صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ject, a subject of no great con Sequence. Suggetto, s. m. the subject of a science, that which a science is conversant about.. Suggetto, subject, matter.

3visceráto, p. p. of Svisceris. -Sciscerato, excessive, Violent, passionate, hearty. Amore sviscerato, violent or excessive love.—Amico seisgera'o, a hearty, sincere, intimate friend.-Sviscerá o, s. 17). an intimate or hearty trend,

Svitáre, to disinvite.


sue stratia, to put a traveller out of his road.-S are an colpo, to shun or parry a blow.-Spiare uno dallo shitdio, to take one away from his study.--Siare uno d'ui suo¦ proposito, to dissuade one from his resolution.-Suidre, Seaársi, to go out of one's way, to miss one's way, to wander, to go astray.-Sciár- Sriture, to unscrew. si, to addict one's self to pica- Svitáto, p. p. of Svitare. sures.-S. irsi dalla vir á, Sviticchiare, to disintangle to forsake virtue.--Ella si to disengage, to rid of, to de svid tanto, che ella diven òg liver. comune e palese peccatrice, Senticchiarsi, to disentangle, she took so lewd a course of life, or disengage one's self, to get that she became a common rid of or from. and public sinner. Sviziare, to cure of vice. Sviáto, adj. strayed, wander- Sul, sing. m. a contraction of ing, debauched, loose, lewd. su and il. given to debauchery, wicked dissolute, wretched, profuse, prodigal.--Sciáto, adj. ruined, undone.

Suggetto d'una tragedia, o commedia, argunient, theme, subject, subject -matter of a tragedy or come dy-Suggetto, subject; vassal.Siggetto, occasion, cause, reason, matter. Suggétto, object, subject matter.-Suggéliq, a person, a subject.Si fece venire Pi Sone Luciniano, pincessegli il Suggelto, o spintovi come al cuni voglione da Lacone, he caused Piso Lucinianus to @ome to him; either that he liked the man, or was prompted to it, as some say, by Lacon-Un suggetto di grande slima, a person of great repu. tation.-Suggé to, adj. sub- Sviatore, s. m. debaucher, enject, obliged, table, bound. ticer, seducer. -Foi sapete che al dì d' Sviatrice, fem. of Sviatore. eggi tutta l' Africa e l' Eu- Svignáre, to run away, to take ropa è quasi suggetta agli to one's heels. A low word. Greci, you know that at pre-Svilire, to abase, to disgrace, sent almost all Africa and to disparage or undervalue, Europe is subject to the to make contemptibles Greeks.-Tutti quanti siamo Svillaneggiáre, to abuse, to afsoggetti alle leggi, we are front, to call names, to reall of us subjest to the laws. vile, to vilify. Suggeziono, s. f. subjection, Svillaneagiarsi, to abuse one slavery, dependence.--Tener another, to call one another uno in suggezione, to keep one names. under, or in awe. Svilianeggiato, p. p. of SvillaSughero, s. m. Į the cork-tree, neggiare. Súghera, s. f. cork. Sugliárdo, adj. slovenly, nasty, filthy. Obs. Sugna, s. f. swine's-grease. Sugnaccio, s. m. the fat which is about the kidney.-Sug. wiccio, grease. Sugnóso, adj. fat, greasy. Sugo, s. m. juice, moisture of plants, fruits, and flowers.Sugo di carne, the gravy of meat.-Suero, the substance or quintessence-Un discorso senza sugo, a dry, empty dis



Sugosità, s. f. moisture, juice. Sugáso, adj, juicy, full of juice.

Sviamento, s. m. a straving.
wandering, or going out of
the way, ill conduct.~.~
Sviare uno dalla, eror, mis-

Sviáre, to put out of the way.
Sviare un viaggiature dulla

Sviluppáre, to open, to un-
wrap, to unfold.—Svicappare,
to unravel, to open, to lay
open, to unfold, to clear.
Syilupparsi, to clear, to get
cicar, to free, to get out, to
disentangle, to disinincate
one's self, to get rid of or from.
Sviluppato, p. p. of Svilup

Svináre, to take the must off the vac

Svináto, p. p. of Svináre. Svisare, to disfigure somebo-; dy's face.

Svisáto, p. p. of Svisare. Sviscerare, to draw, to embowel, to open, to paunch,

to gut. Svisceratamente, adv. heartily, desperately, passionately, violently, extremely. Svisceratezza, s. f. violent love, extreme or violent passion,

Sultúreo, adj. sulphureous.
Suila, sing. f. upon the-Sulla
tanola, upon the table.-Suiz
la sera, towards the evening.
Sullunáre, adj. sublunary, that
is under the orb of the moon.
Sultána, s f. the sultaness, the
saltan's wife.-Su'túna, a sul-
tana, a large furkish man of

Sultáno, s. m. the sultan, the
grand signior.
Sulcanino, s. m. a sultanine, at
Turkish coin.iso suita-
nino, a particular kind of rice,
very good, that comes from '
Samministrare, to furnish, to`
supply, to provide, to give, to
afford. Obs.
Samministráto, adj. furnished,
|"supplied, provided, given, or
afforded. 'Obs.
Sunto, s.m. abridgment, ab.
stract, epitome, summary,
Sunsamente, adv. sumptu-
Cously, splendidly, magnifi
centiy, nobly.'
Suntuosità, s. f. sumptuous-
ness, costliness, splendour,
Sun, his or her. Isua giar
dino, his or her garden
La sua vilia, his or her coun-
try-seat:-I suoi tibri, huis of
her books.-Le sur case, his
or her houses.-Suv, their,
theirs -i tribuni parve in-
ogo e tempo d' assalire i suoi
a versuri, the tribanes
thought it high time to at-“
tack their enemies. Let
sempre come sua spora e
moglie amo, he loved her

crook, to turn.—Svolláre uno, | Superbiosaménte, adv. proué-
to persuade one, to prevail ly, haughtily. Not in use.
with him.
Superbióso, adj. haughty,
proud, arrogant, self-conceit.
ed, stately. Obs.
Superbire, to grow proud, to
be puffed up.

Svoltáto, adj. bowed, bent,
turned, crooked.

always as his spouse and
wife.---Aver le sue, toccar
le sue, to be well banged or
threshed.-Far delle sue, to
play the fool.-E' fa sempre
delle sue, he is always play-Svoltatóre, he that bends,
ing his tricks-Il suo, his, bows, turns,or makes crooked,
his own, hers, her own.-Svolto, adj. opened, unwrap-
Di chi è questo libro? è suo, ped, unfolded-S olto, per-
whose book is this? it is his suaded, prevailed upon.
or hers-Spendere il suo, to Svólvere, to open or lay open,
spend one's own.- suvi, his to unfold, to unwrap.-Sél-
or her relations or friends. vere, to dissuade from.
Suócera, s. f. mother-in-law. Suóno, s. m. sound, noise..
Suócero, father-in-law.
Un suono acuto, a shrill or
Svogliáre, to take away one's sharp sound.-Un suono ar-
stomach, to make to loath, to monioso, an harmonious
put out of conceit -Ne far sound.—Il suono delle cam-
peggio può donna che lasci- pane, the sound of bells
arsi svogliar l' amante, Il suono di qualsisia sorta di
woman cannot do a worse moneta. the jingling of mo-
thing than to let her lover ney.-Suono, an instrument
grow tired of her.
to play upon. Suono, music
Svogliarsi, to be or grow out Di canto di enne maestro e
of conceit, to grow weary, to di suono, he became a sing-
begin to loath.
ing and music master.-


Svogliataggine, s. f. v. Svogli-Suono, a song, the words of a song-Suono, fame, renown, repure, reputation, credit,


Svogliatello, s. m. that has no
great eagerness for labour, or
any other thing.
Svogliatézza, s. f. satiety, bad
stomach, surfeit.
Svoghiáto, adj. that loaths meat,
surfeited, out of conceit, weary


Svolaménto, s. m. a flying or
Svoláre, to Яly.
Svoláto, adj. flown.
Svolazzamento, s. m. a flying
or flight.
Svolazzante, adj. flying about.
Svolazzáre, to fly about.-
Svolazzáre, w clap the
Svolazzato, adj. flown about.
Svolazzatore, s. m. he that
flies about.

Svolazzo, v. Svolazzamento.
Svolére, the opposite of to

Syólgee, to open, to unwrap, to unfold.-Svolgere, to dissuade.

Sualo, s. m. earth, ground, floor, land, soil, bottom, ground, pavement.- Suol marino, the sea. Suolo, the sole of a shoe-Suolo, the sole of a foot.→→Suolo, the hoof. Suolo, layer, berl. Svoltaménto, s. m. a bowing bending, turning, or winding

[blocks in formation]


Superbito, adj. grown proud,
haughty, or arrogant.
Superbiúzza, s. f. a little pride
or vanity,

Supérbo, adj. proud, haughty,
self-conceited. - Supérte,
stately, sumptuous, noble,
magnificent, costly, rich.
Superbóné, adj. very proud,
haughty or arrogant.
Superbúzzo, adj. a little proud,
haughty, or arrogant.
Superchiáre, v. Soperchiare,
and its derivatives.
Supercilio, s. m. v. Sopraccig

Supererogazióne, s. f. Super-
abundance, overdoing.
Superficiale, adj. superficial,
slight, imperfect.
Superficialità, s f.outwardness,
abstractness of superficial.
superficialmente, adv. super

Superficie, s. f. superficies, sur-
Superfluaménte, adv. superfi=-

Superfluità, s. f. superfluity, that which is more than needs, overplus, excess. SupérЯuo, adj. superfluous, over-much, more than needs, unnecessary, idle, needless, unprofitable.

Superatrice, fem. of Supera-Superióre, s. m. superior, chief.
-li superiore, o padre supe-
Superbaménte, adv. proudly, riore d'un convento, the supe
arrogantly, haughtily, stately. rior of a convent. —
La supe
- Supertamente, stately, riora d' un monastero, the su
sumptuously, costly, magni- perior of a monastery, the su-
ficently, nobly, richly. perior of a monastery.—Su-
Superbétto, adj. a little proud, periore, adj. superior, upper,
uppermost.--Rester superiore,
Supérbia, s. f. pride, arrogance, to surmount, to overcome, to
haughtiness, vain-glory. be superior, to get the better.
Superbiaménte, v. Superba-Superiorità, s. f. superiority,
mente. Obs.
Superbiáre, . Superbire.
Superbiénte,adj. proud, haugh-
ty, arrogant.Superbiénte,
predominant, bearing chief
sway or rule.-Umore super-
biente, the predominant hu-


pre-eminence, excellence above others. Supériorità in un comento, superiority, or being superior in a monastety. Superlativamente, adv. superlatively, in the surperlative degree.


Gyoltáre, to bend, to bow, to


Supérbio, adj. proud, haughty,
stately, arrogant, self-conceit-

Superlativo, adj. superlative,
eminent, extraordinary.—Su-
perlativo grado, superlative

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Superstiziosamente, adv. su-Suppórre, to suppose, to take
Superstizioso,adj. superstitious,
scrupulous in matters of reli-
gion, bigotted, over-nice.
Superstizioso, s. m. super-
stitious or bigotted man.
Supinamente, adv. supinely,
Supinársi, to lie supinely, or

for granted, to put the case. -
Suppongasi che sia come voi
dite, suppose, or put the case.
it be as you say.-Supporre,
to put under.
Suppositério, s. m. suppository,
a medicine to loosen the bel-
Supposizióne, s. m. a supposi-
tion, a thing taken for grant-

on one's back.
Supino, adj. flat, lying on the
ground with the face upwards. Suppósta, s. f. suppository, a
Gracer supino, tu lie on one's medicine to loosen the belly.
back.-Supino, supine, idle, Supposto, adj. supposed, grant-
cueless, negligent.-Supino, ed.-Supposto, che sia così,
adv. on one's back.-Supino, suppose, or put the case it be
adv. supinely, carelessly, neg-so.-Suppústo, s. m suppo-
ligently, idly.-Supino, s. m. sition, supposal, thing taken
for granted.
supine, a term in the Latin

Suppa, s. f. soup, pattage.
Suppálido, ad.. palish, some-Suprémo, adj. supreme, high-
what pale.

Suppellettile, s. m. houshold goods, implements, furniture, all things moveable within the house.

Súpplica, s. f. petition, memorial.

Supplicantemente, adv. obsequiously, in a supplicating

[blocks in formation]

est, chiefest, or most eminent
of all-Suprema bont, the
supreme or highest goodness

a thick forest, in the middle of desart valleys.-L'acqua che vedi non surge di. enn, the

water that you see does not come out of a spring.-Surgere, to rise, to spring, to proceed, to begin to come out. Nullo errore può surgere da ciù, no mistake can arise from that.-Chiara fontana in quel medesimo bosco surge d' un sasso, in that same wood a clear spring gushes out of a -Surgere to pass or

stone on th

go over. E perchè sa notar
come una lontra entra nel fi,
ume e surge all' altra ri a-
and because he can swim like
an otter, he gets into the ri
ver, and passes over to the
other side.

Surressióne, s. f. resurrection,
a rising again from the dead.
Surrettizio, adj. surreptitious,
fraudulent, done by stealth,
gotten or produced fraudu-

surrogare, to surrogate, to de-
pute, to appoint in the room
of another.

Surrogáto, adj. surrogated, deputed, appointed. Surrogazióne, s. f. surrogation, the act of appointing a deputy.

[ocr errors]

Supremaménte, adv. supreme-Sure, adj. risen, come out.
ly, highly.
Suse taménto, s. m. resurec-
tion rising from the devi.
Suscitamento, solicitation, in-
stigation, persuasion.
Suscitare, to rise from the
dead. Obs.--Suscitare, to
raise, to raise up. to create,
to kindle, to provoke to stir
up, to suscitate. --Susci are
una ribellione. to raise a re-
bellion -Suscitar tumulti,
to create troubles.-Suseitare
il fuoco, to blow the fire.
Suscitato, adj. ra.sed.
Suscitatóre he that rises again
from the dead. Obs. Sus-
citatóre, encourazer, instiga-
tor enticer, star on.-Sus-
citatore di vizj, encourager

La suprema ragione dell'
aria, the upper region of the
air. Surema possanza, the
supreme power.
grado, the highest degree.
It is never
Sur, prep. upon.
used but sometimes new be-
fore a vowel.--Sur una se-
dia, upon a chair.
Surgente, adj. rising, gushing.
or coming out --1 surgenti
raggi, the rising beams of the
sun, the rising sun-La sur-
gente aurora, the dawn, the
peep of day. --Acqua surgente,
spring water.


Srgere to rise, to get up, to!
stand up -Nel mezzo del
pianura surge un colle
rises in the middle of ine
plain Surge non lunge alte
Christiane ende tra solitarie
valli alta foresta, not far
from the Christian camp lies,

[ocr errors]

Suscitatrice. s. f. enticer, setter on, encourager.-Suscitatrice di brigne, a turbulent


Susina, s. f. a plum.
Susino, s. m. a plum-tree.
Suso, adv. up above, upon.
Andur suso, to go up.
Susorniáre, to whisper, to

mutter, to speak softly. Obs.] the angels. - Sustánża, the tion of sour milk, sugar, and Susonióne, s. m, a sullen or substance, the most material herbs. sly man. Obs.

part of a discourse.--In sus- Suzzaménto, s. m. drying or Susórno, s. m. suffumication, ianza, in short. --Sustánze, airing betore the fise. Obs. an external remedy, consist- estate, goods, wealth. Suzzánte, adj. drying, airing ing of a decoction of roots, Sustanziale, adj. substantial, before the fire. Obs. herbs, flowers, and the like. essential, real. -Sustanziale, Suzzáre, to dry, to air before -Susurno, a knock on the substantial, thick, strong, so- the fire. Obs. pate.

lid, pithy.

Suzzáto, adj. dried, aired. Suspensióne, s. f. a suspension Sustanzialità, s. f. substantia. Obs. or cessation.-Suspension d'licy, essence, the being sub-Suzzatore, s. m. drier, that armi, a suspension or cessa- stantial or existent, exist. dries. Obs. tion of arms, a truce.--Sus. ence.

Suzzo, adj. dried, aired. Obe. pensione, a suspension from Sustanzialmente, adv. sub. the exercise of clerical orders. stantially, in a substantial Suspicáre, to suspect, to fear,

manner, essentially. to mistrust.

Sustanziársi, to take his subSuspicato, adj. suspected, fear- stance or being, to exist. ed, mistrusted.

Sustanziévole, Suspizione, s. f. suspicion, jca. Sustanzioso, tial, essenlousy, fear, distruse. tial, real, solid, existing:

T. Susseguénte, adj. subsequent, Vivanda sustanziosa, substan

immediately following, com- tial, solid food. ing next after.

Sustentazine, s. f. mainteSusseguentemente, adv. subse- nance, keeping, food.

quently, successively, imme- Sustituire, io substitute, to diately after.

put in the room of another, TABACCO, s. m. cobaeSusseguénza, s. m. the conse- to subrogate.--Sustituire, to CO.---Fumare o masticare dei .quence. ertail.

talácen, to smoak or chew Sussidin, s. m. subsidy, help, Sustituto, s. m. a substitute. tobacco.-Tabacco in polvere, assistance.--Sussidio, sug

-Sustituito, adj. substitut- latacco na naso, snuff. gestion, a prompting or put


Tabállo, s. m. a kettle-drum. ting into one's mind, insinua- Sustituzione, s. f. substitution. Poet. tion.

Susurráre, to whisper, 80 Tabáno, s. m. an ox-fly, or Sussiégo, s. m. gravity, seri- speak softly, to murmur. gad-bee. Si susurra per la città, it is Tabarráccio, s. m.

aa old Sussistenza, s. f. subsistence, whispered about the town. patched cloak. being. --Sussisténza, subsist Susurráto, adj. whispered. Tabárro, s. m. cloak. .ence, sustenance, subsistence Susurréta, s. m. susurration, Tabarróne, s m. a large cloak. money.


Tabbeáto, adj. rolled, rotten. Sussistere, to subsist, to exist, Susurratóre, a backbiter, slan- Obs. to stand, to be, to continue, derer.

Tabélla,s, f. a rattle. Ta to have a being.- Questa ra Susurratrice, femin. of Susur-vélla, a great talker, a blab. gion non sussiste, that reason

Tabernacolétto, dim. of Ta. is not good.

Susurrazione, s. f. susurra- bernacolo. Sussuláno, s. m. the east-Susurro, s. m. S tion, Tabernácolo, s. m. a tabernawind.

whispering, noise, murmur. cle, Susta, s. f. packing.cord, rope. Susurróne, s. m. backbiter, Tabì, s. m. tabby. -Mettere in susta, to tie with slanderer.

Tacca, s. f. a notch..Tacce, a rope.

Suto, adj. been. Obs, or poet. a tally:-Tucca, a notch on. Sustánte, adj. standing. Obs Suiderfúgio, s. m. subterfuge, the edge of a knife or any

-Rizzarsi in susiante, to evasion, escape, shift, a hole other cutting weapon.stand up, to rise. to creep out a:.

Tacca, a little spot.Tacca, Sustantivo, adj. that may Suttráre, v. Sottrarre.

spot, blemish, stain, blur. stand by itself, substantive, Suttrazione, s. t. subtraction. Tocca d' infamia, a note of substantial.--Verlo sustan- Suveráto, adj. corked. --Rete infamy.-Tacca, vice, fault, tivo, a substantive verb, a sucerata, a corked net. defect, default, blemish imverb chat subsists by itself.- Scarpe sur erate, corked perfection, ill quality.---Tac.. Nume sustanti:0, a noun sub- shoes.

ca, size, pitch, stature.-Bel. stantive, a noun or word that Súvero, s. m, a cork-tree... la tacca d' uomo, a man of subsisus by itself. Súvero, cork.

good size.--Egli è un uomo Sustánza, s. f. substance, es. Suvversióne, s. f. subversion, della mia tarca, he is a man sence, being, matter, reality, turning upside-down, over- of my size.-Acre sotto la quiddity, the essence, os be- throw.

tacca del zoccolo, to have z ing of a shing.--Şustanza an. Suvvertire, v. Sovvertire. thing in one'ssleeve or thumb, felica, an angelical substance, Suzzácchera, s. f. a composi- to have it at one's disposal e



power. Stare sotto la tacca del zoccolo, to be under one's direction or command, to be under his rod.

Taccagno, adj, niggardly, pe-nurious, stingy, pitiful, sordid,


Taccagnóne, s.'m. a great mi


Taccato, adj. speckled, spotted.

Aver taccata la coda di mal pelo, to be of a revengeful temper or mind. Taccherella, s. f. dim. of Tacca.-Taccherella, a spot, blemish, blur, stain, defect, default, imperfection, vice, fault.

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Tafáno, s. m. ox fly, dung-fly,
gad-bee.- Levarsi all' alha
de' tafani, to rise or get up
late in the morning.
Taflería, s. f. a wooden hand-

Tafferúglio, s. m. noise, quar-
rel, bustle, hurly-burly, con-
fusion, trouble, tumult.
Taffetà, s. f. taffety.-Taffeta,

quello che ognuno sa, you
need not keep as a secret what
every body knows.--.Machi
ne parla ogn' altra cosa tace,
but they who speak of it, do
not say the particulars of it.-
Tacersi, to be quiet or still, to
make no noise, to hold one's
tongue. Chi tace consente,
silence gives consent.---Ta
tére, s. m. silence.- -Senza a scarf, a veil.
compagnia ando per li mu-Táglia, s. f. a cut, the act of
toli taceri della mezza notte, catting- -Taglia, a tax or
without any company he subsidy. Taglia reale, a
went in the dead of the land-tax. Taglia personale,
poll-tax, poll-money-Tag-
lia, a ransom.—— -Taglia, a
sum of money promised or
given to one that kills high-
waymen or rebels, a reward.
-Tagka, share, portion, part.
-Taglia, alliance. Obs.-
Essere in taglia, to be in alli-
ance, to be allied. Obs.~~
Taglia, device. Obs.-Tag-
lia, livery. Obs.--Taglia,
fashion, manner.--
will, pleasure -Quando tu
vuogli partire questo è in tua
taglia, if you have a mind to
go, you may please yourself.
Taglia, tally.---Taglia, na-
ture, quality, kind.-Taglia,
a pulley.

Tacibile, adj. that ought to be
kept secret, not fit to be
spoken of. Not used.-Pec-
cato tacibile, an horrible or
heinous sin.

Táccia, s. f. blur, blemish,
-spot, stain, blot in one's repu-
tation or honour.--Uomo di
mala taccia, a man of a bad
character or reputation.
Tacciare, to tax, to charge, to
blame, to accuse.--Tacciar
uno d'avarizia, to tax or
.charge one with avarice.
Táccio, s. m. ex. fare un tac-Taciménto, s. m. silence, still.
cio, to end, to make an end.
-Veggiam di fare un taccio
di questo negozio, let us en-
deavour to make an end of
this affair, let us speak no
more of this.
Táccola, s. f. chough, daw,
jackdaw.--Taccola, play,
sport, pastime, game, prank,
trick of youth.-Taccola,
babbling, prating, chattering.
--Taccola, trifle, nonsense,
thing of no value or estima-

Taccolare, to prate, to prattle,
to twitrie-twattle, to gabble,
to babble, to chatter.
Taccolata, s. f. babbling, prat-
ing, chattering.
Taccolato,adj. prated, prattled,
gabbled, chattered.
Taccolino, s. m. a kind of
speckled stuff-Taccolino,
prattler, babbler, blab.
Taccone, s. m. a piece of sole
to mend shoes with, a heel-

Tacénte, adj. silent, still, of a
tew words.-Notte tacente, a
silent, still night.
Taccuino, s. m. a small alma-
nack, a memorandum book.
Tacére, to hold one's tongue or
one's peace, or one's prating,
to be silent, to forbear talk-
ing, to keep silence.-Tac,
hold your tongue Mi ri-
pigneva là dove il sol tace, be

ness, quietness.
Tacitaménte, adv. tacitly, qui-
etly, secredy, silently.-Ta-
citamente colla sua gente nel-
la terra entrato, having en-
tered the town silently with
his people.--In casa di lei ta-
citamente avea falto fare un
bagno, he had secretly made,
a bath in her house. La
moglie ka tutti i beni del ma-
rito tacitamente par la dote
sua, the wife has implicitly
all her husband's estate en-
tailed on her for her portion.
Tácito, adj. silent, quiet, still.

Tagliabórse, s. m. a pickpocket.

Tagliacantóni, s. m. bully, ruffian.


-Star tacito, to be quiet or Tagliaménto, s m. a cutting, saill. convito, che tacito a pulling down.-Tagliamen principio avuto avea, ebbe so- to, slaughter, massacre. rone fixe, the feast which at Tagliáre, to cut, tu cut off, to first had been quiet and silent, cut out, to cut down, was very noisy at last.-Taci- carve, to fell.-Tagliare in to, tacit, not expressed, im- pezzi, to cut in pieces.-Tagplicit. Tácita questione, dubliare della carne, to cut meat. bio che si potrebbe muovere, -Tagliare un albero, to cut an implicit question.-Tácito. or fell a tree-Tagliar la tes adv. silently, quietly, softly.ta ad uno, to cut off someGuardar una cosa tacito, to look silently at a thing without speaking. Taciturnità, s. f. taciturnity, silent humour, silence. Tacitúrno, adj. silent, of few words, close, reserved.Tacitúrno, quiet, still, silent.-E voi solinghi e taciturni orrori and you solitary and silent horrors or deserts.-Tacitur

body's head.--Tagliar una borsa, to cut a purse.--Taghiar un alito, to cut a suit of cloaths.-Tagliar le carte, to cut the cards.-Tagliare, to cut down corn, to reap.- Tag. liar l'erba, to mow the grass, ~Tagliar le calze, to slander, to speak ill, to detract, to traduce-Tagliare un albero fra due terre, to cut down a

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