صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



also to purge well. Riputaménto, v. Riputazione. Riputánza, Obs. s. f. repuraRiputazione, tion, repute, fame, report, credit, es

to quell, to keep under, "to, Riproniésso, adj. promised Ripurgare, to purge again, and
Ripremute, adj. squeezed, re- Ripromettere, to promise again.
pressed, curbed, quelled, kept-Ripromettersi, to promise
one's self, to expect.-Non so
che ripromettermi del mio ne-
gozio, I don't know what to
think of my affair.
Ripróva, s. f. demonstration,
clear proof, trial, experiment.
Riprovagióne, s. f. reprobation,

Riprendere, to retake, to take
again, to regain, to recover.-
Riprendere ardire, to take
courage again.-Riprendere
fato, to fetch breath agam.-
Riprendere, to rebuke, to
check, to chide, to reprimand
or reprove.-Riprendersi, to Riprovare, to prove, to try
mend.-Riprendersi d'un vi- | again.-Riprovare, to repro-
zio, to forsake a vice, to re-
claim one's self from it.-Ri-
prandosi dal vino, to leave
off wine.
Riprendévole, adj. reprehensi-

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Riprendevolmente, adv. reprehensibly.

bate, to reject or cast off.
Riprovúre, to confute, to dis-
prove and overthrow the ar-
gument of one's adversary.
Riprováto, adj. proved, tried a-
Riprovazione, s. f. the act of
trying again, reprobation, re-

to view or

Riprendimento, s. m. repre-
hension, rebuke, reproach, re-
Riprenditore, s. m. reprover, again.-Riprovvedére, to pro-
vide, to look or take care

controller, corrector, admonisher. Riprenditrice, s. f. she that reprimands, rebukes, or chides. Riprensibile, adj. reprehensible, reproveable. Riprensióne, s. f. reprehension, reproof, reprimand. Riprensóre, s. m. reprover, controller, fault-finder, he that reprimands, rebukes, or chides. Riprésa, s. f. a renewing, reiteration.-Riprésa, time.-Per più riprese, in several times.-Ripresa, reprise, a repetition in dancing.-Riprésa,admonition, reprehension, reprimand. Kipreságlia, s. f. reprisals. Ripresentáre, to present again. -Ripresentdre, to present, to shew, to lay before. Ripresentato, adj. represented, brought forth, produced. Ripresentatore, he that presents, shews, or lays forth.Ripresentatore, imitator, mimick. Ripresentatóre, assembler.

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Ripugnanza, s f. repugnancy,
aversion, opposition, contra-
Tiety, reluctancy.
Ripuznáre, to repugn, to go
against or contrary to, to clash
with, to resist or withstand.
-Ciò ripugna alla ragione,
that is contrary to reason, this
clashes with reason.
Ripuznazióne, v. Ripugnanza.
Ripúgnere, to prick or sting



Riputáre, to repute, to think, to count or look upon.. Riputato, adj. reputed, looked upon, thought, counted. Riquadrare, to quadrate or


Riquadráto, adj. squared. Riquadratura, s. f. quadrature, a square, or the squaring of any thing.

Risa, v. Risata. Obs. Risaettáre, to throw darts at those who throw darts first, or to throw darts at one ano

ther. Risagíre, to restore, to re-esta blish, to put in possession

again. Obs.
Risaldáre, to solder again.-
Risaldare, to cure or heal.
Risaldare una ferita, to heal
a wound,

Risaldáro, adj. soldered again.
Ri-alimento, s. m. ascending,
going or climbing up again.
Risalire, to ascend, to climb,
to go up again, to rise or
mount up again.-Risalire, to
to jump up again
Risaltáre, to leap, to skip, or
start back again, to rebound,
to jump, or retire back again.
Risaltare di nuovo a cavallo,
to leap or get on horseback
again.-Risultare, to jut out.
Risalto, s. m. a jutting or lean-
ing out in a building, a pro-
jection.-Dare un risalto, to
start, to be surprized.
Risalutare, to salute again, to

Ripréso, adj. retaken, taken
again, reprimanded.
Ripréstare, to lend again.
Riprezzo s. m. a shivering or
cold fit.—Mi vien viprezzo al
pensarci, my hair stands on
end when I think of it.
Riprot áto, adj. tried again.
Hiprofondáre, to sink, to im-
merse or plunge again.

Ripuliménto, s. m. the act of

Ripulire, to furbish, to clean,
to cleanse.-Ripulire, to start
or put up again the game in
Ripulito, adj. polished, cleans-


Ripulluláre, to repullulate, to
bud forth, to spring up again.
Ripúlsa, s. f. repulse, refusal,
dental.-Dare una ripulsa, to
refuse, to deny.

ipulsáre, to repulse, to reject
or deny.-Ripulsare una ten-
tazione, to repel a tempta-


Risalutato, adj. saluted again.
Risanábile, adj. curable.
Risanáre, to cure again.-Risa
mare, to recover, to be well
Risanáto, adj. cured, recovered.
Risapere, to know, to be told

of.-Se l'mio marito risapes-
se, it my husband should
come to know.
Risachiare, to weed again.
Risarcire, to mend.—Riscarci-
re una pérdita, to make good,
or make amends for a loss.--
Risarcire la riputazione ad
una donna, to repair a wo-
man's honour or reputation,
to make her reparation.

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Risáta, s. f. laughter, laughing]
at, derision, mockery.---Se ne
feceuna risata, he laughed at it.
Risbadigliáre, to gape or yawn

Risbaldire, to rejoice or over-
joy. Obs.

Riscaldamento, s. m. heating
or warming; a heat.-Riscal
daménto, vexation, trouble,
Sorrow, disquiet.-Riscalda-
ménto, a pimple.
Riscaldáre, to warm or heat
again. Riscaldare gli orec-
chi ad uno, to make one be-
lieve a great many things, to
give him to understand
strange things.--Riscaldúrsi,
to warm one's self, to get one's
self warm again.--Riscaldársi,
to stir up, to get new wrath
or spirit, to grow more eager
at.-La guerra s'è riscaldata,
the war is broke out, or kin-
died again.-Riscaldarsi, to
grow angry, to fall in a pas-
sion.-Riscaldarsi, to blast.
Riscaldativo, adj. heating,
warming, apt to heat or warm.
Riscaldato, adj. heated, warm-
ed.-Riscaldato, inflamed, in-
censed, kindled, stirred up.---
Riscaldato, mended, restored,
gotten up again.
Riscattáre, to redeem.
Riscattarsi, to be revenged, to
be even with one, to return
like for like.-Riscattarsi nel
giuoco, to win again the mo-
ney that one had lost at play.
Riscatto, s. m. redemption,

Andare a rischio, to be in danger.-Male di rischio, a dangerous distemper. Richióso, adj. dangerous, hazardous, perilous.-Pericolo rischioso, imminent danger. Risciacquare, to rinse, to wash.

Risciacquare un bicchiere,
to rinse a glass.-Risciac-
quarsi la bocca, to wash one's

Risciacquáto, p. p. of Risciac-

Risciacquatójo, s. m. a little
channel or trough.
Riscomunicáre, to excommu-
nicate again.
Riscontáre, to requite or re-
compense, to make amends,
to discount or make up.
Riscontráre, to meet, to meet
with, to find.-Riscontráre le
scritture, to compare, to col-
late.---Riscontráre, to consult, |
toconfront, to compare or con-
fer.--.-Riscontrarsi nel favel-
lare, to agree together, to say
the same thing.--Riscontrársi,
to light upon, to meet or

tere, to fetch a thing out of pawn, to redeem it.-Riscubtérsi, to escape, to get away, to get loose Riscuotérsz, to recover, or regain. —— Voglio riscuotermi, I'll have my revenge at play.-Rscuotérsi, to be revenged, to return like for like, to be even with one, to retaliate.—Rescuotersi, to tremble, to quake, to shake or shiver. Riscuotiménto, s. m. exaction, a receiving. Riscuotitóre, exactor, receiver. Risdegnarsi, to grow angry again, to fall in a passion. Risecáre, to cut again. Riseccáre, to dry up, to exhaust -Riseccársi, to dry up, to grow dry. Riseccato, adj. dried up, exRisécco, hausted. Risedénte, adj. that resides.→ Un risedente, s. m. a resident, Risedénza, s. f. residence. Risedére, to reside, to stay, to continue or abide.-Risedére, to be lodged or placed, to fit well.-La vita dell' uomo risede nel cuore, man's life is placed in the heart.-Solo a ciò la mia mente risede, I am thinking only of that. Risedío, s. m. residence, abode, dwelling-place.—Fare il suo risedio in un luogo, to reside, or make 'one's residence in a


to new-foot

Riscontráto, adj. met, met

Riscóntro, s. m. a meeting or
rencounter.-Riscóntro, the
act of comparing thing to
thing, collation.-Riscóntro,
sign, token, mark, probable

A riscontro, adv. over against,|_placé.

Riscórrere, to run over, to
tread over again, to peruse.

ransoming or delivering; re-Riscorrimento, s. m. a course,
covery,making up one's losses. a run. Obs.
Riscorticáre, to flea again.
to choose again.
Riscóssa, s. f. exaction,
Rischiaramento, s. m. making Riscossione, demand, re-
1 Ris- quest.

clear, eclaircissement. chiaraménto, joy, mirth. Riscóssa, s. f. the back game Richiarare, to clear.--Rischia- at back-gammon.-Riscossa, rure, to clear or make clear, recovery, rescue, deliverance. to explain or unfold.-Ris-Riscóssa, exacted, demandchiaráre un dullio, to ex- ed, recovered. plain a doubt.--Rischiaráre, Riscotitore, an exactor. to clear the voice.-Rischia-Riscritto, s. m. rescript, a Túrsi, to clear up, to grow writing in answer to another. clear. Il tempo comincia a -Riscritto, adj. writ over rischiararsi, the weather be- again. gins to clear up.-Rischia-Riscrivere, to write, to write rarsi, to enquire into a thing, over again. to inform one's self about it. Riscuótere, tu exact, to deRischievole, adj. perilous, dan-mand, to receive.-- Andare a gerous, hazardous.

Rischio, s. m. risque, hazard,
venture, peril, danger:-

riscuotere, to go to receive
money.-Riscutere, to re-
deem, to ransom.--Riscuó-

Risedúto, adj. resided.
Risega, s. f. the jutting or
leaning out in a building,

Risegare, to saw again.—Rise-
gdre, to cut, to cut off, to take
clean away. Risegúre, to se-
parate, to part, to divide, to
part or cut in two.
Riseggio, s. m. residence,
abode. Obs.
Riségna, s. f. resignation.
Risegnare, to resign, to render,
to renounce, to yield or give up.
Risembrare, to resemble, to
be like-Sirisembrano molto,
they are much alike.--Mi ri-
sembra, it seems to me.
Risemináre, to sow again.
Rinsensársi, to recover one's,
senses, to come to one's self
again. Not used.
Risentiménto, s. m. resent-
ment.. -Far risentimento
d'un' ingiuria, to resent an
affront.Risentimento, re-
mote, check, sting of con-

Risguardaménto, s. m. inspec-
tion, looking on.
Risguardánte, inspector, over-
seer. -Risguardante, adj.
that inspects, looking narrow-
ly into.

to determine, to purpose.Risolvere una cosa, to resolve a thing, or upon a thing, to come to a resolution-Risolversi in lagrime, to melt in


Risguardáre, to look upon, to
see, to behold.-Risguardáre, determination.
to mind, to take notice or
heed, to consider.
Risguardatóre, spectator, be-

Risolviménto, s. m. resolution,


Risguárdo, s. m. look, view.
Risguardo, regard, considera
tion, respect, account.--Aver
risguardo a qualche cosa, to
mind, to regard or consider a
thing.-Lo farò a risguardo
vostro, I'll do it for your

science. Risentire, to awake.-E alla fine fattala risentire, and at last having awaked her.-Risentirsi, to wake out of one's sleep.-Risentirsi, to recover one's senses, to come to one's self again. Risentirsi, to repent.-Risentirsi de' suoifalli, to repent of one's sins.-Risentirsi, to grow strong, or well again.-Risentirsi, to resent an injury, to be reveng. ed of it. Risentitaménte, adv. in anger, grievously. Risentito, adj. sensible.. Uomo risentito, a passionate man.-Risentito, sharp, tart, poignant.Vino risentito, brisk wine.-Parole risentito, sharp, satirical or keen words. Risérba, s. f. reservation. Risérva, Riserbagióne, v. Riserbazi-Risicáre, v. Rischiare. Riservagione, one. Riserbáre, to reserve, to keep Riserváre, to lay up, to save. -Riserbáre, to delay, to defer.-Riserbáti alla vendetta, live to revenge yourself.-Riserbáre, to save or deliver from death.-Riserbáre, to consider, to have a consideration for, to mind, to regard. Riserbataménte, adv. cautiously, warily, prudently. Riserbáto, adj. reserved. Uomo riserbalo, a circum-Risistere, v. Resistere. spect or wary man.-Andar riserbato in un affare, to act, or proceed cautiously in an affair.

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Risolutaménte, adv. absolutely, obstinately, peremptorily. Risolutivo, adj. resolutive, resolving.

Risoluto, adj. resolved.—Risaluto, resolute, stout, hardy, bold.

Risoluzióne, s. f. resolution, dissolving, or melting.--Risoluzióne, resolution, full purpose or intent, determination, mind, intention.


s. f. reserva-

s. m. v. Riserva.

Ristrráre, to shut again.
Riserrato, adj. shut again.

Riserráto, closed up again. Risérva, s. f. reservation.-Risérea, reservation, proviso.Risérva, reserve, reservedness, discretion, caution, circum|spection.-Parlar con riserva, to speak cautiously, or with caution.-Dar senza riserva, to give freely or prodigally. Far riserva, to lay up. Riserváre, v. Riserbare. Riservato, adj. reserved.-Andar riservato in un affare, to proceed, act, or deal cautiously in an affair.

Risgaráre. to overcome again.

Risibilità, s.f. risibility, capacity
of laughing.

Rísico, s. m. risque, hazard,
venture, peril, danger.
Risicóso, adj. dangerous, ha-
zardous, perilous.
Risigállo, s. m. a kind of herb
so called.

Risirigliáre, v. Risomigliare.
Risíno, s. m. a smile.
Risípola, s. f. erysipelas, St.
Anthony's fire.
Risipoláto, adj. that is afflicted
with an erysipelas.
Risisténza, v. Resistenza.

Risibile, adj. risible, ridicu-Risomigliante, adj. resembling,
Risomiglianza, s. f. resem
blance, likeness, similitude.
Risomigliáre, to resemble, to
be like.-Virisomiglia molto,
he is very much like you.
Risomméttere, to submit again.
Risonánte, adj. resounding,
ringing, sounding.-Risonan-
te voce, a resounding voice.
Risonánza, s. f. a sound.
Risonáre, to resound, to,
sound or ring again.-Riso-
nare, to resound, to ring or
echo.-La sua fuma risuona
per tutto, his renown rings
every where, or he is renown-
ed every where.
Risorgénte, adj. rising again.-
Al risorgente sole, the next
day, Poct.
Risorgere, to rise up again.-
Il sole risorge, the sun rises.
Risorrésco, s. m. resurrection.
Obs.-Pasqua di risorresco,
Easter. Obs.
Risórto, s. m. tribute. Obs.
Risúrto, dependency, juris-
diction. Obs.-Esser di ri-
sorlo d'un principe, to de-
pend on a prince, to be under
or subject to him.-Risórto,
adj. risen.

Risma, s. f. a ream of paper.
Riso, s. m. laughter, smile,
pl. Risa, s. f.-Far risa gras-
se, to burst out with laughing
or into laughter.-Scoppiar
delle risa, to split one's sides
with laughing.-Morire delle
risa, to die with laughing.

Riso Sardonico, Sardonic
laughter, an involuntary shew
of laughter, occasioned, as
they say, by eating of a cer-
taln venomous herb growing
in Sardinia, from whence it
takes its name.-Riso Sardó-
nico, a false smile, a treach-Risospígnere, to push, to beat,
erous smile.Riso, s. m. to force, to thrust, to drive
rice, a sort of grain.-Riso, back again, to repulse, or re-
adj. laughed,
Risoffiáre, to blow again. Risospinto, adj. pushed back,
Risolare, to new-sole shoes. repelled, repulsed.
Risolino, s. m. a smile. Risotterráre, to bury, to hide,
Risolvere, to resolve, to dis- to put in the ground again.
sipate, or melt.-Risolvere, to Risovvenire, to remember.-
resolve, to reduce, or turn Far risovvenire, to make re-
one thing to another.-Risól-_member, to put in mind.
vere, to resolve, to deliberate, Risparmiaménto, s, m. saving-

[blocks in formation]

to spend or lay

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to explain, to expound, to
explicate, to interpret, to un-
fold, to open.

Rispianato, adj. smoothed,
made smooth or even, ex-


Rispiarmáre, to spare, to save,
to husband, to be saving or a
good husband.
Rispiarmaménto, s. m. sav.

this window looks into the garden.-Rispondere, to obey, to be obedient, to yield, to submit.-Come ogni membro all' anima risponde, as every limb obeys the soul. Risponditore, a surety, he that answereth, undertakes, or promiseth for. Risponsióne, s. f. Rispónso, s. m. Risposta, s. f. Rispósto, adj. answered. Risprangáre, to sew broken vessels with wire. Risquittire, to set out again the feathers to a bird. Risquitto, s. m. respite, rest, time, delay.


an answer, response.

Rissa, s. f. a strife, quarrel, dispute, noise.

parsimony, husbandry.
Rispigoláre, to glean or lease,
to gather ears of corn.
Rispingere, to push, to beat, to
thrust or drive back, to re-
Rispinto, adj. pushed, thrust,
driven back, repulsed.
Rispiráre, v. Respirare.
Rispirazióne, v. Respiro.
Rispitto, s. m. rest, quiet, re- Rissáre, to brawl, to scold, to
spite Prender rispitto, to quarrel.
rest to pause, to breathe.-Rissóso, adj. quarrelsome, li-
Dammi un pò di rispitto, let tigious.

Rissante, adj. litigious, quarrel



Non risparmia nessimo, he plained.-Rispianáto, s. m. spares nobody.-Risparmia- a plain, a smooth or even re, to forgive, to pardon. Risparmiato, p. p. of Risparmiare. Risparmiatóre, a money saving man, a miser, a parsimonious fellow. Risparmio, s. m. savingness, parsimony, husbandry. Rispazzáre, to sweep, to clean again. Rispegnere, to extinguish, to put out again. Rispendere, out again. Rispênto, adj. extinguished, put out again. Rispettáre, to respect, to honour, to regard to show respect. Rispettáto, adj. respected, noured, regarded. me breathe, let me rest a lit-Ristabiliménto, s. m. repairing, Rispettivamente, adv. res le, let me consider awhile. restoration, re-establishment, tively, in respect, reciprocally Risplendente, adj. shining, reRispettivo, adj. respect splendent, glittering. of respect, submissiv Risplendenteménte, adv. cleanpettivo, respective, ly, gayly, trimly, neatly, finereciprocal. ly. Rispetto, s. m. res ard, Risplendezza, s. f. the effureverence, vene Por- sion of light, light. tar rispetto a q no, to Rispléndere, to shine, to glisshew respect Aver ten.- -Rispléndere, to live rispetto per sacre, to splendidly, magnificently, nohave a vene for holy bly, sumptuously. things.-Perispetto ad Risplendévole, adj. shining uno, to be upon the glistening, glittering, bright, respect due one, to be noble, fine. saucy or rtinent before Risplendiénte, adj. shining, one.-Cospetto vostro, glittering, glistening. Obs. with you avour, by your Risplendiménto, s. m. glitter, leave, und correction or fa- brightness. vour.-risspetto, adv. in comparison to.-Per rispetto, in consideration, on account, for the sake.-Per rispetto vostro, for your sake. Per rispetto di lui, upon his account.-Per buon rispetto, for a good reason, upon a good account-Di rispetto, moreover.-Con due mesi di rispetto, with two months grace. -Caval di rispetto, a managed horse.-Rispetto, a poetical composition so call

ed. Rispettoso, adj. respectful, full of respect, submissive. Rispianáre, to smooth, to make smooth or even.-Rispiandre,

Risplendóre, s. m. splendour,
brightness. Obs.
Rispogliáre, to strip naked


Ristabilire, to repair, to re-
store, to re-establish, to reco-
ver, to renew.
Ristagnáre, stanch or
stop. -- Ristagnáre il sangue,
to stanch or stop the blood.-
Ristagnáre, to form a pond.-
L'acqua vi ristagna in diverse
parti, the water forms there
several ponds.-Ristagnáre,
to solder with tin.
Ristagnativo, adj. stanching,
apt to stanch or stop.
Ristágno, s. m. stagnation.
Ristampáre, to reprint.
Ristampáto, adj. reprinted.
Ristánza, s. f. the act of stop-
ping, of lying still. Obs.
Ristáre, to discontinue, to leave
off, to intermit, to give over.
Ristauráre, to restore, to re-
establish, or repair.-Ristau-
rare le forze, to recover one's

Ristecchire, to dry up, to grow dry.

Rispondénte, adj. that an-
swers.-Rispondente, answer-
able, proportionate.
Rispondenza, s. f. conform-Ristaúro, s. m. restauration, re-
ableness, proportion.
establishment.-Dar ristau-
Rispóndere, to answer, to re- ro, to restore.
ply, to make answer.-Rispón-
dere, to answer, to correspond,
to make a suitable return.
Rispondere al pagamento, to
pay punctually.-Rispondere,
to look, to face, to front, to
be situated against, to lead, to
go, or strike into.-Questa fi-
nestra risponde al giardino,

Ristecchíto, adj. dried up, dry.
Ristilláre, to distil again, v.

Ristio, v. Rischio.
Ristituire, . Restituire.
Ristoppáre, to stop with tow,
to stop.

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Ristoppiare, to glean, to gather constrain.Ristrignere, to

ears of corn. Ristoraménto, s. m. recompense, reward, requital.-Far ristoramento, to make amends.-Ristoramento, resto

ration, re-establishment. Ristorare, to recompense, to reward, or requite, to make amends, to give satisfaction.Ristorare un danno, to repair, to make up, to retrieve a loss.-Ristorare l'onore d'una donna, to repair a woman's reputation.-Ristoráre, to restore, to repair, to re-establish, to renew.-Ristorúre, to supply, to furnish with, to afford-Ristorúre, to refresh, to comfort. Ristorarsi, to refresh one's self, to take some refreshment, to! comfort one's self.-Ristorarsi, to eat, to feed or live up


Ristorativo, adj. strengthening or healing cordials. Ristorato, adj. restored. Ristoratore, restorer, re-establisher.

Ristoratrice, she that restores
or repairs.

Ristorazione, s. f. restauration,
Ristoro, s. m. reward, requital,
recompense, or amends.
Dunque, che render pussi per
ristoro? then what amends
can one make?- -Ristóro,

streighten, to make streight, to make narrow or narrower. --Ristrigners, to grow streight or narrow, to grow streighter or narrower, to shrink. Ristrignere, to stop, to curb, to restrain, to keep in, to refrain. Ristrignere il ventre, to bind the belly,-Ristrignersi con uno, to contract a great friendship with one.Ristrignersi nello spendere, to retrench one's expenses, to live within compass. Ristrigniménto, s. m. restriction, limitation.--Ristrignimento, bridling, checking, curbing or holding in. Ristringere, v. Ristrignere. Ristringiménto, v. Ristrigni




to proceed.-Risultare, to re-
dound.-Ciò risulterebbe in-
mio danno, this would turn
or light to my prejudice.
Risultato, s. m. the same as
Risuonáre, v. Risonare.
Risupino, adj. supine, turned
with the belly upward.-
Cader risupino, to fall back-
ward or upon one's back.
Risurgénte, adj. rising up

Risúrgere, to rise up again.-
Risúrgere, to raise, to rise from
the dead.-Risúrgere, to pro-
ceed, to spring.
Risurrezione, s. f. resurrection,
a rising again from the dead.
Risuscitare, to resuscitate, to

raise from the dead.-Risus-
citáre, to rise again from the
dead.-Risuscitúre, to spirit,
to encourage.
Risuscitato, revived.
Risuscitatóre, a reviver.
Risuscitazióne, s. f. revival, the
act of reviving.
Ritagliare, to cut again.-Ri-
tagliare, to cut, to take away,

to abate. Ritagliatóre, a retail merchant, a clothier. Ritaglio, s. m. shreds.-Vendere a ritaglio, to sell by retail.-Mercante a ritaglio, a retail merchant, a shop-keep

Ristuccáre, to plaister with, to
stick again. Ristuccáre, to
loath, to nauseate, to abhor.
Ristúcco, adj. surfeited, out of
conceit, weary of.-lo sono
ristucco del vostro discorso,
I am weary of your discourse,
-Ristucco, full, crammed,
glutted.-La vostra gola non
è mairistucca, you are never
satisfied, you are insatiable.
Risucciare, to suck out, to
drink up, to dry up.
Risucitáre, to raise from the
dead, to revive. Obs.-Risu-Ritardaménto, s. m. stay, stop,
citare, to raise again from the delay, hindrance.
dead. Obs.
Ritardánza, v. Ritardazione.
Risucitato, adj. risen, raised Ritardáre, to retard, to hinder,
from the dead. Obs.
to stop, to keep or put off, to
delay.-Ritardáre, to stay.—
Ritardare, to go too slow,
Ritardáto, adj. retarded, hin
dered, kept off, put off, stop-
ped, delayed.
Ritardatore, he that delays,
puts off, retards, or stops.
Ritardazióne, s. f. stop, stay,
Ritardo, s. m. Sdelay, hin-


Risudaménto, s. m. new sweat,
sweating again.-Risuda-
ménto, vapour, fume.
Risudáre, to sweat again.-Ri-
sudáre, to evaporate, to sweat


comfort, release, ease. Ristrettaménie, adv. in a confined manner; compactedly, shruggishly, with constraint. Ristretto, adj. bound, confin-Risucitazióne, s. f. resurreced, stinted, abridged-Starsi tion, raising from the dead. ristretto, to stand still.-Ristrétto, s. m. an abridgment or abstract. Il ristretto del negozio, the general, principal, the main or chief points of a business --Nel ristretto di poche pagine, in a few. pages.-in ristretto, in short, to cut short. Ristrignere, to bind or tye up, to hold hard.-Ristrignere, to join, to unite, to compact, to gather together.-Ristrignersi in un luogo, to shelter one's self in a place.-Ristrignersi nelle spalle, to shrug up one's shoulders.--Ristrignersi, to Risvegliáto, adj. awaked. draw nigh, to approach, to Risugelláre, to seal again. come near-Ristrignere, to Risultaménto, s. m. result. shut up, to inclose,-Ristrig- Risultante, adj. resulting. nere, to oblige, to force, to Risultare, to result, to follow,

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Risvegliare, to awake again.
Risvegiure, to wake orjawake,
to rouze or break one's sleep.



Risvegliaménto, s. m. excita-
tion, stirring up, provocati-Ritégno, s. m. moderation, so-
briety, discretion, caution,
circumspection, reserve, mo-
desty.-Ritegno, defence, pro-
tection, prop, support, obsta-
cle.-Ritegno, any manner of
thing wherewith another is
stayed and holden back,
string or tie, a stay.-Spender
senza ritegno, to spend pro-
fusely, to squander away.
Riteménza, s. f. fear.
Ritemére, to fear, to be afraid of

Risveglidre, to wake, to stir up, to excite, to provoke, to revive.

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