صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

with, to find.

advise, to put one upon, to induce.

Sconsideránza, s. f. inconsi Scontraménto, s. m. a meet- Scontolgere, to persuade,: deration, imprudence, tool- ing or rencounter. ishness wint of discretion, Scontráre, to meet, to meet rashness, u advisedness. Sconsideratamente, inconside-Scontráta, s. f. meeting, carately, rashly, foolishly, indis-_sual meeting. creetly, unadvisedly, impru-Scontrato, adj. met, met with dently. Scont:azzo, s. m. a rencounSconsideratezza, s. f. rashness, ter or accidental fight.imprudence. Sconsiderato, adj. inconsiderate, rash, foolish, unadvised, unwise, indiscreet, impru

Obs.→Scontrázzo, a meeting
or rencounter. Obs.
Scontro, s. m. a rencounter or
meeting-Scontro, a push or
shove.--Scontro, a sign,
mark, or taken.-Scontro, a
book in which merchants
keep a duplicate of their ac-
counts. Scontri d' una ser-

Sconsigliare, to dissuade, to ad-
vise to the contrary.
Sconsigliato, adj. dissuaded,
advised to the contrary.
Sconsolamento, u. Sconsolazi-ratura, the wards of a lock

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Sconvólto, adj. out of joint,
sprained. Sconvólto, crock-
ed, bent.
Scopa, s. f. a birch-tree.-
Scopa, a broom.-Scopay a
cudgelling or whipping.
Scopáre, to sweep, to clean
with a broom.-Scopare, to
lash, to whip-Scopáre, to
ramble about, to run over.-
Scopáre, to whip at a cart's
tail, as the hangman does
rogues doomed to it.-Sco
páre, to cry down, to dispa
rage, to disgrace, to dis-
credit. Uno scopa chiassi
bordelli, a whore-monger, a
whore-master, a wencher.-
Uno scopa chiese, a bigot.
Scopáto, adj. swept.

Sconturbare, to disturb, to
disquiet or trouble.
Sconturbarsi, to be grieved,
vexed, or troubled.
Sconvenénza, s. f. inconve-Scopatóre, a sweeper.-Scopas
nience, trouble, cross acci-
dent. Sconvenénza, a dis-
proportion, inequality.
Scontenévole, adj. unbecom-
ing, indecent, unhandsome.
-Sconvenévole, excessive,

Sconsolare, to discomfort, to
a ict, to be cast down.
Sponsolatamente adv. discon-
tentedly, miserably.
Scopolato, adj. disconsolate,
afflicted comfortless.
Sconsolaz óne, s. f. sorrow,
gul, affliction, discontent.
Scontare, to educt, to abate
or subtract, to make good,
speaking of an account.
Scontentamento, s. m. dison-
tent, sorrow, affliction, grief.
Scontentáre, not to be con-
tented or satisfied with.--
Scontentare, to disgust, to
displease, to make uneasy.
Scontentato, p. p. of Scouten-cently,



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tóre, he who scourges and disciplines himself out of devotion, and by way of atonement for his sins. Scopatrice, fem. of Scopatore. Scopatúra, s. f. a whipping of Scourging. Sconvenevolezza, s. f. inde- sweepings, the dirt or dust Scopatúra, cency, indecorum, unbecom- swept with a broom.-Sco- Sconvenerolézza, patúra, a rebuke, check. re extravagance, impertinence, proof, or reprimand.-Dare folly. una scopatura ad uno, to reSconvenevolmente, adv. inde- primand one.-Toccare una unhandsomely, unscopatura, to be rebuked, seemingly, misbecomingly, chided, or reprimanded. extravagantly, impertinent- Scoperchiáre, to uncover. ly, foolishly.--Sconvenevol-Scoperchiáto, adj. uncovered. mente, excessively,exceeding-Scoperta, s. f. an opening of ly, immoderately.-Caval- uncovering, a discovery.


Scontentezza, s. f. discontent,
SOFFOW, grief, affliction.
Scontento, adj. discontented,
atleted. disquieted, grieved,
- not satisfied with.-Vita scon-
tenta, a discontented, miser-
-able life.-Sconténto, s. m.!
displeasure, discontent,
row, grief.
Sconto, s. m. deduction, a-
batement, subtraction, detal-


care un cavallo sconvenevol

mente, to ride a horse to


so-Sconveniénte, adj. unbecom-
ing, indecent, unhandsome.--
Sconveniente, immoderate,
extravagant, excessive, exor

Scontorcere, to wrest, to wiig,
to writhe, to wreath, to throw
or wind about.

Scontorcimento, s m.extor. Scontorcio, tion, ai tortion, a wresting or wreathing,

a wry face.

Scontorto, adj. twisted, twin-
ed. wreathed, wrung.-Boc-
ca scotovia a wry mouth.-
Corpo scontorto, a crooked
bodv.- ---Gamle scontorte,
crooked legs.
Scontraffato, adj. deformed,
-lavoured, ugly.


Sconvenientemente, adv. in-
conveniently, with inconve

Sconvenienza, v. Sconvenenza.
Sconvenire, to misbecome.—
Troppo si sconviene indosso
ad un uomo vile il portare o-
ro o argento, it is very unbe-
coming an ordinary man to
wear gold or silver.
Sconvenuto, adj. misbecom-
ing, unbecoming.
Sconvolgere, to confound, to
Overturn, to turn upside
down, or topsy-turvy.-

Far la scoperta, to get intel-
ligence of the enemy.--Alla
scoperta, adv. openly.
Scopertaménte, adv. openly,
publicly, in the face of all
the people.
Scoperto, adj. uncovered.-
Si convien guardar l'onestà
mia, si che io possa andar coll'
altre donne a fronte scoperta,
that I may not be ashamed
I must preserve my honour.
to converse with other wo-
men.--Scoperto, known, pub
lic, open. Fare guerra sco-
perta ad uno, to shew one's
self on open enemy to one,
Scoperto, s. m. the open air,
or an open place.-Dormire
allo scoperto, to lie abroad
all night.--Rimanere allo
scoperto, to be cheated of his


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Scoprire, to uncover, to bare.-
Scoprire, to discover, to see,
to perceive, to find out, to
detect.Indi un altro valion
mi si scoperse, then I per-
ceived another valley.Seo-
prire, to discover, to disclose,
to open, to declare, to re-
veal.-Scoprir paese, to see
new land. Scoprir paese, to
try one, to feel his pulse, to
know his mind.-Scoprire la
lepre, to find out a hare.
Scoprirsi con alcuno, to dis-
cover or impart any thing to
one Scoprire un altare per
ricoprirne un altro, to rob
Peter to pay Paul.
Scopritóre, a discoverer, he

Scopetta, s. f. a brush.
Scopo, s. m. aim, scope, end,
or design.
Scoppiaménto, s. m. noise,
cracking, or bursting.
Scoppiare, to burst, to break out.
-Mangiù tanto che scoppio,
he eat so much that he burst.
Scoppiar delle risa, to burst
with laughter.--Ma io scoppio
dentro a
un dubbio, but I
have a great mind to know:
but I long to know.So
ben che io parlo a sordi,
ma io scoppio tacendo, I
know that my speaking sig-
nifies nothing, but I shall die
if I don't speak.-Scoppidre,
to proceed, to come. to rise,
to come out.-E come un pen-
sier dall' altro scoppia, and
as one thought draws on an
other.-Che fuor degli occhi
gli scoppiava il pianto, the
tears came out of his eyes.-
Scoppiare, to crack, as fire-Scoraggiarsi, to lose courage,
arms do when they are fired, to despond.
to bounce.Scoppiare, to
uncouple.-Mangiare a scop-
piacórpo, to eat until one


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that first discovers.
Scopritrice, fem. of Scopritore.
Scopritúra, a discovery or
finding out.
Scópulo. s. m. a. rock in the
sca. Obs.
Scoraggiare, to discourage, to
put out of heart, to disheart-
en, to dispirit.

Scoraggiato, adj. discouraged,
disheartened, dispirited, des-

Scoraggire, v. Scoraggiare.
Scoraggito, v. Scoraggiato.
Scoráre, to discourage, to dis-
hearten or dispirit.
Scoráto, adj. discouraged, dis-
heartened, dispirited.
Scorbacchiare, to defame, to
traduce or slander.
Scorbacchiáto adj. defamed,
traduced, slandered.
Scorbiáre, to daub with ink.
Scorbio. s. m. a spot of ink.
Scorbútico, adj. subject to the
sourvy, having the scurvy;
also ill-humoured always dis-
contented; crabbed with re-
gard to the mind.
Scorbúto, s. m. the scurvy or

Scorcare to rise, to get up.
Scorciaménto, s. m. a shorten-
ing, curtailing.
Scorciáre, to shorten, to make
short, to abridge, to cut off,
to clip.

adj. shortened,

made or grown short. Scorciatója, s. f. a by-way. Scórcio, s. m. fore shortening--Scórcio, the end, the latter end.--Lo scorcio del giorno, the evening.-L'af fare è condotto allo scorcio,

the affair draws to an end. Lo scoccio del mese, the latter end of the month. Scordaménto, s. m. forgetful


Scordánte, adj. dissonant, discordant, jarring, untunable, disagreeing. -Senza nullo. scordante, unanimously, with one consent or accord.

Scordánza, s. f. difference, dis-
sension, disagreement, strife,

Scordáre, to be out of tune, to
put out of tune, to, untune.---
Il liuto è scordato, the lute is
out of tune.-Scordáre, to
disagree, not to agree.--Il
liuto scorda col molino, the
lute does not agree with the
Scortársi, to forget.
Scordato, adj. out of tune,
untuned, forgot, forgotten,
out of one's memory.

Scordéo, s. f. scordion, water-

Scordévole, adj. forgetful.
Scordévole, dissonant, dis-
cordant, jarring, disagreeing,
Scordia, s. f. discord, divi-
Scórdo, s. m. f sion, odds,
disagreement, variance, strife,
Obs. both.
Scoreggia, s. f. a cord or lash
made of a leather thong, a

to whip, to

Scourge, to lash. Scoreggiata, s. f. a lash, a blow with a leather strap. Scórgere, to see, to perceive, to discern or distinguish.Cosa non fu dalli ̧ tuoi occhi scorta più notabile, your eyes never saw a more remarkable thing.-Scorgere, to guide, to bring, to lead of conduct Scorgere la voce, to distinguish one's voice.-Farsi scorgere, to make one's self ridiculous, to make a fool of one's self.-Farsi scorgere, to shew one's self--Farst scorgere per nubalordu, ignorante, tristo, e simile, to shew one's self a foolish, ignorant, rogue. &c. Scorgitóre, spectator, beholder, locker-on. Scorgitóre, guide, leader. Scória. s. m. dross of metals. Scoria di piombo, dross of lead. Scornacchiaménto, s. m. prate Ggg

ing, prattling, chat, chatting, talk, talkativeness. Scornacchiare, to defame, to traduce or slander, to deride, to joke, to banter or ridicule. Scornacchiáta, s. f. e. Scor

nacchiamento. Scornacchiato, adj. defamed, traduced, slandered, derided, ridiculed.

Scornáre, to break the horns. Scornáre, to defame, to traduce, to slander.-Scornére, to deride, to joké, to banter, to ridicule, to laugh at. Scornarsi, to be ashamed, to blush.

Scornato, adj. that has lost his horns.--Tenersi scornato, to take a thing as an affrent." Scoreggiare, to punch or gore with his horns. Scorniciare, to take away the frame.

Scorno, s. m. shame disho

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adj. angry, passionate.

pillaged, ravaged. Obs. Scorrubbiáto, Scorrente, adj. running, flow- Scorrubbioso, ing. Scorsa, s. f. course, run, excur sion Scorsa, an incursion or inroad. Andiamo a fare una scorsa, let us go to take a short run-Dare una scorsa ad un libro, to run over a book.

Scorrenza, s. f. looseness, lask. Scórrere, to run.--Scórrere, to go, to slide, to slip away. Il tempo scorre, the time runs away.-Scórrere, to run over-Scorrere un paese, to run over a country.-Scórrere, to go or come down.Quando 'l bel parto gtù nel mondo scorse, when the Son of God came down into the world.-Scórrere, to go, to reach. L'inondazione scorse fin alle mura, the inundation reached the walls.Stórrere, to spoil, to waste, to ravage, to pillage, to plunder-Scorrere una terra, to plunder a town.-Scórrere, to run over or survey, not to read attentively.-Scorrer la cavalling, to gad up and

nour, disgrace, infaniy, ig-down. nominy--Fare uno scorno ad Scerreria, s. f. an excursion, uno, to shame or disgrace incursion, or inroad. one.—,dvere a scorne, to des- Scorretticcio, adj. quite full pise, to flight, to scorn, to of faults, quite depraved. contemn, to undervalue, to Scorrettamente, adv. incormake no account of. rectly.. Scoronare, to lop, to prune, to cut off the branches of trees. Scorpacciata, "'. Corpacciata. Scorpare, to fill, to glut, to cloy to cat one's belly-full. Scorpio, s. m. a scorpion. Poetical

Scorpioncino, s. m. a little


Scorpióne, Scorpio, one of the
twelve signs of the Zodiack-
Scorpione, a kind of sea-fish,
scorpion fish.
Scorporáre, to extract, to se-
parate from the main body.
Scorporáre, to take out of the
reapital stock or cash.
Scorporáto, p. p. of Scorpo-


Scorpóra, s. m. separation
from the main body, or the
capital stock.
Sroriazzante, adj. wandering,
-roving, fugitive, rambling.

Scorrétto, adj. incorrect, full
of faults.Libro scorretto,
an incorrect book, a book
full of faults.-Gente scorret-
ta, people not instructed or
disciplined.-Scorretio, deprav-
ed, corrupt, spoiled, vitiated,
marred. Un uomo scorretto,
a vicious, profligate man.
Parole scorrette, immodest,
lewd words.

Scorrevole, adj. running, flow-
ing, fluid-Scorrevole, frail,
fragil, brittle, weak.Scor-
revole è la nostra natura, our
nature is frail.
Scorrezióne, s. incorrectness,
a fault in writing or print-


Scorribanda, s. f. a little
Scorribandola, for short in-
cursion, an inroad or irrup-


Scorso, adj. past, over.-Il mese scorso, the last month. -Scorso, vitiated, corrupted.

Scorso, p. p. of Scorrere. Scorso, s. m. licentiousness. Scorso di lingua, a slip of the tongue, a fault or mistake.

Scorsójo, adj. running, flowing.-Cappio scorjojo, a running knot.

Scorta, s. f. a guide, a leader.Far la scorta, to guide, to lead or conduct.-Scorta, a guard, a convoy:--Scorta, provi sions, victuals. Scortamente, adv. wisely, sagely, prudently, warily.-Scortaménte, clearly, distinctly. Scortáre, to shorten, to make short, to abridge.-Scortare, to conduct, to guide, to lead. Scortáto, adj. conducted, guided, led-Scortato, shortened, abridged.

Scortecciare, to bark, to take off the bark.

Scortecciato, adj. barked.
Scortése, adj. discourteous, un-

Scorteseménte, adv. discourte-
ously, unkindly.
Scortesía, s. f. discourtesy, un-
kindness, rude manners, rus-

Scorticamento, s. m. excori-
ation, the place where the

skin is off. Scorticare, to flea, to flay, to skin, to take the skin offTanto ne va a chi tiene quarto a chi scortica, the accomplice is as bad as the actual criminal.—Scortic ́re, to exact upon, to cut one's throat. -Chi non sa scorticare intacca la pelle, every one to his trade.Scorticursi, to die. Scorticária, s. f. a drawing-net. Scorticáto, adj, skinned, fleaed. Scorticatójò, s. m. a sharp knife to skin with.-Scorticatéjo, a slaughter-house. Scorticabajo, an excoriation, a

Scorridore, a scout.
Seconiméntagos. m. a run-
ning or flowing.-Scorrimen-
to, a fall or tuinble.Scorri
ménto, inroad, irruption, in-

Scorrazzáte, to ramble, to
rove, to wander, to go up and
-down. Obs-Scorrazzáre,
1ostaake an ineusion, to piun-
der, to pillage, to ravage, to Scorritojo, adj. running. ex.
ransack, to lay waste, to Nodo scorritojo, a running
train, to destroy. Ous.


Scorazzato, adj. rambled, Scorrubbiársi, to grow augry, •rovedyawulerety phundered. to fallinto a passion. í a


Scorticatóre, a flayer.- Sconlicatóre, an extortioner, a g: eat

exacter, an unreasonable Scostarsi dal suo soggetto, to ramble from one's subject, to make a digression.


Scorticatória, v. Scorticaria.

Scorticatrice, fem. of Scortica-Scostáto, adj. removed.-Scos


Scorticatúra, s. f. a scratch, a place where the skin is off, excoriation.

Scováre, to hunt a wild beast
out of his cave or den.-Sco
vare uno, to find out or disco-
ver one's proceedings or sen

túto, remote, far distant.Latiments
citta è scostata due miglia dai Scováto, p. p. of Scovare.
marre, the city is distant two Seoverchiare, v. Scoperchiá
miles from the sea-shore. re, and all its derivatives.

Scorte, adv. wary, circum-Scostumataménte, adv. inde-Scozzáre, to part or single the

spect, wise, prudent, cautious, experienced.Scorto, seen, perceived. Scorza, s. f. bark, the rind of trees and plants. La terrena scorza, the body.-Scorza, colour.-A scorza di castagna, of a chesnut-colour, bay. -Scorza, outside, outward show, appearance. Scorzáre, to bark, to take the bark off. Scorzirsi, to cast off the slough, as serpents do. -Scorzure, to strip, to deprive or take from.-Deh perche me del mio mortal non scorza, why does he not make an end of my life. Scorzára, p. p. of Scorzare. Scorzóac, s. m. a snake, a kind of serpent. Scorzóne, a rough, clownish, rustic man. Scoscéndere, to break asunder, to cut off, to cleave. Sco-cendiménto, s. m. a breaking, cutting, or cleaving. Scosceso, adj. steep.- Scoscéso, broken, cut, or cloven. Scosciare, to break the thigh, to put it out of joint. Scosciato, with his thighs hurt, or out of joint; also, deprived of one or both thighs. Scóscio, s. m. a steep place, a downfall, a precipice. Scossa, s. m. shake, toss, jolt, sudden pull, jerk. Scossa,

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cently, clownishly, rudely,
unmannerly. Scostumata
ménte, immoderately, intem-
perately, excessively.
Scostumatézza, s. f. incivility,
clownishness, rudeness, un-
Scostumáto, adj. uncivil,
clownish, rude, ill-bred, un-

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Scostume, s. m. inscivility,
rudeness, unmannerliness.
Scotennáre, to take off the
sward of bacon.
Scotennáto, adj. without sward.
-Scotomato, s. m. that part
of the fat which sticks to the
sward of the bacon..
Scotimento, s. m. a shaking,
tossing, jolting.-Scatimento
di terra, an earthquake.
Scotitójo, s. m. a strainer.
Scotitore, he that shakes.
Scotitrice, fem. of Scotitore.
Seótola, s. f. a spattle or slice,
a wooden instrument to beat
flax or hemp.
Scotoláre, to beat or mash
flax or hemp.
Scotolato, adj. beaten, mashed.
Scotomático, adj.giddy, subject
to giddiness, troubled with

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vexation, sorrow, grief.-
Scossa, a shower of rain.

Scrémento, . Escremento.
Screpolare, to crack, to split,
to chop, to chink, to gape..
Serepolato, adj. cracked, chop-
ped, chinked, gaped.
Screpolatúra, s. f. chop, chink,
crevice, gap.
Scrépolo, s. m. crevice, chink,
chop, gap.

Scréscere, to grow less, to di

Scotomía, s. f. scotomy, a diz-
ziness or swimming of the
head, causing a dimness of
sight, vertigo.
Scotia, s. f. whey or butter-Scrézia, u. Screzio. Obs.
milk.Scolta, one of the Screziáto, adj. speckled, spot.
ropes of a ship.

Scossetta, s. f. a little shake, a Scottáre, to burn, to scald.

small jolt, or pull. Scosso, adj. shaken, jogged.--Scosso, stripped.- Scusso d' arme, unarmed, stripped of his arms. Scosso di carne, picked, lean, thin, lank. Scostáre, to remove, to put away, to drive away, to avert, to dispel.--Scostarsi, to remove, to go from, to go away, to swerve.――Seastarsi dalla verità. to swerve from truth

-Scostarsi dal costume degli altri, to part from other people's customs.-Scostarsi dal-|| la virta, to forsake virtue,

Scottáre, to burn, to nip, to
vex, to scotch, to nettle, to
lie heavy upon one's mind..
Scottato, adj. scalded, burnt.
Scottatúra, s. f. a scalding or

Scotto, s. m. a reckoning.—Pe-
gare lo scotto, to pay one's
reckoning. Stare a scotto,
to board, to be a boarder.--
Scotto, a club, every one's
share of reckoning, Pagar
lo scotto, to pay dear for a
thing. Pagherai lo scotto di
quelche hai fatto, you shall pay
dear for what you have done.

Scrézio, s. m. a dispute, quare
rel, difference, variance,
wrangling, falling out.-Ve-
nire in iscrezio, to fall out.--
Mettere screzio, to set at vari
ance, to set together by the

Scriáto, adj. thin, slender, lean,

Scriba, s, m. scrivener, trans-
criber, copyer.
Sericchioláre, to rattle or clat
ter, to rustle or crackle.
Scricchiolata, s. f., rattling,
clattering, rustling, or crack-

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may be searched.

Scrufitore, searcher, nice enquiser.

Schutnáre, to scrutinize, to make a strict eng sory into, tu examine thoroughly. Outano, s m a scrutiny, a strict search er dugent enquire into a thing. Seruhscrutiny, a perusal of suffrages or votes, at the clection of mastrates. Scucconiedra, Įs. f. a feigned Scuccumedra. name, that

¡Scrota s. f. a sow-Serfa, a S. 1500. s. m. a bunch on the concubine.astrumper hero, bich-Serigno, a casket, a fa, a swelling in the neck, coffer or desk, a chest. the king's evil. Songofco, s. m. a crooked. Scrofaccia. s. m. a large rasty, Song.úra 1. f. í crumpt, sow. Metaph. a nasty wo "hunch-backed man or woman, a vile prostitute. man.-Scrignéto, aff. arch- 'Scrófola, 6. f. the sing's evil, a ed; crooked-Niso scrignuto, *a crooked pose.

Scrima, 1 s. f. v. Scher-
Scrmi, ia. ma.

swelling in the neck.

Scrollemento, s. m. a shaking has no signification.
or tossing.

Scucire, to unsew or unstitch,

Scroltáre, to shake with vio- to rip what is sewn.

Scrmáre, to untie, to extend, lence, to pull. the hair.

Scucito. adj. unsewed, ripped.

Scronáto, adj. shaken with vio-Scuraj, s. m. a buckler or

Scrináto, loose, untied-Ce-i tence.

pelli serinatí, dishevelled hair. Scroilo, s. m. shake.
Scritta, s. f. a writing-In is-Scrópolo, s. m a scruple, a;
crifta, in writing-Scritta, weight, the third part of a
an inscription, post bill.→→ dram.

Scritta, an obligation or Scropuloso, adj. rough, rugged,


Scritto, s. m. a writing.-Per scritto, in writing-Scritto, adj. written.

Scrittojo, s. m. a study, or counting-house, a scrutoré. Scrittore, s, m. a writer, an author.-Scrittore, a transcrib er or copyer.

uneven. Obs.

Scrosciáre, to crack, to crackle
between the teeth.-Seros
ciare, to boil very fast.
Scrosciáta, s. f, a cracking,

adj. cracked,

Scróscio, s. m. the noise which
the water or any other liquor
makes in boiling, or the rain
when it pours hard, a heavy


Scrittura, s. f. writing-Tutte
Le vostre parole mi song in is-
crittura, all your words are
printed in my memory.--
Scrittura, the Holy Writ, the
Bible.- Scritturq, an ac-
compt.-Scritture, papers.
Scritturále, s. m. v. Scrivano.--
Scritturale, a j. belonging to
the Scripture, or to any writ-
Scriváno, s. m, a scrivener, a a-needle.
Scrivénte, adj. writing, that


Scroscio, a noise, rattling, or
rustling, a bustle.-Scroscio
di risa, a loud laughing.
Scrostare, to chip bread, to'peel
a plant or tree.
Scrostáto, p. p. of Scrostare.
Scrunáre, to break the hole of

shield maker.

¡Scudáre, to cover or defend

with a shicid, Obs.-Su per lo monte mi trasse alla cima che de le ante Gerusalem scu

da, he carried me up to the top of the mountain which is opp site to Jerusalem. Scurato, adj. scutiferous, armed with a shield. Scuderésco, adj. belonging to an esquire of old. Scudetto, s. m. a little shield or buckler. Scud.cciuolo,

s. m. a little buckler or shield.--Scudicciuólo, weepers, that women formerly wore.--Scudicciu dlo, the boss or stud of a bridle.--→→Scudicciuúlo, a scutcheon of a graft --Annestare a scudiccivólo, to graft by a scrutcheon.

Scudiére, s. m. an armourbearer to a knight, an esquire, squire, or attendant. Scudisciáre, to whip, to lash. Scrunáto, p. p. ex. Ago scruna-Scudisciáto, adj. whipped, to, a needle whose hole has lashed, struck with a whip. been broken. Scudiscio,s. m. a rod, a switch, a wand.

Scrivere, to write.-Scrivere, Scrupoleggiare, to scruple.
to list or enroll.-Scrivere, to Scrúpolo, s. m. a scruple or
write or compose. Scrivere, Scrúpulo, doubt.--Fare
to write or set down.
Scriziáto, Screziato.
Scroccáre, to sharp, to sponge,
to trick, to chouse one out of

a thing.

Scudo, s. m. a shield or buckler. Scudo, an escutcheon, a coat of arms.-Scudo, shield, protection, buckler, defence.

scrupolo di qualche cosa, to
make scruple or conscience of
a thing -Scrupolo, a difficul-Scudo, a tortoise shell.-
ty.-Scrúpolo, a smell, scent, Scudo, a crown, a crown
or sign.


Scroccato, p. p. of Scroccare, Scrupolosamente, adv. scrupu-Scúffia, s. f. a coif, a hood. Scroccatore, s. m. v. Scroc-lously. Scrupolosamente con Scuffiáre, to devour, to gluttotroppa esattezza, too nicely


Scrocchino, s. m. a sharp, a or curiously.
sharper or spunger. In a joke
Serócchio, s. m, usury, un-
lawful interest.
Scrocchióne, s. m. an usure?.

Scrupolosità, s. f. scrupulosity,
scruple, scrupling.
Scrupoloso, adj. scrupulous,
Scrupuloso, full of scruples.
Scrutábile, adj, serutable, that

nize, to eat greedily. Scuffióne, s. m. a coif, a Scuffiótro, S hood. Sculacciare, to flog, to whipSculacciare uno, to use one like a child. Sculacciata, s. f. strokes upon

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