صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Santo, adj. holy, sacred blessed, godly.-La santa Trinità, the holy or blessed Trinity. La santa Virgine, the holy or blessed Virgin,- -Un uomo santo, a holy or godly man. -La santa Sede, the holy See.

it a good smell.
Saporare, to taste to savour, to

Saporato, adj. savoured, tasted,
Sapóre, s. m. taste, relish, fla-
vour.-Mezzo sapore, neither
sour nor sweet, half ripe.-
Sapore, taste, palate.—Sa-
póre, pleasure, delight.
Saporétto, s. m. a savoury


Sa del muschio, he smells of
musk. Sa del vino, he stinks
of wine.- -Saper buono, to relish.
like, to approve of.-Superne
male, saper reo, to dislike, to
offend, to displease.-Ha sa-
puto far tanto che è arrivato
al suo intento, he did so well,
that he got his aim.-Non sa
far altro che bere, he can do
nothing but drink -Saper
grado di che che si sia, to be
thankful or obliged to one for
any thing.-Non ve ne so ne
grado nè grazia, I don't thank
you for it, I am not a bit
obliged to you for it.-Sapere
a mente, to know by heart.
Saper a mente che che si sia,
to have a thing at one's fin-
ger's ends. Se tu sai, if you
know. -Fa, se tu sai, do
what you can do your worst.

-La Settimana santa, the -Dì pur, se sai, say what holy week, the passion week. you will, or you may say Il Venerdì santo, Good Fri-'what you will.-Sii pur inday.-San Michele, Michael- fermo, se tu sai, be as sick as mas-day-Un santo, s. m. a you please. Sa a quanti di è saint.- Il santo santorum, sun biagio. he is not a fool.the Holy of Holies.-Il santo Saper vivere, to understand Padre, the Holy Father, the things right.--Saper di braca Pope. A santa ragione, adv. menare, to be cunning or sly. soundly, heartily, mightily.

-Battutala adunque d'una santa ragione, having mauled her soundly. Qualche santo ci ajuterà, God will help us. -Santo, s. m. the church. Entrare in santo, to church after lying-in. Santocchieria, s. f. pretended piety, hypocrisy. Santóccio, s. m. a simpleton, a dunce, a blockhead. Santónico, s. m. wormwood, Santoréggia, s. f. savory, an herb so called. ·Santuária, s. f. a relick. Santuário, s. m. a sanctuary. Santuariaménte, adv. holily, in a holy manner. Obs. Santúria, s. f. a holy thing, any thing holy. Obs. Sanza, prep. without. Obs Sapa, s. f. must of wine, boiled half away, and kept for


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Sapare, to have skill, to be
skilled, to understand, to
know.-Sa di medicina, he
understands physic.-Saper
di libro, to be learned.-Sa-
pere, s. m. learning, scholar-
ship, science, erudition,
knowledge. Un uomo di
gran supere, a man of great
learning, a great scholar.
Sapévole, adj. conscious, privy
to, that knows.-Jo non era
sapevole del male che mi sov-
rastaya, I not being warned of
the evil which threatened me.
-Essendo sapevole d' un si
gran delitto, being privy to
such a great crime.
Sapiénte, adj. learned,
good scholar, full of learn-
Sapienteménte, adv. learned-


Sapienza, s. f. sapience, wis-
dom.-Sapienza, God.
Saponája, s. f. fuller's weed.
Saponájo, s. m. a maker or
seller of soap.
Saponáta, s. f. lather, froth of

Sapóne, s. m. soap, or sope.-
Rader uno senza sapone, to
play one a dirty trick.
Saponetto, s. m. soap made
with ingredients that give

Saporitaménte, adv. relishing.
ly.-Bere saporitamente, to
drink with pleasure.
Saporitíno, adj. pretty, hand-
some, genteel, fine.
Saporito, adj. savoury, well-
tasted, well-relished, that has
a good taste or relish.-Un
bacio saporito, a smack, a
smacking kiss, a sweet kiss.--


-Uomo saporito, a witty

Saporosaménte, adv. v. Sapori.


Saporosità, s. f. savour, taste, relish.

Saporóso, adj. savoury, well-
tasted, well-relished, that has
a good taste or relish.
Sappiénte, adv. learned, know-
ing, that knows. Obs.-Cacia
sappiente, strong cheese.
Sapúta, s. f. knowledge.—
Senza mia saputa, without
my knowledge.
Saputaménte, adv, advisedly,
deliberately, considerately,
Sapúto, p. p. of Sapere.-Sa-
púto, learned, wise, skilful,

Sara, s. f. a saw-fish.
Saracinésca, s. f. a kind of lock.
-Saracinésca, a portcullis,
a flood gate, a sluice, à lock in
a river, a stile.
Saracinésco, adj. of or belong-
ing to Saracer.s.-Lingua Sa-
racinesca, the Saracen lan-
guage.-Veste alla Saracines-
ca, a gown made after the
fashion of the Saracens.-
Toppa Saracinesca, a lock
made after the way of the Sa-


Saracino, adj. the Saracens.Un Saracino, a Saracen.Saracino, s. m. a wooden head or statue, to run a tilt. Saracini, raisins, when they begin to wither. Saramentáre, to tie with an oath, to force with an oath, to swear. Obs. Saraménto, s. m. oath. Obs.


Sarchiagióne, s. f.

a weed-Sassolíno, s. m. a little stone.

Sassóso, adj. stony, full of


Sarchiaménto, s. m.


Sarchiáre, to weed.

Sarchiáto, adj. weeded.


Sarchiatúra, s. f. a weeding.

Sarchiellare, to weed.

Sarchiella, s. f.

Sarchiellino, s. m.


Sarchiello, s. m.


ing hook.

Sarchietto, s. m. Sárchio, s. m. Sarchioncello, s. m. J Sarcocólla, s. f. sarco colla, a gum which drops from a tree of the same name in Persia. Sarda, s. f. a sardine, sar

Sassuolo, s. f. a little stone.

s. m. Satan, the Satána, devil. Satánasso, Satellite, s. m. bailiff, constable, catchpole.--Satélliti, satellites, secondary planets which are, as it were, waiting upon other planets. Sátira, s. f. a satire.-Satira, a lampoon, a libel. Satiráccia, s. f. a bad satire, a vile satire.

lusty satyr. Satireggiare, to satirise.-Satireggiare, to lampoon. Satireggiato, p. p. of Satireggiare.

Sardella, del, pilcher, a lit-Satiraccio, s. m. an ugly or
tle sea-fish.
Sardésco, adj. of Sardinia.
Sardina, s. f. sardine, sardel.
Sardónico, s. m. sardonix, a
precious stone so called.
Riso sardonico, v. Riso.


s. m. a kind of coarse

Sargia, s. f. a coverlet. Sárgina, v. Sargano. Sarmento, v. Sermento. Sarnácchio, s. m. a large catarrhous spittle. Sarnacchioso, adj. catarrhous. Sarpáre, to weigh anchor. a little Sarrocchino, s. m. cloak.

Sarte, s. f. pl. the shrouds of a ship.

Sartiáme, s. f. cordage, cords, ropes, the shrouds of a ship. Sarto, s. m. a taylor.Sartóre, Sartoré da uomo, a man's taylor.Sartore da donna, a woman's taylor. Sassája, s. f. a heap of stones. Sassajuóla, s. f. a fight fought with stones, lapidation, stoning. Far la sassajuola dietro

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Satiréllo, s. m. a little satyr.
Satirescaménte, adv. satiri-

Satirésco, adj. satirical.
Satirétto, v. Satirello.
Satírico, adj. satirical, biting,
cutting, tart, sharp, abusive.
Satirino, v. Satirello.
S. m. satyrion,
Satirióne, slandergrass, rag-
wort, priest-pintle.
Satiro, adj. satirical, or that
makes satires.-Sátoro, s. m.

Satisfazióne, s. f. a security or
pledge. Obs.
Satisfare, v. Soddisfare.
Satisfátto, adj. satisfied.
Satisfazióne, s. m. satisfac-

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mondo, I am wearied of the world. Sátrapo, s. m. a satrap, the chief governor of a province in Persia. Far il satrapo, to set up for a master. Saturità, s. f. saiety. Saturníno, adj. of or belonging to Saturn, saturnine.-Saturnino, saturnine, heavy, melancholy, dull.

Satúrno, s. m. Saturn, one of the planets.

tiated. Satúro, adj. full, glutted, sa

Sávere, v. Sapere. Obs. Saviamente, adv. sagely, wisely, prudently, discreetly. Saviezza, s. f. wisdom, sagen.ss, prudence.

called. Savina, s. f. savin; a plant so


Sávio, adj. sage, wise, discreet, prudent, considerate-Sa io, wise, learned.-Ve ne farò so vio, I'll explain it to you.Savio, s. m. a sage or wise man, a philosopher. Savióne, s. m. a very old man, an old prudent fellow. f. a medicine Savonéa, s. made of sugar, sweet almonds and water, mixed together, good for a cough. Savoráre, to savour, to taste, to relish. Obs. Savóre, s. m. savour, taste.-Savore, a sauce made of pounded walnuts, bread, and sour grapes mixed together. Savorevole, adj. well-tasted,

to stone one


Sassefrica, goat's-beark, a kind
of eatable root.
Sassello, ». Sassuolo.
Sassétro, v. Sassuolo.
Sassifrága, s. f. saxifrage, an
Sassifragia, herb good for
the stone in the bladder.
Sasso, s. m. a stone.-Sasso,
a tomb.

Sassofrásso, v. Sassafrasso.

a satyr.


Satívo, adj. sown, that can be
sowed, arable.
Satóila, s. f. a belly-full.-
Dore, si stolid fi

nate ad uno, to beat one



Sáuro, adj. sorrel-Cavallo
sauro, a sorrel horse.- Sauro
chiaro, a light bay.-Sauro
abbrucciato, a red bay.
Saziábile, adj easily satisfied,
easily satiated.
Saziabilmente, adv. with sa-

Satollaménto, s. m.
Satoilánza, s. f. Obs. Scess,
fullness, plenteousness.-Sa-
tollaménto, gluttony, too
much eating.
Satolláre, to fill, to give one his
belly-full, to satiate.
Satolláto, adj. filled, full, sa-
Satollezza, v. Satollamento. Saziáre, to satiate, to satisfy, to


Saziaménto, s. m. saturity, satiety, fulness.


Satollitá, s. f. excess, fulness, Saziáto, adj. satiated, satis
fied, glutted.
plentiousness. Obs.
Sazietà, s. f. satiety, fulness.
Satóllo. adj. full-glutted.-
Sono fatollo di carne, I am Saziévole, adj. satiating, that
satiates or satisfies.-Sazié-
cloyed, or surfeited with meat.
-Satollo, surfeited, glutted, vole, tiresome. tedious, im-
satiated, wearied, tired, siek.portunate, wearisome.

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Sbággio, s. m mistake, oversight, blunder.-Prender uno Sbandeggiato, adj. banished. to mistake, to Sbandigióne, s. f. banishcommit a Sbandiménto, s. m. S ment,

staglio, Fare sbaglio, mistake. Sbagliato, adj. mistaken.-Voi vi siete stugliato, you are mistaken. Sbaldanzire, to despond, to lose one's courage. Sbaldanzito, adj. desponded, that has lost his courage.Divenire sbandanzito, to despond. Sbalestraménto, s. m. missing the mark. Sbalestráre, to shoot or dart

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far off the mark.-Sbalestráre, to mistake, to be out, to be in an error, to blunder.-Voi sbalestrate, la cosa non va così, you mistake, you don't understand.- -Sbalestráre, to shoot, to dart. Sbalestratamente, adv. rashly, inconsiderately, at random." Sbalestráto, adj. shot or darted far off the mark.-Occhi sbalestrati, wild looks, wandering, straying eyes.-Sbalestrato, s. m. a heedless, rash, hair-brained man, a blunderer.

Shallare, to unpack.—Sballúre,|
to fib, to tell fibs.
Shallato, p. p. of ballare.
Shulordimento, s. m. amaze.
ment, consternation, astonish-



Sbandire, to banish-Slandáre, to recall from banish


Sbandito, s. m. a banished
man, an exile.-A casa sna
giurò di mai non tornare, ma
per ribelle aversi e per istan-
dito, he swore that he would
never go to his house again,
but to consider himself as a
rebel and exile.--Sandito,
adj. banished.
Sbaragliare, to disperse, to
scatter about, to rout, to dis-
comfit, to defeat.
Sbaragliarsi, to disperse, or
scatter, to disband, or disband

Sbaragliato, adj. dispersed,

routed, discomfited, defeated. Sbaraglino, s. m. a kind of play at back-gammon. Sbaraglio, s. m. a rout, defeat, overthrow, confusion, disorder.-Mettere a sharaglio, to rout, to defeat.-Mettersi a sbaraglio, to disperse or scatter about, to disband, to put in disorder.-Mettersi nd ogni sbaraglio, to front any danger, to do our utmost in in order to carry a point.Sharaglio, a kind of play at back-gammon.

Sbalordire, to be amazed or Sbarat tre, to defeat, to rout,

to discomfit, to put in disor der or confusion. Sbarattársi, to disperse, to scatter, to disband or disband themselves.

Sbarattáto, adj. defeated, discomfited, disbanded. Sharazzáre, to clear up, to take away the things that hinder. Sbarbáre, to root up, or pluck up by the root.-Starbáre, to wring, to take or get from, to pull or root, to pluck out, to force out from, to take away, to lug away.-Sharbare, to deprive, to bereave, or rob one of a thing. Sbarbatello, a conceited young fellow.

Sbarbáto, adj. rooted or plucked up by the roots.—Skarbáto, beardless, without a beard.Uno starbato, a boy, a lad. Sbarbazzáre, to unbridle. Sbarbazzáta, s. f. a pull of the bridle.-Dare una sbarbazzata ad un cavallo, to curb a horse.

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Sbarbazzáto, reprimand, rebuke, reproof, lecture.Dare una sbarbazzata, to reprimand, to give a lecture.— Sbarbazzato, adv. very freely, licentiously.- Parlare sbarbazzato, to talk freely. Sbarbicáre, to root up, or pluck up in the root.-Shar bicáre, to root out, to extir pate, to destroy. Sharcáre, to disembark to land.-Starcare delle mercanzie, to unload commodities or goods.-Starcáre, to land, to debark.Sbarcarsi, to land.

Sbarcato, adj. unloaded, landed. Sbarco, s. m. disembarking, landing-Impedire lo starco ai nemici, to hinder the enemies from landing. Sardelláre, to break or manage a horse.-Sbardellar del le risa. to laugh heartily. Sbardellataménte, adv. out of measure, excessively unreasonably.

Sbardellato, p. p. of Sbardellare. Sbardellato, adj. unreasonable, excessive, immoderate.-Piacere sbardellato, a great pleasure. Sbarra, s. f. a bar, a rail Vincer le sbarre, to force or break through the lines.Starra, a gag.

Sbarráre, to bar, to make fast Sbavíglio, v. Sbadiglio.
with a bar, to set with cross Sbeffare,
bars.-Sbarráre, to set open,
to open. Starrare nel purto,
to die in child-bed.-Star-
rarsi nelle braccia, to stretch
one's arms.-Starrar l'occhi,
to stare at or upon, to look
Sbarraro, adj. open, wide open.
Sbarro, s. m. a bar, or spar, a
rail.-Starro an obstacle or

to mock, to
Sbeffeggiáre, laugh at, to ri-
dicule, to scoff, to deride, to
jeer, to banter.
Sbellicarsi, to burst or break
one's navel.-Stellicarsi dalle
risa, to burst with laughter.
Sbendáre, to unveil, to un-
Sbendáto, adj. unveiled,

in a very agreeable tone, answered. -Sligottire, to frighten, to fright, to terrify. Sbigottitaménte, in a frighted


Shigottito, adj. desponding, frightened, astonished, amaz


Sbilanciaménto, s. m inclining to one side. un-Sbilanciáre, to take out of the equilibrium.

Sberga, s. f. Obs. the backSbergo, s. m. Obs.

piece of

the armour. Sberleffare, to laugh at, to mock, to ridicule. Sberléffo,s.m.mockery, mouths

Sbasoffiáre, to eat immoderately. A low word. Sbassánza, s. f. meanness, poorness, lowness, baseness. Obs. Sbastáre, to unsaddle, to take made to show contempt. off the pack saddle. Sberlingacciáre, t make merSbattacchiare, to dash or throw ry in carnival time. to the ground. Sbattacchi Sberrettáre, to salute one úre per terra, to fling or Sberrettársi, with pulling throw down to the ground. off the cap or hat, to pull off Sbattacchiato, adj. thrown, the hat or cap to one. -thrown, to the ground. Sberrettáta, s. f. a bow, with Sbattere, to beat.--Sbattere le pulling off one's cap or hat. ali, to flap or flutter, speak- Sberrettáto, p. p. of Sberrettare. ing of birds.---Sbattersi, to Sberretrato, adj. without fret or vex one's self, to strug- one's cap on one's head, baregle, to toss up and down.-headed. Stáitere, to chide, to chastise, Sbertáre, to laugh at, to mock. to punish.--Sbattere, to bate, to abate.-Slattere, to eat.Non c'è niente da sbattere, there is nothing to eat. Sbattezzáre, to oblige or force one to change his religion. Sbattezzarsi, to renounce one's baptism.-Sbattezzarsi a fare una cosa, to do all possible efforts.

Sbevazzamento, s. m. the act of drinking little, but often. Sbevazzáre, to drink little but often.

Sbiadáto, adj. sky blue-Seta stiadata, sky-blue silk.Stiadato, without oats, that has had no oats.--Cavallo, shindato, a horse that has no


Sbattimento, s. m. a beating, Sbiancare, to grow whitish. shaking, shake, toss, jolt.-Sbiancato, adj. whitish.Sbattimento,a shade,in paintting. Sbattito, reluctancy, averseness, vexation, trouble.Sbattúto, tossed, agitated, troubled, disquieted, tortured.Occhi stattuti, languishing eyes. Sbattuto, dejected, grieved, afflicted, cast down, discouraged, broken, overwhelmed.—Sbatlato, bated, Sbavag iáre, to uncover the head. Sbavagliato, adj. with the head uncovered. Sbavatúra, s. f. scum, foam, froth, slaver. Shavigliamento, v. Sbadiglia

Viso sbiancato, a pale face. Sbiaváto, adj. pale sky-blue. Sbiecare, to wry, to be awry. Sbieco, adj. awry-A slieco, in istieco, adv. wrily. Sbiescio, v. Sbieco. Sbietolare, to be moved with. tenderness, to weep for tenderness. A low word. Sbiettáre, to pull off the wedge.


Sbavigliante, V. Sbadigliante. Shavigliáre, u. Sbadigliare.

Sbietture, to run away, to pack up.

bigottimento, s. m. dread, consternation, great fear, despondence. Shigottire, to despond, or despair, to dread, to fear, to be under a great consternation, to be dismayed.---La donna senzastigottir punto, con voce assai piacevole rispose, the woman, not atall dismayed,

Sbiláncio, s. m. the state of bending downwards. Sbilénco, adj. distorted, crooked. Sbitbáto, adj. deceived, bubbled.

Sbirciáre, to half-shat the eyes to see better small objects, as near sighted people do. Sbirraglia, s. f. the whole body of bailiffs, or catchpoles. Sbirreria, s. f. the whole body of bailiffs, all the bailiffs. Sbiro, s m.a bailiff, a catch. pole, a constable. Sbisacciare, to draw any thing out of the wallet or bag. Sbizzarrire, to delight, or Sbizzarrirsi, take delight in one's fancies.

Sboccaménto, s. m. discharge, disemboguing, as rivers do. Sboccáre, to discharge, to empty, to disburden, or dis embogue itself, as a river does -Stoccáre, to rush or fall upon.--Sboccare i vast, to throw a little of the liquor out of a vessel that is too full. →→Sboccáre, to break the gullet or neck of vessels.-Stoccare, to talk ra-hly or impradently, to talk nastily.. Shoccatamente, adv. nastily. filthily, licendously.---Parlare sboccatamente, to tak nastily, or licentiously. Sboccato, adj.discharged, emptied, disburdened, disembo gued.boocúto, obscenr. filthy, bawdy, smutty.-Cevallo sborcato, a hard-mouthed horse.-Cane sboccato, a soft-mouthed dog. Sboccatáccio, s. m, a nasty, licentious, free, and stocking talker.

Sboccatura, s. f. v. Sbocco. Sbocciare, to bud out; said of flowers.

Sbocciato, adj. out of its bud. Sbacco, s. m. the mouth or entrance of a river. Sbocconcelláre, to pick, so eat


a little, to chew carelessly, as | Shottoneggiáre, to say someif not hungry. thing tart. Sboglientamento, s. m. a boil- Sbozzacchire, to thrive again, ing or bubbling.-Sloglienta- to grow well again. mento, agitation, perturba- Sbozzimáre, to wash off the tion, trouble, vexation, anguish. -Sboglientamento, Sbozzo, s. m. sketch, the first inotion.------Sboglientamento, draught, or rough beginning disorder, confusion. of any work. Sboglientáre, to boil, or bubble Sbozzoláre, to take the multure up. Obsolete in all its signi- or miller's fee for grinding. fications. Sboglientáre, to Sbraccarsi, to strive, to strain, agitate, to toss, to hurry, to to do one's best. Vulgar. disquiet, to trouble, to torture. Sbracataménte, adv. mighScoglientáre, to rumble.- tily, prodigiously, very much, Sboglientarsi, to kindle, to excessively. Vulgar. increase, to grow hot.-Per Sbracato, adj. without breela qual cosa tra i Greci e i ches, with one's breeches Trojam sboglientò battaglia, down.- -Stracáto, great, therefore between the Greeks large, huge. and the Trojans there arose a great battle.Scoglientare la spada nel sangue d'uno, to dip or steep the sword in somebody's blood. Sboglientáto, p. p. of Sbogli.


Sbracciarsi, to tuck or turn up
one's sleeves.Stracciarsi,
to turn every stone, to use
all means.
Sbracciato, adj. that has the
sleeves tucked up.
Sbraciare, to stir the fire.
Straciúre, to spend prodigally.
-Straciare a uscita, to waste,
to squander away.
Sbraciáta, s. f. a stirring of

Sbolzonáre, to beat or strike
down. Stolzonare la mo-
neta, to coin or mint money
in haste.
Sbombardáre, to fire the bom-brácio, s. m the fire.

Sbombettáre, to get drunk.
Shontadiáto, adj. useless, good
for nothing. Obs.
Sbonzoláre, to fall down.-
Stonzoláre, to burst, the fall-
ing of the guts into the scro-
tum.-Stonzoláre, to eat too


Sbonzoláto, adj. ruined, fallen, down. $bordellare, to frequent bawdyhouses. Stordellúre,to make a noise, many people together for merriment. 'Sborrare, to take the stuffing out of any thing.-Storráre, to speak out, to disclose, to lay open. Vulgar.

Sborsare, to disburse, to pay, to spend, to lay out.-Venite domani e ri storserò i vostri danari, come to-morrow, and I'll pay you your money. Sborsáto, adj. disbursed, paid. Shorso, s. m. disbursement.Mi bisogna fare un grande storso, I must lay out a considerable sum of money. Sbottonáre, to unbutton.Sbottonársi, to unbutton one's self. Shottonáre, to say something tart. Shottonáto, adj. unbuttoned.

vo costume, to break one's self of an ill habit.-Non pos so strattarmi di lui, I cannot be rid of him.-Sbrattáre, to pack up, to run away. Sbricconeggiare, to play the rogue, to live like a rogue. Sbriccio, abject, poor, low. Sbricioláre, to cut very small, to break in small pieces. Shricioláto, adj. cut very small, broken in small pieces. Sbrigaménto, s. m. expedition, dispatch.

sbrigáre, to dispatch or expe-
dite.-Strigare un negozio, to
dispatch an affair.-Strigate-
vi di far tosto quello che do-
vete fare, do quickly what
you have to do.-Strigarsi d'
uno, to be rid of one.-Shri-
garsi d'un debito, to pay a
debt.-Sbrigáre, to free, to
set at liberty.
Sbrigataménte, adv. quickly,

Sbrigativo, adj. expeditive,
quick.-Strigato, adj. dis-
patched, ready.-La più stri-
gata via, the nearest way.-
Ell' è sbrigata, it is done.
Sbrigliare, to unbridle.-Shri-

Sbraculáto, adj. without bree-glidre, to untie, to loosen, to ches. Vulgar.


Sbrigliáta, s. f. a pull with a

Sbramáre, to satiate, to satisfy,
to content.-Stramarsi, to bridle.
be pleased, satisfied, or con-

Sbranáre, to tear or rend in

Sbranáto, adj. torn, rent.
Sbrancaménto, s. m. a ramble,
stepping or going aside, or
out of the flock.

Sbrigliato, adj. unbridled, free, at liberty, loose. brigliatúra, s. f. a pull with the bridle.--Strigliatúra, check, rebuke, reprimand.Dare una strigliatura ad uno, to rebuke one, to reprimand him.

brizzáre, to besprinkle, to wet, to splash.-Strizzáre, to break or bruise small, to mince or cut small. Sbrogliáre, e sbrogliarsi, to disentangle, to disentangle one's self.

brancáre, to take off the flock, to separate. Sbrancare i rami degli alberi, to pluck off the branches of the trees.Stroncare una congiura, to break up or discover a plot.Strancare un esercito, to rout or defeat an army. Sbron-Sbrogliato, adj. disentangled. cársi, to go out of the stock, Sbrucáre, to unleave, to pluck to go astray. the leaves. Sbiancato, separated, disper- Sbruffare, to besprinkle with one's mouth. Sbrúffo, s. m. the act of sprinkling with water, that one had in one's mouth, by blowing hard with the lips close. Sbruttáre, to clean or cleanse. —Struttarsi i denti, to clean one's teeth.

Sbrandelláre, to cut a piece or
a bit off.

Sbrandelláto, adj. cut off.
Sbráno, s. m. tearing, rending,
mangling, slaughter.
Sbrattáre, to clean, to cleanse,
to scour.Sbrattáre, to rid or
ease one's self of.-Sbrattar-Sbruttato, adj. cleaned, cleans-
si d'un vizio, to leave off a
vice. Sbrattarsi d'un catt- Sbucáre, to come out of the


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