صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

quean spin.-Vecchio, adj. ld, ancient.Un vecchio costume, an old custom.-4 colpa vecchia pena nuova, an old sin a new penance.-Verchio, great.-Pecchie bastonate, heavy blows.-Fecchia Paura, a great fright.-Voi m' avete fatta una vecchia paura, you have frightened me out of my wits. Vecchione,


a venerable old

Vecchióni, s. m. pl. chesnuts
boiled in wine.
Vecchiotto, s. m. an old
Vecchiotta, s. f.

man or woman.

Vecchiuccio, a poor old man, Vecchiúme, s, m. a parcel of old ragged cloaths, tatters,


Vedétta, s. f. a centinel.-
Stare alla védettá, to watch,
to stand upon the watch.
Vediménto, s. m. the sight.
Veditóre, spectator, bye-stand-
er, beholder. Not used.
Védova, widow.
Vedovággio, s. m. widowhood,

Vedovále, adj. belonging to a
widow or widower.
Vedovánza, s. f. widowhood.
Vedováre, to deprive.
Vedovático, S. m. widow.

Vedováto, adj. made a widow, bereft.

Vedovélla, s. f. a poor distressed widow.

dere, to make one believe or understand.--Non mi darete a vedere così fatte cose, you shall not make me see such a thing.-Voleva darmi a vedere che quel che faceva era per mio vantaggio, he would by that make me understand, that what he did was for my own advantage.-Dare a vedere, to let see, to let know or understand, to demonstrate or discover, to show. Vi darò a vedere, che non ho altro fine che di serviri, you shall see that Laim at nothing but to serve you.-Vedere, to see, to consider, to observe, to ponder, to mind, to take care.-Vediamo quel che bi-Vedovétta, s. f. a young widow. sogna fare in questo affare, Vedovézza, v. Vedovanza. let us consider what is to be Vedovíle, adj. belonging to a Véccia, s. f. fich or vetch. done in this case.-Vedi che widow.-Abito vedo ile, a Vecciato, adj. mixt with or non l'ancidi, take care you widow's dress.-yedovile, s. Veccióso, full of vetch.- do not kill him.-Facciamo m. a mourning suit due to a A tempo di cares ia pan vec- dunque a cotesto modo, ma widow out of her deceased cioso, half a loaf is better con questo vedi che tu non ti husband's estate. than no bread. parta da me, let us do so Vedovita, s. f. widowhood, Vece, o Vice, s. f. place, then, but take me right, you viduity. room.-Prendere o tener la must not go away from me.- Védovo, s. m. a widower.vece altrui, to come in or Vedi ve', che se io non l'aves- Védovb, adj. bereft, deprived. take one's room or, place. si dissuaso da ciò egli l' a- -Quante védove notti ho conIn vece, o A vece, adv. in the rebbe fatto, I can assure sumato indarno? how many name, instead, in the room you, that if I had not dis- solitary nights have I conof.-In vece del re, in the suaded him from it, he would sumed in vain?Védove king's name.-Mangio delle have done it.-Stare a ve- piume, a widowed bed.frutte in vece di pane, I eat dere, to see, to behold, to look Luogo védovo, a solitary unfruits instead of bread.-Pi-at-Stare a vedere, to be inhabited place.-Védovi solgliate questo in vece del vos- idle. Non vedersi mai sazio, chi, untilled ground. tro, take this in the room of to be never satisfied.-Poler-Veduità, s. f. v. Vedovità. - yours. si veder con uno, to wait up- Vedúta, s. f. the sight.-Ve on one. Veder chiaro, to duta corta, short sight.-Lo comprehend well.-Vedere in so per vedutu, I know it beviso, to comprehend, to un- cause I have seen it.-In vederstand well.-Veder torto, duta mia, before my eyes.to see one thing for another, Si rallegrò molto della mia to judge wrong.-Far vedere vedula, he was very glad 10 una cosa in candela, to shew see me.-Veduta, view, visplainly-Far vedere il nero to, prospect.-Vedute, s. fa per il bianco, to make one pl. stars. Obs. Lo ciel sebelieve that white is black.- guente che ha tante vedute, A vedere e non vedere, in a the next heaven that has so moment, presently.-Vedere many stars. All bad expresil bello, to watch the oppor- sions of Dante.-Veduta, obtunity.-Quando vide il bel- ject-E vidi spenta ogni ve lo gli diede una gran bastona- duta fuor che della fiera, and ta su la testa, he watched the every object disappeared, exopportunity, and gave him a cept that of the wild beast.desperate blow with a stick up- Far ceduta, to feign, to affect, on the head.-Non veder più to pretend as if.-Ci fece vedu avanti, to be passionately in ta di non conoscerci, he prelove.-Non veder l'ora, to tended not to know us-Colong, to be impatient-Ve- noscer per vedula, to know by dére, s. m. sight.--Egli ha sight. perduto il vedere, he has lost his sight,

Vececancelliére, s. m. a vice-

Vececónte, s. m. a viscount.
Vedénte, adj. seeing, that


Vedere, to see, to perceive or
discern objects by the eyes or
sight, Vedo l' aurora appa-
rire, I see the dawn appears.
-Se no'l credete cenite a ve-
dere, if you don't believe it,
Come and see.-Lo vedo ve-
nire, I see him a coming.-
Veder da lontano, to see him
afar off-Vedere, to see, to
consider, to examine, to ob-
seive, to mind or take notice,
to perceive-losto vedrete
quel che so fare, you shall see
by and by what I can do.
lo veggo che la mia opinione
non vi quadra, I observe that
you don't relish my opinion.
-A quel che vedo, for what
I can perceive.-Dare a ve
VOL. 1.

Vedutamente, adv. visibly
+ A

Vedúto, adj. seen, perceived, Veeménte, adj. vehement, hot, eager, violent, passionate.

Veementemente, adv. vehemently, eagerly, violently. Veeménza, s. f. vehemence, "eagerness, violence. Vegetábile, adj. vegetable. Fegetábili, s. m. pl. vegetables, all kind of greens fit to


Vegetánte, adj. that vegetates.
Vegetáre, to vegetate, to grow
as plants.
Vegetativo, adj. vegetative.
Vegetáto, adj. vegetated,

Vegetazione, s. f. vegetation,
growth proper to all trees,
shrubs, plants, and herbs.
Vegetévole, adj. vegetable, ca-
pable of growing.

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Vegghiáre, to wake, to be or
lie awake.-Vegghiare, to sit
up the first part of the night.
-A vegghiare erano ella e 'l
marito andati co' lor vicini,
she and her husband were
gone to pass the evening with
their neighbours.- egghiare,
to watch one, to have a
watchful eye upon him, to
watch his steps.-Fegghiare,
s. m. watching.
Vegghiáto, adj. p. p. of Vegghi-


Vegliévole, adj. vigilant, watch. ful, careful, wary. Véglio, an old man. Vegliúccia, s. f. a short watch. Vegnénte, adj. coming, near, nigh-a-coming, next, following.- giorno vegnente, the next day.-L' anno vegnente, the year following.-Vegnente. growing, thriving. Veicolo, s. m. vehicle, chari Ot.-----Veicolo trionfale, a triumphal chariot.—Veicolo, vehicle, that part of a medicine which serves to make the principal ingredient potaable.-Feicolo, vehicle, that by means of which any thing is conveyed. Vela, s. f. a sail.-Vela maestra, the main-sail.-Spiegar le vele, to set sail.-Fara ela, to sail, to be under sail.-Ca lar le vele, to strike sail.--Dar le vele n' venti, to set sail.— Esser alla vela, to be under sail.--A vele gonfie, A vele piene, full sail, with a favourable wind.—A vela e remo, with all speed.-Fele, s. f. pl. sails, ships.-Un armata di cento vele, a fleet of a hundred sail, of a hundred ships of war. Veláme, s. m. veil, cover.―― Véggia, s. f. a cask, a pipe.-| Veláme, veil, figure, allegory. Veggia, a cartfull, or load.— Veldme, a very thin skin. Bastiti per l'arbore una veg-Velaménto, s. m. a veil, a coga di letame, ma al piccolo ver.-Velamento, veil, figure, arbore una mezza veggia, for allegory.--Velamento, veil, a large tree you have enough cloak, colour, shew, cover, of a cartfull of dung, and for pretence. a small tree one half will do. Veggiolo, s. m. bitter vetches, tares.

Vegghiatóre, a watchman, a watchful or diligent man. Vegghieria, s. f. watching. Obs.-Fare la vegghieria, to watch, to guard. An obsolete phrase. Vegghiévole, adj. awaked.Vegghievole, vigilant, watchful, diligent, careful, circumégeto, adj quick, fresh, live-spect, wary,-Gli occhi di ly, lusty, sound, Dio sono sempre aperti e vegVeggente, adj. seeing, that ghievoli sopra i giusti, e sosees, or can see.-Veggente pra coloro che l'amano con tutto il popolo, before all the dirittura di cuore, God has people. A min veggente, be- always a watchful eye upon fore my eyes,-A occhi veg-righteous men, and upon those genti, before, in the pre- who love him with a sincere sence, openly, before one's heart. eyes. Vegghia, s. f. watching, the State of being awake.-In vegghia, awake.- -Il sonno m'è alcuna volta più grazioso che la vegghia, sometime I love better to sleep than to be awake.-Vedere una cosa a vegghia, to see a thing when one is awake, viz. perfectly well.-Vegghia, evening meeting.-Dose passeremo la vegghia stafera? where shall we pass the evening ?— Cosa da vegghia, an old wo man's tale, a silly story. Vegghiamento, s. m. watching. Vegghiante, adj. that is a waked, vigilant, watchful.Ne prima la luce entra ne' vegghianti occhi, che egli le"vato co' sub cani ricerca le selte, and he is no sooner awake but he gets up, and seeks the woods with his dogs.-Il vegghiante gallo area le prime ore cantute, the watchful cock had crowed the first hours. Vegghiánza, s. f. vigilance, ed. watchfulness. Obs. Fegghiárdo, s. m. v. Vegliar-Vegliatrice, s. f. woman Veleggiátóre, s. m. a sailing

Vegghievolmente, adv. watch-
fully, diligently, carefully,


Véglia, s. f. rout, watching.
Veglia, a watch, or part of the
night.--Veglia, a night's
meeting, where neighbours
meet to pass some part of the
long winter nights together.
Andare alla veglia, to go to a
rout, to go and spend the
evening with others.
Vegliánte, adj. watching.
Vegliante, watchful, diligent.
Vegliárdo, an old man.
Vegliáre, to wake, to be
wake.-Vegliáre, to watch,
to be vigilant, to take care
Vegliáto, adj. awaked, watch-

Veláre, to veil, to cover with a
veil.-—Velare, to cover, to
hide. Le nubi velano il cic-
to, the clouds cover the sky
-Velúre, to veil, to cloak, to
hide, to cover or conceal.—
Velar l'occhio, to fall asleep.
Oltre alla mezza notte io ve-
lai un pochetto l'occhio, af-
ter midnigh: I fell into a light

Veláto, adj.veiled, covered with a veil.

Velatúre, s. m. he or she that Velatrice, s. f. veils. a-Velazióne, s. f. v. Velamento. Veleggiaménto, s. m. a sailing, or being under sail. Veleggiáre, to sail, to set sail, to steer one's course. Veleggiato, that has set sail, sailed.

Vegliatore, s. m. a man or a

who watches at nights.

ship.-Un buono o cattivo ve

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leggiatore, a good or bad bleness, quickness.

sailing ship. Velenáto, adj. poisoned. Velenífero, adj. venomous, full of poison. Veléno, s. m. venom, poison. Il veleno sta alla coda, the venom lies in the tail.-Velenó, spite, hatred, grudge, malice.

Velenosaménte, adv. angrily,
maliciously, spitefully, in a

Velenosetto, adj. a little vene-
mous.-Velcnosetto, a little
spiteful, or angry.
Velenosità, s. f. rage, fury,

Velenúsu, adj, venomous, poi-
sonous,--Erba velenosa, a
poisonous herb.-Lingua ve-
lenosa, a venomous tongue.
Velétta, a centinel on the top
of the walls of a fortress.--
Stare alla veletta, to watch,
to observe, to spy..
Velettajo, s m. a merchant
that sells veils or crapes, a man
that makes veils.
Velettáre, to observe, to watch,
to spy. Obs.

Velóne, s. f. a large sail.
Veltra, s. f. a greyhound bitch.
Veltro, s. m. a greyhound.
Veluzzo, s. m. a little veil.
Vena, s. f. a vein.-Segnare
una vena, to open or breathe
a vein, to let blood.—lena, a
spring of water.-Vena di me-
tallia di pietre, a vein of me-
tal or stones.-Vena d'oro o
d'argento, a vein of gold or
silver. Vena, fecundity,
fruitfulness, plenty.-Secca è
la vena dell' asato ingegno,
the natural flights of wit are

Vena poetica

a poetical vein.- Aver vena
d'una cosa, to have a natural
disposition for a thing.-Egli
ha una buona vena di poesia,
he has a good genius for poe-
try.-Questo vino ha una vena
di dolce, this wine is a little
-Egli ha
upon the sweet. —

una vena di pazzo, he is
touched a little in his brains.
-Fare una cosa di vena, to
do a thing willingly and with
alacrity.Non he vena di
studiare oggi, I am not in a
good humour to study to-day.

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tromba, vendere all' incanta, to sell by auction.-Fendere a peso o a misura, to sell by, weight or measure -Vendere a braccia, to sell by the yard.

Vendere a minuto, to sell by retail.--Vendere a ritaglio, to sell cloth by retail. Vendere in digrosso, to -Ven sell by wholesale. dere a contanti, to sell for -Vender pe ready money.tempi, to sell upon trust.Vender caro, to sell dear.→→→ Vendere a buon mercato, tą sell cheap.-ender parole, to give fair words.-Vender altrui, to make one believe. 4 me non la venderai tu, nè manco alla mio padrona, you shall not make me believe it, nor my mistress neither.-Vender gatto in sacco, to sell a pig in a poke.-Ne ho da vendere, I have enough to spare.-Aver ragion da ven dere, to be very much in the right. Voi avete ragion da endere, you are very much in the right.

Velle, s. m. will, mind, plea-
sure. Obs.

Vendéréccio, adj. venal, that is
to be sold.-Fenderéccio, ve
nal, mercenary.
Vendétta, s. f. vengeance, re,
venge.--Far vendetta sur uno,
to be revenged on one.

-Non siate meco adiraty se
non m'avete, trovato di vena,
don't be angry with me, if you
have not found me in a good
humour.-Vena, an artery.-Vendettáccia, s. f. an infamous
vengeance, a treacherous re-
Vena, oats.
Vendévole, adj. venal, that
is to be sold,
Vendicabilmente,adv. revenge-
fully. Obs.

Venagione, s. f. hunting, chace,
gaming. Obs.
Venále, adj. venal, that may
be sold.-Venále, venal, mer-

Velleità, s. f. velleity, the low-
est degree of desire.
Velli, there they are, there
'they go.
Vello, s. m. a fleece of wool,
the locks of shorn wool.-
Vello, hair.--Pettinando al
suo vecchio i bianchi velli,
combing the grey hair of her
old man.-Vello, a handful
of something. Vello, there
he is.-Vello, there it is.
Vellóso, adj. hairy, full of hair.
Vellutáto, adj. made after the
manner of velvet.
Velluto, adj. hairy.Cuojo
vellu'o, rough, rugged skin.--
Coste vellute, steep rocks.-
Velluto, s. m. velvet.
Velo, s. m. a veil, a cṛape.-
Velo di monache, anun's veil.
-Velo, nunnery.-Che l' af
fezion del vel Costanza tenne.
because Constantia had a great
inclination to be a nun.-"e-
in, a veil, a cover.-Velo, veil,
cloak, colour, shew, cover,
Veloce, adj. swift, quick, nim-
ble, speedily, hastily. Ve-Vendemmiatrice, fem. of Ven-
loce, adv. swiftly, speedily.
Velocemente, adv. swiftly,
speedily, quickly, nimbly.
Velocità, s. f. swiftness, nim-

Venardi, Obs. v. Venerdi.
Vendemmia, s. f. vintage.-Vendicaménto, s. m. venge-
Vendemmin, the vintage time. ance, revenge. Obs.
Vendemmiánte, adj. gathering Vendicánte, adj. revengeful,
the grapes in order to make vindictive.
wine-Un vendemmiante, s.
m. a vintager, a gatherer of
Vendemmiáre, to vendemiate,
to gather the grapes in order
to make wine.- Vendemmi-
áre, to hoard, to hoard up.--
Vendemmia mentre hai
tempo, get money while the
opportunity lasts.
Vendemmiáto, p. p. of Ven-
Vendemmiatore, vintager, a
gatherer of grapes.

Vendere, to sell, to make over
for a certain price.ender
sotto l'asta, vendere alla

Vendicánza, s. f. revenge, ven-
gcance. Obs.
Vendicáre, to revenge, to.
Vendicarsi, avenge, to vin-
dicate.-Im glior modo di
vendicarsi de' nemici è diven
tare migliore, the best way to
be revenged on one's enemies
is to mend.-Fendicarsi, to
usurp, to take away, to claim,
to challenge a thing.
Vendicativo, adj. vindictive,

Vendicáto, adj. revenged.
Vendicatóre, a revenger.--Fen-
dicatore, a revengeful man.
Vendicatrice, s. f. fem. of Ven-
dicatore.--Ira vendicatrice
revengeful wrath.

Vendichévole, adj. vindictive, (Veniále, adj. venial, pardon
able, which may be forgiven.
Véndico, adj. revenged. Not -Peccato veniale, a venial

Vendimento, s. m. a selling.
Véndita, s. f. sale.-Vendita di
mobili, a sale of household

Venditore, a seller,
Venditrice, she that sells.
Vendúto, adj. sold.
Venéfica, witch, hag, sorceress.
Veneficio, s. m. witchcraft,

Venéfico, wizard, sorcerer.
Venenáre, to poison.
Venenáto, adj. poisoned.
Venenifero, adj. venomous,

Venéno, s. m. poison, venom.
Venenoso, adj. poisonous, ve-


Venénte, adj. next, coming-
-La mattina venente, the
next morning.
Venerabile, adj. venerable,
worthy of reverence,
Venerando, adj. venerable,
to be reverenced.
Veneranza, s. f. veneration

Venerare, to venerate, to reve

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Vengiánza, s. f. vengeance, re-
venge. Obs.
Vengiare, to revenge, avenge,
or vindicate. Obs.
Vengiarsi, to be revenged on,
or of, to revenge one's self
upon one. Obi.
Vengiato, adj. revenged. Obs.
Vengiatore, s. m. he that re-
venges. Obs.

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Vengiatrice, s. f. she that re venges, or makes a vengeance.


Vénia, s. f. remission of sins, pardon.-Ven a, licence.,


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nose, and it fell down; I went to feel my ears, and they came off.——Venire, to become, to gmw, to be made.


-La cera esposta ei sereng viene bianca, wax exposed to the air of the night becomes white.-Dopo molti tra agħi sfferti rewre sa.io spese, after a great many troubles he grew wise at his expence.--Non molto dopo Crne maggiordomo, not long after he was made steward.

Venire, to come, to be a com-
ing.Vengo da Londra. I
come from London.-Volete
venir meco will you come
along with me?-Fentre, to
deserve, to merit-Tutte le Chù che oi dite non viene a
calamità che ci accadono ei nulla, what you say signifies
vengono per i nostri peccati, nothing. Quando temu a
all the afflictions which come prender moglie, when he
upon us we merit for our sins.
came to marry.——Venire a
-Venire, to come to hap- dire, to signify, to mean.-
pen, to befal, to come to Ogni volta che io vengo can-
pass, to fall out.-Mi venne siderando le cose di questa
una gran febbre, a great fever mondo, whenever I consider
came upon me.Ferrà il the things of this world.——
tempo, time will come. - E più trismente esaminonda
Se venisse a morire senza fig- vegnendo ogui particulantè,
liuoli, if he should die with- and when I came to consider
out children.-Se questa cosa more minutely all the particu
venisse a sapersi, if this thing lars.--Tutta offannato enne
happened to be known,—— dicendomi che il nemico era
Venne una gran tempesta a vicino alla città, in a great
great storm arose.-Che bene- haste he came to tell me that
ficio me ne verra da cid the enemy was near the town.
what advantage shall I reap-Mi enne seduto un orta
from that?-Vivienne in pen-
siero di mandargli una lettera,
a thought came into my head
to send him a letter.-Venire,
to come, to arrive at.---Fe
nimma ad un boschetto, e li
ci fermammo alquanto, we
came to a little wood, where
we stayed awhile.-Venire, to
smell.-Egli è chè dianzi im-
biancai i miei veli col zolfo,
onde ancor ne viene, it is be-
cause a little while ago 1
washed my veils with sulphur,
and they smell of it still.-
Venire, to come, to proceed.
-Questa vostra malattia vi-
ene da mancanza di riposo,
your sickness proceeds from
want of rest. Se uoi sapere
donde questo viene dirotti,
if you want to know from
whence this comes, I'll
tell it you.-'uire, to incur
or run into."—l'enire in disgra-
zia di qualcheduno, to incur
the displeasure of somebody.

Fenire, to come off-Mi volli pigliare il naso, ed egli mi cadde; vollimi toccare li orecchi, ed egli se ne vennero, I went to take hold of my


assai ameno, I saw a very delicious garden -Questa eria ien detta la sensiti a, this herb is called the sensitive. -Egli zien riputato per un uomo dabbene, he is esteemed to be a very honest man.Ciò mi vien de to da molti, I am told so by a creat many. Venire, to come to, to cast.— Questo abito mi vien venti scudi, this suit stands me in twenty crowns -Questo libro mi iene uno scudo, this book costs me a crown.-l'enire, to grow, to thrive.—ll grano non viene in questa terra, corn does not come well in this ground. -- že u e non Chr gono in Inghilterra, grapes do not thrive in England.-Gli alberi sengon bene reini a' fumi, trees thrive well on the bank of a river.-Pexize a battagia, in engage in battle, to come to blows, to fight, Venire a campo o in campo, to encamp, to pitch the camp.--Venire a capo, to make an end, to finish, to come to an end.Se, alessi raccontar è tut e le particula,

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rità non ne verrei a capo in tre giorni, if I should tell you all the particulars, I should not make an end of it in three days.--Posso ben persuaderlo a studiare, non ne posso ‹ enire a capo, I may well encourage him to study, I can make nothing of him.-Venire in capo, to happen, to become, to be fal. Se non state attento, qualche disgrazia ci verrá in capo, if you don't take care, you will come to some misforzune or other.-- enire a' conti, to settle accounts.Venire addosso, to fall upon, to come upon unawares. —— Una gran pioggia ci venne addosso, we were caught in a great shower.-Venire a dovere, o dal do ere, to be ruled by reason, to come to some reasonable terms.-Venire a' ferri, to come to a conclusion, to make an end of a bargain.

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gage the enemy.-Venire a
parole, to quarrel, to dispute,
to come to high words.Ve-
mire appresso, to follow.
Méttiti avanti, io ti verrò ap.
pr. sso, go before, and I'll
follow you. Venire a rischio,
to be in danger,-Venire a
sassi, to come to fight with
stones, to begin to throw
stones. Venire a schifo, a
naui a, to loathe, to nauseate,
to abhor.-Venire a taglio, to
nick the time.-Vinare al ta-
glio, to cut, to cut off-La
sua gamba è si mai che te
mo bisognerà venire al taglio,
his leg is so bad that I am a
fraid it must be cut off.-A-
vrebbe subito voluto venire al]
taglio di quella pratica scel-
leratú, he was willing ot
break immediately those wic-
ked designs.-Venir bello, to
grow handsome.—enir bene,
to be advantageous or fit for
one to do a thing, to turn to
his account.-Venir male, to
be improper or disadvanta-
geous for one to do a thing
Venire a bisogno d'una cosa,
to be needful, or necessary
for one to do a thing.-c.
nire al bisogno, to nick the
time. Venir concio, to be
fit or proper, to be useful or
commodious.-Un tal ca al-
lo mi verebbe concio, such a
horse would fit me well.-Ve-
nire a cuore, l'enire in cuore, to
come into one's head, to think.
-Mi venne a cuori un bello
stratagemma, I thought of a
fine stratagem.-Venir da lo-
tano, to come from afar off.

had a fancy to drink a glass of wine.-Venir fastidio, to be tired or sick of something.-Mi vien fastidio di tanto pur lare, 1 am tired with so much talking.-/ enire in fas tidio, to loathe, to nauseare, or abhor.-Ogni cosa mi vin in fastidio, I loathe every thing, my stomach turns at every thing.-Venir fato, to meet, to come to pass, or happen.-Non so quando vi verrà fatta un' altra tale occasione, I don't know, when you will have such another opportunity.- Io non so quando e' mi verrà così ben fatto come ora, I don't know when I shall have so good an opportunity to do it.-l'enir dostro, to suit, to be suitable or proper.-Sono ora in città, ora in campagna, secondlo che mi vien destro, I am some.. times in town, sometimes in the country, according as it suits my convenience.-Vnire a grado, to like, to have a fancy for, to please.-Ques to colore mi viene a gradio, like this colour.-Fate comeiiene a grado, do as you please.-Fenire innanzi, to come before.-l'enire immanzi di me, come before me.Venire innanzi, to thrive, to grow.-Venire in superbia, to. grow proud or haughty. Venire in un parere, to be of somebody's opinion, to comI suoi disegni sono venuti al ply with it, to approve it.-niente, all his designs are Pisone atroce per natura vencome to nothing.-Venire al ne in questa sentenza, Piso, niente, to be reduced, to come naturally given to cruelty, apto beggary entre al pun-Venir desiderio, to have a proved his opinion.- l'enire jo, to come to the point in mind, to long for. Mi vien in ricchezze, to grow rich.question.-Fenire altrui del desiderio d'andare in illa, Venire in istato, to beadcenci, to be sick at every have a mind to go into the vanced to some charge or dig thing one stes. E quando courtry.――enir tompas-nity.-Fenive la schiumu alla ella antara peria, si forte sione, to pity, to have pity or Forca, to fume and fret, t le venica del cencio, che al- compassion. -Mi vien com- be enraged or mad.--A Ga pro che torcere il meso non fa- passione di voi, I pity you afron vien la schiuma alla fee, and when she walked in! l'enre il destro, to suit, to be vocca vedendo il popol suo cothe streets, her stomach turnsuitable or convenient-Fate si fuggire, Galafro was enell at every thing, so that she io quando vi verrà destro, do raged to see his people run as did nothing else but make it when it suits you best way so.-l'enir male, to fall faces. euire a noja, to Venir dietro, to follow. -e- sicklenir manco, to misJoathe, to nauseate, to abhor. nire a dietro, to go back.-carry, to prove abortive, to be Mi viene a noja agni cosa, Venir fantasia, enire in baffled or disappointed.--Tumy stomach turns at every fantasia, to have a fancy o. ti i miei pensieri muz son rething.—Ven re a olio, to be mind.—Mi vien fantasia di nu i munco, all my projects good to make oil.-L'utive darci uno schiaffo, I have a are come to nothing, are missono venu e a olio, the olives mind to give you a slap on th carried. enir manco. to are ripe enough to make oil face. Gli venne in fantasin taint away, to fail into a wish.enire a oste, to endivere un bicchier di vino, he swoon.--Ven re a manno, to

Vorrei in qualche modo venire a' ferri, I would fain come to some conclusion.Venire alle prese, to be upon the finishing stroke, to he very near to a conclusion of some affair.-Venire alle prese con uno, to fall to loggerheads with one, to go together by the ears.-Venire alle prese col nemico, to engage the enemy.-Venire alle stret e, to come to the main point of an affair.-Venire al niente, to come to nothing.

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