صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

dio mi sforzerò ili seriirvi, 1¡Stupefitto, adj. astonished, Stuzzicadénti, tooth-picker.

shall take particular care to serve you. Studio, a school, an university.--A belló sudio, adj. purposely, on purpose, wilfully.

amazed, surprised, stupified,

Stupefazione, s. f. stupidity,
dulness, senselessness, stupe-


Stuzzicáre, to stir, to move, to rake, to pick-Stuzzicare il fuoco, to stir the fire.-Suz zicarsi l'orecchio, to scratch one's ears-Stuzzicarsi i dem

Studióló, s. m. a casket or cof-Stupendamente, adv. stupendi-i, to pick one's teeth—§ ziziedrs, to rub one against the

fer, wherein jewels, or other ously, prodigiously. secret things are kept; a desk,

a scrutore.

Stupendo, adj. stupendous,pro- other.-Stuzziedre, to stu p
digious, wonderful, astonish- to incite, to spur on, to eg
on. Non è bene stazzicere
l'orso quando gli fuma ri na-
so, one must not awake the
sleeping dog-Stuzzicáre, to
excite, to kindle, to incense,
to inflame.
Stuzzicato, p. p. of Stuzzi-

Stupidézza, s. f. stupidity,
senselessness, dulness.
Stupidire, to amaze, astonish,
or dismay.- Stupidire, to
grow stupid, dull, or sense-

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Stuzzicatojo, s. m. prick, goat, sting, spur, any sharp thing good to stir, poker. Stuzzicatore, provoker, picker of quarrels.

Studios ménte, adv. studiousfy, purposely, with a design. - Studiosamente, diligently, carefully.. – Studiosamente, quickly, nimbly, swiftly, hastily. Studióso, adj. studious, given to study, that delights in stu-Stupidità, v. Stupidezza. dy.-Studioso, studious, dili- Stupidito, adj. stupitied, dull, gent, careful. Studioso, senseless,amazed, astonished, hasty, swift, nimble.- Cam- confounded, surprised: minare con istudioso passo, to Stúpido, adj. astonished, surwalk apace, or fast. prised, amazed, dismayed. Stufa, s. f. a stove, or hot- Stupido, stupid, dull, block-Stuzzicatrice, fem.. of Stuzzihouse.--Stufa, a hot-bath.- ish, senseless.-Stupido, be catore. Stufa, a stové. munbed. Stuzzicorécchi, s. m. car-pickSrutajuóla, s.m. the master or keeper of a bath. Stufare, to keep a bagnio.Stufare, to stew.-Stufarsi, to loath, to stomach, to be sick of any thing.-Stufarsi, to sweat, to take a sweat, to bathe one's self.

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to asto-! er.

Stupire, to amaze,
nish, to surprise.-Stupire, to
be amazed, astonished, sur-
prised, or dismayed.
Stupito, p. p. of Spire.
Stupóre,. s. m. astonishment,
surprise, amazement.
pore, wonder.-Stupórs, stu-
por, lack of sense, insensible-
ness, benumbing.
Stuprare, to stuprate, to ravish

a woman.


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Stupro, s. m. a rape.
Sturare, to open, to unstop
Sturare un fiasco, to open a
bottle.—Sturave gli orecchi,
to open one's ears, to hearken,

Sturáto, adj. open, unstopped.
Sturbánza, s. f. disturbance,
disorder, trouble.
Sturbáre, tó disturb or inter-
rupt to hinder, let, cross,
trouble, or vex..
Sturbáto, adisadisturbed, inter-
rupted, hindered, crossed,

Su, adv, up.-Montar su, to
go up. Su, above, np.-E
li è su in camera sua, he is
above in his room.$%; e.
g, up and down. $22,
upon, over-Comminare su
per l'erba, to walk upon
the grass.
Andare st
per le campi, to go over thei
fields -Su in aria, up in the
air.-Su dal cielo, from hea-
ven.-Levarsi su. to get of
stand up.-Venir su, to raise
one's self to some honour or
.dignity, to acquire reputation."


Venir su, to grow or thrive. Su, prep. upon.-Su la tavola, upon the table. N. B. this particle su sometimes is joined to the article that follows it, by doubling the consonant; but if the following word begins with a vowel, we add an R.. ex. Sulla to

Stumia, s. f. froth, foam,
Stummia, scum. →→→→Sham: ¦
mia di ribaldi, the cream of to be attentive..
the rogues, the very scum of
what is wickedh
Stummiáre, to skim
Stúnja, s. f. a mat.
.Stuólo, s. m. troop, company,
band, set, gang, or crew..
Stuolo di soldati, a troop or
band of soldiers.-Stuolo di
pesci, a shoal of fishes.-
Stuolo d' uccelli, a flight of
birds.-Stuolo di lupi, a herd
of wolves.-Stuolo doche, a Sturbatrice, fem. of Sturba
flock of geese. Sholo di tore.
stornelli, a flock of starlings. Sturbo, s. ni. disturbance, dis-
Stupefare, to astonish, surprise, order, hindrance, troubles
or amare, to stupify.Stupe Sturmento,
12. Strumento.
Jdre, to stupify, to make stu- Obs.
pid, dull, or senseless-Sti. Stutare, to quench, to extin- haste,
Jefarsi, to wonder, to marvel, guish. Obs.
be surprised or amazed... Siúzio, s. m. sayoys.'

Sturbatore, a disturber or per-

vola, úpon the table, sur um
basione, upon, a stick.-
Su, by, near.- Londra stæ
sul Tamiga, London stands
by the Thames.—Sulla sera,!
towards the evening.-Sul for
del giorno, by the break of
day-Fu sull' impazzare a
questa novella, he thought he
should go distracted at this
news. Su, interj. come.→→
Su, fa tosto, come, make

Suadévole, adj. persuasive,
Suado,Obs. persuasory.


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out of a bag or mail. giare, to rob, to strip. Svaligiato, adj. robbed, strip- what white. ped. Svalorire, to be discouraged or disheartened, to lose courage, to despond. Obs. Svampáre, to go out, to be extinguished.

mish. Svanirsi, to humble, to debase - one's self.

Svanito, adj. vanished, evaporated.

Subalternáre, to make subal
tern a thing that was princi-



adj. sudden, su

bitaneous, un

thought of. unlooked for.
-Morte subitana, a sudden
death.- --Veleno subitang
deadly poison.

Subitanza, s. f. v. Subitezza.
Subitézza, s. f. hastiness, pas-


Súbito, ad . quick, swift, nim-
ble, speedy, sudden.—Subita
partenza, a sudden or unex
adj. subal-pected departure.-Morta su-
tern, infe-
bita, a sudden death.-Súbito,
hasty, soon angry, passionate,
--Sabito, adv. immediately,
sudden, upon a sudden.-
Egli subito rispose, he an-
swered immediately.—Subito
che fui partito egli venne,
was no sooner gone but he
came-Subito che potrò, as
soon as I can →→→Fa subito,
make haste-In un subito,
all of a sudden, suddenly.
Sublimaménto, v. Sublimazi-

Svaniménto, s m. evaporation.
Svanire, to evaporate, to varior.--Proposizioni subalterne,
subaltern propositions (in lo-)
gick) are such as differ only
in quantity, and agree in qua-
lity, as every man is ration-
al, soine men are rational.)
Officiale subalterno, subal-
tera, inferior officer.
Súbbia, s. f. a chissel.
Subbiáre, to engrave, to carve,
40 chissel
Subbietto, s. m. subject, mo-
tive, cause, matter.--Sutti-
étto, adj. subject, obliged,
bound, liable.
Subbiezióne, s. f. subjection,
obedience to a supenor, de-
pendance, obligation, neces-

Svantaggio, s. m. disadvantage,
- prejudice, loss, damage.
Svantaggioso, adj. disadvanta-
"geous, inconvenient.
Svaporamento, s. m. evapora.

Svaporáre, to send forth va-
pours. Seaporare la collera,
to vent one's anger.-Svape-
rare, to evaporate.
Svaporato, adj. evaporated.
Svaporazióne, s. f. 1. Svapo.
Svapóre, s. m.


Svariamente, s. m. phrensy, Subbillare, to suborn or dedotage.-Svariamén o, diver- bauch, to corrupt, to draw sity, difference, variety.


Svarianza, s. f. variety, diver-Subbio, s. m. the beam where

Svariare, to vary, to change, to
be fickle or unsteady.-Scari-
dre, to vary, or falter in one's
answers, to disagree with, or
contradict one's self, to differ
-from one's self.-Svuridre, to
differ or vary, to dissent or
disagree, alter or change.
Svariatamente, adv. variously,
differently, diversly, several-
ly.-Sariatamente, asunder,
separately, severally.
Svariáto, adj. various, several,
divers, different. Not in use.

on weavers turn their web or
their cloth when it is weay-


Subbissaménto, s. m. submer-
sion, ruin, destruction.
Subbissáre, to submerge, to
turn upside down, to over-
turn, to overthrow, to bear
or sink down, to ruin, to des
troy, to subvert.-Sablissáre,,
to sink down, to go to the
bottom, to be quite ruined.
Subbis-áto, adj. submerged,
overturned, overthrown.
Subbisso, s. m. rum, destruc-
tion, overthrow.--Subbisso.
a great wonder.
Subentráre, to succeed, tu
come next or after.

Il superbo si diletta dello
svariato andare, l'iroso si
conosce dull acceso sgardare,
a proud man prides to strut
along, and the passionate man Subjérto, v. Subbietto.



Sublimáre, to raise, to advance,
to. prefer, to aggrandize.
Sublimáre, to sublimate.
Sublimáto, adj. raised, advanc.
ed, preferred, aggrandized,
sublimated Mercurio sul
limato, sublimy, sublimatum.
Sublimazióne, s. f. preferment,
advancement, growth, rise,
rising, promotion, aggran-
sublimation, sublimating.
Sublime, adj. sublime, lotty,
high, great-Sublime, sub-
lime, lotty, excellent, noble
to think on Stile sub-
lime, a sublime, elegant,
Sublimeménte, adv. loftily,
highly, nobly.

Sublimità, s. f. sublimity,
height, loftiness, nobleness.
Sublímo, 2. Sublime. Obs.
Subodorare, to. get some
information of a thing, tis'
ger scent of a thing.
Subordináre, to subordinate, in
place or set under another.
Subordinamento, s. m. depen-
dance, subordination.

is known by his fierce look.--Subiltamiento, 1 Sobbillamen-Subordináto, ad), suhordit a

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Subordinazióne, s. f. subordi-Succhiamento, s. m. piercing, Succignere, to truss, to fit up,

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Subornáre, to suborn, to put one upon bearing false witness, or any other mischievous design, to instruct one privately what to do or say that is bad.

Şubúglio, s. m. confusion, dis

Succedente, adj. succeeding,

that succeeds or comes next.


Succhiare, to bore, to make a
hole, to pierce, to screw.-
Succhiare, to suck. Succiare
in this sense is a better word
than Succhiare.

Succhiellaménto, s. m. the
act of boring with a wimble.
Succhielláre, to bore with a


Succhiellinájo, s m. he that
makes or sells wimbles, pier-

s. m. a small

to tuck up, to pin up. Succiniaménte, adv. briefly, succinctly, in few words.Succintamente, simply, withou useless ornament or p rade.

Succinto, adj. trussed or tiel up, tucked or pinned upSuccinto, short-Alato tut cinto, short cloaths-Dena succinta a mezza gante, a woman dressed in cloaths that reach half down her legs.-- Succin o, succinct, short, brief, concise-Die Corso succinto, a succinct,

short, or brief discourseEgli disse in parlar breve! succinto, and told him in few

order, uproar, tumult, insur-Succhielláto, p. p. of Succhielrection, noise, bustie, hurlyburley. Obs. Succedáneo, adj. succedaneous, coming in the room of cers, or screws. another. Succhiellino, Succhiello, auger, wimble, piercer, or screw. Súcchio, s. m. auger, wimble, piercer, screw.-Succhio, the moisture, sap, or juice of Súccio, s. m. a sucking, a plants and trees-Esser in draught -In un succio, in a succhio, to be in sap.-Li al- draught.-In un succio, adv. beri sono in succhio, the trees in a moment, in a minute, are in sap.-Lasciare in suc- immediately.-Succio, a red chio, to sweeter one's breath, spot caused by a biting kiss. to serve the best things at the Súcciola, s. f. boiled chesnut. latter end of the entertain-Succiso, adj. cut.

Succédere, to succeed, to come
next or after.--Succédere, to
follow, to come after.-Suc-
cédere, to succeed, to inherit,
to get by inheritance of suc-
cession, to be one's heir
1 figliuoli succedono in tutti i
beni del padre e della madre,


children inherit their fathers
and mothers estates.-Succé-
dere, to happen, to befal, to
come to pass, to fall out.-- Succiabeóne, an immoderate
Queste cose succedono gior- drinker, a drunkard.
nalmente, these things hap-Succiaméle, s. m. honeysuc-
pen daily. Temo non 71 kle, a plant so called.
succeda qualche disgrazia, 1 Succiaménto, the act of suck-
am afraid some mischance ing.
will befal you.

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Succiánte, adj. sucking, that


Succo, s. m. juice, sap, mois

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Succómbere, to yield, to sink under.

Súcido, adj. nasty, filthy, greasy, sluttish, stinking, slovenly.

Succedévole, adj. succeeding, sucks.-Bambino succiante,
- following, subsequent.
Succedevolmente, adv. succes
sively. loro successori poi
succedevolmente furono agiati,
their successors successively
were afterwards in very good


Succediménto, s. m. event,
issue, success, adventure.
Succeditóre, successor, he that
comes in another's place.
Succedúto, adj. succceded.
Succenericcio, adj. baked un-
Succenerino, der the ashes.
-Pane succenericcio, bread

baked under the ashes.
Successióne, s. f. succession,
succession, issue, event.
Successivamente, adv. succes-
Successivo, adj. successive,
Successo, s. m. success, event,
issue.Successo, adj. suc-

a sucking child.
Succiáre, to suck. Some will
say Succhiare for Succiare,
but improperly.-Succiare,
to draw or keep up one's
breath through the violence
of the pain which one feels.

Succiúre, to grow dry.---
Chi è colui, maestro, che si
cruccia diss' io; e cui più ros-
sa fiamma succia, master,
said 1, who is he that groans,
and whom a more violent
flame consumes.-Succiarsi
che che si sia, to arrogate, to
claim, to challenge the pro-
fit of any thing to one's self.
-Succiare che che si sia, to
buckle to, to bear patiently
any thing.-Succiare un' in-
giuria, to swallow, to pocket,
to brook an affront.
Succiatóre, a sucker, he that
Succiatrice, fem. of Succia-


ceeded. Successáre, successor, he that Succidere, to cut from the comes in another's place.


Sucidúme, s. f. nastiness, fil
thiness, sluttishness.
Suco, v. Sugo.
Sucosità, 2. Sugosită.
Sucóso, v. Sugoso.
Sudacchiare, to sweat a lit-

Sudáre, to sweat, to be in a
sweat, to perspire.-Si fard
sudar senza aver caldo, I
shall cut out work for you,
shall teaze you to death.-
Sudar sangue, to sweat, to
labour, to toil, to take pains.
Sudário, s. m. a towel. Not
used-Sudário, the holy
Sudáto, adj. sweated.-Tutto
sudato, all in a sweat.
Suddecáno, sub dean.
Suddétto, adj. above-said, or
Suddiaconáto, s. m. the order
of a sub-deacon.
Suddiácono, ta sub-deacon, a
clergyman next to a dea-


Súddito, s. m. subject, vassal.


-Suddito, adj. subject,
bound, liable.
Suddividere, to subdivide.
Suddivisióne, s. f. subdivision.
Súdduplo, adj. subduple, when
any number or quantity is
contained in another twice:
thus three is said to be the
subduple of six, and six is
double of three.
Súdicio, adj. nasty, filthy,
greasy. Sudice mazzale, hea.
vy blows.

Sudicióne, s. m. a nasty ras-
Sudiciotto, adj. a little nasty
filthy, or greasy.-Una sudi-
ciotta, s. f. a slut.
Sudiciúme, s. m. nastiness,
filthiness, sluttishness.
Sudóre, s. m. sweat, sweat-
Sudorifico, adj. sudorifick.
Svecchiare, to take off old
things. Swecchiare un reggi
mento, to take away the old
soldiers out of a regiment,
and put young ones in their


any thing fit to wake sleepers. Svégliere, to pull, to root, to pluck out.

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Svegliévale, adj. that is soon
or easily awaked.-
sveglierole, a light sleep.
Sveglione, s. m. an hautboy.
Sveláre, to unveil, to disco-
ver, to display, to unfold, to
reveal.-Svelare gli occhi ad
to open somebody's
eyes.-Svelúrsi, to discover
or make one's self known to


Svelatamente, adv. openly, in
an uncovered manner.
Sveláto, adj. unveiled, disco.
vered, displayed.--Svelata
verità, the naked truth.
Svelenáre, to take away the

Svelenársi, to vent or breathe
one's anger.

Svelenire, to appease, to allay, to mitigate. Svéllere, to root up, to pluck up by the roots. Svelliménto, s. m. rooting up, plucking up by the roots. Svegghiaménto, v. Sveglia-Sveltezza, s. f. dexterity, nim




Svelto, adj. rooted up, plucked
up by the roots.Suelto,
free, easy, thin, small, slen-
der, nimble.- Una donna di
statura svelta, a woman of a
free easy shape.

Svegghiare, to awake, to wake, to rouse, to break one's sleep. --Segghiarsi, to wake or awake out of one's sleep. Svéglia, s. f. an old instrument to play upon.-Sveglia, he that plays upon the instru-Svembráre, to dismember, to ment called Sveglia.-S eglin, pull in pieces. Obs. an instrument of torture, Svembráto, adj. dismembered, made like a horse.-Sveglia, pulled to pieces. Obs. Svenáre, to open the veins.an alarm bell. Svenare una botte, to tap or Svegliamento, s. m. the awapierce à barrel or a cask.king. Svegliáre, to wake, to awake, Szendre, to kill. Poet. to rouse, to break one's sleep. Svenévole, adj. disagreeable, unacceptable, -Sveglidre, to excite, to in- unpleasant, cite, to provoke, to stir up, ungrateful. to quicken, to encourage.-Svenevolezza, s. f. disagreeableness an unacceptable, dis-Stegliarsi, to wake, to aagreeable thing. wake out of one's sleep.Svegliare, to end one's con- Svenevoláccio, adj. Svenevolonáccio, disagreeaversation at night. ble. unSvegliatézza, s. f. sagacity, Svenevolóne, quickness of wit, liveliness. Svegliato, adi, waked, awaked.

-Segliato, brisk, lively, sprightly. Un giovane sve. gliato, a brisk, sprightly youth.-Le vipere di fitto xerno conservano svegliato e potente il veleno, the vipers in the middle of winter, preserve their poison strong and vehement.

Sveliatújo, s. m. a larum-bell;


pleasant, unacceptable, un-
Svenevolúccio, adj. somewhat
disagreeable, unpleasant, un-

Sveniménto, s. m. a fainting-
fit, a swoon.
Svenire, to faint, to swoon a.
way, to fall into a swoon.
Sventáre, to fan, to winnow.
-Sventare grano, to winnow
corn.-Sventare una vena, to

-Sventare una mina, fos breathe a vein, to let blood give vent to a mine, to counterwork or countermine it. Sventáto, adj. fanned, winnowed.- Scentáto, giddyheaded, thistle-brained, hairbrained, rash, foolish, lightheaded.Uno sventát, a thistle-brained, hairbrained,

or rash man.

Sventolamento, s. m. the act
of any thing flying about.
Sventolánte, adj. flying
Sventoláre, to fan, to winnow
winnow corn.-Srento-
Sventolare del grano, to fan,
lare, to fly about.-Era it
sol chiaro el aura sventolave
le bandiere con viste molto
grata, it was a sun-shiny day,
and the air made the colours


fly about, which made a fine sight.-Ma se fortuna la mia rela sventola, but if fortune favours me.-Sventolare uni secrete, to divalge, to discover, to publish a secret. Sventoláto, adj. fanned, winnowed, v. Sventoláre.-Terre sventolata, land exposed to the wind.

Sventráre, to draw, to bowel, to open, to paunch, to gut.— Srentrare, to run through the belly.

Sventráto, adj. drawn, bowel-

Sventúra, s. f. misfortune,
mischance, ill fortune, ill
luck, disaster, mischief.
Sventuratamente, adv. unhap-
ply, unluckily, unfortunate-
ly, miserably.
Sventuráto, adj. unfortunate,
miserable, wretched, unhap-
pv, unlucky.-O sventurata,
che si dirà da' tuoi fratelli, Ó
wretch that you are, what
will your brothers say?.
Sventurata me! wretch that
I am.
Sventurósó, adj. unhappy, mi-
serable, unfortunate, wretch.
ed.-Ohime sventuroso! alas!
poor me! wretched me!
Svenúto, p. p. of Svenire.→
Svenuto, adj. tired, fatigued.
Svenuto, dismayed, dis-
couraged, dashed, put under
a consternation.
Svergheggiare, to whip,
lash, to scourge.
Svergheggiato, adj. whipped,
lashed, scourged.


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Everginaménto, s. m. defloraSvegináre, to deflower.Beergindre una cosa, to begiu to make use of a thing, to be the fist that makes use of


Stergognamento, & m. impudence, stuciness, effrontery. Svergoguāriza, v. Svergogna

mento. Ob..


Sufficente, adj. apt, capable,
1 fil, proper, sufficient,

Sufficientemente, adv. suth-
ciently, enough, well enongh,¦

Svezzáre, to wean.--Suez- Carta sugante, sucking pa zdre un bombino, to wean a per. child, to take it from nurse. Sugáre, to suck. Not usedSvezzarsi, to wean one's self Sugar la mammella, to suck the breast.- Sugare, to bla. Questa carta suge, the pa per blots.-Sugáre, to draw up, to attract.——. Se il caldo del sole hon sugasse la sutochie umidità, l'œere st core 1 remperebbe, if the heat of the Stergognare, to dishonour, to Sufficienza, s. f. sufficiency, un did not attract the superdisgrace, to debase, to dispa- competency.--Sufficienza,apt-fluous humidity of the earth, rage, to discredit. - Seergog-ness, capacity, ability.-Suf-the air would be infectel. ficienza, plenty, copiousness, Suggellamento, s. m. sealing a "abundance, store.—A sufici- | letter. enza, adv. sufficiently, pretty well, enough. Sutiocamino, s. m. v. Suffocazione. Obs. Suffocare, to sufle, to choak, to smother, to suffocate. dence, sauciness, effrontery. Obs. Svergognato, adj. dishonour-Suffocato, allj, stiflet, choaked, ed, disgraced, debased, dis- sacred, sufocated. Obs. credited.-S ergognato, mu-Suffocazóne, s. f. sutlocation, pudent, saucy. stoppage, suling, choaking, Svernaniéuto, s. m. a winter- smothang. Q5s.

náte, to ravish, to deflower. N; ergagaársi, to blush, to be ashamed. Svergognatamente, adv. impudentiv, saucily.- Discorerre svergognatamente, to talk mastily or bawdy.

Svergognatezza, s. f. impu

Suthaginco, adj. suffragan.-
Fescoto suffraganco, a suf-
fragan bishop.

རྟlg. Svernare, to winter, to take up one's winter quarters. "Sterndre, to be past winter.-Suffragante, adj. suffiagan. Prima che sverni non si pos-Suthagare to be advantageous, son calicare l'Alpi, one can- to be useful. not go over the "Aps betore the winter is over →→Scerndie, to chirp, to warble. to sing. Svemato, adj. wintered, e.

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Suffagio, s. m. help, assist-
ance, saccour, relet.-Saf-
frégio, vote, voice, suffrage
Sutfuínicamento, s. m. suffu-
miga ion, an external remedy,
Consisung of a decoction of
roots, herbs, flowers, and the
like, conveyed by smoke.
Suffun care, to suffumicate, to
convey the smoke from under-

Spertare, to empty the fishes
"buroi à drog net," b. Verta-Suducazione, s. f. v. Suf-
Sveriate, to divulge, to pub-; fumigio.

lish, to spread abroad, to suffunigiare, v. Suffumicare,
blab out. Obs.

Sverzi, S. f. chip, shaving of
wood.—Scerza, a kind of
sweet and brisk wine.
Sverzate, to chip, to cut to

Sverzato, adj. chipped, cut to
Svestire, to undress, to pull
or take off ong's cloaths.

Sugzelláre, to seal, to seal up.
-Suggellare una lettera, to
seal a letter.—Suggeiláre, to
print, or imprint, to impress
or fix in one's mino.-ig-
gelláre, to stop, to stop hand
or close.---Suggelldre, to
mark with a hot iron.- -Sug
llar uno nelle mani, to bum
one in the hand.
Suggellato, adj. sealed.
Sugecile, s. m. a seal.-Sug-
gélio, print, mark.—Saggelis
di confessione, secrecy, to
which the confesser is bound,
-Ve lo dico sotto suggello di
confessione, I tell it you as a
secret not to be revealed.
Suggello, height. tulness.—
Per suggello de' miei mali, to
complete my misfortunes.
Súggere, to suck.
Suggerire, to suggest, to
prompt.-Chi vi a suggerits
questo? who prompted you
to that?-Egli mi suggeri i
modo da forlo, he put me in
the way how to do it.
Suggerito, adj. suggested,

Suggestióne, s. f. suggestion,
solicitation, persuasion,

persuasory. Suggettamente, adv. servilely, slavishly, servant-like.--Tener uno suggėliamente, to keep

one under.

and its derivatives. Suffumigio, s. m. suffumica-Suggestivo, adj. persuasive, tion, the act of conveying a remedy by smoke. Suffusióne, s. 7. a suffusion, a disease in the eye, called a pin dud web. Suolamiento, s. m. a whistling --Sufoluménto, detetion, slander. Sutolate, to whistle.--Sufoldre, to hiss, to damu, to explocie.—Sufolare negli orcechị, to prompt one-Nufoshake, to vibrate. tare negli orecchi. to whisper. Svetraro, adj. cut off, speak-Sufolato, adj. whistled. of the tops of aces and Súfolo, s. 51. whistle. Sugante, Jaj. that bucks.

Svesti.si, to undress one's


Sletrare, to cut off the tops of uces or plants.--Scettare, to,

Suggettamento, s m. sub-
jecron, sisvery, dependance.
Suggettare, to subdue, to over-
come, to bring into subjec
Duggenáto, adj. subdued, con-

Saggettatore, s. m. a conquer -
or, he that governs or sub-

Puzzettino, s. M. a little sub

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