صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

lot-Mi toccd in sorte d' ave.re il miglior cavallo, it fell to me by lot to have the best horse. E di che sorte, certainly, surely.-Sorte, fate, state, condition.-Io mi vizo contento della mia sorte, I am satisfied with my condition. Sorteggiare, to keep, or gather by divination.-Sorteggiare, to chuse, to pick out, to elect. Sorteggiato, p. p. of Sorteggiare.

Sorteria, s. f. spell, charm. Sortiere, s. m. wizard, sorcerer, witch.

Sortilegio, s. m. witchcraft, Sorcery.- -Sortilegio, s. m. . sorcerer, wizard.

charmer, witch,

Sortimento, v. Assortimento. Sortire, to cast or draw lots, to have any thing given by lots or chances.-Sortire, to elect, to chuse Sortire, to part, to share, or divide, to give a share. Sortire, to come off, to attain, to get, to procure, to obtain, to end.-L' impresa sortì il desiderato fine, the enterprise came to a happy issue.Non so a che sortiranno i miei disegni, I don't know what will be the issue of my designs.--Sortire, to to make a sally, to sally.Sortive in campagna, to take the field, speaking of an army.

Sortita, s. f. election, choice, picking out-Sortita, issue, event, success, end.-Sortita, a sally.-Fare una sortita, to make a sally, to sally. Sortito, p. p of Sortire. Sorvenire, to come, to come upon, to come in unlooked for, to befall or happen unexpectedly.

Sorviziato, adj. very vicious. . Obs. Sorvolante, flying over, flying high.

Sorvoláre, to fly high. Sorvolato, p. p. of Sorvolare. Soscritto, adj. subscribed. Boscrivere, to subscribe, or set one's hand.-Soscrivere un contratto, to subscribe a contract, to set one's hand to it. Soscrizione, s. f. subscription, signature. Sospecciare, to suspect, to fear or mistrust. Obs.-Cio mi fa sospecciar qualche inganmo, that makes me suspect

some deceit. Sospecciáto, adj. suspected. Obs.

Sospeccióne, s. f. suspicion, jealousy, distrust, fear. Obs. Prender sospeccione, to suspect.

Sospeccióso, adj. suspicious, distrustful, jealous. Obs. Sospendere, to hang up, to hang.——Come l' un piè per girsene sospese Macometto mi disse, and, as he was just going away, Mahomet told me.-Sospendere, to keep in suspence.--Sospendere, to suspend, to supersede, to put off, to delay.-Sospendere, to prohibit. Sospensióne, s. f. a hanging up.--Sospensióne, suspension, ecclesiastical censure. --Sospensióne, suspension, cessation.-Sospension d' armi, a suspension or cessation of arms.-Sospension d animo, uncertainty, suspence, perplexity, doubt.-Con sospension d' animo grande, in great consternation. Sospensivamente, adv. irresolutely, waveringly, uncertainly. Sospensivamente, ambiguously, doubtfully, obscurely.

Sospeso, adj. hanged up.-In sogno mi parea veder sospesa un' aquila, I thought I saw in my deam an eagle flying.-Sospeso, perplexed, irresolute, wavering —Star sospeso, to be irresolute.-Sospeso alquanto sopra se rimase, he was in a quandary for a while. Tener sospeso, to keep or hold in suspense, to keep at bay.-Sospeso, suspended.-Un prete sospeso, a priest suspended. Sospettaménte, adv. suspiciously. Sospettáre, to suspect, to mis


Sospettáto, p. p. of Sospettáre. Sospetto, s. m. suspicion, jealousy, fear, distrust.--Prender sospetto, to suspect, to mistrust.-Dur sospetto, to give jealousy, or umbrage. Chi è in difetto è in sospetto, if any tool finds the cap fits him, let him put it on. Sospetto, adj. suspicious, suspicable, suspected.-Parola sospetta, a suspicious word, a double entendre.

Sospettosamente, adv. suspiciously.

Sospettoso, adj. suspicious, distrustful, jealous. Sospezione, s. f. suspicion, jea. lousy, fear, distrust, umbrage. Sospicáre, to suspect, to fear or mistrust. Sospicciáre, Obs. v. Suspicare and its derivatives. Sospiccionoso, adj. suspicious. Obs.

Sospignere, to push, to thrust, or shove, to give a push, to throw down.-Sospignere, to induce, to move, or entice, to persuade or encourage.-Sospignere, to force, to compel, to press on. Per più fiate li occhi ci sospinse quella lettera, that inscription drew our eyes upon it several times; we could not forbear looking upon that inscription several times.-Gli occhi in fra 'l mare sospinse e vide la galea, he turned his eyes toward the sea, and saw the galley. Andiam, che la ria lunga ne sospigne, let us go, for we have a great way to walk. Sospigniménto, s. m. a push, or shove.Sospigniménto, expulsion. Sospigniménto, instigation, encouragement, enticement, impulse, persua


Sospingere, v. Sospignere. Sospinta, s. f. a push, or shove. Dare una sospinta, to give a push.

Sospinto, adj. pushed, shoved. -A ogni pie' sospinto, by the least occcasion or motive.Sospinto, induced, led, persuaded.

Sospiránte, adj. sighing, that sighs, longing for. Sospiráre, to sigh, to fetch sighs. Sospiráre, to wish, to desire, to long for. Sospiráto, adj. sighed.-Sospi rito, desired, wished. Sospiratúre, he that sighs of


Sospiratrice, she that sighs of


Sospirétto. s. m. a little sigh. Sospirévole, adj. full of sighs and groanings, doleful, woeful.

Sospiro. s. m. a sigh-Gittar sospiri, to fetch sighs-Gli ultimi sospiri, the last breath or gasp.

Sospiróso, adj. full of sighs and
groanings, doletul, woeful.
Sespizióne, s. f. suspicion, jea-
lousy, distrust, fear.
Sossópra, adv. topsy-turvy,
upside down --Metter ogni
cosa sossopra, to put every
thing topsy-turvy, or in con-
fusion.- Lasciar sossopra, to
leave at sixes and sevens.--Ca-
der sossopra, to fall pell-mell,
confusedly-Metter un eser-
eito sossopra, to rout or de-
feat an army.
Susta, s. f. a pause, stop, or
rest. Per veder meglio a'
passi diedi sosta, I stopped to
see better. Por sosia alle la-
grime, to stop one's tears, to
give over civing -- -Date al-
quanto sosta al ostro dolore,
mitigate a little your grief.
Dare un poco di sosta, to give
a little rest..
-Sosta, delay,
time.-Dimandò sosta al po-
polo, e mandò che voleva par-
lamentar col vescovo, he de-
sired that the people might
give him a little time, and de-
sired to come to parley with
the bishop.--Sosta, an itch,
an itching desire.-E in breve
in tanta sasta entrò dello
spess. veder costei, and very
Sout, by conversing often
with her, he grew so ano-
rous-Sosta, a sheet, a rope
so called in ships.
Sostantive, v. Sustantivo.
Sstánzia, v Sustanzia, and

defend a question.--Sostenére, to defer, to delay, to put off.Sostenere, to bear, to bear up, to stand, to stand out, to maintain, to hold out.— Sostener la carica, to bear the enemy's charge, to stand it


nance, food, victuals.-Sos teniménto, endurance, pati. ence.---Sosteriménto, prop, stay. Sosteniménto, relaxation, rest, respite, refresh


to hold, to keep up, to up-[ hold or support.-E come se io andar non potessi mi verrete sostenendo, you will support me, as if I could not walk by myself.Sostenere alcuno colle braccia, to hold one up under the arins.-Sos-out.-Sostener l'assedio, to tenére, to bear, to resist, to stand out the siege.-Sosteendure. Non sosterrò m 24 nérsi, to eat well, to fare well, quest' ingiuria, I will never to keep a good table —Sestebear this affront.—Sostener la nérsi, to be grave and serious, morte, to suffer death.-Sosto put on a grave and serious tenendo suoi abbracciamenti, con lui teneramente comin-Sosteniménto, s. m. mainteciò a piagnere, making no resistance to his embracing, she began to cry bitterly with him.-Sostenere, to suffer, to permit, to give leave, to let. Sostener non volle che io le baciassi la mano, she would Sostenitore, a maintainer, a not suffer me to kiss her defender, or preserver.-Seshand.-Supplice e lagrimosa tenitóre, a sufferer. a' pizdi suoi sosterrò di cude-Sostenitrice, fem. of Sostenire? shall I be so base as to tore. intreat him, and cry at his Sostentacolo, s. m. support, feet?-Sostenere, to keep up, prop, stay. Sostentacolo, to maintain, to support.— support, help, assistance, proSostenersi, to hold, or keep tection, defence. up, to resist.-Essendo da in- Sostentaménto, s. m. prop, finito mare combattuti due dì stay.—Sostentaménto, mainsi sostennero, they being toss- tenance, support, preservati ed up and down by a great storm, held up with it two days.—Sostenersi, to forbear, to restrain, to contain one's seif.-Ma fache la tua lingua | sostegna, but endeavour to bridle your tongue.- -Sostenére, to delay, to put off.-— Cominciavano a sputar sangue, e morivano di subito, cortesia che sostasser la via, chi in due, o in tre di, e alI desired them to be so kind quanti sostencuno più al mori. not to go farther.-Venian perre, they began to spit blood, nini e ciascuno gridava, sósta- and died soon after, some in ti tu, they were coming to- two, some in three days, and wards us, and every one cri- some few were longer a dyed, stop thou.-E fatto questo ing.--Sostenére, to contain, to la fece sostare un' ora, and, refrain, to keep back or in having done this, made her awe, to keep within bounds, rest an hour. to bridle, to rule.-Sostenére, Sostáto, adj. stopped, rested, to detain, to stay, or stop, to stayed. held. arrest, to keep in arrest.-E Sexternénza, 7. Sostenenza. fece tanto che fece sostener lo Sostegno, s. m. a stay, a prop. cavaliere, and he did so well →Sostegno, a support-Sos- that he caused the knight to termo, help, assistance. be arrested. -Sostenére, to Sostenfate, adj. sustaining, maintain, to defend, to upsupporting, holding up. hold, to countenance, to supSoenenza, s. f. patience, suf- port, to back, to assist, to proferance.--Sostenénza, resist. tect. -Sostenére la parte di aace. - Sostenenza, mainte- qualcheduno, to take somenance, keeping, living, food. body's part, to side with one. Sostenere, to sustain, to bear, -Sostenere una questione, to

all its derivatives. Sostáre, to stop to rest, to stay, to hold. Obs.-Pregai per






Sostentante, adj. sustaining, supporting.

Sostentáre, to nourish, to feed, to maintain, to keep and find with all necessaries, as meat, drink, and cloaths.-Soster. tare una famiglia, to keep or maintain a family.-Sostentar la sua vita col lavoro, to live by one's labour.-Sostentáre, to support, to prop, to stay.-Sostentare un solajo, to support or prop a cieling or floor.--Sostentáre, to main tain, to preserve, to defend.— Sostentare il suo diritto, to maintain one's right.--Sostentarsi, to defend one's selt.-Si sostentarono contro la moltijudine de' lori nemici, they defended themselves against the multitude of their enemies. Sostentáto, p. p. of Sostentare, Sostentatore, maintainer, defender, preserver, protector. Sostentazióne, s. f. maintenance, keeping, victuals, cloaths.

Sostenutézza, s. f. gravity af-

Sostenuto, p. p. of Sostenere.
Sostituire, to substitute, to sub-



sharp air--Sottile, delicate,
dainty, delicious.-Pasto sot-
tile, a delicate or dainty din-
ner.-Sottile, delicate, gen-
teel,handsome, fine. Statura
sottile, a genteel handsome
shape.--Sottile, thin, empty.--
Londra è molto sottile di gente
nella state, London is very
thin of people in summer.-
Mal sottile, consumption.-
Sottile, S. m. extremity,
streight, misery, necessity,
the worst.Recare uno at
to reduce one
straights or to a pinch, to put
him to his last shifts.-Guar-
darla nel sottile, to look too
narrowly into things.--Sottile,
adv. cunningly, sharply, sub-

rogate.-Sostituire, to intail. -Egli ha sostituito i suoi beni al primogenito della sua famiglia, he has intailed his estate upon the eldest son of his family.

Sostituito, adj. substituted, intailed.

Sostitúto, s, m. a substitute.
Sostitutóre, he that substitutes
or entails.

Sostituzione, s. f. an intail.
Sottána, s. f. the cassock of a
priest, or a woman's petti-
coat.-Sottána,octave,a string.
in a lute so called.
Sottáno, adj. inferior, nether,
low.Giubba soltana, an
under petticoat.--La morte
agguaglia i sottani a' sovrani, |
death makes poor and great
men equal.Soltano, of a
mean birth. Obs.

Sottécchi, e Sottécco, adv. ex.
guardar sottecchi, to cast
sheep's eyes, to leer upon.-
Sparse voce per idonei suoi,
che Agrippa era vivo, prima
di sottecchi, come si sa delle
cose di pericolo poi ne riem-
piè ogni gente he gave out
by his emissaries, that Agrip-
pa was alive; but he did it
cautiously at first, as they do
in things of great danger, and
afterwards made it public.
Sottentraménto, s. m. succes-


Sottentráre, to slip or creep under--Sottentrúre, to succeed, to come next or after.

-Sottentrare in una usanza, to follow a mode or custom. --Sottentrare in una ragionamento, to intrude one's self into a discourse. Sottentráto, p. p. of Sotten


Sotterfugio, s. m. subterfuge,
shift, evasion.
Sottérra, adv. underground.
Mettere sotterra, to lay under-
ground.--O fortunato chi è
giù sotterra! happy he that
is in his grave.
Sotterraménto, s. m. the act
of burying, burial.
Sotterráneo, adj. subterrane
Sotterráno, ous, under-
ground. Luogo sotteraneo,
a subterraneous place.
-Sotterráre, to inter, to bury.-
Sotterráre, to oppress, to de-
Sotterráto, adj. interred, buri-
ed, oppressed.

Sottésso, adv. instead of Sutto,
a word not to be used, because
a bad one, though used by

Sottigliamento, s. m. a dimi-
Sottiglianza, s. f. nishing
or lessening. Obs.--Sottig-
liánza, guile, craftiness, wile,
subtlety, slyness.
Sottigliáre,to subtilize, to make
thin. Sottigliare la lingua,
to sharpen one's tongue, to
talk sharply,.-Sottigliare, to
to use subtleties.
---Sottigliarsi, to grow
thin or lean, to consume one's


Sottigliativo, adj. that has the
power of sharpening.
Sottigliato, adj. made thin.
Sottigliezza, s. f. sharpness,
subtilty, thinness.-Sottigli-Sottileménte, adv. v. Sottil-
ezza d'aria, sharpness of air.
Sottigliezza di mente, clear-Sottiletto, adj. somewhat thin
ness of understanding.-La or siender.
the Sottilezza, v. Sottigliezza.
sottigliezza dell' arte,
beauty of the art.--Sottigh-Sottilità, s. f. subthy, thinness.
ézza, subtilty, craft, subtle -Sottilità, subtlety, cratti-
ness, slyness, subtle trick,
trick, cunning fetch.-Soltig
lićzza, want, scarcity, need, cunning fetch.Sottilità ď
ingegno, sharpness of under-
standing. Sottilità, sagacity,
sharpness of wit.----Softilità,
excellency, excellence, emi-



Sottigliúme, s. m. thin food.
Sottile, adj. subtle, small, thin,
fine. Vetro sottile, thin glass.
Il viver sobriamente fa li uo-
mini magri e sottili, a sober
life makes men lean and thin.
Sela sottile, fine linen cloth.
-Fuoco sottile, a subtle fire.
-Sottile, light-Un legno
sottile, a light ship, a ship fit
for sailing quickly.-
softile, a light galley.-Arma-
ta sottile, a fleet of light ships.
-Sottile, subtle, sharp, cun-
ning, ready, quick.--Sottile,
elevated, noble, sublime.-
Un uomo di sottile ingegno,
a man of a penetrating genius,
of a clear understanding.-
Aer l' ulito sottile, to be
quick of hearing.---Malizia
sottile, a fetch, a cunning
trick.- -Ga ar il sottile dal
sottile, to make money of
every thing-Guardar nel
sottile, to bargain too hard.


Souilizzáre, to subtilize, to use subtleties, to devise. Sottilmente, adv. subtlely, slyly, sharply, cunningly.

Sottilmente, narrowly-Ba-
dare sottiimente ad un affare,
to look narrowly into an af-

Sottintendere, to understand a
word that is left out.
Sottintéso, adj. subunderstood.
Sotto, prep. under, below, be-
neath.-Sotto un albero, un-
der a tree.-Sotto 'l letto, un-
der the bed.Sotto 'l governo
d'uno, under somebody's tu-
ition.Sotto pena, upon pain.
--Sotto pena della vita, upon
pain of death.-Aver sotto di
se, to have under one's com.
mand.-- En rare o cacciarsi
solto ad uno, to catch, to
come upon one unawares.

Sotto pretesto, under pretence
or colour.

-Non voglio guardar nel| sottile con voi, I won't stand with you.--Sottile, too sparing, too saving, niggardly, Sotto, adv. down, to the botAndar sotto, to go down. sole va sotto, the stingy, penurious.-Menare tom.--. una ista sottile, a sober tasun is going down, or setble.-Vino sottile, brisk, thin ting -Mettersi o cacciarsi wine.-Sottile, clear, serene. uno sutto, to fall upon one, sharp.-Aria sottile, a clear

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Noi siamo sottoposti alle leggi, we are subject to the laws-Non v'è uomo che non sia sottoposto a qualche difetto, there is no man but what is liable to some fault.--Sottoposto, supposed, counterfeit, false.

Sottoprióre, s. m. a subprior.

one that

acts under the purveyor. Sottoridere, to smile.-Sottoridere, to flourish. Obs. Sottoscritto, adj. subscribed. Sottoscrivere, to subscribe, to set one's hand to.

Sottoccáre, to touch very soft-Sottoprioréssa, s. subprioress.
ly. Obs.-Egli stava attento |Sottoprovveditore,
e inchinato per intendere, e
Virgilio lo sottoceò e disse;
he was attentive, and bent to
hear; and Virgil shook him a
little, and said.
Sottocóppa, s. f. salver.
Sottocómito, s. m. a galley-
officer that commands under
a comite.
Sottocuóco, S.
drudge, under-cook.
Sottodividere, to subdivide.
Sottogiacére, to lay under.
Sottomaéstro, usher,
master in a school.

m. kitchen


Sottománo, adv. with the up-
per part of the hand.--Dare
uno schiaffo sottomano, to give
a slap on the face with the up-
per part of one's hand.-Sot.
tománo, under-hand, secret-
ly, privately.
Sottomesso, adj. submitted,

Sottoscrizióne, s. f. subscrip-
tion, signature.
Sottosópra, adv. in confusion,
confusedly, disorderly, at sixes
and sevens.-Voltare e metter
sottosopra, to put in confu-
sion or disorder.-Sottosópra,
one with another, about, in
general, generally, common-
ly.--In questo negozio ho gua-
dagnato sottosopra cento
scudi, I have got in this
affair about an hundred
crowns.Ho osservato sotto-
sopra, che la state non è si
piacevole qui che in Italia,
I remarked that the summers,
commonly speaking, are not
so agreeable here as they are
in Italy.

bite, ro detract, to traduce Sottrarre la fama ad uno, to slander, to detract.--Softrant, to deliver or free, to be rid ofVorrei in ogni modo saturarai da questi impacci, I wish I could some way or other be rid of these troubles--Sottrárre, to allure, to entice of amuse. Il Re di Spagna per maestria di guerra e per sot trarre i Saracini sı levò dall assedio, the King of Spain raised the siege, to amuse and keep the Saracens at bay.Sottrarre, to deprive or be reave, to take away.-Sot trárre, to subtract, to deduct in arithmetic. Sottratto, p. p. of Sottrarre.→ Sottratto, s. m. allurement, enticement, flattery.-Non è da dire savio uomo chi con sattratti e con ingunni procede, ma è da chiamare astuto, he that deals with a view to cheat, ought not to be called a wise man, but a cunning


Sottrattore, he that draws or takes away. Sotiratiére, st ducer, sharper, deceiver, cheat.

Sottrazióne, s.f. v. Sottraimen



v. Soatto.
Sovénte, adv. often, frequently,
-Lo ved: sovente, I see him
often.--Sovénte, adj. frequent,
usual, common, casual, se-
veral.--Dands alla città ss-
venti battaglie, engaging fre
quent battles with the town.
-Sventivolte, very often.
Soventeménte, adv. often, fre-


Sottomettere, to submit, to
subdue.- Romani sottomi-
sero al loro imperio tutte le
nazioni del mondo, the Ro-
mans brought under their
power all the nations of the
world. Sottomettersi, to sub-
mit, to yield.-Mi sottometto
al vostro parere, I leave it to
your judgment.
Sottomórdere, to bite under.
Quanti pruni ci sottomórdono
i miseri piedi! oh how ma-
ny briars do prick our poor

Sottoponiménto, s. m. submis-
sion, subjection.
Sottoporre, to put or lay under.
-Sottoporsi, to submit, to
yield. Sottoporsi a qualche
fatica, to undergo some fa-
tigue.-Sottoporsi a qualche
pericolo, to expose one's self
to some danger.-Sottoporre,
to subdue, to bring under.
Sottoposto, adj. put or laid un-
der.—Sottopósto, submitted,

Sottostare, to be subject, oblig-
ed, bound, or liable to, to un-

Sottovénto, ex. essere sotto-
vento, to be to leeward.
Sottovóce, adv. softly.-Parlar
sottovoce, to speak softly.
Sottraiménto, s. m. subtrac-
tion.- Sottraiménto, privati-
on.-Sottraiménto, absence,
being away.
Sottrárre, to draw, to take
away, or off, to withdraw, to
divert.-Sottrarre il sonno dag-
li occhi, to draw away the
sleep from one's eyes, to in-
terrupt one's sleep.--Sottrarre
la mente dallo studio, to take
away or divert one's mind
from study.-Sottrarre qual-
che cosa dalla memoria, to
blowout something from one's
memory. Sottrarre dell' al-
trui fama, to slander, to rail,
to revile, to vilify, to back-

Soverchiaménte, adv. over,

Soverchiánza, s. f. a cheat, a trick, a fraud.

Soverchiáre, to surpass, to go beyond, to exceed.--Soverchidre, to treat others with an authority or superiority, to which one is by no means entitled. Soverchiare, to


Soverchiáto, adj. surpassed, exceeded.

Soverchiatore, he that exceeds, surpasses, or excels.--Soverchia:ore, a cheat, a knave.— Soverchiatore, he that acts with arrogance, and assumes an authority or superiority to

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which he is not entitled-t Soverchiévole, adj. exceeding the measure.bizs Soverchio, v. Soperchio. Soverscio, s. m. any sort of corn ploughed, before it is eared, to fatten the ground with. Sovra, v. Sopra. di Sovrabbondoso, adj. superabundant, plenty, copious. Sovranamente, adv. sovereignly allup Sovraneggiare, to domineer, to sway, to bear sway, to rule. Sovranità, s. f. sovereignty, superiority, command, supreme power. Sovranità, the dominions of a sovereign prince. Sovrannaturále, adj. supernatural.

Sovráno, a sovereign, a prince.

« السابقةمتابعة »