صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

he fit of proper.lenire a be tedious.--:eble cose che ventaruóla, s. f. shottle-cock. wanno, to fall into one's l' aom loogaa che abbio, ien- Ventáto, p. p. of Ventare. hands, to meet with by gomma 720a prestu, those Ventávolo, s. m. north-wind. chi ce, to hit together.-Ve- things that a man is forced to Venteggiat., to breache, lo t-low Bulagli alle mini una tarola, haie, grow tire ome very swon. softly, speaking f the wind.) e quella s'appiccò, he touk-Chi' i' FR10@ se per troppo Vente syia, the wind blows 7 hoid of a band that fell in carlar non siermi a noja, 1 little his hands.--Se i venisse nel wish i muy die if he does not Venterello, s. m. a liule wind, be mani non talliito comprate weary me with his long prats a gentle breath af wind. melo, if you should meet ing. Men te moite, to Ventésimo, adj. tbe twentieth with such a brok, buy it for begin to have a krowledge of - listesino, s. m. the webme.--Veiro a mano, to be soirrething -Te rini pisee a neth part.-ll sole è pra grum handy, to stand conveniunt nulizla viel padre non so come de che la 'erra centosessante for the hand that one nuakes la passer tip, if his father sei :olte e tre centesimi, the use of in doing something.-- happed to know this, it sun is bigger than the earth Questa cosa non mi «une a would be very bad for himn. 166 times, and three twenti man, this thing is not handy l'enire peric19, to come for eth parts, to me,--'enire in mano, to one.--Sheque, chè 20 rven- Vemti, twenty. fall into one's hands.-Venire ga per vi, stay here till i Venticello, s. in. a little wind. in malo de' ninci, to fall come for you.-Venre a po- Venticiaque, twenty-five. into the hands of the enemies. teriù, Tenire in porertà, to Venticinquesimo, the twentyVenire alte mari, to come to i come to poverty, to become fifth. handy blows, to fight.-We-poor.-L'enire sulto, to fall in- Venticinquemila, twenty-five nire alle mani colle spade, to to one's hands. Se hai ver.! thousand. come to the sword, to fight rete mai sotto, if you ever fall Venticino, v. Venterello. with swords.Venire nelle into my hands Venir talen. Ventidue, twenty-two. mani, to meet with by chance, to, to have a fancy or mind. Ventiéra, s. f. a large fan.to light on or upon.--Quarulo --Tienmi talento di non an; Pentiera, a kind of military mi z iene alle mani qualche darti, I have a great mind not instrument. giorinetta che mi piace, when to go there.--Pur se talen o Ventilaménın, ventilation. a I lighi on a girl that I like. mai e strano e si folle e te fanning or gathering wind. Venire alle mani, to fall into venisse, however, if ever such Ventilánte, adj. tanning. one's hands.-Venire meno, a strange and foolish thought Ventilare, to ventilate, to fall to faint away, to fall into a should come into your head. or winnow, to gather wind. swoon. Venire meno, to - lenire a tenine, to come Ventiláre, to debate,to canvas, want, to lack, to need, to to a certain term, case, state, to sift or examine a business." stand in need of, to be short or condition. Le cose SC Ventiláto, adj. centilated, fan. of, to tail. Vi vien meno u? venuto a termine d' accomo- ned, debated, examined. lraccio di pamo per farnij damento, things are come to Ventilatore, s. m. a ventilator. un restito, I am a yard short a term or state of accommoda- ventilazione, s. f. ventilation. to make me a suit.---Mi parre Lion-enir tro ato, to find, Ventina, s. f. a score or twen: come se il mondo sotto i piedi to meet with, or light on.-ty.--Tre rentine, three-score. me fosse : enuto meno, it seem. Per aventura gli cenne tro. Ventipióvolo, s. m. southcd to me as if the world was

vato ur 70mo, by chance he wind. Obs. sinking under my feet.li met with a man. Venire l'entiquattro, twenty-four. prego per quell' amore che mi vento, to blow,-- E' un luo- Ventisétre, twenty-sevca. portale di non venir mi meno, go allo dove il cento ziene Vento, s. m. wind.--Ee r:nte, I pray you, tor that love mollo forle, it is a high place Ti arénto, the wind blows.-that you bear to me, not to where the wind blows very linto fiesco, fresh or stift forsahe me.-La mia parola hard. lenire coglia, in bare pals. -l'ento in poppa, a fore non i crrà maré meno, I shall a mind or fancy Vi wind.--Arcre il:ento in popnever go back from my word. voglia di luturi i zi delle pa, to sail befcre the wind

la chi creiluto a ria di scale, I have a mind to kick 'Arere il vento in faccia, to venir meno tra lo grandezze, you down stars. -enire in have the wind in one's teeth, impo enir nel!' 0:0 ? but who sore, to fall out, to come by to sail against the wind.would have thought that one lot.

Esser sotto il sex o, to be to should come to want in such Feniciccio, adj. casual, acci- leeward.-- Dar le vele a' teni, magnificence, and grow poor dentai, foreign:-Gente renz- to set sail, to buist the sails.in the midst of gold?-11 suo ticria, rabbie, mob.

Pole rsi ad ogni tento, to turn pourre comincia a enir meno, venía, adj. veiny, full of with every wind, to be fickle, his pora er begins to decay.- veins,

inconstant, or uncertain. Verire ? murde, to die, to ventaglia, the cheek piece of Munrersi e tento, to do a come to die.--Ierire nell, to a helmet.

th:ng rashly, inconsiderarely. b: weary, to he credi-Penire Ventaglio, s. m. a fan. - Pigliar rento, to vanish, 10 canja, to weary, to tire, to Ventáre, to blow, to be windy disappear, to go out of sight. be wearisome or tresome, tu -lenta, the wind blows, Vento, wind in one's body.


Trovarsi le

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have an itching desire for gaming.

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Vento, haughtiness, pride, ostentation.-Un uomo pieno di vento, a haughty man.-en-Ventûccio, s. m. a little wind. to, wind, vanity, emptiness. Ventuno, twenty-one. Una testa piena di vento, an Ventúra, s. f. luck, fortune. empty noddle. Queste vostre pazzie i damani piene di vento, to be ranno un giorno o l'altro la disappointed in his designs.- mala entura, you will come Tutto ciò non è che un vento, one day or other to some unall that signifies nothing.- lucky chance by your follies Pascer di vento, to feed one -E stata gran ventura di with wind, to amuse him non essermi riscontrato con lui, with fair words. Dar de' it has been very lucky for me calci al vento, to kick the air, not to meet him.-Ventura, to be hanged-Fare una cosa adventure, hap, chance, al vento, to do a thing blindly, event, hazard-Me tersi alla rashly, at random. -Avere il ventura, to venture, to run a vento in poppa, to sail before hazard.—Trærre alla yentura, the wind, to be in favour, to to cast lots. Met ersi in viprosper, to thrive. Vento, aggio alla ventura, to take the inkling, hint, private notice. first road one meets with. Véntola, s. f. a fan. Fare le cose alla ventura, to Ventoláre, to fan, to winnow, do things at random.-Per to pass to and fro. ventura, A ventúra, adv. by Ventolino, s. m. a little wind. chance, by good luck.-SchiVentósa, s. f. a cupping-glass. era di ventura, a squadron of Ventosamente, adv, vainly, in volunteers. vain, to no purpose. Ventosare, to cup, to apply the cupping-glasses. Ventosità, s. f. ventosity, windiness, wind in a human body. Ventóso, adj. windy, exposed to the wind.--Ventóso, windy, Venturúso, adj. happy, lucky, that is troubled with wind in good. his stomach.--Ventoso,windy, Venustà, s. f. beauty, comelithat causes wind.--I fruttisono naturalmente ventosi, fruits are naturally windy.-l'entóso, haughty, proud, vain-glorious.-Un uomo ventoso, a haughty man. Ventottésimo, adj. the twenty-ing. eighth.

Ventótto, twenty-eight. Ventráccio, s. m. a great belly. Ventrája, s. f. belly, paunch, guts. A low word. Ventrajuóla, s. f. a tripe wo


Venturiére, a volunteer. Ventúro, adj. ready to come, next, future.-L'anno venturo, the year a coming, or next.-Cose venture, things to come.

ness, grace, sightliness. Venústo, adj. beautiful, graceful, comely, fine, handsome, sightly.

Venuta, s. f. coming, arrival.-Alla sua venuta, at his com

Venúto, adj. come, arrived.
Vemúzza, s. f, a little vein.
Venzéi, twenty-six.
Venzétte, twenty-seven.
Vepri, s. m. pl. briers, bram-
bles, small bushes.
Ver, prep. towards.-Ver me,
towards me.

Verice, adj. true.-Comune sentenzia e verace si è, it is a common and true saying. Ferace, trusty, true, faithful. Un verace autore, a faithful author.

Ventre, s. m. belly, paunch, guts.-Muover il ventre, to loosen.-Empirsi il ventre, to fill one's belly.-Ho mule al textre, my belly aches. Ventre, the womb. Ventrésca, s. f. belly, paunch; salt bacon. Ventricchio, t. Vintriglio. Ventricíno, s. m. a small belly. Ventrícolo, s. m. ventricle, sto-Veraménte, adv. truly, in mach.-Ventricolo, any small truth, verily, certainly, incavity in an animal body, deed. particularly those of the heart. Ventriglio, s. m. gizzard.A.er l'asso nel ventriglio, to

Veraceménte, adv. truly, faithfully, really, verily. Veracità, s. f. veracity, truth.

me verbale, ‘a verbal noun.— Processo verbole, a verbal


Verbalmente, adv. verbally, by word of mouth.

Verbéna, s. f. verein, pigeon's herb.

Vergigtázia, adv. as for example, viz. to wit, namely, Vérbo, s. m. a word.---Non euol più dell' accordo intender verbo, ma si lancia del letto ed arme grida, he will not hear a word more of the agree ment, but jumps out of his bed, and cries for his arms." -Verlo a verbo, verbatim, word by word.-Verlo, the Word, the Son of God, Christ.- -Verbo, a verb in grammar.-Verbo attivo, verbo passivo, a verb active, a verb passive. Verbóso, adj. talkative, full of words, verbose. Verdazzurro, adj. sky-colour


Verde, adj. green.-Erba verde, green grass.--l ́erde, green, that is not dry.-Legna yerdo, green wood.-} erde, green, fresh.


Rosa verde, fresh La verde età, green years, tender years, youthful days.-'erde, strong, fresh, full of hopes.-Verdi desiri, juvenile desires.-Verde, a, m. a, green, a grass plaf, a place full of green herbs.

Chi non ha albergo posisi in sul verde, who has no house let him lie upon the grassyerde, strength, vigour.-Eg li è nel verde della sua età, he is in the flower or prime of his age. E il mio desir p-rả non cangia il verde, and my desire is as strong as ever.-→→ Mentre che ta speranza ha fiΟΥ di zerde, while there is room to hope. Laser condotto al verde, esser al verde, to be at an end, to be put to one's last shifts.La candela è al zerde, the candle is almost out. Verdéa, s. f. a kind of whits grapes, of which is made a wine called Verdea. Verdebrúno, adj. deep green, a green colour, partaking of dark.

Verdechiaro, adj. light green, Verbále, adj. verbal, by word a green colour partaking of of mouth. Promessa er- the white. bale, a verbal promise.-No-Verdeggiaménto, s. m, the act

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Verdeggiante, adj. green, ver-
dant.-Verdeggiante prato,
a green field.
Verdeggiare, to be green, to
look verdant. -E quando il
sol fa verileggiar i coili, and
when the sun makes the hills
Took verdant.
Verdegiallo, adj. between green
and yellow.

Verdeggiato, part. pass. of Ver-
Verdeggiglio, s. m. a kind
of green so called by che-

Verdemézzo, adj. greenish,
between green and dry.-

grace, to dishonour. Vergognarsi, to blush, to be ashamed.

Tremare a verga a verga, to
tremble all over, fo shiver.
Vergare, to stripe or streak.
Vergare, to trace.-Vergare, Vergognato, adj. shamed,
to write.-Ma volse sol di noi ashamed; mi sarei vergog
vergar le carte, but he would nuto, I would have blushed.
write only of us.
Vergáto, adj. striped or streak- fully, disgracefully, ignomi
ed.--Vergato, s. m. striped niously.--Vergognosi mérit,
respectfully modestly.
Vergognosetto, adj. bashful,
discreet, modest, shy.

Vergélla, s. f. a small rod or
wand. Obs.

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Vergello, s. m. lime.twig. Vergognoso, adj. shameful, dis-
Esser in sul vergello, to be in graceful, ignominious, dis-
great danger.
- l'ergoguést,
Vergheggiare, to whip, to lash, bashful, modest, shametaced,
to scourge or jerk.—Vergheg-_ashamed.
giare, to dust, to dust off.
Vergheggiato, adj. whipped,
lashed, dusted off.

Biada verdemezza, corn al- Verghétta, s. f. a small rod.
most ripe-Verdenézza, Verginále, adj. verginal, mai-
rawish, half done.-Verde- denly, belonging to a virgin.
mézzo, extravagant, whimsi--Oestà verginale, verginal
cal, strange.
or maidenly honesty.-Latte
verginale, a sort of chemical
composition so called.
Vergine, adj. that has still his
or her viginity.-lo son ver-
gine cor' io usci del corpo
della mamma mia, I am still
a maid as my mother made
me.-Olio vergine, virgin oil.

Verdeporro, adj. greenish.
Verderáme, s. m. verdigris,
the green rust of brass or cop-
Verderógnolo, adj. greenish.
Verdétto, s. m. a kind of green
matter used by painters.-
Ferdétto, adj. greenish.-
Verdetto, sour, tasting a little-Vin vergine, pure winc.-
Vergine, virginal, maidenly.
Vergini mani, virginal or
maidenly hands.-Vérgine,
s. f. a virgin, a maid.-La
Vergine, the Virgin Mary, the
Holy Virgin.-Pérgine, Virgo,
one of the twelve celestial


Verdézza, s. f. greenness, green, green colour, ver


Verdicánte, adj. green, verdant.

adj. greenish.

Verdicare, to be or grow
green, to be or look verdant
Verdúre, s. m. greenness, ver-
Verdúco, s. m. a kind of nar-
row sword, that cuts on four

Verdúme, s. m.greenness,
Verdura, s. f. Sverdure.
Verecóndia, s. f. modesty,
Verecóndo, adj. modest, bash-
Verecundia, v, Verecondia.
Verga, s. f. rod, switch, or
wand-erga, a scepter.-
Vergu di ferro, an iron rod.--
Verga d'oro o d'argen o, an
ingot or wedge of gold or sil
ver.-Perga, stripes or streaks
in silk-cloth.-Battere a ver-
he, to whip with rods.-


Verginello, s. m. Za
Verginella, s. f. S virgin,
mad, or maiden, a lass, a
boy.--Verginello, adj. vergi-
nal, maidenly.
Vergineo, adj. virginal, be-
longing to a virgin, maiden-
like, maidenly.
Verginetto, s. m. a boy, a
Verginetta, s. f. youh, a
gil, or lass.
Verginità, s. f. virginity, the
state or condition of a maid,
Vergogna, s. f. shame.-
Vergogna, bashfulness, mo-
desty.Vergogna, shame,
disgrace, infamy, dishonour,
reproach, ignominy.-

Verdicaménte, adv. verily,
truly, in truth,

Verídice, adj. true, that speaks
the truth, veridical.
Verificare, to verify, to prove,
to make good, to ascertain.
Verificato, adj. verified, asce-
tained, proved, made good.
Verisimigliante, adj. ~ likely,

Verisimiglianza, s. f. likeness,

Verisímile, s. m. probability,
likelihood.-La cosa ha det
verisimile, the thing is like
enough.- Verisimile, adj.
likely, probable.
Verisimilitúdine, s. f. verisimi
litude, probability, likelihood.
Verisimilmente, adv. likely.
Verisimileménte, probably,
with some appearance or re-
semblance of truth.
Verità, s. f. truth, verity.—In
yerità, adv. truly, verily, in
truth, indeed.-In verità ma.
donna, di voi m' incresce, tru-
ly, madam, I pity you.-C
sì è in c erità, it is so indeed.
-La verità sta sempre a gal
la, truth may be blamed, but
it shall never be shamed;
truth has always a fast bottom.
-La veritù è madre dell'odio,
truth finds foes where it
makes none.


Veritieramente, adv. verily, truly, indeed. Veritière, true, veridical. Veritiéro, Verme, s. m. a worm.-Verme, di seta, a silk-worm.-Terme che si genera ne' frutti, nella carne,e nel cacio,maggot,mite. s. f. a little Ho Vermenélla,

Dovrest: a er vergogna, you Vermena, branch of a

ought to be ashamed.. vergogna, I am ashamed. Vergognáre, to shame or dis


bag.Versare, to spill, to shed.--Versare il sangue degl innocenti, to spill innocent blood.- Versar lagrime, to shed tears. La sua piaga versa sangue, his wound bleeds.-lersáre, to spend, to consume, to waste, to squander.-Versare, to overturn.--Versare uno da cavallo, to throw one down off his horse.-Versársi, to fall into a violent passion. Versáto, p. p. of Versare.Versáte, versed, skilled, expe

ghiaccio, un fuoco quando verna, a piece of ice in summer, a fire in winter. Vernáta, s. f. winter.Uno vernata aspra, a hard winter Vernáto, s. m. v. Vernata. Obs.-Verna o, adj. wintered. Verneréccio, adj. winterly, belonging to winter.--Febbr vernerécce, winterly fevers. Vernica e, to varnish. Vernicáto, adj. varnished. Vernice, painting.-Vernice scrivere, Indian ink. Verniciáre, v. Vernicáre. Vernino, adj. winterly, belong-rienced, used. ing to winter.-Fior vernino. winter flower.-Pioggia vernina, winter or cold rain. Vérnio, s. m. a kind of line or flax.


Vermicciuolo, s. m. a little

worm. maggot, or mite. Vermicciuoluzzo, a very little worm, maggot, or mite. Vermicello, s. m. a little worm, maggot, or mite. Vermicelli, s. m. plur. ver. micelli, an Italian dish made of paste, like little worms. Vermicolóso, adj. full of worms, maggots, or mites. Vermigliare, to cover over with a red colour.

Vermigliato, p. p. of Vermigli


Vermigliezza, s. f. vermilion
Vermiglietto, adj. reddish, red.
-Vermiglietta bocca, red
mouth or lips.
Vermiglio, adj. vermilion, fine
or lively red.- Labbra ver-
miglie, red cherry lips.
Guanti vermiglie, cherry
cheeks.-Vino vermiglio, red
wine.-Divenir vermiglio, nel
viso, to blush.-Far verm g-
lin col sangue, to stain, or be-
dew with blood.
Vermigliúzzo, adj reddish.

-Bocca vermigliuzza, a
pretty little red mouth.
Vermináca, s. f. a kind of
Vérmine, s. m. worm.
Verminétio, S. m.


a little

Verminóso, adj. verminous,
full of worms, worm-eaten.
Vermo, s. m. worm. Poet.-
Vermo, Lucifer, the devil.-
Che al gran vermo infernal
mette la briglia, who puts the
bridle to Lucifer.-Quando ci
scorse Cerbero il gran vermo,
when Cerberus the great de-
vil saw us.-Vermo, a kind of
disease in a horse.
Vermocane, s. m. an imagina-
ry distemper, that the vulgar
has fancied, and wishes to
others by way of imprecati-


Vernaccia, s. f. vernaccia, a
sort of white wine.-Verndc-
cia, the grapes of which ver-
naccia is made.
Vernale, adj. winterly, or be-
longing to winter.-Solstizio
vernale, the winter solstice.

lernále, adj. vernal, belonging to the spring-sea


Vernáre, to winter, to take up
winter-quarters.-Vernáre, to
be in winter.-Di state un

Verno, s. m. winter.
Vero, s. m. truth, verity -A
dirvi il vero, to tell you the
truth.-Voi dite il vero, you
are in the right.-Dite il vero,
speak the truth-In vero.
adv. verily, truly, in truth, in
deed-In vero non ne so nu!
la, verily, I know nothing of
it.-Da vero, in earnest, in-
deed.Vi parlo da vero, I
speak in earnest.-Nel vero.
verily, truly, in truth, indeed.
Nel vero io non so che mi fare,
verily, I don't know what I
shail do. Ogni vero, non è
ben detto, all truths are not to
be spoken at all times.-Vero,
adj. true, right.-Questa è la
vera cagione, this is the true
cause or reason.--
--Un vero
amico, a true friend.-Questa

Versatóre, he that pours, fills
or spills.

Verseggiare, to versify, to
make verses.
Versétto, s. m. a verse, or place
of scripture.
Versicciuólo, s. m. a poor verse,
a verse of a short measure.
Versiéra, s. f. a ghost, a spi-
rit that walks at nights.-
Come il diavolo fugge e la
Tersiera, he runs as if he had
the devil in him.

Versificáre, to compose verses,
to make verses.
Versificatóre, a versifier, a
maker of verses.
Versióne, s. f. version, transla
tion.-Versióne, overturning,
overthrow, subversion.
Verso, s. m. verse.-Verso
eroico, heroic verse. -Verso
sciolto, blank verse.-Verso,
the chirping, warbling, sing-
ing or chattering of birds.
Ogni uccello ha a fare il suo ́
verso, every body ought to
talk according to his capacity.

novella non è vera, that news
is not true.-Vero, true, law--Verso, a tune.--Verso, a
ful.-Egli è il vero erede, he
is the lawful heir.-Un vero
furbo, an arrant cheat.-
Un vero sciocco, a downright
fool-Egli è una vera scimin,
he is a very ape.
Veroncéllo, s. m. a little gal-

Veróne, s. m. a gallery.
Verétta, s. f. a kind of arrow.
Verrettóne, s. m. a large dart.
Verro, s. m. a boar.
Verrúca, s. f. a wart.
Verrúto s. m. a dart. Obs.
Versamento, s. m. pouring,
filling, spilling, or shedding.
Versáre, to pour, to fill, or
empty."ersare dell' acqua,
to pour water.-Versare del
vino, to fill some wine.
Versare un sacco, to empty a

line in writing.-Verso, way,
manner, means, expedient.--
Non c' e verso di ridurlo alla
ragione, there is no bringing
him to reason.- Piglierà ben
io verso di farvi fare quel che
voglio, I shall find the way
to make you do as I please.-→
Non so cheerso trovare per
istrigarmi di lui, I don't
know what expedient to take
to be rid of him.-In buona
fe che se tu non muti :erso, in
te ne farò pentire, faith, if
you don't change your note,
I will make you repent of it.
-Andar a versi ad alcuno,
to humour one, to do readily
as one bids.-Verso, side.
Pigliare una cosa per il verso,
to go the right way to work.
4 B

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arirlo, there is no remedy
that can cure him.-Se avete
amor erano per me, if you
have any love for me.
Verzicánte, adj. green verdant.
Verso, prep.

towards, toward.--Verso Lon-Verzicáre, to be or grow green,
dra, towards London.-'erso to be verdant.


di me, towards me.-Verso. Verziére, s. m. a garden.
against.-0 figliuol mio per-Verzino, s. m. brasil wood.
chè hai tu cosìerso noi fatto? Verzino, the colour extracted
oh my son, why hast thou from the brasil-wood.
done such a thing against us? Verzire, to grow green, to be
-Che ho io verso voi com- verdant. Obs.
messo di volermi tanto mule ? Verzume, s. m. greenness;
what have I done to you to
hate me so?-Verso, for, for
one's sake.-E farai a me fare
verso di te quello che mai
verso alcuno altro non feci,
and you will make me do a
thing which I never did for
any body else.-Verso, to.
Ciò è nulla verso, di quel che
vi devo, it is a small matter
to what I owe you.--Verso,
about.-Verso la sera, about
the evening.--Di verso quella
parte, towards that way.


Verzúra, s. f. greenness, ver-
dure, green plants or grass.
Veschio, v. Vischio.
Véscia, s. f. a toadstool.—Ves-
cia, a story, a tale, or inven-

allo scolare aver fatto essai, being almost night, and the scholar thinking he had dono enough. Cantare il vespre uno, to reprimand, to rebuke. -Vespro Sicilióno, Sicilian vespers, a great slaughter. Vessáre, to vex, to tease. Vessáto. adj. vexed. teasel. Vessazione, s. f. vexation, trou



Vessica, v. Vescica. Vessillo, s. m. a standard. Poet. Vesta, s. f. a long robe or gown.-Vesta da donna, a woman's gown.-Vesta da camera, a night-gown.-Fer la vesta secondo 'l panno, to cut one's coat according to his cloth-La vesta non fa il monaco, a tattered cloak may cover a good drinker; s. f. bladder.men are not to be judged of Vescica di pesce, the swim- by outward appearance. bladder of a fish.-Dar vesci-Vestáccia, s. f. a bad, tattered, che per lan'erne, to make one nasty gown. believe that the moon is made Veste, v. Vesta. of cheese.-Vender Vestétta, s. f. a little gown, a green vesciche, to tell a blind story. child's gown.

Vestíbulo, s. m. vestible, a porch or entry into a house.


Verta, s. f. a kind of fishing-Vescica, a still, a kind of alembeck. Stillar per vescica, to still, to distill.-Ves-Vesticciuóla, s. f. a little cica, a blister. Vescicánte, s. m. a versicaVescicatório, tory, or blistering-plaster, a blister. Vescichetta, s. m. a little

Vertà, s. f. v. Verita.
Vértebre, s. f. plur. vertebræ,
the joints of the neck and
back-bone of an animal.
Verténte, adj. turning or roll-
ing about.
Verticale, adj. vertical, belong-
ing to a vertex.
Vértice, s. m. vertex, the top
of any thing.
Vertigine, s. f. vertigo, a giddi-
ness, dizziness, or swimming
in the head.
Vertiginoso, adj. vertiginous,

Vertu, s. f. v. Virtù. Obs.
Vertudiosamente adv. v. Ver-
tuosamente. Obs.
Vertudióso, adj. v. Virtuoso,

Vertuóso, adj. v. Virtuoso.
Verúno, not one, nobody, any.
-Veruno sa, nobody knows.
-Non ne posso trovar veru-
no, I cannot find one, I can.
not find any. Verino, adj
any, no.--Questa medicina non
m' ha fatto pro veruno, this
physic has done me no man-
ner of good.-Quest' erba non
ha virtù veruna, this herb has
no virtue at all.Non fa cal-
do veruno, it is not hot at all.
Verun rimedio non può gu-


Vescicóne, s. m. a large blad-

Vescicóso, adj. full of blad-

gown. Vestígio, s. m. step, footstep, vestige, trace. Vestimento, s. m. habit, apblad-parel, attire, cloaths. Vestire, s. m. cloaths, habiliment, apparel.-—Alcuni si gloriano d'avere preziosi vestiri, some are proud of their fine cloaths.-A linea & ves tire, to dress, to put on one's cloaths, to clothe--Vestirsi, to dress one's self, to put on one's cloaths.-Vestir bene, to dress to the best advantage. Vestito, s. m. suit, cloaths, suit of cloaths.Vestite, cloathing. Spendo cento scu di l'anno per il mio vestito, I spend a hundred crowns a year in cloaths.-Vestito, adj. dressed.-Vestite setve, verdant woods.-Nascer vestito, to be born lucky.-Egli è nato vestito, he was wrapt up in his mother's smock; he is born to a good fortune. even-Vestitúccio, s. m. a short or narrow suit of cloaths, a poor suit of cloaths. Vestitúra, s. f. cloaths, attire. Vestitúra, the act of dres sing one's self. Vestóne, s. m. a large robe.

Vescovado, s. m. episcopacy,
Vescovale, adj. episcopal, of
Vescovile, or belonging to
a bishop.-Dignità vescovile,
episcopal dignity.-Ordine
vescovile, episcopal order.-
Véscovo, s. m. a bishop.
Vespa, s. f. a wasp.
Vespájo, s. m. a wasp's nest.—
Vespajo, a swarm of wasps.
Vespajóso, adj. full of holes.
-Cacio vespajoso, cheese
full of holes.
Véspero, v. Vespro.
Vespertino, adj. vespertine,
belonging to the evening.-
Crepuscolo vespertino,
ing's twilight.
Vespóne, s. m. a large wasp.
Véspro, s. m. vespers, evening
prayers.-Kespro, the hour
when vespers are sung.-Es-
sendo già vespro, e parendo

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