صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

consecrated things.-Sacráto, Saettáto, adj. darted, shot,
adj. consecrated.---Sacráto, pierced with an arrow.
sacred, holy.
Saettatóre, archer, bowman.
Sacrestia, v. Sagrestia. Saettatrice, bow-woman.
Sacrificante, adj. sacrificing, Saettévole, adj. of or belong-
consecrating, that consecrates. ing to an arrow.-Arte saette-
Sacrificáre, to sacrifice, vole, the art or skill of shoot-
offer up in sacrifice. Sacri-
ing a bow.
ficáre, to dedicate, to conse-Saettia, s. f. brigantine, yatch,
light frigate.
Sacrificáto, adj. sacrificed, of- Saettoláre, v. Saeppolare.
fered up in sacrifice, dedicated, | Saéttolo, v. Saeppolo.



Sacrificatóre, a priest, a sacri-
ficing priest.
Sacriticatrice, feminine of Sa-

as the thief.-Sciorre il sacco, to slander, to rail, to vilify, to speak all the ill things one knows.-Essere alla peggiore del sacco, to be at odds one with another.Tornar colle trombe nel succo, to come back with one's pockets empty.-Non dir quattro se tu non l'hai nel sacco, don't count the chickens before they may be hatched. Saccóccia, s. f. a pocket. Saccomanno, s. m. a soldier's boy, a blackguard.-Far saccomunno, to sack, to pillage, to plunder. Andare a saccomanno, to be plundered, sack-Sacrificazióne, s. f. a sacrifice, ed, or pillaged.--Mettere o por- or offering up. re a saccomanno, to plunder to Sacrificio, pillage, to sack. Sacconáccio, nasty sack. Sacconcello, s. m. a little Sacconcino, sack or bag.Sacconcello, a little pillow. Saccóne, s. m. a straw bed, a matrass full of straw, a straw bag. Saccúccio, s. m. satchel, bag, small sack.



Saettúme, s. m. all manner of
arrows, a great quantity of
arrows together.
Sacttúzza, s. f. a little arrow.
Saféna, s. f. saphena, the cra-
ral vein, a vein which goes


s. m. sacrifice.

S. m. an old Sacrilegaménte, adv. in a sa-
crilegious manner.
Sacrilégio, s. m. sacrilege,


Sacrilégio, sacrilege or church

down under the skin of the
thigh and leg, and turns to-
wards the upper part of the
foot where it sends forth seve-
ral branches.

pro-Sagace, adj. sagacious, cun-"
ning, sly, wary, prudent,
discrect, confederate, circum-
spect, wise.
Sagaceménte, adv. sagely, pru-
dently, discreetly, conside-

Sacrilego, adj. sacrilegious,
guilty of sacrilege.
Sacristáno, a sexton or vestry-
keeper, a sacristan.

Sacerdotále, adj. priestly, sa-Sacristía, s. f. the sacristy or



Sacerdotalmente, adv. religi-Sacro, adj. sacred, holy, hal-
ously, in a priestly manner.
Sacerdotático, s. m. the priest-


lowed. Sacro, execrable,
cursed-Sacro fuoco, St. An-
thony's fire.-Sacro morbo,
the falling sickness.
Sacrosanto, adj. hallowed,
holy, sacred, inviolable.

Sacerdote, a priest.
Sacerdotéssa, a priestess.
Sacerdóto, v. Sacerdote. Obs.
Sacerdózio, s. m. the priest-Saeppoláre, to prune the vine.

Sacra, v. Sagra.
Sacramentale, adj. sacramen-
tal.-Sacramentale, mysteri-
ous, mystical.

Saeppoláto, adj. pruned.
Saéppolo, s. m. a bow to shoot
with. Saeppolo, a layer, a
shoot, twig or sprig of a


Sacramentalmente, adv. sacra-Saétta, s. f an arrow.-Saétta,
a thunder-bolt.-Saltta, rays
Sacramentáre, to administer or beams of the sun --Saétta,
the sacraments.--Sacramen- a rabbet plane.-Saltla, a
tare, to take the oath, to triangular candlestick made
swear, to swear to.-Sacra- of wood, which the Roman
mentársi, to receive the sa- Catholics use at the vespers
of the Holy Week.-Saltia,
a lancet.-Salta, rage, poe-
vishnesss, fretfulness, anger.
a great quan-
Saettaménto, tity of arrows.
—Sueltamento, a darting, or
shooting with arrows.
Saettáre, to dart, to shoot with
a dart or arrow.-Saettare, to
dart, to shoot, or sling out.

Sacramentáto, adj. that has
received the sacraments.
Sacramento, s. m. a sacra-Saettáme,
ment.-Il santissimo sacra-
mento, the consecrated host.
-Sacraménto, a sacred thing.
-Sacramento, an oath.-
Ricevere il sacramento, to
take the oath to.

Sacráte, to consecrate, to de-Saettáta, s. f. an arrowshot


Bacrário, s, m, a place to keep

Saettata, a bow shot, the
length of it.

Sagacézza, v. Sagacità. Obs.
Sagacità, s. f. guile, craftiness,
subtlety, slyness, wile, saga-

Sagapéno, s. m. sagapenum, the gum of the plant called fennel-giant.

Saggezza, s. f. wisdom, sageness, prudence.

Saggiamente, adv.sagely, wise-
ly, discreetly, prudently.
Saggiáre, to try, to essay or ex-
periment.-Saggiare qualche
licore, to taste a liquor.
Saggiatore, an essayer, or as-
sayer.-Saggiatore, s. m. a
pair of scales.

Saggina, s. f. a kind of millet.
Sagginále, s. m. the stalk or
stem of millet.
Saggináto, adj. bay, sorrel,
chesnut colour.Caudio
sagginato, a bay horse.
Saggináto, mixed with mil
let.---Sagginato, crammed,
Sagginélla, s. £ millet of the
second crop
Sággio, s. m. essay, proof,
trial, experiment, attempt-
Voi m'avete data saggio de
vostro amore, you have given
me a proof of your love.-
Siggio, warning, advertise-
ament, advice, caution.-Sig-
gio, an essay or trial-----Far

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Salamistra, wise, witty. Iro-

Salamistráre, to play the learn-
ed, although full of igno-


Sagra, s. f. consecration, dedi-
cation. Sagra, the feast of
consecration of a church.---
Sagra, a multitude or crowd Salamója, s. f. brine, to pre-
of people. La sua casa par
serve things in, such as fish,
che abbia la sugra, his house olives, mushrooms, and other.
looks like a thoroughfare.-Saláre, to salt, to powder or
Sagra, s. f. a saker, a piece season with salt.
of artillery so called. The same Salariare, to give a salary, to
as Sagro.
pay a fee.
Sagramentále, adj. sacramen-Salariato, adj. having a salary.


Sagramentalmente, adv. in a

sacramental manner or way.

Sagramentáre, to administer
the sacraments.Sugromen
táre, to take the oath, to
-Sagramentársi, to


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Sagréto, adj. secret, private,

Salário, s. m. salary or wages.
Salásse, s. m. a letting of blood,
blood letting out of a vein.
Salato, adj. salted, powdered.
Londe salate, the briny
-Saláto, s. m.
main, the sea.-
salt meat.

Salavo, adj. nasty, foul, dirty,
filthy. Obs.
Salavoso, adj. dirty, nasty, fil-
thy, foul. Obs.
Salce, s. m. willow,


ménto, cure, healing.-Saks damento, the balance of an


Saldáre, to solder, to cure, to
heal, to close.-Saldare una
pentola, to solder a pot.—
Saldare una ferita, to heal or
cure a wound.-Saldare ra
gioni o conti, to balance ur
make up accounts.——
dáre, to stop.-Saldáre il con-
to dell' imprese, to close one's
enterprises. Saldáre, to de-
fend, to protect.
Saldáto, adj. soldered.
Saldatúra, s. f. a soldering,
cure, or healing up.-Salda-
túra, cicatrice, a scar, aseam
or mark of a wound.—Salde-
túra, solder, the matter used
in soldering.
Saldézza, s. f. firmness, stea-
diness, constancy, resolution,
Courage, stedfastness.-Sal-
dizza, firmness.
Saldo, adj. sound, whole.-
Saldo, solid, thick.-Saldo,
solid, massy, hard, strong.-
Un simulacro d'oro saldo, a
statue of massy gold.—Saldo,
firm, steady, constant, dura-
ble, stedfast, unshaken, set•
tled.-Saldo, bold, resolute.

Star saldo, to stay, to stand. Sta saldo, non serrar l'uscio, stay, don't shut the door-Saldo, hold, stop.Saldi signori, hold gentlemen, stir not.-Saldo, sex tled, balanced.-Saldo, s. m. the balance of an account.

An im

Far saldo, to balance, to settie the account.—Saldo, adv. strongly, deeply, firmly, resolutely, constantly. Sale, s. m. salt.-Sał mineral, mineral salt. Sale, chymical salt.-Sale, the sea. proper word.-Metter potent ben will allo sale vostro naviglio, you may set sail.Sale, wit, acuteness, spright liness-Sale, wisdom, learnwillow-ing-Ha poco sale in zuccs, he has not a great deal of judgment.-Pigliare il sale. to acquire judgment or skill in any thing-Dolce di sale, insipid, unsavoury, not salıed enough.-Dolce di salt, insipid, flat, witless.-Man carsi l'un l'altro col sale, to be at daggers drawing with one-Apporre al sale, to find fault with any thing, be it ever so good. In questo pare

Salceto, s. m. a place set
with willows.-Saleéto, in-
tricacy, trouble, confusion,

Sálcio, s. m. a willow-tree.
Salda, s. f. gum, starch, glue.
Saldaménte, adv. firmly, stea.
dily, constantly, stedfastly.
Saldaménto, s. m. soldering,
gumming, starching. Sal-
daménto, a stopping. - Salda-

ci farebbe il sale, salt could | giare.

| Salso, adj. salt, brinish, brackgrow in this country, this Salmeggiatúre, a psalmist, I. ish.--L'acqua salsa, the bricountry is prodigious fruitful. that sings psalms.

ny main. Saleggiáre, to throw a little Salmeggiatrice, fem, of Sal-Salsággine, s. f. saltness, a salt salt upon, to salt a little. meggiatore.

humour. Salinte, adj. ascending, that Salmería, s. m. baggage, lug- Salsugginúso, adj. that has ascends, going up. gage, goods.

salt, brackish. Salétta, s. f. dim. of Sala.

Sal mi sia, adv. as I hope to be Salvúme, s. m. all softs of Salgémma s. f. mineral saved.

salt meat, or fishes-Saia Salgémmo, s. m. į salt. Salmista, psalmist, one who sume, saliness, salt humours. Salicale, s. m. a place set makes or sings psalms.

Saltabeecáre, 1 to hop or skip, with willows, a willow-plot. Salmista, the psalier, a book Saltabelláre, s to frisk, io Salicástro, s. m. wild willow, of psalms, a collection of trip along of about. sallow-tree.

David's psalms.---Salmista, Saltamartino, s.m. a kind of Salice, s. m. a willow tree. learned, witty. Ironically.

field-piece of ordnance. Salicóne, s. m. a kind of willow. Un gran salmista, a great Saltambárco, s. m. a jacket. Saliéra, s. f. a salt-seller.- scholar.

Saltamindósso, S. m. a poor , Saliéra, a salt pit.

Salmo, s. m. a psalm.-Ogni ragged coat. Saligástro, s. m. wild willow, salmó a gloria torna, cach Saltanséccia, s. f. a kind of sallow tree.

psalm ends with the usual little bird. -- Saltanséccia, Salimbácca, s. f. a little piece words, gloria patri & filio, adj. light, fickle, uncertain,

of wood to seal with.-S. &c. metaphorically said of inconstant. limbácca, a seal-case. one, who, though ever so in- Saltáre, to leap, to jump, to Saliménto, s. m. an ascent.-- terrupted, will again come to skip.-Saltare un cavallo, to Salimento di superlia, great speak of a thing he has much vault on a horse. Saltare ad. pride.-Saliménto, affront, at heart.

dosso ad uno, to fall upon one. injury.

Salmodia, s. f. psalmody, -Saltare in collera, to fly inSalina, s. f. a salt pit.--Salina, singing of psalms.

to a passion.--Non mi fate salt.

Salnitro, s. m, nitre, saltpetre. saltare il grillo, or la mosca, Salincérbio, s. m. a kind of Salóne, S. f. a great hall or

don't provoke me, don't play which children use by room.

make me angry. --Sulito vi jumping over one another. Salótto, s. m. a little hall or salta la moscu, you soon take Salire, to ascend, to go up. parlour.

pepper in your nose

- Far Satire a cavallo, to mount on Salpáre, to weigh anchor. saltare in aria colla polvere, horseback.–Salire le scale, Salpáto, adj. weighed anchor. to blow up with gun-powder. to go up stairs -A cader va Salsa, s. f. sauce.-Salsa di -Vi faro saltar le scale,I shall chi troppo in alto sale, hasty San Bernardo, stomach, ap- kick you down stairs.--tar climbers have sudden falls.- petite.-Salsa, pain, torment.

sa lare le cervella ad uno, to Salire, s. m. an ascent. - Ma chi ti mena a si pun. dash one's brains out of his Saliscéndo, s. m. the latch of genti salse? but who brings head..-Saltar di palo in fras. Saliscéndi, } a door.--La' you to such violent pains ? ca, to digress from the matter,

fortuna fa de' saliscendi, for- Salsamento, s. m. sauce. to make a rambling digressitune is very inconstant. Salsapariglia, s. f. salsapa- on.--Far sallar la testa ad Salita, s. f. ascent, rising rilla, the rough bind-weed of uno, to take or cut off one's ground. Peru.

head.-Saltáre, to reflect or Salito, adj. ascended, mounted Salsedine, s. f. saltness, a

beat back Come quando up, raised.

Salsézza, s salt humour. dall'acqua o dallo specchio Salitójo, s. m. ladder, steps. Salsiccia, s. f. sausage.-Far saltz lo raggio alll'opposita Salitore, s. mn, climber, he that salsiccia d'una cosa, to cut in parte, like the rays of the sun goes up.

small pieces.—Le vigne vi si when it reflects upon the wa. Saliva, s. f. spittle.

legano colle salsiccie, par- ter or upon a looking-glass.Salivale, adj. of or like spittle. tridges are found in the streets Salt re, to wander, tu stray. Salivazione, s. f. salivation. ready roasted.

-E d'un pensier in altro sala Salma, s. f. burden, load. Salsiccie, sausages, saucissons, tando s'addormentò, revolv

-Una salma di legna, a faggots or fascmes made of ing several things in his head load of wood.-Corporea sal- great boughs of trees bound be went to sleep.-Saltáre, ma, one's body.--Salma, together, to cover men, or to to leap, to jump, to skip.

a twenty-five pound weight. make epaulements, in sieges, Saltáre un muro, to jump Salmastro, adj. salt, brackish, &c.

orer a wall.

-Saltare, to brinish.--- Acqua salmastra, Salsiccióne, s. m. a kind of omit, or skip a thing, to pass brackish water. sausage.

it by.--Saltáre, to dance. Salmeggiamento, s. m. psal- Salsicciolo, s. m. a thick and Saltáre, to pass over, to go mody, singing of psalms. short sausage.--Salsicciotto forth.-Saliare, s. m. dance, Salmeggiare, to chaunt, to sing di Bologna, a Bologna sau- a jumping or leaping, a leap. psalms.


Salcato, adj. leaped, jumped. Salmeggiato, p. p. of Salmeg- Salsicciuolo, s. m. a sausage. Saltatóre, a leaper or jumper. Voc. I.


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Saltatrice, fem. of Saltatore Saltatrice, a dancer, a woman dancer.


-ly into a place.-Andate in salvamento, God speed you. Salvánza, v. Salvezza. Salváre, to save, to keep, to deliver, to preserve or defend. -Salváre, to save, to spare.Salváre, to save, to bring to salvation.-Dio vi satvi, God save you-Si Dio mi salti, as I hope to be saved. Salvúrsi, to fly, to make one's escape, to get away. Salvatella, 9. f. salvatella, that vein, which from the veins of the arm is terminated in the little finger. Salvaticamente, adv. rustically, rudely, clownishly, boorishly. Salvatichétto, adj. a little rustick,boorish, clownish, homely, unsociable.

Saltazione, s. f. jumping, the exercise of jumping. Saltellare, to hop or skip, to frisk, to trip along or about. Saltellato, p. p. of Saltellare. Saltellino, a little leap, jump or skip. Saltellóne, adv. leaping Saltellóni, jumping or skipping. Andar satellone, to jump or skip about. Salterellare, to skip, to hop, to trisk, or trip along or about. Salterello, s m. cracker, squib. Salterio, s. m. a psalter, a Saltéro, book of psalms, a collection of David's psalms. -Seltéro, a cris-cross row, or christ-cross-row.-Saltéro, a psaltery, a kind of musical instrument with ten strings. Saltétto, s. m. a little jump, a short icap.

mi credo salvo qui, I don't think I am safe here -Satro, safe, preserved, without harm. Salvo, s. m. agreement, contract.-Mettére, o Porre in saleo, to assure, to put in surety-Salvo, adv. save, saving. except, but.-Salva che, salvo se, except, save, saving, but, if.—Salvo, provided.-Salvo prep.save, saving, without prejudice. Salvocondótto, s. m. safe-conduct, pass, passport. Salvo il vero, if I am not mistaken.

Salutáre, to salute, to greet.— Salutáre, to salute, to reverence, to worship.-Salutáre, to salute one, to recommend one's self to him, to remember one's love or service to him.-Me lo slati da parte mia, present my service to him.-La saluts caramente, I kiss your hands. - Salutare alcuno re, to salute, to proclaim one kingSalutáre, s. m. civility, compliment, duty. -Nullo bel salutar tra noi si tacque, we shewed one another all the civilities imaginable-Salutáre, adj. salutiferous, salubrious, wholesome, healthful, good, useful, sound. -Consiglio salutare, wholesome advice.-Dottrina satubare, sound doctrine.-Rimedio salutare, a good remedy. Salutato, adj. saluted, proclaimed. Salutazióne, s. f. salutation, greeting.

Salúte, s. f. safety, preservation, welfare.--Salute, health. -Stare in buona salute, to be in health or good health, to be well. Bere alla salute di qualcheduno, to drink one's health.-Alla vostra salute, my service to you.-Salute, a salute, salutation, saluting. Render salute, to salute of bow again. Salutévole, adj. wholesome, healthful,good, useful, scund, profitable. Salutevolmente, adv. wholeSalutiferaménte, f somely. Salutifero, adj. wholesome, healthful, sound, good. Saluto, s. m. a salute or salutation, saluting. — Render it saluto, to salute again. Sambra, s. f. a room in a house

Salvatichezza, s. f. wildness.

- Salvatichezza, rusticity,
clownishness, churlishness.
Salvaticina, s. f. venison, game.
Salvático, adj. wild, fierce, sa-

vatico, a wild place. Fera
salvatica, a wild beast.-Er-
ba salvatica, to weed.-Sal-
rático, savage, unsociable.-
Salvático, s. m. a grove or

Salto, s. m. leap, jump, skip.vage, untamed.- Luogo sal-
Fare un saito, to take a
leap-Ordinarsi per salto, to
be admitted to the superior
orders before the minors.-
Salto, a dance.-Salto, high
wood, forest, thick wood.

Salva, s. f. volley, discharge.

Una saira d' archibusate, a
volley of musquet shot.-Fare
una saiva di tutti i cammoni,
to make a discharge of all the
cannon, to give a broadside.
Far la salva, to taste before,
as a taster does to a prince be-
fore he eats.
Salvandanajo, s. m. a box for
children to keep their little
monies in, mostly produced
at Christmas.
Salvadóre, . Salvatore.
Salvaggina, s. f. venison, game.
Salvaggio, adj. wild, savage.
untamed, uncultivated. Obs.
Salvaggiúme, s. m. game, wild
birds meat.
Salvagióne, v. Salvazione.
Salvaguardia, s. f. safeguard,
protection, shelter, defence.
Salvaguardia, safeguard, a
trooper employed for the se-
curity of a place.

Salváto, adj. saved, delivered.
Salvatore, Saviour.Salva-
tore, deliverer.
Salvatrice, fem. of Salvatore.
Salvazióne, s. f. salvation.
Saluberrimaménte, adv. most
wholesomely, most health-

Salubérrimo, very wholesome,
healthful, sound, good.
Salubre, adj. wholesome,
healthful, good, sound, salu-
Salubreménte, adv. healthful-
ly, wholesomly.
Salubrità, S. f.



Salveregina, s. f. a prayer di-
rected to the Virgin Mary by
the Roman Catholics.
Salvezza, s. f. safety, preser-
vation, welfare, salvation.
Salvia, s. f. sage, a plant so


seasoned with


Salvietta, s. f. a napkin..

Salvamente, adv. without dan-
ger, with a safe conscience.
Salvamento, s. m. safety, pre- Salvígia, s. f. asylum, refuge,
servation, welfare.-Arrivo al a place of refuge. Obs.
salvamento, a safe arrival.- Salúme, s. m. all kind of salt
--Ridursi o arrivare a salva- meat or fish.

munto, to arrive or come safe- Salvo, adj. safe, sure.--Non Obs.

Sambúca, s. f. sackbut a' (a ́ly.
musical instrument).

Sambucato, adj. made of, or
mixed with the flower of the
elder tree.
Sambuchíno,adj.made of elder.
Sambuco, s. m. elder-tree.
Sampéro, s. m. a kind of fig
or plum.
Sampogna, s. f. pipe, flagelet.
San, prep. without. Obs.
San faglia, without fail. Obs.
San, adj. a saint.———— -San Pi-

etro, Saint Peter.
Sanábile, adj. curable, that can
be cured.

leech.Sanguisnga, blood

sucher, oppressor,extortioner.
Sanicáre, to mend, to recover,
or to recover one's health.
Obs.-Sanicáre, to free, to
set free or at liberty, to save,
to release. Obs.

Sánie, s. f. corrupted blood,
matter coming out from sores.

-Far sangue, to bleed. Far sangue del naso, to bleed at the nose.-Fur sangue, to have the power to condemn one to death.-Restar senza sangue, to remain bloodless.-Andare a sangue, to like, to have a fancy for one, to please.-Ella mi va molto a sangue, I like her mightily.-Voler trarre o ca- Sanicáto, adj. cured, recovered, well. Obs. vare della rapa sangue, to draw juice from a stone.-Sanióso, adj. full of corrupted Cominciò o bollirmi il sangue, blood. Obs. my blood began to rise.-1 Sanità, health. sangue dell' uve, the blood of Sanna, s. f. tusk. the grape.- Buon vino fa buon sangue, good wine makes good blood-Sangue, complexion. Sangue di dragone, sangue di drago, sandarack.

Sanamente, adv. wholesomely,
healthfully, soundly.-Sana-
mente, soundly, aright, right-
dy, rationally, judiciously.
Intendi sanamente, reason
Sanare, to cure or heal.-Sa-Sanguificáre, to produce blood.
nare una ferita, to cure a Sanguígno, adj. having much
wound.-Sandre, to geld or
blood, sanguine, of a sanguine
constitution. - -Sanguigno,
bloody, full of blood.-San-
guigno, sanguine, red as


Sanativo, adj. healing, that


Sanáto, adj. cured, healed, gelded, castrated.-Sanátó, s.

m. a senate.


Sanatóre, s. m. a senator. Obs.
-Sanatóre, he that cures.
Sanatrice, fem. of Sanatore.
Sanazióne, s. f. recovery from
Sanzio, a dotard.-Quando il
bescio sanzio udì questo, tut-
to svenne, when the silly dot-
ard heard this he fainted away.
Sándalo, s. m. a kind of date-
tree —Sandálo, a pinnace, a
small sea-vessel. Sándalo,
slipper used by bishops in pro-
cessions. Sundalo, a sandal,
an open shoe.
Sandaráca, s. f. sandarack,
Sandrácca, red arsenick,
found in mines of gold and
Sanéa, s. f. the coast, sea-
coast or shore.
Sangiovannita,s.m. of the order
of St. John.

Sangue, s. m. blood. Brut

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Sanguináccio, s. m. blood-pud-
ding, black pudding.
Sanguináre, to bleed.-La fe-
Tita cominciò a sanguinare,
the wound began to bleed.-
Sanguináre, to make bloody,
to imbrue with blood.
Sanguinária, s. f. blood-wort
Sanguinário, adj. cruel, blood-

Sánguine, s. m. a cornel-tree.
Sanguinélla, s. f. blood-wort.
Sanguinénte, adj. bloody, full

of blood.

Sanguineo, adj. sanguine, of a
sanguine constitution, full of
red as blood.-Sanguineo, a
relation or kinsman.

Sanguinitá, s. f. kindred, con-
sanguinity, relation,family.-
E congiunto meco di propin-
quissima sanguinità, he is my
near relation.
Sanguinolénte, adj.blood-thirs-
ty, bloody, cruel, sanguinary.
tarsi le mani nel sangue, to Sanguinolentemente, bloodi-
imbrue one's hands in blood, Sanguinosamente,
to kill, to murther.-Metter ly, cruelly.
tutto a sangue e a fuoco, to de-Sanguinóso, adj. bloody, im-
brued or covered with blood.
stroy all with fire and sword.
—Un uomo avido di sangue,| —Piaga sanguinosa, bloody
a bloody-minded or thirsty wound.-Mani sanguinose,
hands imbrued with blood.-
man.---Sangue, blood, race,
extraction, parentage.---Prin- Sanguinóso, sanguine, red as
cipi del sangue, princes of
the blood, of the royal fami- Sanguisúga, s. f. leech, horse-

Sannuto, adj. that has tusks,'
Sano, adj. sound, healthy,
healthful-Ritornare sano e
salvo, to come home safe and
sound, or safe and well.
Sano, wholesome, healthful,
healthy, sound.-Aere sano,
wholesome, healthful air.-
Seno consiglio, wholesome
advice.-Luogo mal sano, an
unhealthful or unwholesome
place. Sano, sound, heal
thy, healthful, whole, entire.

-Intelletto sano sound judg-
ment.-Pane sano, a loaf.—
Mandar sano uno, to send
one about his business.
Sano, s. m. a wholesome,
good thing.-Non è sano il
mangiar troppo, it is not
wholesome to eat too much.
Sansa, s. t. olives, after they
have been squeezed.
Sanséna, s. f. pressed or squeez-
ed olives. Obs.
Sansúco, s. m. marjoram.
Santà, s. f. health.-Far santè,
to shake daddy.-Farneticare
a sanià, to complain without


Santamaría, s. f. spearmint, an herb so called. Santambárco, s. m. a riding


Santaménte, adv. holily.—
Vivere santamente, to
holily, to lead a holy life.
a little
Santeiéllo, s. m.
Santerella, s. f.saint.
Santése, a


Santificaménto, s. m. sanctifi-


Santificáre, to sanctify, to make
holy.-Santificare le festa, to
keep the holy days. -Santifi-
cáre, to canonize.
Santificato, adj. sanctified, hal-

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