صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Ser, master.-Ser Pietro, mas-Sere, s. m. sir.-Sere, master.

ter Peter.

Sera, s. f. the evening.-Verso
sera, towards the evening.-
Sera, night.--Buona sera,
good night.
Seracinésca, v. Sarascinesca.
Seráfico, adj. seraphical, be-
longing to, or becoming the
Serafino, s. m. seraphim, the

highest order of angels. Sérafo, s. m. a seraph, a raphim.

-Ser Francesco, master

Seréna, s. f. v. Sirena.
Serenare, to be clear, or serene,
to grow clear, or serene.
Serenáre, to calm, to tranquil-
lize, to quiet.
Serenáta, s. f. clear and fine
weather, but particularly that
of the night.-Serenita, sere-
nade or night music.
se-Serenato, adj. clear, serene.
Serenatrice, adj. that brings
serenity or calmness.
Serenissimo, most serene; a
title belonging to some prin-


Serenità, s. f. sereneness, sere-
nity, clearness.--Serenità,
serenity; a title belonging to
some princes.

In sul serio, adv. seriously, in good earnest.---/ --Parlar in sul serio, to speak seriously,

or in earnest.

Seriosaménte, adv. seriously,
in earnest, earnestly.
Serióso, adj. serious, grave.-
Serioso, serious, important.
Serménto, s. m. a vine branch,
a spray, a dry twig, or sprig
of a vine.-Sermento, a branch,
a twig, or sprig in general, a
vine branch.
Sermentóso, adj. full of twigs,
branchy, full of branches.
Sermo, s. m. v. Scrmóne.
Sermoelnáre, to preach, to ha


Sermocináto, p. p. of Sermoci


Sermollino, s. m. wild or creeping thyme.

Sermonáre, to preach, to ha


Serapino, v. Segadeno. Seráca, s. f. that part of the evening which is passed in conversing together. Serbábile, adj. preservable. Serbanza, s. f. conversation, preservation.--Far serbanza d'una cosa, to keep, to preserve a thing, Dare in ser-eréno, s. m. sereneness, serebanza, to intrust or put in nity, clearness,Sereno, somebody's family. open air.-Giucere al sereno,[ Serbare, to preserve, to defend, to lie in the open air.-Sereno, Sermonáto, adj. preached, haor maintain.-Serbáre, to re- adj. serene, clear, open, fair. rangued. serve, to keep, to detain, to retain. Natura non ha che fare nelle cose che Dio si serbù in sua potestate, nature has nothing to do with those things, which God reserveth to his own power.Serba questo per te stesso, keep this for yourself.-Serbáre, to deJay, to defer, to put off.

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--Giorno sereno, a serene, Sermonatrice, s. f. a woman
clear day.---Sereno, serene, preacher.
calm, tranquil, quiet, peacea-Sermoncino, s. m. a short pretty
ble.Sereno, merry, gay, sermon.-Fare un sermoncino,
smiling, chearful.
to give a reprimand.
Serfedocco, s. m. a silly man, Sermóne, s. m. a sermon, a
a booby, a simpleton, a block- speech.---Sermóne, talk, dis-
head.-Fare il serfedocco, to course, conversation.-Tener
play the fool.
sermone con uno, to talk, to
discourse, or have a discourse
with one.--Passo passo, an-
dazam senza sermone guar-
dando e ascoltando li amma-
lati, we walked along softly
without speaking, looking on
and hearing the sick people.
-Sermone, idiom, dialect.—
Tra to stil de' moderni, e 'l
sermon prisco, between the
modern style, and the old
idiom. Sermóne, a repri
mand.—Sermóne, salmon.
Sermoneggiare, to preach, to

Sergénte, s.m. a servant, officer,
or minister. Sørgente, a set-
jeant, a catchpole, or bailiff.
Sergénte, a foot soldier,
Sergente, a serjeant amongst
Sergentína, s. f. serjeant's pike,

Con lui intendo di starmi, e
di lavorare mentre songiovane,
e le ferite serbormi a fare
quando sarò vecchia, I intend
to live with him, and to work
whilst I am young, and to
rest myself when I am old.--| a kind of halberd.
Viri meschino, vivi, serbati
alla vendetta, live,poor wretch,
live till you are revenged.
Serbastrella, s. f. v. Selvastrel-


Sergiére, s. m. v. Sergente.

Sergoncello, s. m. a kind of

Sergozzóne, s. m, a prop, a
stay, a supporter.Sergoz-
zóne, a blow under the chin.
Seriamente, adv. seriously,
gravely.Seriaménte, seri-
ously, earnestly, in earnest.
Sérico, adj. that is made of silk,
silken. Poetical-Vestimento
serico, silk clothes.

Serbáto, adj. preserved, kept.
Serbatújo, s. m. a mew or
coop.-Serbatújo,adj. preserv-
able, that may be preserved,
or kept.
Serbatore, s. m. preserver,
keeper, depository, guardian.
Serbatrice, fem. of Serbatore.
Serbévole, adj. preservable,
that may be kept.-Vino ser-
bevole, wine that will keep.
Serbo, s. m. keeping, custody,
charge. Dare in serbo, to
give or commit to one's keep-Serietà, s. £ gravity,
ing.-Tenere o avtre in serbo, ness.

Sermoneggiato, adj. preached,

Serocchia, s. f. 2. Sirocchia.

Serotinamente, adv. late. Serútine, adj. backward, tha Sertino, comes late, lateward.-Frutti senútimi, backward fruits-Serolizu, tardy, late, low. -Penitenza será, tina, & late repentance. serious-Serpato, adj. mmaculated like suake.

Série, s. f. order, course, conti-
naarce, series, succession,
sequel. Dopo ana lunga
serie d'anni, after a great
many years.

to have in one's keeping or Sério, adj. serious, grave.-Serpe, s. m. serpent, snake.→→
Stro, serious, important- Ogni serpe ha'l sun emuns,

every serpent has his poison, every body is subject to an ger.——Allevarsi la serpe in sco, to nurse a snake in one's


Serpeggiamento, s. m. turning,
winding about.
Serpeggiante, adj. winding, or
turning about, full of wind-
ings or turnings, creeping.
Serpeggiare, to creep, to go
winding about, to go in and
out, to be full of windings
and turnings.
Serpergiáto, adj. crept, full of
windings and turnings-Ser-
peggiato, chequered, party


Serpentáccio, s. m. a large serpent.

Serpentáre, to trouble or be troublesome to, to importune,

to vex one.

Serpentária, s. f. grass plantain,
small dragons.
Serpentário, s. m. a constella-
tion in form of a serpent.
Serpente, s. m. a serpent.
Serpentéllo, s. m. a sinal ser-

Serpentifero, adj. that breeds

Serpentíno, adj. of, or belong-
ing to a serpent.--Denti ser-
pentni, sharp teeth.-Lingua
serpentina, an ill tongue-
Serpentino, s. m. the serpen-
tine stone, a kind of fine mar-

Serpentôso, adj. full of serpents. I deserti serpentosi d' Africa, the deserts of Africa, full of serpents.

Sérpere, to creep along. Serpicélla, s. f. a small snake or serpent.

Serpicíno, s. m. a small serpent,

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Serra, s. 1. a saw.-Serra, a
narrow place. Serra, impe-[
tuosity, violence, fury, ve-
hemence, repidity.- Far a
uno serra serra, to press a man
very much, to fall hard upon
Serraglio, s. m. an inclosure,
Serraglia, s. f.


pallisado.-Le serraglie dell' -Serrato, close, near, com
Alpi, the long ridge of the pact.-Armato d' un braccia
Alps.—Serváglio, seraglio, a letto di cuojo fortissimamente
prince's palace amongst the serrato alla carne, armed
eastern nations.-Serráglio, a
with a bracelet of leather
way that they had in italy, to very close to the flesh,-Pan-
stop a new married woman in no serrato, close, thick cloth.
the street, to make her give-Un fiume serrato di ghiac
them something.-Serraglio, co, a river frozen all over.→
a place where princes keep Scriver serrato, to write close.
such fowls and beasts as come -Il fumo m' ha quassi serra-
trom foreign parts
to il petto, the smoke has al-
Serráme, s. m. a lock.
most choaked me.
Serraménto, s. m. a locking up Serratúra, s. f. a lock.-Serra-
Serráre, to shut, to shut up, to túra, the end or conclusion.
lock, to lock up.---Serrar la Not used.
porta, to shut the door.-Ser-Serto, s. m. a garland, a
rar una cassa, to lock up a
chest-Serrure, to hide, to
conceal.-Serrare, to contain,
to keep in, to refrain, to keep
back, to bidle, to rule.-Ser-
rare, to terminate, to end or
finish.--Serrare la vita, to end
one's life, or one's days-Al
scrrar del giorno, towards the
evening. Serrare un mercato,
to conclude, to make up, to
strike up, to bind a bargain.
-Serrare, to press or urge
one. to be eager upon, to
teaze or importune one, to
haunt or dun one.--Serrare,
to strain, to bind straight,
hard, or fast, to fasten, to
thrust hard, to harden.-
Queste scarpe mi serrano il
piede, these shoes pinch me.


Sértula campana, s. f. the
herb melilot, Italian clover.
Serva, s. f. a servant maid.
Servábile, adj. preservable.
Serváccia, s. f. a nasty ugly
maid, a slut.
Serváccio, s. m. a nasty set-

Servággio, s. m. slavery-
Vivere in servaggio, to live in
slavery, to be a slave.
Servaménto, s.m. the act of
keeping in custody, the act
of preserving from loss or hurt.
Servánte, adj. keeping, main-
taining, observing.
Serváre, to keep, to preserve,
maintain. Servare il suo o◄

to preserve one's ho
nour. Che ne cavate miseri
in effetto, favvi l' oro servar
più sani e grassi ? what good
do you reap from it, you poor
wretches, will gold keep you
in a better state of health,
will it make you fatter?
Serváre, to keep, to observe,
or follow.-Servare il conve-
niente ad uno, to stand to
one's bargain.
Serváto, adj. kept, preserved,

Servatóre, keeper, preserver, maintainer. Servatore, ob

-Il freddo serra la terra, cold weather hardens the earth. —Egli si serra con lui di mal talento, he bears him an il! will-Serrarsi addosso o attorno a che che si sia, to cast, to throw one's self, to run, to fall, to rush upon.Parea quando alle peccore si serra il lupo, he looked like a wolf when he falls upon flock of sheep.-Serrar le fila d'un esercito, to draw the files of an army closer.-Serrare il pugno, to clench the fist.-Serrar fuora, to shut out, to turn, to send away. Serrar il basto, o i panni addosso ad uno, to press, or urge one, to be eager upon, to be hard at, or upon one.Serrarsi, to sit, to lie, or stand closer. maid. Serratamente, adv.straitly, nar-Servicella, rowly, closely.-Serratamen- Servicína, te, deep, deeply.-Dormir ser- Servidoráme, s. f. servants. rattamente, to sleep soundly. Servidore, a servant, Seriáto, adj. locked, v. Serrare. Servigétto,s. m. a small service


Servatrice, fem. of Servatore.
Servénte, a man servant, a ser-
vant maid.Servente, adj.
serving, that serves.
Serventése, s. m. a kind of ly-
ric poetry.
Servicciuóla, a little servant

} an inclosure,

of thing that incloses, as walls hedges, and the like; trench,

a little pretty. servant maid,

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Servigio, s. m. service.-Song al suo servigio, I am at your service.-Mettersi al servigio, to go to service.--Servigio, service, office, good office, or good turn.---Ringraziandolo di ciò che in servigio di lei ave a adoperato, thanking him for the service he had done to her.-Servígio, business, affair, thing, matter of employ,

more use to me, or this hat
can do me no more service.

Sessióne, s. f. sitting of magis-
trates, congress.

Sessitúra, s. f. a hem.---Aver
poca sessitura, to be aukward.
Sesso, s. m. sex, the different
nature of male and female.-
Il sesso masculino, the mas
culine sex. Il sesso femanini-
no, the female sex.
Sesta, s. f. a compass, the in-
strument with which circles
are drawn, more properly a
pair of compasses. A sesta,

Questo serve a molte cose, this has several uses.-Serire uno di danari, to help one with some money, to lend him. Servirsi d'una cosa, to make use of a thing, to use or employ it-Si serva del mio cavallo, make use of my horse. Servito, s. m, service, course at table.-Servito, salary-Mi deve tre anni di servito, he owes me three years salary.adv. exactly, in time, timely. Servito. adj. served. -Parlar colle seste, to ponServitóre, a servant.--Servitore, der or weigh what one has to padron mio, your servant, sir. say, to talk with circumspecServilmente, adv. servilely, Servitorino, s. m. a smart looktion.-Sesta, one of the cano Servileménte, meanly, sor- ing little man servant, a foot- nical hours so called. didly, pitifully, basely, cowboy Sestante, s. m. sextant, ar asardly. tronómical instrument. Sestáre, to adjust to fit, to set in order, to frame, to put 10gether.

Servile, adj. servile, slavish servant-like, mean, pitiful, sordid.

Servitrice, s. f. a servant-maid.
Servitù, s. f. servitude, bon-
dage, slavery, confinement.—
Servitù, servants.
Servitúdine, v. Servitù.
Serviziale, a servant. Obs.
Serviziále, a glister, a clys-

Servimento, s. m. service.
Servire, to serve one, to wait on
him, to be his servant, to at-
tend him.-Servir le tavole,
to wait at table-Servire to
serve, to be a servant, to wait.
-Servire, to deserve, to me-
rit.Servire, to return, to
give back again, to repay,
to pay again. Deh perchè non Serviziv, is the service. -Ser-Setiéro}


Serviziato, adj. serviccable, of
ficious, ready to serve one.


Seste, s. f. pl. 6. Sesta, in the signification of compass. Sestérzio, s. m. a sesterce, the quarter of a denarius, about two-pence half penny.

s. m. a pint mea


mi u tu migliorar quì tre
soldi? non credi tu che io te li
possa ancor ser: ire? why
won't you give me three-pence
more? do you think that I am
not able to pay you again?
Servire uno a tavola, to help
one at table.----Volete che vi
seria? shall I help you?-Si
serva, help yourself.— -Ser-
vire, to serve one, to do him
service, to help or assist him.
-Mi comandi in tutto quel
che vaglio a servirla, com-
mand me in any thing I am
able to serve you. Servire,
to serve, to be instead of, to
be as.-Questo mi ser irà di
mantello, this will serve me
for a cloak,--Ciò vi seri a ď❘
avviso, let this be a warning
to you. Servir di coppa, to
help to drink at table. Servir
di coltello, to carve at table.
-Servir di tagliere, servir di
trinciante, to be a carver.-
Ser ire, to serve, to help, to
be serviceable or useful, to do
service. Il fuoco serve a
scaldare, fire is good to warm
one.-Ciù serve alla digesti-
one, that helps digestion. Sessantina, s. f. sixty, three-
A che sere? what signifies?
Questo cappello non mi può
più servire, this hat is of no
VOL. 1.

vizio, a benefit, good, advan-Sestile, s. m. sextile, an astro-
tage, profit, good office.- logical aspect, when two pla
Vi ringrazio di ciò, che`in ser-
nets are distant 60 degrees, of
vizio mio a ete adoperato, I one sixth part of the zodiack.
thank you for the good office-Sestile, the month of Au-
you have done me.-Andare gust.
a stare in servizio, to go to
service.---Servizio, business,
affairs.--Servizio. service,
use.-Questo non mi sarà di
verun servizio, this will be of
no use to me.--Io, e le cose
mie sono al servizio vostro, 1,
and every thing I have, are at
your service.
Servo, a servant.--Servo vostro,
your servant.--Servo, adj. ser-
vile, slavish, mean, pitiful,
sordid. Serve ricchezze, sor-
did riches.

Sésamo, s. m. sesame, a sort
of corn.

Sestine, s. f. sextain, a lyric
song, containing six stanzas.
Sesto, adj. the sixth-Sesto,
one of the wards in which
Florence is divided. Sesto,
order, measure, rule.-Trovar
sesto ad una cosa, to remedy,
to find a remedy for a thing.
-Non dubitare che si trove-
rem sesto, do not be uneasy,
for we shall make it up,-Por
sesto a che che si sia, to order
or dispose a thing.-li porrò
ben sesto io, I shall take a
course about it.
estodécimo, adj. sixteenth.

Sesamoide, s. f. the herb catch-Seta, s. f. silk.
Sessagenário, adj. sexagenary,
of sixty years,
Sesságono, s. m. sexangle,
hexagon, a figure of six an-

Sessanta, adj. sixty.
Sessantamíla, sixty thousand.


Sessénio, s. m. the space of six

Setajuólo, s. m. silk-man.
Setanásso, v. Satanasso.
Setáta, s. f. a great and conti-
nual thirst. Obs.
Sete, s.. thirst.-Aver sete,
to be dry, to thirst. -Spegner
la sete
quench one's
thirst. Agar di sete, to be
almost choaked to be very
dry or thirsty Sere, thirst,
greediness, eagerness, immo-
derate desire.-Più scle pr ma

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dent or saucy.

the seventh. Sfacciataggine, s. f. impudente,

a hog's back.--Setola, a hand-Settina, s. f. the quantity of worm-Sétola, a hair-brush. Setolaccia, s. f. a long bristle. Setoláre, to brush, or rub with a brush.

Setto, adj. cut, parted, divid-
ed, separated, dissected.
Settóre, s. m. a sector.
Settotrasvérso, s. m. the dia-
phragm or midriff.
Settuagenário, adj. septuage-
nary, or of seventy years.
Settuagésima, s. m. the third
Sunday before Lent.
Séttuplo, s. m. seven times

Setoláto, adj. brushed. Setoletta, s. f. a small brush, Setolína, a small bristle. Setolóso, adj. full of bristles, Setolúto, rough.-Con quel romor la setolosa frotta correr da monti suole, as the noise of a herd of swine, when they run through the moun-Severaménte, adv. severely, strictly, rigidly, rigorously, sharply.


Setóne, s. m. a cord made of "hair.

Setóso, adj. full of bristles, rough.--Coda setosa, a long thick tail, speaking of a horse. -Setose ciglia, thick, bushy eye-brows.

Setta, s. f. a sect.--Selta, a plot, a conspiracy, or combi


Settágono, s. m. a septangle, a heptagon, a figure having seven angles, and as many sides.

Settánta, s. m. seventy. Settantésimo, adj. the seventieth.


Severare, to sever, to part, to
divide. Obs.

Severità, s. f. severity, strict-
ness, rigour, rigidity.
Sevéro, adj. severe, striet, ri-
gid, rigorous.-Pena severa,
a severe or rigorous punish-
ment.-Giustizia severa, se-
vere or strict justice.-Viso
severo, a stern or crabbed
look.-Severa correzione, a
severe or sharp reprimand,
correction or punishment.
Sevízia, s. f. cruelty. Obs.
Sevo, s. m. tallow.-Candela
di sevo, a tallow candle.

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the leaf. All

la sezzaja che tu ci sarai mai, but, indeed, this shall be the last time you shall come here. -Da i primi a' sezzai, from the first to the last.-I primi alt affrontare rimaser sezzi al fuggire, those that were the first to attack, were the last to run away.Da sezzo, adv. late.. --Il pentirsi da sezzo rulla giova, to repent too late

Setteggiare, to enter or go into parties or factions. Settémbre, s. m. September. Settembreccia, s. f. autumn, Settembrésca, the fall of Settémbria, Obs. Settenário, adj. septenarious, does not avail. septenary, belonging to the Al da sezzo, adv. at last. number of seven.-Numero | Sfaccendáto, adj. idle, lazy.settenario, a septenary, a Sfaccendáto, useless, neednumber of seven less, unnecessary, of no use. Setténnio, adj. septennial, of the space or age of seven years.

Settentrionále, adj. septentrional, northern. Settentrióne, s. m. septentrio, the north.

Uno sfaccendato, s. m. an idle or lazy man, a lazybones, a sluggard. Sfacciaménto, s. m. impudence, sauciness, a brazen face. Not used. Sfacciataccio, adj. ver; impu


Sfacciatamente, adv. imp. dently, saucily, with a brazen face.

Sfacciatello, adj. a little impu. dent or sancy. Sfacciatezza, s. f. impudence, sauciness.

Sfacciato,adj.impudent, saucy, brazen-faced. Uno sfacciato, s. m. a brazen face fellow.-Sfacciúto, adj. blazed down in the face, speaking of a horse. Sfalláre, v. Sfallire. Sfallénte, adj. wandering, vagrant, going up and down. Obs. Sfallire, to err, to be under an error, to be out, to mistake, to commit a mistake. Not used.

Sfalsáre, to parry, to keep off, to ward off; a term in feneing.-Sfalsare un colpo, to parry a blow. Sfamáre, to satisfy, to fill, to fill one's belly. Stamársi, to fill one's belly, to eat one's belly-full. Sfangáre, to walk in the dirt or mud.

Sfangáto, adj. that is come out of the dirt or mud. Sfare, to undo.—Sfare, to consume, to destroy, to waste or devour. Sfare, to consume or waste away. Sfarfallare, to become a butterfly; speaking of silk-worms.

-Sfarfallare, to get out of any thing, like a worm that becomes a fly.—Sfarfalldre, to speak foolishly, to blunder in speaking.

Sfarinacciare, . Sfarinare. Sfarinácciolo, adj. that becomes like wheat-flour, that becomes powder. Sfarináre, to become like wheat flour, to reduce to as thin a consistency as wheat-flour. Sfarinato, adj. reduced into powder. Sfarináto; mellow, too ripe.——Sfarindto, pak, whitish.

Sfárzo, s. m. ostentation, pomp, parade. Sfarzóso, adj. gaudy, ostentatious, pompous. Sfasciáre, to untie, to unbend, or loosen.-Sfasciare un fanciullo, to unswathe a child. -Sfasciare le mura d'uss

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eittà, to dismantle, to pull down the walls of a town.Sfuscidre, to break or dash to pieces.-Sfasciar la testa ad uno, to dash somebody's

brains out. Sfasciáto, adj. untied, loose, v. Sfasciare. Porta sfasciata, a broken door. Sfasciúme, s. m. ruins. Sfastidiáre, to recover one's stomach.

venge me of my murderer.,
Sferrar l'anima ad uno, to
kill him.-Sferrar il fiato, to
take away one's breath.-
Sferrare uno dell' armi, to
strip one of his arms.-Sfer-
rare un cavallo, to unshue a
horse.-- -Sferráre, to drive.
away, to keep off, to keep out
or from, to remove.
Sferráto, adj. loose, untied,
broken. Sferráto, dead.-
Sferráto, unshod, that has
lost one or more of his shoes,
speaking of a horse.
Sfervoráto, adj. cold, slack, in-

to give over.Procacciati pur d'un altro medico che io per la mia parte ti sfido, send for another physician, because, for my part, I give you


Sfidáto, adj. challenged, defi ed, mistrusted, mistrustful, diffident.-Egli è sfidato de medici, he is given over by the physicians.

Sfatáre, to despise, to slight, to scorn, to contemn, to undervalue, to make no account of.

Sfatatóre, he that despises, de-

Sferza, s. f. a whip or lash.-
La sferza del caldo, the hot-
test hour of the day.
Sferzáre, to whip, to lash, to
Scourge, to jerk.-Sferzáre,
to punish, to chastise.-
Sferzáre, to spur, egg, incite,
stir up, move, or induce.-
Sferzáre, to be exceeding hot,
to burn, to scorch.
Sferzáta, s. f. a lash, a blow
with a whip.--Sferzáta, a

Sfatto, adj. undone, ruined, de-
Sfavillaménto, s. m. spark-
ling, brightness.
Sfavillante, adj. sparkling,
bright.- -Occhi sfavillanti,
sparkling eyes.
Sfavilláre, to sparkle, to shine.
-Sfuvilláre, to fume, to
rage, to storm, to be angry.
Sfavorire, to contradict, to
gainsay, to be against one.
Sfederáre, to pull off the pil-Sferzáto, adj. whipped, lashed,
low. Obs.
Sfederáto, adj. without a pillow
Sfeláto, adj. weary, tired, fa-

Sfendere, to cleave, to split.
Sfera, s. m. a sphere.
Sferále, adj. spherical, belong-|
ing to a sphere, of a spherical


Sfericamente, adv. spherically,
orbicularly, roundly.
Sfericità, s. f. orbicularity,
6férico, adj. spherical, orbicu-
lar, round

Sferóide, s. f. a spheroid, a solid
figure made by the plane of a
semi-ellipsis, turned about by
its axis, and is always equal
to two thirds of its circum-
scribing cylinder.
Sferra, s. f. an old or broken
horse-shoe. Obs.-Sferra,
old ragged cloaths. Obs.
Sferra, a man of nothing, a
mean, base, pitiful fellow.
Sterráre, to untie, to loose, to
pull off to break the irons
Io ti prego, che innanzi che
io sia sferrato, tu vadi incon-!
1anente contro al mia uccidi-
tore, I beseech you, that, be-
fore I am dead, you would re-



Sferzatóre, one that whips.
Sferzatrice, fem. of Sferzatore.
Sfessatúra, s. f. cleft, crack.
Sfesso, adj. cut, cleft, slit.
Sfetteggiare, to cut into slices.
Sfiancare, to break by an inter-
nal effort in the lateral sides.
-Sfiancare, to weaken.
Sfiancato, adj. weak, feeble.
Shataménto, s. m. vent, air,
wind, exhalation, evapora.

Sfiatáre, to breathe, to vent, to

Sfiatársi, to be out of breath.
Shatársi, to toil and moil, to
take abundance of pains.
Sfiatáto, adj. out of breath.
Sfiatatújo, s. m. the place or
hole out of which any thing

Sfidatore, a challenger, he that
challenges or provokes.
Sfiduciato, adj. mistrustful,
distrustful, diffident, suspici


Sfiguráre, to disfigure, to deform.

Sfiguráto, disfigured, deform
ed.--Viso sfigurato, a pale

Sfiguríto, v Sfigurato.
Sfilacciáre, to unravel, to un-


Sfilacciato, adj. unravelled, un


Sfiláre, to file off, to get out of the file or rank.-Sfilársi, to disband, or disband themselves. La cavalleria non essendo pagata s' andava sfilando, the cavalry not being paid, began to disband.-Sfiláre, to unstring, to take off the string. Oh madonna voi vi sfilate la corona, ah, mistress, your beads are unstrung.

Sfilare, to chine one, to break his back. Sfilataménte, adv. in a dis banded manner. Sfilato, adj. disbanded, routed, defeated. Sfilato, unstrung, loose.--Alla sfilata, adv. one after another, in confusion, in disorder. Sfilato, chined, broken-backed. Sfingardaggine, s. f. idleness, laziness, slothfulness. Sfinge, s. m. a sphynx, a feign

ed monster. Sfinimento, s. m. a faintingfit, a swoon. Sfioccare, to unravel, to un


Sfibbiáre, to untie, to undo, to
loosen or loose, to unlace.—
Sfibbiati il seno, unlace thy-Sfiocináre, to take out the
kernels of grapes.
Sfioráre, to take off, or beat
down flowers or blossoms.
Sfioráto, adj. flowerless.
Sfiorire, to shed, to let fall its
blossoms.fiortre, to fade
away, to wither, to decay.-
Sfiorire, to die.
Sfiorito, adj. that has shed its

Sfibbiáto, adj. untied, loose,
unlaced, unbuckled.
Sfidaménto, s. m. provocation,
defiance, challenge.
Sfidanza, s. f. mistrust, dis-
trust, diffidence, suspicion.
Sfidáre, to challenge, to defy.

-Sfidarsi, to mistrust, to
distrust or suspect.-Sfidare,

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