صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

re, to explain, to expound, to interpret-Spiegar un dubbio, to explain a doubt.Spiegar bottega, to set up a shop. Spiegato, p. p. of Spiegare. A bandiere spiegate, with colours flying. Spiegatúra, s. f. explication, explanation, exposition, interpretation. Spiegazione, s. f. exposition, explanation. Spieggiare, to look out fte quently. Spietà, s. f. cruelty, barbarity, inhumanity. Obs. Spietataménte, adv. cruelly, inhumanly, fiercely. Spietato, adj. cruel, inhuman,


Spietoso, adj. inhuman, fierce,

cruel. Obs. Spiga, s. f. an ear of corn. Spigacéltica, s. f. a kind of moss, called wolves-claw. Spiganárdi, s. f. lavender Spiganárdo, spike, spike


pigosa mpinacervína, s. f. a kind of

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Spigósa, adj. full
d.—La spi
corn, eared.-Las
dre, Ceres, the goddess of Spinagiu faica, a kind of briar
corn and tillage. Poet. Spinájo, s. m. v. Spineto.
Spilla, s. f. a pin, v. Spillo. Spinále midolla, the spinal
Spillaccherare, to clean wool mariow.
of its treddles.
Spilláncola, s. f. a kind of very
small fish.
Spilláre, to pierce, to tap, or
broach-Spillare una botte,
to pierce or tap a cask.-Spil-
ldre, to distil, to drop or run
by little and little.--Spilldre,
to spy, watch, dog, or ob-
serve. Spillare i disegni se-
greti del principe, në lecito è,
nè sicuro, ne può riuscire, it
is neither lawful, nor sure,
nor easy to penetrate into the
designs of princes.lo mi vo
accostare per veder s' io
tessi spillar nulla, I'll go
nearer, to see if I can disco-
ver any thing.
Spillatúra, s. f. the dropping,
running, or distilling of any

Spinamagna, s. f. a hint of
briar, buck-thistle.
Spináre, to prick with thorns.

Sphato, adj, pricked with
thorns. Obs.
Spinella, s. f. a disease in the?
pastern of a horse.-Spinelias
spinell, a kind of ruby,
Spinello, s. m. a kind of sea-

Spillétta, s. f. a small pin.

Spigáre, to ear, to grow to an Spillettajo, a pin-maker of sel



Spigáto, adj. cared, grown to Spilletto, s. m. a pin.

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Spigliatamente, adv. quickly,
speedily, fast. Obs.-Parlare
spigliatamente, to talk fast.
Spigliatézza, s. f. nimbleness,
quickness, swiftness. Obs.
Spigliato, adj. quick, swift,
nimble, speedy. Obs.
Spignere, to push, thrust, or
shove. Spignere, to egg or
spur on, to excite, incite or
provoke, quicken, or encou-
rage. Spignere, to deface a
Spignitóre, exciter, provoker,
pusher on.




Spinéto, s. m. a place where briars and thorns grow. Spinetta, s. f. spinnet, virginal.-Spinetta, a kind of silk lace.- Spinetta, a little thorn.--Spinetta, a small harpsichord. Spinettajo, s. m. a silk lacemaker. Spingárda, s. f. a piece of ordnance so called. Spingardella, s. f. dim. of Spingarda, Spingáre, to jog one's feet. Spingére, v. Spignere. Spingiménto, m. push, thrust.-Spingimento di ven to, the blowing of the wind. Spino, s. m. a thorn.-Spino, the back-bone, the spine. Spínola, s. f. a little thorn. Spinosità, s. f. spinosity, thorniness, difficulty. Spinóso, adj. spiny, thorny. -Spinóso, crabbed, hard, difficult-Spinoso, s. m. a hedge-hog, or urchin. "Come disse lo spinoso alla serpe, chi non ci può stire se ne penu-ada, as the hedge hog said to the snake, If you cannot stay, you may go. Said of an ungrateful man, who after being kindly entertained in a house, kicks the master out of doors.

Spillo, s. m. a pin.--Spillo,
piercer, gimblet, drill.-Spil-
lo, the drill-hole.
Spilluzzicaménto, s. m. the
act of taking off softly small
parts from a thing.
Spilluzzicare, to take away by
small degrees, softly, and cau-
tiously, the parts of a thing
from that thing itself.
A Spilluzzico, adv. by short
degrees, by small parts.
Spilunca, Spelonca.
Spilorcería, s. f, stinginess, sor-
didness, niggardliness,

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Spigo, s. m. nard, spikenard.
Spigoláre, to glean, to gather

ears of corn.

Spigolistra, s. f. hypocrite
Spigolistro, s m. dissembler.
religious cheat.
Spigolo, s. m. a stone-corner.
Spigolo, iron spikes about
an altar, whereupon are set
the candles.

Spinta, s. f. a push,, a thrust.

Spilorcio, adv. niggardly, pe-
nurious, sordid.--Uno spilor-
cio, s. m. a niggardly man, a
close-fisted, or penurious
man, a miser, a stingy fellow.
Spina, s. f. a thorn.-Spina di
pesce, the bone of a fish.- Dare una spinta ad uno, to
Spina, a sting-Spina, the give one à push.-Spinta di
back-bone, the spine. Spi- vento, a gale of wind.
nu, a row of knotted needle- Spinto, adj. pushed.
work upon the collar or wrist-Spintóne, s. m. a great push
bands of a shirt. Spina, or blow given with the elbow,
punch, puncheon, a black or with the whole body, to
smith's tool so called.
Non aver nè spina nè osso, to
be as plain as a pike-staff, to
be very easy, or plain.
Spinace, sf. spinach.


Spintizza, s. f. a little thorn. Spiombáre, to unlead, to take off the lead. Spiombare, to ruin, to demolish, to destroy,

to bring or pull down.Spiombure, to be very heavy. Spiombáto, p. p. of Spiombare.

Spionáccio, s. m. a wicked,
mischievous spy.
Spione, s. m. a spy, a scout.
Spiovanáto, adj. that is no
more a curate.-Piovano spi-
ovanoto, a curate who has
lost his cure.

Spióvere, to cease from rain,
to rain no more.-Spiove, it
rains no more.
Spiovimento, s. m. the ceasing

of the rain.

Spiovúto, adj. that has done


Spippolare, to sing by inclina


Spira, s. f. a spiral line.
Spirábile, adj. breathing.
Spirácolo, a breathing-hole, a
vent, a small aperture.-
Spiracolo, light, insight, hint.
Spiraglio, the same as Spiracolo.
Spirále, adj. spiral, turning

round like a screw.
Spiralmente, adv. spirally, in
a spiral manner.
Spiraménto, s. m. breathing,

Spiránte, adj. breathing, blowing.

Spiritále, adj. spiritual, incor-
poreal.-Spiritale, spiritual,

Spiritamento, s. m. the being
possessed with the devil.
Spiritáre, to be possessed with
the devil.-Spiritáre, to be
frighted out of one's wits.
Spiritáto, possessed with or by
the devil.-Spiritáto, fright-
ed, terrified.-Matto spirita-
to, quite mad.

spiritoso, a mettlesome horse,

Occhi spiritosi, piercing eyes, lively eyes.-Spiritése, witty, ingenious, bright. Spiritosánto, s. m. the HoSpirito Santo, ly Ghost. Spirituale, adj. spiritual, incerporeal.-Spirituale, spiritualgodly.-Vita spirituale, a spiritual life.-Libro spirituale, a godly book, a book of de votion.-Persona spirituale, a godly person.-Lo spirituale e'l temporale d'una chiesa, the spiritualities and tempo


Spiro, s. m. breath. Obs.-
L' Eterno spixo, the Holy
Ghost. Obs.
Spírto, s. m. spirit, soul, ghost,

Spiritello, s. m. a little spirit. Spirito, s. m. spirit, ghost.Lo Spirito Santo, the Holy Ghost-Spirito, a spirit, the ralities of a church. devil.- -Spirito, courage, Spiritualità, s. f. religion, pieheart.---Un uomo di spirito, ty, godliness. a man of spirit.---Spirito, Spiritualizzare, to make spiwit, sense, judgement, dis- ritual, to tender spiritual. cretion, understanding, ge- Spiritualmente, adv. spiritualnius, talent. Un uomo dly, religiously, piously. atuto spirito, a nian of great, Spiritualmente, by means of wit, or understanding-Sp- the ecclesiastical power.rito, breath. Non poteva Dandogli grande autorità di raccoglier lo spirito a for- procedere spiritualmente conmare intera la parola, he tro a chi fosse disubbidiente could not fetch his breath, so, alla chiesa, giving him fuif as to speak a word plain.power to use the ecclesiast Spirito, life-Spirito, soul. cal power against those who Render lo spirito, to give up were disobedient to the the ghost, to die.Spirito, church.-Spiritualmente, by the spirits.-Spiriti vitali e animali, vital and animal Spirare, to blow-Il vento spi spirits.—Riconfortare gli spira, the wind blows.-Spirare, riti, to recover one's self, to to breathe.-Ogni corpo vivo come to one's self again. spira e respira, every living Spirito, the constitution, tembody breathes.Spirare, to per, state, or complexion of breathe, to fetch one's breath. the body.Siccome colui, -Spirare, to breathe, to take che era magro, secco, e di posome respite.. -Spirare, to co spirito, as he, who was breathe out.-Non ispira che lean, meagre, and of a weak vendetta, he breathes nothing constitution.-Spirito, spirit, bus vengeance.-Spirare, to the spirituous part-Spirito, inspire with, to suggest, to a man, woman, person.put in one's head.-Noi ris- Spirito malizioso, inquieto, a pondemmo alla quistone co- malicious, crafty, and misme Dio ne spirò, we answerchievous man-Spirito, ed the question as God - it, motive, principle, way. spired us-Spirare, to pro-Spirito, devotion, piety, duce, to proceed.-Spirúre, religious zeal, godliness. to hear, to have a hint, to Un uomo dato allo spirito, a smeli. Obs.-Avendo alcu- man given to devotion, to a na cosa spirato dell' attendere religious life.-Esser rapito dell' oste de' Fiorentini, hav- in ispirito, to be in an ecing heard something, that stacy --Spirito, revelation. they expected the Florentine Sappiendo per spirito le cose,!_tering, bright." army.-Spirdre, to die, to che dovevan venire, knowing expire-Spirdre, to be out, by revelation the things to to'end. conie.

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Spiumacciáre, to stir a feather bed.

Spiumacciáta, s. f. a blow given with one's hand open upon any thing that makes a dull noise.

Spiráto, p. p. of Spitare.
Spiratóre, an inspirer. Obs.
Spirazione, s. f. inspiration -
Spirazione, Fight, insight,


Spiumacciato, adj. stirred, speaking of a feather bed.Letto spiumacciáto, a soft bed: Spiumáre, to pick the feathers. spi--Spiumáre, to stir a feather bed.

Spiritoso, adj. lively, brisk,
sprightly, mettlesome, fiery.

Un giovane spiritoso, a
sprightly youth.-Fino spiri-
tuse, Bilsk wate→Ca allo

Spizzéca, s. m. a niggardly
man or woman.
Spizzico, adv. fare una cosa a
spizzico, to do a thing by
piece-meal, a little at a time,
and with difficulty.
Spléndente, adj. shining, glit-

Splendentemente, adv. splen-
didly, gloriously,nobly,sump-
Spléndere, to shine, glitter, or
Splendidaménte, adv. splen-

Splendidézza, s. f. splendour

magnificence, pomp. Splendidità, s. f. v. Splendidez


Spléndido, adj. bright, shining, glittering, glistening. Spléndido, conspicuous, noble, magnificent, splendid, "sumptuous.


powder of coal-dust to rub a drawing that is pricked. Spolverizzato, adj. pulverized, reduced or beat into powder. Spólvero, s. m. a drawing pricked all round. Spónda, s. f. edge, side, shore, brim, brink.-Sponda d'un pozzo, kerb-stone, the brim or brink of a well.-Sponda di ponte, rails on the outside: of bridges.-Sponda di letto,. the bed-side.-Sponde d'un fiume, the banks of a river. Spondéo s. m. a spondee, Greek and Latin foot of two

Spogliare, to undress, to strip naked. Spogliare, to strip, to rob, to bereave, to dispos sess, to despoil.--Spogliareuxo della sua dignità, to strip one of his dignity.--Spogliare una casa, to strip a house, to take all the goods out of it.Spogliarsi, to pull off one's cloaths, to strip one's self naked.-Spogliarsi del su, rigore, to lay aside one's ri. gour.-Spogliarsi dell' amore, to forsake love. Spogliato, p. p. of Spogliare. Spogliatojo, s. m. dressing-long syllables.


Spogliatore, thief. robber.

Splendiente, adj. bright. Obs. -Splendiente, magnificent, noble. Obs. Splendimento, s. m. splenSplendore, dour, brightness-Splendore, splendour, glory. Splendore, splendour, magnificence, pomp. Splenético, adj. splenetic, sick of the spleen. Spodestársi, to renounce the power or dominion that one Spogliatúra, s. f. stripping, has to abdicate.-Spodestarsi della corona, to renounce the crown to another. Chi delo suo si spodesta dato gli sia un mazza in su la testa, he who makes over with his own, deserves to be knocked down. Spodestato, adj. that has renounced his right to another. Spodestato, without power. -E sono spodestati, e voi nò; però non vi consiglio di pace, they have not the forces you have, therefore I don't advise you to make peace.Spodestáto, impetuous, viotent, unruly. Obs.-Vento spodestato, impetuous wind. Obs.--Spadestata fortuna, a great storm. Obs. Spódio, s. m. spodium, the cinders after the melting of iron or brass. Spoetare, to cure one of the rage of making verses. Spoetársi, to bid adieu to the Muses, to give over being a

robbing, depriving. Spogliázza, s. f. a whipping given to a naked boy-Dare una spogliazza ad una cosa, to empty a thing. Spóglio,s.m. moveables, goods. -Spóglio, spoil, booty. Spóla, s. f. a weaver's shuttle. Spoleto, s. m. that little stick that is in the shuttle. Spolpáre, to pick the flesh off the bone.-Spolpáre, to strip, deprive, or dispossess.-Spotpáre, to make sterile. Spolparsi, to grow lean. Spolpáto, p. p. of Spõlpare.Spekpáte, lean, thin, lank. Mallo spolpato, stark



Spólpo, adj. lean, thin.

Spolpo, deeply in love. Spoltráre, to shake off one's Spoltrire, sluggishness. Omai convien che tu così ti spoltre, disse 'l maestro, che seggelo in piume in fama non si vien nè sotto coltre, now it is time for you to shake off your sluggishness, said the master, because fame is not acquired by idleness. Spoltronire, to shake off one's sluggishness.

Spoetáte, p. p. of Spoetare. Spoglia, s. f. old cloaths, cast off cloaths. Spoglia, cloaths. -Le spoiglie d' una pianta o d'un albero, the leaves of a plant or of a tree.--Spoglia | di cappone, the skin of a ca- Spolverare, to dust off, to shake pon.--Spoglia di torta, the off the dust.-Spolveráre, to crust of a pasty.Spogliu d'un serpente, slough, the cast skin of a snake.--La spoglia mortale dell' uomo, the bodily part of man. Spoglia, spoil, booty. Spogliagióne, s. f. a stripSpogliaménto, s. m. ping, or putting off-Spogliaménto,

spoiling, robbing, or de

be reduced to dust. Spolverezzáre, to pulverize, Spolverizzare, to reduce to powder. Spolverizzáre, to powder. Spolverizzare una parrucca, to powder a wig. Spolverizzáre, to prick a drawing, to rub it over with coal dust. Spolverizzo, s. m, a rag full of

adv, voluntarily,

Spóndulo, s. m. spondylus, a knuckle, or turning joint of the chine or back-bone. Sponiménto, s. m. exposition, explanation. Sponitóre, s. m. expounder, explainer, interpreter. Sponitrice, fem. of Sponitore. Sponsalizie, s, f. pl. espousal, Sponsalizio, s. m. a wed ding, or marriage. Spontanamente, Spontaneamente, spontaneously. Spontánea, adj. spontaneous, Spontáno, voluntary. Spopolaro, to depopulate, to unpeople, to dispeople. Spopoláto, adj. unpeopled, depopulated. Spoppaménto, 6, m. weaning.. Spoppare, to wean. Spoppáto, adj. weaned. Sporcare, to foul, soil, dirty, spot, or stain. Sporcáto, adj. fouled, spoiled, spotted.

Sporcheria, s. f. nastiness, fil thiness.

Sporchetto, adj. somewhat nast ty, dirty, filthy, slovenly. Sporchézza, s. f. nastiness, dirtiness, filth.

Sporcizia, s. f. nastiness, fil

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Sporre, to hazard, to venture. other such thing. Spretato, adj, chat has laid

Sporrei la mia persona per Spossatamente, adv. without down the habit of a priest. servirve, I would venture my power, without strength, Sprezzamento, s, m.conternpt, life to serve you.--Sporsi, to feebly, weakly.

despite, disdain, scorn. offer one's self, tosubmitone's Spossáto, adj. weak, faint, en- Sprezzánte, adj. disdaining, deself.-Si sporse ar più fieri tor eryated.

spising, contemning. menti per amor di Dio, he Spotestáre, to deprive of power. Sprezzáre, to coniemn, des. submitted to the most cruel Spotestársi, to renounce domi. pise, slight, not to value, lo tórments for the sake of God. nion, power, right.

yilify, Spórta, s. f. a basket. Spránga, s. f. a dove-tail, to Sprezzatamente, adv. conSportáre, to project, to jut out, join timber together.--Spran- temptuously, scornfully to stand out. Obs.

89, a plate, or thin piece of slightly. Sportáto, adj. p. p. of Sportare. metal.

Sprezzato, adj. contemned, Obs.

Sprangáre, to join timber with despised, Sportélla, s. f. a little basket. a dove-tail.--Sprangáre, to Sprezzatore, a despiser, Sportelláre, to open the pos- stamp, as a horse does with scorful man, he that despitern-gate.

his foot, to fume, to be an- ses, that contemos. Sportellina,

s. f. dim o gry:Språngar calci, to Sprezzatrice, fem. of Sprezzz. Sporticciuola,

kick. Sporticélia,


Spranghétta, s. f. the head-Sprezzatúra, s. f. contempt, Sportello, s. m. a postern-gate, ach.

disdain, scorn. a liule door, a wicket. Stare Sprazzáre, v. Spruzzare, and Sprezzevolmente, adv, cona sportello, to do nothing; all its derivatives.

temptuously, slightly. said in allusion to shop-keep-Sprecaménto, s. m. wasting, Sprezzo, š. m. contempt, scora, ers, who, on some holidays, squandering away.

disdain. open but half the shop.---La Sprecáre, to waste, to squander. Sprigionáre, to take out of mia boltega sta a sportello Sprecatóre, a prodigal man, prison. oggi, I open but half the shop a waster.

Sprimacciáre, to stir a feather en-day, I do nothing, Sprecatrice, a prodigal or ex. bed. Spórto, s. m. projecture, the travagant woman,

Sprimacciata, v, Spicmaccicoping of a wall. ----Sporto, Sprecatúra, s. f. prodigality, ata. P. p. of Sporgere.- Pregare profuseness, lavishness. Sprimacciato, adj.stirred,speakcolle mani sporte, to intreat Spregevolmente, adv, with con- ing of a feather-bed. carnestly, stretching out one's tempt, scorntully.

Sprimanzia, s. f. the quinzy, a hands.

Spregévole, adj. contemptible, sore throat. Sportóna, s. f. a large basket.

Sprimere, to express, to utter, Sportula, s. f. the regular fees Spregiáre, to despise, not to to doclare. paid to lawyers.


Sprimiménto, s, m. expressiSposa, s. f. the bride, spouse, Spregiáco, adj, despised, slight-on, squeezing. wife. ed.

Sprizzáre, to push, to spout Sposalízia, s. f. a wedding, Spregiatore, he that despises, out, Sposalízió, s. m. } espousals, or contemns.

Sprizzáto, adj. gushed, spouted marriage.

Spregiatrice, s. f. of Spregiatore. out.---Sprizzata, speckled. Sposamento, s. in: the act of Sprégio, s. m. contempt, dis- spotted, marrying

dain, scom.

Sprócco, s. m. a little stick. Sposárć, to marry, to wed, Spregnáre, to lie in, to bring Sprocco, a withe to tie faggots to take in marriage. forth.

with. ---Sprocco,, wood to Sposáto, adj. married, wedded. Spregnáto. adj. brought forth. burn, a piece of wood. Sposerésco, matrimony, or to .

, the act wedding.---Letto sposereccio, Spremere, to squeeze, under ground. the conjugal bed.

press hard.Sprémere, to ex- Sprofondáre, to sink down, to go Spositivo, adj. explaining, ex- press, to declare by word of to the bottom.--Sprofondére, * pounding.

mouth, or writing, to pro- to dig, to pierce downwards, Spositore, s. m. expositor, com- nounce, to utter.

and deep. mentator.

Spremitúra, s. f. the act of Sprofondáto, adj. sunk, dug, Sposizione, s. f. speech, dis- squeezing, and the matter deep.---- Profondo sprofondacourse. -Sposizione, exposi- squeezed.

to, a bottomless pit. tion, interpretation, explana- Spremúto, squeezed, pressed. Sproinettére, to go back from tion. hard, expressed.

one's word. Sposo, spouse, Bridegroom, Spressamente, adv. expressly, Spronája, s. f. a sore caused by husband. plainly, positively.

spurring too hard. Spossárė, to render weak, to Sprésso, adj. express, plain, Spronáre, to spur..-Sprondre, cause weakness.

clear, manifest, positive. to incite, to encourage, to Spossársi, to grant weak by too Spretársi, to lay down the ha- induce.--Soverchio è a quelle much walking, labour, or bit of a priest.

cose spronare dove the spigue


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una cosa a spropósito, to do the state of being spongy. Spugnóso, adj. spongy, hollow, like a sponge.

a thing rashly. Spropriársi, v. Spropiarsi.

la natura, it is needless to encourage one to do a thing to which he is naturally inclined. Spronáta, s. f. a clap of the Sprovaménto, s. m. the act of Spulcelláre, to deflower a virspurs.-Sprondta, instigation,|_trying, experiment. solicitation, encouragement, Sprovarsi, to try one another, setting on.

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Spronáto, p. p. of Spronare.-Cane o gallo spronato, a dog or cock that has spurs. Spronatore, he that spurs fast his horse.

Spronatrice, fem. of Sprona.

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Spropiare, to dispossess, to de-
Spropiársi, to dispossess one's
self of property-Spropiarsi
d'un vizio, to break one's self
of a vice.


Spulcellato, adj. deflowered. to exercise one's self. Obs. Spulciare, to kill one's fleas, Sprovarsi alla lurtą, to wres-Spulezzáre, to fly or run away. tle, to try one another at wres- Spúlézzo, s. m. the act of runtling. Obs. ning away. Sprovare, to try, to essay. Obs. Spulzelláre, v. Spulcellare. Sprováto, adj. tried, essayed. Spúma, s. f. froth, foam Spuma d'alcuni metalli, the Obs. scum or dross of some metals. —Spuma d'un animale, foam. -Spuma d'un liquore che bolle, scum. Spumante, adj. frothing, foaming.

Sprovvedére, the opposite of to
provide; to leave without any
Sprovvedutaménte, adv. unex-
pectedly, suddenly, unawares,
rashly, inconsiderately, in-
discreetly, at random, hand
over head.


Sprovveduto, adj. unprovided,
unfurnished, destitute, unpre-
pared, unawares.-A mostrar
la stoltizia di quelli che si pro-
mettono lunga vita, e a questa
speranza stanno in peccato,
poi la morte li trova sprovve-
duli, to shew the folly of those
who flatter themselves with a
long life, and upon this hope
dwell in their sin, and after-
wards, when death comes, it
finds them unprepared.
Sprovvisto, adj. unprovided,
bereaved, destitute. Alla
sprovvista, adv. suddenly,

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Spumáre, to froth, to foam. Spumáto, adj. frothed, foamed.

Spumeggiante, adj. that has froth or foam; foaming.→→→→ Vine spumeggiante, wine that rises in froth, as the champaign.--Spumeggidre, to froth or foam.

Spropiazione, s. f. the act of
depriving himself in favour of
Spropiato, adj. dispossessed,
deprived, turned out of pos-
session.---Sprapiato d'ogni
virtù, bereaved of all virtue.
Sproporzionále, adj. dispropor-
tioned, unequal.
Sproporzionalità, s. f. dispro-
portion, inequality.


Spruffáre, to sprinkle, to as-
perse with water.
Sprunáre, to lop off the bad,
dry, or useless branches.


adv. Spruzzáglia, s. f. a small driz

zling rain.

Sproporzionáre, to be dispro-Sprunéggio, s. m, butcher-
portioned.--Sproporziondre, broom, kneeholm, petty
disproportioned, unequal.
without proportion.
Sproporziono, adj. dispropor-
tioned, unequal.
Sproporzióne, s. f. dispropor-
tion, inequality.
Spropositare, to act rashly.
Spropositáre, to talk idly, to

talk at random.

Spruzzáre, to sprinkle, to as
perse with water.
Spruzzáto, adj. sprinkled, as-
persed with water.
Spruzzo, s.

m. aspersion,

Spruzzoláre, to drizzle, to rain
very small.--Spruzzoláre,
to sprinkle, to asperse with


Spumoso, adj. frothy.--Mare spumoso, foaming sea. Spuntáre, to blunt, to take off the point.--Spuntdre, to peep, to blow, to shoot, to bud, to burgeon, to sprout cut, to blossom.-Il giorno comincia a spuntare, the day begins to peep or dawn.--Nè ancora spuntavano i raggi del sole bene bene, the sun was not quite risen.-Allo spuntar del giorno, at break of day.—Al subito apparir del primo raggio che spunti in oriente, no sooner the sun is risen.➖➖➖➖➖➖ Questa rosa comincia a spuntare, this rose begins to blow. -L'erbe cominciano a spuntare, the plants begin to peep or shoot.--Spuntare la barba, to begin to have a beard.Spuntar le corna, the sprotitout or growing of the horns.

-Spuntare un sospiro, to tetch a sigh.--Spuntare, to blot, to raze, pat or scratch out.-Spuntare, to surmount, to conquer, to get the better of, to prevail with one. Spuntáto, p. p. of Spuntare. spot-Spuntatúra, s. f. a broken point. Spumellare, to take away the prop from.


Spropositáto, adj. impertinent,
foolish, out of the way, non-
sensical, extravagant.
"Spropositatamente, adv. non-Spruzzoláto, adj.
sensisally, foolishly.
sprinkled, besprinkled.
Spropósito, s. m. nonsense, ab-Spruzzolato, speckled,
surdity, blander.---Il suo dis-
corso è pieno di spropositi, Spruzzolo, s. m. a small driz-
he talks nothing but non- zling rain.
sense. Fare agli spropositi, Spúgna, s. f. a sponge.Spug-
to talk nonsense, to give out- na, a pumice-stone.
of-the-way answers,- Fare Spugnosità, s. f. sponginess,


Spuntellato, deprived of its prop or support.

Spunto, adj. discoloured, pale, wan, sallow.

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