صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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¿gested, concocted.-Essere Smargiasseria, s. f. bullying, Smemorággine, s. f. forgetsonnitito, to be clear, intelli- cutting of arms and legs with Smemoraménto, s. m.)

ghie, easy.

maltitojo, s. m privy-house,


5malto, s. m. cement, mertar.-Smalto, enamel.-Pinzere in ismalto, to enamel.Smalto, a pavement.Cola diritto sopra il verde small, mi fur mostrati li spiriti magni,over-against theic, upon the green turf, I saw the souls of great men. Smalto, any hard thing, as stone, diamond, marble.Chi verrà mai che squadre questo mio cor di smalto? who shall ever break this stomy heart of mine? Smanceria, s. f. niceness, wantonness, effeminacy, coyness. To non ho di bisogno di tante smancerie, prithee, don't play the fool with rac. Smánia, s. f. madness, fury, rage. Dar nelle smanie, to be mad, to fume, to be in a passion. Far dar nelle smanie, to make one mad, to make him quite angry.-Menare smouie, to be mad, to grow read.-Ne'nvaghi sì forte, che egli ne menava smanie, he conceived so great a love for her, that he was nad after her. Sinaniaménto, s. m. v. Sma



S.naniante, adj. furious, raging, mad, frantic.



Smarrigióne, s. f. straying, Smemorággine,
smarrimento, s. m. wander- folly, simplicity.

ing, loss.-Tutta s'affliggera
per lo smarrimento del suo
figliuolo, she was very much
athicted at the missing of her
sou.--Smarriménto di forze,
loss of strength.—Surrimen-
to, mistake fault, error. —
Avertire di non cader un' al-
tra volta in simile smarrimen-
to,take care not to commitany
more such mistake.--Smarri-
ménto, consternation fear,
amazement.-lo presi tanto
smarrimento allora, I was
under such a consternation

Smire, to miss, to lose, but
with a hope to find.-Avera
la sua compagnia nella selva,
smarrita, she had lost her
company in the wood.-
Smartrsi, to miss or lose
one's way.-Sarrire, to con-
found, to perplex.-Sarrir-
si, to be discouraged or dis-
heartened, to lose courage, to



Smemorare, to grow stupid, to doat, to rave.Smemoráre, to astonish, to surprize, or


Smemorattággine, v. Smemo-
Smemoratino, adj. foolish,
doating.-Smemoráto, stupid,
blockish, dull, silly, out of
one's senses.-Ben sapete che
io non sono sì smemorata cle
io non conosca che voi siete
Messer Ricciardo, you know
very well I am not so sense-
less as not to see that you
are Mr. Richard.-Uno sme-
morato, a heedless. rash, hot,
headed, giddy-headed, hair-
brained man.-E commincia-
rono a dire che egli era uns
smemorato : gli smemorati si-
ete voi rispuse egli, and they
began to say that he was a
heedless fellow: you are heed-
less yourselves, answered he.
Smenomáre, to diminish, to
lessen, to impair, to abate.
Not used.
Smenovito, adj. diminished,
lessened, abated, impaired.

Smenticanza, s. f. forgetful


Smarritamente, adv. full of con-
sternation, timorously.
Smartito, adj. missed, lost.
Smurrito, discouraged, dis-
heartened, dispirited.
Smarrito, v. Smarrito. Obs.
Smascellare, to put one's jaw-Smenticáre, to forget.
bone out of joint.-Smascel- Smenticato, adj. forgotten.--
lar delle risa, to split one's Smenticato, mad, foolish, sil-
sides with laughing, to laugh
Smascelláto, p. p. of Smascel-


S naniáre, to rage, to be in a
rage, to be in a great passion,
to dote, to be like a madman,
to frame, to fret.-Uno sma-
nia por amore, uno attende Smascherare, to take the mask
alla gola, some are mad for off, to unmask.
love, some doat upon eating Smascherato, adj. unmasked.--
and drinking.
Smascherato, adj. detected.

Smaniato, p. p. of Smaniare.Smattonáre, to unpave, to take
Smaniarúra, s f. v. Smania.
Smaniglia, s. f. a bracelet.
Smamóso, adj. furious, mad,

a great rage.
Smantellare, to dismantle, to
pull down the walls.
Sinantellato, p. p. of Smantel-


Smanzeróso, adj, given to love.

-Donna smanzerusa, a coquet, a wanton girl or woman.] -Uno smanzeroso, s. m. af beau, a general lover. Smanziére, s. f. a spark, a beau. Smargiasso, s. m. a bully, a braggadocio.

off the bricks,
Smattonáto, adj. unpaved.
Smeláre, to work the combs.
Smeláto, adj. without combs,
speaking of a bee-hive.
Smembrate, to dismember, to
pull in pieces.-Smembrare,
to dismember, to divide..
Smembráre, to carve.-Io non
voglio smembrar sulla forci-
na in aria starne, I will not
be a carver.
Smembrato, adj. dismember-
Smemorábile, adj. not famous,
not famed. Not used.

Smentire, to give the lye.—
Smentirsi, to belye or contra-
dict one's self.
Smentito, adj. belyed.
Smeraldine, adj. of or belong-
ing to an emerald, as bright
as an emerald.

Smeraldo, s. m. an emerald.
Smérgo, s. m. a coot or sea-


Smerigláre, to polish with
emery or emeril.
Smeriglio, s. m. emery or eme
ril.-Smeriglio, “a merlin, a
bird of prey so called.—Sne-
riglio, a piece of ordnance so
Smeriglióne, s. m. a large mer-

Smérlo, s. m. a merlin, the
same as Smeriglio.
Smidolláre, to take the brains
out Smidollarsi a qualche
cosa, to cack one's brain

about a thing-Smidolláre, Smoccolatújo, s. m. the snufto discover, to explain, to de- fers.

clare, to expound, to reach Smoccolatúra, s. f. candle

the substance of a matter.

Smidolláto, adj. from Smidol.

Smigliacciare, v. Migliacciare,
Smiláce, s. f. hedge-bells, rose-
weed, withy-weed.
Smilzo, adj. slender, spare,
small, thin.
Smimoráo, v. Smemorato.

Sminuménto, s. m. diminuti-
on, decrease, abatement.


Smorzar la calcina, to k lime.-Smorzar la sete, ta quench the thirst Smorzáre, to extinguish, to smother, to appcase, to curb one's passions.

Sinodaménto, excessiveness,
greatness, excess. Obs.
Smodársi, to grow immoderate, Shaorzato, adj, extinguished..
extravagant, or intemperate. Smó-sa, s. f. motion, mov
Smodatamente, adv. exces-ing-Swissa di soldati, a
sively, exceedingly, greatly, march of oldiers.
Smesso, adj. moved, shaken..
Smodáto, adj. immoderate, ex- -Smossa, out of joint,
cessive, intemperate, violent. Smuovere. Mi sono smosso
Smoderánza, s. f. the opposite un piede, I have put a foot
of moderation.
out of joint.-Smosso, remov-

Sminuire, to diminish, to les-Smoderatamente, adv. immo-ed, shaken, altered, of ano

sen, to impair, to abate.Sminuirsi, to lessen, to diminish, to decrease, to fall, to decay.

Sminuíto, adj. diminished, decreased, decayed, fallen. Sminuzzamento, s. m. a cutting or breaking to pieces. Sminuzzáre, to cut, to break to pieces, to cut in small bits, to mince.

Sminuzzáto, adj. cut or broken to pieces, minced. Sminuzzatore, he that breaks or cuts to pieces. Sminuzzatrice, fem. of Smi


Sminuzzelláre, v. Sminuzzare.
Smiracchiare, v. Sbiiciare.

Smiráre, to polish, to burnish,

to brighten. Obs. Sminuío, s. m. the herb Alex


Smisurábile, adj. unmeasura-
ble, huge, excessive, exceed-
ing great, immoderate.
Smisuranza, s. f. immensity,
vastness greatness. Obs.--
Smisuranza nello splendere, la-
vishness, profuseness, prodi-
gality.-Smisuranza di pecca-
to, enormity of sin.-Non po-
tendo clle sostenere la smisu-
ranza di tanta chiarità, they
not being able to resist that,
exceeding brightness.
Smisuratamente, adv. exces-
sively, exceedingly, immode-
rately, out of measure, be-
yond measure.
Smisuratezza, s. f. greatness,
excessiveness, immensity.
Smisurato, adj. unmeasurable,
excessive, huge, exceeding
great, immoderate.
Smocciáte, v. Mocciare.
Smoccolare, to snuff the can-
Smoccolato, adj, snuffed.

derately, excessively, intem-

s. f. excess,

ther mind -Smossa dalle preghire della madre, his mother's tears prevailed upon him.-Gismonda nox ismus sa nel suo fitro proponimento, Gismonda fixed in her cruel intent. Non essendo smoS:Ə dagli agguati della fortuna, not dismayed at the cross of fortune.

the opposite of moderation. Smoderáto, adj. immoderate, excessive, exceeding great, violent, extravagant. Smogliato, adj. single, that has no wife. Uno smogliato, s. m. a batchelor or bachelor. Smontáre, to descend, to go, to step, or come down.Smontare le scale, to go down stairs. Smontare in terra, to land.——Smontare a piede, o smontar da ca. allo, to alight off one's horse.-Smontar di carrozza, to alight out of a coach.-Smonture, to change colour, to fade. Smontato, adj. descended, come or gone down.-Smontáto, dismounted. Smorbáre, to cure the infection or disease. Smortáre, to purge, to cleanse, to clear. Smorbáto, adj. cured of an in- to fall by missing a step. fection, purged, cleansed, cleared.

Smottáre, to rush or tumble down.

Smottato, adj. rushed or tumbled down, impassable, craggy.

Smovitúra, s. f. a moving or

Smórfia, s. f. mockery, rail-
lery, jest, banter.Farsi
smorfia d'uno, to ridicule, to
mock, to scoff. to deride one,
to laugh at him.
Smorire, to grow pale. Obs.
Smorare, to take the bit out
of a horse's mouth; to unbri-

Smorsáto, adj. unbridled.
Smesto, adj. pale, bleak, wan,
sallow.iso smorto, a pale
face. Smorto, sallow,
whitish, a h-coloured.
Smortóre, s. m. paleness.
Smorzáre, to put out, to ex-¦
tinguish, to quench-Smor-
zar la candela o il fuoco, to}
put out the candle or fire.

Smozzicáre, to cut to pieces, to maul, to mangle.-De' quali ventilaque ne farono im piccati col notojo e gli altri smozzicati, of whom twentyfive were hanged with the notary, and the others were beheaded.

Smozzicato, adj. cut to pieces, beheaded.

Smucciáre, to slip, to slide,

Smúgnere, to drain, to waste,
to consume, to exhaust.
Smugnitóre, he that exhausts
any thing.

Smunire, to reinstate, in a
charge or an office. Obs.
Smanito, adj. reinstated.
Smúnto, adj. lean, poor in
flesh,, meagre, thin, scraggy
Smunto, exhausted, drained,
Smuovere to move, to stir, so
shake.-Smuocer un fasso, to
shake or move a stone. --
Smunere, to excite, to in.
cire, to provoke, to stir up,
to raise.--Tutta la città me fà
smosse a rumore, all the c
ty was in alarm for it.—Sme-
ocère, to muse, to soften, to
cause a concern, ta affook--

Non è si duro core che lagrimando e pregando talor non si

out a nose.

Snaturáre, to harden against the dictates of nature; to become cruel

Snaturáto, adj. strange, unnatural.

amor tu mi suamori, O love, if all the rest of your servants) smuova, there is no heart so have no other hopes but this, hard but that tears and en- you cure me of my love. treaties will move.--Smuo-Snamorársi, to forsake love. vere, to induce, to lead, to Snamoráto, cured of love, no cntice, to persuade, or draw longer enamoured. on-Mando di No embre di Sna áo, adj. noseless, withdetto anno a smuovere il legato a lasciar trovar modo alla concordid, he sent, in the month of November of the same year, to persuade the legate to find some means for an accommodation.-Smuo- Snellaménte, adv. nimbly, reamere, to corrupt, to bribe, of dily, quickly, briskly. pervert.-Fa orechie di mer-Snellette, auj. dim. of Snello. cante e non ti lasciare smu-Snellézza. s. f., nimbleovere nè a danari ne a pro-Snellita Obs. ness, agility, zesse, give no ear to what quickness, briskness, swiftthey say, and don't be pre- nes, activity. vailed upon, or drawn in, c-¡ Snello, adj. agile, nimble, ther by money or promises.- quick, brisk, active, swift. Smuovere, to dissuade or di-Snetbare to spoil or break vert.-Non ho potuto smuo- Snervare, the nerves.———— verto dalla sua risoluzione, I Snerbáre, to enervate, to could not make him change werken. to enfeeble. his resolution - -Smunciist, Sne batello, adj. dimin. of to yield, to submit, to give Snervatélie, Sherbato and Way.------Seguendo il loro per Snervato. trace proponimento non si Snerbáto, adj. enervated, voilono smuovere, following Snerváto, weakened, weak. obstinately their resolution Snidáre, to fly out of the nest, they would never yield.- to drive out of the nest.-Ma Snuoversi il corpo, to come il sol sopra il cerchio si, loosen. Queste sorte d' erbe snida che si chiama orizzonte, smunvoro il corpo, thuse suit but as the sun rises upon the of herbs loosen the body. circle which is called the hoSeurale, to dismantie, to pull rizon. down the walls. --lo trovai Snidato, adj. flown from the questi danari simurando un nest, driven out of the nest. mio casolaraccio, I found Snidiáre, v. Snidare. the money in pulling down Sridiáto, v. Snidato


the walls of an old barn of Snigghittire, to grow brisk, Sobbarcare, to submit, to sub

nimble, or active.

.mine. Smussare, to break the corners.Socciolare, to take out the Smussato, adj. whose corners are broken.

Smússo, adj. across, awry, not eten, with a corner cut off.

Obs..-E acchiocchè il detto pelagio non fose in sul terreጸ . degli Uferti, coloro che l' eltono a fare il posero smus so, che fu gran dijalta, and that the said palace might not be upon the ground of the Uberti, these, who had undertaken the building of it, built it with a flat corner, which was a great fault. Smásso, s. m. the cutting of a corner off. Snamoráre, to take away love. --Or s'a queste speranze stan tutto il resto de' tuoi servidori,


due, subject, bring under, to humble. Obs. kernel.-Snocciolare, to ex-Sobbissare, ". Subbissare. plain, to expound, to declare, Subbuissato, v. Subbi sato. to discover, to make plain.- SobLollie, to boil under coE se volete che ve la snoccioli

Snomináre, to deprive of the
name, to misname.
Soátto, s. m. a eali's skin.
Soáve, adj. sweet, agreeable,
pleasant, delicious, grateful,
charming.--Vino soɑre, sweet,
agreeable wine.--Fresco so-
ave, a delicious coolness-
-Vento soave, a gentle gale,
a pleasing or agreeable wind.
Sodve, light, not heavy.—
Svane, quiet, still, favourable,
courteous, humane. - Sode,
moderate, soft, gentie.-
Camminare con soare passi,
to walk gently. Sodre, adv.
sweetly, agreeably, gently-
Quel rosignuol che si soat
piagne, that nightingale
which sings so sweetly.-
Cavalca tosto in piano, soare
nel montano, ride fast on the
plain, and gently up hill-
E se poco hai, soave porra il
tuo stato, and if you be poor,
bear patiently your condition.
Scavernénte, adv agreeably,
pleasantly, merily, gladly,
comfortably, sweetly, charm-
ingly.-Cantar soavemé te,
to sing agreeably, sweetly.
Soavemente, softly, gently.-
Camminare soa eménte, to
walk gently.-Soavemente,
lovingly, modestly. Souve
ménte, patiently, with pati-
ence. Postare soavemente
una disgrazia, to bear a mis
fortune patiently.
Soavezza, v. Soavнà Obs.
Soavità, s. f. suavity, sweet-
ness, agreeableness, benigni-
ty, clemency.

prù, if you will have me speak
plainer.--Snocciolare, to pay
in ready money.
Snocciolato, p. p. of Snoccio-

Snodaménto, s. m. untying. urdoing.

Snodáre, to untie or undo a
knot-Come fanciul cap-
pena volge la lingua e snoda,
like a child that can scarcely
use his tongue.-Snodáre, to
disunite, to separate, to dis-

Snodáto, adj. untied.
Snodatúra, s. f. a joint.


Sobbollito, adj. boiled under cover. Sobbollito, private, secret, concealed. La sobbollita ira, the concealed an


Sebbúrgo, s. m. subarb.
Sobbrévita, adv. shortly,
briefly, in a few words. Obs.
Sobillamento, s. m. seduction,
a seducing, misleading, de-
ceiving, corrupting, debauch-

Sobilláre, to seduce, mislead,
abuse, deceive, or cheat.
Sobissáre, v. Subbissare.
Sebissato, v. Subbissato.

Sóbole, s. f. race, family,
stock, or generation. Obs.
Sobranzáre, v. Sovranzáre.
Sobriaménte, adv. soberly,
temperately, moderately, with
Sobrietà, s. f. sobriety, sober-
ness, temperance, modera-

Sóbrio, adj. sober, temperate,


Sobúglio, s. m. sedition, com-
motion, mutiny, insurrecti-
on, popular tumult, uproar.
Soccenericcio, adj. baked under
the ashes.-Pane socceneric-
cio, bread baked under the
Socchiamáre, to call one soft-
ly, or with a low voice.
Socchiúdere, to half shut.-
Socchiudere, to shut, or shut


Socchiúso, adj. half shut.———— Tener l'occhio socchiuso ad una cosa, not to mind, or not to take notice of a thing. Sóccio, s. m. a partnership in cattle, by which one is entitled to the half of the profit or loss. Sóccio, a partner in cattle.

Socco, s. m. sock, pump. Soccodágnolo, v. Straccále. Soccorénza, s. f. looseness. Soccórrere, to succour, help, assist, or relieve.-Soccórrere, to remember, to call to mind. Soccorrevole, adj. auxiliary, helping, assisting. Soccorriménto, v. Soccorso. Soccorritóre, he that succours. Soccorritrice, fem. of Soccorritore.

[blocks in formation]

Sodáre, to strengthen, to fasten,
to make fast or firm, to con-
solidate. -Sudáre, to bail
one, to be bound for him.--Fabbricare in sul sodo, to
Sodare, to warrant, to pro-
mise, to pass one's word.
oddiaconáto, s. f subdeacon-

Soddiácono, subdeacon.
Soddisfacente, adj. satisfactory
pleasing.-- Soddisfacente,
proportioned, proportionable,
commensurate, agreeable to.
Soddisfacenteménte, adv. in a
satisfactory manner, satisfac-



build upon a good foundation.
-Dire o fanellare in sul sodo,
to say or speak any thing in
earnest or seriously.—Porre o
mettere in sodo, to purpose, to
resolve, to determine, to deli-
berate.-Cosi la pace si met-
teva in sodo, so they were
deliberating upon the peace.
-Sodo, adj. firm, hard, com.
pact.-Poi toccandole il petto
e trovandolo sodo e tondo, af-
terwards, he feeling her
breast, and finding it hard
and plump.-Terra soda, un-
tilled ground-Sodo, firm,
steady, constant, durable,
sure, stedfast, unshaken, set-
tled.-Esser sodo nella sua ri-
soluzione, to be firm or stea-
dy in one's resolutions.-So-
do, sure, strong, wealthy.-
E riverai libero sentendoti
fermo e sodo nel valsente, and
you shall live free if you find
that your wealth can afford
it--Sodo, strong, lusty
Star sodo alla macchia o al
macchione, to stand fast, to
hold up, not to yield.-Star
sodo, to stand fast. Rimaner
sodo, not to hold, said of ani-
mals that go to the leap and
get not pregnant.--Sodo,
thick, massy, massive, solid.
-Sodo, adv. fast hard.--Tu-
rar sodo, to stop fast.-Pic
chiar sodo, to knock hard.

Soddisfaciménto, s. m satis-
faction, atonement, amends,
Soddisfare, to satisfy, humour,
please or content, to give sa-
tisfaction.-Soddisfare, to sa-
tisfy, to pay, to discharge a
debt.-Soddisfare al suo ob-
bligo, to discharge one's duty,
Soddisfatto, adj. satisfied, pleas-
ed, contented.
Soddisfazione, s. f. satisfac-
tion, attonement, payment,
reparation, amends, content.
Soddótta, s. f. seduction. Obs
Soddótto, adj. seduced, mis-
led. Obs.
Soddúcere, to seduce, mis-
lead, abuse, deceive, or cheat.
Obs. Lasciarsi sodducere, to
suffer one's self to be seduced,
or misled.-Sodducere, to se
duce, corrupt, or debauch.
Sodduciménto, s. m. seduction. Soduciménto, v. Sodducime
to. Obs.
Sofferáre. v. Sofferire. Obs.
Sofferénte, adj. patient, suf-
fering, enduring, constant.
Sofferénza, s. f. patience, suf-
ferance, endurance.-Ma sof
ferenza è nel dolor consorto,
but patience is a comfort in
Soffrévole, adj. that may be
suffered. Obs.

Soccorso, s. m. succour, help,
relief, assistance.-Soccorso,
succour, relief, supply.
Soccorso, adj. succoured, help-
ed, assisted, relieved.
Società, s. f. society, com-
merce, intercourse, compa-
ny, familiarity, fellowship,
friendship.-Società, society, Sodduitóre, v. Seduttóre. Obs.

} adj. sociable.

Sodducitóre, s. m. a seducer,
deceiver, cheat. Obs.

Sodduttrice, ບ. Seduttrice.

Sodduzióne, s. f. seduction.

Soddúrre, v. Sodducere. Obs.
Sudetto, adj. a little hard, ra-

company, partnership. Sócio, v. Sozio. Soda, s. f. sodder, an herb, out of whose ashes they makǝ glass. Sodále, s. m. companion. Sodalizio, s. f. company, fel->ther hard. lowship, familiarity. Sodaménte, adv. surely, safe, VOL. I.

Sodézza, s. f. solidity, hard-
ness, firmness.Sodeaza,

v. Sodduzione,


der, obloquy, detraction. Soffiante, adj. that blows. Soffiare, to blow.-Soffiar il fuoco, to blow the fire.

there is great plenty of corn this year.-Sofficiénz olu ty, art, skill.

Soffietto, s. m. bellows, a pair of bellows.

Sóffio, s. m. breath, puff, blowing.



Sofferidóre, v. Sofferitóre. Sofferimento, s. m. patience, sufferance. Sofferire, to suffer, bear, abide, endure, undergo.--Sofferir-Soffiare, to blow as the dolore, to suffer or endure wind does.-Il vento soffia, pain. I tempi si convengono the wind blows.-Soffiare, to pur sofferire fatti come le fume, to rage, to huff and Soffione, s. m. a cane to blow stagioni li danno, one must puff with pride, to be very the fire with.--Soffione, a take with the weather, as it is angry. Che diavolo hai tu small pair of bellows. more conformable to the sea- sozio Calandrino? tu non Soffismo, s. m. v. Sofisma. son.-Non posso sofferirlo, fai altro che soffiare, what a Soffisticheria, v. Sofisticheria, I cannot abide him, or en- devil ails you, brother Calau- Soffístico, v. Sofistico. dure him.-Sofferire un' in- drino? you do nothing else Soffitta, s. f. a garret.——Sefgiuria, to suffer, to brook, but fret and fume.-Soffiare, fitta, a cieling. to put up an affront.-Soffe to excite, to incite, to pro-Soffitto, adj. hid, hidden, conrire, to suffer, to permit, to voke, to stir, to cause.-Sof- cealed. give leave, to let.-Credi tu fiarsi il naso, to blow one's Soffogaménto, s. m. a suffoch' io sofferi che tu m' im- nose.Soffiar parole negli Soffocamento, cation, stoppegni la gonnelluccia? do you orecchi altrui, to whisper, or think that I will suffer you to buzz a thing in one's car, to Soffogáre, to stifle, choak, go and pawn my petticoat? prompt him to it, to put him soffocáre, smother, or suf -Sofferire l'animo o 'l cu- upon it. Soffiare, to fetch focate. ere, to be able, to have the and carry, to be a spy.- Soffogato, adj. stified, choakcourage to do something. Arir la bocca e soffiare, to Soffocato, ed, smothered, Ti sofferirebbe l'animo di ver- call rashly, or at random.- suffocated. dermi morire senza ajutarmi? Soffiare un commediante, to Soffogazióne, s. f. suffoca. Could you see me dying and prompt a player.-Soffiare Soffocazióne, tion, stop not assist me?-Poichè a me una pedina, to blow a man, non soffre il cuore di dare a at draughts. me stessa la morte, dállami Soffiato, p. p. of Soffiare. tu, since I have not courage Soffiatóre, s. m. he that blows. enough to kill myself, do you Soffiatrice, fem. of Soffiatore. kill me.-Sofferire, to for- Sofficcáre, to hide, to conbear a thing, to abstain or keep from things, to refrain one's self from a thing.-1 malagurosi sattuffano ne diletti, de' quali e' non si possuno sofferire, the wicked plunge themselves in pleasures, from which they cannot retrain.--Sofferire, tobear, to hold, to keep, to uphold. to support.-Di vil rilicio mi parean coperti, e l' un sof feria l'altro colla spalla, they seemed to me as if they were covered with hair-cloth, and one supported the other with the shoulder. Sofferitóre, s. m. a suffering, Sofficentemente, adv. sufpatient man, a sufferer. Sefficientemente, ficientSoffermare, to stand or keep y, enough, well enough. still for a little while. Sofficentézza, s. f. sufficiSoffermarsi, to stay, to stop Sofficientezza, fent, that for a little while. which is enough. Both obs. sofferto, p. p. of Soffrire. Sofficiénte, v. Sofficente. Soffiamento, s. m. blowing, Sofficienza, s. f. sufficiency, puffing. I soffiamenti deter- that which is enough.minat de venti furono dagli| sofficicuza, adv enough.dhi, trovati per benefizio di Ne ho a sufficienza, I have tutti gli uomini, the regular enough on't.Sofficiénza, blowing, of winds were found plenty, abundance, store, coby the gods for the benefit of piousness.——1′′ è gran soffidl men.--Sofiuminto, slan- cimza di bjuda quest' anno,

Sotficcarsi, to hide, to conceal
one's self.
Sóffice, adj. soft.
Sofficénte, adj. able, capa-
Sofficiénte, ble, apt, enough,
sufficient.- -Non sentendosi
sofficiente al governamento
della chiesa, not thinking
himself capable to govern the
church.-Or non ti basterò
io? frate, io sarci sofficiente
a un popolo non che a te, am
not I enough for you? bro-
ther. I am enough for a
whole nation, not only for


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Soffoggiata, s. f. a bundle or
any thing brought by stealth
under one's arm or cloak.
Soffólcere, to put, to lay to
Soffólgere, set upon. Obs.
-Perchè la vista tua pur si
soffolge laggiù? why do you
look so fixedly there below?
Soffragáneo, v. Suffragáneo.
Soffrátta, s. m. penury, want,
scarcity, need. Obs.-Quan-
do sarò morto, avrai soffrat-
ta di me, you will miss me
when I am dead.
Soffréddo, adj. coldish, some-
what cold.
Soffregamento, s. m. rubbing,
or friction. Soffregamento
di denti, a grinding of teeth.
Soffregáre, to rub gently.-
Soffregare, to offer, to tender.
Soffregáto, adj. rubbed, offer-
cd, or tendered.
Soffriggere, to fry.
Soffrire, v. Sofferire.-

Soffrire, s. m. suffering, mi-
sery, trouble, affliction, grief.
Soffritto, s. m. a fricasee,-
Soffritto, adj. fried.
Sofisma, s. m. a sophism. a
Sofismo, false and deceitful

Sofista, s. m. a sophist or so phister, a subtle, cavilling disputer.

Sofistena, s. f. sophistry.

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