صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

to waste, to squander away.Sparnazzúre, to scatter, to throw here and there. Spammazzáto, adj. dissipated, wasted, consumed, squandered. Sparnazzatore, s. m. waster, profuse or prodigal man, spendthrift.

sparviere, to attempt impossi-, horse's legs.

bilities. Sparutino, adj. very lean, very slender, that has a puny look. Sparúto, adj. lean, thin, slender, meagre. Spásima, s. f. violent pain. Spasima, convulsion, swoon. Spasimáre, to feel violent pain. Sparnazzatrice, fem. of Spar-Spasimdre, to die through


Sparnicciare, to scatter, to dis


Sparnicciáto, adj. scattered,
Sparo, s. m. discharge, volley.
-Fu ricevuto collo sparo di
tutti i cannoni, he was receiv-
ed at the discharge of all the


Sparpagliáre, to scatter, to throw here and there, to disperse.--Sparpagliare un' esercito, to rout an army. Sparpagliato, adj. scattered, dispersed, routed.

Spastojársi, to disintangle, to
disintricate one's self, to get
clear, to get free.

adj. without shackles or fetters, disintricated, disintangled, cleared, treed.

Spátola, s. f. spatula, an apos
thecary's tool so called.
Spatola fetida, the name of a
plant so called.
Spatriáre, to deprive one of
his country, to banish him
from it.

Spavaldería, s. f. insolence,
impertinence, impudence,

sauciness. Spaváldo, adj. saucy, malapert, abusive, insolent, imperti

the violence of pain.-Spasi-
mar di dolore, to feel a vio-
lent pain.-Spasimar di sele,
to be very dry.Spasimare,
to toil, to work very hard.
Spasimúre, to be passionately
in love.-E sai come ne spa-
sima e ne more, you cannot
imagine how much he is in
love with her.---Spasimare,
to covet, to desire, to long for,
to wish.-Spasimar la roba, Spavénio, s. m. the spavin, a
to dissipate one's substauce. disease in horses.
Spasimataménte, adv. passio-Spaventacchio, s. m. scare-
crow, bug-bear.
Spaventaménto, s. m. fright,
terror, fear.
Spaventante, adj, dreadful, hor-
id, frightful, terrible, ghastly,

Spasimáto, p. p. of Spasimare.

Sparsamente, adv. in a scatter-Spasimáto, passionately in

ed manner.


Sparsióne, s. f. effusion, spil-Spásimo,


s. m. a convulsion


cessive pain.


Spárso, adj. p. p. of Spargere.--
Vasi sparsi, flat vessels, Spaso, adj. extended, broad,
large mouthed pots.
Spartamente, adv. sepa-
Spartataménte, rately, a
sunder, severally.--Spartata
mente, diffusedly, prolixly,
Spartato, adj. secret, hidden,
Spartéa, s. f. a kind of broom,
Spartigióne, s. f. partition,
Spartimento, s. m,
on, division. Spartimento
di letto, divorce.
Spartire, to part, to separate
or divide, to disunite.-Spar-
tire a pezzo a pezzo, to cut to
pieces-Spartire, to share or

Spassamentáre, v. Spassare.
Spassamento, s. m. pastime,
sport, recreation.
Spassarsi, to pass away one's
time, to divert one's self.-
Andiamo a spassarci un poco,
let us go to divert ourselves a
separati-Spasseggiamento, the act of

divide. Spartitamente, adv. separately, asunder. Spartito, adj. parted, separated, divided, shared. Spartizióne, s. f. partition, distribution, division. Sparto, adj scattered, dispersed. ---Capelli sparti, dishevelled



Sparvieráto, adj. swift, quick, nimble.--Nave spurvierata, a good sailing ship.Uomo sparvierato, an inconsiderate


Sparvieratúre, falconer. Sparviére, s. m. a hawk, a falcon-Drizzare il becco ullo

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Spaventáre, to fright, to terrify, to put in fear or in a fright, to


Spaventársi, to be frighted or
scared, to take the alarm.
Spaventatiecio, adj. somewhat

Spaventato, adj. frightened,
scared, terrified, in a great
Spaventatóre, he that frightens,
a frightful man.
Spaventazióne, v. Spaventa-


Spaventevole, adj. horrid, dreadful, frightful, ghastly. Spaventevolmente, adv. dreadfully, frighfully, terribly. Spavento, s. m. fright, terror," fear.-Mettere spavento, to frighten, to put in a frightSpavento, the spavin, a disease in horses.

Spaventosamente, adv. fright-

Spaventóso, adj. dreadful,
frightful, ghastly.
Spaurácchio,s. m. as care crow,
a bug-bear.
Spauráre, to frighten, to scare.
Spauráto, adj. frightened, scar-
Spauriménto, s. m. fright,
Spaurire, to frighten, to terrify,
to scare. Spaurire, to be


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Spazisóo, adj. spacious, large,
wide, broad.
Spazzacammino, a chimney-Specialità, s. f. v. Spezialita.


Spazzafórno, s. m. a coal-rake

for an oven. Spazzaménto, s. m. the act of sweeping. Spazzáre, to sweep.-Spazzar le reni ad uno, to bang, maul, or belabour one. Spazzato, adj. swept. Spazzatújo, s. m. a coal-rake

for an oven.

Spedaliere, s. m. knight of Je

rusalem or of Malta. Spedalingo, s. m. the master or governor of the hospital. Spedalino, s. m. a poor little hospital.

Spedáto, adj. whose feet are
sore by too much walking;
tired, fatigued.
Spedatúra, s. f. weariness, pain
in the feet by too much walk-

Specialmente, adv. especially,
particularly, singularly.
Spécie, s. f. species, kind, sort.
Specificamente, adv. particu.
larly, peculiarly, specially.
Specificáre, to specify, to par-
ticularize, to mention in ex-
press terms.
Specificatamente, adv. clearly.
plainly, distinctly, particular-_ry.

Spazzatúra, s. f. the dirt or
dust swept with a broom.
Spazzavento, s. m. a windy_tion, specifying.

Specificáto, adj. specified.
Specificazióne, s. f. specifica-


Spazzino, sweeper, scavenger.
Spazzo, s. m. a pavement.
Spazzola, s. f. a brush.-
Spazzola, a little branch of
palm or date-tree.
Spazzolare, to dust off, to wipe
off the dust.
Spazzolátu, p. p. of Spazzo-

Spedicáre, to dispatch, to ex
pedite, to disentangle, to dis-
intricate. Obs.
Spediente, s. m. expedient,
way, device, means.--Spe-
diénte, adj. ex. è spediente,
it is expedient, fit or necessa

Spedire, to dispatch, terminate,
finish, expedite.---Spedírsi,
to dispatch or make haste.-
Spedire, to dispatch or send
away in haste.

Specifico, adj. specific, special,
particular, peculiar --Rime-Speditamente, adv. readily,
dio specifico, a specific.- quickly, nimbly, hastily, in
Virti specifica, a special or haste, speedily.Spedita-
particular virtue.
ménte, plainly, distinctly,
Speciosità, v. Speziosità. clearly, openly, intelligibly.
Specióso, adj. beautiful, sight-Speditézza, s. f. readiness,
quickness, speed, haste, dis
Speco, s. m. a den, a cave, or patch, conciseness.-Amo la
natural grotto. Poet.
speditezza in tutto quel che
Specolánte, adj. that speculates fo, I love a quick dispatch in
or contemplates.
every thing I do.
Specolanteménte, adv. specu- Speditivo, adj. expeditive,
latively, in a speculative man- quick of dispatch, ready.
Spedito. p. p of Spedire.→→
Spedito, clear, free, disen-
tangled, disintricated.-Spe-
dito, quick, nimble, careful,
diligent, vigilant, watchful,
stirring-Spedito, free, open,
easy-Via spedita, a free
casy way. Luogo spedito,
an open place.--Spedito,
clear, plain, distinct-Voce
spedita, a clear distinct voice.



Spazzoletta, s. f. a Spazzolino, s. m. brush. Specchiajo, s. m. a looking. glass maker or seiler. Specchiársi, to look in a glass. -Speechiarsi nell' acqua, to behold one's self in the water. -Specchiarsi, to gaze or stare upon a thing.-Disse, perchè contano in noi ti spec


Specoláre, to speculate, con-
template, or meditate upon.
--Specoláre, to look at a thing
Specolatíva, s. f. the specula-

--Spedito, given over, past hopes of recovery. Egli è spedito, he is gone, he is a dead man--Spedito, adv. readily, quickly, nimbly, hasSpecolatrice, fem. of Specola-tily, in haste, speedily, freely.

chi? he said, why do you tive, or contemplative facul-
stare upon us so.-Specchi- ty.
arsi in uno, to follow some-Spocolativaménte, adv. specu-
body's example, to imitate his latively.
good actions.
Specolativo, adj. speculative,
Specchiato, p. p. of Specchi- contemplative.-Specolativo,|
arsi. Cosa specchiata, s. f. a speculator.
a master-piece.-Specchiato, Specoláto, p. p. of Specolare.
valid, legal, sure, good in law. Specolatúre, s. m. a speculator
-Scrittura specchiata, a va-
lid writing.
Specchietto, s. m. a little look.
ing-glass. Specchietto,
abridgment,abstract, epitome,
summary, compendium.
Spécchio, s. m. a looking-glass.
-Specchio, mirror, pattern,

or observer..


Specolazione, s. f. speculation, Spedizione, s. f. expedition,
contemplation, meditation. dispatch.- -Spedizióne, an
Spécolo, s. m. a looking-glass. expedition, a military enter-

Speculare, to speculate, v. Spedizioniére, s. m. an officer

at the Pope's court for dispatches.

current in France but that of
the country.
Spenderéccio, adj. good or pro-
per to be expended.-Spen-
deréccio, prodigal, profuse,

stout man. Speráre, to hope, to expect, to promise one's self.-Speráre, to fear, to be afraid. Seldom used in this sense.————Più si sperava della sua morte che della sua vita, they were more afraid that he would die than live. Speráre, to look at any thing through the light. Obs. Sperare un uovo, to look through an egg against the light. Obs.

Spéglio, s. m. a looking-glass. Poetical. Spegnere, to extinguish, to put out, or quench.--Speg-wasteful. nere il fuoco o la candela, Spéndio, s. m. expence. to extinguish or put out the Spenditóre, purveyor, provider, fire or the candle.-Spegner steward, caterer.--Spenditóre, la sete, to quench the thirst. a prodigal man, -Spegnere, to kill, to mur-Spere, s. f. hope, poetical. der- -Spézuersi, to be ex-Spennacchiare, to pluck the tinct.- -Spégnere, to extin- feathers. guish, to root out, to abolish, Spennacchiato, p. p. of Spen-Speráto, p. p. of Sperare. to destroy, to exterminate. nacchiare.—Spennacchiúto,| Spértere, to fall, to fall away. Spegniménto, s. m. mitigat- ill-dressed, ragged.--Spen---Sperdere la creatura, to ing, quenching or allaying. nacchiato, perplexed, confus- miscarry. Spegnitújo, s. m. an extinquisher.

Spegnitáre, he that puts out a
Spelacchiato, adj. whose hair
has been picked out.
Spelagáre, to come out from
under the water, to get clear,
to get out, to be rid of or

ed, surprised.-Rimase Or-Sperdúto, fallen away, miscar-
lando tutto spennacchiato ried.--Sperdúto, dispersed,
quando è' senti quel che il scattered.
cugino ha detto, Orlando was
very much astonished on
hearing what his cousin had

Spennacchietto, s. m. a tuft of

Spennáre, to pick out the fea-

Spelagato, adj. clear, got out,
disintangled, or disintricat-Spennáto, adj. without fea-
thers; whose feathers have
Spelare, v. Pelare.Speldre, been picked out.

to strip one of his money or Spensieratággine, s. f. heed-

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Spelarsi, to lose the hair.
Spelazzáre, to pick wool.
Spelazzino, he that picks

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lessness carelessness. Spensierataménte, adv. negligently, carelessly, supinely. Spensierato, adj. negligent, neglectful, careless, supine. Spento, adj. extinguished. Spenzolare, to hang or dangle to and from.


Spelda, o Spelta, s. f. spelt, a
sort of corn.
Spellicciatúra, s. f. a wrang
ling amongst dogs-Spettic-Spenzolárst, to stand out of a
ciatúra, dispate, quariel,
for instance, as
-Spellicciatúra, re- much as possible, so as to be
buke, check, reprimand. alnost in danger of falling
Spellicciarsi, to bite each other, from it.
said chiefy of dogs.
Spenzoláto, p. p. of Spenzo
Spellicciare, to rebuke, to re- lare.

Spelónca, s. i. cave, den, grot-Spenzolóni, down, dang-
Spelónea, a receptacle,
shelter, or ne-t.
Spéine, s. f. hope. Poet.
Spendénte, adj. profuse, lavish,

Spendere, to spend, to lay ou. Spendere, to consume or employ, to bestow.—Spradere il tempo in qualche corn, to Consume or employ one's time lu something-Spendler opera, to use one's means.

Spender parole, to utter words-Spendere, to be current-in Francia non si spende altramoneta che quella del pacse, no other money is

Sperétta, s. f. a little sphere. Spergere, to dissipate, to waste, to consume, to ruin, Spergiuraménto, s. m. perjury. Spergiurare, to forswear one's self-Spergiurare, to swear and curse.

[Spergiurátu," adj. perjured, for-

Spergiuratóre, a forswom man.
Spergiuratrice, fem. of Spergiu.

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Spenzolóne, adv. hanging Sperimentáre, to experience, to experiment, to try. Sperimentato, adj.experienced, experiraented, tried.-Sperimentáto, adj. experienced, skilful, versed. Sperimentatore, he that tries experiments, examiner, observer.

ling.-Camminar colle trac-
cia spen olone, to walk with
the arms dangling.
Spera, s. f. a sphere, a round
solid body. Spera, a sphere,
a globe, a ball, a circle or orb.
---Spera, a looking-glass.-
Spere, s. f. pî a weight that
hangs down at the side of
ship to retard its course.
Sperale, spherical, orbicular.
Sperante, adj. that hopes.
Speranza, s. f. hope, hopes.
Speranza, hope, expectation.
-Speranza, fear-Una spe-
ranzone, a fat chopping boy,
that gives hopes to be a good


Speriménto, s. m. experiment,
experience, trial, proof.
Sperma, s. f. sperm or seed of
Spermático, adj. spermatical.
Spermentáre, to experiment,
experience, or try. Cbs.
Spermentáto, adj. experienced,
experimented, tried. Obs.
Sperménto, s. m. experience,

Spesseggiare, to reiterate, to Spezialtà. v. Spezialita. repeat, to do often, to conti-Spezie, s. f. species, sort,~~~ nue, to frequent, Spezie, form, shape, figure. Spessézza, s. f. thickness, density.-Spessezza d'arre, thickness of air.-Spessézza, multitude, great number, crowd, throng, press.

Spessire, to thicken, to make


Spessirsi, to thicken, to grow or become thick.

Spessità,s. f density, thickness. Spessitúdine, s. f. thickness, density.

Spesso, s. m. thickness.Spesso, adj. thick.Nube spessa, a thick cloud.-Bosco spesso, a thick wood.-Spesso, common, usual, frequent, ordinary.--Spesso, adv. often, frequently, daily. Spesso Spesso, adv. very of


Spezie, pretence, cloak, colour, blind, appearance, shew-Sotto spezie d' amicizia, under a pretence of cloak of friendship.--Sotto spezie d' esser mio confidenté, pretending to be my intimate friend-Lo mandi sotto spezie di domestico, he sent him as one of his attendants.

Spezie, s. f. pl. spices, grocery


Spezieltà, s. f. speciality, particularity, a particular.-In ispezieltà, adv. particularly, es pecially-Ed in ispezieità, chiese di poter veder Chino, and particularly, he desired that he might see Chino. Speziellà, partiality. --La quale elezione fu fatta più por ispezieltà di setta, che ragio nevole, which election was made more out of partiality for their party, than cut of justice.

Speziería, s. f. an apothecary's shop.

Spezierie, s. f. pl. spices, grocery wares.

Spetráre, to mollify, to soften,
to dissolve, or melt, to touch,
to move, to affect, to go near
to one's heart.--Le sue la-
grime spetrerebbero i cuori
più duri, her tears could
touch a heart of stone.
Spettábile, adj. notable, emi-
nent, considerable, excellent.
Spettacolo, s. m. a spectacle,
a public show or sight, a pa- charms.
geant. Spettacolo, a spec-
tacle, a frightful thing to see.
Spettaménto, s. m. expecta-
tion, tarrying, waiting.
Spettáře, to appertain, to belong
to one, to be his.
Spettatóre, spectator, beholder,
looker on.

Spettatrice, s. f. spectatrix, fe-
male beholder.
Spettoráre, to spit much.
Spettorársi, to open or discover

one's breast.

Spettorato, adj. whose breast is


Spettorezzársi, to open one's breast.


Speziosità, s. f. great beauty,

Spezióso, adj. handsome, charming, beautiful. Spezzaménto, s. m. a breaking, beating, or splitting to pieces.

Spezzáre, to break, to bruise, or beat to pieces.----Levamiti dinanzi, che io ti spezzerò la testa, get you out of my sight, or else I shall break your head.--Andatevi con dio, e non mi spezzate più la testa, get you gone, and don't din my brains. Spezzataménte, adv. by intervals, at several times. Spezzáto, adj. broken, bruised, beaten in pieces. Spezzatóre, he that breaks. Spezzatúra, s. f. fracture, break. Spia, s. f. a spy. Spiáccia, s. f. a wicked mischievous spy.

Speziale, an apothecary. Bottega di speziale, an apothecary's shop.-Dicemmo di quelle cose che non ne vende lo speziale, we said many naughty things. Speziale, adj. special, particular, singular, peculiar.-Spe-Spiacénte, adj. disagreeable, ziale mandato, express com- unpleasant, displeasing. mand. Novella spiacente,unwelcome

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experiment, trial, or proof.

Spermo, s. m. . Sperma.

Spérnere, to expel, to remove,
to drive out. Obs.--Spér-
nere, to despise, to have a
contempt, for. Obs.
Speronáre, to spur.--Spero-
náre, to spur on, to excite.
Speronato, p. of Speronáre.
Speróne, s. m. a spur.
Sperperaménto, s.m. consump-
tion, wasting, destruction.

Obs. Sperperáre, to exterminate, to destroy, to extirpate. Obs. Sperperáto, adj. exterminated, destroyed, extirpated. Obs. Spérpero, s. m. v. Sperperamento. Obs. Sperso, adj. dispersed, scattered.

Sperticáto, adj. slender and tall, or long.

Sperto, adj. expert, skilful, ex-

Spervertire, to pervert, to turn
to a bad use.
Spérula, s. f. a little sphere.
Spesa, s. 1. expence, cost,
charges.Imparare alle su,
spese, to learn at one's own
Cost. --Imparare all' altrui
spese, to learn at another
man's expence or folly.-
Spese, charges, expences.--
Far le spese ad uno, to defray
or bear one's charges.-Por-
tar la spesa, francar la spesa,
sopporta la spesa, to be worth
one's while.
Spesáccia, s. f. a great and
needless expence.
Spesáre, to defray, to bear one's
Spesaria,s. f. expence, cost,
Speseria, charges. Obs.
Speseréila, s. f. small expen-
Spesetta, ces or charges.
Speso, adj. laid out, expended.
Apesamente, adv. often, fre-
quently, daily.
Spessare, to thicken, to make
thick.-Spessarsi, to thicken,
to grow or become thick.-
Spessare, to frequent, to resort
often to.

Spessato, adj. thickened, fre-
Spessazione, s. f, thickness,

Spesseggiamento, s. m. reitera-Spezialità, s. f. speciality, par

tion, repetition. Sposseggiante, adj. reiterating, repeating.

ticularity, a particular. Spezialmente, adv. especially, particularly, singularly.

Spiacénza, s. f. discontent, vexation, trouble.--Forse che non gli saria spiacenza, se e' sa

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pesse quanta pena i sento, perhaps he would not be sorry if he knew the pains I endure.

Spiacére, to displease, to vex, to trouble-La sua morte mi spiacque di molto, I have been very sorry for his death. Spiacevole, adj. unpleasant, unacceptable, disagreeable, troublesome, peevish, morose, cross.-Io non credo che si trovi donna più spiacevole di costei, I don't believe there is a woman more disagreeable than she is.

Spiacevolmente, adv. unpleasantly, disagreeably. Spiacevolezza, s. 1. disagreea

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[Spiantáre, to displant, to root out, to pluck up by the root. -Spiantáre, to raze, to lay even with the ground, to pull down.----S. iantáre, to ruin, to undo.

Spiantáto, p. p. of Spiantare.-
Mercante spiantato, a broken

Spiáre, to spy, to watch, to
dog, to observe.-Spiar l'op-
portunità, to watch an oppor-
tunity.Spiare, to seek
or search, or trace, or find
out.-Sozio, io ti spierò chi
ell' è, my friend, I'll find out
for you who she is.
Spiato, adj. spied, watched,
observed, sought, or search-|


Spiacíbile, adj. v. Spiacevole.
Spiacimento, s. m. discontent,


Spiacciúto, p. p. of Spiacere. Spiaggetta, s. f. a little road, or shore.


Spiatóre, a spy, or scout.
Spiattelláre, to speak plain to
speak out one's mind.
Spiattellataménte, adv. openly,
freely, frankly.
Spiattelláto, adj. open, free,
frank.-Alla spiattilláta, adv.
freely, openly, frankly.
Spiça, v. Spiga.
Spicacética, s. f. a kind of moss
called wolves-claw.
Spicanardi, s. f. lavender-spike,
watching, spikenard.

Spiaggia, s. f. coast, region,
port, country, border, or coast
of a country.Spiaggia di
mare, a road, shore, or sea-


Spiagióne, s. f. I spying,
Spiaménto, s. m.
Spianaménto, s. m. a levelling,
or making level, flat, or even.
-Spianamento, explanation.

Spianaménto, demolition.
Spianáre, to level, to make le-
vel.Spianare in terra, to
fling or throw flat upon the
ground-Spianáre, to raze,
to lay even with the ground,
to pull down-Spianáre, to
explain, to expound, to inter-
pret.-Spianare il pane, to
make bread.Spianare i
mattoni, to make bricks.-
Spianar costure, to beat down
the arms, and metaph. to
cudgel soundly.
Spianáta, s. f. an esplanade
Spianato, s. m. in fortificati-
on-Spianato, adj. levelled,
flat, even, smooth.-Campo
spinnato, a level flat field.
Mare spianato, a calm sea.
Spianatújo, s. m. a roller, a
thick and round stick to roll
flat, and refine dough.
Spianatóre, a pioneer.
Spianazióne, s. f. a levelling,
or making level, even, or flat.
-Spianazione, explanation,
interpretation, declaration.
Spáno, s. m. esplanade.

Spicáre, v. Spigare. Obs.
Spiccáre, to pick, to wrest,
to pull away, to detach from,
to snatch off.-.Spiccare, to
separate, to sever.-Spiccar
la testa ad uno, to cut off
somebody's head.—Spiccarsi
da un luogo, to leave a place.
--Spiccórsi da una persona,
to part from one, to leave
him. Spiccar salti,,to
leap, to jump, to skip.
Spiccar le parole, to pro-
nounce words distinctly, or

Spiccare, to excel, to shine, to

show itself above the others.
Lo rosa spicca tra gli altri
fiori, the rose excels all other
flowers.Loro spicca sopra
il rosso, gold looks fine upon

look on one side.
Spicchiútó, that has cloves.-
Aglio spicchiuto, garlick that
has cloves.

Spicciáre, to spring, to rise, to issue, as water does-Tarendo divenimmo là 've spicca fuor della selva un picciol fiumicello, we arrived silently at the place where a little brook comes out of a wood.-L' esercito di Severo in Arabic non poteva nella bocca riarse spicciare altra parola che ac qua acqua, the army of Severus in Arabia could not, through the drought, say any other word but water, water. ~Spicciáre, to fty, to run away-Spicciare, to unravel,

to unweave.

Spicciáto, s. m. a kind of fence.
Spicciáto, adj. p. p. of Spicci-


Spiccioláre, to cut any thing
from its stock.-Spicciolare i
fiori, to pluck the leaves out
of any flower.
Spicciolataménte, adv. by
piece-meals, a little at a time,
Spicciolato, adio du, from its
Auck.-Spiccioláto, ex. fari
spicciolati, flowers whose
leeves have been plucked.-
Parole spicciolate; chosen
or insulated words; E
mentre combattono spiccio-
lati, son vinti tutti, and,
whilst they fight singly, all
are overcome-Uva spiccio-
lata, the grains of grapes
taken off the stock.--Alle
spicciolata, one after snother.
- Alla spicciolata, by piece-
meal, a little at a time.
Spidocchiare, to louse, to take
away the lice.
Spidocchiársi, to louse one's

Spidocchiáto, part. pass. of

s. m. a spear.Spiédo, Spiedo, a spit, a

Spiedóne, s. m. a long spear.

Spiccáto, p. p. of Spiccare.
Spicchio, s. m. a clove of gar-Spiedóne, a spit.
lick, the quarter of any other
fruit.-Spicchio di pera, the
quarter of a pear.-Spicchio
di melarancia, the quarter of
an orange.--Spicchio, a small
share.--Spicchio di petto, the
middle part of any animal's
breast.-leder per ispicchio,
to look askew, to squint, to

Spegaménto, s. m. explana-
tion, exposition, interpreta-

Spiegáre, to unfold, to display, to stretch.-Spiegare una rele, to open a art— -Spiegar l'ale, to spread the wings.-Spiegar l'insegne, to display the colours.-Spiege

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