صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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one. unu cosa

duca non inglieva arl alcuno, Tollerábile. adj. tolerable. tail.--Non ne farei un tomo is thi duke wionged nobaby.-- Tollerabilmente, adv tolera- sulla puglia, I would not give Mai più bent non seuti, pos- bly.

a pin's heart or a straw for it. ciache tu tolta mi fosti, ne. Toileránte, adj. tolerating, suf- _Tomo, a tome, volume, or ver had a moment of ret fering

part of a book. since you was stolen fr. m me. Tolleranza, s. f. toleration, Tomoito, v. Tumulto. Obs. Tor la ir inilà ad una fun. connivance.

l'ónaca, v. Tonica. crulla, to dit wir a nad - Tolleráre, 10 rolerate, to sul fonamento, s. m. a thunder Torre ad inie (sse, to take mo fer, to bear with.

ing, thunder, Tonamento ney uwon interest - Torre to Tolleráto adj. tolerated, suf- negli orecchi, a humming of be contente:l, well pleaser, or lered, borne with

lingling in onk's ears.--Tonssatisfied --Di me, che mi torrei Tolleratore, a tolerator, he that mento di vento, the whistling, dormire in pietra Tutto 'l mio toler.tes or uffers

his.ing, or whizzing of the tempo of me, that shall be Tolleratrice, femin. of Tolle- wind. very well contented to sle p Fatore.

Tonáre, to thunder. – Dopo il upon a nione all my life-time. Tóllere, v. Togliere. Obs. molto tonure si venne tardi a -Tor feile ad uno, 10 unde- Toilero, s. m. a kind of Tus diliberare, afer a great bustle, ceive, to disabuse, to put out Cau coin, that has derived its they came at last to a conclu. of conceit-Torne la volia, name from dollar

Sion. to have the start of one, to be Tollétta, s. f. ( theft, robbe- Tonchiáre, to be caten by before-haad with him.-Tur- rolléto, s, in. ry, stolen mites or weevils, speaking of re in fino l cielo, to raise goods. Obs. both -Rendere corn. one to the sky, to commend it mal tolletio, to mahe a re- Tonchiáto, adj. mite-eaten. him mightily. - Torre uno stitution of stolen gods. Obs. Tonchio, s. m. a mile or weedi se medesimo to niake one Tolomméa. f. a name in vil. mat, to make one go beside hell so called by Dante, Tondaménto, v. Tondatura. himself, to teaze o fret one. where he pliccs traitors. Tonctáre, to round, to make -Torre il cano ad uno, to Tóita, s, i a takıng or carry. round. teaze, 10 free or imporiune ing away. Buni o mala Tundatúra, s. f. shavings.

Torre altrui del cupo tolto, a goo I or bad bargain. Tonde giáre, to incline to a

to beat a thing out -Esser toila di alcuno, to roandish form or shape. of one's head, to undleceive or be one's adherent.

Tondruçiure, to make a thing di-abuse nim.- Tor ili mira, Tolto, adj. taken away, taken. of a round form. to aim, or like one's aim.- Tomijo, s. m. the upper lea-Ton lezgiáio, adj. roundish, Tors, uno d n ra to have a ther of a shoe.

round. grudge at one.-Tolga Idilio, Tomare, to fall upside down Tondere, to shear.-Tondere Goi forbid !-Torsi da una to tumble. Ohs.

le pecore, in shear the sheep. C052, 'orsi g'i da una cosa Tómba, s. f. a grave.--Tom- Tonlere la barba ad uno, to to give a thing over, to for- ba, a vault, a tomb. Tomb., shave one.-Tondersi la bar. sake 11, to think utit nomre, outward buildings, belonging va, to share one's self. to abandon it.-Sforsò ancor, to a country-house a tarm- Tondere la moneta, to clip the Tiridate a ri iraisi, e orsi house. No longer in use m money. ga dull impresà, he also this sense.-hi pochissimo Tondéito, adj. roundish some forced Tindates to retire and tempo ili molte gran li pos- what round. to abandon the enterpize.-- sessioni, e rille, e lembe, e Tondézza, s. f. roundness. -Viicl io dall'impresa non custella comperarono, in a Tondino, s m. a small plate. riuscibile si osse gri per rer- very little time they bought a Tóndino, in architecture, gogn, Vitellius shamefully great miny and very large kind of ornament so called. desisted from the enterprize possessions, country-houses, Tonditúra, s f. the act of elipe that could not succeed.. farm houses, and castles, jing, shearing, shaving. Torsi d nanzi ad al ru, to go Tomboláre, lo fall upside down, Tonditúra, the curting of une's away from one – Torsuno to tumble.

hair. - Tonditára, what is dingiz, to get nd of one.--- Tombolára, s. f. the act of taken off in shearing. Togl m d n , get you out talling down or tumbling, and Tondo, adj. round. -- Tondo, of my sig!'.---Torre sn pace, it is an only of persons. simple, weak, silly.--Uomo to be ir pati niiv.---Torre a Tombuláto, adj. cumbled. tondo di pelo, a simpleton, a furo, a nolo, a prigione to Tombolo, s. m. ä (umble.-- hlockhead, a dunce.-Ham. hire.--Torre un Culla pigiFare un tombolo, to fali mi tu per così tondo di pelo? one, to hire a house. --Torre down, to tumble - Non ne do you take me for such a ubica a nolo, to hire a farei un tombolu ir su l'erla, fo!? - Tondo, coarse - Parse buat

I would not give a pin's heid n, tondo, crarse cloth. Tozliménto, s, m. a taking on or a straw for ii.- Tom' olo, Tondo, round.--Daterri din carrying away, a thett. a bobbin to make hove lace eci doppie tonde, e lo farò, Togliore, he that takes away,


give me ten round guincas, a thief. a robber.

Tómo, s. m. a fall or tumble. and I will do it.-Tondo, so Toglıurice, tım. of Toglitore. Fare il tumo, to fly top over m. roundness, circumference.

ing, writhing, throwing, or turning about.

Torbidézza, s. f. thickness, muddmess. Torbiccio, adj. somewhat Torcolare, troubled, disturbed, uneasy, Tórco'o,


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Torbido, adj. thick, muddy. troubled, turned.—Acqua torbida, thick muddy water Torbido, troubled, disturbed, uneasy, vexed.

} s. m. a press.

Tordájo, s. m a place where thrushes or fieldfares are kept to be fattened.

Fordéta, s. f. a large thrush. Tórdos m. a thrush, a fieldfare.--Meglio è fringuello in man, che in fr.sca tordo, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.-Pigliar due tordi ad una pania, to kill two birds with one stone-Tordo, a simpleton, a fool, a dunce, a blockhead.

Tórbo, adj. troubled, thick, muddy.-Visto torbe, a dim sight-Torbo, troubled, disturbed, vexed, angry. Tórcere, to wrest, to wring. Torcer deila lana, to twist wool-Torcer della seta, to throw ilk.-Torcer il colo ad uno, to wing one's neck.Torre la bocca, to distort one's mouth, to make a wry mouth. Torcere, to turn, to put off Tório, v. Tuorlo. or on.-Volger il viso ad uno. Tórma, s. f. many people together.

Torello, s. m. a bullock, a young bull.

Toriccia, s. f. a young she




to turn one's face to one.-Torcere uno dal suo cam-Tormentagióne. s. f. mino, to put one out of his Tormentamento, s. m.ment, way.-Torcer gli occhi ad pain. Both Obs. uno, to look gruff at one, to Tormentáre, to torment, look sour upon him.-Tor- torture, to put to great pain, cere verso un lungo, to steer, to rack. -Tormentáre, to torto go towards a place.-Tor- ment, to disquiet, to vex, cemmo all' isola di Sicilia, we to grieve or afflict---Torsteered towards Sicily.-Tor- mentare, to infest, or troucer a man dritta, to turn upble. I ladri tormentano le on the right hand.-Torcersi, strade, the highwaymen into twist, to writhe one's self. fest the roads-Tormentarsi, -Torcere il muso, to turn up to torment, disquiet, grieve, one's nose, to despise. - Toror afflict one's self.-Tormencere le scritture, to wrest the társi, to macerate, to mortisense of a passage. fy, or torment one's self. Torchietto, s. m. a smali Tormentáto, p. p. of Tormentorch, taper, or light. Tórchio, s. m. a torch, a taper, a flambeau Torchio, a printing press.-Torchio, a press.


-Matto è colui, che è si ardito, che la mette fuor del Londo, he is a great fool that pretends to go higher than his knowledge will reach. do, a plate to eat out of. Tondo, a blow. Tondúto, adj. shorn, shaved, cut, clipped. Not much used. v. Tóso.-- -Pecore tondute, shorn sheep. Tónfano, a whirlpool, a stream, a place in a river where the water is very deep. Tónfo, s. m. a fall, and also the noise of a man's fall on

the ground. Tónica, s. f, a tunic, a jacket or jerkin. Tonicéila, s. f. a little tunic. Tonicélla, cope, alb. Tonnára, s. f. a place where the tunny fish is pickled.--Tonnára, a place in the sea where the tunny fish is catched. Tonnina. s. f. the back of the tunny fish pickled. Tónno, s. m. tunny, a sort of sea-fish.

Tonsúra, s. f. tonsure, a priest's

tonsure.-Prima tonsura, the first cutting of hair made to

the intended priest. Tonsurare, to give the first


Topája, s. f. a mouse's nest. Topaja, an old mouldy chest or drawer.

Topázio, s. m. topaz, a yellow
precious stone.

Topinája, the same as Topaja.
Topino, adj of a mouse colour.
Topo, s. m. a rat.
Topolino, s. m. a little rat, at


Tóppa, s f. the lock of a door. -Toppa, a piece, a patch.Toppa, done, a word said to signify that we accept of a bet.



Tormentatóre, s. m. a tormenter, one that torments. Tormentatrice, s. f a female tormenter, she that torments. Tormentilla, s. f. tormen il or setfoil, a sort of herb.

Tórcia. s. f. a torch or taper. Torcare, to twist, to tie fast. Torcicóllo. s. m. a bird so cal-Torménto, s. m. torment, led.-Torcicóllo, a hypocrite, rack. -Tormento, torment, Toppallachiave, s. m. a lock- a dissembler, a Teligious pain, trouble, grief, sorrow, smith. Obs. anxiety afHiction. Tormentosaménte, adv. painfully, in a painful manner. Tormentóso, adj. grievous, painful, vexatious, trouble. some, offensive.

s. m. a strain-
ing bag.

Toppáre, to say done when an-Torcitécio,
other offers to lay a wager. Torciféciolo,
Tóppo, s. m. a billet or log. Torcigliare, to twine, to roll up.
Tórba, s. f. the stream of Torciguáto, p. p. of Torcigliare.
Tórbida, rivers when mud-Torcimánno, v. Turcimanno.
dy, by reason of the dirt that Torciménto, s. m. twining,
the rain carries into them. twisting.
Torbidamente, adv. turbulent-Torcitújo, s. m. an engine used
ly-Torbidamente, nastily, to twist silk.
full of mud.

Torbidáre, to trouble, to make
a liquor thick or muddy.
Torbidáto, adj. troubled, thick,
Voi. I.

Torcitóra, fem. of Torcitore.
Torcitóre, s. m. a twister.
Torcitore di seta, a silk throw-

Torcitúra, s. f. twisting, wrest

Tormentúzzo, an inconsideraible torment.

Tornagústo, s. in. something
pleasant that one eats, to pro-
voke or recover appetite.
Tornalétto, s. m, the base o
a bed.
Tornaménto, s. m. a return os
coming back.

Tornánte, adj. returning or
coming back. Not used.-
Il non tornante tempo, the in-

revocable time


and the list.

Torpétine, s. f. the cramp-f that numbeth the hand those that touch it. forpénte, adj. numb a

ni hed.

Torpóre, s m. numbness, st ness. Torpore di met, numbness, dullness, hear ness.- Torpore, idlenes, slothfulness.

-Il conto non torna, o non mi torna, the account is not right. Tornáre o non tornare bene, to be profitable or unprofitable.-Questo negozio i tornerà bene, you will faint, dull. find your account in this af-Tórpere, to be berumbed, r air-Tornar bene, to fit.- grow stiff.-Torpere, to h Questo estilo vi torna bene, surprised, amazed, or 2this suit fits you very well. Tornare a mno, to be handy or commodious.-Tornare, to be profitable, advanta ge us. or available. Torna óte, s. m sunflower turnsol, a kind of flower. Tornáta, s. f. a retura or coming back, an arrival. Trato, p. p. of Tornare. Torneamento, s. m. a tournament, a just or tilt. Torneare, to tilt, to run at tilts. -Tornráre, to turn, to turn round about. Obs.--Torneure, to environ, to surround, | or fence round. Obs Tornéo, s. m. a tournament, just, or tilt.

Torracchióne, s. m. ank
Torráccia, s. f.


Torrajuólo, adj. ex. Priest
torrajuolo, a wood-pigeon
Torrazzo, s. m. a large toFEL,
an old ruinous tower.
Tórre, to take away, to re
move, v. Toghere.-Tone,
s. f. a tower.
Torreggiante, adj. that stack
like a tower that exceeds
others in being tall, tower-
Torreggiare. to stand like a
tower --Torreggiavan di sez
zo la persona gli orribili gr
ganti the homble giants
stood like towers, from their
mideles upwards.

Tornare to return or go back.
-Torniamo a casa let us re
turn home.-Tornare addie-
tro, to g back.-Tornáre, to
return, to co ne or become.
-L'uomo è fatto di terra e
in terra tornerà, men ar
made of dust, and they shal
return to dust.-Tornáre, to
return or resume, to begin a-
gain --Torniamo al nostro
discorso, let us resume our
former discourse-Rarvédita
oggimai, e torna uomo come
tu sulevi, come to yourself
last, and be the same men
that you was before. -Tu non
desideri di tornar donna, you
do not wish to be a woman
again-Torno a dirvi, che vor
atele lorto, I tell you once
more, you are in the wrong.
-1orndre, to turn, to tend.
to return, to redound.-Ciò
tornerà a vostro onore, that
will turn to your honour.--
Tornáre, to carry back again
-Tornale questo libro net
suo luogo, carry again this Torniájo, s. m. a turner.
book to its place.-Tornare Torniaménto, s. m toura-
alla memoria o nlla mente. ment, just or tilt.-Torn'a-
to call to memory, to remem
ber, to recollect, to put in
mind.-Ma nella mente torTorniáre, to turn with a turn-Torricciuóla,
nandosi chi egli era, but cal- er's wheel.
ling to memory who he was
-M' hanno nella memoria
tornata una novella, they
have put me in mind of a no
vel. E non potendo indietro
tornare, converrà per forza,
che sien contenti, and ince !!
cannot be helped. they must Tomire, v. Torniare.
be contented. Il dado è trat-Torníto, adj, v. Torniato. Me-
to, e non può più tornare in taphorically, well done, done
dietro, the thing is done, and with exactness, done extreme-
cannot be helped -Tornare ly well.
addietro, to revoke to recall.
to repeal, or make void.-Tu
sia il ben tornato welcome!
back -1 ornare in se to come
to one's self again.-Tornare
il cervello, to come to one's
senses again -Tornare una
cosa in capo ad uno to re-
turn, to reflect or fall upon.-lóros m. a buli.-Toro. a
Tutto questo disordine vi for D.d. Poetical.-Toro, Tau.
nerà in capo, all this bustle rus, the second sign of the
will fall heavy upon you, or
zodiack.-Toro, torus (in ar-
will come home to you
chitecture) is a round mem-

Tornése, adj. ex. lira Tornese,
a French livre --Tornéses
m. a piece of money at Na-

ménto, a fence, hedge, inclo-Torrénte, s. m. a torrent.
sure, circumference. Obs. Tonétta,


s. f. a little


Tórrido. adj. torrid —La zona

Tormáto adj. made on the Torricellaccia, s. f. an old ruin-
lathe by a turner.
ous little tower.
Torniéro, a turner.
Tórnio s. m a turning-wheel,
a lathe, the wheel of a turner.
-Fatto al tornio o torno,

Tornitóre, a turner.
Tórno, s m. a turning wheel,
a lathe.--Torno, a long round
beam, whereon dyers wind
their cloaths out of their
vats and pans-D' età di due
anni, o in quel torno, two
years old, or thereabouts.

Ciò non mi torna a conto, it ber encompassing the base
does not turn to my account. of a pillar, between the plinth

torrida, the torrid zone. Torrére, s. m. the keeper of a


Torrigiano, s. m. a guard or
sentinel of a tower, the watch
of a tower.
Torrioncello, s. m. a low,
stout looking tower.
Torróne, s. m. a large tower.
Torrucciáccia, s. f. a liale
ruinous tower.
Torsáccio, s. m. a rotten stump
of cabbage, lettuce, or any
other such thing -Torsaccio,
a mangled statue, a statue,
whose arms and legs or other
parts have been broken.
Torsello, s. m bale or packet
of goods or merchandise
Torsétlo, a pin-cu-hion.-Tor-
séllo, a coin to stamp money.
orsióne, s. f. distortion.
Tórso, s. m. the stump of a
cabbage, lettuce, or any other

[blocks in formation]

Tortevolmente, adv. wrong-Tortore, s. m. an executioner.

fully, unjustly. Obs. Tortezza, s. f. crookedness. Tortiglione, s. m. the crooked part of a tree vine, or the like. Tortiglioso, adj. crooked, turn

best Italian is spoken.

Toscanamente, adv in a Tus-
can manner.-Parlar Tosca-
namente to speak Tuscan, or
he Tuscan tongue.
forcáno ads. Tuscan, born
in Tuscany.-Lingua Toscu-
na, the Tuscan tongue
Toscano, the Tuscan order in
architecture, so called because
invented in Tuscany.
Tó:co, adi. Tuscan.- Tosco,
adv. Tuscan.-Parlar Tosco,
to speak Tu can. - Tosco, s.
m. poison.

Tosetta s. f. a little girl.
Toso, adj. sheared, shaved.
Továre, to shear, to shave, or
trim. O's.

a torturer, a tormenter. Obs Tsáto

S. m. the golden

Toroso, unjust, infia Tussato, i shoh, shaved
sonable.-Lo tuo failir d'ogni Tóne,
torto tortoso, your fault is the
most unjust of any.

fleece Tóssa, s. f. cough, a convul

ing in and out.-Fune torti-Tortuosamente, adv. in an ob-Tusse, sion of the lungs.→

gliosa, a twisted rope. Tortire, to twist, to wrest, to wring.

Tortúdine, s. f. crookedness. Torti údine, dishonesty, roguery, iniquity.

Ne amor nè ossa si possono celúre, love and a cough cannot be concealed. Tossicáre, to poison.

lique minner, obliquely, in
a winding manner.
Fortuosità, sf.obiquity turn-
ings. windings.
Tortuoso, adj. tortuous, wind-Tossicáto, adj poisoned.
ing, turning in and out. Tóssico, s. m. a particular, sort
of poison.

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wreathedness --Tortúra, ma-Tossicoso, adj. venomous, poi-
lice. wickedness, craluness.--
Tortura, torture, rack, tor- Tossiménto, s. m. the act of
ment, pain-Porre alla tor- coughing.
tura, mettere alla tortura, Tossire, to cough
dare la tortura, to put to the
rack, to torture.

ness, sourness, doggishness. Fórvo. adj. grim. stern, sour, crabbed, dogged-Guardar uno con occhi orvi, to look sour or stern upon one-Viso torvo a stern, severe, crabbed look.

Tórto, adj. crooked. bent. Tortúra, s. f. crookedness,
Capelli torti. curled or friz-
zled hair.-Torto, unreason-
able, unjust, dishonest, ro-
guish, knavish.---Torto, im-
modest, unruly, depraved,
lewd, excessive-Torto ap
petilo, immoderate or unruly
desires.-Costumi torti. de-Torvità, s. f sternness, grim-
praved or corrupted manners.
Forsennata latro siccome cane
tanto dolor le fè la mente or.
ta, she barked like a dog
through the violence of the
grief which had made her
mad. Operar non torto, ho.
nest, upright dealing.--Torto,
S. m. wrong, injury.-Far
torto, to wrong, to injure.-
Voi fate torto alla vostra ri-
putazione, you wrong your
own reputation --Torto.
wrong, fault, blame.-Voi
avete torto, you are in the
wrong.-Il tor o fu suo di
mescolarsi in cose che non gli
spettano, he was to blame to
meddle with things which did
not concern him.-Tutti gli
diedero tortu, every body laid
the blame upon him.-Torto,
adv. crookedly, obliquely, a-
wry -Anlar torto, to go parings, clippings.
awry.-Guardar torto. to look
awry.-Far veder torto, to

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Torzióne s. f. extortion, an
unlawful exaction of money
Torzióne, contortion, distor-

Torzóne, s. m. a lay-friar.
Tosa, s. a girl, a lass. Not
used but at Milan.


Tosáre to shear, to shave or
trim-Tosare le pecore.
shear sheep.-Tosare la bar-
ba, to shave one's beard, to
trim-Tosar la moneta, to
clip money.
Tosáto, adj. sheared, shaved
trimmed, clipped.
Tosatúra, s. f. shavings shreds

Toscana, s. f Tuscany, a
country in Italy, in which the

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Tossire, s. m. cough, or coughing. Tostaménte, adv. quickly nim bly, swiftly, presently, scon. -lo aeggio che io dello e Lostamente morire, I see that I must die, and very soon.Dare ostamente è dare doppiamente to give soon is giv ing double.

T stanaménte, v. Tostamente.

Tostáno, adj. nimble, speedy,
quick swift. Obs-Via tos
tana, the shortest way. Obs.
Tostanza, s. f quickness nim-
Hleness swiftness Obs.
Tósto, adj qu ck nimble,
speedy, swift, fast.-Tosto,
ready. quick.-Via tosta, the
-Tosto, adv.
shortest way.
quickly suddenly immedi-
ately soon-Andate tosto, go
quickly.-D h facciomo tos
o, prithee let us make haste.
-Le cose tosto date e trovate,
par che l'uom nou le reputi
care, things ready granted
and soon got, do not seem to
be much es cemed.-Far cos

tosto inamorare così falta donna come è costei! to make such a woman as she fall in love so soon!--Tosto tosto, tosto. immediately.-—— Prù

sooner, before.-Ben tosto, soon, quickly, speedily, shortlv, in a short time.-Tosto che, as soon as.Io sarò la tos o che io posse, I will be there as soon as I can.-Più tosto, soon, rather, before.Forrei più tosto morire che lasciarvi, I would sooner die than leave you.-Tosto come, as soon as, in the same moment, forthwith. Totále, adj. total, whole, intire, utter.-Somma totale. the whole, the total or whole sum.--Rovina totale, utter


Totalità, s. f. wholeness, to-

Totalmente, adv. totally, ut-
terly, quite, entirely, to all
intents and purposes.
Totáno, s. m. calamary, or cut-


of gold.-Trà morti, e feri-
ti, between killed and wound-
ed.-Stare tra 'l si e'l nò, to
be irresolute.-Trà per lo sci-
alacquare e lo giuocare ha
speso tutto il suo, what with
his lavishness and what with
his gaming, he has spent
every groat he had.-Trà due
volte, in two times --
with-E in breve trà ciò che
v'era non valeva oltre a du-
cento fiormi, and, in a little
time, with what was left he
was not worth two hundred
florins.---Trà, besides.--
Avendo trà gli altri a fare
con Borgognoni, uomini pie-
ni d'inganni, besides he had
to deal with Burgundians, very
deceitful men.-Trà, either,
No more used in this
sense. Quale era meglio, trà
che li uomini avesse: o due mo-
glio le femmine du mariti?
which was better, either for
men to have two wives, or
for women to have two hus-
bands?--Trù via, upon the
road, in the street.
Traantico, arij. very old, very



Traaváro, adj. very covetous,
very stingy. Obs.
Trabácca, tent, pavilion..

Trabucca, a camp-bed.
Trabacchetta, s. f. a little tent.
Trabaldáre, to carry away by
stealth, to steal away. Obs.
Trabaldería, s. f. the act of
carrying away by stealth.

a traboccante amore, I see
well, alas! that a weak hem
is too small a vessel for e-
ceeding love.-Ghines -
boccante, a guinea that is

Traboccanteménte, adv.
precipitation, hastily, my
Traboccáre, to

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overflow, to superabrandPerchè si rinfuzzí le malcarià de' cattivi quando è tant❤ cresciuta che traierra, that the malice of wicked men may be stopped when it be-Traloccomes too great.cáre, to overflow, tolay under water.-Traboccare, to throw or cast.-Trabocedre, to precipitate, to throw, or c down headlong.-Traboccine una sentenza, to be over-hasty in giving a sentence. Traboccato, p. p. of Trabee. care.--Traboccato, preop tate, over-hasty, rash, funes Trabocchéllo, s. m. a pit-fa Trabocchetto, a trap.Trabocchetto, a little mortarpiece--Tender trabocchett, to lay snares. Trabocchévole, adj. immense, vast, prodigious, huge, eceeding great.--Trabocci vole, sad, grievous, unlucky. -Caso trabocchevole, a sağ unlucky accident. Trabocchevolmente, adv. with precipitation, hastily, rashly. Trabócco, s. m. downfall, ruin, destruction, end.-Trobocom a stumbling-place.—Trate co, a mortar-piece. Trabondáre, to be plentiful. Obs.

Totamáglio, v. Titimaglio. Totto, ex. Ve n' andaste senza farmi nè motto nè totto, you went away without letting me know that you were going. Tovaglia, s. f. a table-cloth. Tovagliaccia, s. f. a nasty old table-cloth. Tovaglietta, s. f. Tovagliolino. s. m. Tovagliuóla, S. Tozzetto, s. m. a little bit. Tozé to, a short and thick Traballare, to reel, to stagger. nail. Tózzo, s. m. a bit, a morsel.-Trabalzáre, to toss up and Un tozzo di pane, a bit or morsel of bread.-Tozzo, adj. Trabalzáto, adj. tossed. an epithet to a thing that is Trabálzo, s. m. trick. too large or thick in propor-. Trabeáto, adj very happy.Tracannáre, to pour down, to tion to its height. drink hard. Obs. Tozzótto, adj. an epithet to any thing, whose bulk ex-Trabello, adj. very handsome. ceeds too much in largeness or thickness when compared Trabéne, adv. extremely well. to its height, ex-Un giovane tozzotto, a little, and thick-set young man. Trà, prep. between, betwixt.Non c'è molta differenza trà questo e quello, there is not a destruction. great difference between this and that -Trà, among, a- Traboccante, adj. overflowing. Vino traboccante, sparkling. mongst, with.-Trà una vol ta e altra avea avuto quello wine.-Misura traloccante, a full measure.-E ben m' che vale ben trenta fiorini d' ero, at several times he had 'aveggio, ahi lassa, che tropreceived about thirty florinspo angusto vaso è debil, care

>a napkin.


a cheating Trabuôno, adj. extremely good.


Tracannato, p. p. of Tracan


Tracannatóre, a great drinker,

a toper.

Tracannatrice, fem. of Tracan

Obs. Obs. Trabiccolo, s. m. a wooden horse to dry linen upon before the fire. Traboccaménto, s. flow.-Traboccamento, ruin, Tracattivo, adj. quite bad.

m. over


Tracáro, adj. exceeding dear.


Traccheggiáre, to temporize,
to delay.
Tráccia, s. f. footstep, track.-
Seguitar uno alla traccin, to
follow one by the track-
tracce d'altr' uomo sou yel

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