صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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skilful, ingenious, excellent,
learned. Valente, valiant,
stout, courageous, brave.
Valentemente, adv. strenuous-
ly, vigorously, bravely, cou-

Valenteria, s. f. bravery, va-
lour, courage.
Valentía, s. f. valour, courage,
bravery.-Valentia, prowess,
a valiant and mighty act or
thing, an exploit.
Valéntre, adj. able, clever, ex-
cellent, valiant, courageous,
brave. Obs.

Vago, s. m. a gallant, a spark,
a beau.-Vago, adj. wander-
ing, strolling, or rambling
about. Stella vaga, a pla-
net.-Vago, desirous, covet-
ous, lover.Sarei vago di
sapere chi egli sia, I should
be desirous to know him, I
would fain know who he is.
-Egli è molto tago della
caccia, he delights very much
in hunting-Chi è ago di
ricchezze si rende infelice
anche nel possederle, who is
covetous of riches, is misera-Valénza,
ble even in the possession of Valenzia,
them. Son molto ago di
valent' uomini, I am a lover
of learned men, I love to
converse with men of learn-

Valentreménte, adv. strenuous-
ly, valiantly, courageously,
bravely. Obs.
Valentria, s. f. valour, cou-
rage, bravery. Obs.
Valentuómo, s. m. a valiant
man, a man of honour, a
man of courage.

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voured to appease him with entreaties, but all in vain.Quest' erba vale a molte tfermitá, this herb is good for a great many diseases -Fr. ! tuna vaglia che il saper gio: a, it is better an ounce sé good fortune than a pound of wit.- edendo che le large non vale ano ebbe ricorso ep,” ingann, seeing that farme would not do, he had recouse to stratagems.—-Se veges a servirla in alcuna cosa mi comandi, if I can serve you in any thing, pray command me.- alere to deserve.— Non è generosità il dare il me avere a chi non lo vale, its not generosity to bestow one's wealth upon a man that does not deserve it.- Farsi valet, to shew one's strength. to be formidable. E un re che si fa valere da' suoi vicini, he sa king who is formidable to his neighbours.-Un uomo che së fatto valere per la sua virti, a man who was esteemed for his virtue.-Egli si fa bentalere nella sua carica, he makes money of his post.-Fara lere, to improve, to make the best of.-Far valere al suo de naro, to improve one's mo ney, to turn it to a penny.Egli fa valere quel che sa, he makes the best of his knowledge. Valer di meglis, to better one's self.—La qual congiurazione fu scoperta st gretamente, per alcua st guace de congiurati, creden dosen valer di meglio, which Conspiracy was discovered by one of the conspirators, thining to better himself by itValer di meglio, to turn to a better account.-Falersi ď una cosa, to make use of a thing, to use or employ itValersi della ragione, to make use of reason.-Si vagha di me in tutto ciò che potrò ser. virla, employ me in any thing that I can be serviceable to you-Falére, to signify. -Digiunare, tale non mangiare e non bere, to fast signifies not to eat and not to drink.— Valére, s. m. value, worth.

ing.-Pago. fine, handsome, beautiful.- Una vaga donna, a fine beautiful woman.Vago, adv. finely, handsomely, elegantly.-Oratore è colui che sopra ogni cosa proposto può dire vago e adorno, an orator is one who can talk elegantly upon any subject proposed to him. Vaguccio, adj. pretty hand

some or fine.
Vajajo, s. m. he that tans or
sells furs.
Vajáno, s. m. a kind of grapes.
-Vajano, the wine made of
the grapes called vajano.
Vajáto, adj. grey.-Pango va-
jato, grey cloth.
Vajézza, s. f. greyishness.
Vainiglia, s. f. vanilla, a pod of
a certain shab that smells
well, and it comes from the
West Indies.
Vajo, adj. blackish, said of
fruit when ripening.-ajo,
s. m. grey miniver, vary in
heraldry.-Vajo, the skin of
the grey miniver.
Vajoláto, adj. blackish.
Vajuólo, s. m. the small pox.
-Vajuólo, a disease in pi-
W geons' eyes.

Valco, v. Válico. Obs.
Valeggio, s.m. strength, power.

Valénte, adj. able, clever,

s. f. virtue, merit,
desert, valour,

Valere, to be worth.-Questo
libro vale uno scudo, this
book is worth a crown.
Valere, to be worth, to be
good.—Questa spada val ben
la vostra, this sword is as good
as yours.-Vale dieci mila
scudi, it is worth ten thou-

sand crowns.Nessuno sa
quel che vale, nobody knows
how much he is worth.-Non
val niente, it is good for no-
thing. Tu non sai di quel
che io vaglia, you don't know
what I am capable of, you
don't know what I can do.-
Nessuno era nel paese che va-
lesse lui, there was not ano-
ther in the country that could
not come up to him.-Valere,
to be enough, to be able.
Tutte le persuasioni del mon-
do non vorrebbero a smozerlo
dal suo proponimento, all
the persuasions in the world
would not be enough to re-
move him from his resolu
tion.-Le nostre forze non
vagliano a resistera a' nemici,
our forces are not sufficient to
resist the enemies.-alére,
to profit, to advantage, to
avail, to do good, to be good.
-Che vale ad uno aver ric-
chezze se non se ne serve?
what will it advantage a man-Donogli il alere di dieci
to have riches, if he does not
make use of them?--Cerco
di placarlo colle preghiere,
ma nulla valse, he endea

mila fiorini d'oro tra în dana-
ri e in giojelli,he gave him the
value of ten thousand florins
of gold in money and jewels.

by hills.

Valeriána, s. f. valerian, a space of ground surrounded
plant so called.
Valetudine, s. f. health.
Valévole, adj. good, useful,
available, profitable.
Valicabile, adj. passable, for-
dable, that can be passed


Valléa, s. f. hollow space of
ground surrounded by hills
from one end to the other, a

Valletta, s. f. a little valley.
Vallettina, s. f. a very small
pleasant valley.

Vahétto, s. m. a valet, a ser-
vant, a page.
Vallicella, s. t. a little valley.
Vallicóso, adj. full of valleys,
Valligiano, s. m. an inhabi-
tant of a valley.
Vallo, s. m. a bastion, a bul-

Vallonáccio, s. m. a large val-

Valicare, to pass, to pass over,
to tord.- alicare un monte,
to pass or go over a moun-
tain.-Faluare un fiume, to
ford a river. Valico per mare
d'Inghilterra in Italia, he
went by sea from England to
. Italy.-Vaucáre, to pass.
Non valica nè di nè ora che
non lo eda, he passes neither
a day nor an hour without
sceing him--Ho valicato i
sessant' anni, I am past sixty
years of age.-Valicato, adj.
past, forded.
Valicatúre, he that passes or Vallóne, s. m. a large valley.
fords. Valicatore dei coman-Valeraménto,
damenti di Dio, a transgressor
of the commandments of God.
Válico, s. m. a passage, a ford.
-Válico, a spinning-wheel,
a spindle.

Vallonáta, s. f. valley, valc,
bottom of a valley.
Valloncello, s. m. a little val-
ley, or dale.


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glittering, shining, blazing.— I vampeggianti raggi, the blazing beams of the sun. Vampeggiare, to blaže, flash, to be in a flame.. Vampeggiare, to glitter, to shine, to be bright. -- Vam peggiare, to fume and fret, to rave, to rage, to be in a violent passion. Vampeggiato, p. p. of Vampeggiate.

Vampo, s. m. lightning, a
flash of lightning.-Cammi
nar come un vampo, to walk
very fast, or as fast as an ar-
row.--Si, mosse contro 'l ne-
mico come un campo, hę rush-
ed upon the enemies like

Vampóre, v. Vampo. Obs.
Vanaglória, s. f. vain glory,
vanity, pride.
Vanaglóriarsi, to brag or boast
of, to be proud of.
Vanagloriosamente, adv. vain.

Validáre, to make valid, to render valid, to convalidate. Válido, adj. strong, lusty, ro. bust. álido, valid, authentic, done in due form. Validóre, s. m. bravery, vaYour, bodily or mental power. Obs.

Valigétta, s. f. a small port


Valigia, s. f. cloak-bag, port-
manteau.Entrare in vali
gia, to take pepper in the
nose, to be angry.
Valigiajo, s. m. a trunk-ma-
ker, a cloak-bag-maker.
Valiménto, s. m. value, worth,
price aiménto, valour,
courage, stoutness, bravery.
Valitúdine, v. Valetudine.

Valláme, s. m. an interval,
a distance between many val-

Vanaglorióso, adj. vain-glorious, full of vain-glory. Vanamente, adv. vainly, foolishly.-Fanaménie, vainly, in vain, needlessly, unprofitably.

Vanáre, to dote, to rave, to talk idle. Obs. Vaneggiaménto, s. m. dotage, extravagance produced by light-headedness.

strengthening, or fortifying.
Valóre, s. m. value, worth,
price.-Un anello di gran va-
lore, a ring of great value.-
Valore, valour, courage,
stoutness, bravery.
Valoría, s. f. courage, bravery,
Valorosamente, adv. valiantly.
Valoróso, adj. valiant, stout,
brave, courageous.
Valsénte, s. m. value, worth,
price, equivalent.-Gl' Italia-
i mandano della seta in In-Vaneggiante, adj. doting, rav-
ghilterra, e dal vaisente ne ing.
comprano panni, the Italians
send silk into England, and
out of the money they buy
cloth.- -Valsente, estate,
stock.-Egli ha dieci miln
scudi di valsente, he has an
estate of ten thousand crowns.

-Lasciò loro di valsente
quindici mila fiorini, he left

them a matter of fifteen thou-
sand florins. Supposto ch'
io abbia il valsente di due mi-
la lire sterline, suppose I
should be worth two thou-
sand pounds.
Valuta, s. f valour, bravery,
strength. Obs.-Valuta, va-
lour, price, worth.
Valutáre, to prize, to estimate,

Valláre, to close, to trench
about, or intrench, to fence
or fortify.
Valláta, s. f. all the space
which is between two valleys,
from one end to the other. to value or rate.
Vallato, a trench, a fence.-
Valléto, adj. fenced, walled,
intrenched, encompassed,
fenced.Valláto, validated,
authentie, done in due form.
Walle, s. f. valley, a hollow

Valutáte, adj. prized, esti-
mated, valued.
Vampa, s. f. flame, blaze.—
Vampa, amorous flame, love,
passion, desire.
Vampeggiante, adj. bright,

Vaneggiare, to rave, to dote,
to talk idle.-Parlim da do-
vero, o pur zaneggi? do you
speak in earnest, or do you
play the fool?-Vaneggiare,
to be empty.-Nel dritto neza
zo del campo aligna, vaneg-
gia un pozzo, just in the
middle of the pestiferous field
there is a well.
Vaneggiato, p. p. of Vaneg-

addicted to
vain glory, lover of vain
things, a dotard, a vain man.
Vaneggiatrice, fem. of Vaneg-
Vaneréllo, a foppish vain
young fellow.
Vanézza, s. f. varity, vainess,
vain-glory, pride, presumption.
Vanga, s. f. a spade, a mat-
tack. Andare a vanga, to
find the ground fit to be dig-
ged with the spade-Questo
terreno ia o vanga per eccel

[blocks in formation]

Sy spade or mattock. Vangajuóla, s. f. a drag net. Vangare, to dig or break the ground with a spade Vangáta, s. f. a digged ground. -Vangata. a blow with a spade or mattock. Vangato, adj. digged with a spade or mattock. Vangatóre, a digger, a labourer in the field. Vangatira, s. f. the act of digging with a spade or mattock, and also the time in which the ground is to be dug. Vangélio, s. m. the gospel. Vangelista, s. m. an evange list, or peuman of the gospel. Vangelizzare, to preach the gospel.

Vangélo, s. m. the gospel..

Dire il vangelo di San Giovanni, to speak the truth. Vangile, s. m. a little bit of iron fixed to the handle of a Spade, whereupon the digger puts his foot, to thrust the spade into the ground. Vanguardia, s.f. vanguard, van. Vamante, adj. raving, doting. Obs.

Vanire, to vanish, to disappear, to go out of sight. Not much

in use.

Vanità, s. f. vanity, vain-glory,
Vanitóso, adj vain, foolish,
proud, haughty, vain-glorious.

Vanni, s. m. pl. the wings,
the pinions. Poetical.
Vano, adj. vain, empty, -a-
no, vain, toolish, haughty,
proud, vain-glorious.— Un
komo tano, a self-conceited
man.—Parole vane, frivolous
words -- Beni ani, frail and
perishable goods.--- In zano,
vainly, in vain, to no purpose.
-Pano, s. m. emptiness,
what is empty.Vano, adj.
ricedless, supeifluous.
Vantaggiare, to surpass, to ex-
cel, to exceed Vantaggidre,
ro better, to augment or in-
crease.-Vantaggiúre, to save,

Vantage, an inconsiderable

to do a thing, to undertaken do it.-Fornito a ea que, di che vantato s'era, be had done what he undertook to✨

lantúre, to cry up, to a mend, to praise, to extolS è così bella come said cantate, bisogna certo că alt sia un' angela, if she sa handsome as you say, she must needs be an angel.

l'an úto, cried up, commend ed, famous, renowned. Vantatúre, a boaster, a bragga. dochio.

Vantatrice, fem. of Vantatere:
-Lingua cantatrice, a wa
talkative tongue.
Vantazióne, v. Vantamento.

adj. boasting,

bragging, haughty, foolish. -Parole cantevoli, vain, ale words.

Vantaggio, s. m. advantage,
prerogative, benefit, interest,
profit, honour.—Ciò sarà di
vostro vantaggio, this will
be for your advantage.-La
gente del repese il vantaggio
del disordine del nemico, the
king's army improved the ad-Vantáto, p. p. of vantare.
vantage whilst the enemy was
in disorder-Parlare in van
taggio di qualcheduno, to
speak to one's advantage, to
give a good character of bim.
--Riputo maggior vantaggio
Tincer me stesso che non supe-
rare il nimico. I think it a
much greater victory to mas-
ter myself than to overcome
my enemy-Cercare il suo
vantaggio, to mind one's own
interest or profit.--Trarre
antaggio d'una cosa, to reap
benefit from a thing.Far
antaggio, to gratify, to give or
bestow by way of advantage.
-Essere o stare a vantaggio.
to be superior or above one,
to have the better of him.-
Di gran cantaggio, di tanto
antaggio, very well, ex-
tremely well.-Una saettia
comperarono, e quella segre-
tamente armarono di gran van
taggio, they bought a ship,
and secretly fitted her very
well-Da zantaggio, much
better. Troco questo vino da
vantaggio, I like this wine
much betrer. Da vantaggio,
besides.-Ho altre ragioni da
cantaggio da non farlo, be-
sides, I have other reasons
why I should not do it.-
Fantaggio, corollary, a conse-
quence drawn from something
already proved or demonstra-


to spare..

Vantaggétto, s. m. a pretty ad

Vantaggiosamente, adv. ad-
vantageously, profitably, to
the best advantage.
Vantaggioso, he who seeks al-
ways his advantage.-Vantag-
gióso, adj. advantageous, pro-
Vantaggiúzzo, s. m. a very
small advantage.

Vanto, s. m. a boasting, bragg.
ing, glorying, vapouring.---
Mi do canto che, si ai fossi
stato, la cosa sarete anders
altrimente, I dare say that, if
I had been there, the affair
had not gone so.-Saresti
veramente da riputar valors-
so se un tal canta adempissi,
you ought to be looked upon
as a man of courage, if you
should perform what you pre-
tend.-Darsi vanto, to boast,
to brag, to glory.Dare il
vanjo, to give the preference,
the advantage.--Per la bellez
za bisogna darne il vanto alle
donne Inglesi, one ought to
give the preference to English
women for beauty.-anio,
praise, glory, honour.--Veden
dosi fra tutte dar il vanto,
seeing herself honoured or
praised above all the rest.-
Vanto, advantage. Obs.
Vánvera, ex. A vánvera, adv.
at random, rashly, inconside-
rately.-Far una cosa a ran-
vera, to do a thing at random
or rashly. Tirare a ván
vera, to shoot at random.
Vanúra, s. f. vanity. Obs.
Vaporábile, adj. vaporous,
breathing, sending forth ma-
ny vapours.
Vaporabilità, s. f. evaporation,


a sending forth of vapours or

Vaporále, adj. vaporous, full of
Vaporánte, adj. that evaporates.
aporante, breathing hard
and with difficulty.
Vaporáre, to evaporate.
Vaporativo, adj. evaporative,
streaming out vapours.
Vaperáto, adj. evaporated.

variare, a man cannot eat al-Vascellággio, v. Vasellame.
ways the same thing, but Vascellájo, s. f. a potter.
sometimes he wanis to Vaceláme, s. m. dishes, plates,
change. Variáre, to differ or much earthen ware together.
be different, to be unlike, to l'acellame di terra,earthen.
vary-Variáre, to differ, to
l'acellame di stagno,
disagree, not to be of the
seme opinion.-I scrittori va-
riano sopra questo soggetto,
writers disagree upon this

Vaperzióne, s. f. evaporation. Variataménte, adv. with vari

Vapúre, s. m. vapour, exhala

ety, in a varied manner.

pewter. --Vacellame d'oro c
d'argento, plate, gold or silver-

asellaménto, v. Vasellame.
Vaselletto, s. m. a little vessel
or pot.

Vasello, s. m. a little vessel or

tion raised by heat.--La vi-Variáto, adj changed, altered.asétto, Spot.-laselio, a

Variato d' animo, changeable, inconstant, fickleVariato, various, different, divers.-Ha variati frutti nel suo giardino, he has several different fruits in his garden. Di variato colore, variegat

ta nostra è un rapor di fumo,
che pocodura e fosto sparisce,
our life is like a vaporous
smoke that lasts a little while,
and soon vanishes away.--Va-
pore, humour, moisture, or
Vaporévole, adj. full of vapours.ed, speckled, streaked or di-
Vaporesétto, adj. somewhat


Vaporosità, s. f. a vaporous quality.

Vaporóso, adj. vaporous, full of


Vapuláre, to beat, to chastise,
in a school.
Vapuláto, p. p. of Vapulare.
Vapulazióne, s.f. chastisement,
punishment, scourge.
Varáno, v. Vajano.

ver-ified with several colours.
-Pinger con variati colori,
to variegate, to diversity, to

make of different colours.
Variazione, s. f. variation,
change, alteration, variety,

Varice, s. f. a complaint that
consists in some swoln vein.
Varicóso, adj. having swoln
veins in the legs.


ship. Obs.

Vaso, s. m. a vessel, a pot.--
Vaso di terra, an earthern ves-
Vasó to, s. m. a pot that is al-
most as high as it is large.
Vassallaggio, s. m. vassalage,
the duty of a vassal to his
lord.-assallaggio, a great
many vassals.
Vassallo, >. m. vassal. — l'as-"
sallo, a servant.
Vassújo, s. m. a kind of square
Vastaménte, adv. vastly, ex-
tremely, excessively, gready.
Vastità, s. f. vasticisy, vastness,
largeness, greatness, exces-
sive bigness, hugeness.
Vasto, adj. vast, large, huge,
great, spacious.

Varieggiare, to vary, to change
or alter, to differ, to disagree.
Varieggiato, p. p. of Vaneggi-Vate, s. m. a poet, a bard, a
word properly used only in po,
Varietà, s. f. variety, diversity, etry.
change, alteration.- La va-Vaticinante, adj. prophesying,
reta toglie fastidio, variety foretelling.
is as good as a sauce.-'ari-Vaticináre, to prophesy, to fore
erà, variety, difference, diver- tel.
sity, distinction.
Vário, adj. different, unlike.-
Le varie vivande opprimono
lo stomaco, different sorts of
meat clog the stomach.-Ho
l'animo vario dal vostro, 1
am not of the same mind omens.
with you-Vario, various, Ubbidénte,
fickle, changeable, incon- Obs.
Ubbidénza, vi Ubbidienza.

3 Varáre, to launch, to draw a
ship or bark from the shore
into the water.
Varáto, p. p. of Varare.
Varcare, to pass over, to go be-
yond, to carry over, to con-
vey.-l'arcare un monte, to
pass over a mountain.-'ar-
care un fiume, to ford a river.
Varcare il mare, to pass over
the sea.-'arcare da un luo-
go in un altro, to go from one
place to another.
Varcato, adj. passed over.
Vaico, s. m. passage, ford.
Variábile, adj. variable, sub-
ject to variation, changeable,
Variamente, adv. variously, Varo, adj. crooked, bent, arch-
diversly, differently.
Variaménto, s. m. variation, Varvassóre, s. m. a great
alteration, change.


ed. Obs.


man, a man

Variánte, adj. variable, diffe- of note, an eminent man.

Both obs.

varie-Vasájo, s. m. a potter.

rent, unlike.
Variantemente, adv.with
ty, variously.
Variánza, s. f. change, varia-
tion, variety.
Variáre, to vary, to diversify,
to change, to alter.-Sempre
non può l'uomo mangiar un
cibo, ma talvolta desidera di

Vascellétto, s. m. a small ves-
sel or ship.
Vascéllo, s. m. a ship.-las-
cello da guerra, a man of war.
-Vascello mercan ile, a mer-
chant ship.
Vase, s. m. v. Vaso.

|Vaticináto, p. p. of Vaticinare.
Vaticinio, s. m. a prophesy.
Vatticendio, God speed you,
God bless you.
Ubbia, s. f. bad omen, supersti-
tion, foolish belief about

บ. Ubbidiente.

Ubbidénte, adj. obedient, obsequious, dutiful.

Ubbidiénza, s. f. obedience, dutifulness, subjection, submission.

Ubbidire, to obey, to do as one
is bid.

Ubbidito, adj. obeyed.
Ubbiditóre, he that obeys,
Ubbiditrice, fem. of Ubbidi-


Ubbioso, adj. ominous, superstitious.

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Ubbliáre, 7. Obbliare. Obs. lalore di tioncha), one that) Venetian ambassador had an
Ubbriacáccio, s. m. a drunken hunts after preferments.-Uio audience of the king-Chie.
Wellatore, a barterer.

dere udienza, to demand au-. Ubbriachello, s. m. a petty ras Uccellauice, femin, of Uccel-dience. Udienza, audiency, cal that gives himself airs of latore.

auditory, the auditors.-getting drunk.

Uccellatúra, 4. t. fowling time, Cdi , the court th- nall, Ubbriachézza, s. f. drunken- and also the art of txing. white ambassadurare reci IV

Uccelléto, s. m. a lictie bird. et, or where Cul!ces Ubbriáco, adj. cipsy, drunk, in Cecelliéia, s. f limewigs.- I heard.--Sala ricercall, the liquor.

Cuceluia, a volary, a great hai of the ambassadors, Ubbriacóne, s. m. a great birdcage.

Urliménto, 5. m. the act of drunkard.

lccel inn, s. m. a little bird bearing. Uberifero, adj. uberous, plenti-| ----Pigliare gii uccellini, 10 Utire, to hear.--Sta pure a u "ful, copious. play the fuol, to toy.--(una dire, hearken to me —

-Aon Ubero, s. m. uber, a breast, or zona a farola dell'uccellino, ioglio udine nulla, I will pap. Poetical.

a long telicus discourse, an bear nothing of it. Uhercà, s. f. uberosity, uberty, old woman's tale.

Udita, s. f. ile hearing.-1. plenty, fruitfulness, store, Uccellinúzzo, s. m. a very lit- nire a utdi a, to come to one's abundance. ile bird.

hearing or knowle lge.- Per Ubertóso o Uberiuso, adj. Uccélo, s. m. a bird -treel- ucita, by hear-say.

liberous, plentilul, copious. 10, s. m. ä bird --Uccello di Udit), s. m. the hearing Ubi, adv. where.

rapina, 2 bird of prey.- Cililo, adj. heard. Ubino, s. m. a small borse Uuritila raite, a siy mun.- Uditúre, auditor, by-stander

.. from Albany in Scgeland. Ogu urcello conosce il grann, Disse a tutti gli uditori, he Ubriachézza, i. Uborachcz- every body luies what is said to all the auditors, to the good.

audience, to the auditory. Ubriaco, v. Ubbriaco.

Uccellóne, s.m. a bubble, a Udinricc, s. f. she that hears. Uccellábile, fit or deserving to cully, a sot, a ninny. Uditório, s. m. auditory, the be marie a jest of.

U celluzzo, s. m. a little bird, place where lectures or sere Uccelláccio, s. m. a large bird. Ucchiéilo, s. m. a button pions are heard ditóno, -Uusriliecio, a simpleton, a hole.

auditory, the assembly of ninny, a sot.

Uccidére, to kill, to take away those that hear. Uccellagione, s. f. fowling one's lite, to slay.

Ve, to you, you -; e lo mane time, the time of shooting or Uccidiménio, s. m. slaughter, derà domani, I'll send it to you catching birds.----Ucceliagi- murder.

to-morrow.-ipii monstrerò, ónę, a fowling, the gring a Uccirlitúre, killer, murderer. I'll shew them to you. --Ve shunting. Uccellagione, Ucciditrice, fem. of Uccisi- ne pentirite, you shall repent game.

of it.-Ve, adv, there, -re, Uccellaja, s. f. a tree full of Uccisióne, s. f. slaughter, mur- shortened from ledi, see.limetwigs to catch'birds with. der.--Mettere ad uccissione, moliile fanciullo, e che --- Vecellája, a volary, an to kill or slay.

son giunta! see, changeable aviary, a great bird-cage. Ucciso, adj. kiilid, slain. youth, what I came to! Uccelláme, s. m. a number of Uccisore, s. m. he that kills, Vecchia, s. f. an old woman. birds together. murderer.

Vecchiaccio, s. m. a nasty Uccellamento, s. n. banter, Ud nie, adj. hearing, that Vecchiaccia, s. f. ) old man bantering, jest.

hears-A cui, udenti tutti, or woman. Uccellánte, adj. that banters, Ine donna disse, to whom the Vecchiaļa, s. f. old age. bantering.

wonian said, so that every Vecchiárdo, s. m. Ja vicious Uccelláre, to fowl,to go a fowl body might hear.

Vecchiarda, s. f. or mis. ing or bird-catching, or Udibile, adj. au'lible, that may chievous old man or woman. shooting. ---Uccelle e, to jeer, le heard.

Vecchiccio, adj. oldish. to baner, to laugh at one - Udienza, s. f. audience, hear-Vecchicciuola, s. f. a poor old Uccellire, to cover, to desise, ing.Bru'o frasse il coltello, to watch for a thing, to have sullo sanguinoso, e disse in Vecchicciuolo, s. m. a poor old a design upon a thing.--Ego terza di tu ti, Biurus drew s'arcosto a Ottone, e non das. his da ger all bloody, and said Vecchierella, s. f.

a pror tanio-li l'Africa Borella a to all the people present.- Vecchierello, s. m. old woalia Spagna diisa da puro Dare ulienza, to give audi Vecchéit1, s. f. streito, he corres Ocho, ani roce, to hearken to - Il re Tecchietto, s. m. rol contenteit with Africa, he hn dalo viienza all' ambus pecchietto, adj. oldish, prethan Spain in his eye, as being riadure ili Francia, the king, ty old. a lit:le way distant from it.- has given audience to the Vecchiézza, s. f. old age.

Urcelláre, s. m. lime-twigs. French ambassador.-Avere Vecchio, s. m. an old man.Ucceláto, adj. part. pass. c! uclienza, to have audience.- La necessità fa trottare la velo Uccellare.

L' amiascatore di 1 enoriu chia, need makes the old wife Ucccilatóre, a fowler.--Ucael ha avuto udienza dal re, the trot, need makes the naked




man or man.

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