صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

When terrible tempests assail us,

And mountainous billows affright,
No power nor wealth can avail us,

But skilful industry steers right.

Questi sono d' otto sillabe, usati sovente in brevi poemi.

And may at last my weary age
Find out the peaceful hermitage,
The hairy gown, and mossy cell,
Where I'may sit, and nightly spell
Of ev'ry star the sky does shew,

And ev'ry herb that sips the dew. Questi sono di otto accompagnati da altri di sei, usati in componimenti brevi e di molto piacevol suono.

When all shall praise and ev'ry lay

Devote a wreath to thee,
That day, for come it will, that day

Shall 1 lament to see.

Questi sono di sette, e mi pajono avere una poca di pausa sulla prima sillaba, oltre alle due determinate sulla quinta e sulla settima.

Fairest piece of well-form'd earth,

Urge not thus your haughty birth, Ogni secondo de' seguenti è di sei sillabe, e anche ogni primo si può considerare come di sei, non essendo allungato che da uno aggiungimento di una sillaba oziosa, che quì ha il medesimo effetto di quella additata quando si parlò del decasillabo fatto diventare endecasillabo.

'Twas when the seas were roaring

With hollow blast of wind,
A damsel lay deploring

All on a rock reclined.

I moderni Inglesi non usano troppo di far versi più corti di que' di sei sillabe, come troppo frivoli ed incapaci di molte bellezze poetiche ; pure ecco un esempio di cinque sillabi :

In the days of old
Stories plainly told
Lovers felt annoy

E di tre sole.

Here we may
Think and pray
Before death
Stop our breath:
Others joys
Are but toys.

Chi si volesse diffondere ed essere minutissimo, potrebbe dire di alcuni altri metri, o usati da per se, o interpolati, adoperati dagl' Inglesi ; e far parola d'un verso

di quattordici sillabe scritto da un Chapman che tradusse Omero; e sciorinare cento mila altre gentilezze di questa sorte; ma siccome io credo in ogni modo impossibile che un Italiano arrivi mai a tanta padronanza di tal lingua da poter in essa verseg giare a suo benplacito, porrò fine a questa prosodia, domandando anzi perdono al leggitore d'essermi esteso tanto in questa parte della grammatica Inglese, da cui non uno in mille de' miei paesani trarrà vantaggio.

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Italian and English DICTIONARY.



The Italian before the English.


A, the first letter of the Italian alphabet. The Tuscan sound is generally like A in English, when followed by two consonants in the same syllable, as in the words, tall, wall, fall. It is uttered with some vehemence when it stands as a sign to the dative case, and is followed by a


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another.-A nome del Re, in to be out.
the name of the King.-An-Abbacchiare, to beat down
dáre a cavallo, to go on horse- with a long pole, or rod.
back.-A crédito, upon trust. Abbachiére, an arithmeti-
-Ricevere a grande onore, to Abbachísta, cian, an ac-
take it as a great honour.-countant, a computer.
V'aspetterò a casa, I shall stay Abbacinaménto, s. m. the daz-
for you at home.-Voi non zling, the making blind.
fate differenza da me a lui, you Abbacináre, to dazzle, to dim,
make no difference between to cloud, to make blind, to
me and him.
deprive of sight.
Abbacináto, adj. dazzled, blind-
ed.-Aria abbacináta, a thick
or foggy air-Colóre abbaci-
náto, a dim colour.
A'bbaco, s. m. arithmetic, the
art of numbering or casting
of accounts.

A' with an apostrophe, is used
instead of the article and pre-
position preceding the rela-
tive case-Gittare a' cani, to
fling to the dogs.-Donáre a'
pazzi, to give to fools.

A is sometimes an article,
which marks the dative case,
either singular or plural, ex. a
me, to me, a voi, to you.
A sometimes is a preposition
which signifies, to, in, by, and,
with, under, at.-Andáre a Pa-A, joined to an infinitive mood,
rigi, to go to Paris-Dimorúre is englished by the particle
a Londra, to live in London. to.-Andáte a dormire, go to
-A forza di braccia, by strength sleep.
of arms.-Due a due, two and
two.-Nutrire a latte, to nou-
rish with milk.-A mia signo-
ria, under my command.-
A ragione di sei per cento, at the
rate of six per cent.
A sometimes signifies, why, to-


A sometimes is joined
the preposition presso, near,
almost. Di presso a sessant'
anni, almost sixty years old.
Abadéssa, t. Abbadessa.
Abáte, an abbot.

Abatóne, (accrescitivo d'abate) wards, to, in the, on, upon, as, a fat, a big bellied abbot, a in, at, between--A che piangi? rich abbot.

why do you cry?-A tranon-Abatúccio, dim. of abate.
tána, towards the north-Abazia, (badia, abbadia) an
Dolente a morte, grieved to abbey,

death-Uno a uno, one after Abbacare, to puzzle one's self

Abbadáre, (badare) to mind,
to take care.-Abbada a te,
take care of thyself.
Abbadéssa, (che meglio si dice
badéssa) an abbess.
Abbadia, s. f. (badia) an abbey.
Abbagliaménto, s. m. dazzling.
-Abbagliamento, dimness of
sight. Abbagliamento, rash-
ness, unadvisedness, want of

Abbagliare, to dazzle, to hurt
the sight with too much light

Abbagliare gli occhi dell' intelletto, to cloud, or darken the understanding.Abba


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gliare, to cast a mist before one's eyes, to seduce, to be guile. Abbagliare, to be dazzled, or blind. Abbagliato, adj. dazzled.

Abbarráre (mettere sbarra per
impedire il passo) to bar, to
put a bar cross the passage.
Abbaruffaménto, s. m. scute,
quarrel, dispute.

Abbaglianza, v. Abbagliáre, e Abbaruffare, to scuffle, to

Abbagliamento. Abbáglio, 1. Abbagliore, s. m. § dazzling. Abbajaménto, s. m. the barking of a dog. Abbajánte, adj. barking, baying. Abbajáre, (il mandar fuori che fa il cane la sua voce) to bark as a dog.Abbajáre, to discover, to disclose, or make known. Abbjáre, to talk rashly-Abbajáre, to brag, or boast, to carry it high.-Abbajáre alla luna, to bark where

one cannot bite.

Abbajáto, adj. barked, bayed. Abbajatóre, a barker. lbbajatore, aslanderer, a back-biter,

or detractor. Abballáre (legar in balle) to pack up.

fall, di


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Abbenchè, although, notwithstanding.

Abbendáre, v. Bendáre. Abbertescáre, to fortify with battlements.

Abbeverare, to water, or drench-Abbeveráre, to cast into a deep sleep with some liquor.

Abbeveratojo, s. m. a watering place. Abbeceratújo, the drawer of a bird-cage. Abbiadáre, to give the horse

some oats.

quarrel. Abbassagióne, s. f. Abbassamento, s. m. Š tion, abasement. Abbassare, (chináre) to pull, to bring down, to lower. Abbassar gli occhi, to cast down the eyes.-Abbassar l'orgoglio, to bring down pride-Abbassure, to decline, decay, or abate.-Il vento s'abbassa, the wind abates.--Abbássa il giorno, it begins to grow late, it Abbicáre, (ammuchiare), to draws towards night.-Abbas-heap up.-Quando nell' uomo sire la lancia, to couch or rest un buon voler subbica, when a the lanoe. man has a good disposition. Abbassatóre, he that lowers; Abbicci, (alfabeto), s. m. the generally said of the price of alphabet.-Non sapere l'atlicci, things. to be quite ignorant. Abbientáre, to enable. Obs. Abbiettezza, meanness, abjection, worthlessness. Abbietto, adj. vile, abject.Abbietto d'animo, of a mean soul. Abbigliamento, s. m. ornament, dress, attire.

Abbasso, adv. below.-E ab-
basso? Is he below?

Abbasso, s. m. fall or lowering
of the price.
aban-Abbatacchiare, to beat down
with a long pole, or rød.
Abbáte, an abbot.
Abbattere, to pull down, to
overthrow, to batter down.

Abbigliáre, to adorn, to trim

Abbindoláre, to puzzle, to
cheat, to deceive.
Abbiosciáre, to fall, to stumble
upon.-bbiosciare, to slacken,
to lose courage, to flag, to
shew cowardice.
Abbisognare, to want, to lack,
-Che t'abbisogna? what d'ye

Abballatóre, a packer.
Abbandonamento, s. m.
doning, forsaking, or leav
Abbandonáre, to forsake, to
quit, to leave, to give over, to
cast off, to abandon-Abban-Abbattere, to bate, to abate.-up, to furnish.
donarsi (lasciarsi andar senza
ritégno) to give one's self
over, to give one's self up.-
Abbandonirsi a tutte sorte di
vizi, to addict one's self to all
manner of vices, to indulge
one's self in all manner of
vices. Abbandonarsi, to des-
pond, to be discouraged, to
lose courage.
Abbandonataménte, adv. vehe-
mently, greatly, violently, ex-
Abbandonato, adj. forsaken,
given over.
Abbandonatore, a forsaker, he


Abbattere dul prezzo, to bate
something of the price-Ab
batter la vela, to strike the sail.
-Abbitter le tende, to break
up the camp.-Abbattere, to
bring down, to humble.
Abbattersi (trovarsi a caso,
incontrarsi) to hit, to mect,
to meet with.-Accide d'ab-
battermi in lui, I chanced to
hit upon him.-Essendo giù
vespro s'abbatte ad uno sentie
ruolo, being already dark he
came by chance into a small
Abbattimento, s. m. a fight, a
conflict, representation of a
conflict, just, tournament.
Abbattimento, weakness, faint-
ness, depression of forces.
Abbattitore, one that pulls or
cuts down.

Abbisognóso, Obs. v. Bisog


Abbitumáre, to cement, to

Abboccaménto, s. m. interview,
conference, parley.
Abboccare, to fill to the gullet,

or neck-bboccire in mare,
to discharge, disburden, dis-
embogue into the sea.
Abboccarsi con qualchedùno,
to have an interview, or con-
ference with.

that forsakes, a deserter.
Abbandonevolménte, adv. des-
perately, vehemently,
tremely, violently.
Abbandono, s. m. leaving, or
forsaking Metter tutto in ab-
bandono, to leave all things to Abbatuffoláre, (avvolgere in-Abboccato, adj. sweet.-Vana
be pillaged.
sieme) to intangle, or ravel, abboccato, sweet wine.
Abbarbagliare, to dazzle. to throw many things of a Abbocconáre, to
Abbarbaglio, s. m. dazzling, dissimilar nature in a heap, small.
the thing that dazzles, the into confusion.
act of being dazzled.
Abbazia, (abbadía) an abbey.
Abbarbicársi, to take root-Abbelláre, v. Abbellire.
Male abburbicáto, an inveterate, Abbellimento, s. m. ornament,
of old disease.
embellishment.-Abbellimento, | Abbominazióne, s. £.

cut very

Abbominabile, adj. abomina❤

Abbominaménto, s, m
Abbominánza, s. f.



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