صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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cadrà in taglio, I shaft speak
of that in another place,]
where it will better fit my

tree under the ground.—Ta-| in altro luogo dove meglio mi |
gliare, end, to finish, to
make an end.--Tugi are il ri-
gionamento, to end, to make
an end of a discourse.-Ta-purpose.-Vi andrò domani se
ghar le parole aluno, to cut mi-errà in aglio, Ishal. go
one short to silence him
there to-morrow, if it suits
Tagliare secondo il panno, to
cut one's cost according to
the cloth-Tagliare le ligne
addoso di chi che si sia, to
slan fer one. Tegliare, to set
a price upon one.
Tagliata, s. f. slaughter, mas-
sacre.-Tagliata, esplanade,
-Fare una tagiiuta to threat-
en, to swagger, to vapour.

Tagliatelli, s. m. pl. a kind of paste cut in small slices Commonly used in broth. Tachiato, adj. cut.-Tagtidto, cut, wounted.. -Tagláto shaped, made.-Un uomo ben taglia o, a man weil shaped. Tagható.e. s. m. a cutter.---Taghatore di legne, a wood cleaver, a feiler of wood.. Tugliatore di pietre, a stone

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my convenience. Questo
panno ha buon taglio, there's
cloth enough to make a suit
of cloths.-Taglio, cutang.
-Questo sarto ha un taglio
mirabile ne vestiti, this taylor
has a good hand in cutting out
a suit of cloaths.-Essere in
taglio in che che si siu, to fail
out as one would have it.—
Non ci eggo taglio di metter
lolla ragione, I do not see
which way I
may bring him
to reason -Per nessun modo
in questo panno non ci conos-
co taglio, for my part, all this
is a mystery to me, I cannot
see how this can be done
Nel poco parlare è ogni buon
taglio, few words are best.—
Taglio, a cur.-Fare un tag.
lis, to make an incision.
Vendere a taglio, to sell by
retail.- Dare una cosa a tax-
lio, to give a thing upen trial

fic'e tale da farmi para, you are not a man to fnghin me.-Ve lo do tale che è̟, I give it you such as it is-Gli diè tale sulla coppa d capo, che lo fece cascar in te ra morto, he gave him such a blow upon the pate, that se knocked him down deadUn tale, such a man-Take, such.- fu il talc ed il tut, there was such and such acne. -Non sono le mie bellezveda lasciare amare nè de quat,

my beauties are not to be admired by this and that.Condursi a tale, giugnere tale, to be reduced or brought to some condition -Fi con doito a tale che non a eva paNe da mangiare, he was brought so low, that he bad not a bit of bread to put in his mouth.- La sua arrogan. za è giunte a tale che non SI può più sogrire, his arrogance is come to such a pitch, that it is not to be borne any longer.-Tal uno, some, some people.-Tal che, so that. In iale, in such a madner-Tul quale such.-E al ostro comando tale quale è, such as it is you shall be welcome to it.-1 tale, such

a one.

ressey. Taglione s. m. the talion law, a punishment proportionate to the offence, as hand for hand, eye for eye, &c.. Tagnóla, s. f. gin, snare, spring-Coglier alle tagiu-Talentáre, to please. to be ac ole, to catch in the snare.Taglinela, a pulley. Tagliuolo, s. m a little bit, a Intle :ice.

Taléa, s. f. a stock set in theground to graft on, a graft.

Taglientemente, adv. in a cut-Tagliuzzaménto, s. m. a cutting very small, a muncing. Tagliuzzáre, to mince, to cut

ung manner.

Tagliore, s. m. a trencher.
Tagliero S

-Essere C

stare a tagliere con uno, to eat and drink together, to live together, to board, to be a boarder.-Essere due ghiotti ad un tagliere, to be like two dogs at a bone. Taglicrétto, trencher.

very small..

Talabalacco, s. m. a Moorish
musical instrument used in
war, a kind of kettle-drum.
Talacimánno, s. m. a person
among the Saracens and
Turks, who from the top of
the tower calls the people to
the temple.
Tám, s. m. the nuptial bed.

ceptable or agreeable. Talentáto, p. p. of Talentare. Talento, s. m. will, mind, pleasure, inclination, desire, fancy.-Nruno altro talento ho che di servirti, 1 have no other desire but to serve you. -Più non t' è uopo apirmi il tuo talento, you need not open your mind to me any farther.-Ho gran talento di mangiare, I have a great mind to eat.-Sommetter la ragione al talento, to submit reason to pleasure.-Pur se talento mai e sì strano e si fol le a te venisse, yet if ever such a strange and foolish fancy should come into your head.-Tuo mal talento, in spight of your teeth.-Mal talento, ill will.--Tutto pieno di mal talento gli disse, very angrily or roughly told him.

s. m. a smal!

Taglio, s. m. the edge.-Il taglio d' una spada, the edge o a sword. Spada a due taghi, a two-edged sword.-Ferir d' taglio, to cut, to slash-Tag lo, slaughter, massacre.-Mettere al taglio della spada, to put to the sword.-Cadere venire in taglio, to fit one's purpose, or to suit with one's convenience,-Parlerò di ciò

Talco, s. m. talck, a transpa

rent stone.

Tile adj. such, like.-Non

è tal cosa, there is no such
thing-Egli fu tale e di tan'a
forza, che, he was so prodi-
digiously strong, that.-Non
ho mai visto cosa tale, 1
never saw the like.-Foi non

Talento, a talent --Talénto, gift endowment, parts, A word lately imported from

France in this signification. Tampúco, adv. nor, not only,
Talióne, v. Tiglione.

Tallire, to seed, to grow up

to seed.

Tallito, adj. seeded


Tana, s. f. a cen, a cave.-Ta-
na, a hole, a furrow, a

Tallo, s. m. the stalk of any Tanacéto, s. m. tansy, an

herb when it grows up to seed, a sprout.—-Tallo, a graft, the slip of a tree.-Ri mettere il tallo, to grow up, again, to bring forth again.-Rimettere un tallo sul vecchio, for an old man to grow strong and jolly.



Taniglia, s. f. pincers or rip-
pers.-Condamnare alla tan-
glia, to condemn one to have
his flesh torn off with hot

so much virtue, so much modesty, that.-Sessanta e 4an i scudi, threescore and odd crowns.-In quaranta e tanti anni che ha 788uto in l'alia in the space of fortv years, and upwards, that le lived in Italy.—To darofles & tante, che io ti farò tristo per tuito 'l tempo che tu vivrai, I will give you so many blows, that you shall feel it as long as you live.-Glone disse ante, he abused him so much, he called him so many names.-Tanto, adv.. so many, so. much.-Tanto prego e tanto scongiurò, 'che, he prayed and begged so much, thật.—Quanto il padre è stato uomo dabbene, janto il figlio è perverso e iniquo, as much as the father was an honest man, so much the son is wicked and pervers. Tanto seppe operare che l' indusse alle sae voglie, he did so well, that he induced her to do his will.-Di questo fu egli tanto lieto che non tenea nella pelle, he was so glad of it, that he was almost mad for joy.-Tanto piccoli che grandi, both small and great. -Tanto per uno, so much a -head. Quanto più l'amo, tauto più egii m' odia, the more I love him, the more he hates me.-Tanto, as long, so long as. Tanto che riverd, as long as I live.-A tanto, to that degree.--La sua arzoganza è venuta a tanto che s' è reso odioso a tutti, his arrogance is come to that de gree, that he has made himself odious to every body.Ta to, so much, so, to that degree, in such a manner.Tamo tanto, che nessuno pud amati di più, I love you so much, that nobody can love you more.-Tant' è, so it Tamburo, a trunk.-Tamburo, Tantinétto, s m a very little. is.-Da tanto, so valiant, so a box which is kept in Flo- Tantino, s. m. a lit.de.--Ab- strong, so courageous.-Mai rence publicly, commonly biate un tantino di pazienza, fui da tanto da poterlo supefixed at the gites of the have a little patience. houses of the magistrates, Tanto, so many, as many, so whe ein people put their much, as much.-lo ho tan z accusations or impeach- libri, quanti mi bosognano. I have as may books as I want-Ne ho tanti che non so che farne, I have so many that I know not what to do with them -Ha tanta virtù. tanta modestia, che, he has

pincers.-Non ho potuto ca-
vargli di bocca una parola.
colle tanaglie, I could not,
my blood, get a word out
of his mouth.

Tallóne, s. m. the heel.
Taiménte, adv. so, in such a
manner. Lo maltrattò tal-Tanagliéta, s. f. nippers.
mente che non sò come i sof. Tane, adj. tawny, dun, dark.
fra, he abused him so, that Tantanáre, to pester, to plazue,
wonder how he could bear it. to teaze, to bang, to beat
-Talmente che, so tilat. soundly.
Talóra, adj. sometimes,
Talótta, S now and then.
Talpa, e Talpe, s. f a mole.-
E andato nel regno delle tal-
pe, he is gone, he is dead and

Talúno, some.
Talvólta, adv. sometimes, now
and then.


Tanko, s m. a damp or strong
smell, proceeding from cor
rupt water or mouldy earth,
that has not been stirred a
long time-Botte che sente
il tanfo a mouldy cask.
Tangente, adj. tangent, that
touches, touching, the geo-
metrical appellation of a right

Tamanto, adj. so great, so big, line perpendicularly raised on
so large.
Tamarindo, 6. m. tamarind, a
sort of Indian tree.

the extremity of a radius,
which touches a circle so as
not to cut it.

Tamarisco, s. m. tamarisk, a
kind of shrub.
Tambellóne, s. m. a kind of,

Tamburáccio, s. m. a large
old drum.-Famburáccio, ta-

Tamburagione, s. f. accusation,
Tamburáre, to accuse, to im-


Tángere, to touch, to move, or
afkeer. Poetical.
Tangheréllo, adj. somewhat
rustical or clownish
Tanghero adj. rustical, clown-
ish boorish, rude, homely.-
Tanghero, s m. a clown, a
rustick, a boorish fellow.
Tangibile, adj. tangible, that
may be touched, or that is
sensible to the touch.

di delito, to accuse or im-Tantaféra, s. f. nonsense, fus-
peach one ct a crime.
Tamburato p. p. of Tambu-


tian, a discourse that nobody
knows what to make of.
Tanteferáta, s. f. the same as

Tamburello, s m. a little
Tamburino, drum, a tim-Tangóccio, adj. sottish, silly,
bret.--Tamburino, a drummer. simple, foolish, foppish,
Tamburo, s. m. a drum.


Tambussáre, to bang, to beat
Tamerice, s. m.
Tamerige, s. m.
Tamerigia, s. f.



rare, I never was strong enough to beat him.-Non ri credo da tanto, I do not take you to be such an able man.-Tanto, only, but.-1 conosceresti ? tanto che lo reda, could you know him? if I could but see him. Tanto l'uno, quanto l'altro, both the one and the other.

Tanto fatto, so big, so large, so tall.—Una melu tanto fatta, an apple so big or large. Un uomo tanto alto, a man so tall as that.-A che tanto parlare? what signifies to make so many words?

over an affair.- Pagar sul tappeto, to pay a debt compelled by the law.-Star col tappeto alla fines ra, to live well and comfortably, to be at ease.

venire? why did you stay se long?

Tardétto, adj. little, slow, tardy, late, lingering.-Tardi!to, adv. a little too late.Tornai jersera ardetto a case, last night I went home a little

Tappezzería, s. f. hangings, a
suit of hangings.-Tappezze- late.
rin, tapestry, tapestry-hang-Tardézza, s. f. tardity, slow.
ness, slackness.

Tara, s. f. tare and tret, waste of goods.

Tara Bara, almost alike, near the same, a vulgar expression, and it is only said of two things.

Tarabúso, s. m. a kind of bird. Tarantella, s. f. a tune played to those who are bit by the tarantula to make them dance.

Questa cavallo mi costa tanto, this horse cost me SO Buch.-la tanto, in the mean while, in the mean time. In tanto in quanto, as much as.Non per tano, however, nevertheless, yet.Quel tanto, what, that, all that.-i do quel tanto che posso, I give you what I can. Quel tanto non mi giora a niente, that does me no manner of good.-Non tanto, not only. Non tants, notwith-Tarantéllo, s. m. over-measure, standing-Tanto quanto, a the advantage or over-weight little.-A tanto per tanto, at It is only said of eatables. this rate.-Tanto solamente, Tarantola, s. f. tarantula, a only, but-Ogni tanio tem. kind of venomous ash-copo, every now and then.- loured spider, speckled with Tanto che, so that.-Tanto little white and black spots, che a dura morte io ti sottras- whose bite, they say, is of si, so that I saved you from a such a nature that it is only cruel death. to be cured by music. Tantoche, adv. so that, so far, Tarantoláto, adj. bit by a tarantula.

so much, insomuch.-Tantuche, until, as long as, whilst that.

Taráre, to bate, to abate.-Tarare alcuna cosa del prezzo, Tanto o Quanto, adv. a little, to abate something of the ever so little, but a little.-- price.-Tara per uso, abate Tanto quanto, whatsoever. something of it. Tantósto, adv. presently, im-Tarato, adj. bated, abated. Imediately, in a moment, as Taratóre, s. m. he that abates soon as, no sooner.--E conosci- something of the price. uto tantosto costei esser fem-Taratrice, fem. of Taratore. mina,and as soon as he saw that Tarchiáto, adj. strong, lusty, she was a woman.-Egli sarù qui tantosio, he will be here very soon, presently. Tapinare, to live in pain and misery, to lead a miserable unhappy life, to live miserably.-Ahi lasso me, che, pas-Tardantemente, adv. slowly, suti sono anni quattordici che with slowness, in a slow manio sono andato tapinando per

well-limbed, stout. Tardaménte, adv. slowly. Tardaménto, s. m. stay, stop, delay, hindrance. Tardánte, adj. retarding, putting off, delaying.


Tardi, adv. late. ———Andare a casa tardi, to go home las, to keep bad hours.-Chi tardi arriva male alloggia, they that come too late must kiss the cook.-Al più tardi, a farthest.-Tosto o tardi, soon or late.-Tardi inverso la se ra, late in the evening.-Sal tardi, towards the evening.Si fa lardi, it grows late.Tardi, slowly.

Tardità, s. f. tardity, slowness. Tardivo, adj. tardy, late, slow, lingering.. -Fratti tardivi, backward fruits.

Tardo, adj. tardy, slow, late, dull, lingering, negligent.Moto tarde, a slow motion. -Ora tarda, a late hour.-Occhi tardi, a grave serious countenance. La giovane veggendo che l' ora era tarde, the young woman seeing that it was late.-Tardo, adv. late. Tarza, s. f. a target, a shield, a buckler.

Targáta, s. f. a blow with a target.

Targhétta, s. f. a small target. Targóne, s. m. a buckler.

Targóne, a kind of herb that has a biting taste, tarragon, dragon wort.

Tarifa, s. f. tariff, a book of rates for duties to be laid upon merchandizes. Tarláre, to breed moths, to be eaten by moths.

Tarláto, adj. eaten by moths, gnawed by moths.

to mondo, alss, that for theed Tardanza, & f stay, stop, de, Tarlo, s. m.) a little worm lay, hindrance, slowness, Tarma, s. f. slackness.

fourteen years past I have lived a miserable life rambling about the world. Tapinéilo, adj. poor.miserable, wretched, pitiful.-Fugge la tapinella, the wretched wo

man runs away.

Tapino, adj. miserable. un happy, wretched, pitiful, lamentable, sad.-Vinere tapino, to lead a miserable life. Un tapino, s. m. a miserable uuhappy man, a wretch. Tappéto, s. m. a carpet.--Le

Tardáre, to tarry, to stay, to put off, to delay, to linger out the time. Questo oriuolo tarda, this watch goes slow.-Tardáre, to retard, to hinder, to stop, to keep or put off, to delay.-Il giorno comincia a tardare, it draws towards night, the night approaches, it grows late. Tardato, p. p. of Tardare.

Perchè avere tardato tanto a

that eateth wood, a moth.-L'amor del tarlo, self-interested love, mercenary love Taroccáre, to play trumps.→→ Taroccare, to storm, to bluster, to swear, to rage, to fume, to fret. Tarocchi, s. m. pl. a kind of play at cards.-Essere come il matto fra' tarocchi, to be here and there and every where.

varsi da tappeto, to giva



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Tarpáre, to clip or cut the Taruólo, s. m. a disease so call-f
wings of birds, to crop them.
-Turpáre, to render weak, Tasca, s. f. pocket, pouch,
to take from one the means
- Mettere in tasca, to
of acting.
Tarpáto, adj. cut, clipped, Tascáta, s. f. a pocket full.
cropped. Ale arpate, clip-Taschetta, s. f.

bag. pocket up.

a poke, ped wings.-Aver l' ale lar. Taschétto, s. m. pouchor bag. pate, to have one's wings Tascóne,. s. m. a large pocket clipped, to be in bad circum- or pouch. stances.--Ferro tarpato, blunt, Taso, s. m tartar, a sort of salt. blunted, dull iron, that can-Tassa, s. f. tax, assessment, not cut or pierce through. Tarpigna, s. f. a kind of Tarpina, S plant.

duty.--Tassa, a set rate, price, or assize.-La tassa del pane, the price or assize of bread.

position, valuation. Tassáre, to tax, to lay a tax upon, to assess.Tassare uno, to fine one.-Tassare, to rate, to set a rate upon, to settle the price.-Tassare, to tax, to accuse, to charge with, to blame.

Tarsia, s. f. inlaid work.-Tar-Tassagióne, s. f. taxation, imsin, s. f. ex. oh tu se pure un gran tarsia, oh thou art a very stingy fellow, a very avaricious person. Tarso, s. m. a kind of marble, very hard and milk-white. Tartagliare, to stammer, to stutter, to stut, not to speak one's words plain. Tartagliato, adj. stammered, stuttered. Tartaglióna, s. f. Tartaglione, s. m. er, stut-Tasselláre, to inlay bits of stone or wood. to stop h.les either for use or for ornament. Tassellétto, s. m. dimin. of Tassellino, Tassello.. Tártara, s. f. a kind of milk- Tasséllo, s. m. the collar of a




Tartána, s. f. a tartane, a vessel used in the Mediterranean



Tassáto, adj. taxed. Tassazióne, s. f. tax, duty, set rate, price, assize, taxation, imposition, or valuation.

cloak.-Tussello, s. m. a bit of stone, or piece of wood to stop a hole.--Tassello, a label. Tássia, s. f. a kind of medicinal herb.

Tasso, s. m. the yew, or yewtree-Tasso, a badger, gray,



Tartáreo, adj. tartarean, hellish.-Le tartaree porte, the tartarean gates, the gates of hell. Poet. Tartaresco, adj. of Tartary. Tártaro, s. m. tartar, a sort of salt in wine, that hardens in- or brock. to a crust, and sticks to the Tassobarbásso, s. m. a plant so sides of the vessel.-Tartaro called. viriolato, tartar vitriolate, a Tasta, s. f. a tent, to put in preparation, made by pouring spirit of vitriol, or oil of tartar Tastáme, s. m. the keys per deliquium, and reducing an organ or harpsichord colit to a very white salt-Sale lectively taken. di tartaro, salt of tartar, Tastaménto, s. m. the act of made of tartar washed, puri- feeling. fied, and calcined in a che-Tastáre, to feel, to handle, or mical furnace.--Tártaro, hell. Tártaro, Tattar, a native of Tartary.—Tdrtaro, adj. barbarous, cruel. Tartaruga, s. f. a tortoise. Tartassáre, to beat, to abuse, to thrash. Tartassáto, adj. beaten, abused, thrashed.

touch.-Tastare una piaga, to
search or probe a wound.-
Tastare, to sound, to sift, to
pump-Tastare l'animo di
qualcheduno, to sound, to
sift, or pump one.
Tastáto, adj felt, v. Tastare.
Tastatóre, s. m. he that feels,
handles, or touches.
Tastatúra, s. f. the crder of
the keys in a harpsichord or
other such instruments.

Tartufo, s. m. truffle, a kind
of mushroom, growing in the
Tarva, s. f. an insect so call-Tasto, s. m. the feeling, the
sense of feeling, the touch.-

Tasto, one of the keys of an organ, pianoforte, or harpsi chord.-Toccare un tasto, to touch upon a thing to glance at it, to hint, to speak of by the bye, to handle. --Per rispondere al primo tasto che oi toccate, to answer the first point which you touch upon. -Non bisogna toccar su quel testo, do not harp upon that string, do not mention that, forbear talking of that. -Toccare il tasto buono, to come to the most material point. Tastóne, adv. groping, or groping along in the dark.-An dar tastore, o a tastone, to grope along, to grope or feei one's way.-Parlare a tastone, to talk rashly, or at ran dom.

Tato, e Tata, brother, sister,
words of children.
Tattamélla, s. f. chat, talk,

Tattamelláre, to talk idly, to
prate, to cheat.

Táttera, s. f. blur, blemish,
stain, spot, defect.
Tatto, s. m. the sense of touch--
ing or feeling, touch.
Tatúsa, s. f. tatoo, a kind of

Tavérna, s. f. tavern, inn.-
In chiesa co' santi, alla taver-
na co' ghiotti, like to like, as
the devil said to the collier.
Tavernajo, s. m. inn-keeper,
one that keeps a tavern.-
Tavernajo, he that frequents


Taverniére, s. m. a haunter of taverns, he that frequents taverns.-Taverniere, vintner, tavern-keeper.

Távola, s. f. table, board -Tavola rotonda, ovale, o quadra, a round, oval, or square table.-Tavola di marmo, d argento, a table of marble, of silver.-Metter la tavola, to spread the table, to lay the cloath.-Metiersi a tavola, to sit down at the table.-Levar la tavola, to take away.-Levarsi di tavola, to rise from table.-Portare in tavola, to serve up, to bring the dinner on the table.-S è portato in tavola, dinner is on the table.-Metter tavola, to keep an open table.-Tano. la, a counter, or Counterboard in a shop.. Obs. in this sense.-Tau.le, a picture.

fee in.



Tazzóne, s. m. a large cup, a

f. a blow given with a stew. ing-pan.

Tezáme, s. m. an earthen stewing-pan.

Tegghia, s. f. a pan, a bakingpan.--Torghia, an earthea cover or lid.

Tanola, a table where public-Taroluccia, a little picture! some, tiresome. matters are registered.-Le painted upon a board. Tegumála, s. t. as much matdur tavole di Moisè, the two Fauto, s. m. a bull. Poet.—ter as will be contained in a tables of Moses's law.-Ta Tauro, Taurus, in the stewing-pan zola, a beard.-Tavola, a a diack. picture.-Tavola, the table Tezza, s. f. a cup, a dish, to or index of the contents of a drink tea or coffee in. book.-Tarnie, s. f. pl. men, Fazzétta, s. f. a small cup, to play at back-gammon or small dish to drink tea or cofother such games.-Dare' a due tavole, to kill two birds with one stone.-Giuoco di bowl. poche tavole, an affair of no great consequence.-Far tavola, to draw the game at chess.—Far tavola, to keep an open table, or to keep an open house.-A tavola nun s' in ecchia, a merry life, a long ife.-Ragionar de' morti a tavola, to mention things that are unpleasing to the herrer.--Tavola, a square. Ligle può stare a tacola ritondu, he is fit to go into any comp.ny.

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Tegghina, s. f. a little bat
Te, thee.-Di te, A te, Di te, Tegghiúzza, fing-pan.
of thee, to thee, from thee. Tégla, v. Tegghia.
-Te, hold.-Tè questo lume
buon uomo, hold this candle,
good man.--Te, fi tompiut-
mente quello che il tuo e mio!
signore l'ha impesto, mind,
do exactly what y up mister
and mine did bid you.-Tè fè,
here, here; a way of calling
dogs. -Te, diel mpo, lè; here,
Melampur, here -Të, s. m.
tea, the leaves of a plant that
comes from China.

Tegliáta, s. f. a pan-fell, a
much meat, or other things,
as can be baked or fried at
once in a pan.
Tegnente, adj holding, that
holds.-- -Tegnente, sucking,
binding, olding fast, clam-
my, clinging.
Tegnénza, s. f. tenacity, clam
miness.--Aver tegnenmi, to
stick together.
Tégla, f. 'a title.

Tavolicciájo, s. m. a wooden


Tavolaccino, s. m. a tip-staff or summoner, an usher, a beadle.

Tavoláccio, s. m. a wooden
target or shichl.-Par lavo-
laccio, to treat at dinner

Teatrale, adj. theatra!, the-Tegola, s. f. a small thin
Teático, attical, belonging Tegolétio, s. m.
to a theatre or state-Poesia, Tegɔlíno, s. m.
tentrale, theatrical poetry. Tégolo, s. m. a tile.
[Teatro, s. m. theatre, play- Tela, s. f. cloth, Enen.-Fesser
house, stage-1 paesi bussi; della fel, to weave cloth.→
sono stati il tentro della guer- Ordire della teli, to warg
ra, the Low Countries have cloth.--Imbianchire dell. tot
heen the seat of war.
to bleach cloth.--Tels &
Tebertino, s. m. v. Tiburtino. olanda o dicambraji, holland,
Tecca, s. f. a little spot or stain. cambrick.-Tel dore, o
argento, a tissue of gold or
Tel: dir gizo, 3
cobweb. Marc-nte at te-
la, a linen draper.-Nè don-
ni, ne tela non comprar all
me di candela, buy neither a
woman nor cloth by candle-
light.—Ea tela della vir, the
course of one's life. -A dirvi
il tutto s rrebbe uni teli, n
would be a long story to tell

Tavolare, to draw the game at
chess or draughts.-Tavolire,
to floor with, to cover with Tecca, a fault.-Io non ne
boards, to wainscoat.
ho tecca, it is not my fault, I
Tavoláta, s. f. a set or compa- have no hand in it.
ny of men that dine together. Tecchire, to thrive, and it is
Tavolato, adj. floored, or co said of plants.
vered with boards, wainscot- Tecchito, adj. thriven, grown.
ted.--Tav.lato, s.m. wainscot. Téccola, s. f. a small stain.
-Taroláto, a floor.

Teccolina, s. f. a very small

Tavolella, s. f. a little table, stain.
Tavoletta, also a little pic-Teco, with thee.-Con teco,
ture painted upon a board. with thee. Not right.-Teco
Tavolelle, men, to play at medesimo, with thyself.
You all.
Tecoméco, one that speaks i Telajétto, s. m. a small wear-
of your antagonist, and will er's loom.
do the same to him of you.
Teda, s. f. a torch used at wed-
dings, a tede. Poet.-Tuda,
the larch tree.
Tediáre, to weary, to tire, to
be wearisome or tiresome to,
to be tedious.-——.
-Tedhurst, to
grow wearied or thed.

Tavoliére, chess, or draught
Tavoliéri, boards. Aver
Tavoliéro, tutto 'l suo in
sul tavoliere, to have all one's
substance at stake.-Essere
sul tavoliere, to lie at stake.
to be in danger.-Tavoliére,
a banker. Obs.
Tavolino, s. m. a little table.
Tavolito. s. m. a floor, a wain-fidio, s. m. weariness, heavi-
scor. Obs.
Tavolóne, s. m. a large table or

Tavolezza, s. f. a painter's

Tavolúccia, s. f. a little table.

Telájo, s. m. a loom, the frame
a weaver works upon.
Teleria, s. f. cloth, all sorts of
cloth.-Mercan e di elerte, a
Telescópio, s. m. a telescope,
an optical instrument. con-
sisting of two or more glasses,
placed in a tebe of various
lengths for looking at distant
obj. cts.

ness, listlessness. tediousness.
-Tedio, importunity, trou-
blesomeness --Tencre a tedio, Teétua, s. f. thin cloth or lin-
to weary, to tire.--Stare a te-en-Telétta, a tissue of gold
dio, to be tired or wearied. or silver.
Tedióso, adj. tedious, weari- Telo,s, m. a breadth of cloth.

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