صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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dite cose cominciai a per-
sure, upon what I had seen
and heard, I began to think.
--Sopra, before.-Sopra Sa-
buto, before Saturday.-Pres
tare o pigliare dancri sopra
un pegno, to lend cr
money upon pawn.-Sopra,
over, upon.-Egli è sopra le
mercanzie che entrano nella
città, he has inspection over
the goods imported into the
town--Sopra, towards.——————
Sopra sera, towards evening.

Sopra, about.-Giurare sopra che che sia, to swear by, or upon.-Ti prometto sopra la mia fe, I promise you upon my faith -Sopra di me, upon my word.-Andare sopra una città, to go to besiege town.-Star sopra se, to be in suspence.- -Andar sopra se, to walk strait up.-Star sopra se, o sopra di se, to

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Di Soppiáno, parlare
soppiano, to speak low.
Soppiantáre, to trip up some-
body's heels, to give him a
fall.-Soppiantáre, to sup-
plant, to undermine somebo-
Soppiattáre, to hide, to con-
Di soppiátto, adv. secretly, un-
derhand, by stealth.
Soppiattona, femin. of Soppiat-



adj. hidden,

Soppiattone, s. m. a dissem-
bler, a dissembling, a deceit-
ful treacherous man.

Suppidiáno, s. m. a kind of
trunk or box. Obs.
Sopporre, to submit,to subdue.
Sopporsi, to take another wo-
man's child, and make him
go for one's own.
Sopportabile, adj. sufferable,
Sopportaménto, s. m. tolera-

tion, forbearance, patience.
Sopportante, adj., patient, suf-
fering, enduring.
Supportáre, to suffer, to bear
with, to endure.-Sopportar
la spesa, to bear the expence.
Sopportáto, adj. suffered, tole-
rated, borne.
Sopportazióne, s. f. toleration,


to, to child-bed.--Sopra modo, very much.-Come s'è detto di sopra, as it is said above.

Soprabbondanteménte, adv. su perabundantly, more than enough, excessive, exceedingly.

Soppresso, adj. pressed, squeez-
ed, suppressed.
Sepprimere, to suppress, to op-
press, to put down, to destroy. Soprabbenedire, to bless again.
Sopprióre, a subprior.
Soprabbollire, to boil over.
Sopra, prep. upon, on, over. Soprabbondante, adj. supera-
Sopra la tavola, upon the ta bundant, excessive, super-
ble. Sopra la testu, on, up-fluous, very great.
on, or over the head.-Sopra,
more, above, over, beyond,
except, but.-' amo sopra
la mia vita, I love you more
than my life.-E stimata so-
pra le altre donne per la sua
modestiu, she is esteemed
above other women for her
honesty.-Ben cento miglia
sopra Tunisi ne la portò, he
carried her a hundred miles
beyond Tunis-Senza alcun
salario sopra le spese, with-
out any other salary but the
expences.--Sopra, against,
upon.-Andar sopra i nemici,
to go against the enemy-Vo-
léte voi vendicari sopra di
me? Will you revenge your-
self upon me?-Sopra, near
upon, by. Londra è posta
sopra 'l Tamigi, London is
situated near the Thames.
Sopra, upon.
mia fè, upon my faith.

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Sopra la

forbearance. patience. Sopportévole, adj. tolerable, to be endured.

Sopra, touching, concerning, about, upon.-Parleremo sopra 'l vostro affare un' altra volia, we will talk about your affair another time-Sopra le vedute e u

Soprabbondanza, s. f. superabundance, a very great plenty, excess, superfluity-Soprabbondanza di maraviglia, a great wonder.-Soprabbondanza di carità, an excessive charity.Sopprabbondana d'acqua, a flood. Soprabbondáre, tosuperabound, to predominate, to be over and above.

Soprabbondévole, adj. superabundant, excessive, superttu


Soprabbondevolmente, adv.su. perabundantly, excessively. Sopraccápo, superintendant, chief, overseer, surveyer. Sopraccarico, s. m. a new or addditional charge, burden, load, surcharge.-Sopraccarico d'un vascello, a supercargo, one employed by the owners of a ship, to go a voy age, to oversee the cargo, and to dispose of it to the best advantage.

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a stroke given with one's hand lifted high.---Dare un soprammano ad uno, to give one a great blow. Soprammentováto, adj. above mentioned.

adj. su-Sopraggiudicáre, to command perceles- over a place, to be higher sitial. tuated. Obs. Una collina Sopraccennare, to hint above, che sopraggiudica la camto mention above. pagna, a hill that commands Sopraccennato, adj. hinted the country.—Prendi la più above, above mentioned. alta parte del campo accioc-Soprammódo, adv. exceed Sopracchiaro, adj. quite clear, chè andando verso l'inimico ingly, extremely, extraordimost evident. prima il sopraggiudichi che nary. Sopracchiédere, to demand tu sij da lui sopraggiudicato, more than what is due. pitch your camp upon an

Sopracchiesto, p. p. of Soprac-eminence, that, when you go


Sopracchiúsa, s. f. a covert.
Sopracciélo, s. m. the testern of
a bed.
Sopracciglio, s. m. brow, eye-
Sopraccinghia, s. f. a long

to attack the enemy, you may discover him before he discovers you.-Non solo lo sopravanzava di forza, ma lo sopraggiudicava di molto, he was not only superior to him in strength, but also taller than him by much.

Sopramontáre, to grow out much, to increase, to superabound, to predominate. L'acqua sopramonta le spon de del fiume, the water goes over the banks of the river.Le spese sopramontárono tanto, che non ebbe il modo di pagarle, the expences amounted to such a great sum, that he was not able to pay them.


situated. Obs.
Sopraggiugnente, adj. coming
upon or after another.
Sopraggiugnere, to supervene,
to come unlooked for, to
come upon on a sudden.-
Nè prima si parti la mischia,
che i sergenti del capitan
della terra i sopraggiunsero,
and the fray was not over till
the serjeants of the captain of
the town arrived. E come
noi eramo nel mezzo d'una
pianura ci sopraggiunse una
gran pioggia, and as we were
in the middle of a plain,
there came upon us a sudden

Sopracciò, s. m. a superinten-Sopraggiudicato, adj. higher
dant, a chief overseer, a sur-
veyor. Obs.
Sopraccitáto, adj. abovesaid,
Sopraccómito, the chief officer
of a galley, who has com-
mand over the slaves.
Sopraccomperáre, to over pay,
to buy dear.
Sopraccoperta, s. f. counter-
point, counterpane of a bed.
Sopraccórrere, to fall upon.
Sopraddénte, s. m. a tooth that
sticks out from the rest.
Sopraddétto, adj. abovesaid.
Sopraddóta, s. f. what is given
to a woman above her porti-
on, and at her own disposal
when married.
Sopraddotáre, to give some-
thing above the portion.
Sopraddóte, v. Sopraddota.
Sopraffaccia, s. f. surface, su-
perficies. Obs.
Sopraffäre, to overpower, to
overdo, to overcharge, to op-
press, to overcome.
Sopraffatto, p. p. of Sopraffare.
-Sopraffatto dagli anni,
overcharged with years.-
Sopraffatto dalla fatica,
wearied, tired.-Sopraffatto,
Sopraffine, adj. superfine, very
Sopraggitto, s. m. knotted
needle-work upon the wrist-
bands of sleeves.————— -E da
quind' innanzi io ti voglio
dare una camicia bella e nuo-
va col sopraggitto intorno
alle maniche, and very soon I
will give you a
new shift,
very fine, the sleeves knotted
with needle-work.

Sopránimo, adv. with animo-
sity, by spite. Seldom used.
-Molti parlano sopránimo
per odio e non per zelo di
giustizia, manyspeak with ani-
mosity out of hatred, and not
out of zeal for justice.
Soprannaturále, adj. superna-

Soprannaturalmente, adv. supernaturally, preternaturally.

Soprannestare, to ingraft over again what has been ingraft


Sopránno, adj. that is above
one year old.
Soprannomáre, to surname, to
give a surname.
Soprannomato, adj. surnamed.
Soprannóme, s. m. a sur-
name. Soprannome, a nick-


Soprannomináre, to surname,
to nick-name.
Soprannomináto, adj. surnam

Sopraggiugnere, to catch or
overtake one that runs or
walks.-Fu da loro soprag-
giunto e fatto del ronzine
smontare, they overtook him,
and forced him to dismount
from the nag.--La notte ci
sopraggiunse in un bosco, we
were benighted in a wood.ed, nick-named.-Sopranno-
Sopraggiugnere, to add. mináto, above-named.
Sopraggiúnto, adj. p. p. of So-Soprannotante,adj. over swim-
praggiungere.Ciglia so- ming.
praggiunte, close eye-brows. Soprannotáre, to swim above,
Sopraggránde, adj. exceeding
to swim at the top.
great, huge.
Sopranporáto, adj. swimming
Sopragguardia, s. fr the chief above, swimming at the top.
body of the guard.
Sopráno, v. Sovrano.
Soprammáno, adv. with one's Sopranségna, s. t. a mark,
hand lifted up.- -Con una
token, sign, the arms or cog-
lancia soprammano gli uscì nisance of a gentleman, a de-
addosso gridando, holding up
a lance, he came out upon
him, saying.-Soprammino,
extremely, exceedingly, ex-
cellently --Parlar sopramma-
no, to talk big, or arrogantly.
-Soprammáno, s. m. a blow,


Soprintendente, superintendant, chief overseer, surveyor. Soprantendénza, s. f. superintendancy, the place or office of a superintendant. Sopranténdere, to surpasa Mmm

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tend to know more than one ought.

Soprassedére, to supersede, to suspend.

Soprassegnále, s. m. signal, sign, token, mark. Soprassegnáre, to mark, to set a mark upon.

- téndere. Soprappéso, s. m. a new or ad:ditional weight, an over-Soprassegnáto, adj. marked.


Soprappiacente, adj. very pleas-
Soprappigliare, to seize, to
- take. Not used.
Soprappiù, s. m. overplus.
Soprapporre, to put over, to
set or put upon.Soprap-
porre, to add, to join to.————
Soprappárre, to set over, to
prefer.--Soprapporre uno a
qualche carica, to prefer or
advance one to some charge.
Soprappósta, s. f. an infirmity
between the nail and the
flesh.-Soprappósta, foliage,
branched work.
Soprapposto, p. p. of Soprap-


Soprapprendere, to catch, to overtake, to surprise, to take napping, to come upon un

commands the town.-S. prustarsi all' acque, to shoot or swim upon the water.—Soprastúre, to domineer, te bear rule, to bear sway, to command.-L'uomo superbe vuol soprastare a tutti, e s niuno essere sommesto, a proud man will domineer over every body, and will not submit himself to any body.

Soprastavano la contrada, e nou volcano ubbidire al cemune, they were masters of the country, and stood in opposition to the authority of the magistrates.---Tene: ano la terra a modo di tiranni, soprastando 'disardinatamente al popolo, they used the town in a tyrannical marmer, and oppressed very much the people.-—Soprastáre, to subdue, to overcome, to conquer.— Come io so altrui vincere, così similmente so a me medesimo soprastare, as I can overcome others, so can I also conquer myself.-Aren do i Veneziani della detta zuffa soprastati i Turchi, the Venetians having got the better in the said battle over the Turks.-Soprastare, to for bear, to restrain, to contain one's self.——Martuccio veggendo la giovane, alquanto maravigliandosi, soprasiette, Martuccio, seeing the young woman, a little surprised, stopped awhile.-Soprastare, to delay, to put off, to retard,


Soprassello, s. m. additional
charge, a surcharge. Not in
use.--Soprassello, overplus,
increase, addition. Not in use.

-Per soprassello della lor
dimanda, besides their de-
Soprassemináre, to sow upon
what has been sown.
Soprassemináto, adj. sown
over upon what had been

Soprassénno, s. m. prudence,
wisdom, discretion, advised-


Soprassérvo, adj. more than a
servant. Obs.
Soprasséte, s. f. a great thirst.
Soprassóma, s. f. surcharge,
additional burden.
Soprassustanziale, adj. of a
nobler and finer substance

than the substantial.

Soprapprendimento, s. m. sur-Soprastante, adj. eminent, prise, the coming upon un


Soprappreso, adj. surprised.
Sopráre, to surpass, to over-
come, to subdue.

Sopraragionáre, to speak or
reason upon what has been
said before.
Soprasberga, s. f. a soldier's


Soprasciitto, adj. above-writ

ten, written upon. -Soprascritto, s. m. inscripti-Soprascritta, s. f. S


Soprascritta di lettera, superscription, direction of a letter.

Soprascrivere, to write over, to

write upon.
Soprascrizione, s. f. inscrip-
tion, superscription, title.
Soprasmisurato, adj. unmea-
surable, huge, excessive, ex-
ceeding great, immoderate.
-Sopraspendere, to spend too
-Soprassagliente, s. m. a pilot.
-Soprassalto, s. m. a projecture,
a jutting or leaning out in a
building, an edge or border
in a picture or vessel.
Soprassapere, to know, to pre-

steep, high, lofty, superior,
upper, uppermost.-Un mon-
te soprastante, a high, steep
imminent, threatening, im-
pending.Pericolo sopras-
tante, an imminent, impend-
ing, or threatening danger.
Soprastante, slow, slack,
backward, lazy, dilatory, hea-
vy.-Soprastante, haughty,
proud, insolent, saucy.-U
uomo soprastante, a haughty,
proud man.-Soprastante, s.
m. officer, governor, presi-
dent, lieutenant, deputy, su-
perintendant, surveyor.-
Il soprastante d'una prigi-
Jone, the keeper of a prison, a
jailor-Soprastante delle ga-
belie, a custom-house officer.
- Soprastante d' una galea,
the captain of a galley.
Soprastantemente, adv. emi-
nently, with superiority.-
Soprastantemente, particular-
ly, especially.
Soprastanza, s. f. superiority,

Soprastáre, to be crstand above
ground, to be higher, to com-
mand. -Un monte che '87-
prasta la città, a hill that


Che delle sette volte le sei soprastanno a maritarle, who think above six times before they marry them.-Soprastúre, to threaten, to be ready to fall, to be imminent. soprasta una gran disgrazia, a great misfortune is ready to fall upon you. Soprastáto, p. p. of Soprastare.

A generar figliuoli seno più atte quelle di tenera elò, che le soprastate, young women are more apt to have children than old ones. Soprattenere, to keep, to detain. Soprattenendola il prdre a maritare, s'innamora per avventura di Pietro, the father keeping her from marrying, she fell in love by chance with Peter.-Soprattenére, to arrest. Ol-Pr decreto del senato fu supprat

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they awaked.
Sopravvenire, to rise, to take
rise. Molte cagioni soprar-
vennero, che ne impedirono il
successo, several reasons,
which sprang up, hindered
the execution of it.
Sopravvento, s. m. a favour-
able wind.

Soprattutto, adv. above all,
principally, especially.
Sopravanzare, to overcome, Esser sopravvento,
-Sopra-Star sopravvento,


vanzúre, to be higher or
superior, to command.-
Sopravanzare, to be left, to
remain, to be extant.- -Si
vedono sopravanzare alcune
ruine di questo edificio, there
are now extant some ruins of
that building.
Sopravanzato, p. p. of Sopra-

to have the wind,

Soprósso, inconveniency, in commodity, indisposition. Soprossúto, adj. that has a swelling or tumour.--Soprossuto, crook-shouldered, hunch-backed. Sopiumáno, adj. above the human condition. Bellezza soprumana, a celestial beauty.-Soprumano valore, heroic valour- Nerone d una figliuola natagli di Poppea fece soprumana allegrezza, Nero made great rejoicings at the birth of a daughter which he had by Poppea. Soprusáre, to abuse, to misuse. -Soprusare la sua autorità, to abuse or misuse one's authority.-Tu soprusi la mia sofferenza, you wear out my patience.


to be to windward.-Fare un
sopravvento ad uno, to put an
affront upon one.
Sopravvenuto, adj. come un-
expectedly.- -E vedente la
notte sopravvenuta, and sec-
ing that the night was come.
-Sopravvenuto il tempo del
partire, the time for the de-
parture being come.-Per
uno sopravvenuto caso fu fe-
rito in un braccio, by an un-Soprúso, s. m. injury, fraud,
lucky accident was wounded cheat, deceit.—lo accecato
in the arm.-Fummo soprav
dal dolore e dal sopruso che
venuti dalla poiggia, we were io mi veggo fare, non iscorgo
caught in the rain.
verso che a buon fin mi con-
Sopravvésta, s. f. a trooper's duca, I am so pressed with
grief, and by the injury done
to me, that I can find no way
to get out of this scrape.
Soqquadráre, to ruin, to de-
stroy, to overthrow.
Soqquádro, s. m. ruin, de-
struction, overthrow.-Met-
tere a soqquadro, to confound,"
to turn topsy-turvy.-- Man-
dare a soqquadro, to pull to
pieces.--Tutto lo scudo gli
mundo a soqquadro, he beat
down his shield to pieces.
Sor, prep. upon, above. Obs.

Sopravánzo, s. m. rest, remain-
der, remnant, residue, over-
plus, surplusage.
Sopravvedere, to look on with
Sopravveduto, adj. cautious,
wary, prudent.
Sopravvegnénte, adj. coming
upon unexpectedly, unex-
pected.Siccome l'estre-
mità d'allegrezza il dolore
- occupa, così le miserie da so-
pravvegnente letizia son ter-
minate, as an excessive joy
mitigates the grief, so an un- Sopravvissuto, adj. out-liv-
expected content ends the ed.

Sopravvincere, to be superior,
to excel, to surpass.-
pravvince ogni alto della
sua età nella statura, he
is taller than any other of
his age.

Sopravvivenza, s. f. survi


misery --Sopravcegnénte, Sopravvivénte, adj. surviving, next coming.-il sopravveg- remaining. mente di, the next day.Sopravvegnénte, imminent, impending, threatening.Sopravvegnente periculo, imminent danger. Sopravvendere, to sell too dear.

Sopravvenente, v. Sopravveg


Sopravvenimento, s. m. unex-
pected arrival.
Sopravvenire, to come unlook.
ed for, to happen unexpect-
edly. La pioggia ci soprav-
venne a mezza strada, the
rain caught us half way.
Nell' andare a casa mi so-
pravvenne una disgrazia, as
I was going home a sad acci-
dent befel me -Sopravveg-
nendo ad un ragionamento di
giovani, happening to talk of
some young men.-In cotal
guisa dormendo, senza sveg-
liarsi, sopravvenne, il giorno,
sleeping in that manner, the
day came upon them before

Incontrai uno scolare sor un muletto bajo, I met with a scholar upon a bay mare. -Voi siete sor l'aure danne la più bella, you are the handsomest of all the women. Soráre, to soar, to let a hawk


Sorba, s. f. service, sorb-ap-
Sorbettiéra, s. f. a vessel in

Sopravvivere, to survive or out-
live.--Non gli lastando l'
animo di sopravvivere a' suoi
fratelli, not having the heart
to survive his brothers.-E se
tu forse a me sopravvivi, fu-
rioso ti farò divenire, and if
you happen to outlive me, I
shall make you mad.
Sopravvivolo, s m. sengreen
or house leek.
Soprillústre, adj. most illustri-
ous or noble.
Soprósso, s, m. a swelling, or
tumour, caused by a bone
broken, or out of joint, not
well set. Soprusso, a vicious
excrescency about the horse's
foot.-Sopresso, affront, in-
jury.- -Ella succedeva ne'
beni della figliuola, e mal. o-
lentieri sopportava questo so-Sorbito, adj. absorbed, sucked
prosso, as she succeeded in her
daughter's estate, she could Sorbo, s. m. service tree, sorb
not brook this affront.
apple tree.

which the sherbet is frozen.
Sorbetto, s. m. a kind of con-
gealed drink, sherbet.
Sorbino, adj. tasting like a
sorb-apple; of a rough or sour


Sorbire, to absorb, to suck up. Sortire aria, to suck in the air.

Sorbondáre, to superabound. non vuole udire, there is no Sorprendente, adj. surprising,
Sorbondato, adj. superabound-hear.
ed. Obs.

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one so deaf as he that will not
Lanterna sorda, a
dark lanthorn.Un sordo,
una sorda, a deaf man or


Sorella, s. f. a sister.-Sorella,

a nun.

Sorgénte, v. Surgente.
Sórgere, v. Surgere.
Sorgiúgnere, to come upon
unexpected, to happen unex-

Sórcolo, s. m. scion, graff.
Sorcótto, s. m. an under petti-pectedly.
coat. Obs.

Sorgo, v. Sorcio. Obs.

Sordacchióne, s. m one that is Sorgozzóne, s. m. a stay, a
deaf or thick of hearing.-
Sordacchióne, he that pre-
tends to be deaf.
Sordággine, s. f. surdity, deaf-


Sordaménte, adv. softly, gently, secretly. Suonar surdamen e, to play softly.-Che surdamente la mia vita scema, that consumes my life insensibly.--Terminare una differenza sordamente, to make up a difference in a friendly manner, -Parlar sordamente, to whisper.-Serdaminte, privately, silently.-Fare una cosa sordamente, to do a thing secretly. Sordamento, S. m. surdity,

deafness. Sordástro, adj. deafish, thick of hearing. Sordetto, adj. deafish, Sordézza, s. f. surdity, deaf


Sordidamente, adv. sordidly,

Ruto, born of mean paren-

Sordidáto, adj. v. Sordido.

prop.-Sorgoxzóne, a cuff. Sori, s. m. sorry, a sort of vitriol made of chalcitis, or cadmia.

that surprises.-Sorprendente, wonderful, astonishing. Sorpréndere, to surprise, to take napping, or in the deed doing. Sorprendere, to sur prise, to come upon unawares.-La paúra mi sorprese, I was seized with fear. Quando noi fummo d' un romor sorpresi, when on a sudden we heard a noise.-Sorpréndere, to surprise, to 3maze or astonish. Sorpresa, s. f. surprise, the coming upon unawares.Sorpresa, surprise,



Sorpreso, p. p. of Sorprendere. Sorquidánza, s. f. presumption, pride, arrogance, se conceit. Obs.

Sórice, v. Sorcio.
Sormontánte, adj. surmount-
ing, excelling.
Sormontare, to grow, to in-Sorquidáto, adj. presump-
crease. Il sole sormonta, the tuous, proud, arrogant, self-
sun rises. Le mie cose sor- conceited. Obs.

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niggardly.-——-Sordidamente Soto, adj. sore, that has not Sorsettino, s. m. a sip, a yet mewed, or cast its fea-Sorsétto, thers; said of a hawk.-So-Sorso, s. m. a draught.—In un ro, ignorant, raw, inexperi- sorso, all at one draught, at enced.-Un giovane soro, a one gulp. novice.—lo son soro di ques- Sorta, s. f. sort, kind, manner, to fatto, I am quite ignorant species.-L' Italin produce of this matter.-Soro, sorrel, ogni sorta di frutti, Italy a dark reddish colour in produces all manner of fruits. horses.

Sordidézza, s. f. filthiness,
dirtiness. • Sordidezza, nig-
gardliness, avarice, stinginess,

Sordido, adj. sordid, filthy,
unclean, slovenly, nasty,
dirty.-Sórdido, sordid, co-
vetous, niggardly.
Sordita, s. f. surdity, deafness.
Sordizia, v. Sordidézza.
Sórdo, adj. deaf, that cannot
hear--Súrdo, deaf, inexorable,
hard-hearted.-Egli è sordo
a' miei lamenti, he is deaf to
my complaints.--Lima sorda,
a fine smooth file.-Lima
sorda, a cunning man, a
sharper, Ricco sordo, a mi-
ser, a poor spirited rich man.
-Egli è mal sordo quel che

Soróre, s. f. a sister. Obs.
Sorpassante, adj. surpassing,
exceeding, excellent.
Sorpassare, to surpass, to ex-
ceed, to excel.
Sorpiù, s. m. overpluss, re
mainder. Obs.
Sorportáre, to transport. Obs.
-L'ira lo sorporta, anger
transports him, puts him be-
side himself.
Sorportato, adj. transported.

Sorpósto, adj. put or laid

Sorta, the capital.-Sorta, estate in land or houses. Sorte, s. m. fate, destiny.

E se le stelle m' avesser dato in sorte di viver a me stessa, e di far vita conforme alle mie voglie, and if heaven had allotted to me, to be mistress of myself, and to follow my own inclinations.--Sorte, lot, chance.-Gittare o tirare alla sorte, to cast lots. Mettere alla sorte, to venture, to hazard.-Pigliar sorte, to conjecture, or surmise.➖➖ Toccare in sorte, to fall by

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