صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Trastulláto, p. p. of Trastulas.

a buffoon, a merry antires. Trastullevóle, adj. diverting, pleasing.

gration, migration.-La tras-Traspiantáre, to transplant. migrazione delle anime, the Traspiantato, p. p. of Traspi- Trastullatóre, he that divers, transmigration of souls, the antare. metempsychosis. Trasmodáre, to exceed, to excel, to go beyond measure. Obs. Trasmodáto, adj. exceeding, beyond decency. Obs. Trasmortire, v. Trasmortire. Trasmutábile, adj. changeable, transmutable, capable of change.

Trasmutagióne, s. f.
Trasmataménto, s. m.
Trasmutánza, s. f.



Traspiráre, to transpire or
perspire, to breathe through
the pores of the body.
Traspirazione, s. f. transpirati-
on, perspiration.
Traspónere, v. Trasporre.
Trasponiménto, s. m. transpo

Traspórre, o Traspónere, to
transplant, to plant in another
place.---Trasporre, to trans-
pose, to change the order, to
misplace. -Traspúrre, to
transport or export, to remove
or carry from one place to an-


Trastúllo, s. m. diversion, pa
time, sport, recreation, pin
--Compugno de tre
tullo, a play-fellow.-Eers
trastullo della fortuna, the
the sport of fortune.-Orria
voi che io sia il vostro
tullo? do you take me to
your laughing stock?
Trasvasáre, to transvasate, t
decant, to pour out of one
sel into another.
Trasvasato, adj. transvasari
decanted, poured out of es
vessel into another.
Trasudáre, to sweat very meth


on, change, transformation. Trasmutáre, to transmute, to charge or transform-Trasmutáre, to truck, to barter. to exchange. Trasmutáre, to carry, to convey, to transport, or remove from one place to another.

Tra-mutáto, p. p. of Trasmu


Trasmutazióne, s. f. transmuration,transformation,change. Trasnaturato, adj. unnatural,


Trasuellamente, adv. very nim-
hly. Obs.
Trasnéllo, adj. very nimble.

Trasognamento, s. m. raving,
wandering with the mind, as
if asleep.
Trasognare, to rave, to think,
to be in a brown study.
Trasognáto, adj. p. p. of Tra-
sognare.-Trasognúto, stupid,
dull, senseless, foolish.
Trasollicitamente, adv. very
eagerly or earnestly. Obs.
Trasordináre, to wander, to
swerve, to talk from the put-
pose. Obs.
Trasordinário, adj. extraordi-
nary. Obs.
Trasordinatamente, adv. extra-
ordinarily. Obs.
Torasrdinato, adj. extraordina-
ty. Obs.

Trasórdine, s. m. disorder, ri-
ot. Obs.

Trasoriére, s. m. a treasurer.

Trasparente, adj transparent,
diaphanous, pellucid.
Trasparenza, s. f. transparency,
Trasparére,to shine through,
Trasparire, to be transpa-
rent, diaphanous, or pellucid.
Traspiantamento, s. m. trans-

Trasportaménto, s. f. transpor-
tation, removal.


Trasportare, to transport or ex-Trasversále, ad), transversee
port, to transfer, to remove or thwart, crossing.- Linea tr
Carry from one place to an- versale, a collateral line.-
other.--Trasportare delle mer-
Vendetta trasversale, an int
canzie, to transport or export rect vengeance, not made h
commodities. -Trasportare, to rectly on the offender, but={
carry, to carry away.—Laser- somebody belonging or rela
arsi trasportare dalle passio-_ing to him.
ni, to give over one's self to Trasversáli, s. m. pl. collates!
passion, to yield or give way relations, as brothers and is
to them.
ters children.

Trasportato, p. p. of Traspor-Trasversalménte, adv. acros


Trasportazióne, s. f. trans-
Trasporto, s. m. portati-
on, removal.Vascello di
trasporto, a transport ship.-
Trasporto, conveyance, as-
signment, or making over.-
Fare un trasporta, to convey,
to assign, or make over.
Trasposizióne, s. f. transpositi-bring into an error.

Trasverso, adj. transverse, k
thwart, oblique, crossing-


Trasverso, wicked, p verse, untoward. Trasviáre, to go astray, or of the way, to mistake one way.-Trasviáre, to put e of the way, to lead astray, ¡

Trasumanáre, to change ha man nature into a divine


Trasumanáto, adj. that E
changed human nature int
divine nature.

Traspósto, adj. transposed,
transplanted, transported.
Trassinare, to handle, to ma-
nage, to feel, to touch. Not
used.-La mia moglie è mol
to rustica, e non fa altro che Trasvoláte, to fly or pass
trassinar lana, my wife is ve- swiftly, to run away.-Itt
ry homely, and does nothing po trasrola, time passes ava
else but spin wool.-Trassi--Trasvoldre d'un disen
nar bene una spada, to handle in un' altro, to run or "
or manage a sword well. from one discourse to

Trassináto, p. p. of Trassinare._other.
Trastornare, to hinder, to im-Trasvólgere, to subvert,
turn or wind about.

Trastornáto, adj. hindered, im-Trasvólto, p. p. of Trasvolg
peded.-Linea trastornuta, a Trasustanziáre, to transubst
crooked or curved line.
tiate, to change into ano
Trastulláre, to divert or make substance.
others merry,
Trasustanziato, adj. trans
Trastullarsi, to divert one's self. stantiated, changed into de
to take one's pleasure, to sport,
ther substance.
to play, to play like children.

Trátta, s. f. space, distanct

is not the business in hand.
-Qui non si tratta di cose
frivole, it is not a trifling con-
cern.-Trattare, to treat, to
use, to deal with.-Trattar
uno da glantuomo, to use one
like a gentleman.-Ci riceve è
benignamente, e trattucci da
amici, he received us kindly,
and used us like friends.-For-Tratto, a saying, a squtb,
non trattate bene meco, you a jest.-Bel tratto, a fiue
do not use me well.-Cosi si saying or sentence.-Traito
tratta con pari miei? is this sottile, a witty squib or jest.
your dealing with gentlemen
like me?

Dare il tratto alla lilancia, to turn the scale.-Ad un tratto, at once.-Tatto, space, distance.-Dal detto al fatto v'è un gran tratto," to say and to do are two things. -Tratto, a turn or trick.-Questo è un tratto da trick. villano, this is a scurvy

Tratta, shot.-Noi siamo una tra ta d'arco dalla città, we are within a bow-shot of the or town-Tratta, a pull pluck.-Tratta di fune, the strappado, a punishment inficted by drawing the criminal high, with his arms tied backwards, and then letting him fall at once, not quite to the ground.---Tretta, a licence for exporting commedities. Tratta, a drawing by lots.-Tratta, a concourse, resort, or crowd--Tratta, a draft, a bill drawn by a mer-Trattáta, s. f. v. Trattamento. chant or banker.-Tratta, the Obs.-Trattáta, machination, trading ships with the in- plot. Obs. habitants of a sea-coast.-Gli Trattatéllo, s. m. small treatise, short discourse. Inglesi fanno tratta grande a Livorno, the English trade Trattato, adj. treated.-Trattúvery much at Leghorn. to, s. m. tract, treatise, disTrattábile, adj. tractable, easy, course,-Trattálo, treaty, asupple.Trattabile, tracta-greement.—Trattato, plot, ble, gentle, kind, affable. combination, conspiracy Trattabilità, s. f. gentleness, Tenere trattato con uno, to kindness, mildness, good hu- have a secret intelligence with mour, humanity, courtesy. one.---Pigliare una città per Trattabilmente, adv. kindly, trattato, to take a town by capitulation. humanely, friendly, courteously.

Trattamento, s. m, a tract, a treatise, or discourse.-Trattaménto, machination, device, plot.--Trattamento, treatment, usage.-Vil trattameno, base treatment. Buon trattamento, kind entertainment.

Trattánte, adj. treating, that


Trattatóre, a negociator, me-
diator, or manager of a busi-
ness.-Trattatáre, machina-
tor, contriver, plotter. Trat-
tatúre, interpreter, expoun-


Trattazione, s. f, treaty, agree

ment. -Mala trattazione,
bad or ill usage.
Tratteggiamento, s, m. a draw-[
Tratteggiare, to draw a picture,
to draw lines,
Tratteggiato, adj. drawn.
Trattenére, to keep at bay, to
amuse, to divert.-Trattenersi
in un luogo, to stop at a place,
to stay or live there for a
while.-Trattenersi in villa,
to live in the country,
Trattenimento, s. m, amuse.
ment, pastime, diversion,
pleasure. -Traitenimento,
stop, delay, hindrance,
Trattenitore, one that with
holds, one that entertains.

Trattare, to treat of or about,
to be upon a treaty.-Trat-
tare la pace, to treat about
the peace, to be upon the
treaty of peace.-Tra tare un
matrimonio, to treat about a
match.-Trallare, to treat or
handle, to discourse of or up-
on, to be upon, to devise or
consult. Tratare d' una
materia, to treat of a subject.
-Trattar il modo di fare una
cusa, to devise, to consult
the means how to bring any
thing about.-Questo libro
tratta di filosofia, this book Trattévole, adj. tractable, gen-
treats of philosophy.-Trat- tle, affable, kind, courteous.

Tratto, manner, fashion, way, behaviour, carriage. Una persona di bel tratto, a civil man, of good manners or behaviour.- -Tratto, a track, stroke, touch, or dash. -Tratto di penna, a stroke or dash of a pen.-Tratto di pennello, a stroke or touch of a pencil. Non si può levar tratto con voi, there is nothing to be gotten by you.— Vincerla del trafo, to get the start of one, to be beforehand with him-Tratto di corda, the strappado.--Pigliare il tratto, to take or watch the opportunity.-Tratto tratto, adv. from time to time, now and then.-Ad ogni tratta, every moment, incessantly, always.-Dure i tratti, to expire, to breathe ons's lastIn un tratto, at once.-Tratto, p. p. of Tirare and Trarre. --Tratto, except.-Trátione lei, except her.Trattone voi, except you. Trattóso, adj. civil, gentleman-like, well-mannered. Trattúra, s. f. the act of throwing, the act of pulling. Obs. Travaglia, s. f. Obs. laTravagliaménto, s. m.) bour, toil, trouble, affliction, pain.


Travagliante, adj. that afflicts. Travagliare, to afflict, to trouble, to disorder or discompose.-La sete mi travaglia molto, I am mightily afflict ed with thirst.-Travagliare, said by some instead of Lavorare, to work, is a Gallicism to be avoided, and so Trava

tare, to touch, to feel, to han-Trátto, s. m. pull, pluck.-_glio for labour or work.
die.-Trattare il fuso, to han-
die the spindle.-Si tratta
della vita, life is at stake.-
Si tratta di farlo morire,
they are for taking his life.-
Non si tratta di questo, that

Tratto, time.--Pagò cinquanta
mila fiorini di primo tratto,
he paid fifty thousand florins
down.-Non bisogna spender
tanto ad un tratto, you must
not spend so much at a time.

Travagliarsi, to meddle or in-
termeddle, to be meddling
Mi travaglio poco in g
affari, I do not med
those affairs, 1 do n
my head about th

snow that congeals itself up-¡ on the trees of the Alps.Ogni bruscolo ti pare una trave, you make a rout about nothing. Travecchiézza, s. f. great old age, decrepitude. Obs. Travedéle, to see one thing for another, to see double. Travedúto, adj. that has seen one thing for another. Travéggole, s. f. ex. aver le truveggole, to see double, to see one thing for another.Far venire agli occhi le traveggole, to make one dimsighted, or to make him see double.

Traversa, s. f. a cross piece of timber, a cross iron bar.Traversa, a traverse, a trench with a little parapet: also a retrenchment or line fortified with fargots and baskets filled with earth.Traversa, Cross, trouble, mischance, misfortune, rub.-Traversa, breadth, wideness, largeness.

Traversa, a short way, or bye-way-Alla traversa, adv. cross, through.-Alla traversa de campi, cross the fields. Alla traversa d' una selva, through a wood or forest.—Traversa, a back


cross, cross-wise.

co, assalita da una traversin, diede in una secca, one of the six merchant ships, surprised by a storm, ran a-ground. Traverso, adj. cross, overth want, crossing.-Traversa, striped. -- Traverso, adverse, contrary, cross.-Falo tracers, cross fortune.—Trarús, rough, hard, severe, cross — Parole tra erse, rough, bard, or cross words.Traversa, s. m. a cross blow or stroke. -Menare un traverso adam0, to strike one across the body. -Per traverso, adv. side-wIS, across, cross-wise.-A trener. so, cross, through or therough.-A traverso de' came pi, cross the fields.-A traem so de' boschi, through the woods.-Da traverse, cross, across, cross-wise, overthwart, awry, askew, aslope.-Taghiare una cosa da traverso, to cut a thing a-cross.—Camminar da traverso, to go all awry.-Riguardar da trazerso, to look askew or a-squint, to squint-Riguarder who da traverso, to look upon one with an ill eye, or sourlyDa traverso, through, all over.

―Travagliarsi, to strain, to endeavour, to strive, to attempt, to labour, to compass a thing.-Travagliarsi, to be frightened, to be afraid. 1 Travagliatamente, adv. painfu" ly, hardly. Travagliato, adj. afflicted, grieved, troubled, miserable, distressed. Travagliatore, he that vexes or teazes.-Tra agliatore, a juggler, a hocus-pocus man, a cheat. Obs.

Travagliatrice, fem. of Trava-

Travaglio, s. m. affliction,
trouble, disquiet, sorrow,
grief, pain, anguish.---Trava-
glio, fatigue, hard working.
Travaglio, a travel or travise,
a contrivance to dress or shog
unruly horses.
Travaglioso, adj. that has or
gives pain.

Tavalénte, adj. very valiant.
Travalicaménto, s. m. the act
of crossing any large water.
Travalciamento di tempo, a
space of time.--Travalica-
ménto, transgression.
Travalicáre, to go or pass over.
Travalicare un fiume, to go
over a river. Travalicare d'
un ragionamento in un altro,
to digress from one discourse
to another, to make a ram-

Traversále, adj. transverse, a-
thwart, crossing.

digression.---Tranali-Traversalmente, adv. side-wise,

Travalicatóre, he that passes or
goes over. Travalicatore, a
Travasamento, s. m. the act of
decanting, of changing a fluid
from one recipient into ano-

care, to transgress or trespass.
Travalicato, adj, p. p. of Tra- Traversamento, s. m. a cross-
ing or putting a thing across.
-Traversamento, ballusters,
ballisters, banisters, rails
Traversare, to cross, to go or
pass over.Traversúre una
selva, to cross a forest, to go
cross or through a forest.
Traversare la strada, to cross!
the street. Un fiume che
traversa la città, a river that
crosses, or goes cross a town.

Travasáre, to transvasate, to
decant, to pour out of one
vessel into another.--Trava-
sure di male in peggio, to
grow worse and worse.
Travasato, adj. poured out from
one vessel into another.
Traváta, s. f. a fence, or de-
fence, made with beams.
Traudire, to hear one thing for
another. Obs.
Trave, s. f. a beam, a great
piece of timber.-Viva trava,
the tree out of which a beam
made.—Siccome neve tra
ve travi per lo dosso d'
si congela, like the

-Strada che traversa, a

Traversária, s. f. a drag or

Traversato, p. p. of Traversare.
--Traversato, strong limbed,
stout, strong.-Cavallo tra-
versato, a broad shouldered
or strong-limbed horse.
Traversia, s. f. calamity, ad-
verity, crosses, a cross acci-
dent, trouble, misfortune.-----
Traversia, a tempest or storm.
-Una della sei navi di cari-

-Da traverso la campagna, through the country. --Di traverso, cross, cross-wise, across.-Mettere a trat erso, o per traverso, to put across, or


Traversóne, adv. cross, cross-
wise, across.-Mettere a tra.
versone, to put across, or
Travertino, s. m. a kind of
white stone, in Rome.
Travestirsi, to disguise one's
self, to put on a disguise.-
Travestirsi, to mask, to put
on a mask.

Travestire, to disguise, or put
in a disguise.
Travestito, adj. travested, dis-
guised, masked.-Travestito
da donna, disguised in a wo-
man's dress.—I travestiti si
conoscono al cavar della mas-
chera, deceitful men, sooner
or later, are always discover-

Travétta, s. f. a small beam.
Traviáre, v. Travviare.
Traviáto, v. Travviato.
Traviatóre, v. Travviatore.
Travicello, s. m. a small beam,
or piece of timber, a joist or

[blocks in formation]

Traviso, s. m. disguise.-Traviso, a mask.

Travolgere, to turn upside down, or topsy-turvy, to overturn.--Travolger gli occhinella testa, to roll or turn one's eyes in one's head. Travoltáre, e. Travolgere. Travolto, p.p. of Travolgere.—

away one's time in conversa-
tion, to divert one's self in
company.-La fortuna ha
voluto il trebbio del fatto mio,
fortune has made me her

f. the fourth
part, which
an heir may keep for himself
out of the feominent, when he
comes to make it over to ano-

mal non ha tregua, my disease gives me no rest. Tremánte, adj. trembling, quaking, shaking, shivering. Tremiáre, to tremble, to shake, to quake, or shiver for cold.To cremo di paura, I tremble or quake for fear.--Tremar di freddo, to quake with cold, to shiver.--Ghi trema la mano, his hand shakes.--Tremáre, to fear, to be afraid.-Far tremare, to cause a trembling, to make tremble.-Le sue armi fan tremare tulla l'Europa, his arms make all Europe tremble.

Trebúto, s. m. v. Tributo.
Trécca, s. f. a fruiterer, a wo-
man that sells fruit, or any
other thing that is eatable, a
huckster or retailer.
Treccáre, to huckster, to re-Tremáto, p. p. of Tremare.
tail, to sell victuals.-Tree-Tremebóndo, adj. trembling,
care, to cheat, to sharp, to that trembles.


Treccheria, s. f. a cheat, or
cheating trick. Obs.
Trecchiéro, adj. huckstering,
retailing.-1racchiero, cheat-
deceitful, fallacious.

Occhi travolti, a wild look. Travólvere, v. Travolgere. Travvéggole, v. Travegole. Travviare, to lead or put out of the way.-Travviare, to ing, miss one's way.-Traviare, Ops. to go from the subject in hand Treccia, s. f. a tress of hair. into another not to the purTreccie bionde, golden trespose. ses, golden locks. Trecciéra, s. f. a hair-lace, or hair-fillet, any thing that serves to adorn the lead. Tiéccola, v. Trecca. Treccóne, s. m. a fruiterer, a man that sells fruit, or any other eatables, a huckster or retailer.

Tremendo, adj. terrible, dread

ful, tremendous. Trementina, s. f. turpentine. Tremila, three thousand. Tremilia. Not used. Trémito, s. m. trembling, quaking, shivering. Timolante, adj. trembling, shaking, shivering.-Il tremolante lume della candela, the trembling flame of the candle.

Tremoláre, to tremble, to shake, or shiver-Tremolure, to sparkle, to shine, to glit


Travviato, p. p. of Travviare.
Travviatore, he that goes out
of the straight road.-Trau-
viatóre, a transgressor.
Tre, three.-Tre anni, three
years.Tre cotanti, three
times as much, or as many
-lo ho tre cotanti libri di
voi, I have three times as Trecentésimo, adj. the three- Trémolo,
many books as you.
Treágio, s. f. a kind of coarse Trecento, adj. three hundied.

Tremoláto, p. p. of Tremo


adj. trembling, Trémulo, shaking, wagging.

Trébbia, s. f. a kind of flail.Tredicesimo,ade the thir-Tremulo, adj. trembling,


a twist.


Trebbia, scourge, chastise-Trélici, s. m. thirteen.
ment.-Li tribulazioni sono Trefólio, v. Trifoglio.
le trebbie di Dio, tribulations Tréfolo, s. m. thread twisted,
are God's scourges.
Trebbiano, s. m, a kind of Trégenda, s. f. a nocturnal
white wine.-Trebbiano,
kind of white sweet grapes.
Trebbiáre, to thresh.-Treb
biare il frumento, to thresh
corn. -Treblidre, to send
troubles, to afflict, to chas-
tise.-Trebbiare, to break
very small.

shaking, shivering-Un tremoloso, a paralytick, a man that trembles with the palsey.

Tremore, s. m. tremor, trembling.--Tremore, fear, awe, apprehension, dread. Tiemcoso, adj. trembling, shaking for fear.

meeting of witches, who go
about (as silly people believe)
with lanthorns; and some
take the shape of an old wo-Treméto, v. Tremuoto.
man, some of a horse, and Trémuia, s. f. a kind of shrub.
several other forms.
T.emuláre, v. Tremolare.
Treggéa, s. f. sugar-plums.-Tremuláto, v. Tremolato.
Gittar la treggen a porci, to Trémulo, v. Tremolo.
throw pearls to the swine.
Tremuóto, s. m. an earth-
| Tréggia, s. f. a sledge or sled, quake.

Trebbiato, p. p. of Trebbiare.
Trebbiatóre, a thresher.
Trebbiatúra, s. f. the act of a dray.
threshing.-Trebbiatúra, tri- Treggiatore, he that draws the
bulation, trouble, affliction, sludge.
Crosses, adversity.

Tréno, s. m. sledge, sled, dray.-Treno, train, equis Page, retinue.

Tréglia, s. f. a red mullet, a Trenta, s. m. thirty.

Trébbio, s. m. the meeting of kind of a sea-fish.
three roads.-Trebbio, merri-
ment, diversion,Stare a
trebbio, far trebbio, to pass

Trentacinque, s. m. thirty

Trégua, s. f. truce, cessation of five.
arms.-Tregua, intermission, Trentacinquésimu, adj. the
rest, breathing-time.Il mio thirty-fifth.

Trentamila, adj. thirty-thon-Triboláto, adj. afflicted, trou-l points:


Trentaquattrésimo, adj. the thirty-fourth.

Trintavecchia, s. f. an idle word to fighten children


Trentésimo, adj. the thirtieth.
Trepitante, adj. trembling,
shaking, shivering for tear.
shake, or shiver for feir, to
be afraid, to fear, to tremble.
Trepidazióne, s. f. trepidation,
trembling, fear, fearfulness.
Trépido, adj. trembling, shak-
ing, or shivering for fear,

Treppello, s. m. a band, crew,
set, company, or gang.

Treppie, s. m. a trevet.

Tiésca, s. f. a country-dance.
Tresca, company, society,
ble, incumbrance, trouble-
some affair.


blea, tormented, vexed, dis-Tridente, s. m. a trident, z's any tool or instrument turbed. Tribolatore, s. m. a tormenter, three prongs. a disturber, one that troubles, Triégua, v. Tregua. Triémito, v. Tremito. vexes, or afflicts. Tribolatrice, fem. of Tribola-Triénne, adj. triennial, of the

[blocks in formation]

Tributazióne, s. f. tribulation, Triennio, adj triennal, to trouble, disturbance of mind, continues three years, or at happens every third ye affliction, crosses, adversity.


} adj. three forced


Tribolo, s. m. a thistle.-Se- Trifera, s. f. a kind of elect-
minar triboli, sow dis-ry invented by the Arabians
tribula-Trifogliato, adj. three-leaved,
tion, trouble, affliction, cross, trefoil-like.
m. teil, the
adversity.-Fare il tribolo, to Trifóglio, s.
herb commonly calel three-
cry, to weep, as some wo-
men do abroad, being hired! leaved grass.
to weep and pull their hair Triforcáto,
about somebody that is dead Triforcúto,
-Tribolo, a thorn, crosses.] prongs.
troubles. La nostra vita è Triforme, adj. triform, har
piem di triboli, our life is full three forms or shapes.
of thorns or troubles.--Tribols Trigésimo, adj. the thirtie
Triglia, s. f. a mullet.
aquatico, water-lentil.
Tribolóso, adj. troublesome, Trilingue, adj. having the
grievous, sad, vexatious.-
Fita tribulosa, a troublesome,
cumbersome, life.
Tribu, a tribe.

Trescare, to dance country
dances. Trescure, to dance.
-Trescate, to handle, to Tribulóso, adj. v. Triboloso.
tecl.-Trescure, to play, to Tribúna, s. f. the body or
choir of a cathedral.-Tribu-
play wanton tricks, to wag.
na, a gallery.

to toy. Tre-chorella, s. f. a diminutive of Tresca. Trescóne, 6. dance.


a kind of

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Trilláre, to shake, to quiver. trill. A musical term. Trilettino, s. m. a soft shake a soft quivering. A mess


Trillo, s. m. a shake, a quite ing, a trill.

Tribrnále, s. m. a tribunal, a Trústre, adj. of three leas
judgment-seat, a court of jus- or fifteen years old.
tice.-Tribundle, adj. tribu-Trimestre, adj. of three mo
nal, belonging to a court of time.
justice.----Sedia tribunale, Tumpellare, to play ill on
a tribunal, a judgment- guitar, the lute, and

Tréspolo, s. m. the foot of a
3. ກາ.
table, a trestle.-Tréspolo, a
prop, stay, support, strength,



Trina, s. f. lace.

Trincare, to drink, to qui
tope, to carouse.
Trincato, adj. drunk, qaf


sharp. Trincatóre, a toper, a g

drinker. Trincatrice, fem. of Trincare. Trincéa, s, f. an intress

seat. Tubunalmente, adv. sitting Tica, s. f. treacle.-Tridce, in the judgment-cat. a medicine or medicament.Tribunáto, s. m. the tribune's Esser triaca d'alcuno, to be a office and dignity among the ancient Romans. great for or mortal enemy to Tribúno, s. m. tribune, a magistrate among the Romans. Tributále, to pay a tribute. Tributária, s f. v. Tributa. Tributário, adj. tributary, that pays tribute, tax, or toll. Tributáto, p. p. of Tributare, Tribúto, s. m. tribute, tax, toll, custom, duty.-Tribúto, tribute, homage.-Render tri-Trinciante, adj. sharp, cut buto ad uno, to pay homage to one.-Render il tributo alla natura, to die.

Triangolare adj. triangular,
three-comered, in the form
of a triangle.
Trángolo, s. m. a triangle, a
figure that has three angles,
and as many sides.
Trario, s. m. Trarians, stout
Roman soldiers.
Tribaldáre, v. Trabaldare.
Tribbiáre, . Trebbiare.
Tribbiáto, adj. 2. Trebbiato,
Triko. ". Tribù.
Tubolare, to afflict, to tor-Tricorde, adj. with
ment, to vex, to trouble, to
disqu.ct. to cumber, or dis-
Tribolarsi, to afflict, to tor-Tricorporec, adj. that has three
ment, to tro ble, to vex, to
forment one' self.


strings, that has three strings
ppon it.Arco tricorde, a
Low with three strings.



Trincerare, v. Trincierare.
Trincerato, v Trincierate.
Trinchétto, s. m. the fore

Spada o coltello trimus a sharp or cutting sword knife.-Trinciante, S. gentleman sewer or carve Trinciánie, a kind of towel Trinciare, to cut, to carve table.-Trinciare, to cut Trinciato, adj. cut, carved Trinçiéra, s. f. an

Tricuspide, adj. that has three ment.

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