صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

* detestation.
Abbomináre, to abominate, to
detest, to hate.
Abbominévole, adj. abomina-


Abbomínio, s. m. abomination.
Abbonacciáre, to calm, to pa-
cify, to still.
Abbonacciársi, to grow calm.
Abbondamento, v. Abbon-
Abbondánte, adj. abounding.
Abbondandemente, adv. abun-

Abbondanza, s. f. abundance.-
Abbondanza, at Florence 'tis a
magistrate that provides the
city with corn and other pro-
Abbondaziére, s. m. a victual-
ler, one that provides the
city with all sorts of provi-

--Cavalcáre a bisdosso, to ride bare-backed.

dere, quasi riddurre in brace) A bisdósso, adv. bare-backed. to fire, to set on fire. Abbraccio, s. m. an embrace. Abbrancáre, to snatch,to grasp. -Abbrantáre, to hold fast. Abbreviaménto, shortening, making short. Abbreviáre, to abridge, to shorten Per abbreviáre, in short, to make short. Abbreviatóre, an abridger. Abbreviatúra, s. f. abbreviation.

Abbriccáre, to throw with vio-

Abissáre, to fall into an abyss
or bottomless pit.-Abissdre,
to waste, to squander away.
Abissure, to perish, to come to
a fatal end.
Abísso, s. m. an abyss, a bot-
tomless gulf or pit.Abisso,
a thing most abstruse or ob
scure. Abisso, hell.
Abitábile, adj. habitable.
Abitácolo, s. m. an habitation,
Abitaggio, s. m.
an habi-
Abitagione, s. f.
Abitaménto, s. m.
Abitáre, to inhabit, to live, or
dwell in.



Abbondáre, to abound with.
Abbondézza, v. Abbondanza.
Abbon'do, s. m. plenty, store.


adv. Co

Abbordáre, to board a ship, to
come up with a ship.
Abbordo, s. m. the running or
falling foul of ships one with

another. Abbórdo
arrival, coming to.
Abborracciáre, to cobble, to
bungle Abboracciarsi, to fud-
dle one's self.
Abborrimento, s. m. abhor-


Abborrire, to abhor, to loath. Abborritóre, he that abhors. Abborritrice, fem. of Abborri. tóre.

Abbottináre, to pillage, rob, or
Abbottinarsi, to mutiny, to
rise up in arms.
Abbottonáre, to button.
Abbottonatúra, s. f. the button-
Abbozzaménto, s. m. (schizzo)
a rough draught or sketch.
Abbozzáre, to sketch.
Abbozzatíccio, adj. half-sha-
dowed, half-sketched, not fi-
Abbozzatúra, s. f. the first
Abbozzo, s, m. S draught.
Abbracciaménto, s. m. embrace,

Abbracciare, to embrace, to
hug, to clasp.
Abbracciata, s. f. embrace, em-

Abbriváre, to begin to move,
speaking of a ship.
Abbrividáre, to shiver, or

shudder for cold.
Abbronzáre, to tan, to make
tawny.-Abbronzare, to burn
up, to scorch-Viso abbron-
záto, a scorched face.
Abbrustolire, to toast, to dry
any thing by the fire.
Abbruciacchiare, to burn but
Abbruciaménto, s. m. burning,
or firing.
Abbruciare, to burn.
Abbruciatíccio, adj. burnt a
Abbrunáre, to grow dusky.
Abbrunire, to become brown,
to make brown; to grow
dusk, to darken.
Abbrustiáre, to scorch, to
Abbrustíre, singe.
Abbrustoláre, to parch, to
scorch, to toast.
Abbujáre, to grow dark.
Prima che abbui, before 'tis

Abitatóre, inhabitant, dweller.
Abitatrice, s. f. a she dweller or

Abitazioncélla, s. f. a narrow
place to live in.
Abitazione, s. f. an habitation.
Abitévole, adj. m. f. habitable..
A'bito, s. m. a suit, or suit of
clothes-Pigliar l'abito (farsi
frate) to take the religious
habit, to go into a monastery.
-A'bito, habit, use, custom.
Abituále, adj. m. f. habitual.
Abitualmente, adv. habitually.
Abituáre, to use, to accustom.
-Abituarsi, to use, to accus-
tom one's self to.
Abitúdine, s. f. habit, temper.
Abitúro, s. m. (abitazióne) ha-
bitation, abode.

A bizzeife, adv. abundantly,
in great quantity.
A bocca baciata, adv. easily.
Abburattáre, to bolt, to sift.-Ablativo, s. m. the ablative
Abburattáre, to abuse, to use


Abburattatore, the man who
turns that instrument called
buratto, in which the Italians
sift their meal.
Abdicáre, to abdicate, to re-


Abolíre, to abolish, to repeal.
Aborríre, v. Abborrire.
Abortáre, to miscarry, to be
Abortire, brought to bed
before the time-Abortivo,
adj. abortive, born before its
Abórto, s. m. a child born by

Abrogare, to abrogate, to re-

Abdicazione, s. f. abdication,
Abecedario, s. m. a teacher, or
learner of ab c.-Abecedúrio,
an abc book.
Abetája, s. f. a wood of fir-Abrótano, s. m. southern-


Abéte, s m. a fir-tree.

Abrogazione, s. f. abrogation.

Abruotino, wood.
Abusáre, to abuse a thing, to

A ́bile, adj. m. f, skilful, expe- misuse it, to use it ill, to put


Abilità, s. f. ability,
Abilità, art, skill.
Abilitáre, to enable.

it to a wrong use.

address.Abusivamente, adv. abusively
Abusivo, adj. abusive.
Abúso, s. m. an abuse.
Abuzzágo, s. m, a buzzard,

Abbraciare, (infocáre, accén-A bluscio, adv. obliquely.

Acacía, s. f. a kind of yel-
Acazía, low flower.
Acca, s. m. the letter H-Non
vale un acca, it is not worth a
Accadémia, s. f. an academy.
Accadémico, an academist.
Accadere, to happen.-Non ac-
cáde mi diciate, you need not
tell me.
Accadiménto, s. m. accident,

Accaffáre, to snatch, to wrest

Aceasarsi, to settle, or to settle

one's self.

Accasáto, adj. married, settled.
-Aecasato, full of houses.
Accascáre, to happen.
Accasciaménto, heaviness
limbs through old age or

Accendiménto, s. m. the state of burning, or setting on fire. Accendimento, incitement, incentive.

Accenditójo, a lighting stick. of Accenditore, he that kindles. Accenditrice, she that kindles. Accennaménto, s. m. a beck, a nod, a hint.-Accennamento, hint, private notice. Accennare, to nod, to beckon.

Accasciársi, to decay, to fall,
to be worn out, or quite spent
through old age or sickness.
-Questa febbre m' há accásciuto,
this fever has weakened me.
Accatarráre, to get a cold.

Accagionamento, s. m. impu-Accatastare, to heap, to heap tation, charge.


Accagionáre, to impute, to Accattabrig'he, a quarrelsome

charge with.


Accalappiáre, to ensnare.
Accaloráre, to heat, to warm.
Accampáre, to encamp,
pitch a camp.-Accampársi,
to pitch one's camp.
Accanaláre, to channel, to

Accanalatúra, s. f. chamfering
Accaneggiare, to stir up to

Accannelláre, to wind it to a
skein or bottom.
Accánto, adv. aside.
Accapacciato, adj. tired with
mental fatigue.
Accapezzáre, to conclude, to
end, to finish.
Accapigliamento, s. m. pluck-
ing out one another's hair.
Accapigliíre, n. p. to fall toge-
ther by the ears.
Accapigliatúra, s. f. v. Acca-


Accattaménto, begging alms.
Accattáre, to borrow-Accat-
táre, to beg-Accattáre, to get,
to gain, to obtain.
Accattatore, a beggar.
Accattatózzi, s. m. one that
begs from door to door, a

Accattatrice, s. f. a she-beg



decennáre, to mention, to make mention.-Accennire, to advise, to give an account Mè stato accennato, I had a hint of it.

Accennatura, a nod, a beck.
Accensible, adj. combustible.
Accentáre, v. Accentuare.
Accénto, accent.
Accénto, accent, tone, pronun-
ciation Accento, tune, note,
voice.-Febili accenti, doleful
notes, or words.
Accentuáre, to accent.-Accen-
tuire, to pronounce.
Accentuato, part. accented,
marked with an accent.
ing with hoops.
Accerchiare, to hoop, to bind
with hoops.-Accerchiare, to
go about.

Accattatúra, s. f. borrowing.
Accattería, s. f. v. Accattatúra.
Accátto, s. m. gain, profit
Cavallo d'accátio, a borrowed
horse. Viver d'accatto, to live
upon trust.-Far un buon ac-
catto, to make a good bargain.
Accavalciáre, to straddle, to
ride straddling.
Accavalláre, to set one a strad-Accertáre, to assure, to affirm,
Accavigliare, to wind thread-Accertare, to warrant, to

into bobbins.

Accappiáre, to tie with a slid- Accecaménto, s. m. blindness.

ing knot.

-Accecaménto, mistake.

Accappiáre, te insnare, to in-Accecáre, to blind.

Accecatóre, he that



Accecatrice, she that makes

tice. Accappiatúra, s. f. gin, snare. -Accoppiatura, a sliding knot. Accapponáre, to make capons. Accapricciarsi, to tremble, to shiver for fear or horror. Accarezzamento, s. m. ses, allurements, kind words. Accarezzáre, to coax, wheedle, to caress. Accarezzatore, he that caresses much. Accarezzatrice, fem. of Acca-, speed.

Accedere, to approach.
Accedere, to come, to arrive.
cares-Acceffare, to snatch with the
Accéggia, s. f. a woodcock.
Acceleraménto, s. f. celerity,


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Accarnáre, to penetrate, to go deep into the flesh. Accartocciáre, to wrap up in form of a cornet, which gro

cers use..

Accasamento, marriage. Accasáre, to begin housekeepng-Accasarsi, to marry.


Acceleráre, to hasten, to make

Accelerazione, s. f. haste, ea-
gerness, speed.
Accéndere, to light, to kindle,
to set on fire.-Accendere, to
stir up, to cause, to excite.-
Accendere, to egg on, to set


Accendibile, adj. m. f. that may

be kindled.

Accessório, adj. accessory.
Accétta, s. f. a two-edged in
strument, an axe.
Accettabile, adj. m. f. accept

Accettagióne, s. f. acceptance...
Accettare, to accept, to accept
of --Un' accettata, s. f. a stroke
of an axe.

Accettatore, he that accepts.
Accettatrice, she that accepts.
Accettazione; s. f. acceptance.
Accettevole, adj. m.acceptable.

pebbles.. Accircondare, v. Circondáre,

about. Accismáre, Obs. to separate, to create division. Accismársi, Obs. to be obsti

a knife.

Accoltellatore, s. m. a gladiator, a swaggerer.

to surround, to encompass Accolto, adj. entertained, received, gathered. Accomandagione, s. f. protection, tuition, guardianship. – Accomandáre,to recommend. Accomandare, to fasten, to make fast.-Accomandarsi, to recommend one's self to one. Accomandigia, v. Accomandagione.


Acciuffare, to catch, to snatch, or take hold of by the snout. Acciúga, s. f. anchovy. Accivettato, adj. cautious, wise.

Acciviménto, s. m. storing, furnishing with all necessaries. -decivimento, good luck. Accivire, to furnish, find, provide, supply. Acclamare, to call aloud unto Acclamazione, s. f. acclama


Accommiatáre, to dismiss, discharge, send away.--Accommiátarsi, to take leave, to bid, farewell. Accommiatatóre, he that dismisses another. Accomodábile, adj. m. f. that may be compounded, brought to an agreement. Accomodamento, s. commodation, repair, repairad-ing.--Accomodaménto, agreement, or composition. Accomodáre, to mend, piece, patch. Accomodarsi con qualcheduno, to agree, to come to an agreement with one. Accomodatúra, s. f. the act of setting.

Acclíno, adj. inclined, or bent; prone.



Accétto, adj. grateful, accepta- Acciottoláre, to pave with ble.

Accétto, subs. acceptance. Acchetáre, to quiet, to still, to hush-Acchetare, to calm, to


Acchiappáre,to catch, to cheat,
to trick-Acchiappáre, to
catch, compass, or get cun-
Acchináre, to bow, to stoop
Acchináre, to yield, to yield


Acchiocciolare, to form or to place after the manner of a snail-shell.

Acchiúdere, to shut in, to inclose.

A'ccia, s. f. (lino filáto) thread.
Acciabattáre, to cobble, to

Acciaccáre, to squash, to crush,
to pieces, to pound.
Acciácco, outrage, contumely.
-Accidcco, a distemper.
Aver degli acciacchi, to have a
complication of distempers.
Acciajo, s. m. steel.
Acciajućlo, s. m. a steel to
strike fire with.
Acciappinársi, to be angry, to
fret much.

Acciaríno, s. m. a steel to strike

Acciaro (acciajo) steel; poeti-
cally, the sword.
Acciarpáre, to botch, to patch.
Accidentále, adj. accidental,
Accidente, 8. m. accident,
chance, fortune.-Per acci-
dente, casually, by chance.
Accídia, s. f. sloth, laziness.
(pigro) sloth-
Accidióso, adj. ful, idle,slug-
gish.-Un accidioso, a slug-

Acclive, adj. m. f. given to,
dicted, or inclined to.
Acclività, s. f. acclivity.
Accoccáre, to play a trick, to

serve one a trick.
Accoccolársi, to stoop down,
to squat down.
Accodársi, to follow one

Accoglienza, s. f. reception, en-
Accogliere, (fare accoglienze)
to make welcome.
Accogliere, to assemble toge
ther, to gather, to join toge-
ther-Accogliere, to come
near, to approach.-Lo buon
maestro a me tutto s'accolse, my
good master stuck close to


Accogliménto, gathering, pro-
vision.—Accoglimento, recep-


Accomodevolmente, adv. conveniently, commodiously. Accompagnamento, s. m. train, retinue.

Accompagnáre, to accompany.

Accompagnare, to matchAccompagnarsi, to be a companion, or partner. Accompagnatore, he that accompanies.

Accompagnatrice, she that ac-
Accomunáre, to put in com-


Acconcézza, s, f. conveniency.

Accidiosamente, adv. with la- Accoglitíccio, adj. gathered up | Acconcézza, ornament, finery,


Acciecare, v. Accecare.
Accigliare (cucire insieme le
palpebre agli uccelli di rapína
per addomesticárli) to seal the
eyes-Accigliare, to frown.
Accignérsi, v. Accingersi.

Accoglitore, a gatherer.
Accoglitrice, a woman that ga-

ceived one of the minor orders
of the Romish church.

Accignimento, the act of pre-Accollare, the peasants of Tus-
paring one's self to do a
Accingersi, to prepare one's


Accínto, girt about.-Accinto,
ready, prepared.
Acciò, adv. that, to the end


Acciocchè, adv. that, to the end that.

attire, dress.

Acconciamente, adj. conveniently, commodiously.c conciamente, neatly, finely.

Accólito, a person that has re-Acconciáre, to fit, to make fit,
to fit up.-Acconciare, to inend,
patch, or botch.-Acconciare,
to set off, to adorn, to trim.---
Acconciare, to pacify, or make
peace Acconciare, to marry,
to match-icconciare, to get,
to make ready.-Acconciare,
to get one a place or employ
ment Acconciare pelli, to
dress, to tan leather.Acron-
ciarsi, to submit, or yield.-
Acconciarsi, to go to service.-
Accoltelláta, s. f. a blow with Acconciárst, to sit down at ease.

cany call the bringing up an
ox to the yoke.
Accollarsi, to take another's
debt on one's self.
Accolpare, to blame, to accuse.
Accolta, s f. an assembly.
Accoltellante, a gladiator.
Accoltellare, to strike with a

Accortáre, to shorten, to cut

Acconciataménte,adv.properly. help, help.
Acconciatóre, a mender, a Accórso, adj. ran to.
Accortamente, adv. warily,
Acconciatrice, a woman end- heedrully.
er, a botcher.
Acconciatúra, s. f. the order-
ly placing of something-dc-
conciatura, the attire, or orna-
ment of a woman's head.
Perder 'acconciatura, to miss

Accortezza, s. f. circumspec


Accortezza, sense, wit.
Accortinato, hanged with cur-


Accórto, adj. prudent, wise.-
Accorto, subtle, crafty.-Far
errorto, to forewarn, to give


saver of money.

Accumulatrice, fem. of Accumulatore.

Accuratamente, adv. carefully. Accuratezza, s. f. care, diligence.

Accuráto, adj. careful, diligent. Accusa, s. f. accusation, Accusaménto, s. f.) charge. Accusáre, to accuse, to im peach. Accusare, to confess, to acknowledge-Accusársi, to own, to confess.

Accusativo, s. m. the accusative


Accosciáre, to sit down cowr-Accusatore, s. m. accuser, in

one's aim. Accóncio, s. m. gain, advantage, conveniency.In accéncio de fatti suoi, to his own purpose-Accóncio, adj. mended, dressed, put in good order-Acconcio, given, addict-ing, or with one's legs across. Accostamento, s. m. approach. Accostáre, to accost, to approach. Accostarsi, to draw near.--Accostarsi, to make an alliance with. Accostatúra, s. f. coherence,

ed, bent. Acconsentimento, 5. m. consent,


Acconsentire, to assent unto.-
Chitace, acconsente, silence gives


Accoppáre, to knock on the head.

Accoppiare, to match, to couple, to join together. Accoramento, s. m. affliction, heart grief.

Accoráre, to grieve, or vex. Accoráto, adj. touched, grieved, vexed.

Aecorciáre, to shorten, to di-

Accorciatúra, s. f. the act of
Accordamento, s. m. accord,

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Accordo, s m, agreement, contract.Melter d'accordo, to make friends.--decórda, har


Accostévole, accostable, of an
easy access.

Accostévole, agreeable, like.
Accósto, adv. near, close by,
side by side.

Accostumánza, s. f. custom.
Accostumáre, to accustom.
Accostumarsi, to accustom, to

inure one's self.
Accostumáto, adj. accustomed.

iccostumato, adj. gocd,
honest, virtuous.
Accottonáre, to stuff with cot-


[blocks in formation]

mony, consonancedccordo,
accord, consent.-Io son d'ac-
cordo, I agree to it.
Accorgere, (venire al conosci
ménto d'una cosa) to perceive, Accrescere, to increase.
to discover. Far accorgere, to Accrescimento, s. m. increase.
make one sensible.decorger-Accresciúto, adj. increased.
si, to perceivedecorgimento, Acculato, adj. idle, slothful.
wariness, prudence-decor- Acculattare, to make one fall
gimento, capacity, understand-
upon his back, one holding
him by the hands, the other
by the feet.

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Acetoso, adj. sour, tart.
Achínea, s. f. an ambling horse,
a nag, a saddle horse.
Acidezza, s. f. acidity, sour-
Acidità, ness.

A'cido, adj. sharp, sour.
A'cino, s. m. (granello d' uva)
a grape.

Aco, (ago) s. m. a needle.
Acónito, s. m. wolves bane.
Acqua, s. f. water.—Acqua mor-
ta, still-water-Acqua cotta,
barley-water.Acqua mele,
water and honey together-
Acque tuffania, a kind of

equa di Perugia, slow poison so called.-Fur venir Pacqua alla borca, to make one's mouth water.-Far acqua, to leak.

Accumulamento, s. m. collec-
tion, cumulation, heap.
Accumulare, to accumulate.
Accumulatóre, a hoarder, a Acquacchiare, to lose vigour,

metaph. to lose boldness. Acquaccia, s. f. bad water, filthy, nasty water. Acquacedratajo, a man that keeps a shop to sell lemonade. Acquaforte, s, f. aquafortis. Acquájo, s. m. gutter, water

Acrità, s. f. sourness, sharpness.
Acro, adj. sour, sharp in taste.
dero, crabbed, rough.
Acróstico, s. m. an acrostic.
Acuità, s. f. sharpness.
Acúme, s. m. edge, point, prick.
Acame, quickness of wit.

Addentáre, to catch with the teeth.

Addentelláto, s. m. dentelled, a term of architecture. Addentro, adv. within. Addestramento, the act of instructing.

passage.Acquajo, adj. wa-Acutamente, adv. subtly, acute-Addestrare to instruct or teach.

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Acquidóso, adj. moist, damp, humid.

Acquidóccio, }s

s. m. aqueduct. Acquidótto, Acquietare, v. Acchetare. Acquisizióne, s. f. acquisition. Acquisito, s. m. acquisition. Acquisito, adj. acquired,gotten. Acquisitóre, s. m. a purchaser. Acquistamento, s. m. acquisition, purchase. Acquistare, to acquire. Acquistatore, s. m. a purchaser. Acquistatrice, s. f. a female purchaser. -Acquistévole, adj. that may be acquired.

Acquisto, acquisition. Acquitríno, s. m. marsh, fen,


Acquolina, s. f. small rain. Acquósità, s. f. waterishness. Acquoso, adj. aqueous, waterish.

Acre, adj. m. sour, sharp, tart. Acrédine, s. f. acrimony, sharp


Acreménte, sharply, sourly.Acreménte, harshly, severely. Aerimónia, &, f. sharpness, acrimony.

ly-Risponder acutamente, to answer wittily. Acutezza, s. f. quickness of wit-deutézza, force,strength. Acúto, adj. sharp, pointed Acúto, quick, smart, brisk.Ingegno acuto, shrewd wit. Voce acuta, shrill voice.-Dolore acito, grievous pain.dc cento acuto, acute accent. Ad, a preposition of the dative case, for the words which begin with a vowel-d António, to Anthony-Ad un ad

uno, one at a time. Adacquaménto, s. m. the act of watering. Adacquáre, to water.-Vino ducquato, wine mixed with


—Addestrársi, to exercise, to practise.

Addestrátore, teacher. Addiétro, adv. behind.-Per addietro, adv. formerly, heretofore. Mettere addietro, to neglect, not to take care of. Addiettivo, adjective-dilmanda, request, petition. Addimandagione, s. f. demand, petition, claim. Addimandáre, to demand, to ask, to crave.--Aiddimandáre, to ask, to enquire after. dinandársi, to be called, or named.Come & addimandáte? what is your name? Addimandatóre, s. m. demander. plaintiff, petitioner. Addimandita, s. f. petition, request.

Adagiare, to accommodate.-
Adagiarsi, to delay, to linger. Addimesticáre, to tame.--Addi-
Adágio, s. m. conveniency, mesticarsi, to familiarize one's
commodiousness, ease. Ada-self with.

gio, adv. conveniently, leisure-Addimesticatúra, s. f. taming.
ly, slowly, heavily-indare Addio, adieu, farewell.-Ad-
adugio, to walk gently.
dire, to become.-Non addice
Adamánte, s. m. (vocé poética) | ad un uomo, it does not become


Adamantino, adj. adamantine.
Adante, s. m. the same as Dante,
a kind of wild goat or stag
that lives in mountainous
Adasperáre, to make something

Adastiaménto, s. m. envy, spite.
Adastiáre, to envy.
Adattabile, that can be adapt-

Adattamente, adv. aptly.
Adattamento, s. m. aptness.
Adattanza, aptness.
Adattáre, to adapt, to fit.
Adatto, adj. apt, fit, experienc-
ed.-Essere adatto, to be fit


Addanajáto, adj. full of money, rich.

Addáre, to perceive, to understand, to discover-Addársi, to apply, to addict one's self to. Addebilire, v. Indebolíre. Addebolíre, Addebolírsi, to grow weak, feeble, or infirm. Addebolimento, weariness.

a man.

Addirimpetto, adv. facing, over against.

Addirizzaménto, s. m. correc-
tion, reformation.
Adirizzáre, to make strait-
Adirizzúre, to put in the right


Addirizzáre, to redress, to reform, to correct--Addirizzáre, to instruct, to train.-Addi rizzarsi, to go, to take one's way.

Addirizzársi, to mend. Addirizzatojo, s. m. bodkin, Addirizzatúra, v. Dirizzatura Addisiáre, v. Desiderare. obs. Additamento, s. m. beck. Additáre, to point with one's finger.

Additatére, s. m. one that points with the finger. Additatrice, she that points with the finger to a person or place.

Addiveníre, to chance, to hap❤ pen.

Addizióne, s. f. addition, Addobbaménto, s. m. furni ture, moveables.--Addobbe

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