صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

see if every thing is right.Ronda, the soldier that goes to visit the centries, and relieve them.

Rondine, s. f. a swallow. Una rondine non fa primavera, one swallow does not make a

spring.-Rondine, fly fish.A coda di rondine, like a swallow's tail. Rondinella, s. f. poetic, a Rondinétta, swallow. Rondinio,s. m. a young swallow.

or colour of the rose. Rosájo, s. m. a rose tree. Rosajóne, s. m. a large rose


Rosário, s. m. the rosary, that
string of beads on which the
rosary is said.
Rosáto, adj. of a rose, or the
colour of a rose.--Acqua ro-
sata, rose water.-Olio rosa-
to, oil of roses-Pasqua ro-
satu, Pentecost, Whitsun-
tide.-Giorni rosati, clear se-
rene daysRosáto red
rosy.-Labbra rosate, red lips.
Rosecchiare, to gnaw, to nib-

Rondóne, s. m. a martinet, a
martin (a bird)-Andar di
rondone, to succeed, to pros- ble, to pick.
per, to thrive. Voi andate Rosecchiato, p. p. of Rosec
di rondone, fortune smiles up-chiare.

on you.

Ronfa, s. f. a kind of game at cards.Confessare la ronfa giusta, to speak truth, to say the thing as it is. Ronzaménto, s. m. humming, buzzing, buzz, murmur. Ronzánte, adj. humming, buzzing.

Ronzáre, to buzz, to hum, to hiss or whizz.-Ronzáre, to roam, to rove, to range or ramble, to go up and down. Ronzíno, s. m. a pad, a pad

nag, a nag. Ronzio, s. m. humming, Ronzo, buzzing, hissing or whizzing.


Rosellia, s. f. measles, swinepox. Rosellina, s. f. a damask rose. Róseo, adj. rosy, of a rose, the colour of a rose.-Colore roseo, a rosy colour. Roséto, s. m. a garden of roses, a place planted with rose

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Roráre, to bedew, to sprinkle or wet with dew or moisture. Rosolía, s. f. the measles. Rorário, s. m. light armed sol- Rosóne, s. m. a large rose. diers in the time of the Ro-Rospáccio, s. m. a nasty ugly toad.

one's neck, to be ruined or un-
done.-Rompere il silenzio,
to break silence, to begin to
speak-Rompere in mare, to
suffer a shipwreck, to be cast
away-Rompersi il sangue,
to spit blood.Rompere il
prezzo alla mercanzia, to set
or fix a price upon a commo-
dity.- -Rompere il capo ad
uno, to teaze one, to be trou-
blesome to him.-Rompere il
ghiacchio, to break the ice,
to begin a thing.-Romper
la guerra, to move war, to
declare war.
Romper la
palla, to send back a ball.
Rompévole, adj, fragile, brit-
tle, apt to break.
Rompicapo, s. m. a tiresome
man or thing.
Rompicóllo, s. m. a dangerous
or mischievous man, a dan-
gerous thing, a break-neck.-
Fara una cosa a rompicollo, to
do a thing with precipitation,

Rompiménto, s. m. a break-
ing, fraction.-Rompimento
di fede, infringement of faith,
or breach of trust.
Rompitórs, s. m. a breaker, or
infringer.- -Rompitore di
pace, a breaker of the peace.--
Rompitore del suo ordine, an
apostate, that goes away from
his religion.

Rompitiice, s. f. she that Ronzóne, s. m. a large horse.Ronzóne, a stallion, a stonehorse kept for covering

breaks. Rompitúra, s. f. a rupture, a


Ronca, s. f. a hedging-bill to
cut bushes.
Roncare, to weed.
Roncato, adj. weeded.

Ronchióne, s. m. a great stick,mans, that made the first

a large stone, or piece of a rock, a thick branch. Ronchióso, adj. rugged, rough, uneven. Su per lo scoglio prendemmo la via che era ronchiosa, stretta e malagevole, we went through a rock, which was rugged, narrow, and dangerous. Roncigliare, to tear with a book.

Benciglio, s. m. a book, a ten


Roncióne, s. m. v. Ronzone.
Ronco, w. Roncóne.
Roncola, s. f. a scythe, a bill.
Roncone, s. f. a vine or grape
knife, an hedge-bill.
Ronda, s. f. a night guard that
goes about visiting centries, to

skirmish, being in the first rank.


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Rorástro, s. m. a wild vine. Rosa, s. f. a rose.-Cogliete le rose e lasciate le spine, take what is good, and leave what is bad.-Rosa the name of a - Rosa, a red spot.-S" ell' è rosa fiorirà, s' ell' è spina pugnerà, time brings forth all things.-Cor la rosa, to take the opportunity, to make hay while the sun shines. Rosa, the golden rose, a rose which the pope uses, to send to the Roman Catholic princes after having blessed it.-Rosa canina, the wild eglantine.

Rosáceo, adj. rosy, of the kind

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lips. Rosseggiáre, to be red, or reddish, to shine.—La terra rosseggiava di sangue, the earth was red with blood.-Il ciel rosseggia, the sky is red.Gli occhi gli rosseggiano, his eyes are red. Rossetto, adj. reddish, inclining to red.-Color rossetto, reddish colour.-Pelo rossetto, reddish or carrot hair. Rossézza, s. f. redness.-Ros sezza di capelli, redness • hair. Rossezza di visa” blush, colour.

Rossicánte, adj. red, reddish.—| Rotánte, adj. turning round.

Occhi rossicanti, sparkling eyes.

Rossicáre, to be or grow red.Il suo viso rossicava come sangue, his face was red as blood.-L'aurora róssica, the morning is red. Rossiccio, Rossigno,

adj. reddish.

Color rossiccio, reddish colour.-Pelo rossigno, reddish or carrot hair.-Cavallo di pel rossigno, a bay horse. Rosso, s. m. red, red colour.Panno tinto in rosso, cloth dyed in red.-Rosso d'uovo, the yolk of an egg.-Rosso, adj. red.-Panno TOSSO, red cloth.-Pelo rosso, red hair.-Divennir rosso, to blush, to colour, to be put to the blush.-La sua spada era rossa di sangue, his sword was all bloody.

Rossóre, s. m. redness-Rossóre, red spots.--Rossore, blush, colour.-Di modesto rossor tutte si tinse, she blushed very modestly. Rossoretto, s. m. a little Rossorúccio, blush, a virginal blush, an innocent, amiable blush. Rosta, s. i. a fan.-Rosta, a bough.Che della selva rompieno ogni rosta, which broke all the boughs or branches off the trees.-Rosta d'ulivo, a branch of an olive-tree.

Rostigióso, adj. rough, harsh,

rugged, uneven. Rostráto, adj. having a beak or

bill. Corona rostrala, a crown in token of a naval victory.--Rostráto, cornered.- -Cappello rostrato, a cornered or cocked hat. Rostro, s. m. bill, beak.Rostro, the trunk or snout of an elephant. Rosúme, s. m. gnawing, Rosúra, s. f. biting. Rosura, bits, crumbs, fragments.-Rosure, a glutton, a greedy eater. Rota, v. Ruota. Rotája, s. f. the track of a


Rotaménto, s. m. a turning round.-Il rotamento de' cieLi, the motion of the heavens.-Rotamento di testa, a swimming of the head, or dizziness.

Rotáre, to turn like a wheel Rotáre, to waver, to doubt, to be irresolute or inconstant, Rotáto, adj. turned. Rotatóre, he that turns about, or round.

Rotazióne, s. f. rotation. Roteaménto, s. m. v. Rotamento. Obs.

Roteáre, to turn like a wheel. Obs.

Roteáto, adj. turned. Obs. Roteazione, s. f. turning round like a wheel. Obs. Rotélla, s. f. a shield of a round form.-Rotella, a little wheel. Rotella, a little hoop.-Rotella, little spots.Rotellina, s. f a little wheel. Rotoláre, to roll.-Rotolare una botte, to roll a cask Rotolarsi sull' erba, to roll upon the grass.

disheveled, and her face black and blue, and bruised all over. Rotto, interrupted, discontinued, broken. Quasi piangendo e tutta tremante con parole rotte cosi cominciò a dire, almost crying and trembling, interrupting her words, she begun to say-Rotto, given, addicted, inclined, bent.-Al vizio di lussuria su rotta, she was much given to the vice of lechery.-Rotto, hasty, passionate, choleric, violent, eager, boisterous.-Rotto, broken bellied.-Rotto, defeated, routed.-Rotto, rotten, putrified.--Strade rotte, deep ways, bad roads.-Essere tra il rotto e lo stracciato, to be between hawk and buzzard. Rottorio, s. m. cautery, issue. Rottúra, s. f. fracture, cleft,

Rotoláto, adj. rolled, rolled gap.--Rottura nella terra,


Rétolo, s. m. a roll. Rotolóne, adv. rolling.Andar rotolone, to roll down. Rotondáre, to make round. Rotondato, adj. made round. Rotondézza, s. f. roundness. Rotondità, s. f. roundness. Rotondo, adj. round, circular. Rotta, s. f. a rout, defeat, overthrow.-Mettere in rotta, to rout, to defeat.-Rotta, disorder, confusion.-Fuggire in rotta, to fly or run away. -Partire alla rotta, o in rotta, to go away in anger.. -Rotta, rupture, breaking.

-Far la rotta ad un muro, to break a wall.—Venire alle rotte, to come to blows. Restare alle rotte, to grow


chop, chink, gap in the earth. Rottúra, rupture, talling out, division, discord.-Rottura di pace, breaking of peace.-Rottúra, ruptare, bursteness, burst belly. Rovaglióne, s. 'in. the measles. Rovajáccio, S m. a heavy north-wind that gives much trouble or pain.

Rovájo, s. m. the northwind.-Dar de' calci a rovajo, to be hanged, to kick the wind.-Ed i tre masnadieri il dì seguente andarono a dar de calci a rovajo, and the three ruffians the next day went to be hanged. Rovélla, s. f. rage, madRovello, s. m. ness, fury. Roventáre, to make red-hot. Roventáto, adj. red-hot. Rovente, adj. red-hot, burning or scalding hot.-Ferrorovente, red hot iron. Roventézza, s. f. redness. Róvere, Róvero,

} s. m. the male oak.

Rottáme, s. m. rubbish, crums, bits.-Zucchero in rottame, sugar broken in pieces. Rottaménte, adv. hastily, excessively. Rottézza, v. Rottura, Obs. Rotto, a crack, a gap, a Rovereto, s. m. a place plantcleft.Rotto, rupture, ed with male oaks. burstenness, burst belly. Rovesciare, to throw, to spill, Uscirsene pel rotto della cufto shed.-Rovesciare un bic fia, to save one's bacon, to come off clear.-Rotto, fraction, broken number.-Rotto, broken.-Rotto, ill used, mauled, abused, bruised. Videro nell' de' canti la donna scapigliata e stracciata tutta livida e rotta nel viso, they saw the woman all

chier di vino, to spill a glass of wine.-La pioggia si rovescia, it rains as fast as it can pour; it pours down. Rovesciare, to overthrow, to overturn.

Rovesciato, adj. thrown, spilled, overthrown, overturned.-Cader rovesciate, to

Rovináre, to rush violently
down, to tumble out, to fall
down, to throw down.--Ro-
vinar le ciglia, to cast down
one's eyes, to
look down.
Dante. No good phrase.
Rovindre, to ruin, to destroy,
to pull down, to bring to de-
cay, to undo. Se voi terrete
questa vita vi rovinerete, if
you live such a life you will
ruin yourself.-S' io facessi
tal cosa io mi rovinerei, if I
was to do such a thing I
should be undone.
Rovinaticcio, adj. dismantled,
destroyed, almost ruined.

fall backwards or upon one's back. Rovéscio, s. m. the wrong side. Il rovescio d'un abito, the inside of a coat.--Tenere ano u rovescio, to keep one down upon his back.—A roescio, adv. the wrong side outwards Aettersi la camiscia a rovescio, to put on one's shirt the inside outwards, or the wrong way. Foderare un abito col rovescio di sela, to line a coat with silk. --Far una cosa a rovescio, to do a thing quite contrary. roresc o d'una meʻlnglia, the reverse of a medal.-i roves-Rovinato, adj. ruined, destroyrio d'una medaglia, the con

ed, undone.

trary.-Kovescio, a shower of Rovinatóre, he that ruins, or Tain.--Rovescio, a shower.—

sends to ruin.

raw linen.-Seta rozza, raw silk.--Rozzo, churlish, clownish, uncouth, raw, inexperienced, simple, ignorant, silly. Rozzóne, s. m. a great jade, a bad horse.

Ruba, s. f. a theft, robbery —
Andar a ruba, to go a thiev-
ing, to go upon the highway.
-Andar a ruba, to be plun-
dered or pillaged.-Mandar a
ruba, to sack, to rob of every

Rubacchiaménto, s. m. rob-
berry, theft.
Rubacchiare, to steal to plun-
der, to pick one's pocket.
Rubagióne, s. f.
theft, robbery.
Rubálda, s. f. a head-piece or


Eu rovescio di sassi, a shower | Rovinatrice, feminine of Ro- | Rubaliáglia, s. f. mob, rabble, stones.--Rovescio, bazel vinátore.


rascally people.

Rovinóso, adj. furious, impe-
tuous, violent, vehement.-
Rovinóso, passionate, soon
angry, hot, hasty.--Rovinéso,
bold, confident, impudent,

Rubáldo, adj. naughty, crafiv,
mischievous, rascally.-Un
rubaldo, s. m. a knave, a ras-
cal, a good for nothing rogue.
Rubaldóne, s, m. a great rascal

or knave.

Rubaménto, s. m. robbing or thieving.

Rubare, to rob, to take away,
to steal.-Rubare un autore,
to steal from an author, to
play the plagiary.

Rovistare, to rake cut, to tum-Rubáto, adj. robbed, stolen
ble about, to put in disorder,
to confound.

Rovisto. adj. robust, strong,
strong-limbed, lusty. Obs.
Rovistoláre, v. Rovistare.
Rovo, s. m. bramble, black-
berry tree.

or bays (a kind of linen stuff.) Rovinévole, adv. v Rovinoso.
Rovescióne, adv. backwards, Rovinio, s. m. crack, great
upon one's back.-Distender- noise, loud shout.
rovescióne sul letto, to lie Rovinosaménte, adv. furiously.
with one's back upon the bed. impetuously, violently, vehe-
--Cadere a rovescione, to fall mently.
backward, or upon one's back.
--Roreseréne, s. m. a stroke
with the back of the hand.
Rovescione, a back stroke.
Rovéto, s. m. a place where
brambles or blackberries grow.
Rovigliamento, s. m. a hurry,
confusion, or great heat.
Rovigliare, to hurry, to be in
a hurry or confusion.-Rovi-Rovístico, s. m. privet, prime-
gliare, to rumble, to tumble. print, a sort of shrub.
to ruffle.
Rovigliato, adj. hurried, tum-
bled, rumbled.-Rovigliúto,
ruined, wasted, laid waste,
Rovina, s. f. ruin, fall, decay.
Non perisce troppo per rovina
chi teme la rovina, he who is
aware of misfortune, very sel-
dom comes to misfortune.-
Casa che va in rovina, a house
that falls to ruin.----Rovina,
precipice, downfall.-
guardando prima ben la ruina
diedemi di piglio, he first
looked down the precipice,
and then took hold of me.-
Rovina, ruin, destruction,
undoing, overthrow, desola-
tion.-Rootna, fury, impetu-
osity, violence, fierceness.
Rovinaménto, s. m. ruin, de-
vastation, destruction, over-

Rozza, s. f. a jade, an old
horse good for nothing.
Rozzáccia, s. f. an old jade.
Rozzaménte, adv. coarsely,
clownishly.Ro zaménte,
coarsely, roughly, in a coarse


Ri-Rozzétta, s. f. a little jade or

Rovinánte, adj. running, jumbling down.


Rozzézza, s. f. harshness, rug-
gedness. Rozzézza, ugli
ness, deformity. Rozzézza,
churlishness, uncouthness,
coarseness, ignorance.
Rozzità, ruggedness, harsh-
ness, churlishness, uncouth-
ness. Obs.

aw v.

Rubatore, a thief-Rubatore di strade, a robber or highwayman.-Rubatóre, robber,


Rubatrice, s. f. a woman thief.
Rubatúra, s. f. a robbery, theft.
Rúbbio, a kind of measure for


Rubécchio, adj. red, reddish.
Rubellaménto, s. m. a rebel-

Rubelláre, to rebel, to raise up
or revolt against.
Rubellazione, s. f. a rebellion,
revolt or insurrection.
Rubellione, s. f. a rebellion, in-
surrection or revolt.

Rubéllo, adj. rebellious, disobedient.-Un rubello, s. m. a


Ruberia, s. f. robbery, theft,
plunder. Fiver di ruberia,
to live by hook and crook, to
live upon plunder.

Rozzo, adj. rough, harsh, rug-Rubestézza, s. f. fierceness, ar-
ged or uneven, unpolished. rogance, presumption, im-
Pietra rozza, a rugged, unpo- pudence.
lished stone. - Tela rozza,

Rubésto, adj. fierce, arrogant,

wild, savage, cruel.-Rubésto, horrible, frightful, horrid, terrible.-Rubésto, adv fiercely, arrogantly, presumptuously, impudently. Rubicóndo, adj. red, rubicund.

Rubificante, adj. that makes red.

Rubificáre, to make red. Rubificativo adj. that makes red.

Rubificáto, adj. made red. Rubígine, s. f. rubigo, mildew, blasting of corn, also


Rubiglia, s. f. bitter vetches

or tares.

Rubinetto, s. m. a small ruby.
Rubíno, s. m. a ruby.
Rubinóso, adj. of the colour
of rubies.
Rubinúzzo, s. m. a small ru-
by.-Rubinuzzo, a small ru-
by worth but little.
Rubízzo, adj. hardy, robust,
stout-Vecchio rubizzo, a
hardy old man.
Rubo, s m. a bramble, a
blackberry tree.
Rubrica, s. f. a rubrick.-R-
brica, red ocre.
Rubricazióne, s. f. redness.

Rubro, adj. red. Poetical.-
-Rubro, s. m. bramble.
Ruca, s. f. rocket, an
Ruchétta, herb so called.
Rude,'adj. rude, rustical, harsh,
tough, rugged, unknown.
Ruffa, s. f. a bawd.-Ruffa
raffa, ex. Fare a ruffu raffa,
to strive who can get or have
the most, to plunder.-Quel
che vien di ruffa e raffa se ne
va di baffa in baffa, lightly
come, lightly go.

to play the
pimp or the


Rugghiáre, to roar.-Rugghi- | Rulláre, to roll.
áre, to grunt like a hog.-
Rugghiare, to creak or screak.
Rugghiálo, adj. roared.
Rúgghio, s. m. a roar.
Rúggine, s. f. rust.—- i
hatred, grudge, spleen, ill-
will, spite.-Portare ruggine
ad uno, to hate one.-Rug-
gine, a kind of winter pear.
Rugginétta, s. f. a little rust.
Rugginénte, adj.


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Rullo, s. m. a roller.-Rullo,
a kind of play that children
use, to roll themselves down
from the top of a hill.-Ha
fatto a rulli, he has done so
well that he is grown mad.
Ruminante, adj. ruminating,
meditating upon, that rumi-
nates, or mates upon.
Rummáce, te chew the cud, to
ruminate.-Rumiñáre, to ru-
minate, to ponder, to consi-
der, to reflect upon.
Ruminato, adj. chewed again,
ruminated, pondered, consi-
dered, reflected upon.
Rumóre, v. Romore, and all
its derivatives.
Runciglio, v. Ronciglio.
Ruólo, s. m. a roll or a regis-




Ruóta. s. f. a wheel.-La ru-
ota della fortuna, the wheel
of fortune.-Ruota, circum-
ference, compass, round.--
Le stellate ruote,
L'infiammate ruote, hea-
vens. Ruota, a wheel gene-
rally used in nunneries.-Ru-
oto, the chief court of judica-
ture in Rome. La più catti-
va ruota del carro sempre ci-
gola, the worst wheel of the
cart alwayss creeks.--Andare a
ruola, e far a ruota, to wheel
Ruótole, v. Rótolo.
Ruotáre, to wheel about.
Ructársi, to roll or tumble
down or about.

Rugiolóne, s. m. blow, cuff
box on the ear.
Rugóso, adj.
Rugamáre, to chew the cud,
to ruminate.-Rugumáre, to
ruminate a thing, to consider,
to meditate upon.
Rugumáto, adj. chewed again,
ruminated, considered, re-
fected, meditated upon.
Rugumazióne, s. f. a chewing
the cud, a meditating upon.
Ruína, s. f. ruin, fall, decay.
-Casa che va in ruina, a
house that, falls to ruins, a
ruinous house.
Ruine, s. f. pl. ruins.
Ruinase, to ruin, to destroy,
to pull down, to bring to de-
cay, to spuil, to lay waste.-Rusignuólo, s. m. a nightin-
Ruináre, to fall to ruins, to

Ruotol áre, to roll.
Ruotoláto, adj. rolled,
Pupe, s. f. a rock, a high down
fall, a cliff.
Rupinóso, adj. cragged, crag-
gy, rough or steep.
Ruscellétto, s.
brook, rill.
Ruscéllo, s. m. brook, rivulet,
small stream.

m. rivulet,

Ruffianería, s. f.

Ruffianesimo, s. m.

Ruffiania, s. f.

ing, a

or bawd's trade.

Ruffiána, s. f. a bawd.
Ruffiano, s. m. a pimp, a go-
-between, a pander.
Ruga, s. f. a wrinkle-Ruga,
the street way. Obs.
Rugghiaménto, s. m. a roaring,
-Rugghiaménto,wind grum-
bling in the belly or guts.
Rugghiante, adj. rouring, that
roars.--Leone rugghiante, a
roaring lion.

go to ruin.
Ruináto, adj. ruined, destroyed,

Ruschia, s. f. petty whim,
Rusco, s. m. an herb.


Ruspo, adj. new, new-coined.
Doppia ruspa, a new pis-
Russáre, to snore.
Kusso, s. m. snoring.

Ruinazióne, s. f. ruin, fall, de-
cay, undoing, loss, overthrow,
Ruinóso, adj. ruinous, impe-, Rusticáccio, augmentative of
tuous, tempestuous, furious. Rústico.

Ruire, to rush violently, to run | Rusticággine, s. f. rusticity,
headlong, to fall upon. Not rudeness, clownishess, chur-
Rulla, v. Rallo,

Fusticále, adj. rural,

gish, apish, merry, sport---Saccentemente, cunningly, slily, craftily, sharply-Sac centemente, imprudently, un wisely, indiscreedy, foolishislily, unadvisedly.

Ruzzáre, to play, to play the
fool or the wag, to be full of
wanton tricks, to toy.
Ruzzo, s. m. play, sport,wan-Saccentería, s. f. presumption,
tonness, toying.-Cavare il
ruzzo del capo ad uno, to keep
one in awe.-Uscire il ruzzo,
to save one's longing.-Ella
m'a fatto uscir del capo il
ruzzo dell' amore, she hath
cured me of my love.
Ruzzola, s. f. a gig, a kind of

Ruzzoláre, to play with a gig
or top.
Ruzzoláto, p. p. of Ruzzo-


arrogance, boldness, impudence, malapertness. Saccentino, s. m. a smatterer, a conceited fellow, one that boasts of his knowledge. Saccentóne, s. m. a proud con. ceited coxcomb.-Fare il saccentone, to pretend to great


Saccentuzzo, s. m. a penny scholar, a presuming ignorant scholar. Saccheggiamento, s. m. sacking, ransacking, pillaging. Saccheggiante, adj. plundering, pillaging, sacking.-Un saccheggiante, a plunderer. Saccheggiare, to sack, ransack, plunder or pillage. Saccheggiato, adj. sacked, ran. sacked, pillaged, plundered. Saccheggiatore, a plunderer, a piliager.

Rusticamente, adv. rustically,
rudely, clownishly.
Rusticano, adj. rural, of or be-
longing to the country.--Uomo
rusticdno, a country man.--
Vestimento rusticano, ordina-
ry, coarse cloaths.---Opera
rusticana, country work.-
Rusticano, rustick, or rustical,
rude, boorish, clownish,
Rustichétto, adj. somewhat ru-
ral, a little rustick or rustical,
rude or boorish, ill-bred.
Rustichézza, s. f. rusticity,
clownishness, rudeness, chur-
Rusticità, s. f. rusticity, rude-
ness, incivility of manners,
churliness, clownishness.
Rústico, adj. homely, clown
ish, rustical, rustick, rural,
clownish, boorish.
Ruta, s. f. rue.

Rutáto, adj. of or belonging to
rue-Olio rutato, oil of rue.
Ruticársi, to move, to stir. Obs.
Ruttáre, to belch, to break
wind upwards. Ruttáre, to:
cast or bring up, to vomit.Abaoth, Sabaoth, the God of
Quando più rutta il mongi- Sabaoth, the Lord of hosts.
bello fiamme, when the mount Sabato, s. m. Saturday, the
of Etna cast up torrents of Sabbato, seventh day of the

Rutto, s. m. a belch, or break-
ing wind upwards.
Ruvidáccio, augmentative of
Ruvidamente, adv. roughly,
harshly, rustically, rudely.
Ruvidétto, dim. of Rudo.
Ruvidézza, s. f.

Sacchetta, s. f. a budget, sat-
chel, purse, bag, pocket.
Sacchettáre, to beat with bags
full of sand

week.-Non aver pan pe' sa-Sacchettino,

bati, to have nothing to live
upon.-Domeneddio non pa-
paga il sabato, give a thief
rope enough and he will hang
himself.-Sabato santo, holy
Sábbia, s. f.

rusticity,Sabbióne, s. m.


sabbia, to sow upon sand. Sabbionoso, adi, sandy, full

of sand.

clownishness, rudeness,
roughness, churlishness.
Ruvidézza, harshness, rug-Sabbioso,
gedness. Ruvidezza di stile, Sabina, s. f. savin, sabin-tree,
harshness or ruggedness of

Ruvido, adj. rough, harsh,
rugged, uneven.-Rávido,
harsh, crabbed, sharp, rough.
--Fino ruvido, rough wine.

Ravido, rough, hard, severe, churlish, ill-natured, Cross.-Ruvido, harsh, rugged, ungenteel, unpleasant, disagreeable, that grates the eat —Ruvido carme, an harsh


Ruvidotto, adj. somewhat
rough, a little harsh.
Runstre, v. Rovistare.
Ruvishco, . Rovistico.
Ramento, s. m. play, sport,
wantonness, toying.

a shrub.1
Sacca, Is. f. pouch, scrip,
Saccája, Š satchel-Far sac-
caja, to gather to a matter or
to a head.-Far saccaja, to
brood, to hatch one's an-
ger. A vulgar phrase.
Saccardéllo, s. m. a rascal, a

Saccardo, s. m. a soldier's boy,
a blackguard.-Saccardo, a
rascal, a rascally fellow, a

Saceinte, adj. learned, a good
scholar, full of learning.-
Saccente, adj. cunning, sly,
crafty, subtle, sharp.
ser saccente, conceited fel-

Ruzzante, adj. wanton, wag- Saccentemente, adv. learnedly.

bag, budget,

s. m. satchel,

Sacciutézza, s. f. pride, vanity,
conceit, presumption, suffi-
Sacciúto, adj. affected, con-
ceited, smattering, arrogant,

terer in any science, boast

to accu

line of his knowledge.
Sacco, s. m. a sack or bag-
Un sacco di grano, a sack of
corn. Il tristo sacco, the
belly.-Far sacco,
mulate, to heap up, to ga
ther together.-Sacco, sack-
ing, ransacking, pillage, plun-
der.-Fare il sacco, mettere a
sacco, porre a sacco, dare il
sacco ad una città, to sack, to
plunder, to pillage a town.--
Fare un sacco, to commit a
great blunder or fault-Far
sacco,fto brood one's anger, to
hide the fire under the ashes.

Far sacco, to gather matter, v. Saccaja. Tenere il sacco ad uno, to hold one the candle, to help one in nis wickedness.Tanto ne va a chi ruba quanto, a chi tiene il sacco, the receiver is as bad

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