صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Bight.--Tener regola, to keep , silverthey would not be wortli nera, a tender, nice, or scru. the rule or precept.-Tenere a farthing, because they could pulous conscience. Ténero, a regola, to keep one in awe. stand the hammer. Tenérsi, tender, soft, moving.-Ténere

Tener ritto, to hold stand- to think or account one's self. lagrime, moving tears.--Téing.-- Tener saru, to keep in -Si tiene la più bella d'Ing- nere carezze, alluring or enhealth. Tener scoperto, to

hilterra, she thinks herself gaging caresses.--Cuore ténekeep uncovered.--Tener seco, the handsomest woman in To, a tender heart.---Ténero, to keep by one, or in one's England.--Si tiene da molio tender, sensible.-Una forhouse.-Tener segrelo, to keep più di quel che non è, he thinks ciulla tenera più che latte, the secret.--Tener servitù, to keep himself a greater man than he most loving girl in the world. servants.---Tener servilů con is.--Mi tengo da molto più per -Ténero, jealous, careful. alcuno, to be acquainted with questo favore, I am very proud -Tenero della sua fama e del one. Tener sicuro, to be sure of this favour.--Tenersi d'una sun onore, jealous of his repuof, to hold for certain.--Te- cosa, to be proud of. Uno tation and honour. Ténero, Here in sicuro, to have in a che si compiace in se medesimo e tender, touchy, exceptious, sure place. Tener per sicuro,

si tiene, é adulatore di se stesso, soon angry.-férero, ticklish, to be certain, to hold for cer- one who has too good an opi- slippery.- casi degli stati tain.-Tener sodo, to hold out, nion of himself, is his own son neri, che bisogna gir to stand out, to resist.--Te- flatterer. Tenersi, to forbear, largo a' canti e non si fidar ner soldati, to keep soldiers. to keep from.-Aveau si gran troppo state affairs are

Fener sopra, to have any voglia di ridone che scoppiava- ticklish, that one must act thing above or upon.-Tener no, ma pure se ne teneano, they cautiously, and not trust sospesu, to keep in suspense. had so great a mind to laugh, much to ourselves. Ténero, Toaer sospetto, to suspect.- that they thought they should wavering, unsteady, fickle. Fener sotto, to keep below, or

burst their sides, yet they Il re vedendo ancora it reanie under-Fener sotto, to keep

for bore.—Per poco mi tengo tenero sutto la sua signoria, the unser, to humble, to depress. che non vi dia uno schiatio, I king, seeing that his govern-Terver stretto, to hold close. have a great mind to give ment was not yet well esta Tener stretto uno, to keep you a slap on the face.--Te- blished in the kingdom.-toone close, to guard one close. nérsi, to stop.--Di Firenze mo ténero, a dull wittted man, Tener su, to keep up.--Te- usciti, non si tenncro sinchè non a man dull of apprehension nere in sulla fune, to keep one furono in Inghilterra, having -Donna tenera di calcagna, in suspense.Tener sulla man left Florence, they did not a tender-hearted woman, a ritter, to keep to the right.-- stop till they reached Eng- slippery woman.-Donna reFrrer terra terra, to keep land.-Tenére, s.

s. m. tke han.

nere di parto, a woman that down, to humble, to depress, dle. Obs.—-Prende la spada is newly brought to bed. to keep low.. Tener tranquil- per la punta e rendela al eeva- Teneróne, adj. quite tender, Io, to keep in franquillity.liere per lo tenerc, he takes the very tender. Tener trattato, to have a cor- sword by the point, and gives | Teneróre, s. m. tenderness, respondence.-Tenere al trat- it to the gentleman by the softness. Obs. deto, to intervene at a treaty. handle.--Tenére, territory, ju- Tenerúccio, adj. somewhat Sto. Teruere via, to have the risdiction. Obs.

tender, pretty tender or sofi. meaus.--Tenere alla via, to Tenerello, adj. pretty tender, Teneráme, s. m. cartilage, krep in order, or to keep somewhat tender, young.com gristleTeneríme, a teuder ready.--Tener vita, to live. -- Tenerello, young, tender, not branch of a plant. Tener. buona vila, to lead a

Teneruzzo, adj. tender, soft. grood lifc.--Tenete in vitri, to Tenerétto, adj. v. Tenerello. Tenésmo, s. m. tenesmus, a kecp alive.--Tener gran rila, Tenerezza, s. f. tenderness, continual inclination to go to to live well, to have a good softness. --Tenerezza, youth. stool, attcuded with an inatable.---Tenere ma cosa da uno, -Penerezzu, tenderness, love, bility of veiding. 1ey bobl a thing of one, to be affection.

Teniére, s m. the bow of a obliged to him for it.--Non Teucrino, adj. r. Tenerello. crossbow. trauere un cocomero all erin, not Tenerita', tenderness, Teniménto, s. m. stay, stop, to be able to keep a secret. Tenericúdine, softness.

support. Teniménto, territoTendrsi, to keep, to stay, to Obs. both.

ry, jurisdiction.— Teniméndo, abide, to live, to stand, to die. Ténero, adj. tender, soft, plia-obligation, duty.

enersi in campagna, to live ble. Carne ténera, tender Tenitore, s. M. a keeper, he in the country.--Imetsi a

-Legno tenero, soft

that keeps. martello, to resist or bear the wood. Pietra tenera, soft Tenitrice, fom, of Tenitore. bammer.Tenersi a martello, stone.--Un metallo tenero, a Tenitóro, s. m. territory,

withstand or resist, to be soft metal.--Tenero, tender, Tenitório, jurisdiction. constant.--Sele femmine sossero young.-Ténera età, tender Tenóre, s. m. the tenor, the angenio elle nen varreblon da- age, youth, tender years, in- substance, true intent or bejo perchè niuna terrette a fancy. Ténero, tender, de. meaning of a writing, conmartello, if women were of licate, weak.-Coscienza te- tent,

or purport.Terore,

in years.


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the form, way, or posture.- to knock at the door.-Ten-Tenuto, blamed, found fault Ben conosco il tenor della mia tennare, o tentennarla nel ma

or irresolute, to waver, to stand trifling, to dodge. Tentennáta, s. f. motion, agitation, jogging, tossing. Tentennáta, a knock, a blow. -Diede ad Orlando una gran tentennata, he gave Orlando a great knock on the pate.Tentennáto, p. p. of Tenten


tle, dispute, quarrel. Obs. Tenzionáre, v. Tenzonare. Tenzióne, » Tenzone. Tenzonàre, to combat, to fight, to dispute, to quarrel-Che 'l si e'l no nel capo mi terzona, I am irresolute, I do not know what to do.

stella, I know too well the in-nico, to be unsteady, wavering, Tenza, s. f. combat, fight, batfluence of my star.-Tenóre, concert, harmony.-Tenóre, the tenor, the first mean or middle part, next the base in music.--Tenere il tenore, to keep pace with one in talking, to talk as fast as he. Tensióne, s. f. tension, a stretching out of nerves. Tenta, s. f. a probe to search a wound.

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Tentennatóre, he that moves,
stirs, jogs, or wags.
Tentennio, s. m. the tempter,
the devil.-Tentennio, agita-
tion, tossing, jogging.
Tentennóne, s. m. a lingerer,
a delayer.

Tentóne, adv. groping.-
Tentóni, S Andar tentone, to
grope along, to feel one's
way. Andar a tentone, to
proceed warily.Andare a
tentone, to boggle, to be irre-

Tentare, to try, to make trial
or experiment of.-Tentáre,
to feel, to touch.-Tentáre,
to give a touch, to give a
hint. Quando il mio duca mi
tentò di costa, when my guide
touched me in the side.-Ten-
ture, to tempt.-Il diavolo
lascia di tentare coloro i quali
pacificamente possiede, the de-Tenue, adj. slender, thin, lean,
vil doth not tempt those that poor, mean, sorry, small, lit-
are his own.-Tentáre, to try, tle. Cosa tenue, a small in-
to attempt.Tento spesse significant thing.
volte di rimuoverlo dal suo pro-Tenuamente, adv. slenderly.
ponimento, he tried several Tenuità, s. f. thinness, slen-
times to dissuade him from derness, tenuity.- -Tennità,
his resolution.-Tentáre, to want, lack-Tenuità di cibo,
tempt, to set agog, to awake

Tenzonáto, adj. fought, dis-
puted, quarrelled.
Tenzóne, s. f. combat, fight,
battle, dispute, quarrel.
Teodía, s. f. a song in praise
of God.

Teologále, adj. theological.-
Le tre virtù teologali, cioè fede,
speranza, e carità, the three
divine virtues, faith, hope,
and charity.
Teologánte, s. m. a divine, a
theologer or theologian, a
professor of divinity. Obs.
Teologistro, a theologaster, a
smatterer in theology, a bad

Teología, s. f. theology, divi-
nity, a science which teaches
the knowledge of God and di-
vine things.
Teologicamente, adv. theolo-
Teológico, adj. theological, dl-

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Tentativo, s. m. attempt, endeavour, effort.-Tentato, p.p. of Tentáre.-Fui tentato di rompergli la testa, I had almost a mind to break his head.

Tentatore, s. m. tempter, he that tempts.-Tentatúre, the tempter, the devil. Tentatrice, fem. of Tenta


Tentazioncélla, s. f. a small
Tentazione, s. f. a temptation.
Tentazione, attempt, effort,

want of victuals.

Tenúta, s. f. possession, en-
joyment.-Mettere in tenuta,
to put in possession.-Pigliar
la tenuta d'un luogo, to take
possession of a place.-Chi è
in tenuta Dio l'ajuta, posses.
sion is eleven points of the
law.-Tenuta, estate, land,
possession.Tenúta, capa
ciousness, extent, bigness
size. Un caso di gran tenuta,
a large vessel.-Un ventro di
gran tenuta, a very big belly.
-Di statura egli è piccino,
quanto a tenuta e' si può dir
gigante, he is a little man in
his size, but for his brains he
is a giant.


Teologizzáre, to write or speak theologically.

Teólogo, s. m. a theologer or theologian, theologist, a divine, a professor of divinity. Teorema, s. f. theorem, a proposition of undoubted truth.

Teórica, s. f. theory, the contemplation or study of any art or science, without practice.

Teórica, adj. theoretic, theoretical, belonging to theory, speculative. Tepefare, to warm, or make trial. lukewarm. Tentelláre, v. Tintinníre. Obs. Tepetatto, adj. warmed. Tenténna, ex. Stare in ten-Tenutella, s. f. a small estate Tépere, to be warm, ut luketenne, to be ready to fall; or possession--Tenito, p. p. warm. Obs. and it is said of a thing that of Tenere. Tenáto, bound, Tepidézza, v. Tiepidezza. is shaking. obliged. Esser tenuto ad ens, Tépido, v. Tiepido. Tentennamento, s. m. agita- to be obliged to one. No Tepificáre, to warm, to make tion, motion, tossing, jog. siamo tenuti per legge divina lukewarm. Not used. ging. d' obbedire i nostri superiori, Tepificáto, adj. warmed, lukewe are bound by the law of warm. Not used. God to obey our superiors. Tepore, v. Tepidità. Vi resto tenuto della vita, I am Terchio, adj. clownish, ungenindebted to you for my life. teel, unmannerly, tude.

Tentennánte, adj. shaking,
Tentennáre, to shake, to jog,
to stir.-Tentennare all' uscio,

Terebinto, s. m. terebinth, the turpentine-tree. Térgere, to wipe, to make clean, to scour. Tergiversare, to tergiversate, to use fetches and shifts, to


Tergiversazione, s. f. tergiversation, subterfuge, evasion, change, fickleness. Tergo, s. m. the back.-Volgere il tergo ad uno, to turn one's back to one.-Il tergo d' una montagna, the ridge of a hill.A tergo, adv. behind. -Rimanere a tergo, to stay

finish.-Por termine ad una lite, to make an end of a suit at law.-A Dio piacque di por termine a quel lignaggio, God was pleased that such a family should be extinguished. -Il mio negozio ebbe buon termine, my affair ended very well-Il termine d' una corsa, the goal of a race.-Términe, a term, a term of time, day, time. Dar termine ad uno, to give one time.-Termine dato, a fixed time or day.-Termine, day.-Il termine della partenza appresa, the day of our departure approaches-Vendere una cosa a termine, to sell a

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behind. Teriáca, s. f. treacle. Terme, s. f. pl. the baths of the thing for time.-Venue a comancient Romans. posizione di dare alla compagTerminábile, adj. apt to finish,nia in diversi termini fiorini that ends or has an end. centottantamila d'oro, he came Terminále, adj. serving to to an agreement, to give the bounds or limits, that bounds company, in several payand terminates. ments, an hundred and eigh-] Terminamento, s. m. bound, ty thousand florins of gold.limit, border. Termine, terms, case, state, Terminánte, adj. that termi- pass, condition.-Mentre le nates, bounds, or ends. cose erano in questo termine, Termináre, to terminate, to whilst the state of affairs was limit, to bound.--Termináre, such.-In che termine sono le to end, to finish.-Terminare cose? in what condition stand la vita, to end one's days.- the affairs? how does the Termináre, to end, to put an business go on?-Términe, .end to, to decide.-Termináre, degree, state, pitch, proporto determine, to resolve, to tion.-Olte ad ogni termine decree, to conclude.-Termi- di ragione t'ho amata, I have náre, to end, to have an end. loved you to the highest de-La mia possessione termina gree.—La sua arroganza venne al fiume, my estate ends at the a termine di maltrattare i suoi river, or goes as far as the più intimi amici, his arrogance river. came to such a pitch, that he Terminatamente, adv. deter- abused even his most intimate minately, positively, precise friends.-Uscir de' termini, to ly, absolutely. be unreasonable or unjust. Uscir de termini, to go astray, or out of the way, to be in an error, to mistake.-Termine, term, word.-S'espresse in questi termini, he expressed himself in these words.-Termine d'arte, a technical word,

Terminatezza, s. f. limitation. Terminativo, adj. that sets bounds and limits.--L'oriz zonte è circolo terminativo della nostra vista, the horizon is a circle, which bounds our sight.--Termináto, p. p. Terminare. Terminatore, a finisher, he that finishes or makes an end. Terminatrice, fem. of Termi



Terminazione, s.f.term, bound, end.-Terminazione, the termination or end of a word. Términe, s.m. the term, bound, limit, end, goal-Il termine della vita, term of life.-Por termine, to make an end, to

a term of art.

Termométro, s. m. a thermo-
meter, an instrument to mea-
sure or show the several de-
grees of heat and cold, a
Ternário, adj. ternary, of or
belonging to three things

Terra, s. f. the earth.-Il cielo
e la terra, heaven and earth.
-Il globo della terra, the ter-
restrial or terraqueous globe,

the earth.-Abbassar gli occhi
in terra, to cast down one's
eyes.-Gittare in terra l'armi,
to lay down the arms.-Te
ra, earth, ground, soil.-Ters
di pentolajo, potter's earth or
clay.-Terra fertile o derik,
fertile or barren ground or
soil. Arare la terra, to plough
the ground.—Coltivar la terra,
to till the ground.—I frutti
della terra, the fruits of the
earth.-Vasellame di terra,
earthen-ware.-La terra di
promessione, the land of pro-
mise, the Holy Land-Git
tare a terra, to throw on the
ground.-Terra, country,
dominions, land.-Il re Niso
tenne in sua signoria tutta la
terra d' Asia, king Ninus had
under his power all the coun-
try of Asia.Terra, way,
journey. Ci sarà malager de
d'andare cotanta terra a piedi,
we shall hardly be able to go
a foot so great away.--Terre,
a town, a walled town.-
Terra marina, a sea-port town.
-Terra, the inhabitants of a
town.-Terra, a coast, or sea-
coast, the shore.-Navigar
terra terra, andar terra terra,
to sail along the coast, to
coast along,-Terra terra,even
with the ground, very low.

Gli uccelli volano terra, the birds fly even with the ground.

Cadere in piana terra terra, to fail upon the ground.-Andere in piana terra, to fall down.Pigliar terra, to come a-shore, to land. Terraferma, the firm land, the continent.-A terra cavolini,adv. stoop, you proud fellow.-Egli non è terra da por vigna, he is not a proper man to deal with.-Dare in terra, to run a-ground.-Dare in terra, to stamp with one's feet.-Dare come in terra, to strike or beat unmercifully. -Non dare ne in cielo, nè in terra, to do any thing at random, or rashly-Andar per terra, to fall down.-Andare in terra, to fall down, to be ruined or undone.-Prender terra, to come a-shore, to land.-Smontare in terre, to land. In piana terra, upon the ground.-Andar per terra, camminar per terra, to go by land.-Tagliar fra due terre, to cut a tree as low as possible.


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ren ground of soil.-Arare la the continent


Terrestrità, s. f. earthly quali ty.

Terestre, } adj. terrestrial,

terra, to plough the ground. Terrafináre, to banish. Obs
-Coltivar la erra. to till Te rafináto, adj. banished Terréstro,

the ground.- frutti dellu Obs.

-Vasellame di terra, carth-Terrafino, S }


Terrétta, s. f. a small town, a

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terra, the fruits of the earth. Terrafine, s. m. banish-small village, small caster ment. Obs. Tenioite, adj. terrib e, dreads adj. that stand. ful dismil.-Terr bile, terri ble, strange, wondrous wondertul.-Terribile, s. m. a conser, or perfuming pan. Os.


near the

en-ware-La terra di pro Terrázno
messione, the land of pro
mise, the Holy Land.-Git.
tare a terra, to throw on the
ground.-Terra country, do-
minions, land.- re Nino
tenne in sua signoria tulta la
terra d' Asia, king Ninus had
under his power all the coun-Terrapienáre, to
try of Asia.-Terra, way,
journey. Ci sarà malage-
vole d'andare cotanta terra a
piedi, we shall hardly be able
to go a-foot so great a way.
Terra, a town, a walled town.

ground, that creeps along the
ground.-Appartamento ter-
ragno, a ground-floor.-Mu
lin terragno, a mill built up
on land.-Piania terragnola,
a creeping plant.


-Terra marina, a sea-port

Terribilità, s

f. terribleness, the state of being terrible. Terribilmente, adv. terribly. terrass, to Terri.cio, terrestrial, earthly. strengthen with earth, to fill Terricciuola s. t. a little town. the inside with earth. Terriére, s m. the inhabitant Terrapienáto, adj strengthen- of a town, at wn's man. ed with earth, terrassed. Território, s m. territory, ju Terrapiéno. s. m terreplein_risdiction. (in fortification) a platform


town.-Terra, the inhabitants Terrático, s. m. land-rent. Terráto, a terrass, or terrass

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Terró e, s. m. terror, conster-
nation, dread, great fear of
Terrós, adj. earthly, full of
earth, muddy.—Acqua terro-
sa, muddy water.
Terso, adj. clean, neat, bright,


country or town.

Terrazzino, s. m. a little

Terza s. f. tierce, one of the canonical hours. ter-Terzaménte, adv. thirdly, in the third place.

s. m. an earth

an arse

ot a town.-Terra, a coast,
or sea-coast, the shore.-Na-
vigar terra terra, andar ler-Terrazzáno, s. m. an inhabi
ra terra, lo sail along the tant of a city, town, or wal
coast, to coast along.-Terra led town. -Terrazzano, a clear.
terra, even with the ground, countryman, one of the sam.
very low.-Gli uccelli olano
terra terra, the birds fly even
with the ground.-Cadere in rass.
piana terra, to fall upon the Terrazzo, s. m. a terrass.
ground. -Andare in piana Terrazzóne, s. m. a large ter-
terra, to fall down.-Pigliar rass.
terra, to come a-shore, to Terremoto,
land.-Terraferma, the firm Terremuóto, quake.
land, the continent.-A terra Terrenamente, adv. worldly,
ca olini, adv. stoop you proud after a worldly manner.
fellow. —Egli non è terra da
por vigna, he is not a proper
man to deal with.-Dare in
terra, to run a-ground.-
Dare in terra, to stamp with
one's feet-Da e come in ter-
ra, to strike or heat unmerci-
fully-Non dare nè in cielo,
nè in terra, to do any thing at
random, or rashly.-Andar
per terra, to fall down.-An-
dare in terra to fall down. to
be ruined or undone.-Pre-
der terra, to come a-shore, to
land.-Smontare in terra, to
VOL. 1.

Terzána, s. f. ague, a fever,
which returns every other
day. --Terzána,
nal, a royal or public store-
house of arms. or warlike
ammunition. Obs.
Terzáre, to plough or till the
Terréno, s. m. earth, ground ground the third time.
land soil.-Terreno incolto Terzaruólo, v. Terzeruolo.
untilled ground.--Terreno Terzáto, plowed a third time.
fangoso, muddy land.-Ter- Terzávo, s. m. the great
reno, territory, jurisdiction.-- Terzávolo, grand father's
Egli ha puura non gli man- father.

chi il terreno sotto i piedi, he Terz ría, s. f. the third part.
is afraid of wanting.-E non Terzeruóla, s. f. a pint mea
è terreno da porci nigna. he sure.
is not a man to be dealt with.
-Terreno da ferri suoi, a
thing fit for one-Terreno,
a ground floor -Terreno, a
parlour.-Terreno, adj. earth-
ly, terrestrial,It paradiso

Terzeruolo, s m. the fore sail
ofa ship.-Far terzeruolo, to
reef the sails.-Terzeruoló, á
kind of b'under buss.
Terzétto, s. m. a stanza of three-
ve ses n poetical compositions.

-Ferzetto, three verses that (Testa, s. f. the head.-Tagliar

stand almost by themselves in a poetical composition. Terzina, v. Terzetto, in both significations.

Terzino, s. m. a little vessel
holding about our half pint.
Terzo, adj. third.-Térzo, s.
m. the third part.-Al terz,
ed al quarto, to this man, and
that man.--Tezo, a regiment
of three thousand soldiers..
Terzuolo, s. m. a tassel, tier-
cel or tercel, the male of a

Tesa, s. f. a stretching or bend-
ing.-Tesa, a place fit to
spread a net.-Tesa, the brim
of a hat.

v. Tesoreg

giare. Obs. or poet. Tesaurería, s. f. the treasury. Obs.

Tesauriére, a treasurer. Obs. Tesaurizzáre, to hoard, or hoard up money. Tesaurizzato, adj. hoarded up.

Tesaúro, s. m. treasure. Poet. Téschio, s. m. the skull, the whole campages of the bones of the head.--Teschio, the head cut off from the body. Teso, adj. straight, stretched out. Andare col petto teso, to walk straight up, or with one's head up.-Arco teso, a bow bent.-Stare coll' occhio teso, to listen attentively.Star cogli occhi tesi, to look attentively.

Tesoreggiare, to hoard or hoard

up money.
Tesoreria, s. f. treasury.
Tesoriére, treasurer.
Tesorizzare, to hoard, or hoard

up money.
Tesóro, s. m. treasury, trea-
Tessera, s. f. a talley.
Tesserándolo, a weaver. Obs.
Téssere, to weave.-Tessere,
to weave, to compose, or col-
Ject. Tessere inganni, to
contrive inventions or de-

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Testa, the heads, or tops of some trees, or plants.— Una testa d'aglio e di apl la, a head of garlick, er onions.-Testa a testa, 3dv. face to face.-Teste, the heat or top. La testa ɗ una per za di panno, the head of a piece of cloth.-Testa, the head from the eyes upward. -Gli saltò o verne in testa un pensiero, he fancied, ora fancy took him-Che grills

la tesla ad uno, to cut off
somebody's head, to behead
him.-Far testa, to oppose,
to resist.-Ficcarsi in testa, tó
fancy, to think or imagine.-
Esser di testa, to be stubborn,
to be headstrong.-Fare-una
cosa di sua testa, to do a
thing out of one's head.-Pi-
gliar una cosa a scesa di les-
ta, to be obstinate or stub-
born, to be obstinately resol.
ved, to be stiff in a purpose.--v'è salato in testa? what
Fare altrui un gran rumore in
testa, to chide, to rebuke one
soundly, to make him a sharp
reprimand.-Andare colia tes
ta levata, to go about with-
out any fear--Gridare a tes
ta, to cry out aloud, to bawl.
Gridare in testa altrui, to re-
buke soundly.-Tor la testa
altrui, to be troublesome, to
be importunate.-Deh di gra-
zia non mi torre la testa, se
non vuoi che io ti spezzi il
capo, prithee do not trouble
me any longer, if you do I
shall break your head.-Dar-
si su per la testa, to come to
blows, to fall out.-Lavar la
testa ad uno, to rebuke, to
make a sharp reprimand.-
Ci sarebbe un darsi la testa
contro un muro, one had as
good beat one's head against
a wall.-Rompersi la testa
intorno a che che si sia, to
put one's brains upon the
rack about a thing.-Vino che
monta alla testa, strong
heady wine.-Testa, head, a
person, a man.-Le teste co-Testáre, to make one's will.-
ronate, crowned heads.-L' Senza disporre de' suoi fatti,
uccisione fu si grande che non dicendo, che niente area di
ne scampo testa, the slaugh- suo da testare, without set-
ter was so great that not one tling his affairs, saying, that
man escaped.Pagare un he had nothing to leave.-
tanto per testa, to pay so
Testò il valente di fiorini ver-
much a head, so much a timilo, he left, by his will,
man, so much a piece.--Tes- twenty thousand florins.
ta, the head or front, the first Testátu, p. p. of Testare.
rank of a body politic or mi-Testatore, a testator.
litary-Essere alla testa dTestatrice, a testatrix.
un negozio, to be at the head
of an affair.--Marciare alla
testa d'un esercito, to march
at the head of an army.-Tes-
ta, sense, wit, brains.-Un
uomo di buona testa, a good
head-piece, a man of great
sense or judgment, a wise
man.-Un uomo di testa, a
headstrong man, a stubborn,
wilful or obstinate man.

whim is now come into your
head?-Testa d'imperadort,
testa lucchese, a strange,
whimsical, maggotry man, &
maggot headed man.-Testa
di vetro non faceia a' sassi, 2
glass head must not run a
gainst stones.
Testaccia, s. f. blockhead, hg.
gerhead, dunce.
Testamentáre, to make one's

Testamentário, adj. testamentary, left in testamen.-Ua

esccutore testamentario, the executor by will.—Erede tes tamentario, an heir by will.Con animo testamentario ti fo mio crede, I make you my heir by this last will.· Testamento, s. m. a testament or will-Far testamento, 10 make one's will.-Il Vecchin, › e Nuovo Testamento, the Old and New Testament. Testárdo, adj. headstrong, heady, wilful, obstinate, stubborn.-Un teslárdo, a stubborn man.

Testè, adv. just now, not long ago, a little while ago.-lo Lo testè ricevute lettere di Messina, I have just now received letters from Messina. Testeréccio, adj. headstrong, heady, wilful, obstinate, stubborn.

Testéso, adv. just now, not long ago, a little while ago. Obs.

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