صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

-air.-Stare all' arte della seta, to follow the silk trade, to trade in silk.Stare all' erta, to take care of what one says or does, to be upon one's guard, to take heed.--Stare alla prova, to stand the trial.

Stare alla staffa, to be in one's stirrup whilst on horseback.-Stare alla strada, to go upon the highway.-Stare alla vita, to press, to follow close. Stare alle bujose, to be in prison.Stare allegramente, to be merry.-Stare alle grida, to believe easily what people say.-Stare alle mosse, to be at the starting place, to be ready to start.Non potere stare alle mosse, to be impatient, not to be able to contain one's self.Stare alle vedette o alle velette, to watch, to be upon the watch. Stare all' insi, to stand up, or upwards.

Stare all' ombra, to sit under a shade. Stare all' uscio, to stand at the door.-Stare àl quia, to stand to reason, to yield, to submit to reason.— Far stare uno al quia, to keep in awe, to awe, to make one do what he ought.-Stare al sole, to stand in the sun, to be exposed to the sun. Stare alto, to stand high, or in a high place.-Stare a man ritta, to be at one's right hand, to have the first place. -Stare ammalato, to be sick. -Stare a mostra, to stand for a show. Stare a occhi aperti, to take care, to take heed. Stare in occhi, to take care of one's self, to stand upon one's guard.-Storejcoll occhio alla penna, to take care of what one does.-Star cogli occhi grossi, to be haughty, or proud.-Stare a ordine, to be ready.-Stare a orecchio, to hearken, to listen -Stare a orecchi levati, to be very attentive to what one says, to be very watchful.Stare coll' orecchio teso, to listen, to hearken.-Stare a paragone, to stand in competition.-Stare a parte o in 'disparte, to stand apart or aside.-Stare a parte di che che si sia, to choose a thing, to be contented with it. Stare a paura, to be afraid.

Stare a pelo, to fit exactly, to suit with.—Questo vestito vi sta a pelo, this suit fits you exactly. Stare a pericolo, to be in danger.Stette a pericolo d' annegarsi, he was like to be drowned.Stare a perpendicolo, to hang perpendicularly down.--Stare

pello, to cope with one, to make head against one, to enter in competition with one.-l vostro cavallo non può stare a pelto al mio, your horse cannot come up to mine. Stare a piè pari, to be at one's case.-Bisogna metterci in luogo dove possiamo vedere a piè pari, we must be in a place where we may see at our ease.-Stare a pigione, to rent a house. Stare a posta di che che si sia, to stand in a place in order to do a thing. Stare a posta d'uno, to be at one's disposal.-Stare alla posta o in posta, to lie in ambuscade, to watch.-Stare a proposito, to fit one's purpose.-Stare a regola, to observe, or keep the rule or constitution of some religious house.-Stare a rilente, to act cautiously.Stare a ripentaglio, to be in danger Stare al rischio, to hazard, to venture.-Stare a ritroso, to stand the wrong way.-Stare a falario, to be at one's wages or service.-Stare a schiera, to be drawn in battalia, or battle array. Stare a schiera, to be in company with many.--Stare a sedere, to sit.-Stare a segno, to keep within the bounds of modesty, to stand to reason. -Far stare a segno, to bring to reason.Stare a soldo ď alcuno, to carry arms for one. -Stare a sopprattieni, to procrastinate.--Stare a spasso, to go abroad, to go a walking.Stare a specchio, to pay the king's taxes in due time. Stare a speranza, to hope, to be in hope or expectation.-Stare a spesa, to be at great expences, to spend a deal of money.--Stare sulle spese, to be at great expences, to lay out agreat deal of money.-Star per le spese, to serve one only for one's victuals. Stare a sportello, to

open half the shop, to open only the door of the shop.-Stare a sportello, to see with one eye only. Stare a stecchetto, to live savingly, or sparingly.→ Stare a stento, to have much ado to live.Stare a studio, to be at an university, to finish one's studies.--Stare a tavola, to be at table, to be at dinner.

Stare a termine, to be at the end, to be almost finished.Stare a termine di morire, to be a dying.Stare sul termine, to be upon the finishing stroke. Stare ne' termini, to keep within bounds.---Stare a terreno, to lodge on the ground floor. Stare a tinello, to eat with the rest of the servants. Stare a tocco e non tocco, to be very near.-Stare a traverso, to stand across. Stare attento, to mind, to be attentive.-Stare attorno a che che si sia, to be about doing something.-Stare attorno ad uno, to press, haunt, or dun one, to be importunate.-Stare a tu per tu, to contend, to strive, or quarrel.--Stare a tu per tu, to be on an equality, on an equal footing with another. Stare a vantaggio, to be uppermost, to get the better of, to have the advantage. Stare avanti, to stand before.Stare a vedere, to look at, to behold.-Io sto a vedere se m'atterrete quel che m' avete promesso, I shall see if you perform what you have promised me.-Gli ho prestato dieci scudi, ma sta a vedere che li spenderà tutti prima che sia sera, I have lent him ten crowns, but I will bet he spends them before night. Stare a veglia, to sit up in the night by way of conversation.-Stare a via, o alla via, to be well dressed.Questa cosa non ístà nè a via nè a verso, this thing does not stand well at all.Stare a uno, in uno, o per uno, to be in one's power, liberty, or disposition-Non sta o me lo stare o l'andare, it is not in my power to stay or go. A te sta il trovar modo allo

scampo della tua vità e della mia, it is to you to provide for the safety of your life and mine. Se voi volete in pro

one's belly. Stare capo, to be the head or chief. Stare in capo al mondo, to live at the world's end, or very far.

giudizio della vostra salute attendere a una così fatta vita, a voi stà, if you think fit to follow that course of life, and ruin your constitution, you may do it--Per me non istarà mai cosa che a gradoti sia, I shall never be wanting in any thing that may be agreeable to thee.-A voi madonna sta omai il comandare, now, madam, you may command me.-Stare alla sentenza d'uno, to refer, to leave, to put a thing to one's judgement, to let him be the judge. --lo ne starò alla vostra sentenza, I refer or leave it to you. -Staré avvertito, to take care, to take heed, to mind, to be upon one's guard.-Stare ban dito, to be exiled, or banished. --Stare in basso, to stand low. Sture bello,to stand in a fine posture.- -Star bene, to become, to be proper, suitable, or agreeable, to fit, to suit with-Non ista bene a voi di far ciù, it is not proper you should do such a thing.Queste cose stanno molto meglio alle donne che non agli uomini, those things become much better women than men. -Star bene, to deserve.-Se L'ho perduto ben mi sta, poichè non dovevo lasciarlo andare, if I have lost him I deserve it, for I ought not to let him go.-Star bene con alcu no, to be in favour with one, to be in friendship with him. -Amo di star bene con tutti, e non isparlar, contro a persona, I love to live in friendship with every body, and to revile no body. Star bene, to fit.Questo vestito vi sta bene, this suit fits you well.-Tu vedi innanzi come io son bell' uomo, e come mi stanno bene le gambe in sulla persond, you see very well what a handsome man I am, and what a handsome pair of legs I have got.-Star Lene, to be well, to be at one's ease. Star bene, to be bad.Starei kene se dovessi star sempre attorno di lui, it would be very bad for me, were I to do nothing else but attend him.-


-Stare a capo alto, to live splendidly. Stare carponi o carpone, to stand upon all four.Star cauzione, to be bail for one.-Stare certo, to be certain or sure.-Star cheto, to be quiet.-Stare chiaro, to be persuaded or convinced. -Stare chiotto, to be quiet.Stare coll' arco teso, to be upon the watch.-Stare con altri, to live with one as a servant.--Stratti con Dio, God be with you.-Stare da se, to live by one's self.-Stare digruno, to fast.-Star di mala voglia, to be in a bad hu mour.--Star di male gambe, to be of a weak constitution. --Star di mezzo, to stand neuter-Star di mezzo, to be a mediator. -Stare a dire, to say, to tell.-i sto a dire io che le cose vanno molto male, I can tell you that things go very bad for us.-Star diritto, to be in a straight line.-Star diritto, to stand up straight.Star disteso, to lie all along upon something.--Star dulLio, to doubt, to be in doubt, to suspect-Star duro, to be obstinate.-Stare errato, to be mistaken.-Stare esente, to be exempt from.---Stare eusule, to be banished.Stare facendo, to be doing something.-Stare in sul fare, to go about something.---Far istare alcuno, to rule, to manage one, to keep him in awe. -Stare forte,to be firm, not to yield. Stare tra 'l si e'l no, to be irresolute.--Stare fra due, to waver, to be in suspence, to be at a stand.--Stare tra letto e lettuccio, to be on the mending hand.-Stare fra l'incurline e 'l martello, to be between hawk and buzzard. --Stare fresco, to be bad.-10 stare fresco se non guadagnassi che dieci lire l' anno, I should come very poorly off if I did get only ten pounds a year. -Stare fuora, to be, abroad, not to be at home.Star di fuora, to be out of town.--Stare in fuora, to jut out.--Stare giù, to be below, or down. Stare giusto, to

be in good health. tre, God save hyou.


stand right, to stand in a proper place. Stare alla grande, to live very grand.--Stare at grande, to carry it high.-Stare grave, to be grave and serious Stare in sul gran, to look grave. Stare grossa, to be big. Stare grosso res chi che si sia, to be angry with one.-Stare in apprensione, to apprehend. Stare in balance, to be irresolute.-Stare lancio, to be in suspense.-Stare in bilico, to be ready to fall.-Stare in camicia, to be in one's shirt.-Stare in captale, not to win nor lose. Stare in cervello, to be upen one's guard-Stare in chias, to live in a bawdy-houseStare in cullera, to be angry. -Stare in comando, to have the command of. Stare in concordia, to live in friendship with. Stare in concetto, to be looked upon, to be thought -Egli sta in concetto d'uoms dabbene, he is looked upon as an honest man.-Stare in con tegno, to be grave.-Stare in contrasto, to dispute about a thing.-Stare in contro, to be over-against. Stare in dozni. na, to live with others on a friendly footing.Stare a dozzina, to board, to be a boarder. Stare in errore, to be mistaken.-Stare in esilio, to be banished.-Stare in fede, to keep one's word.-Stareis festa, to live merrily.--Stare in forse, to doubt, to be in suspense. Stare in governa, to govern, to rule.-Stare in guardia, to take heed.-Stare in guardia,to stand upon one's guard. Stare in malinconia, to be melancholy.--Stare in mano d' uno, to be in one's power

lie upon

Stare colle mani in mano, Star colle mani alla cintola, to idle, to stand with one's arms a-cross.--Stare in peduli, to be bare-footed, or without shoes.--Stare in pena, to be in pain. Stare in penitenza, to do penance.--Stare in pensiero, to be afraid.--Stare so pra pensiero, to be thoughtful. --Stare in pernio, to stand upon an equilibrium.-Stare in persona, to be personally present in some place.-Stare in petto e in persona, to stand

still. Stare in sulla persona, to stand up erect.--Stare in piedi, to be standing.- -Star sù due piedi, to be safe and sure. Stare in ponte, to waver, to be in suspense.-Stare in poppa, to have good fortune.

Stare in possesso, to possess. Stare in preda, to be the prey. Stare in prda, to be almost at an end-Star in se, to live by one's selfStare in se, to look about one's self.--Stare in sella, to be at one's ease.-Star in sospiri, to be in trouble.Stare in sulla negativa, to stand upon the negative, to deny a thing.

Stare in sulle generali, to speak in general terms.-Star in sulle suc, to take care what one says, to consider well what one says.--Stare in sul mille, to put on a grave countenance. Stare in sul sagrato, to shelter one's self in a church. Stare in timore, to be afraid. Stare in volta, to go about, to ramble, or rove about. Stare in zucca, to be uncovered, or without a hat


-Lasciar stare, to desist, to leave off-Lasciar stare, to let any thing alone.-Stare lindo, to use too much affect<ation in being clean.Stare

to stand

at a

lontano, to be absent.-Stare di lontano, to be at a distance. Stare lungo, to be long, to have a great length.--Stare lungo, to be a great while. Star di lungi, Stare alla lontano, S /distance-Star male, to be ill. -Star malinconoso, to be mclancholy.Stare malleradore, to be bail-Ma sta, hush, silence, hold.-Ma sta ch' io l' ho trovata, but hold, I think I have found it.--Star meglio, to be better.Stare ne' suoi cenei, not to meddle with persons of a higher station than himself.-Stare pe fatti suoi, not to meddle with any body.--Star pegno, to be bail for one.--Star pensoso, to be thoughtful-Stare per alcuno, to have it in one's power to do or not to do.Stere per la mala, to be in a very bad condition, to be in distress.. Stare per opera, to be hired. Più sus a mona luna, you are out, you are mistaken.-Stare


presente, to be present.-Stare
presso, to be near.-
presso che bene, to be almost

Stare prigionero, to be in
Stare in prigione, prison.-
Stare pulito, to live cleanly.

Stare ramingo, to be roving
and wandering abroad.--Stare
resente, to be very near, to be
close to.-Stare rigido, to be
inexorable, to be firm and
resolute in denying.- -Stare
rifto, to stand up, to stand
upon one's legs.-Stare sano,
to be in good health. Stare
schiavo, to be a slave, or in
slavery. Stare sconosciuto, to
live incognito.- Stare severo,
to be severe.-Stare in sul se-
vero, to shew one's self very
severe.Stare sicuro, to be
sure or certain, to be assured
of-Stare al sicuro, stare sul
sicuro, stare nel sicuro, to be
in a place of safety.-Stare
per sicurtà, to be bail for one.
-Star sodo, to be firm or re-
solute. Stare sul sodo, to be
grave.-- -Star sodo, to stand
firm or still.-Star solo, to be
alone.Star sopra, to be
above.--Star sopra pensiero,
to be in fear.-S' uno ha ric-
chezza sta sempre in pensiero,
if one be rich, he is always
afraid. Stare sopra se, to
be in suspense.-Star sopra di
se, to stand upright.--Stare
supra d'alcuno, to put a
thing to one's judgement, to
let him be the judge.-Volere
stare di sopra, to pretend to
have a thing one's own way.
-Di sopra ho a star io, ed è
ragione, I will have it my own
way, and it ought to be so.---
Stare sopra l'ale, star sull' ale,
to have a mind to go away, to
be on the point of going away.
-Stare sospetto, to suspect,
fear, or mistrust.--Stare a
sospetto, to be afraid, to have
a panic or fear upon one's
self.-Stare sotto, to be down
or below.--Stare di sotto, to
be under.--Stare di sotto, to
have the worst.--Stare sotto
sopra, to be topsy-turvy, or
upside down.-Stare sotto so-
pra, to lie in confusion.
Star sotto la parola, to take
one's words. -Stare sù, to
stand up.-
-Stare sù, to be
above or up. Stà sù, get up,

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stand up--Stare a che che si sia, to mind what others say. -Stare sulla vita spirituale, to give one's self up to a spiritual life.--Stare sull' amorosa vita, to be given to in trigues with women.Stare sulle sue, to stand upon one's guard. Stare sul suo, sture in sul suo, to be upon one's own ground-Stare sull' orlo di che che si sia, to be very near having what one wishes.

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Stare tavoli rasa, to be a blockhead, an ignorant fellow. --Stare a tavola, to be at table. Stare a tavola apparsechiata, to dine at free-cost.--Stare terra terra, to be very low, in bad circumstances. Stare torto, to be crooked.Stare vestito, to be dressed, to have one's cloaths on.-Stare vuoto, to be empty.---Stare zoppo, to be lame.--When the verb Stare is governed by the article Lo, it becomes a substantive. Ex. Nel vostro arbitrio è l'andare e lo stare, you are free either to stay or go.

Starłómaco, s. m. an astronomer. Obs.

Stárna, s. f. a kind of partridge. Starnázzare, to lie upon the ground.-Starnazzar l'ali, to flap or flutter the wings. Starnoncíno, s. m. a small partridge.

Starnóne, Is. m. a young parStarnótto, tridge. Starnutaménto, s. m. sneezing. Starnutáre, to sneeze.--Starnututo, adj. sneezed. Startunatório, s. m. sneezewort, or sneezing-wort, an herb so called. Starnutazione, s. f. a sneezing. Starnutíre, to sneeze. Starnúto, s. m. a sneezing. Stasáre, to open. Obs. Stasera, s. f. to-night, this evening.

State, s. f. summer. Stateréccio, adj. summerly, belonging to summer. Stático, s. m. an hostage. Stato, s. m. state, case, condition, posture, way.-Stato di grazia, a state of grace.--Lo stato delle cose e degli affari, the state, posture, or condition of things.-Essere in buono stato di salute, to be in good health. Alettersi in is

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talo di difendersi, to put one's, cies.

tion.--Stella, eye. Paedical self in a posture of defence. Stazzonáre, to fumble, to han- Stella, the towel of a sporNon sono in istato di fare die, to feel.-Stazzonáto, adj. Siela, the star-fish. queste spese,my circumstances fumbled, handled.

Stellante, adj. starry, full of will not allow me to make Stazzóne, s. f. r. Stazione. Obs. stars. Siellate, shining, such expences.--Egli è in is. Szécade, s. f. the herb sticados, bright. tato di servire i suoi amici, he or French lavender.

Stellarsi, to grow starry or fail is in a way to serve his friends. Stécca, s. f. folder, a stick, a stars Speaking of the

Persona di stato, a man of little piece of wood.--Stecce, a sky.) note.-Essere in grande stato shoemaker's cork-Stecca, a Steilare, adj. starty, of or be oppo qaciched?.710), to be in piece of iron, fixed to that longing to a star. great esteern with one- part of the spade whereon Stellata, s. f. a kind of physie stoti d' un lungn, the situation the countryman sets his foot, for cattle. of a place. Un uomo di tasso and thrusts the spade into the Stellato, adj. starry, full of stato, a man of a mean cha- ground.----Stecca, the stick stars. -Slettáto, that has a star racter.---Slatn, maintenance, used at billiards to strike the in his forehead, speaking of a support.--Bez prorri le mati. balls. ----Sterche, the whale. horse. ta al ustro stain, nature has benes of a pair of stays. Siellifero, adj. starry, foll of provided for us well.--Siato, Stecca a, s. I. a paliisado. stars. dignity, rank.--Slato, state or Steceáre, to palisado, to fence Stellione, s. m. a creature like government.--State monar- with a palisado.

a lizard. chico, aristocratico, democra- Steccata, adj. a palisado. Sielluzza, s. f. a little star. hito, o popolare, a monarchial, Steccatáre, to palisado, or fence Scelo, s. m. stalk, blade, stem aristocraticai, democratical, with a palisado.

of a plant Mattro stelo, or populai, state.--Ministró Steccáto, s. M. a palisado.-Stec- the stalk whereupon the flower di stal, minister of state. cato, an inclosure made with grows. Stelo, an axis-subs Ragione di stato, reason of boards.---Steccato, a list or La lung, e tute l' altre stelle, e state.-Stato, state, dominion. lists, to fight or wrestie in. vaghe o erranti dintorno al - Gli stati generali, the es- Stecchetto, Ex. far siare a stec $20 stelo, the sun, the moon, tates, or the states of Hol- chelto a tenere a stecchetto, to and all the other stars, eittaet land.-L'assenillea degli sta. keep one short, to pinch one's crrant or fixed, about theu ti, the estates, the assembly belly.

axis. of the three estates.---Stati, Stecchire, to become dry. Stemperamento, s. mn. dissolothe estates, or the three es- Stecchito, adj. dry.

tion, dissolving.Stempera. tates of the kingdom, viz. the Stécco, s. m. a stick, a dry twig mánto, intemperance, excess. pobility, the clergy, and the or branch of a tree.-Slecco, -Stemperamento.commotion, commonally.---Stato, adj. a tooth-picker — Tener a stec- sedition, insurrection. been.-Suno stato, I have co, to keep one down.-Stare Stemperánza, s. f. intemperance, been.

a stecco, to do as another excess.-Stemperánga, intethStátua, s. f. a statue. forces one to do.

perateness, intemperature, dis. Statuále, adj. free, that has the stecconáto, s. m. a palisado, an order in the air. freedom of a city or town.- inclosure made with stakes. Stemperáre, to temper, to diL'ho statuale, s. m. a free- Steccone, s. m. a stake.

lute, to allay.-Stemperáre, to Stéfano, s. m. stomach or belly. soften a piece of tempered Satuária, s. f. a statuary's trade A low word.--Ti darò un cal- iron, to spoil the temper of

cio uello stefare, I shall give what was well tempered.Statuário, s. m. a statuary. thee a kick in the belly.- Stemperere, to disorder, to Sawire, io resclve, purpose,

Quond eble to stefane ben compound, to discompose.or deteiinine. Statuito, adj.

pieno se n' and", when he Stempetersi, to dissolve, to resolved, determined.

had his beily full, away he melt. Stemperarsi in legrite, Statúra, s. f. stature, size.-

to melt in tears. Statúra, the posture or situa- Stella, s. f. a star.- Stella, con- Stemperatamente, adv. intertion.

stellation.-Ei nacque a buena perately, immoderately, et. Sta’vtário, law-giver, law. stila, he was born under a cessively. maker, legislator.

happy constellation.--Stella, Stemperáto, adj. diluted, meltStatuto, s. m. statute, law, de- des:iny, fate. Tal fi mia ed.-Stemperato, incemperate,

stella e tal mia rruda sorte, immoderate, incontinent Sáz.c, s. m. Obs. ? station, such was my fate, and my Stemperatu, immoderate, exSiuzóne, s. f. ( mansion- cruel destiny.-E se le stelle cessii:.---Stempereto, our of bouse, dwelling-place.-- mn' are:sero dato in sorte di via

tune. Subne, station, post, con: ret a me stessa, e di far rita Stcmpiáre, to snatch any thing fition, rank.--Stigióne, a cor forme alle mie roglie, and from one's head. Obs. 59:iwn, a church or chapel if my destiny had allotted to Stempato, adj. absurd, sai'r, a piaciniai bv the mpe

me to be mistress of myself, foolish, impertinent. frag in, and gain indulgen- and to follow my own inclinä- Siempráre, v. Stemperare.


or art.




Stemprato, v. Stemperato. Stendale, Obs. s. m. Į standard, Stendárdo, banner, colours.Alzar lo stendardo, to hoist up the colours, to make one's self the chief of a rebellion.

Stendáre, to decamp, to march off.

Stendente, adj. extending, stretching.

Stendere, to spread, to stretch, to extend.-Stender il mantello per terra, to spread one's cloak on the ground.-Stender le gambe, to stretch one's legs. -Stendere il campo, to spread or extend one's army.-Stendere, to reach.-La mia vista, non si stende sin lì, my eyes cannot see so far.--L' elemento

del fuoco si stende sino alla luna, the element of fire reaches the moon-Piè miei, vostra ragion là non si stende, my feet, you must not pretend to reach so far.-Per quanto le mie forze si stenderanno, as far as my ability will permit.

Il suo ingegno non si stende che a far sonetti, his talent reaches no higher than to compose sonnets.--Stendere, to slander, to revile.--Stendere, to slacken, to unloose, to unbend.Stender un arco, to unbend a bow.-Stendere, to explain, or expound.--Sténdersi, to stretch one's seif, to lay one's self down.-Stendersi, to divulge, to publish, or spread abroad.-La novella si stese per tutta la città, the news was divulged through all the town.

Stendimento, s. m. extension. Stenditóre, he that extends, stretches, or enlarges. Stenebrare, to illuminate, to enlighten. Stensióne,


s. f. extension,

Stensivo, adj. extensive, large, that reaches far. Stentamento, s. m. v. Stento. Stentáre, to want, to lack.. Si stenta molto di grano quest' anno, corn is very scarce this year.-Chi sguazza per le feste stente i di da lavorare, who lives on clover on Sundays, Wants all the rest of the week. A-Stentáre, to suffer, to be in pain and torment.-Stentáre, Today, to tarry, to put oil

Non istenterà molto a oenire, he will not be long before he comes.-Stentare, to toil and moil, to labour, to take pains, to endeavour to work hard.Stentammo tutto l giorno a metter le cose in ordine alla partenza, we worked all the day in getting every thing ready for our journey.-Stento a crederlo, I hardly believe it. -Stentai a persuaderlo di restare, I had much ado to persuade him to stay. Stentamente, adv. hardly, with difficulty, with much ado. Stentáto, p. p. of Stentare. Frutti stentati, forced fruits.Menare una vitastentato,to live hardly or poorly.-Stile stentuto, a hard style. Sténto, s. m. want, lack, misery, calamity, torment, anguish.Poco tempo appresso ammalò e mori in grande stento e miseria, a little after he fell sick, and died in great anguish and misery. Che stento non fanno gl' infermi ne' dolori in non trovar riposo? what torments do not the sick endure for want of rest?-Ho grande stento a crederlo, I can hardly believe it.

Sterilezza, s. f. sterility, barren


Sterilire, to grow barren. Sterilità, s. f. sterility, barren


Sterilito, adj. steril, barren. Sterilmente, adv. barrenly, unfruitfully.A Roma dieci anni assai sterilmente seguitai la corte, I haunted the court of Rome for ten years, but to little purpose.

Sterlino, adj. sterling.Lira sterlina, a pound sterling. Sterminamento, s. m. extermination.

Stermináre, to exterminate, to destroy, to extirpate.-Stermináre, to drive away. Sterminataménte, adv. excessively, exceedingly. Sternúto, s. m. v. Štarnuto. Sterminatezza, s. f. unmeasurable bigness.-Stermináto, adj. exterminated, extirpated. Stermináto, huge, excessive, exceeding great. Sterminatore, destroyer, exterminator-Sterminatrice, feminine of Sterminatore. Stermínio, s. m. extermination, destruction, extirpation, ruin.

Sternáto, adj. lying on the ground, spread upon the ground. Obs.-Sternere, to be on the ground, to level. Obs. Sterpáme, v. Stirpame. Sterpaménto, s. m. extirpation, extermination.

A sentirlo parlarè uno stento, it is death to one to hear him speak.--E' uno stento a vederla ballare, it is tiresome to see her dance, she dances most wretchedly. A stento, adj. hardly, with much ado, with a great deal of difficulty, by little and little. La calca era sì grande che is entrai a siento, the crowd was so great, that I could hardly get in.--Pare che faccia ogni cosa a stento, he seems to do every thing against his will. -E' un uomo che non paga volentieri e da a stento quel che deve, he is not a good pay-Stérpo, s. m. young shoot, suckmaster, he gives by piece-meals what he owes.-A malo stento, with much ado. Stenuare, to extenuate, togrow lean.

Stenuativo, adj. extenuating. Stenuato, adj. extenuated, lean,

fallen away. Stenuazione, s. f. extenuation, leanness of body. Stérco, s. m. dung, excrement. Stérile, adj. sterile, barren, fruitJess, unfruitful.-Terra sterile, barren ground.-Donna sterile, a barren woman.

Sterpáre, to root out, to extirpate, to pluck up by the roots, to destroy-In sterperogli, il core e darò poi le membra lacerate agli avolioj,I shall pull his heart out of his breast, and give his torn members to the vultures to feed upon. Sterpígno, s. m. the stock of a plant.

er, or sprig, any small wood that grows wild.- -Uomini fummo e or siam fatti sterpi, we were once men, and now we are become shoots.

Stérpone, s. m. a large shoot,

sucker, or sprig.—Stérpone, a wicked man, a rogue, a villain.

Sterquilínio, s. m. a dung-hill, Sterramento, s. m. a digging up the earth. Sterráre, to dig up the earth. Sterráto, adj. dug up.--Sterrá! rato, s. m. a dug piece of

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