صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Scuojáto, p. p. of Scuojare. Scuola, s. a school.-Scudia, an assembly of scholars, an aCademy or college.--Scuola, fraternity, brotherhood, society

Scuotere, to shake off-Scuotere la polvere, to shake off the dust.-I vizj nostri noi li amiamo, i difendiamo, e più tosto li vogliamo scusare che scuotere, we delight in our vices. we stand by them, and we are more willing to excuse them than to be rid of them.

scure in sul pie', to cut one's
own foot.
Scurétto, adj. darkish, rather

Scurézza, s. f. darkness, gloo-

Scuriáda, e Scuriáta, s. f. a lash,
a whip.

Scurisciáre, v. Scudisciáre, and
all its derivatives.
Scurità, s. f. darkness, gloomi-
ness.- --Scurità, paleness.---
Scurità, difficulty.-Scurità,
calamity, misery, trouble,
misfortune.-Scuritè, obscu-
rity, private life.- ------- Scu-
rità di nascità, meanness of

Scúro, adj. dark, full of dark-
ness, gloomy.-Scuro, pale.

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Sdegno, s. m. anger, wrath, passion Avere a sdegno, tenere a sdegno, to despise, to scorn, to loath, to abhor. Sdegnosaggine, v. Sdegnosità. Sdegnosamente, adj. disdainfully, scornfully, contemptuously, with a scornful ey..-Segnosamente, bitterly, sourly, sternly, orabbedly. Sdegnosetto, adj. somewhat disdainful, scornful, contemp

Scuro, dark, difficult, hard to understand, obscure.Scuro, obscure, private, retired.-Menare una vita scura, to live an obscure or retired life.-Nascita scura, ot | ob-cure or mean birth. Scuro, cruel, barbarous, inhuman. Scuro, frightful, terrible, horrible.--Occhi scuri, wild eyes, a wild look. Suono scuro, a dull sound.Scuro, s. m. darkness gloominess. Per lo scuro della not-Sdegnosità, s. f. disdain, scorn, te. in the darkness of the contempt, anger, wrath, pasnight-Esser ailo scuro, to sion. be in the dark. Scurrilità, s. f. scurrillity, buffoonery, scandalous language. Scusa, s. f. an excuse a reason.-Scusa, excuse, cloak, or pretence. Scusábile, adj. excusable, to be excused.

-Scuotersi d'un fallo, to forsake or leave off a vice.. Scuotere, to deprive, to strip, to bereave.Scuotiti pur se sai, you may shake yourself. -Tu puoi scuotere, you may say and do what you will.-Seuotersi, to start. Scura, s. f. v. cure. Scuraménto, v. Scurazione. Scurare, to grow dark or overcast, to be obscured or eclipsed. Poco dinanzi scurò la Scusuménto, s. m. luna nel segno del Tauro, a Scusánza, s. f. Obs. little before the moon was of excusing. eclipsed in the sign Taurus. Scusare, to excuse, to justify Fouráre, to dim, to dazzle.--Scusare, to excuse one, to Scurare la gloria di qualche-| dispense with him for not duno, to obscure, to cloud, doing.--Scusare, to excuse, to eclipse, to darken somebo- to admit one's excuse.dy's glory.-Scuráre, to blur Scusare, to excuse, to bear or blemish man's reputati- with or pardon. on.-Scuráre, to darken. Scusarsi, to excuse or justify Scuráto, adj. darkened. one's self.-Scusarsi, to desire Scurazione, s. f. obscuring, to be excused or dispensed darkening, or dimming. with.



Sdegnóso, adj. disdainful,
scornful, contemptuous.---
Sdegnóso, passionate, soon
angry, violent, furious.
Sdegnúzzo, s. m. something
like anger.
Sdentáte, adj. toothless, that
has lost one or more teeth.
Sdicévole. adj. unbecoming,

the act

Scure, s. f. hatchet.-Bruto us-Scusáta. s. f. excuse. Obs.
cise i figli aderenti a Tarquinio Scusáto, adj. excused.
con iscure giusta, Brutus kill-Scusatóre, an excu er.

Sdilacciare, to unlace, to un-

Sdilacciáto, adj. untied, un-

Sdilinquaménto, S. m. a
swoon, fainting away.
Sdilinquire, to liquify, to grow
or become liquid.- Sditin-
quire, to faint, to Swoon
Sdimenticanza, s. f. forgetful-
ness, oblivion.

Sdimenticare, to forget.
Sdimenticato, adj. forgotten.
Sdiméntico, adj. forgetful.

ed, with a just cause, or justly, Scusazióne, s. f. excuse or rea- Sdipígnere, to blot out the pichis sons siding with Tarquin. son.

--Gittare il manico dietro alla Scuscire, v. Scucire.

scure, to throw the heve Scusso, adj. stripped, bereaved, after the hatchet. Darsi la deprived. Un esso scusso di

ture that one has made. Sdincciáre, to unhusk chesnuts.

Sdoganáre, to take from the

custom-house any commodi-Sdrucito, adj.unsewed, ripped, unstitched. -Calzette sdruty by paying the usual duty. Sdonnáre, to forsake one's cite, stockings full of holes.Sdonneare, love, to grow Nave sdrucita, a danaged cool, to love no more. ship.-Abito sdrucito, an old Sdoppiare, to single, to part tattered suit of cloaths.-Sdormentare, to awake. Not Sarucito, s. m. a cat, a hole, used. a chop, crack, split, cleft, rift. Sdormentai, to awake one's Sdruscire, v. Sdrucire. self. Not used. Sdruscito, v. Sarucito. Sdormentato, adj. awaked. Not Sduráre, to soften, to take off used. the hardness, to mollify. Seldom used.

Sdossare, to lay down, to un-

Sdottoráre, to degrade of the
degree of a doctor.
Sdottorato, adj. degraded of the
degree of a doctor.
Sdrajarsi, to lay or sit down.
Sdrajato, adj. laying down.
Sdrajóne, adv. in a lying down
manner, as slothful or sleepy
folks do.
Sdrucciolaménto, s. m. a slip
or slipping, a sliding.
Sdrucciolante, adj. slippery.
Sdrucciolare, to slip, to slide.
-Sdrucciolare, to err, to
commit a fault, to stumble.
to trip.-Ogui uno è soggetto
a sdrucciolare, every body is
apt to err.
Sdrucciolato, adj. slipped or
Sdrucciolénte, v. Sdrucciolan-
te.----Sarucciolente, swift,

transitory, momentaneous.
Sdrucciolevóle, adj. slippery.
Sdrucciolevolmente, adv. in a
slippery manner.
Sdrucciolo, s. m. a slippery
wav. Sdrucciolo, snares.
crafty wiles, ambuscades,
treachery.--Sdrucciolo, a slip
or slipping, a sliding.
Sdrucciolo, adj. slippery.
Saracciolúso, →→→ Versi
sdruccioli, a kind of verses
that, after the accent of the
last word, have two
Sdrúcio, s. m. the act of break-
ing, and the place broken. It
is genera ly said of cloth and


Srucire, to unsew, to unstitch, to rip.-Sdrucire, to break open, to cut, to break or dash to pieces Sdrucire un esercita, to rout or defeat an army.-Sdrucirsi, to be bioken or dashed to pieces.Altro non si ode che navi sdrucire, they heard not ing else but ships dashing to pieces.


self--Egli parla di se, he speaks of himself. — Ella ha cura di se, she takes care of herself. Ad istanza di se, at his or her request.—E se ad ogni suo servizio offerse, and he offered himself to his ser vice.-Apertamente confessaTano, se essere stati coloro che Tedaldo Elisei ucciso aveans, they openly confessed that they had killed Tedaldus Elsei.-Da se, naturally, of him Se, if, suppose, in case, provior herself. La quale in vero ded.--Anderemo insieme se da se era bellissima, who was volete, we will go together, if indeednaturally very beautiful. you will.Non lo farò se -Pigro da se, ma il gran credessi morire, I would not piacer lo sprma, naturally do it, if I thought to die for lazy, but the great pleasure it.-Se, as, so. Se m' ajuta spurs him on.-Da per se, by Iddio disse il cavaliere, io il him or himself, alone.-Andò vi credo, as I hope to be sa- a casa da per se, he went ved, said the knight, I believe home alone, or by himself.— what you say.-Se io non sia Da se a lui, between him impiccato per la gola, che egli and he.-Gli disse i suoi senm' è stato imbolato, I wish I timenti da se a lui, he told may be hanged if it has not him his sentiments between been stolen from me.-Se m' him and he.Esser fuor di ajuti Iddio tu sei povero, ma se, to be out of one's wits, egli sarebbe mercè che tu fossi to be beside himself.—Restà molto più, you are very poor fuor di se quando lo vide, he indeed, but faith you deserve was surprised when he saw to be more so- Se, if, since, him.--Far sopra di se, to -A che serve che egli abbia work for one's self, to be ricchezze se non se ne serde? master-Contra di se, against what signifies it to him to one's self, against one's own have riches, if he does not interest.-Andare sopra se, make use of them?Se, to walk straight.-Se, used bewhen it is placed before the fore particles in the following particle, Ne, either jointly or manners. Re sel fore chiaseparately, which accompa- mare, the king caused him to nies the verb, signifies, Si, come to him.--Se li mise in himself; but in English is saccoccia, he put them in his seldom expressed.--E tanto pocket. Se la portòria, she tempo che non se ne ricorda, carried her away.—Se la mise it is so long ago that he does in tesia, he put it upon lis not remember it.Fin-head-Se lo bereite tutto, ke gendo di non avvedersene, pre- drank every drop of it. tending as if he did not see it. Se bene o Sibbene, although. -Dopo aver dimorato qual-Secáre, to saw.---Colla mia che tempo se ne andò, after spada la qual punge e seca, he had staid some time he with my sword which cuts went away.-Se, as much. and thrusts. Para se sai, che to vi fó orec-Secca, s. t. a shelf, or sands.— chia di mercante, say as much Sopra l'isola di Cefalonia as you will, it goes in at one percosse in una secca, he ran ear and out at the other.-Se, upon the sands of the island thou art. Che se tu se' 'l cor of Cefalonia.-La gran secca, mio, come se pur malgrado the earth.Rimanere sulle del cielo e della terra, because, secche, to be at a stand.if thou art my heart, as thou Lasciare in sulle serche, to art in spite of heaven and leave one to his last shifts, to earth.-Se', if the.-Se' vos- forsake him entirely, to abantri prieghi, if your prayers.- don him. Se, a pron, one's self, him-Seccabile, adj. apt or subject self, herself, themselves, it- to dry up.





goras seemed things.


Secéss, s. m. recess, a solita

ry corner, solitude. Seco, with him or with herSeco, within one's self.-Seco medesimo, seco stesso, with him or herself, within him or herself. Con' seco, along with him or herself, with him or herself, within him or herself.

Secoláre, s. m. a secular man or woman.--Secolare, adj. secular, lay, temporal.-Secolare, worldly. Secolarescaménte, adv. worldly, like worldly men. Secolarésco, adj. temporal, secular, worldly. Sécolo, s. m. an age or century. --Il secolo d'oro, the golden age.-Secolo, age, time.-Ẩ nostri secoli, in our times or age.-Secolo, age, world.--La fece uscire del monistero e dispensù in lei che ella potesse essere al secolo e usure il matrimonio, he took her out of the nunnery, and gave her a dispensation that she might live at her house and marry.-Esser fuor del seculo, to be out of his wits, to have lost his senses.-Cavar dal secolo, to make one mad. Secónda, s. f. after-birth, secundine.

to be great
Seccaggine, s. f. drought, Secchitúdine, v. Secchezza. lies of Apollodorus and Erma-
dryness.--Seccaggine, sterility, Obs.
barrenness, unfruitfulness.
Séccagginóso, adj. dry, wither-

Séccia, s. f. stubble.-Seccia,
a stubble field.

ed.-Seccagginóso, weari-Secco, adj. dry, without moist-
some, tiresome, when talking.
Seccágna, s. f. a shelf, or sands:
Seccaménto, s. m. drought,

Seccante, adj. tiresome, te-
dious, that makes you lose
your patience.
Seccáre, to dry, to dry up.-
Seccare, to trouble, to be
troublesome, to tire, to im-
portune or vex.
Seccáta, s. f. a. teazing long
story.-Dare una seccúta, to
teaze by telling a long tedi-
ous story.
Seccaticcia, s. f. dry wood, that
burns easily.
Seccativo, adj. apt to dry
up, siccific, causing siccity.
Seccato, dried, dried up.
Seccatóje, s. m. a drying-place,
a shade.

Seccatóra, v. Seccatrice.
Seccatóre, he that teazes you
with tedious nonsense, that
will tell you of what you
already know, and whom
you are sick of hearing.
Seccatrice, s. f. fem. of Secca-

Seccatúra, s. f. a tedious talk, that makes one lose his pati


Seccázióne, s. f. exsiccation, a
.drying up.
Seccheréccio, s. m. siccity,
drought, dryness.
Secchericcio, adj. dry, wither-

Secchezza, s. f siccity, dry-
ness, drought.--Secchezza,
stiffness in painting.Sec-
chézza, stingiress, sordidness,

Sécchia, s. f. a pail or bucket.
-Far come le secchic, to be
always going up and down.-
Ripescar le secchie, to repair
or make amends for a fault..
Secchiata s. f. the quantity of
water contained in a pail or
Secchiello, s.
Sécchio, s. m. properly the pan
which is put under the cow, in
milking her.

711. a small

Secchione, s. m. a large pail or


Secchita, s. f. siccity, drought,
-dryness. Obs.

ure.-Tu m' hai seeco affatio
colle tu' sole, thou hast wea-
ried me to death with thy
nonsense.-Secen, dry, dead,
withered.Secco, lean, all
skin and bone.--Secco, dry,
barren, empty, poor, low,
flat, thin.-Mangior del
secco, to eat dry bread.
Rogna secca, a dry scab.
Cambio secco, common in-
terest.-Secco, stingy, spar-
-Secco, s. m.
ing, saving.
siccity, dryness, drought.
In Puglia fu gran secco, che
più d'otto mesi stette che non
piovce, in Apulia there was
such a drought, that it did
not rain for seven months.-
le secco e l' umido, dryness
and moisture.Secco, adv.
dryly, dry, coldly.-Murure
a secco, to build without
mortar.-Chi mura a secco,


spesso, who builds
without mortar must build
often. -Murare a secco, to
make a sheep's meal, to eat
without drinking-Rimanere
a secco, to be dried up.-Ri-
manere in secco, to be at a
stand, not to know what to
say-Ansanare a secco, to
labour in vain, to dig the wa-Secondína,
ter.-Saper di secco, to taste
or smell of the wood, speak-
ing of a cask.-Dire o fare
che che si sia di secco in sec-
co, to say or do any thing
suddenly, in cold blood.-
E' le cominciò di secco in sec
co a dire queste belle cose, all
of a sudden he began to
tell her these fine things.
Vorrei che di secco in secco
gli artimasse su, I wish he
would catch him in the fact.
Seccomórc), s. m. sycamore


Seccóre, s. m. drought, dry


Seccúme, s. m. all the dead]
branches and leaves that are
upon a tre or plant.
Secénto, six hundred.-Tien
tien, pon rena, largo, ecco |
secento, oh, the great man,
make way for him.-E hitte
quolle sciocchezze di Erma
gora e di Apolloduro parera-
no il secondo, and all the fol-

Andare a seconda de' fiumi,
to go down the stream-
Andare a seconda ad uno, to
humour.-Andure a seconda,
to thrive, to prosper-Tutte
le cose vi vanno a sconda, yoɑ
thrive in every thing.
Secondaménte, adv, secondly,
in the second place.
Secondamenteche, adv. as, ac-
cording. Oos.Sceconda-
Secondanaménte, adv. r. Se-
mentechè, because. Obs.
condamente. Obs.
Secondare, to second, to baek,
to help, to assist, to favour, to


Secondariaménte, adv. second
ly, in the second place.
Secondario, adj. secondary, the
same with the second..
Cause secondarie, secondary
causes-Fine secondario, a
particular view, or interest.--
Secondario, adv.secondly, in
the second place.
Secondato, p.p. of Secondáse.

Secóndo, adj. second, next the first.--La sua bellezza a null altra è seconda, her beauty is inferior to none ---Sondo, favourable, propitious, gracious, kind. Secondo, adv. secondly, in the second place, besides.Secondo, after.Secondo, prep. according to, after,agreeably, answerable to, pursuant to. - Secondo l'opinione comune, according to the common opinion.-Secondo il suo cuore, to one's liking.-Ecco una giovane secondo il mio cuore, there is a young woman to my liking.

Secondo una contadina si comporta assai civilmente, for a country-woman she behaves very well-Secondo suoi pari, assai costumata era e ben partante, for a woman of her Station, she was very civil, and spoke very well. - Se. condo, s. m. a second the sixtieth part of a minute. Secondoche adj. as, according. -Secondochè vi piacerà, as you please.

Secondogénito, s. m. a second

son, a younger son.

Secretamente, adv. secretly.
Secretáno, adj. intimate, fami-¦
liar. Obs.
Secretário, e. Segretario.
Secréto, v. Segreto, and all its

Securamente, adv. v. Sicura


Securánza, s. f. assurance,
pledge,surety or security.Obs.]
Securare, to secure, to make
sure, to assure, to warrant,

Securato, adj. secured, assured,
warranted. Obs.
Secure, s. f. an ax. —— -Questa
conclusion fu la secure, che
il capo a un colpo gli levò del
collo, this sad conclusion was
like an ax that struck his head
off at one blow.
Securità, s. f. security, v. Sicu-


Sede, s. f. a see.-La Santa
Sede, the Holy See.
Sedécimo, the sixteenth. Not

Sedentário, adj. sedentary, sit-

motion, mutiny, insurrec tion, popular tumult, up


Sedizióso, arij. seditious, face tious, mutinous.-Uni sedizioso, s. m. a seditious, factious


Sedótto, adj. seduced, misled,
abused, deceived.
Seducénte, seducer, deceiver,
Seduciménto, s. m. seduction,
seducing, misleading, deceiv
ing, corruption.
Sedúrre, to seduce, to mislead,
to abuse, to deceive, to cheat.
-Lasciarsi sedurre, to suffer
one's self to be seduced or

Sedénte, adj. sitting.
Sedere, to sit down.-Sedere
a mensa, to sit at table.
Sedere, to stand, to live, to
be in a place Sedere, to lie,
to stand, to be situated
Siede Parigi in una gran pi.
anura, Faris is situated on
a large plain-Londra siede
sopra il Tumizi, London lies
on the Thames.-Porsi a se-
dere, to sit down.Sedere
pro tribunali, to hold a court
of justice.Sedere a scranna,
to judge. Or tu chi sei che
vuoi sedere a scranna? who Seduttore, seducer, deceiver,
are you that pretend to judge? corrupter, debaucher.
Sedere, to reign.-Fu eletto Seduttrice, fem. of Seduttore
e sedette papa mesi cinque, Seduzióne, s. f. seduction, cor
he was chosen pope, and ruption.
reigned five months.--Sedere, Sega, s. f. saw.—Sega piccola,
to govern, to rule, to ma- a hand-saw.
nage.—Sedere, s. m. a seat,
a chair.-Sedere, the part on
which we sit.

Sedúto, adj. seating, seated.—
Ero seduto, I was sitting.
Sedútto, v. Sedotto.

Segåbile, adj. that may be easi ly sawed.

Segáce, adj. v. Sagace. Obs. Segacemente, adj. v. Sagacemente. Obs.

French rice.

Segaligno, adj. slender, lean,
dry. Caval segaligno, a slen-
der dry horse.
Segalóne, s. m. a kind of bird
so called.

Sédia, s. t. a chair, a seat.-
Sedia, a see, a throne.-La
sedia apostolica, the aposto- Segacitá, v. Sagacità. Obs.
lic see. Se n' andò in Con-Ségala, S. f. 1ye-Sigala
stantinopoli e di là fece sua Ségale, bianca, amel corn,
sediu, he went to Constanti
nople, and there he resided.
-Sedia, a seat where one
lives. Roma era la sedra
dell' imperio, Rome was the
seat of the empire.-La Fran-
dra è stata la sedia della guer-
ra per molti anni, Flanders
has been the theatre of war
for many years.-Sedia, prin-
cipality, kingdom.
Sedicésimo, the sixteenth.
Sédici, sixteen.

Sedile, s. m. chair, wooden
chair, seat.Sedile, a gaun-|
try or stilling for hogsheads to
stand on.

Sediménto, s. m. sediment,
that which subsides or settles
at bottom.
Sédio, s. m. seat. Obs.
Seditóre, he that sits.-Prese
Gesù il pane e benedisselo, dan
do a Dio grazie e distribuillo
a seditori, Jesus took the bread
and blessed it, gave God
thanks, and distributed to
those that sat.

Segaménto, s. m. section, di-
vision, sawing.-Segamento
di vena, the opening or
breathing of a vein.
Segante, adj.sawing, that saws.
Segáre, to saw.Segáre, to
cut, to cut to pieces Segáre
una vena, to open a vein.—
Segáre, to cut down corn, to
mow. Segare l'acqua, to
part or cut the water. Tosto
che'l duca ed io nel legno fui,
segando se ne va l'antica pro-
ra, no sooner the guide and I
had stepped into the boat, but
she began to cut the water.
Segaticcio, adj. good to be

Secúro, v. Sicuro. Securtà v. Sicurtà. Secuzione v. Esecuzione. Sedano, s. m. a kind of herb. Seaáre, to appease. to pacify, to quiet, to calm, to compose. Sedataménte, adv. tranquilly, peaceably, calmly. Sedato, adj. appeased, pacified, quiered, calmed, composed.Seduto, sedate, composed, Sedizióne, s. f. a sedition, com- Segatúra, s. f. szw-dust-Se

Segáto, adj. sawed.
Segatóre, a sawyer-Segatore
di bade, a reaper.—Segatore
di fieno, a mower.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

a vein.-Farsi segnare; to be

gatúra, that part of the wood
that is sawed.Segatúra, let blood.
harvest, crop, hay harvest.—
Segatura, harvest-time, hay-

Segavéne, s. m. blood-sucker,
oppressor, extortioner.

Seggétta, s. f. a chair, a sedan.
-Seggétta, a close-stool.
Séggia, s. f. a chair, a
Seggio, s. m. seat.-
Seggio giudicale, a court of
Séggiola, s. f. a little chair
Seggiolo, s. m or seat.
Seggiola, cantalivres, a kind
of modilions, which are car.
Saghetta, s. f. a little saw, a
hand saw. Seghetta, an old
way which women used in
dressing their heads.
Segnácolo, s. m. a sign, mark,

or token,

Segnalánza, s. f. excellence,

notableness. Obs.
Segnalare, to signalize, to
make famous. Segnalársi,
to signalize one's selt.
Segnalataménte, adv. remark
ably, notably, principally,
singularly, especially, particu-

Segnalato, adj. signal, notable,
special, famous, remarkable.

-Segnalato, signalized.
Segnále, s. m. signal, sign,
token.-Segnále, sign, omen,
presage.-Segnale, urine, wa-
ter.-Segnale, a sign or con-
stellation.Segnale, mark,
print.-Segnale, arms.
Segnalétto, s. m. a little
Segnalúzzo, sign or signal.
Segnáre, to mark, to sign, to
put a sign or mark upon-
Segnare qualche cosa nella
memoria, to print something
in one's memory, to remark
or take notice of.-Segnáre,
to shew, to direct.-Segnáre,
to assign, to prescribe.-
Quando venimmo a quella fo-
ce stretta ov' Ercole segnò li
suoi riguardi, when we ar-
rived at that narrow passage
where Hercules prescribed his
bounds.—Segnare, to mark,
to stamp.-Segnare, to cross,
to bless one by making the
sign of the cross over him.
Segnáre, to make a sign, to
shew by signs.-lo me ne seg-
no, i am amazed or surpri
sed.-Segnáre, to let blood,
to bleed, to breathe or open

egnataménte, adv. with a
sign. ¿→→→Segnataménte, ex
pressly, plainly, in plain
terms, positively, explicitly.
Segnato, adj. signed, noted.
marked. Segnato, printed,

-Segnato, drawn,
painted.-Calle segnato, grea
road, beaten road.-Segnato,
prescribed, fixed.-Segnato,
assigned, said, abovesaid, ci-
ted, quoted.—Segnato, s. m.
sign, mark, token.
Segnatóre, s. m. he that signs
or marks.
Segnatrice, fem. of Segna-



Segnatúra, s. f. sign, mark.
Segnétto, s. m. a small sign.
Ségno, s. m. sign, mark, to-
ken.-Segno, signal,
print or impression.-Segno,
a sign, wonder, or miracle.-
Segno, a sign or constellation
in the heavens. Segno, a
sign.-Parlar con segni, to
speak by signs.--Far segno
cogli occhi, to twinkle, to
wink with the eyes.-Far scg
no colla mano, to beckon with
the hand.-Far segno colla
tesla, to nod with the head.

Il segno della croce, the
sign of the cross.-Fure il seg
no della croce, to make the
sign of the cross.-Farsi il
segno della croce, to cross
one's self.-Se lo vedeste, ve
ne fareste il segno della croce,
you would be amazed or sur-
prised to see him.Segno,
will, pleasure, disposition, or-
der, command.-Tenere una
persona o un luogo a suo seg-
no, to hold or keep a person,
or a place, at one's devotion.

Segno, the urine or water which is shown to the physician, that he may guess by it at the nature of the distemper-Segno, colours.-Segno, a guide or leader-Or con si chiara luce e con tai segni errar non dessi, one cannot miss his way with such a bright light, and such leaders.-Segno, a butt, a mark to shoot at.-Io rivolsi i pensieri tutti ad un segno, all my thoughts were directed to one thing. Segno, terms, bounds, limits, end.-Senza trapassare in alcun alto il

segno delle ragione, without passing, in any manner, the bounds of reason.--Segno, a spot, mark, print, bruise. -Far stare a segno, to keep one in awe or fear.-Tenere a segno, to bring one to reason.

Tornare a segno, to come
to reason. Dar nel segno, to
hit the mark.-Dar nel segno,
to hit the rail on the head.-
La sua arroganza giunse
tal segno, che fui forzato di
manda lo via, his impudence
was come to such a pitch,
that I was forced to turn him
out Segno per segno, eżacts
ly, individually, word fol

Senoráccio, v. Signoraccios

Segnóre, v. Signore. Obs.
Segnazzo, a little sign, mark,
or appearance. Egli era un
certo giovane nel cui bel volto
appena appariva aitun segu
nuzzo di barba, he was a
young man who had scarce
ly any appearance of beard
upon his tace.
Sego, s. m. tallow, grease to
make candles with.Sego, v.
Seco. Obs.
Ségola, s. f. tye.
Ségolo, s. m. a kind of cutting

Segóne, s. m. a large saw.
Segone, a bill, a hedging-bill.
Segregáre, to separate, to part
or divide, to séver or put

Segregáto, adj. separated, severed.

Segrénna, s. f. a lean woman ; said by way of reproach. Segréta, s. f. a secret place, lurking hole.Segreta, dungeon. Segreta, that part of the mass which the priest reads to himself.—Segréta, a helm, or helmet. Segretaménte, adv. secretly, privately.

Segretariáto, s. m. the office of a secretary, secretaryship. Segretariésco, arlj, belonging to

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