صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

A destra, ad. on the right


A destro, adv. conveniently. Adjacente, adj. adjacent. Adjacenza, s. f. the state of being adjacent.

A diétro, adv. v. Addietro. Adjettivo, s. m. adjective. A dilungo, adv. incessantly. Adimare, to pull, or bring down.Adimare il viso, to look down.-Adimáre, to come down, to descend.

Ad imo, adv. down, to the bottom.

A dio, adv. adieu, farewell.A dio per semper, farewell for -Dire a dio, to take


leave. Adiraménto, s. m. anger, wrath. Adiráre, to anger, to provoke. -Adirarsi, to be angry, to fall into a passion. Adirataménte, adv. angrily. Adiráto, adj. angry. A dirimpetto, adv. facing, against, overagainst.


diritto, adv. directly, straightly-A diritto, deservedly, justly.

ménto, dress, garb, attire. Addobbáre, to set off, to deck, to trim.-Addobb re una casa, to furnish a house.

charge with. Non ho danari by, presently.
addosso, I have no money
about me.- -Metter le mani ad-
dosso, to lay one's hand upon
one, to apprehend him.

Addóbbo. s. m. ornament,
finery.-Addobbi da casa,house- | Addotto, induced, led.

hold goods.

Addogáto, striped.

Addottoráre, to take the high-
est degree in any faculty.

Addogliáre, to grieve, to af- Addottrináre, to teach, to in



Addolcáre, to mollify, to soft- Addottrináto, part, taught, in


Addolciáre, to sweeten, to make


Addolcire, to soften, to mitigate, to comfort, to ease grief-Addolcire, to indulge, to gratify.

Addoloráre, to grieve, to afflict.-Addolorársi, to be af


Addottrinatúra, s. f. learning.
Addrappáto, adj. adorned with
fine hangings.

Addriéto, adv. back, back-

Adduáre, to put two and two.

-Adduáre, to double.
Adducitóre, a leader, a bringer,
a producer.

Addománda, s. f. demand, ques- | Adducitrice, s. f. of Adduci-


Addomandaménto, s. m. demand, question. Addomandagióne, s. f. demand,


Addomandante, s. m. a derander, a petitioner. Addomandáre, to demand, to


Addomandatóre, a demander,
a petitioner.
Addomandatrice, s. f. of Ad-
Addomesticaménto, s. m. the
act of taming.
Addomesticáre, to tame.
Addómine, s. m. abdomen.
Addoppiare, to double---Ad-
doppidre, to redouble, to in-
crease, to reiterate.
Addoppiatúra, s. f. the doubling
of a thing that was single.
Addoppio, adv. doubly, twice.
Addormentaménto, s. m. drow-


Addormentáre, to make sleep.
-Addormentarsi, to fall asleep.
Addormentatíccio, adj. sicep-



Adduráre, to harden, to make
hard.idduráve, to endure,
to suffer.Addurársi, to be

Adduráto, obstinate, stubborn.
Addúrre, to bring, to convey.
Addre, to produce, to al-
ledge, to cite Addurre le sue
ragioni, to shewh is reasons.
Addurre meraviglia, to astonish.
Addutto, v. Addotto.
Adeguamento, s. m. equality.
Adeguare, to make equal.
Adeguare, to balance an ac-


Adempiere, to accomplish, to

Adempimento, s. m. the act of

Adempire, to fulfil.
Adempitóre,s. m. accomplisher.
Adentro, adj. inwardlydden-
tro, far, a great way.-Troppo
adentro, too far in.
Adequataménte, adv. exactly.
Rispondere adeguatamente, to
give a right answer.
Adequáto, adj. proportioned,
commensurate, proportion


Adequazione, s. f. evenness,
Aderbáre, to put horses to

Addormíre, to make sleep.
Addormirsi, to fall asleep.
Addossamento, s. m. the act of
laying upon.
Addossare, to lay upon one's
back. Addossarsi, to take
upon one's self.-Addossare la
co'pa ad uno, to lay the fault
or blame upon one.
Addósso adv. on, or upon one's
back.--L'abito che ho addosso,the | Adescáre, to allure, to draw in,
clothes I have on.-Andure ad- to entice.
dosso, to fall upon.-Portar For-Adesióne, s. f. adhesion.
chio addosso, to cast an eye upon. Adesso, adv. now, at this in-
----Metter adosso, to impute, to stantidess adesso, by and

Aderénza, s. f. adherence.
Adergere, to extol, to raise up.
dergere, to lift up, to raise.
Aderire, to adhere.

A dirittúra, straightways.
Adirosamente, adv. angrily.
Adiróso, adj. choleric, passion--


A dismisúra, adv. beyond mea


A dispetto, adv. in spite of.
A'dito, s. m. access, admit-
tance.Adito, opportunity,
convenient time.
Adjutore, adj. helper.
Adjutório, s. m. help, assist-


Adjutrice, fem. of Adjutore.
Adizzánte, adj. provoking, ex-

Adizzáre, to egg on, to anger,
to exasperate.-Adizzáre, to
provoke, to urge, to stir up.
Adocchiamento, s. m. the act
of looking as by stealth.
Adocchiáre, to fix one's eyes
upon a thing.
Adolescente, a young man.
Adolescentulo, a very young


Adolescenza, youth, youngage.. Adombramento, umbrage, shade.

Adombrare, to overshadow.Adombrare, to fancy, to imagine.Adombrarsi, to start. back for fear.

Adombrazione, s. f. umbrage, shadowing.


Adonáre, to abase, to depress, to debase, obs.-E cosi sado-Aduggiáre, to overshadow. no la rabbia dello 'n gràto, e s'l- Aduggiare, to eclipse, to obperbo popolo di Firenze, and so - scure. the rage of the ungrateful and proud people of Florence was depressed.

Adonarsi, to be angry with,


Adonáto, adj. angry, full of indignation, obs. Adónio, s. m. Adonis-flower. Ad onta, ad. in spite. Adontáre, to affront, to shame. -Adontárs, to vex, to fret. Adontáto, affronted, vexed. Adoperaménto, s. m. use. Adoperáre, to use, to employ, to make use of.-Adoperáre, to act, to do. Adoperársi, to use one's interest for one, to speak for one. Adoppiamento, s. m. the act of giving an opiate. Adoppiare, to give opium. Adoppiato, laid asleep with opium.

Aduggiáto, dark, full of dark


Adugnáre, to snatch with the talons, or with the nails. Aduláre, to flatter. Adulatóre, flatterer. Adulatório, adj. pertaining to flattery.

Adulatrice, she that flatters. Adulazióne, s. f. adulation. Adúltera, adultress. Adulteraménte, adv. like an adulterer.

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Adopráre, v. Adoperare.
Adorábile, adj. adorable.
Adoraménto, adoration, wor-Ad úna, together.

Adoráre, to adore, to worship.
Adoratóre, adorer, worship-


Adoratrice, fem. of Adoratore. Adorazione, adoration, worship.

Adornamente,adv.gaily, neatly, elegantly.

Adornamento, s. m. ornament. Adornáre, to adorn, to set off. Adornataménte, ad.finely, neatly.

Adornáto, adj. adorned.
Adornatore, a setter out, a-
Adornatrice, she that decks, or

Adornatúra, s. f. decking, trim-
Adornézza, v. Adornamento.
Adórno, adj. adorned, decked.
Adottaménto, s. m. adoption.
Adottáre, to adopt.
Adottatore, he that adopts.
Adottazione, s. f. adoption.
Adottivo, adj. belonging to
Adovráre, v. Adoprare.
Adozione, s. f. v. Adottaménto.
Adragánti, s. m. a kind of

Adriéto, adv. back.
Adro, adj. (atro) black, dark,

A due a due, adv. two and


Adunaménto, s. m. the act of uniting or putting together. Adunánza, s. f. assembly. Adunáre, to gather. Adunata, assembly, meeting. Adunatóre, collector, he that collects.

Adunatrice, she that collects. Adúnche, adv. v. Adúnque, obs.

Adúnco, adj. hooked, crooked. Adunghiare, to seize with


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Affacciataménte, adv. impudently.

Affacciato, adj. impudent.
Affaldáre, to plait, to fold.
Affalsare, to falsify.
Affamáre, to starve.
Affamaticcio, somewhat hun-

Affamáto, adj. hungry. Affamatuzzo, adj. a poor starve ling wretch.

Affangáre, to bemire, to become mired or muddy. Affannaménto, v. Affanno. Affannáre, to grieve, to mo lest. Affannársi, to fret, to vex one's self.-Affannarsi, to endeavour, to strive. Affannáto, grieved, distressed. Affanno, s. m. trouble, vexation, grief.

Affaunóne, one that troubles himself about other men's business.

Affannóso, adj. sad, trouble

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some man.

Affaticatríce, fem. of Affatica


Affatichévole, adj. Laborious.

Affaticoso, adj. laborious.
Affatto, adv. quite, entirely.
Affatturaménto, s. m. sorcery,

Affatturare, to bewitch, to

Affatturatore, sorcerer.
Affatturazione, s. f. witchcraft.
Affazzonamento, neat dress,


Affazzonáre, to set of, to adorn, to embellish. Affe, adv. faith, upon my faith. Affermaménto, affirmation. Affermánte, adj. that atfirms. Affermare, to affirm.-Affermarsi, to stop, to stand still. Affermativamente, adv. affirmatively.

Affermativo, adj. affirmative. Affermatóre, he that ascertains. Affermatrice, fem. of Affer matóre.

Affermazione, s. f. affirmation. Affermaménto,s.m.affirmation. Afferráre, to hold fast, to catch. -Afferrare, to apprehend, understand, or conceive.-Afferrare, to arrive in the harbour. Afferratojo, s. m. an engine, or tool to hold fast with. Affettare, to cut in slices. Affettare, to affect.-Affettáre il favellar Toscano, to affect to speak Tuscan. Affettataménte, adv. with affectation.

Affettazione, s. f. affectation. Affettatúzzo, s. m. a nicely conceited fellow.

Affetto, s. m. love, good will, kindness, inclination, passion.Affetto, adj. affected, disposed.

Affettuoso, adj. affectionate, kind. Affezionáre, to make one have affection.

Affezione, s. f. affection. Afhammáre, to inflame, to kin


Aflibbiaglio, s. m. clasp buckle. Affibbiaménto, s. m. tying, or joining together, or buttoning. Abbiare, to button or fasten together.

Affibbiatojo, s. m. button-hole.
Affibbiatúra, s. f. clasp, but-
tons, buckle, string of buttons.
Affccáre, to drive, to thrust in.
Affidare, to make confident.
Affidare, to trust.-Affidarsi,
to think one's self safe.

to weaken, to

with thirst.-Affogarsi in un bicchier d'acqua, to despond at a trifle.-Cova affogate, poached eggs. sti-Affollare, to pant, to breathe short.

Affievoliménto, s. m. the act of weakening, and the state of being weak. Affigere, to fix, to set. Affiggere, to move, to mulate.

Afiguráre, to discern, to perceive.

Affilare, to range, to put in files.-Affilare, to whet, to sharpen.-Naso affiluto, nose well made.-Volto affilato, a fine face. Affilettáre, to put the net in order, to mend the net. Affinamento, s. m. the act of refining.

Affináre, to refine, or make finer-Affinare, to sharpen. Afinatóre, s. m. a refiner. Affinché, adv. to the end that. Affine, adj. a kinsman. Affinitá, affinity-Affinità, affinity, relation, conformity, agreement.

Affiocaménto, s. m. hoarse


Affiocáre, to grow hoarse. Afhocarsi, to grow weak, to decay.

Affiocato, hoarse, languishing. Fore affocate, faint voice. Affiocatúra, v. Affiocamento. Affirmáre, v. Affermare. Affissáre, to look fixedly.-Affissare, to set up, to fasten. Affisso, fastened, fixed, stick ing to.

Affittáre, to let, to let out.Attare, to hire. Affitto, s. m. rent, house rent. -Cavallo d'affitto, hackneyhorse-Donna d' offitto, hackney-whore-Dar in offite, to let,to let out.-Pigliar ad affitto,

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Affollarsi, to throng, to crowd. Affoltáre, to run to the charge. Affoltáta, speed, expedition. Affendaménto, s. m. sinking to

the bottom. Aflondáre, to sink to the bottom.-ondare, to dig, to sink-Ayondáre, to end, to


Affondo, adv. deep.-Assundle, to the bottom. Affortificare, to fortify. Aflorzamento, s. m. strength. Afforzare, to strengthen. Affossamento, intrenchment. Affossare, to ditch. Affrágucre, to break. Affrancáre, to infranchise.Afrancare, to make free, to give liberty.Affrancáre, to encourage, to incite. Affrángere, to infeeble, to weaken.

Affranto, adj. broken, weakened. Affrappáre, to cut in pieces. Affratellamento, brotherly Affratellanza, love. Afratellarsi, to live together like brothers. Affreddáre, to make cold, to cool-freddarsi, to grow cold, to cool.Ayreddursi, to relent, to grow colder. Affrenamento, s. m. the act of checking, or holding in. Aftrenare, to curb, to check,

to restrain.

Affrettaménto, haste, speed. Affrettánza, s. f. haste, speed, obs. Affrettáre, to hasten, to make speed.Atirettarsi, to make

haste. Affrettataménte, adv. hastily. Affrettatóre, hastener. ATrettatrice, she that hastens. Affrettoso, adj. quick, hasty. Affrico, s. m. south-wind Africógno, a particular kind of grape. Affrittelláre, to fry. Affrontamento, s. m. encounter, charge, brunt. Affrontare, to engage in front, to attack-Afrontáre, to affront.-Afrontar la morte, to dare death.

Affrontáta, s. f. rencounter, skirmish.

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straggle, to lose one's way.Aggirarsi, to lose one's self, to know not what one does.

Aggrandíre, to enlarge, to augment-ggrandire, to raise, to advance, to prefer.-Aggran

Aggiráta, s. f. turning, wind-dirsi, to grow larger, or big


Aggiratóre, 2 cozener, cheat, Aggiratrice, deceiver, tre

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Agénte, s. m. agent, factorAgente, adj. m. f. active, stir-Aggiúnta, increase, addition.ring.

Aggiunta, addition.

Agenzia, s. f. the office of an Aggiunto, part. of aggiungere.


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Agghermigliare, to hold fast, as the birds of prey hold their food.

Agghiacciaménto, s. m. frost. Agghiacciáre, to freeze, to congeal. Agghiacciato, adj. cooled in the ice.-Agghiacciato, frozen,

Aggiunzione, s. addition. Aggiuráre, to swear; also to conjure, to beseech. Aggiustaménto, s. m. the act of adjusting. Aggiustamento, agreement, reconciliation. Aggiustáre, to frame, to fit, to size. Aggiustáre, to prepare, to make ready.-4ggiustar un' affare, to make up an affair.-Aggiustar i conti, to settle the accounts.

Aggiustatamente, adv. comely, prettily, in good order, with a good method. Aggiustatézza, s. f. justness. Aggiustatore, he that sizes the money in the mint. Agglutináre, v. Conglutináre. Aggomitoláre, to wind round, as they do thread upon a bottom.

Aggomitolato, adj. wound up, or brought into a round heap.


ger. Aggrandirsi, to raise or advance one's self. Aggrappaménto, s. m. grap pling. Aggrappare, to grapple, to gripe. Aggrapparsi, to climb, to clamber up. Aggraticciare, to creep, as ivy,

or a vine.

Aggratigliáre, to captivate. Aggravamento, s. m. increase.

Aggravamento, burden, surcharge.

Aggraváre, to over-charge, to over-burden-Aggraváre, to oppress, to over-charge.-Aggravarsi, to grow heavy or dull.-Aggravarsi, to wrong one's self.

Aggrávio, s. m. wrong, inju


Aggregamento, s. m. aggregate, aggregation, collection, heap. Aggregare, to aggregate.-.iggregáre, to gather together. Aggreggiare, to gather toge ther into a herd.-Aggreggiársi, to herd together. Aggreváre, v. Aggravare. Aggrezzáre, to cold.

starve with Aggricchiáre, to benumb with cold.

Aggrinzáre, to wrinkle. Aggroppáre, to knot, to tie into knots. Aggroppúrsi, to assemble, to gather together.Aggroppáre, to twine or twist. one with another. Aggrottáre, to make or become craggy.--Aggróttar le ciglia,

to frown.

Aggrovigliáre, to become intangled as thread when too much twisted.

Aggruppáre, . Aggroppare. re-Agguagliamento,s. m. equality. Agguaglianza, s. f. equality, equal proportion. vio-Agguagliáre, to equal,to match. Agguagliare, to compare.Agguagliarsi, to compare one's self, to enter into competi tion with. Agguaglio, s. m. comparison. Agguantáre, to seize with quickness and violence. Agguardaménto,spying,watch

Aggranáre, to bring forth, as

Aggottáre, to pump up. Aggradévole, acceptable. frozen up. Aggradíre, to accept, to Agghiadáre, to benumb, to be ceive kindly. benumbed, to grow stiff-Aggradire, to please. Agghiadure, to discourage, to Aggraftáre, to seize with dishearten-gghiadato, over- lence a thing, and keep it whelmed with grief. Aggiogáre, to yoke. Aggiornare, to appoint the plants do. time, to adjourn. Aggiornare, to be day. Aggiraménto, s. m. turning, going round.--Aggiraménto, evasion, subterfuge. Aggirare, to go about.-Aggi Tare, to surround, to environ. Aggirarsi, to wander, to

Aggranchiare, to grow stiff with cold.

Aggrancíre, to gripe, to seize upon. Aggrandiménto, s. m. improve-ing. ment.-Aggrandimento, prefer- Agguardáre, to consider. ment, advancement, rise, pro- Agguatáre, to lay in ambus motion, growth.


Agguato, ambuscade.
Aggueffare, to add.
Agguerrire, to train up in war.
Agguindoláre, to reel or wind

Agguíndolo, s. m. silk-winder.
Aggustáre, to please, to be
Agherbíno, v. Gherbino.
Aghétta, s. f. litharge.-Aghetto,
s. m. the tag of a lace.
Agghiadáre, to chill with cold.
Agghiádo, adv. treacherously.
Ammazzáre agghiado, to kill
Aghiróne, s. m. heron, a bird.
Agiamento, convenience, ease.
Agiáre, to accommodate, to

pass.-Ago, sting.-4go, the Aguatatóre, he that lies in wait. trial of a balance.-go, the Aguatatrice, she that lies in pin of a lock.-Ago, a netting-wait.

Agócchia, s. f. the same as

Agognáre, to wish, to covet, to
long for Agognare, to aspire,
to aim at..
➡Agognare, to pant

Aguato, v. Agguato.
Agucchiare, to sew.

Aguglia, s. f. eagle. Obs.-A-
guglia, obelisk-Aguglia, a

Agugliáta, s. f. needle-full. Aguglióne, s. m. a goad, a rod with a sting at top to prick

oxen with.

Agognatóre, a covetous man,
one that lusts after a thing.
Agóne, s. m. a great needle.-Agunánza, assembly.
Agone, a place for justing, Agunáre, to assemble.
wrestling, and other exer- Agúrio, s. m. omen, presage.
Agúrio, luck.
Agúro, v. Agário.
Aguróso, adj. superstitious.
Agutéllo, s. m. a little nail.
Agúto, 6. m. nail.-Agúto, v.


Agiatamente, easily, commo-
Agiatézza, s. f. convenience,


Agiáto, adj. wealthy, rich.Agiato, fit, good.--Agiato, lazy, slow, idle-Un agiato, a lazy fellow.

A'gile, adj. agile, nimble, ac


Agilità, s. f. agility, nimbleness.
Agilitáre, to make agile, or

Agilménte, nimbly.
Agio, s. m. ease, conveniency,
comfort.-Esser negli agi, to
enjoy one's ease. A vostro
agio, at your leisure. A bell
agio, leisurely, at leisure.
Agio, mansion, dwelling-place.

Agitaménto, agitation, motion.
-Agitáre, to toss, to agitate,
to stir.
Agitazione, s. f. agitation.
Agliata, a garlick-sauce.
Aglietto, s. m. young garlick.
Aglio, s. m. garlick.
Agna, s. f. v. Agnella.
Agnáto, s. m. kinsman.

Agnazione, s. f. kindred.

Agnélla, s. f. a she-lamb.

Agnellino, s. m.S

Agnellétto, s. m. lambkin.


Agonía, agony.
Agonísta, a champion, a public
Agonizzante, adj. dying, at the
point of death.
Agonizzáre, to be at the point

of death.

Agoráio, a needle-case.
Agostáro, s. m. an ancient coin
of gold of Augustus.
Agostino, adj. any animal born
in August.
Agosto, the month of August.
Agozzino, an inspector over
Agraménte, adv. sourly.
Agrário, adj. pertaining to the
fields.--La legge agraria, the
agrarian law.
Agréste, adj. rural.—Agreste,
savage, rude.
Agrestézza, sourness.
Agrestíno, adj. sourish.
Agrésto, s. m. sour grapes.
Agrétto, adj. sourish.
Agrézza, s. f. sharpness, tart-


Agrícola, husbandman.
Agricoltore, husbandman.
Agricoltúra, husbandry,


Aguzzaménto, s. m. sharpness, sharpening.

Aguzzáre, to sharpen, to whet.

Agizar le ciglia, to frownAgúzzar ferruzzi, to whet the


Aguzzatore, s. m. grinder.
Aguzzétto, s. m. an emissary, a
servant employed to execute
any wicked design.
Aguzzino, he that has the di-
rection over the g ley-slaves.
Agúzzo, adj. pointed, sharp.
Ah, interj. O sad als!-
Ah, how? what?h verzog,
na, fy for shame-h siete
vivo, ho-ho, are you alive?
Ahi, interj. alas!hi lasso,
alashime, alas!

Aia, s. f. barn-floor, threshing-
Aja, a void space in the mid-
dle of any figure-dia, a
bright circle about the moon.
agri-dia, a plot of ground to

Agrifólio, s. m. holy-oak.
Agrimensore, surveyor of land.
Agrimónia, agrimony.

Agro, adj. sharp, tart, sour-
Agro, rough, uncouth.-Agro,
bitter, biting, sharp.
Agnellino, adj. of a lamb.-Ag-Agrúccio, adj. sourish.
nellino, made of lamb's wool. Agrúme, s. m. a general name
Agnello, s. m. lamb.
for all fruits that have a sharp
Agno, s. m. a lamb.
taste, as lemons, oranges.
Agno, a swelling in the groin.
Dond' è uscito questo strano a-
Agnolo, s. m. angel.
grume? what strange imper-
Agnus Dei, a piece of wax tinent fellow is this?
blessed by the pope, having
the print of a lamb on it.
Ago, s. m. a needle.-Ago da
sacchi, a packing-needle-Ago |
da capo, a bodkin.-Ago da
bussola, the needle of a com-

Aguaglianza, e. Uguaglianza.
Aguardáre, to guard, to look

to or after.
Aguatáre, to lie in wait, to be
upon the catch, to watch, to
lay an ambush, or a snare.

build upon. Menar il can per
baia, to keep at bay, to put
one off. Mettere stoppia in aia,
to trifle away one's time-
Mettere in aia, to meddle or
busy one's self with other
folks concerns.

Aiáta, s. f. the quantity of corn that may be threshed at


Aiáto, adj. vagrant, rambling.
-Andáre aiuto, to wander, to

Aime, interj. alas!
Aio, governor, tutor.
Aióne, s.m. a vagabond.-An-
dáre alone, to wander up and

Aiósa, adv. abundantly.
Airóne, s. m. heron,

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