صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Ritenúto, adj. kept, detained.--.
Ritenuto, cautious, wary, pru-
dently, sly.—Andar- ritenuto |
in un affare, to proceed or
act cautiously in an affair.
Ritenzióne, s. f. detention,
keeping or detaining.-Riten-
zione d' urina, a retention of

Ritéssere, to weave over again.
Ritesser novelli inganni, to
contrive, to plot or hatch new
tricks.- -Ritéssere, to repeat
to say over again.
Ritignere, to die again.

Ritiráre, to draw again.-Riti- ||
ráre, to draw, to take, to fetch
or get out, to get or take off.
Ritiráre, to draw or pull back.


Ritirúre, to get, to recover, to get again.--Rirar danari, to receive money.---Ritiráre, to contract or shorten.-Ritiráre, to shoot again.-Ritirarsi, to withdraw. -Ritirarsi, to draw, to fall, or go back, to retire. Ritirarsi, to retire, to go home. Ritirarsi, to shelter one's self.---! Ritirarsi, to fly to a church for refuge, to take sanctuary.

Ritenére, to detain or keep
again.-Ritenére, to keep, to
detain or stay, to stop.-Com'
egli voleva partire lo ritenni,
as he was going away, IRitimo, v. Ritmo. Obs.
stopped him.-Ritenere, to Ritinto, adj. dyed again by a
forbear, to keep. Appena dyer.
posso ritener le lagrime, I can
hardly forbear crying.-Rite-
nere, to retain or keep, to pre-
serve, to retain.-Ritenere, to
keep, to detain or withhold.
-Riterrò questo per me, I'll
keep this for myself-Rite
nere, to restrain, to curb, to
bridle, to keep in or contain.
-Ritenere, to forbear, to con-
tain one's self.-Ritenere in
vita, to keep alive.-Ritenersi
con uno, to converse, to keep
company with one, to be
friends with one.-Ritenere,
to remember, to keep in one's
memory-Ritenere una cosa, · Ritirarsi, to desist, to
to keep a thing secret, not to retire, to withdraw from a
reveal it.-Ritenere, to ac- thing, to forsake it, to leave it
cept again.-Ritenere il dono, off. Ritirarsi dalla sua pa-
to accept of a present.-Rite-rola, to call back one's words.
mere, to entertain, to keep. Ritiráta, s. f. a retreat.
In ragionamenti piacevoli li Ritiratézza, s. f. retreat, retire-
ritenne, he entertained them ment, privacy, private life.
with pleasant stories.-Rite- Ritiráto, adj. drawn out.
nere, to govern, to rule, to
take care of.
Ritenimento, s. m. detention,
a keeping or detaining, mode-
ration, discretion, caution,
circumspection, restraint.
Ritenimento, a receptacle,

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Uomo ritirato, a solitary man.
-Vita ritirata, solitary life,
private life.

Ritiro, s. m. a solitary place to
retire to.

strike or bite again.-Ritoccare un opera, to revise a piece of work, to correct, to alter it.-Ritoccare, to weary, to tire out, to dun with tediousness or repetitions.→→→→ Ritoccare, to trim, to dress, to adorn one's self. Ritócco, s. m. the act of retouching.-Ritócco, adj. retouched.

Ritogliere, to take away again,
to retake.

Ritólto, adj. taken away again,
Ritondaménte, adv. roundly.
Ritondáre, to round, to make

Ritondáto, s. m. circumfe-
rence, roundness, rotundity.
-Ritondato, adj. rounded,
made round.

Ritondétto, roundish, some

what round.
Ritondézza, s. f. roundness,

Ritondità, rotundity, roundness.
Ritóndo, adj. round, circular.
-Ritondo, s. m. rotundity,'

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Ritornamento, s. m. a return or coming back, an arrival. Ritornánte, adj. returning or coming back, that returns. Ritornánza, s. f. return of coming back. Obs. Ritornáre, to return or go back. -Ritorniamocene a casa, let us return home.-Vi ritornerò domattina, I'll go there again to-morrow morning. Ritornare alla fede Cristiana, to come back to the Christian Rito, s. m. custom, use.-Rito, religion.-Ritornar bello, to tite, church-ceremony. grow fine again.-Ritornar Ritoccaménto, s. m. retouch-fano, to grow well again.—

Rítmico, adj. measured, har-

Ritmo, s. m. measure, ca-
dence, harmony.

Ritenitiva, s. f. retention, the
retentive faculty.
Ritenitójo, s. m. obstacle, im-
pediment, hindrance.
Ritenitore, he or she that de-ing a picture.
Ritenitrice, tains or stops.
Ritentare, to tempt or try again.
Ritenuta, s. f. v. Ritenimento.
Ritenutamente, adv. cautious-
ly, reservedly, soberly, wari-

Ritoccare, to touch again.—--
Ritoccare una pittura, to re-
touch a picture, to mend it.

Ritoccare in un luogo, to
touch at a place again, to pass
by again, Ritoccare, to

Ritornare in vita, to come to life again-Ritornare in st, to come to one's self again.--Ritornare in se, to come to one's self, to reflect upon one's self.-Ritornűre, to give back or again.

Ritornáto, adj. returned.

retreat or tattoo.

Ritrattáre, to treat or handle
again, to discourse of or up-
on again.-Ritrattáre, to re-
tract, or recant.

nare la ritratta, to beat the mouth or entrance of a net Ritrovamento, s. m. an invention or device, an inventing. Ritrováre, to find, to meet or meet with.-Ritrovare, to find, to find out, to invent, to contrive or devise.-Ritrováre, to find out or again.Ritrovarsi,to be, or be present. —Mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, I found myself in a dark forest.

Ritornáta, s. f. return, or
Ritorno, s. m.
back, arrival.-E' di ritorno,
he is returned or come back
again. Far ritorno, to re-
turn, to come or go back.-Ritrattazióne, s. f. retractation,
Far un ritorno, to take a
turn.--Caval di ritorno, a Ritrattista, a portrait-painter.
horse that returns back, after Ritrattivo, adj. easy or good to
having left somebody in a be drawn.

Ritórre, v Ritogliere.
Ritórta, s. f. a band, a green
branch that is used to tie any


Ritrovatóre, inventor, author, contriver, forger.

Ritrovic, s. m. the act of people that find themselves to

gine for the use of a mill.-gether.
Ritrécine, ex. Andare a ritre-
cine, to go fast to ruin.
Ritremáre, to tremble again.
Ritribuire, v. Retribuire.
Ritrinciare, to cut or to carve

Ritritáre, to beat, to pound, to
bruise or bray again.
Ritrogradare, to retrograde.
Ritrogradagióne, s. f. retro-
Ritrogradazióne, gradation.
Ritrógrado, adj. that goes back-
wards, retrograde, backwards.
Ritrombáre, to sound the
trumpet again.

Ritróvo, s. m. an assembly, a
Ritrúopico, adj. hydropick,
dropsical, that has the dropsy.
Obs. Un ritruopico, s. m.
an hydropick or a dropsical
man. Obs.
Rittaménte, adv. directly.-Io
vo rittamente a casa, I'll go
home directly or strait.-Rit-
taménte, righteously, upright-

Ritratto, s. m. a picture.-Io fo ritratto da quello onde na-Ritrováta, s. f. an invention or to sono, I live or act as a man device. Ritrováto, adj. of my character..Ritratto, found. product, profit or price.-RiRitórto, adj. crooked, bowing tratto, adj. drawn out. in and out. Ritrecine, s. f. a kind of fishing Ritórtola, s. f. a band of a fag-net.-Ritrécine, a kind of engot-Tu hai più fasci che io non ho ritortole, you have a cure for every sore. Ritortúra, s. f. v. Ritorcimento. Ritosáre, to sheer again. Ritrággere, v. Ritrarre. Ritraiménto, s. m. retraction, revoking of one's opinion. Ritrángola, s. f. usury, inteRitrángolo, s. m. rest. Obs. Obs. Ritranquilláre, to make calm, mild, or gentle, to pacify, to appease, to calm, to allay. Ritranquillato, adj. calmed, paciñed, appeased, allayed. Ritrárre, to draw, to take, to Ritrópico, adj. hydropick, fetch or get out, to get or dropsical. Obs. Un ritrotake off-Ritrarre, to draw, pico, s m. an hydropick, a to draw one's picture.-Ri- dropsical man. Obs. trar profitto d'una cosa, to Ritrósa, s. f. a net or snare to draw some profit from a catch birds. thing.-Ritrarsi to retire, to Ritrosággine, v. Ritrosía. go away.-Ritrarsi, to fly to Ritrosamente, adv. peevishly. a place, or to one for shelter. Ritrosáre, v. Ritrosire. Ritrarsi, to repent.-Ritrarsi, Ritrosetto, adj. a little peevish, dall' impresa, to forsake or stubborn, froward. abandon an enterprize or de-Ritrosía, s. f. peevishness, stubsign.-Ritrarre uno da qual- bornness, frowardness. che mala pratica, to take one | Ritrosire, to grow peevish, frooff or from an ill course.- ward, stubborn, or shy. Ritrarre, to take off, to divert Ritrosità, s. f. stubbornness, frofrom-Ritrarre, to take out wardness, peevishness, shyor away, to carry away.-Ritrarre, to draw or pull back or in-Ritrarre, to describe, to relate, to tell.-Ritrarre, to comprehend, to conceive, to understand.-Ritrarre, to receive. Ritrarre da alcuna cose, to take after a thing, to be like it.-Egli ritrae dal padre, he takes after his father, he resembles his father. Ritrascórrere, to peruse or run over again. Ritrátta, s. f. a retreat.-So


Ritto, adj. up, upright, standing.-Levarsi ritto, to get up, or stand up.-Ritto, right, strait, direct-Ritto, right, opposition to left.-Man ritta, the right hand.-Ritto, s. m. the right side of any thing, as cloaths or the like.-Ogni ritto ha il suo, ravescio, there is no pleasure without (some bitterness, there is no rese without some thorns.-Ritto, adv. directly, strait.-Io men vo ritto a casa, I go directly or strait home.-Andar ritto, to deal honestly.—A ritta, to the right hand.

Rittorovéscio, the wrong way, cross, quite the contrary.Volgere rittorovescio, to turn a thing the wrong way, the inside outwards.

Rituffàre, to dip or duck again.
Rituffarsi, to dive again.
Rituraménto, s. m. the act of
stopping up.

Ritróso, adj. peevish, stubborn,
froward, shy, self-willed, wil- | Ritúale, s. m. a ritual, a book
fal, obstinate.--Ritróso, back-containing the ceremonies of
ward.--Nuotare con acqua ri-| a church.
trosa, to swim against the
stream. Ritroso, contrary,
oblique, crooked, awry.-A
ritróso, adv. contrary-Fare
una cosa a ritroso, to do a
thing the wrong way, quite
contrary.-Ritraso, s. m. a
whirlpool, a turning round of
the water. - Ritroso, the

Rituráre, to stop, to shut up or dam up again.-Rituráre, to stop, to shut up or dam up. Rituráto, adj. stopped, shut up. Riturbáre, to trouble, to dis

turb, to vex, to disquiet again. Riva, s. f. bank, shore-side, water-side.-Sospirando vo di riva in riva, I carry my complaints every where.-Riva, an end or period.- Ella fiu tosto di suo corso a rita, she .will be soon at the end of her career.



Rivenditrice, femin. of Riven-

vestire, to dress one, to trim him up with his best cloaths. Rivestito, adj. dressed, cloathed again.

Rivenduto, sold again.
Rivenire, to come again, to Rivétto, s. m. a brook, a rivu-
come back or come back let.
again, to return back.-Rive-Riviéra, s. f. a bank, shore, a
nire, to come to one's self water-side.-Riviéra, a coun-
again, or recover one's self. try.-Riviéra, a river.-Un
Rivenú to, come back again, uomo da bosco e da riviera, a
man fit for all things.
Riverberaménto, s. m. reverbe-Rivilicáre, to vivify, to call to
ration, reflection, repercus- life again. Obs.-Rivilicáre,
to seek unto, to search tho-
roughly, to make diligent or
narrow search.
Rivincere, to overcome, to
vanquish again, to recover, to

Rivággio, s. m. a bank,
shore or water-side.
Rivále, adj. rival.--Un rivale,
s. m. una rivale, s. f. a rival.
-Rivále, s. f. a draw-net, a
casting net.
Rivalicare, to pass over, to ing.

Cross over.

Rivalità, s. f. rivalry.
Riudire, to hear again.
Rivedére, to see again.- -E
quindi uscimmo a riveder le
stelle, and from thence we


Riverberánte, adj. reverberat

Riverberáre, to reverberate, to
reflect. Riverberare, to ring,
to echo, to resound.
Riverberáto, adj. reverberated,
reflected, rung, echoed, re-

Rivinta, s. f. a new victory.→→ Rivinta, a recovery, recovering, regaining or re-obtain


came up to the world again. Riverberazione, s. f.revion, Rivisitare, to revisit, to visit

-Riveder le ragioni, to set-
tle the accounts.-Ri: edére,
to consider again, to revise, to
review. A rivederci, till we
meet again.
Rivediménto, s. m. review, re-

Riveditóre, a reviser.
Riveduto, adj. seen again, rc-
viewed, revised.
Rivelaménto, s. m. revelation,

Riveláre, to reveal, to disco


'Riveláto, adj. revealed, discovered.

Rivelatóre, a revealer, a dis

Rivérbero, s. m.

reflection, repercussion.
Riverdíre, to grow green again.
Riverénte, adj reverenced, ob-
sequious, civil.
Riverenteménte, adv. reverent-
ly, obsequiously.
Riverénza, s. f. v. Rive-
Riverénzia, S
Riverenziáde, adj. reverential,

Riverire, to reverence, to re-
vere, to honour or respect.
Riveríto, adj. revered, reve-
renced, respected.
Riversáre, to pour out, to pour
out again. Riversúre, to
overset, to throw, to pull, or
lay down.


Rivelatrice, s. f. she that reveals or discovers. Rivelazióne, s. f. a revelation or revealing-Rivelazione divina, a divine revelation. Rivellino, s. m. a ravelin, a piece of fortification so call


Rivéndere, to sell again, to sell
by retail.-Rivendere uno, to
refuse.-M ha rivenduto per
quattrino, he did let me go
for a farthing.-Rivender uno,
to cheat, to cozen one.-Ri-
vendere, to sell. Not used.
Rivendería, s. f. truck, barter-
ing, exchange.-Fare una ri-
venderia, to make an ex-
change, to barter.
Rivendicáre, to revenge again.
-Rivendicarsi, to be reveng-
ed, to be even with one, to re-
turn like for like.

Riversáto, adj. poured out,
Riverso, overset, pulled
or thrown down.-Riverso, s.
m. the wrong side.-Alla ri-
versa, the wrong side out-
ward.-Tal fece riverso, made
such a havock.
Rivertére, to return, to turn up
and down, to fall upon.
Rivesciare, to pour out, to dis-
charge.-Rivesciare, to over-
throw, to ruin, to undo.-
Rivesciare, to lay upon, to
charge with, to give the care

Rivéscio, s. m. v. Rovescio,
Rivescióne, adv. backward.
Rivescione, s. m. a box on the
ear.-Ti darò un rivescione
I'll give you a box on the


Rivestire, to dress again, to s. m. a bucks-cloath.-Rivestire, to vest, to ter, retail invest, to give passion.-Ri

again, to review.
Rivista, s. f. a review.
Riviváre, to revive, to bring to
life again.

Rivivere, to revive, to come
to life again. Far rivivere,
to revive, to renew.
Riumiliáre, to humble, to
cast down, to depress or abase,
to bring low.
Riuniménto, s. m. a re-uni-
Riunióne. s. f.

ting or re-annexing.
Riunire, to re-unite, to join
together again, to re-annex.
Riunito, p. p. of Riunire.
Rivo, s. m. rivulet, brook.-
Rivo, a river.
Rivocábile, adj. revokable, re-
versible, which may be re-
voked, or recalled.
Revocagióne, s. f. revoca
Rivocaménto, s. m. tion, a
revoking or repealing,
Rivocáre, to call back, to call
to one. Rivocare te forze,
to recover one's strength.-
Rivocare a mente,
to call
back to one's memory, to
call to mind.-Rivocare, to
revoke, to repeal, to reserve
or make void.
Rivocáto, adj. called back, re-
voked, repealed, reserved,
made void.
Rivocatório, adj. a revoking,
_repealing, reserving.
Rivocazióne, s. f. a revoking,
revocation, repealing.
Rivoláre, to fly again.
Rivolére, to have a mind for
a thing again, to wish for it

be done, that may come to
Riusciménto, s. m. success,
issue, end.

again.-Rivolére, to ask for or | Riuscibile, adj. easy, that may
demand again any thing that
is or has been yours.-Me l'
avete dato, ed adesso lo rivo-
lete, you gave it to me, and
now you will have it again.
Rivolétto, s. m. a small brook,
a rivulet, a rill.
Rivolgere, to turn.-Rivolge-
tevi a me, turn yourself to
me.-Rivolger l'animo ad
una cosa, to fix one's mind to
a thing, to apply one's self to
it.-Rivolgere ad uno, to fa-
vour one, to stand for him,
to be of his side.-Rivolgersi
alla fede di Cristo, to turn
change, to alter, to pervert.-
Rivolgere, to revolve to cast
about in on's mind to consider,
to reflect.-Rivolgere, to in-
volve, to engage, to intan-
gle, to wrap up or fold in.
Rivolgersi trai vizi, to sink
in vices. Rivolgere, to settle,
to appease.-Rivolgersi, to

turn sour.


Rivolgimento, s. m. a revolu-
tion, a great change or turn
in affairs.
Rivolo, s. m. a brook, a rivu-


Rivólta, s. f.
Rivoltamento, s. m.
ing. Rivolta, change, alte-
ration, vicissitude.-Rivolta,
- revolt, rebellion, rising or in-

Riuscire, to succeed, to succeed
well, to thrive or prosper, to
come to a good issue, to have
a good end. Riuscire, to be-
come.-Riuscire, to come out
again. Riuscire in un luogo,
to lead, to go.-Questa stadı
riusce al giardino, this street
goes to the garden.-Riuscire,
to dispatch, to expedite, to
make an end.-Essendo cias-
cuno della brigata dalla sua
novella riuscito, every one of
the company having made an
end of his novel.-Riuscirsi
d'una cosa, to part with a
thing.-Riuscire, to conclude,
to come to a conclusion, to
aim at, to come to.-Non so
dove voi vogliate riuscire, 1
don't know what you would
be at.-To coglie riuscire a
questo, my meaning is this.-
questa casa mi riesce bene, 1
like this house.
Riuscita, s. f. success, issue,
end.-Far buona o mala rius-
cita, to prove or become good
or bad.-Il suo figlio ha fatto
buona riuscita, his son has
proved a good man.
Riuscito, adj. succeeded.
Rizzaménto, s. m. an erec-
tion, erecting or raising.
Rizzáre, to set up, to erect or
raise. Rizzare un edificio, to
set up or erect a building.-
Rizzáre, to make strait, to
make strait again.-Rizzársi,
to stand up.-Rizzarsi di
nuoro, to set up again.
Rizzato, adj. erected, raised
up, set up, strait.
Roba, s. f. things, goods,
estate, merchandise. Così i

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Robóne, s. m. a mantle,` a
gown, a garment worn in
ancient times by nobletnen
and doctors.

Roboráto, adj. corroborated,
Robustamente, adv. strongly,
lustily, valiantly.-Robusta-
mente, earnestly, eagerly.
Robustezza, s. f. robustness,

Robústo, adj. robust, strong.
Rocaggine, s. f. hoarseness.
Rocca, s. f. a fortress, a cita-
del.-Rocca, a rock.-Rocca,
a distaff.
Roccáta, s. f. a full distaff-
Roccáta, a blow with a dis-

Rocchétto, s. m. a surplice, a
church white vestment.-
Rocchetto, a quill to wind



Rocchietto, s. m. a little piece
of wood or stone, a little
stick.-In forma d'un rocchi-
elto piegato in mezzo
chio, as a little stick bent
like a bow.
Rócchio, s. m. a piece of
wood, a branch, a stone, a
piece of rock-Rocchio, a
piece or slice of sausage.
Róccia, s. f. a rock or hill, so
steep that one cannot well
climb it, a high downfall.-
Roccia, nastiness, dirtiness,
filthiness. Obs.--Roccia,
peel, the thinnest rind of

a turn or turn

Rivoltáre, to turn upside down,
to discompose, to invert, to
disturb, to pervert, to change.
Rivoltársi, to revolt, to rebel,
to raise against, to mutiny.-
Rivoltar per la memoria, to
revolve in one's mind.
Rivoltáto, adj. turned upside
down, discomposed, inverted,

Rivolto, adj. turned.
Rivoltoláre, to humble, to
turn round, to wheel about.
Rivoltúra, s. f. a revolution,
great change or turn of affairs.
Rivoltura, a turn or turning.
Rivólvere, to turn, or turn
about --Rivólvere,to revolve,
to cast about in one's mind,
to consider, to think.
Rivoluzione, s. f. rev. lution,
revolt, a change in great
Rivomitáre, to vomit, to cast,
to spew up again.
Rurtáre, to knock, to hit, to
dash, or run against again.

ciechi a cui la rola fulla, so
the blind who have nothing
to live upon.-Che roba è
questa ? what is this?-Far
roba, to get money.-Roba,
gown, robe. Obs.
Robáccia, s. f. nasty things,
old goods, poor stuff.
Robbia, s. f. madder, where-
with they colour skin of dye

Róbbio, adj. red. Not used.
Robbicciuúla, a little gown, a

Robbo, s. m. jelly, juice of
fruit congealed. Obs.


Rocco, s. m. a crosier, a
a bishop's staff.-Rocco, a
rook at chess.
Rochézza, s. f. hoarseness.
Roco, adj. hoarse.Rime
roche, jarring verses.
Rodénte, adj. gnawing, nib
bling-Rodénte, sharp, tart,

Ródere, to gnaw, to nibble, or
pick.-Ródere, to
donna disse bene sta, andata i
dategli ben da rodere, the wo-
man said 'tis very well, go
and give him plenty of food.—
Ródere, to eat, to eat up, to
consume, to wear out.-Di
di in di d'ora in ora amor m'
ha roso, love has consumed
me every day and every hour.
-Ródere, to bite.-Rédere,
to fret, to vex, to torment, to
gnaw.-Rodere il freno, to
fret inwardly.
Rodersi l'un l'altro,
Rodersi il basto l'un l'altro, fto

rend, to tear, to pull one another in pieces, to revile, to defame one another.-Ródere, s. m. vietuals, provisi


Rodiménto, s. m. a gnawing,
a nibbing, a biting, a grip-
ing-Rodiménto, vexation,
trouble, anguish.
Roditore, that gnaws, wastes,
wares out, or consumes.-It
tempo é roditore d ogni cosa,
time consumes all things.
Roditúra, s. f v. Rodimento.
Róffia, s. f. a fog or mist. Obs.
Rogare, to sign, to subscribe.
A law term.

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mur, an uproar.
Rombo, s. m. a humming,
buzzing or buzz, murmur,
whistling, hissing, whizzing
-Rombo, a noise.-I rombo
de' destrieri, the noise of
horses.-Rombo, a turbot (a
fish so called.) Rombo,
rhombus, a parallelogram,
that has all its sides equal,
but not its angles.
Romboidále, adj. rhomboidal,
of the shape of a rhomboides,
belonging to the rhomboides.
Romboide, s. f. rhomboides, a
quadrilateral figure, whose op-
posite sides and angles are

[blocks in formation]

Rognúzza, s f. dim. of Rogna.

-Rognuzza, little anger, small spite. Rogo, s. m. a funeral pile, a great fire wherein dead bodies were buried.-Rogo, the blackberry bush.

Rogumáre, v. Rugumare. Obs.
Romagnuolo, s. m. a kind of
coarse cloth.--Romagnuolo,
adj. of the country of Rome.
Romajuólo, s. m. a ladie.
Románo, s. m. a steel-vard, a
sort of weight.-- Románo, adj.
a Roman, of or belonging to

Romanzatóre, s. m. a com-
Romanzi re, poser of ro-

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Rómice, s. f. the herb sorrel,

monks rhubarb, dock.
Romíre, to fret and chafe, to
make a noise, to grumble, to
roar like the sea. Obs.
Romitaggio, s. m. an hermi-
tage.-Romitaggio, a solitary|


Romitáno, adj. anchoretical,¦
hermit-like, heremitical.-
frati romitani, Anchorites, a
religious order of triars.
Romecáno, solitary, desart, re-
tired, lonely, lonesome.
Romitéllo, s. m. a young her-

a noise, to be talked of-Far Tomore d'una cosa, to be an gry at a thing.-Mettere a rẻ. mure, to raise an uproar, to put in confusion and disorder. Romoreggiante, adj. noisy,

that makes a noise. Romoreggiare, to make a noise, to hustle, to rustle, to mutter, to murmur.

Romítico, adj. hermit-like.
Romito, s. m, an hermit.➖➖➖➖➖➖
-Romito, adj. solitary, re-
tired, lonesome.-Luogo ro-
mito, a solitary place.
Romiténzolo, s. m. a poor
thy hermit.
Romitório, s. m. an hermi-¦


Romoróso, adj. noisy, rustling, rattling, clattering-Romoróso, famous, renowned. Rómpere, to break.- -Rompere una gamba, to break a leg.-Rompere esercitinimisl to break, to rout, to put to the soute enemies armies-Róm pere,tocut.- Rémpere,to maul, to beat black and blue.--Diedergti tante busse che tutto

ruppero, they beat him so unmercifully, that he was all over black and blue.-Rómpere, to debilitate, to enervate, to weaken, to weary, to tire or fatigue-Il trottar forte rompe e stanta altruis a hard trot tires and fatigues one.--Rotto dagli anni, e dal cammino stanco, oppressed with, and fatigued by the journey.

Rompers, to be angry, to fall into a passion.-Rómpersi a far una cosa, to begin to do a thing, to fall upon.-Rom persi a ridere, to fall a laughing.-Rompere, to hinder, to interrupt, to disturb.-Róms pére, to avoid, to shun, tợ escape or eschew.--Rompere un pericolo, to shun a danger.

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Romper le leggi, to break, to violate or infringe the laws. -Romper la fede, to be un faithful-Romper l'amicizia, to break or fall out with one. -Romper la terra, to break the ground.Rompere il fil-patto, contravene the agreement.-Romper il proponimento, to change or alter one's mind.-Rompere il sonno, to break one's sleep, to awake.-Rompere il digiuno, to breakfast, to eat.-- Romper le parole, to interrupt one in his speech.-Romper l'uovo in bocca to break one's measures, to bafile or disappoint, -Aver reito lo scilinguagnolo, to prattle, to chat, to tate tle.-Rompersi il tempo, to change, said of the weather, -Rompersi il collo, to break Cec

Romóre, s. m. a noise.-Ro-
more d'armi, the rustling or
rattling of arms.-Romore di
spate, the cla hing of swords.
Romóre, a tumult, uproar,
sedition or insurrection.-Ro-
móre, noise, fame, name, re-
pure, reputation, renown--
Non è mondan romore al-
teo che un fiato, worldly ap-
plause is nothing else but
smoke.-Far Tomore, to make

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