صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Tema, s. f. fear, apprehension. Per tema, o da tema, for fear, fearing- -Tema di Dio, the fear of God.-Tema, s. m. a theme or subject to write or speak upon.

Teménte, adj. fearing, that fears, timorous, fearful. Teménza, s. f. fear, timidity, timorousness, fearfulness. Temerariaménte, adv. rashly, unadvisedly, inconsiderately, at random.

Temerário, adj. rash, foolhardy, inconsiderate.-Azione temeraria, a rash action.Giudicio temerario, arash judg ment.-Un temerario, s. m. a rash man.

agitation. Tempellamento, vacillation, wavering, uncertainty, irresolution. Tempellare, to shake, to move, to stir, to toss, or jog-Tempellire le campane, to toll a bell-Tempelláre, to keep in suspense, to keep at bay. Tempellare, to be in suspense or in a quandary, to doubt or be uncertain. Tempelláta, s. f. motion, agitation, tossing or jogging. Tempello, s. m. a tolling, ringing, or tinkling. Tempellóne, s. m. a blunderbuss, a sot, a blockhead, a fool.

Tempera, s. f. the temper of iron tempered.--Tempera, temper, quality, goodness.Sono tutti della medesima tempera, they are all of a kind.

-Tempera, way, manner, fashion, wise, rate.-Tempera, singing, harmony, concert.— In tempera tesa,tuned, in tune. In tempera, in tune.-Tempera, the temper, constitution of body, natural disposition of humour.-Io non sono oggi in tempera di leggere, I am not in a humour to read to-day. -In tempera, in temper, in a good humour.-Dipignere a tempera, to paint in watercolours, or distemper.

Temére, to fear, to dread, to apprehend, to be afraid of, to stand in awe or in fear of.Temere Dio, to fear God.Temo di non potervi andare, I am afraid I shall not be able to go there. E' da temere, it is to be feared.-Farsi temere, to make one's self be feared. -Temere, to suffer.-Il grano ha temuto molto quest' anno, corn has suffered very much this year.-Temere, to fear, to value-Non temo le vostre minacce, I do not fear, or do not value your threatenings.Egli è un uomo robusto che non teme la fatica, he is a strong man who does not value fa-Temperaménto, temperament, tigue or labour-Temere il solletico, to be ticklish.-lo non tema il solletico, I am not ticklish.Non temer grattaticci, to be obstinate or resolute in one's purpose.-Cavallo che teme lo sprune, a horse that cannot bear a spur. Temerità, s. f. temerity, rashness, unadvisedness, inconsideration.

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a proportionable mixture of any thing, but more espe cially of the humours of the body, the habitude or natural constitution of the body, temper.

Temperánte, adj. tempering, allaying, mitigating, moderating. Temperante, temperate, moderate, sober. Temperanza, s. f. temperance, moderation, sobriety-Temperanza, a temperament, modification.

Temperare, to temper or qualify-Temperare del ferro, to temper iron.-Temperare, to build, to make.-Temperare, to agree.-E come furono in Pisa, come era temperato, and as soon as they were at Pisa, as they had agreed.—Tempetáre, to temper, to allay, to qualify, to moderate, or abate.

Temperare il caldo col freddo, to temper the heat by the cold,-Temperare il vino coll' acqua, to mix wine with water.

Temperáre, to moderate, to temper, to refrain or curb, to abate, to humble.-Temperare i desiderj, to moderate one's desires.--Temperare 'l orgoglio, to abate or humble one's pride. E a gran fatica si icmperò di richiederlo, and had much ado to forbear asking him.-Temperáre, to tune an instrument.---Temperar una penna, to cut a pen that it may write. Temperataménte, adv. temperately, moderately. Temperativo, adj. that tempers or moderates.-Tempe ráto, adj. moderated, tempered, ordered.--Temperáto, temperate, that is in good order, neither too hot nor too cold.-Temperáto, temperate, sober, moderate.-Rispose lei con viso temperato, che farem noi? she answered very modestly, what shall we do ?—Temperáto, adv. temperately, moderately. Bere temperato, to drink temperately or moderately.

Temperatojo, s. m. a pen-knife. Temperatore, s. m, à moderator or director. Temperatrice, s. f. a moderatrix or directress.-La discrezione è madre, guardiana, e temperatrice di tutte le virtudi, discretion is the mother, guardian, and moderatrix of all virtues.

Temperatúra, s. f. the temper of iron tempered.-Temperatúra, temperature, temperateness. La temperatura dell' aria, the temperature of the air. La temperatura della complessione, the state of one's constitution. La temperatura d'una penna, the cut of a pen. Temperazione, v. Temperanza. Tempérie, s. f. temperateness in heat and cold.-Temperie dell' aere, the temperateness of air.

Temperináta, s. f. a stroke or cut given with a pen-knife. Temperino, s. m. a pen-knife. Tempesta, s. f. a tempest or storm, a wind accompanied with rain or hail.-Mugghia come fa mar per tempesta, he roars like the sea in a storm. --Tempesta, fury, vehemence, eagerness, fierceness, boisterousness. Con quel furore è con quella tempesta che escon i эт

cani addosso al poverello, with that fury and fierceness that the dogs set upon a beggar. -Tempesta, a storm, trouble, vexation of mind, disturbance or perturbation of the mind. -Tempesta, a storm, a shower of rain or hail.-Acqua e non tempesta, a medium is the best in all things. Tempesta senz' acqua, a great cry and little wool.

Tempestante, adj. tempestuous, stormy, boisterous. Tempestánza, s. f. a tempest or storm. Obs.

Tempestáre, to storm or bluster, to be in a storm or rage.

Il mare si cominciò fortemente a turbare e a tempestare, the sea begun to storm and rage.--Tempestare, to trouble, to disturb, to vex, to annoy. --Il pirati tempestano il mare, pirates trouble the seas.-Con continui tiri tempestavano gli assedianti, they annoyed the besiegers with a continued fire of their cannons.-Tempestáre, to be vexed or distudio in one's mind.-Tempestare, to storm, to bluster, to chase, to fume, to rage.-E mentre che il caval furia e tempesta, and whilst the horse foams and storms.- -Tempe stáre, to teaze, to weary, to trouble or be troublesome, to importune. La disleal femmina pungea e attizzava il marito e non finiva di tempestarto, the wicked wife spurred and incensed her husband, and was always teazing him. Tempestáto, adj.stormed, blustered.-Tempestato, strewed, seeded, spread, covered.-Un prato tempestato di fiori, a field strewed or seeded with flowers. Un vestito tempestato di gioje, a suit covered or spread over with jewels. Tempestivo,adj.tempestive,seasonable, timely, done in time. 'Tempestosamente, adv. tempestuously, ragingly, furiously, impetuously, like a fury. Tempestóso adj. tempestuous, stormy, boisterous.

Témpia, s. f. the temples, a lateral part of the skull, in the middle between the ears and the eyes-Tempia, the head. -Ornare le tempie di fiori, to adorn or dress one's head with

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Tempière, s. m. the keeper of a temple, a sexton.--Tempieri, s. m. pl. Knights Templars, an order of knights who originally dwelt in a part of the buildings that belonged to the temple of Jerusalem; their office and vows were to de. fend the temple, sepulchre, and Christian strangers. Tempierello, s. m. a little Tempiétto, Stemple. Tempio, s. m. a temple, a church, a place set apart for the worship of God. Tempióne, s. m. a blow given on the temple.-Tempione, a fool, a dunce, or blockhead. Templo, s. m. a temple or church. Poet.

Tempo, s. m. time, the measure or the duration of things. -Il tempo presente, il tempo passato, il tempo futuro, the time present, past, and to come.- -Passar il tempo, to pass the time away.---Spender

il tempo allo studio, to spend one's time in study.-Perder il tempo, to lose one's time. —Accomodarsi al tempo, to be a time-server.-Col tempo, in time.-Tempo, time, leisure. -Non ho tempo, I have no time, I am not at leisure.Tempo, time, season, opportunity, occasion.-Aspettar il tempo, to wait for an opportunity.-Il tempo è favorevole, this is a favourable opportunity.-Tempo, time or season. Il tempo della raccolta, harvest-time.-Il primo tempo, the spring of the year.Giovane tempo, the spring of the year.-Tempo, time, age, days.Nel tempo del re Carlo primo, in the time of king Charles the First.-Un giovine del mio tempo, a young man of my age. Quanti travagli, lasso, ho sofferti nel mio tempo! alas, how many troubles have I undergone in my days!

-In quel tempo, in those times, in those days.-Tempi calamitosi, troublesome, hard, or bad times.-Di notte tempo, in the night.-Tempo, age.—

Uomo di tempo, an aged man -Tempo, women's month courses.-Tempo degli orima. the balance-wheel of a clock or watch. Chi ha tempo vita, time will bring every thing to pass.-A tempo, è c tempi, adv. timely, in dar time, opportunely, at the max of time. A tempo, for awhile. -A tempo e luogo, in a preper time.-A luogo e temps, in a proper time.-Esser & tempo, to be in timetempo, in due time.-Eeli buon tempo, it is a great whit ago. Chi tempo ha, e temp aspetta, tempo perde, time lost can never be retrieved--l's tempo, once, before.-Carre il tempo, to take the oppor tunity.-Non è più tempo, it is too late, you came too late. -Per tempo, early, betimes -Ditempo in tempo, now and then, sometimes.-Poco tempo appresso, a little time after. -Tempo fu, formerly, in for mer days, before.-Di gran tempo, a great while agoTempo per tempo, now and then, sometimes.--Andere in tempo, to go in time. A musical phrase.-Già tempo, a great while ago.-Dare p tempi, to sell for a time, er upon trust.-Darsi buon tempo, to live merrily, to take one's pleasure.-Far tempo, conceder tempo, to take time.

-Fare buon tempo, to be merry.-Tempo viene chi pui aspettarlo, a little patience brings things to maturityOgni cosa doma il tempo, time bringeth every thing to pass. -Dar tempo al tempo, to wait a favourable opportunity.Tempo, the weather.-Fa te tempo, it is fine, fair weather. -Fa cattivo tempo, it is bad weather.-Tempo nere, cloudy weather.-Il tempo si raccon cia, it grows fair weather again.

Tempóne, far tempone, adv. to live merry, to live a merry life, to rejoice or divert one's


Témpora, ex. Le quattro tempora, the four ember weeks. Temporaláccio, s. m. bad or sad time; a violent storm. Temporále, s. m.time.—a temporale, in time.-A suo tem

porale, in due time, in a proper time.--Temporále, time, scason.- --Temporale vende merce, take time when time is, for time will away.-Temporále, a tempest or storm. Temporále, adj. temporal, temporary, that lasts but for a time, transient, transitory, perishable.-Temporale, temporal, secular. Temporalità, s. f. a temporal state. Temporalità, temporalities, the temporal state of the church or church-men. -Temporaliti, a temporal or perishable thing. Temporalmente, adv. fór a time.--Temporalmente, temporally, in a worldly manner. -Le terre, che temporalmente sono sotto il papa, the towns which are under the temporal state of the pope. Temporáneo, adj. temporary, not perpetual. Temporeggiaménto, s. m. delay, dilatoriness. Temporeggiare, to temporize, to accommodate one's self to the times, to be a time-server. Tempra, v. Tempera, and its derivatives.

Temúto, adj. feared, dreaded. Tenáce, adj. tenacious, clammy, slimy, gluish.-Tenace, stable, firm, constant, durable, lasting, steady.--Tenace, tenacious, close-fisted, covet


curtain-Al levar delle tende, after the affair is over. Tendénte, adj. tending, aiming.

Téndere, to spread, to stretch, to extend. Tendere un padiglione, to set up a pavilion or tent. Tender laccinóli, to lay snares.- -Tender le reti, to spread the nets-Tender un arco, to bend a bow.-Tender l'arco, to aim at something. -Tender gli orecchi, to hearken, to listen, to hear attentively.-Tender gli occhi, to look fixedly, to stare.-Tendere il bucato, to dry linen.Tender la mano ad uno, to give one his hand.-Tendere, to tend, to have a tendency, to drive or aim at, to incline or look to.-Tendere, to incline to. Questo fiore tende al rosso, this flower inclines to red. Tendetta, s. f. a small tent.

Tendétta, a canopy. Téndine, s. m. tendon, the extremity of a muscle, where its fibres run into a strong springy cord. Tendinoso, adj. full of tendons.

Tenditóre, he that spreads, stretches, or extends.-Tenditor di lacci, he that lays a


Tenebra, s. f. darkness, the dark.-Le tenebre eterne, eternai darkness, hell.-Fure una cosa nelle tenebre, to do a thing Tenaceménte,adv. tenaciously, in the dark, or secretly.strongly, stoutly, vigorously, Tenebra, darkness, error, stiffly, tixedly.-Le ingiurie te- blindness, ignorance." nacemente stanno nella memo-Tenebráre, to darken, to grow ria, injuries are fixedly imprinted in one's memory. Tenacità, s. f. tenacity, clam- Tenebráto, adj. darkened, dark, miness, viscosity.--Tenacità, gloomy, overcast. tenacity, niggardliness, covet-Tenébría, s. f. darkness. Obs.


Tenasmóne, ". Tenesmo. Obs. Tencionamento, s. m. contention, debate, strife. Obs. Tencionáre, to conceal, to contest. Obs.

Tencionáto, adj. contended, contested. Obs. Tencionatore, a quarrelsome

man. Obs. Tencióne, s. f.contention,strife. Obs.

Tenda, s. f. a tent.-Tenda da letto, a curtain.--Tenda da scena, the curtain of a stage. ►Alzar la tenda, to draw the

dark, to grow gloomy, to be


Tenebróre, s. m. darkness, Obs. Tenebrosità, s. f. tenebrosity, obscurity, darkness. Tenebroso, adj. tenebrous, dark, full of darkness, gloomy. -Il vero amore di nessuna avarizia può esser tenebroso, true love cannot be stained by covetousness, true love is never covetous. A bad phrase, though it were by Boccaccio. Tenente, adj. holding-Memoria tenente, a retentive memory.

Teneraménte, adv. tenderly. Le cose stanno teneramente, the

affairs are in a bad condition. Tenére, to hold, to have, to be possessed of. Tutto quel che ho lo tengo di voi, whatever! have, I hold from you.-lo tengo il primo piano della casa, I live on the first floor, I live up one pair of stairs.-Tenere, to hold, to keep in, to stop. -Ti terrò si stretto, che non potrai fuggirmi, I will hold you so fast, that you shall not escape from me.- -Tenere, to arrive at, to come to a place, to get into it.-Tenere un luogo, to arrive, to reach or come to a place.-Tenere, to hold, to take.—Tenere, ecco il vostro danaro, hold, there is your money.-Rendete il danajo mio, e tenete la medaglia vostra, give me back my money, and take your medal.Aspetta, tienne un' altra, stay, there is another.-Tenere, to keep, to observe, to follow, to make use of.-Bisogna tenere un altro metodo in questo negozio, we must keep another method in this affair.-Non so che modo tenere intorno ciò, I do not know what course I must take about this thing.Non ci siamo accorti, che ella ogni di tien la stessa maniera, we have observed that she uses to do so every day.— Tenere, to keep, to preserve, or maintain.I regni non si ternon per parole, ma per prodezza, kingdoms are preserv ed not by words, but by valour.--Tenere, to have or partake of its quality, to be something like it.- -Questo lungo tiene del salvatico, this place has something rural in it.-L'acque che tengono del ferro, e quelle che tengono del Tame sono molto utili, the waters that partake of the quality of iron or copper are of good use.-Egli tiene del pudre, he is like his father, he takes after his father.-IL lince tiene del lupo, the lynx is of the nature of the wolf.Tenere una cosa d'uno, to have a thing from one.-Tenere, to stick to, to hoid fast, to be fast.-La cera quando è calda si tiene alle dita, wax, when it is hot, sticks to one's fingers.-Tenersi bene negli arcioni, to be fast in the sad


dle-Tenere, to pity, or be concerned for, to take to heart. Tengavi pietà della mia disgrazia, take pity on my misfortunes.-Tenere, to take up, to keep,



tiene troppo luogo, that takes
up too much room.Una
terra che tien sei miglia, a
town that is six miles in cir-
cumference.-L'esercito te-
neva da una parte della città
all' altra, the army reached
from one part of the town to
the other.-Tiene una casa
intera, he keeps a whole house.
Tenere, to hold or contain.
-Questo fiasco non può tenere
tutto quel vino, this flask will
not hold all that wine.-Te-
nere, to hold, to count, to
account, to believe or think,
to look upon, to take.-Ten-
go ciò per sicuro, I hold that
for a certainty.-Gli altri
tutti che alle tavole erano, tutti
insieme dissero, se tener quello,
che da Niccoluccio era stato
risposto, all the rest of the
company, that was at the
table, of one accord said,
that they believed what Nic-
coluccio had answered.--
Tennesi che fosse morto, every
body thought that he was
dead.-lo lo tengo per un amo
dabbene, I take him to be an
honest man.-Lo terrò a
grand' onore, I shall look upon
it as a great honour.-Cias-
cuno teneva il suo giudicio per
divitia sentenza, every body
Locked upon what he said to
be night-Tenere a bada, v.
Belok-Loverė a battesimo, to
stand godfather or godmother
-Fenere a bocca
to a child.
to keep in suspence,
in expectation.-
calcolo, to keep an account.—
Tenere a cong, to keep one at
supper-Tenere a discrezione,
to have any thing at discre-
tion, or at one's disposal-
Tenere a dormire, to give one
a night's lodging-Tenere a
dozzina, to keep boarders.-
Tener a fondo, to keep down.
-Tencre a guadagno, to make
money of a thing-Tenere
al bujo, to keep in the dark.
-Tenere una casa a livello, to
have the lease of a house.
Tenere all'aria, to keep in
the air. Tenere al sole, to

Tenere a


keep in the sun.-Tenere all'
umido, to keep in a damp
place.-Tenere all' uscio, to
keep out of doors.-Tenere a
mostra, to keep for a show.-
Tener l'animo, to have a mind
or fancy-Tenere a pane, e
acqua, to keep with bread and
water-Tenere a paragone, to
try, to make a trial.---Tenere
a paura, to keep in awe or
fear.--Tenere un bambino a
petto, to suckle a child.-
Tenere a petto, to stand in
competition.-Tenere a pigi-
one, to hire.-Tenere a piuo-
lo, to make one wait, to keep
one waiting.-Tencre a ritro-
so,to keep by force, or against
one's will.-Tenere a segno, to
keep in awe, or within bounds.
-Tenere a sindicato, to call
to an account.-Tener a spe-
ranza, to give hopes.-Tener
a scuola, to keep at school.-
Tener assembled, to hold the
states.-Tenere a vile, to de-
spise, to contemn.--Tenere
avvertito, to advise, to give
notice, to let one know.-
Tener bandito, to banish.-
Tener bene, to keep or feed
well. Tener bottega, to keep
a shop.-Tener caldo, to keep
warm. Tenersi caldo,to keep
one's self warm.-Tener cam-
mino, to set out on a journey,
to begin a journey.-Tener il
cammin dritto, to keep the
right road.--Tener altrui le
mani in capo, to protect, to
defend one, to take care of
him.-Tener caro, to value, to
esteem.-Tener celato, to hide,
to conceal, to keep secret.-
Tener certo, o per certo, to
hold for certain, to be sure of.

-Tener cheto, to quiet, to
make one be quiet or still.-
Tener compagnia, to keep
company, to go along with

-Tener comune, a comune, o in comune, to have any thing in common.-Tener con alcuno, to be of one's opinion or mind.—Tener con uno, o tenersi con uno, to follow one's party, to side with him.-Tenersi al consiglio d' uno, to follow one's advice.

Tener conto, to value, to esteem.-Tener conto d' una cosa, to make much of a thing, to take care of it.-Tener per conto d' uno, to keep a thing


for another.-Tener contenta,
to please, to satisfy.-No mi

terrò contento s' io non

me ne

pago, I shall not be easy till I
am even with him-Ter
corte bandita, to keep open
house. Tener corte, to keep
the assizes.-Tener credeti,
to keep secret, to hide, to
conceal-Tener cuore, to have
courage, to be bold.-Tenere
in cuore, to have a mind.-
Tenere a cuore, to take a thing
to heart.-Tener da banda, to
keep at a distance.—Toner &
accordo, to promote union,
concord, or good understand-
ing-Tener da uno, to be for
one, to side with him.-Tener
dieta, to hold the diet.-Te-
nere a dieta, to keep one to a
strict diet.-Tenere dietro, to
follow, to pursue.-Tener die
to watch him, to spy his ac-
tro ad uno, to follow one close,
-Tenere indietro, to
keep back, or at a distance.
Tener digiuno, to starve one,
-Tener dimestichezza, to be
to keep him without victuals.
intimate with one, to have a
familiarity with him.-Tener
di mezzo, o tenersi di mezzo,to
keep a medium in a business,
to side with nobody.-Tener
diritto, to go straight along.

-Tener distesa, to keep any
thing open.-Tener in dubbio,
to doubt, or be in doubt.-
Tenere in dubbio, to keep in
Tener duro, to
stick to it--Tener duro, to
persist in one's opinion, to
hold, to hold out, to stand,
to stand out, to resist.-14
città tenne duro un mese, the
town held out a month.-
I soldati privati tennero per
Vitellio, the private soldiers
stood out for Vitellius.-Te-
ner famiglia, to keep or main-
tain a great family, or ser-
vants. Tener favella ad uno,
not to speak to one, to be at
odds with one.-Tener fede,
to believe, to give credit.
Tener per fede, to believe as
an article of faith.-Tener
fermo, to hold fast.-Tenere il
fermo, to hold out stoutly, to
stand fast.-Tener per fermo,
to be certain or sure of a
thing, to be confident of, to
hold it for certain.Tener
forte, to hold, or hold out, to

stand, or stand out, to resist. -Tener fortuna, to be in prosperity.Tenere a freno, to bridle or curb, to keep in, or keep under.-Tener fresco, to keep cool, or in a cool place. -Tener fronte, to cope, to withstand, to oppose or resist. Tener le fronte scoperta, to go bare-faced.-Tener fuora, to exclude or keep out. -Tener giù, to keep down. -Tener giuoc, to keep gaming-tables.-Tenere a giuoco, to despise, to slight, to scorn, to contemn or undervalue, to set light by, to make no account of.-Tenere a grado, to accept or receive kindly.Tener grande, to have a great opinion of one, to take him for a great man.-Tener del grande, to look majestical, to have a majestical look or appearance.--Tenere alla grande, to entertain one nobly or magnificently.--Tener guardato, to preserve or conserve, to keep or defend.--Tenere il collo torto, to look humble or modest, to have a modest look. Tenere il collo, to stop the course of any thing.Tenere in collo, to hold in one's arms. -Tenere il lume, to hold the candle, to intervene in some affairs, where one's interest is not concerned.Tenere il mercato, la fiera, e simili, to keep a market, a fair. ---Tenere il sacco, to hold the sack, to be an accomplice, or to assist one in doing some ill things. Tanto ne va a chi ruba, quanto a chi tiene il sacco, the receiver is as bad as the thief.-Tenere il sole, to keep the sun from one.-Tenere in apprensione, to keep one in fear or apprehension.--Tenere in bando, to banish.

Tener segreti i bindi, to conceal things which every body knows.Tenere in bilancio, to hold the balance.-Tenere i conti per bilancio, to keep the balance of an account.-Tenere in cervello, to keep in awe, to keep in or short.Tenere il cervello a bottega, to be attentive, to take heed.Tenere in collera, to make one angry. -Tenere in forse, to' keep in suspence.-Tenere in guardia, to have the care of a thing, to have it in his keep

ing.-Tenere in istima, to value, to esteem, to make an account of.--Tenere in orecchi, to draw the people's ears, to draw the attention of every body. Tenere in parole, to drive one off with fair words and promises, to trifle, to talk to no purpose.--Tenere in pensiero, to keep in suspence, to keep at bay.Tenere in pie, to keep standing or in being, to keep on foot.-Tenere in ponte, to keep in suspence, to keep at bay. Tenere in possesso,; to have a thing in one's keeping, to have it by him.—Tenere in se, to keep secret.-Tencre sopra di se, to have a thing upon one's own account.--Tenersi in se, to stand upright.-Tenersi insieme, to keep or converse together.-Tenere in timore, to keep in fear.-Tenere in travaglio, to trouble, to disorder, or discompose. Tenere in tuono, to keep in tupe.-Tener l'acqua, to keep the water.-Tener l'anima co' denti, to have a foot already in the grave. -Tenersi una donna, tenere una donna, tener


una, to keep a mistress.Tenar l'arco teso, to be ready. -Tener l'aria, to keep the air out.-Tener per aria, to hang up in the air. Tenere all' aria, to keep in the open air. -Tenere una strada, to keep a way, to go or follow a way. -Che strada bisogna tenere? what road shall we go?-Tener la bottega, to open the shop, to keep the shop open -Toner legato, to tie or fasten to.-Tener le risa, to forbear laughing, to contain one's self from laughing.-Appena posso tener le risa, I can hardly forbear laughing.--Tener libri, to keep merchants or bankers books.-Tener l'occhio ad una cosa, to have an eye upon a thing, to mind it.

-Tener l'occhio teso, to take care or heed, to stand upon one's guard.-Tener gli occhi aperti, to take care of one's self.-Tener l'invito, to accept an invitation.--Tener mano, to help or assist, to favour, to support, or countenance Generally said in a bad sense. -Tenere in mano, to have a thing in one's hands.-Tener

le mani a se, to keep one's hands at home.-Tener le mani a cintola, tenersi le mani a cintola, to keep one's hands in one's pockets, to be idle.Tenere a man ritta, o a man manca, to have on one's right or left hand.-Tenere a mente o a memoria, to have any thing by heart, to remember it.-Tener meno, to hold less, or a less quantity.---Tener mente, to mind, to be atten tive.-Tener mercato, to deal, to trade. Tener morto, to

look upon one as dead.Tener danaro morto, to keep one's money dead, not to nake use of it.-Tener nascoso, to keep secret, to conceal. Tenere obbligio, to be bound.--Tenere occhio, to look well.-Tener gli occhi bassi, tó look down, to look dejected: -Tener li occhi addosso ad uno, to watch one, to have a watchful eye upon him.Tenere opera, to bestir one's self, to be diligent.-Tenere opinione, to think, to be of opinion-Tenere u ordine, to have ready.--Tenere osteria, to keep an inn.-Tener parlamento, Tener diceria, Tener ragionamento, to talk of or discourse of or upon a thing. -Tener parte, to follow one party, to side with one.Tener da parte, to keep apart, or aside. -Tener patto, to keep one's promise.-Tenere in pegno, to keep any thing in pawn.-Tener per alcuno, o con alcuno, to be for one, to side with him.- Tener per niente, to despise, to slight, to scorn, to contemn.-Tenere il piede in due staffe, to have two strings to one's bow. -Tener da' più, o co' più, to follow the strongest party. Tener la posta, to bind the bargain.Tenere a posta, to keep on purpose.-Tenere a sua posta, to have at one's command or disposal.-Tener presso, to have or keep near.


-Tenere appresso di se, to have any thing under one's command.Tener prigione, to keep in prison.-Tener pulito, to keep clean.-Tener ragionamento, to talk or discourse. -Tener ragione, to judge causes.Tener la ragion dalla sua, to be in the

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