صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Shoritúra, s. f. the falling off of a wound, must pay the phy-
flowers, and the flowers them- sician well.-Sfogar la vela,
selves when fallen from the to let the sail go.
Sfogáto, adj. exhaled, evapo-
Sfiréna, s. f. a kind of sea-fish, rated, vented, allayed.-Luo-
so called.
go sfogato, an open air
Sflagelláre, Obs. v. Flagellare. Stanza sfogata, a large room.
Stocáto, adj. grown cold, cool--Aria sfogála, open air..-
ed, extinguished.-Sfocúto Sfogatójó, s. m. a vent or vent-
cooled, tempered, allayed, a-

Sfoconáto, adj. that has the
touch-hole spoiled, and it is
said of guns, muskets, and
other fire weapons.
Sfoderáre, to draw, to unsheath.
-Sfoderar la spada, to draw
the sword,
Sfoderáto, adj. drawn.
Sfogamento, s. m. evaporation,
vent.-Sfogamento di dolore,
allaying, alleviating, ease, or
lessening of grief.--Le lagrime
sono sfogamento del dolore,
tears appease or assuage one's
grief. Sfogamento d' ira,
vent of arger.- -Per isfoga
mento d'ira si vendicò di lui,
he vented his anger upon him.
-Gli uomini per isfogamento
delle loro passioni fanno torto
a se stessi e offendono Dio,
men, to gratify their passions,
Sfogáre, to exhale, to evapo-
rate, or cast forth.-Aprite la
porta, lasciate sfogar il fumo,
open the door, let the smoke
go out.Lascia andare il
compagno e si passeggia fin-
chè si sfaghi l'affollar del
casso, let our companion go,
and rest himself till he has
got a little breath.--Per la
troppa pioggia l'acqua sfo
gò per tutta la campagna, the
excessive rain overflowed all
the country.-Per conservar
le piante bisogna sfogar ad-
dentro le radici, to preserve
plants, one must set their
roots very deep in the ground.


Sfoggiáre, to be very sumptuous or gaudy in one's apparel or cloaths.- -Sfoggiáre, to excel, to surpass, to outdo, to go beyond. Sfoggiatamente, adv. immoderately, excessively, very much, exceedingly, extravagantly, Sfoggiatezza, s. f. costliness, great shew, finery great parade, generally said of dress and ornaments

Sfoggiáto, adj. exceeding, ex

cessive, immoderate, extravagant, exceeding great, huge. Sfoggiatótto, adj. exceeding in pomp with prettiness. Sforgio, s. m. Juxury, finery, excess in cloaths. Sfoglia, s. f. a spangle, a gold foil.

Sfogliáre, to unleaf, to strip off leaves.-Peró mi dì che te si sfoglia, therefore tell me what makes you so lean. Sfogliáta, s. f. a pasty. Sfogliato, adj. unleafed, stripped of leaves.

Sfognáre, to get out of the common sewer. Sfognáre, to get out of a dirty place, to abandon vice, to leave off sinning.

Sfogo, s. m. an exhalation or evaporation.--Sfogo, licentiousness, lewdness, Chi è ingolfato ne' piaceri del mondo concede ogni sfogo a' suoi capricei, a man drowned in worldly pleasures will gratify or indulge all his appetites. Sfolgorare, to shine, to sparkle, -Sfogáre, to vent, to allay, or glitter.-Sfolgorare, to to mitigate, to case, to as- hasten, to accelerate, to presuage, to appease.--Sfogar cipitate, to hurry, to overla collera, to vent, to wreak, hasten, to do in haste.-Sfolor breathe out one's anger.-gordre, to dissipate, to waste, Sfogar il dolore, to mitigate, to ruin, to destroy or consume. to allay, or assuage one's Sfolgorataménte, adv. very grief.-Sfogar gli abbiam las brightly or shiningly.--Sfolciuti in questo carnavale, we goratamente, excessively, imhave let them take their plea- moderately, exceedingly. sures in this carnival time.-Sfolgorato, adj. shined, sparkChi vuole che una piaga sfo- led, glittered.-Sfolgorato, għi bene paghi bene il medico, exceeding, immoderate, exhe that would be well cured travagant.-Libbre ducento o

trecento ero tenuto a quel tem. po sfolgorata dota, two or three hundred livres, at that time. were looked upon as a topping portion.-Sfolgorato, dissipated wasted, ruined, destroyed, consumed.-folgoráto, hastened, precipita ted, hurried, done in haste.Sfolgorato, huge, exceeding great, very fat. Sfondamento, s. m. a sinking, breaking down, forcing open. Sfondamento, a slaughter, massacre, or carnage. Sfondánte, adj. soft, that yields to the foot. -Fiume sfordante a muddy river.-Cammino sfondante a miry road. Sfondáre, to sink, to force, to thrust to pull or drive down or in,-Sfondɑre una porte, to break open a door.-Sfondare uno squadrone, to break through a squadron.-Sfon dare, to sink.

Sfondato, adj. that has no bottom---Bolte sfondata, a cask that has no bottom.

Gola sfondata, an insatiable greedy gut. Sfondáte, ruined, destroyed, demo-, lished. Cammino sforduto, a deep road.-Sfondato, excceding, excessive, immo. derate, huge.Ricco sfor dato, exceedingly rich. Sfondo, s. m. that empty space left in ceilings and other such places to paint them afterwards, and also the picture made in such spaces. Sfondoláre, to sink, to force, to thrust, to pull or drive down.-Sfondolare un tas, cello, to sink a ship.--Sfondoláre, to run or pierce through.-Mi vien voglia di sfondolarti la pancia, I have a mind to kick thee in the belly. Sfondoláto, adj. that has no bottom.--Sfondolato sapere, profound, deep, or great learning.- -Sfondolare ri chezze, immense riches.--Gola sfondolata, greedy guts.-Una sfondoláta, s. f. a strumpet, a whore.


Sforacchiare, to pierce, to bore

or make a whole into. Sforacchiáto, adj. pierced, bored.

Sformáre, to deform, to deface, to disfigure, to defile, to de stroy, to spoil.Sformare,

to take off the last. Sformare un pajo di scarpe, to take a pair of shoes off the last. Sformataménte, adv. exceedingly, immoderately, excessively, extravagantly, prodigiously.

Sformáto, adj. disfigured, deformed, ill-favoured. ugly, ill shaped.---Città sformata, a'depopulated city- -Paese sformato, a destroyed, desert country.---Sformáto, great, huge, prodigious, wondrous, vast.--Sformáto, extravagant, strange, unusual, uncommon. Sformazione, s. f. ugliness, deformity, ill-favouredness, Sfornare, to take out of the


Sformáto, adj. taken out of the


Sfornimento, s. m, the taking away of the furniture, or or


Stornire, to strip, to unfurnish.-Sfornire uno de' suoi vestimenti, to strip one of his cloaths.Sfornire una

casa, to unfurnish a house.— Sfornire un letto, to take a bed down.-Sfornire una piazza, to disgarnish a place, to take away a great part of its garrison and ammunition, to drain a place of soldiers, Sfornire un vascello, to unrig a ship. Sfornito, adj. unfurnished, unprovided. Sfortificáre, to fortify, to make

strong, to strengthen, to corroborate. Obs. Sfortunaménto, s. m. the act of making unhappy, or the being unhappy. Obs. Sfortunáre, to make unhappy, to cause misfortune. Sfortunato, adj unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky. Sforzamento, s. m. force, canstrait, violence.--Sforza ménto, an effort, endeavour,

[blocks in formation]

Sfratiare, to pack up, to turn
away.-Sfratidre, to send
away, to banish.
Strattato. adj. sent away, ba.
nished, departel, zone.
Strátto, s. m. flight, escape,
running away.-Dar lo sfrat-
to ad uno to turn one out,
to send him away, to banish

Sfregamento, s. m. rub, fric


Sforzatíccio, adj rather forced,
affected. Lagrime sforzatic-
cie, affected or forced tears.
Sforzato, adj. forced, v. Sfor- Sfregare to rub-Sfregarsi i
zare.-Sforzato, weak, im- denti, to rub one's teeth.
potent, feeble.-Sforzato, in- Sfregáto, adj. rubbed.
tolerable, unsufferable, grie- Sfregiáre, to dishonour to dis-
vous, not to be borne-for- grace, to debase, to dispa-
záto, immense, vast, prodi- rage, to discredit.--Sfregiáre,
gious, huge, exceeding great. to cut, to gash, to slash some-
-Tristano volentieri riceve body's face.
la spada imperocchè ella era Sfregiato, adj dishonoured,
di sforzata gravezza, Trista- disgraced, discredited.
nus accepted willingly the Sfrégie, s. m. cut, slash, gash.
sword, because it was prodi-Sfregio, scar, seam, mark
giously heavy.-Sforzato, a
dorned, set off, attired.
Sforzatóre, he that forces or
compels.- Sforzator di ver-
gine. a ravisher.
Sforzévole, adj. violent, rapa-

Sforzevolménte, adv. forcedly,
by constraint.
Sforze, s. m. strain, endea-
vour, attempt, effort.-Fard
ogni mio sforzo per servir i,
I'll use my endeavour, or I'll
strive with might and main.

E udendo che il re di Tunisi faceva grandissimo sforzo a sua difesa, and hearing that the king of Tunis was very busy in getting every thing ready for his defence. Sfracassare, to break to pieces, to beat to pieces. Sfracassato, adj. broken to pieces, cut to pieces, killed; attempt. Sfracelláre, to break, to dash, Sforzánte, adj. forcing, con- to split in pieces.-Con un straining, compelling. colpo gli sfracellò la testa, he Sforzare, to force to compel, dashed his head in pieces with to constrain.-Sforzare, to a blow. force.or ravish a virgin.- Sfracelláto, adj. broken, dashSforzáre, to debilitate, to ed, split in pieces. weaken, to enervate, to en- Sfragelláre, v. Sfracellare." feeble, to take away one's Sfrangiare, to unweave so as force or strength.--Sforzarsi, to reduce like a fringe. to strain, to endeavour, to strive, to attempt, to labour. Signori, qui non mi bisogna

Sfratáre, to turn a friar out of
his order.
Sfratársi, to run away from

of a slash

Sfrenaménto, s. m. licentiousness, lewdness, libertinism. Sfrenáre, to unbridle, to let loose.-Sfrenarsi, to pull of one's bridle. Sfrenarsi, to grow unruly or licentious, to take too much liberty.-L' ingratitudine d' uluni è si grande, che si sfrena a dire ingiurie contro i loro benefattori, so great is the ingratitude of some men, that it goes so far as to revile those whom the

to.-L giore,

mente si

host obliged anto jaù è mag, manifesta the greater

the passion is, the more public when it blazes out.-Sfrenarsi nel pianto, to melt in


Sfrenataménte, adv. licenti-
ously, immoderately, impe-
Strenatezza, s f. licentious-
ness, libertinism.
Strenáto, adj unbridled, with-
out bridle, loose--Sfrendto,
licentious, unbridled, loose.---
Sfrenato, impetuous, cut-
rageous, furious, violent, ra-
ging.-Sfrendio, exceeding,
excessive, immoderate.
Sfringuellare, to sing, to chirp,
or warble, speaking of a chaf-
finch.Stringuelláre, to

Sfrondáre, to unleaf, to pull off the leaves.

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Sfrondáto, adj. unleafed, strip-
ped of leaves.
Sfrondatore, he that pulls off
the leaves.
Sfrondatrice, femin. of Sfron-
Sfrontáre, v. Sfrondáre. Obs.
Sfrontarsi, to grow confident
and bold.

Sgannáre, to undeceive, to s abuse.

Sgannáto, adj. undeceived, disabused.

slander, to revile, to back-Sgabelláre, to pay the tax. bite, to speak evil of.-Sfrin- Sgabellarsi di che si sia, to guellare d' uno, to carp, to free, to rid, to ease one's find fault with one. self of a thing, to get off$fromboláre, to fling stones Io non me ne potrei sgabel-Sgaráre, to get the better in a with a sling. lare, I could not part with dispute or quarrel, to be upit-Non so che fare per isga- permost, to get the advantage. bellarmene, I don't know Not in use.. what to do to be rid of him.Sgurato, adj. superior, upper, Sgabelláto, adj. free of a tax, uppermost in a dispute or that has paid the tax. quarrel. Not in use. Sgabellétto, dim. of Sga-Sgarbatamente, adv. aukwardSgabellino, bello. ly, sillity. Sgabello, s. m. stool, joint- Sgarbatezza, s. f. aukwardness. stool. Sgarbáto, adj. aukward, silly, Sgagliardáre, to debilitate, to foolish. weaken. Sgagliardúre, to Sgargarizzare, to gargarize, to discourage, to put out of wash the mouth with medi heart, to dishearten, to dis- cated liquors. pirit. Sgariglio, Sgambáto, adj. without legs. of blood. Calze sgambate, a kind of Sgarire, v. Sgarare. old-fashioned stockings. Sgarito, v. Sgarato. Sgambettare, to wag one's Sgarráre, to mistake, to em, to legs, to kick.-Sgambettáre, blunder, to miss. to be idle, to loiter, to sit Sgarráto, adj.mistaken, missed. still, to do nothing.-Siedi e Sgarrettáre, to cut one's ham sgambetto, e vedrai tua ven- or hough, to hamstring a detta, don't be over hasty in horse. your revenge. Sgambettato, p. p. of Sgambet

adv. impu

dently, saucily.
Sfrontato, adj. impudent, sau-
cy, brazen-faced.
Sfronzáre, v. Strondare.
Sfruttare, to impoverish, to
wear out of heart, to make
sterile, speaking of lands.
Sfruttare, to squeeze all that

one can.

Struttato, adj. past bearing,
weak, consumed, impover-
ished.-Campo sfruttato, a
· field worn out of heart, im-

Sfucináta, s. f. a large num-
ber, a great quantity. A low
Sfuggevole, adj. flying away,
swift, of short continuance.-
Sfuggevole, slippery.
Sfuggevolezza, s. f. swiftness
in running away.
Surgiásco, adj. roving, wan-
dering, running up and down.
Alla sfuggiasca, by stealth,
6fuggimento, s. m. flight, run-
ning away.


s. m. a bully, a man

Sgavezzáre, to rejoice, to feast,
to make merry.
Sgemmáre, to take or draw the
gems or jewels,

Sgambétto, s. m. a trick played
with one's foot to make ano-Sghembo, s. m. crookedness,
ther fall.

Sgambucciáto, adj. without
stockings, that has no stock-
ings on.

Sganasciaménto, s. m. a great

Sgana-ciáre, to move one's
jaws.-Sganasciar delle rise
o per le risa, to laugh with
one's mouth wide open, to
split one's sides with laugh-
ing.-Sganasciúre, to laugh
with one's mouth wide open,
to split one's sides with laugh-

Sfuggire, to void. to shun,
to escape or eschew.
Stuggito, adj. avoided, shun-
ned, escaped.-Sfuggito, fu- Sgangheráre, to put out of the
gitive, rambling, roving about. hinges, to unhinge.-Sgan-
Sfuggito, banished.Allagherare una porta, to put a
sfuggita, adv. by stealth, se-
cretly Dare un bacio alla break it open.
sfuggite, to steal a kiss.

wryness.-Saliti al sommo
del più alto sghembo se città
vidi che m'eran d'intorno, as
soon as we were arrived at the
top of the craggy cliff, I saw
the cities around.
A Sghembo, adv. awry, crossly.
Shembo, adj. across, awry,
crooked, overth wart,--Sen-
tiero sghembo, a crooked or
crabbed way, a way full of
windings and turnings.
Spheriglio, v. Szariglio.
Sghermire, to let loose, to get
Sghermitóre, he that lets loose.
Sgherráccio, a ruffian, a bully-
ing rascal.

door out of the hinges, to Sgherrettáre, v. Sgarrettare. Sgherro, a hector, a bully.

Sganghetataggine, s. f. clown-Shiguare, to laugh at, to joke,

to ridicule, to jeer, to mock. exces-Sghignazzaméntu, s. m. 2 great laughter.

Sfumare, to exhale, to evapo-ishness of manners.
rate, to breathe, to vent out. Sgangheratamente, adv.
-Sfumare, to varnish a pic-sively, exceedingly, rudely,

Sfumato, adj. exhaled, evapo-
rated, breathed, vented out.
Summáre, v. Sfumare.
Sgabbiáre, to take out of the


Sgabbiato, adj. taken out of the cage.


Sgangherato, adj. out of the

Sgangherato, aukward, silly,
insignificant.--Ridere alla
sgangherata, to laugh with
one's mouth wide open, to
split one's sides with laughing.

Sghignazzáre, to laugh ob-
Sghignazzáta, s. f. a great
Sghignazzio, s. m. laughter.
A sghimbecio, adv. awry, a-
thwart, obliquely.
Sgittaménto, s. m. agitation,
shaking. Obs.

Sgoccioláre, to drain, to drain (Sgomináre, to disorder, to put

dry. Sgocciolato, adj. drained. Sgocciolatúra, s. f. a draining. Sgoláto, adj. that has the gullet or the neck broken.-Sgoldto, prattling, babbling, blabbing. Sgomberaménto, s. m. removal, the act of removing. Sgomberare, to remove.--Sgomberdre, to go away.-Sgomborúre il paese, to leave the

-Sgomberare una country. città, to depart from a city or


out of order, to confound.--E ti pare una favola avere a sgominare tutta una casa? you think it is a trifle to have a whole house to remove? Sgomináto, adj. disordered, in disorder, in confusion. Sgominio, s. m. disorder, con


Sgomitoláre, to undo a bottom
of thread or yarn.
Sgonfiare, to take the swelling

Sgonfiarsi, to unswell.
Sgórbia, s. f. a kind of chizzel

adj. unswolen.

to carve in wood.
Sgorbiáre, to daub with ink.-
Sgorbidre, to speckle, to spot,

to stain.

dant as you do.Sgram-
muticare, to commit errors
in grammar.
Sgrammaticáto, adj. accurately
explained, explained accord-
ing to the rules of grammar.-
Sgrammaticdto, not according
to the rules of grammar, faul-
ty in point of grammar.
Sgranáre, to shell.- -Sgranat
'delle sa e, to shell beans.
Sgranchiáte, to quicken, to re-
move a stiffness, to revive, to
unbenumb.. Sgranchiare,

to grow brisk or supple.-
Non posso sgranchiare questo
cavallo, I cannot make this
horse go.
Io so che tu
sgranchierai, se tu vai tho
mandato, I know you will
be pleased, if you go where
I send you.

Szórbio, s. m. a spot of ink, aSgranchiáto, p. p. of Sgranchi-
scribbling or scrawling, a

Sgorgaméntu, running, over-

-Sgomberate da quù, pack off, march away, go your ways.-Sgomberáre, to carry away.-Sgomberáre, to send away, to drive away, to separate, to part from.-Il vento sgombera l'aria d'ogni nebGia, the wind drives away the clouds, dispels the clouds.Sgomberar de se ta paura, to leave all fear aside. Sgomberate, adj. removed · Sgombero, Sgombero, tree Sgorganteménte, adv. abunfrom, empty, unfurnished, unprovided, destitute.- Vita | Sørgåre, to disgorge, to empsgombera d'affanni, a life free tv, to discharge, to disemfrom troubles.- -Una città bogue itself.Sgorgar lasgombera di vittuaglia, a town grime, to shed tears.-Alfin unfurnished with provisions. sgorgando un lagrimoso rivo, -Sgombero, s. m. a remov- at last shedding a torrent of ing, or shitting from one tears.-Sgorgare, to pass, to house to another, a driving go over. Obs.-Sgorgare in away, a pulling or keeping un parse, to go into a country. Obs.



Sgranelláre, to pick the grapes out of a bunch of grapes. Sgranocchiare, to cat things that crackle in esting them. Sgranocchiato, p. p. of Sgranocchiare.

Sgravamento, s. m. ease, relief,



Sgraváre, to ease, to lighten.
to disburden.-Sgraváre, to
ease, to help, to relieve, to
comfort, to lessen, to abate,
to allay, to alleviate.
Sgraváto, adj. eased, relieved,

Sgombináre, to cause confusi-Sgorgo, s. m. overflowing.-ASgravidáre, to be delivered, to

on, to bring confusion, to perplex. Not used. Sgombináto, confused, in confusion, in disorder, perplexed. Not used.

Sgombráre, v. Sgomberare.
Sgombrato, v. Sgomberato.
Sgombro, v. Sgombero.
Sgomentamento, s. m. discou-
ragement, the being out of
heart, faint-heartedness.
Sgomentáre, to discourage, to

sgorgo, adv. abundantly, plen-

Sgovernáto, adj. ill governed,
ill used, abused.
Sgozzáre, to cut a throat.

Sgozzire, to empty the wen.
Seozzáre, to forget a thing, to
digest, to bear or suffer, to put
up, to brook.- -Non sapre
spozzur questo scorno, 1 can-

not brook this affront.
Sgazzato, p. p. of Sgozzare.

deter, to put out of heart, to Sgradite, to displease, to be sor-
Ty for.
Sgomentársi, to be discouraged Sgramare, to scratch.
or disheartened, to lose cou-Sgraffiáto, adj, scratched.
rage, to despond.
Sgraffignare, to steal, to carry
Sgomentato, adj. discouraged, away by stealth.
out of heart, disheartened,
Sgomentévole, adj. dishearten-
ing, dispiriting, causing fright
or fear.
Sgumentre, . Sgomentare.
Sgomento, s. m. consternation,
amazement, great fear. *

Sgráffio, s. m. scratch.
Sgraffióne, s. m. a great

Sgrammaticăre, to explain or
teach according to the rules of
grammar.-8" is volessi stare
a sgrammaticare siccome voi
fate, if I would play the pe-

be brought to bed.
Sgrávio, s. m. ease, relief, corn-

Sgrázia, s. f. misfortune. Obs. Sgraziarăggine, s. f. aukwardness, a dull insipid jest. Sgraziatamente, adv. unhappily, unluckily, unfortunately.- -Sgraziataménte, aukwardly, insipidly, without


Sgraziatello, adj. wretched, un-
seemly, ungraceful, silly
Sgraziato, adj. aukward, silly,
ungraceful. -Sgraziato, uu-
happy, unfortunate, unlucky,
poor, miserable, wretched,
Un sgraziuto, an unfortunate,
unhappy man, a wretch.-
Uno sgraziato, an aukward
silly fellow.
Sgraioláre, to break, to bruise,
or beat in pieces.
Sgretolāto, adj. broke to pieces,
Sgricciolo, s. m. a wren, a litle

horse in a ver.

Sguaináto, adj drawn-Spa-[ zare un cavallo, to wash #
da sgainata, a drawn sword.
Squalcire, v Gualcire

bird so called. . Sgridament, m check, re buke, repom-nd. Sendáre, to check. to rebukegealdrina, s. f. a wench, a to scold at, to reprimand, to strumpet, a whore.


Sgualdradila, s. f. a poor

Szuazzatore, s. m. a loose or lewd man, a debauchee. Sguernire to unfurnish, to undress.

Seridáte, adj. checked rebu- s'rumpet a wretched whore. 'Squernito, adj. unfurnished, kert, scolded at, reprimand-Squancia, s. f. the check of a¦


Sendare, a reprover, a scold-
ing man.
Seridatrice, fem. of Sgrida-


Serido, s. m. chiding, reproving. check, rebuse, repri


Sguanciare, to break the cheeks
or the jaw-bone.
Sguáncio, adj. across, awry.-
-Per isguancio, adɩ. awry
Szuaraguardáre, to look and
look again. Obs.

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Sergiáto, adj. grev.-——— -Panno | Squaraguárdia, s. f. scouts.
srigludo, gry cloth.
Sriegiolare, v. Scricchiolare. Squaraguatáre, v. Sguaraguar-


Serignáre to grin, to laugh at.
to joke, to ridicule, to jeer,
to banter.

Sgroppáre, to undo or untie a
kn-Sgroppare uma fune,
to antie a rope.-Sgroppure,
to break the crapper.
Scroppato, ad, hat is thin in
his rump that has a small
rump-Syroppáto, untied.
Sgrossamento, . m. draught,
the beginning of the first rude
form of any thing.
Sgros-áre, to form, to fashion,
to make the first draught of
a thing, to sketch, to rough-
Sgrossato, adj. formed, fa-
shioned, only begun, not fi-

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undressed, stripped.

Sgutáre, to jeer, to banter, to ridicule, to laugh at. Sguinzagliare, to uncouple, to loose, to let loose. Sguinza zliáto,uncoupled loose. Sguiggiare, to tear off the upper leather of a shoe. Seuittire, v. Squittise. Sguizzáre, to slip, to slide off. -Sguizzare un piedi, to get up, to stand up.-Sguizzáre, dare. Obs. to fly or run away. Sguardamento, s. m. look, Sgusciáre, to take any thing sight, view, aspect. Obs. out of its shell. Sgusciar Sguardare, to look upon, to delle noci, to crack nuts. view or behold. Obs.- Sgusciar delle fave, to shell Sguardar fissamente, to stare beans.-Sgusciar delle manat, to look fixedly.-Sguardorle, to blanch almonds.dar con maraviglia, to gaze Sgüsciar delle uova, tu shell -Areravi una bella! eggs. donna la quale era molto Sgusciato, p.p of Sgusciare. sguardata dulle genti, there si, yes.-Dite si o nò, say yes was a fine woman who was or no. Sì? adv. O that, admired by the people.— would to God!--Sì, fossi to Sguardare intero, to preserve, morto quando la mirei! oh, to keep. Sguardáre, to es- that I had died when I saw teem, to value, to respect, to her!--Slack-a-day!—O sì, regard. disse la Belcolore, se Dio m' ajuti io non l'avrei mai creduto lack-a-day, said Belcolore, as I hope to live, I should never have believed it.Sì, so much, so.—L'amo sì, che non ne son mai sazio, I love it so much that I never have enough of it.-Canta st dolcemente, che rapisce,, she sings so sweetly that she ravishes. Sì, however, yet.Pognamo che altro male non ne seguisse, sì ne seguirebbe che mai in pace nè in riposo con lui viver potrei, let us suppose that no other harm should happen, vet 1 should never be easy and quiet with him.-Si, a particle peculiar to the Italian language, Ex. E' oltre a quello che egli fa ottimo filosofo naturale, si fa egli leggiadrissimo e costamato. and, besides that he was a very good philosopher, he was also very handsome and very complaisant.-Se ti prace, si ti piaccia, se non, sì te ne sta, if you are pleased, let it be so, if not, stay till you

Serugnáta, s. f. a cuff, a blow.
Sgrúgno, s. m. a cuff a blow.
Serugnóne, s. m. a great blow
given in the face with the fist
Sgruppáre, to free from knots,
to untie.

Squaglianza, s. f. v. Disugua


Sguardáta, s. f. look, counte-
nance, aspect.
Sguardatore, spectator, behol-
der, looker en.— -Sguardatore
d un opera, surveyor, over-


Sguardevole, adj.worthy, plain,
visible, eminent.
Sguardo, s. m. a look or glance
of the eyes.--Sguardo, re-
gard consideration, respect,
account- -Non fanno altro
che seguir la loro volontà sen-
za nuno sguardo di ragione,
they do nothing else but fol.
low their own inclination,
without having any regard to

ghanza. Obs.
Sguagháie, to make unequal
or uneven. Obs.-Sguagli-
are to disunite, to part. Obs.
Sgunguáto adj. differing. Obs.
Squagh, s in. inequality, un-
evenness. Obs.
Sgusiaco a stupid, dull
sv, fooli h. nonsensical.--
Uno sguajáto, a silly block-Sguarguato, s. m. a scout.

head Sgua sare, to draw out of a shath ---Sguaindre to draw ou, t brin: forth.-Sguainae une brgia, to tell a lyc. -Seucivare una sentenza contra ad uno. to pass a sensence upon one.


Sguardolino. s. m. glance of the eye. Sguardolino attraverso, a sheep's eye, an ogle.


Sguzzzáre to swim, to swim over.-Squazzare un fiume, to swim over a river. Sguazzare nel sangue, to swim in blood. - Sguazzáre, to fast, to be merry, to eat and drink merity.-Sguas

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