صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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⚫ grass.

Testiéra, s. f. the head-stall of
a bridle.
Testificante, adj. testifying,
that testifies.
Testificánza, s f. v. Testifica-


Testificáre, to testify, to wit-
ness, to certify.
Testificativo, adj. apt to testi-
fy, testifying.
Testificato, adj. testified, wit-
nessed, certified.
Testificatóre, s. m. witness,
evidence, deponent.
Testificatrice, fem. of Testifi-


Tésto, an earthen pot-lid.-
Tés/o, an earthen pan.-La
pruota del testo è la torta,
the proof of the pudding is in
the eating.-Tésto, a text, the
very words of an author,
without any exposition.-
Tésto, a text, a portion of the
sacred writ, chosen for the
subject of a sermon.
Testolina, s. f. a small head.

-Testolina, an obstinate
head, a stubborn person.
Testóne, s. m. a great head, a
large head.-Testóne, a very
wise and prudent man.-
Testone, a silver coin so cal-
led.Avere de' testoni di-
molti, to be rich, to be opu-

thor.-Testore, a weaver. Testuale, adj. of or belonging to a text, the literal sense of a text.-Esposizion testuale, the exposition or explanation

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Testificazione, s. f. testifica-
tion, testimony, witness, evi-
dence, deposition.
Testimonanza, v. Testimoni-Testore, a compositor or au-
anza. Obs.
Testimonáre, v. Testimoniare.
Testimóne, s. m. witness, an
'evidence, a deponent.
Testimonia, s. f. testimony,
evidence, deposition.-Testi- of a text.
móni, testimony, proof, to-Testuggine, s. f. a tortoise, a
ken, mark, sign, argument, turtle.---Testuggine, a slug.
'evidence. Obs.-Testimonia, gard, a lazy man, a lazy-
a woman witness.
bones.-Testuggine, the roof
Testimoniále, adj. testimonial, or vault of a room. Testüg-
that testifies.-Scrittura tes- gine, a warlike engine or
timoniale, a testimonial, a fence, made of boards, co-
vered over with raw hides,
Testimoniánte, adj. testifying, under which as a penthouse,
shewing, demonstrating. the besiegers of a town get up
Testimonianza, s. f. testimo- close to the walls; a testudo.
ny, deposition.Far testi--Testuggine, a tortoise, an
monianza, to depose, to tes- astrological figure in the shape
tify.-Testimoniánza, testi- of a tortoise.

Tettáre, to suck.-Dare a tel-
tare, to give suck, to suckle.
Tettárello, s. m. a small roof,
a poor roof, a thatch.
Tettáto, adj. sucked.
Tétto, s. m. the top of a house,
the roof.-Camera a tetto, a
garret, a room near to the top
of the house, with no other
ceiling but the roof.-Non
credere dal tetto in su, to be
lieve no more than what one
sees.-Tétto, a house.
Tettója, s. f. a cot, a small

Téttola, s. f. a little breast.-
Téttola, two wattles, or little,
teats, which hang down from
the neck of a she-goat.
Tettuccio, s. m. a little roof.
Ti, to thee, thee, thyself.-Ti
scongiuro, I beseech thee.-
Dirrotti, I shall tell thee.-
Conténtati di ciò, content
thyself with that.-Ricordati
di quel che t'ho detto, re-
member what I have told
thee.Ti, is sometimes an
expletive particle, ex-Che
tu con noi ti rimanga, per
questa sera n' è caro, we shall
be very glad if thou wilt stay
to-night with us.
Tiára, s. f. tiara, a round orna-
ment for the head, something
like a mitre, worn by the an-
cient Persians.-La tiara del
Papa, the tiara, or the Pope's
triple crown.
Tiburtino, s. m. a kind of white
stone, in Rome.
Ticchio, s. m. whim, maggot,
whimsey, crotchet, freak,.
fancy, humour, caprice.-
E' m' è venuto il ticchio d
andare in villa, the fancy took
me to go into the country.
Tielismo, s. m. a distemper so,

testimonial.-Testimoniánza, the character one gives of a


Testimoniáre, to depose or give
evidence. Testimoniúre, to
testify, to make appear, or
make known.-Testimoniúre,
to affirm a thing upon oath.
Testimoniáto, p. p. of Testi-

Tientamménte, s. m. a blow
given to one, in order to make
him remember something..
Tiepidaménte, adv. slowly,
coldly, indifferently, with in-

Tiepidáre, to cool, to grow

mony, proof, token, mark, Testúra, s. f. a weaving or sign, argument, evidence.- texture. Testimonianza, certificate. Tetrafármaco, s. m. tetrapharmacum, a medicine consist ing of four ingredients. Tetragono, s. m. a tetragon, a square.-Tetragono, adj. tetragonal, square.-Tetragono, used, accustomed, inured. Not used.Avvegnach' io cold. mi senta ben tetragono a Trepidézza, 6. f. colpi di ventura, because 1 lukewarmness.— Tiepidézza,. find I have courage proof indifference, coldness.-TieTestimonio, s. m. a witness, against the crosses of fortune.. pidezza, fear, timorousness, an evidence, a deponent.- Tétro, adj, dark.---Carcer te- fearfulness, timidity, bashTestimonio di veduta, an eye. tro, a dark prison. fulness, witness.--Servir di testimo-Tétta, s. f. breast, a woman's rue contro uno, to come in as breast..



Tiepidità, s. f. coldness, i difference, negligence, su

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Tiépido, cold, slack, indif-
ferent. supine, careless, neg-Timóne, s. m. the helm of a

Tintin, s. m. a ting, or ting ling of a little bell, a jingling, --Sonar tinin, to ring i bell.

ship-Timone, the beam of a Tintinnánte,

adj. tingling,

Ti olo. s. m. a cry, a squeak. cart or coach.
Titó e, s m typhor, a vio-Timonére, s. m. a steers. Tinunráre, ?. Tintinnire.
lent whirlwind of hurricane. Tim nista man.
Tiglia, \s. f. boiled ches. Timoráto, adj. ¡eligious, good,|_jingling, or sound.

Táta, nuts.

Tiguo, s. m. a linden-tree-
Tiglio, the grain of wood, the

vein in stones.

Tiglioso, adj. hard, tough.
Legno tiglioso hard wood
Carne tigliosa, hard or tough


pious, godly, honest, that
tears God.-Uomo timorato,
a religious good man, a man
that fears God.

Tintinio, s. m. a tingling,

Tintinnire, to ringle, to jack, to resound Faceano term l'aria intinmire d'armenit dolce, they made the air te sound with a sweet harmaaj, Tintino, s. the ingr tingling of a bell, a sound, a noise-Egli udirono un t tinno di mulino, they head the rattling of a mill.- U en fronda nell' altra ferenco, e d. tu te dolce tintinno rendendo, the leaves of the trees, i uding one another, made an a elecable noise. ti-Tinto p. p of Tirgere.-Tis to changed in the tece, either red for anger, or pale for fear.

Timó e, s. m. fear, fearful-
ness, apprehension.-
mor di Dio, the fear of God.
-Per timore for fear, lest.
T murcsa mér te, adv. fear-
fully, timorously," cowardly.
Timoróso, adj. religious good,
godly, pious, that fears God.
— Un uomo timoroso di Dio,
a religious, pius man, a man
that fears Go...--Timoróso.
fearful, afraid. timereus,
mid, bashful cowardly.

Tigna, sf a scurf or scald on
the head.--Tigna. trouble,
vexation, scriow, disquiet.
Tign mic, st. a kind of weed
so called Tignamica, a nig
gardly fellow,
Tignere, to dye or colour.-
La tenera età si tigne d'ogni
colore, youth is like white!
paper, that receives all im-Timpano, s. m timbrel, tabor,
Tignóso adj. scurfy, troubled
with the scurf. La madre
pietosa fa il figliuol tignoso,
sp.re the rod and spoil the
Tignesúzzo, s. m. a little scab-
by fellow; also a petty stin-
gy rascal, a petty miser.
Tignuóla, s. f. moth, worm,
tiny, vine-tretter.
Tira Tigre.
Tigráne, s, m. a kind of pi-

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drum.-Timpano, the tym
pan or drum of the car.
Tina s. f. a vat. a great vessel
where grapes are pressed to
make wine.

Tinája, s. f. a place where
vants are kept, in order to
make wine, like English

Tináccio, s. m. a vat, a great
vessel to press the grapes in
for making wine.
Tinca, s. f. a tench.

Tinto, s. m, a dye or tincture-Che tutte gioje di bel tude h into siccome grant avanza ogni a tro tinto, who surpasseth all other jewels for beauty, as the grain is supe rior to any other dye. Tintóre, a dyer Tintúra, s. t. dye, hue, co lour, tincture.—Tinture, a tincture. a smattering, a sa perficial know edge. Tiórba, s f. theorbo, a kind of musical instrument.

Tinchétta, s. f. a small tench
Tincóne, s. m. a bubo, a swel-Tipóre, s. m warmth, heat
ling in the groin.
A low word. Questo TIND
non ha nè tipore nè sapere,
this wine has no manner of

Tinella, s. f. a little vat. a
Tinello, s. m. tub with ears.
-Tinéilo a common hall for
servants to eat in.—L'ora del
tinello, dinner-time.-Tenere
a tinello, to entertain at din-

Tingere v. Tignere.
Tino, s. m. a vat, a large
wooden vessel wherein they
press the grapes in order to
make wine

Tinóre, v. Tenore. Obs.
Tinózza, s. f. a small vat or
tub put under the large vat to
receive the wine in.
Tinta, s. f. tincture, dye.-
Punro di buona tuta, cloth
well dyed.--Tinta, a dye-


Tita, s. f. dissension, strik,
quarrel, debate, dispute.——
Fare a tira tira, to dispute,
to quarrel, to contend.
Tiraménto, s. m. a pulling or
drawing-Tireménto, the act
of forcing an interpretation.
Tirannáre, v. Tiranneggiare.
Tirannáto, v, Tiranneggiato.
Tiranneggiare, to tyrannize, to
use tyranny, to govern like a
tyrant, to oppress.
Tiranneggiato, adj. tyrannized,
Tirannéllo, s. m. a little tyrant,
a petty tyrant.
Tirannería, s. f. tyranny, cru-
oppression, violence.

Tinido, adj. timorous, fearful, mid, timorse me, bashfu.-Timido, frightened. terrified.

s. m. cloth dyed

Timo, s. m. thyme, the heib Tiniláno. Sin wool, or be Testamente, ade Tyrane


fore the wool is spun.

nically, tyrannously, in a ty

#annical or tyrannous man


Tirannésco, adj tyrannical, tyrannous, unjust, violent. Tirannía, s. f. tyranny, a tyTant's government --Tirana, tyranny, cruelty, oppression, vio ence.

Tirannicamente, adv. tyrannically, tyrannously, in a ty

rannous manner.

Tiránnico, adj. tyrannical, ty. rannous, unjust, violent. Tirannide, s. f. tyranny, cruelty, oppression, violence. Tiránnio, adj. tyrannical, tyrant-like. Obs. Tirannizzáre, to tyrannize, to oppress. Tirannizzato, adj. tyrannized,

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Turanno, a tyrant, a cruel go vernor, an usurper.--Tiranno. a lord. Ob. Questo Cas trucria fue un valoroso, e m-guanimo tiranno, this Castruccio was a valiant and magnanimous lord

Tiránte, adj. drawing, pulling

-Carne tirante, firm flesh. -Carne tirante fa buon fante, a lusty nurse makes a lusty child.

Tirare, to draw, to pull, to tug -Tirare uno pe' piedi, to draw one along by the rect. -Tirare un dente, to pull out a tooth -Tirar gli orecchi ad uno, to pull one by the ears, to pluck his ears-Tirdre, to go.-Chi tirò d'una parte e chi d' altra, some went one way and some another.Tirare, to force to constrain. to compel.-Tir. a ad ubbidirli ogni persona. he forced every body to obey them.Tirare, to throw, to cast. Tirar sassi ad ung, to throw stones at one -Tiráre, to go, to take one's way, to begin one's journey, to set forward. La sera vegnente dormi alla badia di San Maccario, e la matting tirò verso la città di Parigi, the night following he lay at the abbey of St. Maccarius, and in the morning set out towards the city of Paris, -Tira via, get you gone. Tirársi indie ro, to draw back, to go back, to retire.Tirarsi, to draw nigh or near, to approach, to come nearCome il sole si tira verso mezzodì e si dilunga da noi, tan

to avemo noi più grande fred do e più lunga wolle, as the sun draws near the south and goes far from us, the greater cold we have, and the longer nights-Tirar giù un lavoro, to do any work in haste.-Tirare a pochi, to content one's self with little.-Tirare, to aim, to drive at a thing, to have it in view or prospect.Tutti i suoi pensieri ad altro non tirano che al guadagno, all his thoughts drive at nothing else but to get money. -E tutti quasi ad un fine trravano assai crudele, and they all were almost of the same cruel mind.-Tirare, to draw out in length, to put off, to prolong, to delay, to spin.Tirar il collo agli uccelli, to pull the necks of birds to kul them.. -Tirar da parte, to take aside -Essa tiratolo a parte disse, she taking him aside, said-Tirarsi da perte, to draw or go aside.-Ti. rur fuori la spada, o coltello to draw a sword or a knife out of the scabbard.--Tirar la spada contro ad uns, to draw against one, to fight him. Tirare, to draw, to allure. Tirar uno alla sua opinione, to bring one over to one's epinion-Tirare un arcata, to speak at random, or extravagantly.-Tirarla giù ad uno. to impose upon one. Tirar di spada, to fence.- Tirur colpi, to strike, to give blow.. -Tirare una stoccata ad uno, to make a pass at one.-Trár via, to draw or pull out. or away.-Tirdre to gain, to win, to draw in.-Tirare una cosa, to get or obtain a thing, to have a thing one's own way -Voi gliene lasciate ti rar troppo, you indulge him too much -Tirar del dado, to beginTirar sigue, to draw or let blood to bleed. -Tirare alcuno dalla sua, to draw or bring one to one's side, to bring him overTirar la sela, to make or spn silk. Tirúre, to shoot off, to let off, discharge.-Tir re un archibuso, to shoot off a gun. Tirare una pistola, to discharge a pistol.—Tirar l' arco, to shoot with a bow.-Ti rare al berzaglio, to shoot at



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the mask.-Tirar volando, o a volo, to shoot flying.-Tirare a un uccello, to shoot a bird.-Tirare al peggio, to misinterpret a thing, to take it in bad part, to put a bad construction upon.-Tirare al buono, to interpret a thing well, to take it in good part or well, to put a good construction upon it.-Tirar la paga, to receive one's pay.Tirar calci, to kick, to wince, to jerk-Tirar de' calci al vento, to kick the air, to be hanged.-Tirare una correggia to let a fart -Torar le calze, irar le cuoja, Tira poco di mira, to be pur blind --Tirar di pratica, to be insolent, presumptuous, or arrogant -Tirar su, to pump a thing out of one -Tirare, to cheapen, to haggle, to stand haggling.--Tirare, to blow. Il vento tira, the wind blows-Tirare, to grow clear, speaking of wine.-Tirare a' suoi colombi, to shoot at one's own pigeons; to do one's self prejudice, to wrong one's self.-Tirare, to have a Certain breadth or wideness.Qunto può tirare questo panno? what breadth might this cloth have?-Questa tela tira ad un braccio, this cloth is a yard wide.-Tiare ad un colore, to incline to some colour. Questo fore tra al turchino, this flower inclines to blue. - Tirare al buono, to have a good or bad inclinaton.Tirare, to draw. Tirare per sorte, to draw or cast lots - Tirare una lotteria, to draw a lottery.- Tirare a segno, to shoot at the white or mark-Tirar gli orecchi, to call to one's memory.Tirare innanzi alcuno, to promote, to prefer one-Tirar da uno, to take after one, to be li'e him.-Egli tira molto dal padre, he takes very much after his father.-Tirare, to draw out.-Tirare un canale, to draw out a canal. Tirare una linea, to draw a line-Tirare costrutto, to ake advantage from a thing. -Tirare, to get or obtain.Non ho potuto tirare altro da lui, I could not get any more of him.-Tirársi addosso, to draw or bring upon one's self.

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Li suoi poderi erano grandi, eTitilláre, to tickle.-Titille, ben tirata la borsa, he had a to please.


Tiratójo, s. m. a gig-mill, a
sort of fulling-mill,-7irató-
jo, a drawer.

Tiratóre, a drawer, he that
draws. Lo mirifico tirator
del carro di Giunone, the
wonderful drawer of Juno's
chariot, the peacock.
Tirella, s. f. a trace for draw-
ing horses.--Tirella, the
splinter bar of a coach.
Tiriaca, ". Teriaca. Obs.

-Tirarsi addosso qualche! disgrazia, to draw some mischief upon one's self.-Tivery good estate, and a great Titillato, p. p. of Titillare. varsi addosso, to incur the deal of money. Tiráto, Titimáglio, s. m. a plant so hatred of the people. Tira- close-fisted, near, covetous, Titimalo, called. re il sottile dat sottile, thus niggardly.-Stare iz sul tira- Titolare, to intitle, to give a tiband, to be saviog, sparing, to, to be difficult of access, to tle or name, to call. --Titsor frugal.--Tirarsi un passo be proud.-Tirato, clear, fine. Láre, adj. titular. in dietro, to draw a step back. Vino tirato, clear fine Titoláto, s. m. a man of quali -Far tirate addietro, to ty.--Titoláto, adj. intitled, force, to draw back.--Tirdre, called.-Titolato, styled.-to trail, to drag along.-Trur 11 maggior figlio del re d'h molto il debil fianco oltra non ghilterra e titolato principe puote, he or she could not di Galles, the eldest son of walk or go father.-Tirare, to the king of England is styled draw, to get, to receive to prince of Wales. reap.-Tirar d'una cosa, to Titolo, s. m. a title, a mark profit of a thing. Tir r of dignity and honour — -profitto d'una cos, to reap the Titolo, the title, or inscription profit of a thing.Trevaof a book. -Titolo, title, no de' fatti di Calandrino, il name.--Titolo, renown, fame, maggior piacere del mondo, name, reputation, notethey were mightily pleased at, Tiritéra, s. f. a long story, an Poi vien colei che ha i titol the recital of Calandrino's ad- old woman's tale. d'esser bella, after comes she, Ventures. ——————— -Tirare, to kick, that has the name of being to wince, to jerk.---Il voshandsome.-Titolo, a right, tro cavallo tira come vedo, by claim, title.-- -Questa downs what I see your horse kicks. meritamente è mia, nè alcum Tirare a fin, to end, to make con giusto titolo me la può an end. Tirare a fine un raddomandare, this woman, negozio, to terminate an atby right, is mine, and nobody fair.-Tirare, to export-Tihas a title to claim her agam rarsi, to draw back or aside, from me.-Titolo, colour, to retire. Tutti concorsero a pretence-Sato riolo, a ie vedere i due amanti, li uomitolo, adv. under colour, unni tutti a riguardar la gioder pretence. vane si trae ano, every body ran to see the two lovers, and all the men flocked together To see the young woman.Firare, to translate into Italian-Tirar la gola, to long for a thing, to have a great mind for it.-Questi fruthi mi tiran la gola, these fruits set me agog, or make my mouth or teeth water.-Tirare innanzi, to continue, to go on. Tirare, to carry, to reach. Una colubrina che tira un miglio, a culveriu that carries a mile.

Tio, s. m. throw, hurl, shot,
reach, or cast.-Essere a tiro
di moschetto, di cannone, e si-
mili, to be within a musquet
or cannon shot.-Essere a ti-
ro, to be near the end, or con-
clusion of a thing.--Tiro, a
turn, trick.-Hanno fatto un
caltivo tiro, they have play-
ed a scurvy trick.-Tiro di ca-
valli di carrozza, a set of
coach-horses.--Tiro di can-
none, a cannon shot-Tiro, a Titubánte, adj. reeling, stagger-
kind of disease in horses.-Ti-ing, tottering.-Titubäste,
ro, a viper so called.
wavering, irresolute, or un-
Tirocinio, s. m. the time dur- certain.
ing which one is a novice, Titubáre, to reel, to stagger, to
probation time, apprentice- totter, to waggle, to joggle.
-Titubáre, to be wavering,
irresolute, or uncertain what
to do, to be in a quandary.
Tirso, s. m. the stalk or stem Titubáto, p. p. of Titubare.
of a flower, or of an herb.---Titubazióne, s. f. vacillation,
Tirso, the club worn by Bac-
chus and the Baccantes.
Tisána, s. f. a liquor made with

Tiróne, s. m. a novice, a pren-
tice. Obs.

Tisica, Obs. s. f. consump



Tiráta, s. f. a drawing.-Tira-Ti-ichézza,
ta, a tract or space of ground,
a journey, a way.--Era la
strada una buona tirata, un
miglio o più, the way was a
good mile and more.--Ci resta
una buona tirata da qui a
Londra, we have still a great
way to go, before we come to sumption.-Tisickme, a lean
body, a mere skeleton.

reeling, tottering, or staggering.Titubazione, vaculati on, irresolution, uncertainty. Tizzo, s. m. a brand or Tizzóne, fire-brand. Tócca, s. f. a kind of cloth of gold and silk, a gauze of gold and silk.

Tisico, adj. consumptive, in a
Tisicuccio, adj. weakly, ten-Toccalápis, s. m. a black lead
der, thin, slender, of little pencil.
strength, of little powers of Toccaménto, 5. m. touch,
touching or feeling-Certe
infermità al toccamento del
corpo s' appiccano, certain
diseases are catched by the
touch.-Tocraménto, feeling,
one of the five senses of the

Tisicúme, s. m. phthisick, con-

Tiráto, p. p. of Tiráre.-Tirato, Tisicúzzo, v. Tisicuccio. stretched, stretched out.-Go-Titillaménto, s. m. a tickling. -Titillaménto, pleasure, delight.

te nirale, smooth cheeks. Borse tirata, apurse full.

Toccare, to touch.-Ha evi in


là, non mi toccate, go farther that way, don't touch me.Chi vi tocca? who meddles with you.-Toccar la mano to shake hands-Far toccar con mani, to demonstrate plainly.-Toccare, to touch, to reach a thing.-E si alto che tocca al soffitto, he is so tall that he reaches the cieling.--Toccare, to drive, to drive on. Tocca, cocchiero, drive on, coachman.---Toccare de' buni, to drive oxen. -Toccare, to move, to excite. -Il suo discorso toccù l'animo di tutti, his discourse af. fected the minds of every one. Toccare il cuore, to move the heart.-Toccare, to hint, to speak a few words about.Questa fortuna di che tu mi #occhi, che è ? what, is this fortune that you speak of?-Della cui qualità toccamento di sopra, of whose quality we spoke of above.-Toccare gli orecchi, to reach to one's ears. Da toccare la tua propria moglie ti conviene astenere, you must not meddle with your own wife.-Toccare, to touch a thing, to take something out of it.--Andammo rra senza toccare alcuna cosa, We went away without touching any thing. -Toccare, to happen, to chance, to fall out, to fall by lot.-Toccò per avventura tra

the touch.-Tócco, the ting
or tingling of a bell.-Sonare
una campana a tocchi, to toll
a bell.Tocco di tamburo,
the beating of a drum.-Toc-
co, a fescue.-Tocco, a night-
-Tocro. adj. touched,

felt, mentioned.
Tóga, s. f. a gown or robe.
Togale, adj. to the gown, and
it is always understood of doe-
tors or magistrates.
Togato, adj. gowned, that
wears a gown.-Un togdto,
s. m. a gownsman.
Tógliere, or Tórie, to take, to
lay hold of.-Togli questo li-
bro, e mettilo sulla tavola,
take this book and lay it upon
the table.-Appen› il poten l ́
orchio torre, I could scarce
perceive it-Tor gita, to save
one's trouble of going some-
where.Chi è questa, che
vien di qua? ell' è la Perelia,
ella m' ka tolto gita, who is
she that is coming this way
she is Purella, she has saved
me the trouble of going to
her.-Tor casa, to take or hire
a house. Tor moglie, tor
per moglie, to marry.-Tor
marito, to marry.-Tor ca-
valli a vettura, to hire horses.

to give us a toast.-Toccar danari, to take or receive money-Non ho toccato dieci scudi in tutto 'l giorno, I did not take ten crowns in all the day.-Toccare il tamburo, to beat a drum.- -Toccar la tromba, to play upon the trumpet.-Toccar delle busse, to be beaten. --Toccar la corda, to undergo the rack or torture.-Toccare bomba, to run away, to betake one's self to one's heels.-Toccare il cielo el dito, to be happy, to live in clover.-Toccare le scritture, to alter a writing. -Toccare il polso, to feel the pulse.-Toccare il cuore, to touch one's heart, to please mightily.--Toccare la fregola, to long for a thing, to have a great mind to.-Egli è teste lor tocco fregola di fare una commedia, all of a sudden a whim came into their heads to act a play.-Toccare il ticchio, v. Ticchio.-Toccare il cielo, to reach the heavens, to have one's prayers heard in heaven.--Le tue preghiere hanno toccato il cielo, God has hearkened to your prayers.Toccare sul vivo, to touch to the quick.-Toccáre, to pro- Togliere, to take away or voke.-Toccar la memoria, to from, to deprive or bereave. have a good memory.-Non-Li nomi delli quali io in toccare dove duole, nè motteg- propria forma racconterei, se giare il vero, name not a rope giusta cagione da dirlo non in the house of him that hang- mi togliesse, whose names I ed himself.-Toccare, s. m. would tell one by one, if 1 a touch, touching, or feeling. had not a just reason to con-Toccare, the act of de- ceal them-Tolti dal pianto; nouncing to a debtor the pe- se'l tuo figliuolo è mortò, alremptory term. tro non può essere, forbear Toccata, s. f. the prelude of a crying; if your son is dead, is sonata on the harpsichord. cannot be helped.--Tor quaiche cosa di mano ad unv. to snatch something out of one's hands. Tor di vita, tor la persona, tor di terra, tor dal mondo, to take away one's life, to put one out of the world, to kill him.-Rineque a Dio di torlo di vita nella sua gioventù, God was pleased to take him from this hte in his youth.--Ma forse ci torrano le persone, but perhaps they will take away our lives.--Torre g credenza, to buy or take any thing upon trust-Torre, o take away, to rob, to steal, to ravish-Tu mi togh it mo falsamente, you take away my own unjustly.-Questą

altre cose in sorte ad un Messer Guasparrino d' Oria la balia di Madonna Beritola. amongst other things, it fell by lot to Gasper of Oria to take care of Mrs. Beritola's nurse.-Toccare, to belong, to touch, to concern, to re-Toccativo, adj. feeling, apt to gard.-Tocca al padre di gas. tigare i suoi figliuoli, it is the duty of a father to chastise his children.--Le leggi devono esser comuni, e fatte con consentimento di coloro a cui elle taccano, the laws onght to be general, and made with the consent of those who are con

feel.-La virtà toccativa, the feeling of virtue, the touch. Toccáto, p. p. of Toccare.Sopra toccato,, abovesaid, abovementioned, hinted a


Toccatóre, he that feels or touches.-Toccatóre, a bea


cerned in them.—Questo ne-Toccatrice, fem. of Toccatóre. gozio mi tocca strettamente, Tocchetto, s. m. a ragou of this affair touches, or concerns me very much.-A chi toccu a fare? who is to deal?. Tocca a me, tocca a voi, I am to deal, you are to deal. Adesso toccu a coi a darci un brindisi, it is your turn now

fish.- Tocchetto, minced meat, a dish of minced meat, a hash or hashie. Tócco, s. m. a bit, a morsel. Un tocco di pane, a bit or morsel of bread.-Tócco, the feeling, the sense of feeling,

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