صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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scarcity.Scarsězza, s. f.) break forth, to sally out, to in-perately, hand over head, with sparingness, savingness, œco



precipitation, hastily, in haste,
rashly. Scave:zacólio, a
rogue, a villain.

Scavezzare, to break, to bruise,
to beat in pieces.—Ti scarez
zerò le braccia, I'll break your
bones.--Sca: ezzúre, to preci.
pitate, to hurry, to over has-
ten, to do in haste.-Chi
troppo l'assottiglia la sca-
vezza, who strains a thing
will break it.

nomy housewifery, thriftiness. Scatenáto, adj. unchained, let Scarsità, s. f. niggardiness, covetousness, savingness, spar-Scatola, s. f. a box. Dire ingness.--Scarsità, want, una cosa a lettere di scatola, lack-Arere scorsità di qual to tell a thing plain, or in plain che cosa, to lack, to want English. something. Scatolétta, s. f. Scarso, adj. scarce, rare, hard scatolinos na little box. to be gotten-Scarsa fortuna, Scatolóne, s. m.) a poor fortune. —Tenere scar-Scatolóna, s. f. a large box. so uno di qualche cosa, to keep Scattáre, to slacken or grow one short of any thing.--Scar- loose. Not in use. -Scatto pass slip, or adj. broke. Scavo, s m. a vale, pit, hollow, hollowness, cavity. Scazzellare, to play, to wag, to toy.

ghinea, scarsa, a light guinea. Scarso, stingy, sparing, saving, niggardly, penurious, close-fisted-Colpo scarso, a

Not in use.

Scattato, adj. slackened, loose,

passed. Not in use.
Scattatújo, s. m. the hook off
a cross-bow.

Scátto, s. m. passage, going
from one place to another.

Scaturigine, s. f. source, head,
spring, fountain.-Scaturigi-
He the spring, root, cause,
occasion, beginning, princi-

Scazzónte, s. m. an iambic verse of three metres, whose last half metre is spondee. Scébran, s. f. a kind of herb. ceda, s. f. raillery, banter, bantering, jeer, jest — Farsi sceda di qualcheduno, to jeer, to rally, to barter one.— Farsi sceda delle cose sacre, to droll or play upon sacred things.

Scodato, adj. gamesome, wag

gish, wanton.

Scedería, s. f. foolishness, impertinence, nonsense. Scéglimento, s. m. election, choice.

blow that has not fallen full.-Scarso, s. m. rarity, rareness, scarcity, want, lack.-Scarso di nettovagliz, scarcity, want of provisions. Scartabelláre, to run over a book in haste, to read it without application, to turn and turn the leaves of it. Scartabello, s. m. old writ-Scaturire, to spring, to rise, to Scartafaccio, ing or book issue, as waters do. of little worth. Scaturito, p. p. of Scaturire. Scartáre, to discard, to lay out Scavalcáre, to alight.-Scavalone's cards.Startáre, to re- cúre, to unhorse or dismount. ject, to slight, to despise, to --Scavalcáre un cannone, to set aside. dismount a piece of ordnance. Scartato, adj. discarded, re- --Scavalcáre uno, to supjected, slighted, despised, set plant or undermine one, to aside. Dar nelle scartate, to trip up his heels. commit extravagant or im-Scavalcáto, adj. alighted, unproper things. horsed, dismounted, supplantScarzo, adj. nimble, agile, ed. quick, active, swift. Scavalcatóre, a supplinter. Scusare, to turn out of the Scavalcatrice, fem. of Scavalhouse. catore. Scasimodéo, adv. for example, Scavalláre, to unhorse or disfor instance. A low word. mount.-Scavallare un canScassáre, to draw out of the none, to dismount a piece of chest or trunk.-Seassure, ordnance. - Scavallare uno, to destroy, to ruin, to break to supplant or undermine one. to pieces, to split in pieces.--Scavallare uno dalla sua Srassdre, to grub up an uncarica, to turn one out of his tilled piece of ground. post.-Scavillare, to run up Scassato, adj. drawn out of and down, to play the liber-Scelleráto, adj. bad, wicked, the chest, destroyed, ruined, tine. broken to pieces. Scaval1áto, adj. unhorsed, disScassináre, to destroy, to ruin, mounted.-Scavallúto, vilito break open. Scassinato, adj. destroyed, Scavaménto, s. m. digging or ruined, broken.

Scegliere, to choose, to make
choice of, to pick out, to pitch
upon, to elect.
Scegliriccio, s. m.
rest, re-
mainder, remnant, leavings
or refuse.
Sceglitóre, he who chuses.
Scelerággine, v. Scelleraggine,
and all its derivatives.
Scellerággine, s. f. wicked.
Scelleranza, ness, a hei-

nous offence. Scellerataménte, adv. mischievously, wickedly. Scelleratezza, s. f. wickedness, a heinous offence.




Scasso, s. m. the ground pre-Scaváre, to dig up, to ditch or
pared to be planted.
Scatelláto, adj. conquered,
overcome with shame and
hurt. Obs.
Scatenare, to unchain, to let or
break loose.-Scatenarsi, to

Scaváto, adj. dug, digged.
Scavezzacóllo, s. m. a sudden
and great fall--Scarezzacóllo,
a fault, mistake, or blunder.
—A scuvezzacúllo, adv. des-


Scellerità, s. f. wickedners,
malice, heinous action.
Scelleróso, adj. wicked, ras
cally. Obs.

Scelo, s. m. iniquity, wicked-
ness. Poetical.
Scelta, s. f. choice, election.-
Fare scelta d'uno, to value
of esteem one, to distinguish
him from the rest.-A sua
scelta, to one's mind or incli-
nation---Essendosi ella d'un

giovinetto bello e leggiadro a sua scelta innamorata, she falling in love with a handsome beautiful young man of her liking-Scelta, the choice, the best, the flower. Scelto, adj. chosen, made choice of, pitched upon, elected.-Scelto, the best, the choice.

Sceltúme, s. m.
n. pickings, bad
things separated from the

Scemaménto,s. m. diminution,
decrease, abatement.
Scemánte, adj. diminishing,
lessening, decreasing.
Scemáre, to diminish, to lessen,
to impair, to abate.

silly, simple, dull, sottish. Scempiézza, s. f. sottishness, silliness, blockishness, impertinence, silly thing.


Scerpáre, to break, to break to pieces, to ruin, to destroy, tʊ pluck out or away, to pull


adj. reversed, said of an eye when the eye-lashes are not placed the right way.-Occhio scerpellino, an eye, whose lower lid being reversed, leaves that part of the white altogether uncovered. Scerpellóne, a great mistake or blunder.

Scémpio, adj. single, simple.-Scerpasoléa, s. f. a kind of Prima era scempio e ora è small bird so called. fatto doppio, first he was sin- Scerpelláto, gle, and now he is become Scerpellino, double.Scempio, sottish, foolish, silly, simple, dull.Uno scempio, s. m. a sot, a fool, a silly man, a simpeton, a blockhead.-E non vorrei però parere uno scempio, and I would not look like a fool neither.-Scempio, s m. torment, rack, torture.Scem- Scerre v. Scegliere. pio, slaughter. Fare scem-Scervelláto, adj. whose brains -Sce-pio, to slaughter. have been dashed out.-E quello incontanente sier:ellato ablatit, and he presently knocked him down-Scercel-. dto, hate-brained.cock-brained, a rash fool.—Uno scervelldia, s. m. a hair-brained fool. Scesa, s. f. descent, steep side of a hill.-Sresa, deflux, defluxion of humoursPrender una cosa a scesa di testa, to be obstinate, to be obstinately resolved, to be stiff and fim in a purpose in order to obtain it.

mare, to lessen, to diminish, to decrease, to fall to decay.

Seemar di riputazione, to fall or sink in one's reputation.-Scemar l' amore, to cool one's love.

Scemato, adj. diminished, lessened.

Scena, s. f. a stage or scene.Scena, a scene, part of an act. --Scena, has exactly the same signification in Italian, as scene in English. Scenário, s. m. a paper in which are described the actors, the scenes, and the places Scematóre, a diminisher, he from which the actors are to that diminishes or abates. come on the stage when they Scemo, adj. diminished, les- perform a play. sened, not full, wanting Scendere, to descend, to go, to Misura scema, not fuil mea-: come or step down.-Scender sure.--Luna scema, the di cavallo, to alight.-Seenmoon's decrease. Quando der di carrozza, to alight out Sceso, adj. descended. io m'accorsi che 'l monte cra of a coach.-Come il viso mi Scéttico, adj. sceptical, belongscemo, when I perceived that scese in lor più basso, as i haping to the Sceptics, a sect of the mountain was cut. Dante. pened to look down upon philosophers who doubted of -Poco oltre veggio in sulla them.—Scindere, to go down every thing, and would adrena gente seder propinqua al a river. Scendere, to go- mit of no determination. luogo scemo, a little farther Scindere, to descend from one, Scettro, s. m. a scepter. I saw some people sitting up- to draw one's origin from.— Seeveraménto, s m. separaon the sand, in the farther- Egli scende d'una buona fa- tion, parting or partition. most part of the place.-Diamiglia, he comes of a good Sceverare, to separate, to sever, mante non iscemo, a diamond family Scindere, to grow to part, to divide, to put that has been cut. Scemo cheap to fall in its price. asunder-Chi Dio congiunse, sottish, silly, simple fool- Scendiménto, s. m. descent, uomo non sceceri, whom God ish, foppish, duli. Cre- going down, declivity. has joined, no man shall dete voi che io abbia dello Scénico, adj. of or belonging to scemo? do you take me for a a play, scenic, scenicii. fool ?—Egli ha un poco dello Scenográfia, s. f. scenography, scemo, his brains are a little the representation of a body touched.--Scemo, s. m. di- in a prospective, with its shaminution, lessening, decrease. dows and dimensions. Scempiazgine, s. f. silliness, Scenográfico, adj.scenographifoolishness, blockishness. cal, belonging to scenography. Scempiare, to single, to make | Scenopógia, s. f. the feast of tasingle.Scempiáre, to ex- bernacles kept by the Jews. plain, to expound, to inter- Scérnere, to discern, to distinpret, to unfold or open. Obs. gnish, to know distinctly, to ---Srempiáre, to torment, to see plain. Scernere, to torture, to rack. Not in choose, to pick out, to pitch upon, to elect. Scemimento, s. m. the discerning faculty, discretion, judgment.


Scempiatággine, s. f. foolishness, silliness, blockishness. Scempiato, adj. single, not double-Scempidto, foolish,

Scernire, v. Scérnere, Obs.


Sceveråta, s. f. a separation or
parting. Not in use.
Sceverataméute, adv. separate-
iy, asunder, severally.
Sceverato, adj. separated, se
vered, parted.
Sceveratúre, s. m. he that parts

or severs.

Scévero, adj. separated, severed, parted.

Scevtáre, poetical, v. Sceverare scévro, adj. separatod, parted, severed-E Bearice che era un poco Scerra, and Beatrix who was a little.distant. Scheggia, s fashiver, a splinter of wood, or a shard of stone.-Schaggią, she skunk,

stump, or stem of a tree. — Scheggie, s. f. pl. thin pieces of wood to make baskets, and other such things.-Scheggia, a steep rock. Chi ha de ceppi può far delle schegge, who has wood can make splintersLa scheggia ritrae dal ceppo, such the father such the son, a chip of the old block. Scheggiale, s. m. a leather gir


Scheggiare, to split or shiver,
to make chips.
Scheggiato, adj. splitted, shi-

Schermitóre, v. Schermidore.
Schermitrice, femin. of Scher-

Schérmo, s. m. a defence, a
protection, shelter or support.
-Altro schermo non trovo che
mi scampi, I find no other
way to save myself. Fare
schermo, to defend or keep
one's self from, to resist or

ously, pleasantly, merrily, in a pleasant or jocose manner, in jest.

Schérzo, s. m. play, sport, wantonness, toying, pleasant jests.-Da scherzo, adv. in jest.

Scherzosaménte, adv. jestingly, merrily, facetiously, pleasantly.

Scherzóso, adj. jocose, merry,

Schermúgio, s. m. a skirmish. pleasant, jovial, facetious.

Schiaccia, s. f. a trap.-Rima-
Schérna, s. f. mockery, laugh- nere alla schiaccia, to be
ter, abuse, contempt. Obs.- catched in the trap.-Schide-
Far scherna, to laugh at, to ri- ria, a wooden leg.
Schiacciaménto, s. m. a squash-
Schernévole, adj. contumeli-ing, crushing, or bruising.
ous, affrontive-Parole scher-Schiacciare, to squash, to
evoli, contumelious lan- crush, to bruise.-Schiacci
are noci, to crack nuts.
Schiacciare con isferen, to
whip cruelly, to lash with a
whip.-Schiacciúre, to resist,
to make resistance, to with-
stand. Schiacciare lo stimo.
lo della coscienza, to be har-
dened at the stings of con-


Schernevolmente, adv. disdain-
fully, reproachfully.
Schérnia, ". Scherna. Obs.

Schérgio, s. m. a rock, a brow,
a cliff. Not in use.
Schegetone, s. m. a large rock
the high brow of a steny hill.
Scheggioso, adj. broken, crag-
gy, rough, steep.
Senegginóla, s. f. a little
Schegúzza, Ś splinter.
Scheletro, s. m. skeleton car-Scherniáno, s. m. a scoffer, or
case, or anatomy.—Schéletro, scorner. Obs.
a skeleton, alean person.
Scheneire, to go slanting or
sloping. Obs.--Schencive, to
shun, to eschew. to avoid.

Schiacciáto, adj. squashed,
crushed, bruised.-Schiacci-
áto, flat.-Naso schiacciato,
a flat nose.
Schiacciatúra, s. f. a bruise or

Schiaffeggiare, to box, to cuff.
Schiaffeggiato, p. p. of Schiaf-

Scherniménto, s. m. mockery, raillery, jest, banter. Schernire, to laugh at, to ridicule, to mock, to scoff, to de-Schiacciáta, s. f. a cake, a ride, to jeer, to banter.- bun. Scheráno, s. m. a ruffian, an Schernire, to scorn or make assassin, a villain. nothing of, to laugh at, not Scheránzia, s. f. a quinsey, a to care for. sore throat. Scherníto, adj. laughed at, ridiSchéretro, s. m. a skeleton. culed, derided, scoffed.-Far Schericáto, adj that has been restare schernito, to make a degraded of his dignity speak- fool of one. ing of a priest.-Prete tu toc- Schernitére, a scoffer, a scorncherai di schericato, reverend er, ajeerer, a banterer. sir, you shall be degraded one Schernitrice, s. f. a mocker, a day or other, you shall get scoffer, a jeering woman. your pate broken.- -Pianta Scherno, s. f. mockery, raillery, schericata, a lopped plant. banter, contumely, affront. Scherma, s. f. fencing.-Far Avere a schermo, to scorn, to di scherma, to fence.-Maes- laugh at, not to value or care tro di scherma, a fencing mas- for.-Prendere a scherno, to ter-Perder la scherma, to be laugh at, to ridicule, to scorn. at a loss, or at one's wits ends. | Scheruola, s. f. a skirret or skir-Questo affure m'ha fatto perder la scherma, that aflair bas put me out. Schermaglia, s. f. a fight, battle or fray. Schermáre, v. Schermire. Schermidore, s. m. a fencer, a sword player, a gladiator.Schermidúre, a fencing-mas



Scherzaménto, s. m. a jeer,
jest, joke or banter.
Scherzánte, adj. joking, jesting,

Scherzáre, to play, to toy, to wag-Scherza sempre come en funciullo, he is always playing like a child.--Scherzáre, to jeer, to banter, to Schermigliato, adj. disordered, jest, to be in jest. intangled, as hair when not Scherzato, p. p. of Scherzare. combed for a long while Scherzatóre, s. m. a jester, a Schermire, to fence.-Schermerry fellow. mire, to parry, to keep off, to Scherzévole, adj. facetious, ward off-Schermirsi, to de- pleasant, merry, jocese. fend or keep one's self from. Scherzevolmente, adv. faceti

Schiatto, s. m. a box, a slap,
a cuff or blow on the ear.
Schiamazzáre, to cackle, as a
hen does, when she has laid
an egg. La gallina che schi-
amaz a è quella che ha fatto
l'uovo, the man that is too
earnest in justifying himself
of a crime, is guilty of it.-
Schiamazzáre, to make a
noise, to bawl, to clamour,
to scold.
Shiamazzáto, p. p. of Schia-


Schiamazzatóre, s. m. a neisy man, clamorous fellow. Schiamazzatrice, a clamorous


Schiamázzio, s. m. noise. Schiamazzo, S --Schiamázzo, a bird in a cage, by which the bird catchers making it squeak catch other birds. Schianciana, s. f. the diagonal line of a quadrilateral figure. Schiancío, adj. oblique, sløp

schiera degli Spagnuoli, King
Charles, seeing that the squa-
dron of the Spaniards grew
Schiatta, s. f. face, family,
stock, generation, issue..

Schiatta, race, sort, kind.
Schiattire, to yelp, bark, or
whilk.- -Schiattire,


Schiattóna, s. f. a lustŷ young

Th, thwart, wry.-Sguardo di schianeio, a wry look. A schiancio, adv. biass, slanting, sloping, or slopingly, a-slope, across; overthwart. Schiancire, to strike in an oblique manner. Schiantáre, to cleave, to cut asunder, to rent, to tear. Schiantáre un ramo d'un albero, to tear off a branch of a tree. Il cuor mi schianti ri- Schiáva, s. f. a woman slave. cordandomi ciò, thou strikest Schiaváre, to unlock, to break me to the very heart by put- open a lock, to unnail ting me in mind of that. Schiavare una porta, to break Ho una tossa che mi fa schiopen a door. antar le budella, I have such Schiaváto, a cough that I am ready to opened. burst with it.-Schiantáre, to Schiavelláre, v. Schiavare gather, to reap.-Ahi morte Schiavelláto, v. Schiaváto. ria, come a schiantar se' pre-Schiaváccio, s. m. a vile slave. sta il frutto di molti anni in Schiavésco, adj. of or belongsì poche ore, ah, cruel death, ing to a slave. how quick thou art to reap in a few hours the fruit of so many years. Schiantáto, adj. cleaved, cut asunder, rent, torn. Schianto, s. m. cut, cleft Schidnto, torment, grief, fret, anguish.

Schiánza, s. f. scarf or scab of a wound, an ulcer. Schiappare, to cleave, slit, split, or cut. Egli è si grasso che schiappa, he is so fat that he is ready to burst. Schiaráre, to clear-Schiaráre, to clear, to make out or plain, to explain, to unfold, to resolve.-Schiarare, to clear, to clear up or grow clear. Il tempo si schiara, the weather begins to clear up. Schiarando il giorno, o allo schiarar del giorno, by the break of day. -Schiardre, to be cleared of a doubt or question.

Schiarato, adj. cleared. Schiaratore, he that enlightens or clears up, an expounder. Schiaratrice, s. f. she that enlightens.

Schiaréa, s. f. wild sage. Schiarire, to clear, to clear up, to grow clear.In sullo schiarir del giorno, by break -Schiarire, to ap

of day.-
pear. -Poscia tra esse un
iune si schiario, afterwards
there appeared a light amongst
them. Schiarire, to make
thin, to grow thin.--Il Re
Carlo veggendo schiarire la



Schiëncire, to avoid, to shun,
to parry or eschew. Obs.
Schienella, s. f. a kind of sore
which comes upon the fore
legs of a horse.
Schienúto, adj. strong of

Schiéra, s. f. a legion, an army,
a battalia or battle array.
Schiera, a band, set compa
ny, or gang.—Una schiera d
uccelli flight of birds.-Fare
schiera, to set in array.
Schéraa row.-- Unaschiera d
alberi, a row of trees.--A schie
ra, adv. by bands or compa
nies. A schiera a schiera, by

Schieraménto, s. m. order of
battle, disposition, order.
Schierare, to set the battle it.
array, to draw up an army
in battalia.——Schierársi, tợ
range one's self in array.
Schiero, adj. ranged, set;
drawn in battalia.

Schiavétto, s. m. a young
Schiavína, s. f. a slave's gar-Schiettaménte, adv. uprightly,
ment or frock, also a long
robe which pilgrims wear.-
Schiavina, a coarse sort of

Schiavíno, 9. m. the name of
a magistrate anciently so cal
led. Obs.
Schiavitù, s. f. slavery.
Schiavo, s. m. a slave.-Schi-
avó, adj. obliged.-lo voglio
essere schiavo in vita mia a
questa donna per questa no
vella, as long as I live I shall
be obliged to this woman for
her story.-Schiavo, Sclavo-
nian, of Selavonia.Venti
schiavi, south-east winds.
Schiavolino, s. m. a little boy
that is a slave.

Schiavóne, s. m. a lusty slave.
Schiazzamaglia, s f. rabble,
mob, rascally people.
Schie heraménto, s. m. scrib-
bling, blotting-paper
Schiccherare, to daub with
ink, to daub or foul.
Schiccherato, adj. daubed,
foul, full of ink.
Schidióne, J
Schieggia, v. Scheggia.
Schienánzia, s. f. a quinsey:
Schiena, s. f. the back.--La
schiena d'un monte, the ridge,
of a hill.-Schiena, the top.
Per schiend, adv. sideways.
A schiena d'asino, sharp

s. m. a spit.

Schienale, s. m. the back.

sincerely, honestly, candidly. Schiettézza, s. f. uprightness, sincerity, integrity, honesty, candour, frankness, openness. Schietto, adj. candid, sincere, frank, free, open, upright, plain-dealing,Schietto pure, mere, unmixed.-Vino schietto, pore, unmixed wine. - Schietto, pure, clean, neat, fair.-Uomo schietto, a come ly handsome man -Abito schietto, a plain suit of cloaths.

Schifalpóco, adj. shy in things
of no importance, but eager
of those th: t ought not to be
sought after.
Schitamente, adv. filthily, sor
didly, dirtily, niggardly.
Schifaménto, s. m.
Schifanza, s. f.
voiding. Obs.
Schifaménto, disdain, scorn,


Schifáre, to shum, to avoid. to eschew.-Schtfäre un colpo, to parry a blow. Ogni uomo deve schifare la mala compagnia, every body ought to shun bad company.-Schifare, to disdain, to scorn, to despise-Schifáre, to loath, to abhor, to detest.-Schifare, to reuse, to deny. Schifáto, adj. avoided, shun ned.

Schifatóre, one that carefully avoids or shuns to do a things Fit

[blocks in formation]


Schiomáto, p. p. of Schio


his eyes red like fire, seemed ready to come out of his head.-Schizzáre, to sketch, to make the first draught.

distasteful, unpleasant, nau-Schioppétto, s. m. a little Schizzáto, adj. gushed out, musquet, a small fowling spouted, squirted, splashed, sketched. Schizzatójo, s. m. a syringe. Schizzettáre, to wet with a sy ringe.

Schifezza, s. f. nastiness, filthiness, a nasty thing.Avere schifezza, to loath, abhor or detest.-Egli avea fete

Schioppo, s. m. a musquet, a

Schippíre, to escape, to get

Schippito, adj. escaped, lost.

Schisa, ex. per ischisa, in is
chis, adv. cross, a-cross,

▲ non volea bere per ischifez-| away, to make one's escape. su di lui, he was dry and would not drink, because he loathed to drink after him. →Schifezza, daintiness, squeamishness. Schifiltà, s. f. modesty.Schifiltà, shyness, coyness, finicalness-Schufiltà, filthiness, nastiness, a nasty thing. Schifiltóso, adj. shy, coy, finical.

Schifo, adj. nasty, filthy, loathsome, nauseous.-Schifo, shy, coy, disdainful, scornful.Egli è molto schifo di partire, he is loath to go-Mi fa schifo il vederlo, it makes me sick to see him. -Non solamente non l'ama mo se ne mostra sehife, he not only does not love her, but he seems to hate her.Schifo, reserved, close, wary, shy, cautious.--Fenire a schifo, avere a schifo, to loath, to hate, to abhor, to detest. -Schife, s. m. a skiff, a kind of ship's boat.- -Schifo, a plaisterer's trough, tray, or hod.

Schifosamente, adv.nastily, filthily.

Schiféso, adj. nasty, filthy, loathsome, nauseous. Schimbescio, adj. wry, cross, a-cross, cross-wise, athwart, awry, askew, aslope. Schinanzia, s, f. the quin


Schisáre, to find the broken
number in arithmetic.
Schiso, s. m. the finding the
broken number in arithmetic.
Schiváre, to shun, to avoid.
Schiváto, adj. shunned, or

Schizzétto, s. m. a small sy. ringe.

Schizzinosaménte, adv. in a disdainful manner. Schizzinóso, adj. shy, disdainful, scornful. Schizzo, s. m. the dirt or wa ter one is splashed or dashed with.-Schizzo, a little bit.Schizzo, a sketch, a rude draught, the first draught. Sciábica, s. f. a kind of net. Sciabla, s. f. a sabre, a kind of weapon. Schiudere, to open, to set Sciacquare, to wash, to rinse. open.――Schiudersi, to get Sciacquáto, p. p. of Scisc. out or away, to run out or quare. away.---Schinders, to exclude, to debar, to shut or keep from.

Schiúma, s. f. froth, foam,
scum.-Schiuma, dregs.-

Sciaguattáre, to shake, to jog, to toss, said of liquors in ves sels not full. Not used. Sciagúra, s. f. misfortune, mischance, ill fortune, disaster,

La schiuma del popolo, the mischief.
dregs of the people, the riff-Sciaguránza,
s. f. wick-
raff of the people, the rascali-Sciaguratággine, Sedness.
ty, the mob.---Egh è la Sciaguratamente, adv. wieked-
schiuma de ribaldi, he is a ly, maliciously.-Sciagura-
hang-dog, a newgate-bird.- taménte, unhappily, unlucki-
Io sono la schiuma de' scia- ly, unfortunately, wretched-
gurati, I am the most mise- ly, miserably.
rable in the world.-Fenir la Sciaguratéllo, adj. dim. of
schiuma alla bocca, to foam Sciagurato.
and fret, to be in a great pas-

Schiumáre, to skim.-Schiu-
mare, to froth or foam.
Schiumáte, adj. skimined.
Schiumóso, adj. frothy, foam-

sey. Schivo, adj. shy, close, wary, Schinchimúra, s. f. a word in- reserved, cautious, modest.vented by Boccace, signifying Schivo, tedious, wearisome, some monstrous beast. tiresome.Vita schiva, a Schiniéra, s. f. greaves, an tiresome life.----Pensieri Schiniére, s. m. f armour for schii, melancholy thoughts. the legs. Schiuso, adj. open.Villa Schiodare, to unnail.-lo così schiusa, an open town.bene m' ho legato a nodo nella Schiuso, excluded, debarred, mia mente ciù che detto avete, | shut out, or kept from. che a pena una parola non ne | Schizzánte, adj. gushing out, schiodo, I have so well printed spouting. in my memory ❤ery indivi-Schizzáre, to gush or spout dual word you have said, that I shall not forget a syllable. Schiomáre, to undo the hair, to untie it, to intangle it.

out, to squirt, or splash.I suoi occhi infiammati di lucida rossezza, pareva che della testa schizzâr gli volessero,

Sciaguráto, adj. unhappy, un-
fortunate, unlucky, misera-
ble, wretched.-Sciaguráto,
vile, wretched, pitiful, sorry.
-Sciaguráto, wicked, flagi-
tious, villainous.
Scialacquaménto, s. m. pro
fuseness, profusion, lavish-
ness, prodigality.--Scielac
quamento della lingua, licen-
tiousness of speech.
Scialacquante, adj. profuse,
lavish, prodigal.
Seialacquare, to consume, to
lavish, to waste, or squander
away, to be prodigal or la
vish of.
Scialacquataménte, adv. pra-
fusely, lavishly, prodigally.-
Parlare scialacquatamente, to
talk licentiously.
£cialacquáto, adj. squandered
away, wasted, prodigally
spent.-Scialacquato, disr

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