صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

A giardino, there are in your] and insolent, that he did not garden marks that another value the dignity of priorship.

--Femmina traditrice, false woman.--Fortuna traditrice, perfidious fortune. Tradizione, s. m. tradition. Tradólce, adj. very sweet.

man has been there.-Andar Tracotare, to grow bald beyond ih traccia, to trace, to hunt after. Andar in traccia di ricchezze, to hunt after riches. Andar traccia di liti, to pick quarrels. Tracciaménto, s. m. machi- Obs. nation, device, plot-Trac-Tracurággine, ciamento, the act of following Tracuranza, the track. Tracurággine, Tracciare, to trace, to follow Tracutaménto, the trace or footing.-Trac-Tracutáto, adj. careless, suciare una lepre, to trace a pine, negligent. Obs. hare.-Tracciare, to machi-Tradigióne, s. f. v. Tradimennate, to contrive, to plot, to to. devise.

the limits of decency. Tracotáto, adj. indecently, bold.--Tracotáto, insolent, Trafolciato, Both Obs. impudent, arrogant. Tracruccióso, adj. very angry.

All Obs. v.

Tradótio, translated.
Traducitóre, a translator.
Tradúrie, to carry, to convey
from one place to another.-
Tradurre, to translate, to turn
a work out of one language
into another.
Traduttore, a translator.
Traduttrice, fem. of Tradut-


Traduzióne, s. f. translation. Tradimenticato, adj. quite for-Traénte, adj attractive, draw

Tracciato, adj. traced, machi- gotten. Obs.
nated, contrived, plotted,
hatched, devised.
Trachiaro, adj. very clear.


Tradimento, s. f. trenchery Trafelaménto, s. f. wearisome-
treason. -La città di Troja ness.
per tradimento fu presa, the
city of Troy was taken by trea-
chery.---Ammazzare uno a
tradimento, to kill one trea-
cherously.--Mangiare il pane,
a tradimento, to eat one's
brend in idleness.
Tradire, to betray, to be false to.
Tradiritto, adj. very streight.

Tracodárdo, very cowardly.
Obs.-Un tracodardo, a cow-
ard, a poltroon.
Tracolla, s. m. a shoulder-belt
or bandoleer.
Tracollamento, s. m. the act
of falling or tumbling down.
Tracolláre, to nod, to sleep up-
on a chair, with a motion of Tradispregévole, adj. very des-
the head.--Tracolldre, to picable.
reel, to stagger, to stumble.-Traditévole, adj. treacherous,
Tracolláre, to fall or tumble false. Obs.
Traccolláto, p. p. of Tracol-


Traditevolmente, adv. treache-
rously, faisely. Obs.
Tradito, adj. betrayed.
Traditóra, fem. of Traditore;
often used as an endearing


Traditoráccio, a vile infamous

Tracóllo, s. m. nod or nodding.
-Dare il tracollo. to make
preponderate-Ed erano turta
volta si bilanciate le forze loro
che ogni poco di agumento era traitor.
bastante a dare il tracollo,
however, their forces were so
well balanced, that the least
assistance would make one)

Traconfortársi, to comfort one's
self. Obs.
Traconvenévole, adv. very con-
Tracordáre, to agree very well

Tracorrénte, adj. that runs
swiftly. Obs.
Tracórrere, to run swiftly.

Traditóre, a traitor, a betrayer.
-Traditore adj. treacherous,
false, perfidious.-Occhi tra-
ditori, treacherous eves ——
Mondo traditore, treacherous

Traditorella. s. f. a little female
traitor; often used as an en-
dearing word.
Traditorello, s. m. a wou'd be
traitor, a petty despicable
traitor, a witless traitor; it is
also an endearing word for an
amiable boy, and a kind

Trafclare, to be out of breath or tired, to grow fint and weak.--Trafetare, di sete, to be very thirsty.-Rotti e sconfilli si misono in fuga, di che molti ne furono presi, molti ne trafelarono, molti affogarono in Arno, being routed and defeated, they betook themselves to flight, of whom many were taken, several fainted away, and a great ma-s ny were drowned in the Ar


Trafeláto, adj. fainted away,
out of breath,,tired.
Traferire, to wound, to strike.
Traferére, Obs. both.
Traficante, dealer, trader, one

addicted to traffick.
Trafficáre, to tra le, to deal, to
traffick, or drive a trade.
Trafficáre mōnita, to negoci-
ate, or drive a trade in money,
or bill of exchange.
Trafficáto, adj. traded.
Trafficatóre, one addicted to
traffick, dealer, trader.
Trafficatrice, fem. of Traffica


Traffico, s. m. traffick, trade,
trading, commerce.-Far
traffico, to drive a trade, to
traffick or trade.
Trafiére, dugger, poniard. Obs,
Trafiggénte, adj. piercing.
Trafiggere, to pierce, or run

Tracotánza, s. f. insolence. ar-Traditore-caménte, adv. trea-through, to wound.-Trafig rogance.-Questa lor traco-cherously,

tanza uon m' è nuova this Traditoresco, adj. treacherous,

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gere il cuore, to cut to the very heart.-Traficgere di do lore, to grieve, to break one's heart.---Trafiggere, to sting, to nettle to vex. Trafizgiménto, s. m. Trafiggitúra, s. f.


the act


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Tafitta, s. f. a sting or wound Trafitta, sharp, biling, keen poignant, abusive, satirical saving or motto.

path. Trogetto, a passage er, shoot, twig, sprig of a vize.
over the sea or a river.——Ci herb plant, or tree
resta ancora un gran tragetin Traliccio, s. m. buckram e
a fare, we have still a great
way to go.-Da sera a mane
ha fatto il sol ragetto, the
sun is passed from his setting
to his rising.

Trafitto, adj. pierced, run
through, wounded transfix-Traghettáre v. Traggettare.
e-Trafitto di dolore, struck Tragicamente, adv. tragically,
with a tragical end.
to the quick, grieved to the
Trágico, adj. tragical, tragic,)
very heart.
Trafittúra, s. f. a sting. a sad, doleful, mournful.
wound.-Trafitúra delle mo- Tragi gare to pass beyond the
limits of justice or decency.
sche, the sting of flies.
Trafoglio, s. m. trefoil, or
tl:ree-leafed grass.
Tragittáre, v. Tragettare.

♦ Trafoglioso, adj. sowed with or Tragittatore, a slinger, he that

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full of trefoil.

Traforare, to pierce or run through--Traforare, to go

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Tiafugáre, to run away with.
to carry or steal away, to con-
ceal-Trafugare una zitella,
to run away with a girl.
Trafugáto, p. p. of Trafugare.
Trafuggire, to fly, to run away.
Trafuggitóre, a deserter, a run-
away soldier. Obs.
Trafurellería, a trick, a deceit.
Trafurellino, s. m. a little
Trafuréllo, thief, a pick-
pocket, a subtle deceiver, or

slings, casts, or throws. Tiagitto, v. Tragetto. fragrande,


adj. exceeding

Traguardáre, to aim, to take

one's aim.
Traguardo, s. m. a mathema-
tical instrument to look
through, in measu.ing distan-


Traiménto, s. m. drawing, at


Traináre, to draw, to trail, to
drag along.

Tralignawénto, s. m. cotrep
tion, depravation.
Fralignante, adj. degenerating,
Tralignare, to degenerate, to
Deh cont
grow worse. — —
traligni tú? in prima fu
e ora se facia
how strangely you are alter!
before you was a man, z
now you are a boy.
Tralignáto, adj degenerate",
corrupted, depraved.

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Tralórdo, adj very filthy. G.
Tralucente, adj. shining of
bright.--Tralucente, shor
ing through.
Tralucere to shine through-
shine, w
"Tralicere, to

bright or shining.
Tralunáre, to roll one's eves &
one's head, to squint, to lank
askew-Vatralunando que
tunque tu vuoi, you ma
frown as much as you will
Tialunato, adj. strayed, wat
Occhi traumati,
wild locks.- --Traboule à
frighted, astonished, stupied,

Tráino, s. m. as much as a
draught-horse can draw a
once-Cavallo da traino, a Tralúngo, adj very long. Obs
draught-hoise.---Traino. Tráma, s. f the woof. in wear
sledge, sled, dray, cart.- ing -L'uomo che ha samitatt
Traino, the act of drawing or truova grande amistare, së-
ene in tempestate rompese
pulling along.-Traino, im-
pediment, hindrance, incum- la trama, no longer foster, D
brance -Proniziò che in longer friend. - Trams, pist
combination, conspiracy.
reggimento non s' andasse con
a tramel c
traino di moglie, he ordered Tramaglio, s. m.
that governors should not go drag-net.
incumbered with Wives to Tramalvagio, s. m. very wid
their governments -Traino, ed.
weight.Traian, a log of Tramaraviglioso, adj.
wood. Traino, ambling, wonderful. Obs.
Tramáre, to weave. —— -Traindre,
to plot, to contrive to brew.
Tramáto, p. p. of Trainare
Tiamazzare, to knock down.
to fall down. Not used.
Tramázzo, s. m. tumult, noise,
confusion, or hurly-burly.
Trambasciamento, ́s.
guish, great pain, trouble, dis-
tress, affliction.
Trambasciare, to be vexed o
grieved, to swoon
or faint
away.-Tramtáscio di deside
di vederla, I have a long-
ing desire to see her.
Trambasciáto, p. p. of Tran
basciare --Corsero trainbaser-


Tratusola, s. f. a little skain
Trafusolo, s. m. of silk.
Tragédia, s. f. a tragedy, a tra-
gical play.-Tragédia, a tra-Tralasciaménto s. m. a desist-
ing, forbearing, giving over,
gedy, a sad and cruel acci-
ceasing, or leaving off.
Tralasciare, to forbear, to de-
sist, to cease or leave ofi, to
give over.
Tralasciato, adj. desisted, ceas-
ed, left off, or given over.
Tralatáto, transported, carried.

Tragédo, s. m. a maker or
writer of tragedies. Not used.
Tragettáre, to pass over.-Tra-
gettare un fiume, to pass over
a river. Tragettare, to throw
or disperse here and there, to
toss up and down. Not used
in this sense.
Tragettatóre, a man that di-
verts the company for a little
money with feats of dexteri-
ty, playing tricks with cards
and other things.

Tralazióne, s. f. translation, re-
moval. Obs.

Trálcio, s. m. a shoot, twig,
or sprig of a vine, trec, herb,
or plant.-Traicio, the umbi-
lical gut in children.

11. an

Tragetto, s. m. a path, a foot-Tralchizzo, s. m. a small Jay- uti per aver da Sejano udieras,


they ran out of breath to have) Trámite, s. m. a path, a way. audience of Sejanus. Trambusta, s. f. confusion Tiaminéttere, e. Tramettere. disorder, trouble, hurly burly Tramoggia, s. f. the mill-hopTrainbustáre, o confound, to per.


to plot, to conspire.-Sconciare il tranello, to appoint, ro baffle, to break one's mica


Tranétto, adj. very clean. Obs.

huddie together, to put every Traniolliccio, adj. soft, flabby. Tranghiottimento s. m. swai thing at sixes and sevens. lowing, devouring. Trambustio, s. m. confusion, Tramontaménto, s. m. the set-Tringhiottire, to swallow up, ting of the sun, the going to devour.- -Tranghiottire an down of the sun or stars. oltraggio, to brook an a Tramontána, s. 1. the north- front. wind-Tramontana, the arc-Tranghiottito, adj. p. p. of tick or north-pole. La mia casa è volta a tramoniane, my house stands to the north.

Trambusto, disorder, jum-
ble.-Trámbusto, a noise, a
great noise, a fracas.
Tramentáre, to treat, to com-
pass a treaty of war peace, al-
liance, or any other such

adj. both, one
and the other.
Tramescoláre, to intermingle,
to jumble together. Obs.
Traméssa, s. f. interposition
mediation, procurement
Traméssa, a digression.
Tramésso, s. m. dainty dishes
or plates served at a great ta-
ble.-Tramésso, adj. put be


-Tramoniúna, the north star-Perder la tramontana, to be at a loss, to be at one's wits end.


Trangosciare, to be vexed or
grieved, to be in anguish cr
great pain, to suffer.
Trangugiaménto, s. m. the act
of swallowing up.
Trangug áre, to swallow.---

Tramont náccio, a sharp, of- Trangugtare alcuno, to over-
fensive, northerly wind.
Tramontano, S. m. tramon-
lane, north wird.

Tramontante, adj. setting or
going down Not used.
Tramontare, to set or go down.
-Il sole tramonta, the sun
sets. Tramontálo, adj. set,
gone down.
Tramonto, s. m a setting or
ging down.

power one, to swallow ha up.

Trangugiato, adj. swallowed


Trangugiatore, a devourer, a

Tranúbile, adj. very noble.

Tranquillamente, adv. quietly,
calmly, peaceably.
Ous.---Tin-Tranquiliare, to tranquiliza

mónto, a. contracted from


Tramortigióne, s. f. Obs.
Tiamortimento, s. m.
a fainting bit, a swoon.
Tramortire, to faint away, to

Tramestáre, to intermingle, to
mingle, to jumble together.
Framestio, s. m. confusion,
disorder, jumble.
Tramétiere to put between
Tramcitere, to send.
Tramettersi, to intermeddle, to
Tramézza, v. Tramezzo.
Framezzamento, s. m. inter-
mission, interruption, pause.
e tramezzamenti di
ti tempi, during these trans-
actions, while those things
were doing.
Tramezzare, to put or cross be-Tramutagióne, s. f. tion,
tween, to intermeddle, to in-Tramutamémo, s. m.
terpose.-Tramezzúre, to in-
terrupt, to discontinue, or
leave off.

Tramezzato, p. p. of Tramez


Tramezzatore, a mediator, a manager between two parties. Not used

fall into a swoen.

Tarmortito, adj. swooned

away, in a swoon.

Trampoli, s. m. pl. stilts.
Tramúta, s. f.




tude, change.
Tramutare, to move,to change,
to altar. Tramutúre ilino,
to rack wine, to draw it off the
lees.- Trauture, to turn, to
change.-Tramutar l'amor in
odio, to change love into ha-

Tramezzatrice. s. f. a media-Tramutáto, adj. moved, chang

[blocks in formation]

or quiet.---Tranquillant, vo grow calm.-Tranquiliare, us keep at bay, to amuse, to hon in play, to play the fool win. Ob-Tranquilláre, to least, to be merry, to eat and dr well.

Tranquilláto, adj. calmed, appeased.

Tranquillità, s. f. tranquility, quiet, calmness, sedateness composedness.

Tranquillo, adj. quiet, stil, calm.--Mare tranjuisto, ▲ calm sea.-Tranquillo, peace able, undisturbed, sedate. Vit tranquilla a quiet

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Tramézzo, s. m.

Tramézza, s. f.


partition, Tramutatóre, s. m. that moves
division, from one place to another.
any thing that serves to part Tramutazione, s. f. change,
or divide one thing from ano-
ther.-Tramézza, the inner
sole of a shoe.
Tramischiare, to mix, to min-
gle, to confound, to jumble,
or put together.
Tramischiato, adj. mingled,
mixed, confounded, put to-Tranello, s. m.

Tranáre, to draw, to trail, to
drag, to drag along.
Tranelláre, to cheat with cun-
ning, to deceive with subtle

Tranelleria, s. f. deceit, plot,


combination.-Usar iranelli,

Transazióne, s. f. transicon.~
Transazióne, transactions.




Transégna, s. f. a mantle, an
• upper vest.
Transierite, v. Trasferire.
Transióndore, v. Trasfondere.!
Transire, to die Obs.
Tránsito s. m. passage, a go-
ing from one place to ano-
ther.- Transo, death, dis-
ease. Stare o essere in tran-
sito, to be a dying.--Era ma-,
lato, e si può dire vì transito,
he was very sick and ready to

Transitoriamente, adv. curso-
rily, by the way. -Parla e d'
una cosa transitoriamente, to
speak of a thing by the way,
or slightly.
Transitório, adj. transitory,
transient, son pa sing.-Le

Translatare, to translate.
Translatáto, adj translated.
Translativaménte, v. Trasla-

Transricchimento, s. m. the
growing immoderately rich.

-Prestamente trapassò in In-
ghiera, he went over to
England immediately.-Tra
passare, to pass, to come cr
go thrash, to come er go by,
to come or go over.-Tanas-
sare, to dia, to depart this life.
-Trapassare, to end to make
or have an end, to finish.-Trappolatore, a cheat, a rogus
Trapassare, to surmount, to
a kaave.
go beyond, to excel, to pass,
or surpass, to outdo.--Trapas-
sare, to umit, to pass by or
over, to take no notice of, to

Trippoláre, to catch, to cheu,
to over retch, to tric.—Üz
più star 2.2 traj poluse ai-
tri na pagica de granch the
cheater is very often thosed.
T appolato, p. p. of Trappo-

Trapa sáto, p. p. of Tiapassare.

Trappolatrice, fem. of Trappo latore.

Trappolería, s. f. deceit, fiand, kravish trick.

Trappoliéra, fem. of Trap poli


Trapassato deceased dead, Trappoliére, v. Trappolatore. departed this life.—1 trapas-¦ Trappoletta, s. f. dimin. of sátt, the dead. Trappola.

Trapassatore, one that goes be-Trappone, to put between. cose temporal lutte sung tran- yond-Trapassatúre, trans-Traprendere. to take. Obs. sitorie, all worldly things are; gressor. Trapreso, adj. taken. Obs. transi.ory. Trapassévole, transitory, tran-Trapuntáte, to quilt, to stitch. s'ent, soon passing. Obs. Trapuntato, adj. quilted, sutcaTrapásso, s. m trespass.-Tra- ed pússo, a digression.—Trapás- Trapunto, s. m. quilting. so, death, decease.-Trapus- Trapanto, adj. quilted, stitchso, the strong pacing of a ed.- -Trapunto, lean, thin, horse.-Cavallo che a di extenuated, fallen away. trapasso, a horse that paces Traficco, adj. very rich. Obs. Trar paménto, s. m. precipice, steep down-fall. Traripáre, to precipitate, to throw down headlong, Traripáre, to piss over from one bank to the other. Trarútto, adj. interrupted, discontinued. Obs. Trarózzo, adj. very clownish. Trárre, the same


Transricchire, to enrich very! much. Obs.

for another.

Transvedere, to see one thing
Transumanáre, v. Trasuma.

well and fast. Trapelare, to flow, run, leak, ouze, go through.——Questo aso trapela, this vessel runs. Trapelare, to penetrate. Trapiantáre, to tiansplant. Transastanziare, to transub-Trapiantato, adj. transplanted stantiate, to change into ano-Trapiccolo, adj. very small or ther substance. little. Obs.


Transustanziazióne, s. f. tran-Trapórre, to put between.
substantiation, a change of Traportaménto, s. m. transpor-
one substance into another, tation, the act of transporting.
the change of the sacramen-Traportare, to transport or ex-
tal bread and wine, according port, to carry from one place
to the Roman church, into to another. Traportare, to
Christ's real body and blood.
carry, to bring.
Traonestamente, adv. very ho-Traportáto, adj transported.—
nestly. Obs.
Trapacifico, adj. very peace-

able. Obs. Trapanáre, s. m. to trepan, to apply the trepan in fractures of the skull; also to bore, to ierce, to make a hole. Tápano, s. m. a trepan or trepan-iron, an auger, wimble, or piercer. Trapassamento, s. m. a passage or pi-sing away.-Trapassaménto della vila, death, decease.--Trapassaménto,transgression, trespass, oftence,


Trapassante, adj. passing over
or beyond.
Trapassare, to pass or go over.

Esser traportato della collera. to be transported with anger. Trapossénte, adj. very powerful. Obs.

as Tirare. Yet there is a propriety in using the one for the other, that is not easily pointed out to strangers.- Traire mercante d'un paese, to export commodities cut of a country.-Tierre d'inganno, to undeceive.Trarre in volgare, to translate into Italian.--Trar di seno, to make one mad.---Trarre an dente, to pull out a tooth.--Trapósto, adj. prt between. Trarre di bando, to recal from Tráppola, s. f. a trap.-Tráp-| banishment.—Trarre di peripol, snares - -Tender trap-colo, to draw out of danger.-pole, to lay snares.--For-Trarre, to draw a bill of extrappole, to plot some traite-change.-Trarre di vita, to rous designs.- ·Tráppola, drag-net, trammel, or sweepnet.—Mangiare il cacio nella trappola, where vice is, vengeance follows.-E' c'è più trappole che topi, there are mote rogues than rogueries. — Trappole da quattrini, toys that make a fine shew, and are of no intrinsic value,

kill.--Trarre guai, to complain, to lament.-Trarre del capo, to beat a thing out of one's head.-Trarre la fame, to give much food to him that is very hungry.—Trúrsi le fama, to eat one's belly.


Trarupáre, to precipitate, to throw down headlong,

Trarupáto, adj. steep, rugged,1 Trascorrevole, adj. transitory.

be? am I so changed?

rough, uneven, full of rocks Trascorrimento, s., m. a run-Trasfigurazione, s. f. transfiguning over quickly, an incur- ration.

and stones. Obs. Trasandaménto, s. m. a passing sion.-Truscorrimento di lu-Trasfondere, to transfuse, to

or going over or beyond Trasandamento, carelessness, supinity, negligence.

me, a beam of light. Trascorritóre, s. m. he or she Trascorritrice, s. f. J that

Trasandáre, to go beyond.-runs quickly.
Trasandáre, to take too much Trascorsivamente, adv. by the
liberty. Trasandúre, to neg- bye, by the way.
ect or slight.

Trascorso, s. m. mistake, error,
Trasandato, p. p. of Trasan- blunder.-Trascorso, adj. run



over, past over.

pour from one vessel into an-

Trasformaménto, s.m. Į trans-
Trasformánza. s. f. } for-


Trasformare, to transform, to

metamorphose, to turn or change from one form to ano.


Trasandatúra, s. f. v. Trasan-Trascctáto, adj. fierce, proud, Trasformarsi to be transformhaughty, high-spirited. Obs. ed or changed, to turn. Trasattáre, to seize, to make Trascritto, adj. copied, tran-Trasformáto, adj. transformed, one's self master of. Obs.



scribed. Trasattato, p.p.of Trasattare. Trascrivere, to transcribe, to Trasformazióne, s. f. transforcopy. Trasávio, adj. very learned. Trascurággine, s. f. careless-Trastu á e, 7. Trafugáre. Obs. ness, supinity, negligence. Trasgrande, adj. very great. Trascannáre, to wind from one Trascurante, adj. neglecting. Obs. neglectful, careless. Trasgrediménto, s. m. trans

skain to another.
Trascegliere, to select, to Trascuránza, v. Trascuraggine.gression


pick out. Trascegliménto, s. m. choice, picking out. Trascélta, s. f. choice. Trascélto, adj. chosen, ed.

Trascendente, adj. trascendent. exceeding, surpassing, excelling.

trespass, to disobey. Trasgredito, adj, transgressed, trespassed disobeyed. Trasgreditóre, s. m. a transgressor.

Trasgressióne, s. f. a transgression.

choose, to Trascurare, to neglect, not to Trasgredire, to transgress or
take care of, to slight.
Trascuratággine. s. f. careless-
ness, negligence, neglect,
heedlessness, supinity.
select-Trascuratarninte, adv. negli-
gently, carelessly, supinely.
Trascuratezza, s. f. negligence,
carelessness, neglect, heed- Trasgressore, a transgressor.
lessness, supinity.
Trasi, adj. such, so great.
Trascuráto, adj. neglected, Obs.-Trast gran pena, so
slighte1.-Trascurdto, negli- great a grief.
gent, neglectful, careless, su-Trasicuraménte, adv. most
pine.-Trascurato, haughty, certainly. Obs.
proud, fierce, high-spirited.
Trascuránza, s. f. negligence,
carelessness. Obs.
Trascurato, adj. proud,
haughty. Obs,
Trasecolare, to wonder, to be
amazed, astonished, or sur-
Trasecoláto, adj. wondered,
amazed, astonished, surprised.
Trasferire, to transfer, to trans-
late, to remove, or bring over.
Transferire il trono, to trans-
fer the throne or the empire.
-Trasferirsi in un luogo, to
come or go to a place.-Ebbe
ordine di trasferirsi in corte,
he was ordered to come to

Trascendere, to exceed, to sur-
pass, or excel, to outdo, to go
Trascérre, v. Trascégliere.
Trasciócco, adj. very foolish,
silly, or simple. Obs.
Trascolorare, to change colour.
Trascorrente, adj. wandering,
unconstant, moving up and
down, running at random.
Trascorrenteménte, adv. by the
bye, by the way.
Trascorrere, to run over, to
pass over quickly, to touch a
thing by the bye.---Trascor-
rere un libro, to run over a
book, to read cursorily.-In
Lanto furor trascorse, he flew
into such a passion, or he was
so transported with anger.-
Allettato dalle sue promesse mi
son lascia o trascorrere a com-
pracerlo, enticed by his pro-
mises I condescended to please
him. Trascórrere, to grow
licentious, to take too much
liberty, too great a latitude-
Trascomere, to pass, to spend, Trasfiguráto, adj. transfigur-


Trasfiguráre, to transfigure.
Trasfigurársi, to disguise one's
self, to take up another form
or shape.

Traslatáre, to translate, to re-
move from one place to an-
other, to transfer.--Traslatáre,
to translate from one lan-
guage into another.
Traslatáto, adj. translated, re-
moved, transferred.
Traslatatóre, s. m. a translator.
Trasláto, s. m. a metaphor, a
trope, a rhetorical figure.-
Trasláto, adj. translated, trans-
ferred, removed, carried.
Traslatóre, s. m. a translator.
Traslazióne. s. f. translation,

removal.-Traslazione, trans-
lation from language to lan-


Traslignáre, v. Tralignare.
Trasinésso, adj. transmitted,
Trasmettere, to transfuse, to
pour out of one vessel into an-
other. Trasmettere, to trans-
mit, to convev.

or employ one's time.--Ioed, disguised, changed, alter-Tasmigráre, to transmigrate, non trascorsi la puerile, etù ed, disfigured.-Come può pass from one place or bouziosa, I did not pass my questo essere? son' io così dy to another. youth idly. trasfigurato ? how can that Trasmigrazióne, s. f. transmiVOL. I.

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