rispondere per le rime, tơ
answer to one's questions.
Dire in rima, to make verses,
to write in verse.
Rimandáre, to send back again.
-Rimandare to send away.
Rimandúre, to cast up, to vo-


Rimandáto, adj.

sent back

Rimándo, s. m. asending back
or returning-Risponder di
rimando, to answer presently.
Rimaneggiare, to handle or
treat again.

Rimanénte, s. m. a remnant,
that which remains or is lett
of any thing.-Il rimanenie
del giorno, the rest of the day.
-Al rimanente, adv. in short,
but, now.
Rimanénza, s. f. permanence,
staying. Obs.

Rimanére, to stay, to remain,
or continue.-Rimanére, to
be left, to remain, to be ex-
tant.-Rimanere, to become.
-Rimandre, to hinder.-
Non rimarrò da questo, this
shall not hinder me.-Rima-
netevi in pace, good be to you

Rimanersi, to leave off, to abstain, to forbear.-Non mi rimarrò d'amarvi, I shall always love you.

Rimangiare, to eat again.
Rimánte, s. m. a rhymer.
Rimáre, to rhyme, to put in


Rimargináre, to heal.
Rimaritáre, to marry again.→→
Rimaritarsi, to marry again.
Rimanitáta, adj. f. married

Rimása, s. f. a staying.
Rimaso, s. m. remnant, that
which remains of any thing.
—Rimáso, adj. remained,
stayed, left behind.

Rimasticáre, to chew again.
Rimásto, adj. remained, left

Rima-úglio, s. m. remnants, bits, crums.

Rimáto, adj. rhymed, in rhyme.

Rimatúre, s. m. a rhymer, a poet. Rimbaldanzire, to chear up, to take courage again. Riluttante, adj.reluctant, striv- Rimballéra, s. f. an affected

reception. A low word.

[Rimbrottare, to mutter or nerate.

Rimba dire, to rejoice, to be mumble-Rimirotiare, to re

Rimbalzáre. to jump up, to toss up.-Romi alzire, to return, to result.

Rimbálzo. s. m. rebound.

proach, to charge. Rimbrottatore, he that up

Rimeritato, adj. recompensed, rewarded, requited, remunc rated.

braids, reproaches, or charges Rimescolamento, s. m. trou Rimbrottévole, adj. mumbling, ble, confusion, disturbance, reproaching. disorder.Kimescolamento,

terror, consternation, great fear, fright.

Rimbambire, to grow a child Rimbrótto, s. m. reproach,
Rimbróttolo, imputation.
Rimbrottuso, adj. v. Rimbrot-Rimescolanza, s. f. v. Rimes-


Rumbanibito, adj. childish.
fool-h.-Cavecchio rimbum- tevole.
bito, an old fool.

remedied, or cured. Rimediare, to remedy, to cure or help.


Rimbrottire, to become or Rimescolare, to mingle, to
mix, or blend, to put toge-
ther-Rimescolare le carte,
to shuffle the cards again.
Rimescolarsi, to meddle or in-
termeidle, to be meddling -
Rimescolurst, to be frighted
or terrified. Mi fento tutto
rimescolure, I am trightened
out of my wits.
Rimediato, p. p. of Rimediare. Rimessa, s. f. forgiveness, re-
Rimediatore, he that rectifies
mission, pardon.--Rimessa,
a thing that was wrong.
a recalling from banishment.
| Rimédio, s. m. remedy, phy--Rimessa, a remitment or
sick, cure, medicine.-Un remittance of money, a re-
mal senza rimedio, an incu-! turn of money, a return.-
rable disease.-Rimédio, re- Rimessa, a coach-house.-
medy, help, comfort, shifts. Carrozza di rimessa, a hired
Rimedire, to redeem, to buy or hackney coach.
off, to recover. Obs.-Ri-Rimessamente, adv. submis-
medire, to lay up, to gather sively, humbly, modestly,
or pick up.
Rimeggiante, a versifier, a ma- Rimessibile, adj. remissible,
ker of verses, a poet.
Rimeggiare, to versity, to make

Rimbambogito, ali, senseless make ugly or homely.
like a child, and it is said of Rimbucare, to hide one's self.
people that lose their intel-Rimbucato, adj. hidden, con-
lect through age.
Rimbarcare, to ship, to re-im-Rimburchiare, to tow, to haul.
bark-Rimbaredisi, to re-im- Rimediabile, adj. that can be
bark or go on board again.
Rimbarcato, embarked again.
Rimboccare, to beat or drive
back, to repel.-Rimbeccare
la palla, to send back the ball.
Rimbecco, s. m. reboun l.-
Risponder di rimercco, to give
an out of the way answer.
Rimbellire, to adorn, to em-
bellish or beautify.
Rimbellirsi, to grow hand-
somer and handsomer.
Rimberciáre, to patch, to piece.
Rimbiondire, to grow fair.
Rimboccare, to turn down, to
turn upside down.-Rimboc-
care, to turn up.-Rimboc-
care, to discharge, to empty,
to disburden, to disembogue
itself, as a river does.
Rimboccato, adj. turned up-in rhymes.
side down.
Rimboccatúra, s. m. a turning
upside down.

Rimbombamento, bombo.


v. Rim


Rimeggiato,adj. versified,made

Rimembranza, s. f. remem-
brance, memory.
Rimembrare, to remember, to
call to mind, to have in me-

Rimbombánte, adj. resound-Rimemorare, to put in mind.
Rimenáre, to carry back again.
Rimenáre, to handle, to

Rimbombáre, to echo, to resound.

Rimbombévole, ringing, resounding.

Rimbombio, s. m. sound,

Rimbómbo, S noise.


Rimessióne, s. f. remission,
pardon, forgiveness-Rimes-
sione, a committing or in-
trusting one with his reasons,.
an appeal.
Rimessiticcio, . Rimettitic-


Rimésso, adj. hurable, mean,
meak, dispirited, pusillani-
mous, negligent.-Rimesso,
languishing, faint, weak, flag-
ging, poor.-Stile rimesso, a
low stylc.-kimesso, remit-

Rimendáre, to mend, to patch, ted, pardoned.
to piece.

Rimesta, s. m. mixture.


Rimendato,adj. mended,patch-Rimestáre, to handle, to meded, picced.

Rimborsare, to reimburse, to Rimendatóre, amender, patch-Riméttere, to put, to place or

[blocks in formation]

or entrust with.-Nel vostro arbitrio rime to l'andare e lo stare, you are free either to go or stay-Mi rimetto nelle vostre mani, 1 put or commit myself into your hands. Riméttere, to grow, to burgeon, to shoot or bud again. -Rimettere in ordine, to put

[blocks in formation]

Rimovére, to take away, to remove, to set or carry away. Rimovere un dubbio, to re-, move or clear a doubt.-Rimovere, to dissuade, to divert, to avert.-Non ho potuto rimoverlo dal suo proponimento, I could not divert him from his resolution. Rimoviménto, s. m. remo Rimozione, s. f. val, change of place or of abode. Rimpalmare, to caulk a ship. Rimpastare, to knead again.

in order or settle again.-Ri-Rimontáre, to get up again,

-Rimontare a cavallo, to
mount on horseback again.-
Rimontare un orologio, to
wind a watch up again.-Ri-
montare un reggimento di ca-
valleria, to remount a regi-
ment of horse.-Rimontáre,
to rise or grow dear again.
Rimontáto, adj. gone or got up

Rimorchiare, to tow, to haul.
Rimorchiáto, adj. towed, haul-Rimpatriare, to return into one's

Rimorchio, s. m. the taking in


country again. Rimpatriato, returned to one's country again. Rimordénte, adj. biting, tor-Rimpeduláre, to new-foot.menting, gnawing- Coscien- Rimpeduiare calzette, to newza rimordente, a guilty con- foot stockings.-Tu hai date le cervella a rimpedutare, you have lost your senses.


mettersi in carne, to grow
well again, to grow fat again
-Riméttere, to repress, to
curb, to stop, to quell, to re-
strain.-Rimettere il conto, to
give an account.-Rimettere
a taglio di spada, to run
through with a sword again,
to kill, to slay.-Rimettere un
taglio, to set, to sharpen.
Rimetter il taglio ad un ra-
sogo, to set a razor.-Rimet-
ter muno, to begin again, or ed.
anew.-Rimettere le fosse, to
clean or empty the ditches or
graves.-Rimettere, to beat
back.-Rimetter una cosa in
ano, to refer, to leave, or put
a thing to one's judgment.
-Mi rimetto al giudizio vo-
siro, I leave it to your judg-
ment.-Rimettersi, to yield,
to submit.-Finalmente gi
Imperiali cominciarono a ri-
mettersi, at last the Imperial-Rimordiménto, s. m. remorse,
ists began to grow more rea- check, sting of conscience.
sonable.-Rietter su, to re- Rimóre, s. m. a rumour, an
establish, to renew -Parve
uproar. Obs.
rimessa su allora questa legge, Rimormorare, to murmur, to
that law seemed to be in force grumble or mutter again.
again.-Rimelter un tallo sul Rimorsióne, s. f. Į remorse,
vecchio, to grow strong again Rimórso, s. m. check, or
in one's old age.
sting of conscience.-Rimor-
Rimetuménto, s. m. remis- so, adj. bitten again.-Rimor-
sion, pardon, forgiveness so della coscienza, feeling the
Rimetticcio, s. m. a graff, a checks or stings of his con-
shent, or young set of a tree. science. Mi parea da se stes.
Rimirare, to look upon, to see, so rimorso, he seemed as if he
or behold.
was conscious of his crime.
Rimórto, adj. stone-dead, quite
dead.—E l'ombre che parean
cose rimorte, and the ghosts
which looked pale as death.
Rimesso, removed.
Rimostrante, adj. that remon-

Rimiro, s. m. look, view, eyes,
Rimischiare, to mingle, to mix
again, to put all together.
Rimissióne, s. f. remission,
pardon, forgiveness.-Rimis-
sióne, a submussion, a yielding
or condescending.
Rimisurare, to measure again.
Rimolláre, to dip, to soak, or
steep again.

Rimondare, to clean, to empty,
to prune.Rimoldare un
pozzo, to clean or empty a
well-Rimondare un albero,
to prune a tree.-Rimondare,
to purge or clear.-Io son Sa-
nese, rispose, con questi ultri
VOL. 1.


Rimórdere, to bite again.-Ri-
mordere, to sting, to feel re-Rimpennare, to put on new
morse. La coscienza il ri- feathers.Rimpennare, to
morde, he feels the stings of his prance, to stand or rise upon
his two hind feet, as a horse
does. Far rimpennare un ca-
vallo, to rear up a horse.
Rimpetto, prep. overagainst.
Rimpiagnere, to complain, to


Rimpiastráre, to plaster or par-
get. -Rimpiastráre, to make
up of patch up a difference.
Rimpiattare, to hide, to con-

Rimpiattato, adj. hid, conceal-
ed, kept secret and close.
Rimpiatto, adj. contracted from
Rimpiattato, concealed, hid-


Rimpicciolire, to grow less.
Rimpinzare, to ciam, to fill,

to stuff.

Rimpolpare, to grow fat, to
grow well in flesh.-Oude la
piaga mia nel cuor rimpolpa,
so my wound revives in my

Rimpostemire, to suppurate, to
matter, to draw to a head
Rimpozzáre, to stagnate, to
lie still. to want a free course,
speaking of the water.

Rimostránza,s.f. remonstrance,
advice, counsel, admonition.
Rimostráre, to remonstrate, to
shew by reason and instances,
to make appear, to lay before.
-Gli rimostrai il pericolo nel
quale era, I remonstrated or
made him sensible of the dan-Rimprigionare,
ger he was in.-Poiche pre- again.
gare o rimostrare non vale, Rimiprocoiaménto, s. m, re-


to imprison

tion. Obs.

Rimprocciare, to reproach, to lav to one's charge. Obs. Rimprocciáre, to blame, to find fault with. Obs.

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proach, upbraiding, imputa-Rimutaménto, s. m. imputa-Rincappellare, to put thing Rimutánza, s. f. tion, a upon thing. changing or altering.-Rimu- Rincappelláto, adj. heaped up. tinza, charge, accusation.Obs. | Rincuare, to grow dear.-RinKimiutáre, to change again or carare il fitto, to do one's often, to alter.- Rimular worst. consiglio, to alter one's mind. imputation. Obs.-Rimprác-Rimutáte, adj. changed again. cio, contempt, scoin, a slight-Rimutazióne, s. f. mutation. ing or despising Obs-PR mutévole, adj. mutable, rimproccio, out of contempt. changeable, inconstant. disdainfully, scornfully. Ob-Rinarráre, to tell again, to

R:mpróccio, s m. reproach,


Rimproccioso. adj. scolding, rebuking. Obs. Rimpromesso, adj. promised again.

Rimprométtere, to promise


Rimprottáre, v. Rimprocciare.

Rimprótto, v. Rimproccio.

relate again.
Rinascente, adj. new-born,
springing up again, reviving.
Rinascere, to be born again, to
grow or spring up again, to

Rinascimento, s. m. new-birth,
regeneration, revival.
Ráto, adj. born again.
Rificacciáre, to beat or push
back, to repulse, to chase, to
put to flight.

Rincarnare, to grow fat again.
Rincartare, to wrap up in a


Rincavalláre, to buy or pro-
vide one's self with new hor-
ses, to remount. Rincaval
larsi, to set up again.—Rin-
cavallure, to set one on horse-
back again.
Rincavalláto, adj. provided
with new horses, remounted.
Rincerconíre, to be spoiled.
Rincerconirs, to trouble, to
vex, to fret, to disturb or dis-
quiet one's self, to quake for
fear.—Che io posso morire se
quando vien l'ora di tornarci
io non mi sento rincerconire
tutto il sangue, I wish I may
die if I am not vexed at the
very thought of going there

Rinchináre, to humble, to
abase, to cast down, to de-
press or debase.
Rinchináto, p. p.ofRinchinare.
Rinchiúdere, to shut in, to
inclose.-Rinchiudere il pas-
so, to stop the passage.-
Rinchiudere, to include, con-
tain or comprehend.
Rinchiudiménto, s. m. a shut-
ting in or up.
Rinchiuso, adj. shut up, in-
cluded, contained or compre-

Obs. Rimproveraménto, s. m. reproach, charge, imputation. Rincagnáto, adj. flat-nosedRimproverante, adj. reproach-Viso rincagnato, a fiat face. ing. Rincalciáre, to chase, to repulse, Rimproveráre, to reproach, to to beat or push back, to put upbraid.-Rimproverúre, to to flight, to pursue. reproach, to tax, to charge. Rincalciato, repulsed, beaten Rimproveráto, adj. reproach-_back, pursued, chased. ed, upbraided. Rincalzamento, s. m. prop, Rimproverio, s. m. reproach, defence, pursuit. Rimpróvero, imputation, Rincalzáre, to prop, to supcharge, upbraiding, disgrace, port, to uphold, to keep or shame. -Parole di rimpro- bear up.--Rincalzare una vero, reproachful words. vite, to lay new earth about Rimugghiáre, to low, to bellow, the root of a vine.-Rincalzare una crepatura, to stop a gap or a chink.-Rincalzare un' esercito di danari, to supply an army with money.Rincalzire, to charge or pur-Rinciampáre, to fall or stumsue the enemy.-Rincalzire, ble again.-Rincrumpare not to urge or press, to impormedesimo errore, to commit tune. Non restò di rincal- the same fault again. zarmi fin che io condescendessi Rincignere, to get with child alle sue richeste, he did not cease pressing me, till I complied with his demand. Rincalzato, adj. propped, supported.

or roar again.

Rimugináre, to make a diligent or narrow search, to search thoroughly. Rimuzináto, adj. diligently or thoroughly searched. Rimuneramento, v. Rimune


Rimuneranza, v. Rimunerazione.

Rimuneráre, to remunerate, to recompense, or reward. Ramuneratore, a remunerator, rewarder, or requiter.-Rimuneratrice, temin. of Ri


Remunerazione, remuneration,
recompence, reward.
Rimuovere, v. Rimovere.
Rimuovento, v. Rimovimento.
Rimuráre, to wall about again.
Rimurire to wall, to

• mure up.

Rimurato, adj. walled, walled]

up or about.
Rimurchiare, to tow.
-Rimurchiato, ady, towed.
B.marchio, s. m. a towing.

Rincalzo, s. m. stay, prop,
Rincantucciare, to drive in a
corner, to shut up in a corner.
-Rincantuccidis, to retire

to a hole or corner.

Rivcantucciato, adj. hidden,
concealed in a hole or corner.
Rincaponire, to be obstinate or
stubborn again, to be obsti-
narly resolved, to be suff on
firm in a purpose.


Rincinta, adj. fem. big with
child again.
Rinciprignere, to be angry
again, to exasperate or fret
one's self again.
Rincirconire, v. Rincerconize.
Rincolláre, to glue again.
Rincominciare, to begin again.
Rincominciato, adj. begun

Rincontra, prep. prep. ex.
Andare alla rincontra, to go

to meet.

Rincontráre, to meet, to meet with, to find.--Rincontrire, to hit or guess.

Rinc ppáre, to fall in again, to Rincontrato, adj. met, ret

be Latched again.

with, hit, guessed.

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