صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Vestúra, s. f. v. Vestitura. Vétturále, s. m. a carrier.

Veteráno, adv. veteran, that
has served long in wars.
Soldato eterano, a veteran
soldier, an old soldier.
Vetrájo, s. m. glazier.
Vetrário, adj. belonging to
glass-Arteetara, the art
of making glass.
Vetráta, s. f. a glass-window.
Vetriáto, adj. glassy, covered
or adorned with glass.
Vétrice, s. f. a kind of willow
of a very brittle texture.
Vetriciajo, s. m. a place where

willows grow.
Vetriéra, . Vetrata.
Vetriticáre, to make glass, to
vitrify, to become glass.
Vetrificáto, p. p. of Vetrifi-


Vetrificazione, s. f. vitrification, the act of becoming glass.

Vetriuóla, s. f. the herb pelli


Vetriuólo, s. m. vitriol, a kind

of mineral salt. Vetro, s. m. glass.-Vetro, a glass, a drinking glass. Poet. Vetta, s. f. top, height, peek. -La vetta d'un colle, the top of a hill.-La vetta d'un albero, the top of a tree.Vettu, a little branch.-Cercar de' fichi in vetta, to do a dangerous thing, when there is no occasion for it.-Egli è meglio cader dal piè che dalla vetta, of two evils choose the least.-Vetta, the crop of a flail. Vettajuólo, adj. young-Rami vettojuśli, young shoots, suckers, or sprigs.-Frutti vettojuoli, forced fruits. Vetticcinóla, s. f. the top of any thing, a little branch. Vettóne, s. m. a young shoot, sucker, or sprig.


lettureggiare, to convey, to Ufficiante, adj. officiating. carry. Uffiziante, Prete ufficiante, Vetturíno, s. m. one who an officiating priest. hires horses to travellers, a Ufficiáre, calash-driver. Uffiziáre,

to officiate,


Vettuváglia, . Vettovaglia. Vetusta, s. f. oldness, age. Ufficiato, Vetústo, adj. ancient, vetust, Uffiziato, of great antiquity.-Petusto, Ufficiatóre, s. m. an officiold, ancient. Età vetusta, Uffiziatóre, ating priest. old age. Ufficiatúra, s. f. the way of Vezzataménte, adv. flattering- Uffiziatura, officiating in ly, fawningly, smoothly, a- the church, the officiating greeably, gallantly. or reading the divine serVezzeggiare, to dandle, vice. Ufficio, s. m. office, duty, Uffizio, part, business, task. --Fornire il suo ufficio, to do one's office or duty.-Ufficio, office, place, employment. Ufficio, office, divine service.

fondie, to caress.


Vezzeggiativo, adj. caressing, kind, fawning, flattering. Vezzeggiato, adj. caressed, treated with kindness, flattered, humoured. Vezzo, s. m. pastime, pleasure.---Vezzo, way, custom, manner, fashion, vice, trick, custom-l lupo cangia il pelo ma non il vezzo, the wolf loses his hair, but never his tricks.-Vezzo, fair or kind words, allurements, endearments, caresses, wheedle.-Far vezzi, to caress. to coax, to flatter, to wheedle, to fondle, to make much of. -Ca car di vezzi, to be very caressing, of a caressing temper, obliging, fawning, flattering.--Vezzo, necklace which women wear about their necks.

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Vettória, . Vittoria. Obs. Vettovaglia, s. f. provisions, victuals,


read the divine

adj. officiated.

Vezzosamente, adv. kindly,
gently, friendly, courteously,
agreeably, graciously, grace-
fully.-Vezzosamente, nice-
ly, tenderly, softly.
Vezzosérto, adj. pretty, agree-
able, handsome, wanton.
Vezzéso, adj. agreeable, sweet,
pleasant, graceful, charming,
squeamish.-Un vezzoso, Una
vezzosa, a nice man or wo-
man.-Far il vezzoso, to be
very nice, to affect a pretty
disdainful air in one's counte-


Vettovagliare, to victual, to
provide with victuals.
Vettovagliato, adj. victualled. Ufficétto,
Vettuccia, s. f. a tendril or Uffiziétto,
young twig of a tree.
Vettúra, s. f. carriage.-Bes- Uffiziale,
tia da vettura, a beast of bur-
then.-Prender un cavallo a
vettura, to hire a horse,
Prestare un cavallo a vettura,
to let a horse,


Ufficio, office, part of the Breviary. santo ufficio, the inquisition. Ufficioso, adj. officious, reaUffizioso, dy to do one service, serviceable, kind, obliging.

Ufficiuólo, s. m. a small of Uffiziuolo, fice or post.→ Ufficiuslo, a little book wherein is contained the office in honor of the blessed Virgin.

Uggia, s. f. shade.—Stare all' uggia, to be under the shade of a tree.--Uggia, omen, good luck.-Essere in uggia, Trovarsi in uggia, to be hated, to be out of favour.Aver in ugg a, to hate, to abhor, to detest, to loath. Uggiolare, to howl. Obs. Uggióso, adj. shady-Luogo uggioso, a shady place.

ggioso, suspicious, distrustful or mistrustful, jealous. Ugioli e Barúgioli, all in all.→→ La spesa fra ugioli, e barugioli ascende a dieci scudi, the expences come to ten crowns in all.-Fra úgioli e barág oli non guadagno pi che sei ghinee, one with ano ther I don't win above six

s. m. dimin, of guineas.

s. m. an officer.-

Ufficiale, Úffiziale, adj. help-
ing, assisting, serving.-
Membra ufficiale, those
members in the body that
help and assist us in doing

Ugna, s. f. a nail of a finger
or toe. Dar nell' ugne, to
fall into the hands of.-Aver
nell' ugne, to have in one's
power.-Entrare tra carne e
ugra, to meddle in some-
body's domestic affairs.
U'gnere, to anoint.-Ugner il

grifo, to grease one's mouth. or you.-Né ri andò guari, pointment to meet together -Deliberárono tutti e tre di and it was not long after. - presently-l’ia iia,

So so, trovar modo di úgnersi il gri. Voi v'ingannate in digrosso,/ pretty well.-Che vi pare di fo a spese di Calandrino, all you are very much mistaken. questa donna? ell' è tra tie, three resolved to find the Ni, yourself.-Voi vi mos- how do you like that woman? means to fill their bellies at trale troppo ingrato verso di she is so so, she may pass. the expence of Calandrino.

me, you show yourself too Lo veslo 122 ia per le strade, U'gnere un Re, to anoint ? ungrateful to me.

I see him often in the streets. king.–U'zner le mani, Vi), s. f. way, rond, street.

Via, times.-- Treria quattro grease one in the fist, to tip Smarrir la via, to miss one's fumo dodic, three times one's hand, to bribe one with w.iy.-E prese crisa nella tru four make twelve.- Andar money.--ligner le carrucole, la quale noi ogni chiamiamo per la mala ria, to sink or to flatter, to coax, to fawn la via del Cocomero, and he fall iv the bottom, to decay, upon.-Egli ha che úgnere, took a house in the street to come to nought.-- Dar rig, he has enough to do; it is which now we call Cucum- to perfect, to tinish, to accomvery bad with him.

her street.--Me tersi in via, plish, to make perfect. Ugoiménto, s. munction,

Enirare in rio, to set out on

Dar via, to give away, to anointing.--Urniménto, al.

a journey.- Mettersi la via part with.-Dar via, to sell. lay, case, mitigation, lenify- tra piedi, Mettersi la vin ir. Chieder la tia, to demand ing, appeasing, alleviation of le gambe, to set 'out on a leave to go by.-Dar la via, pain or grief.

journey.-Fare una via, e to give the way, to make Ugnone, s. m. a large or long due servigi, to kill two birds room for one to pass bynail.

with one stone.- Fia, way, Dar la iia, to aroid.--Far U gola, s. f. uvula, that hang; manner, fashion, wise, ria, to shew the way.--Ho down from the palate between mcans, method, Course. fatto la ria di Calais, I came the glandules. —Questo pol- Per via di dipurlo, by way of by Calais - Facciamo le rit lastro non ci toccherà l'ugola, diversion.----Terminare una de' campi, let us go through this chicken will be hardly differenza per via d'aggiusia- the fields.--Che via faremo? enough for us.--Questo guar- mento, to make up a differ- which way shall we go?zetto m'he tocca lugoly, ence by way of agreement.-Gillar via, to throw away. this ragoo was excellent.- Nelle cose di conseguenza

--Gitlar via, to waste, to Far venir l'acqua all' ugola, lisorno renere la via di mez

sell for less money than any to make one's teeth water, to 29, in things of consequence thing is worth.-- Porlar ara, set one's mouth a watering the best is to keep the mid- to carry or sreal away. Uguagliamento, s. m. the act dle way.--V2 so ritro: ar

Mandaria, to send away, of making equal, the state of capo nèr in di metterlo, all.?

to dismiss, to turn out.being equal, levelling. razione. I cannot see which Fuggir ja, to run away.Uguagliante, adj. thai makes way or by what means I can Eh va viu! prithee!- Eh va equal.

bring him to rea on-lia, ria, non mi romper la teste! Uzuaglianza, 3. f. equality ady. much, more, much prithee don't leaze me!likeness, conformity. more.--Egli è: na piii ricco

Venir ria, to come away Uguagliare, to equal, to make che sag io, he is much richer Ben alla ria, well diessed.equal. than wise: -1 giorumi sono

Vienersi alia rin, to get one's Uguagliato, adj. equal, like, 1.22 più inclina'i ni piaceri self ready:--Esser per via, 19 conformable. che non allo studio, young

be about doing something.Uguagliatore, s. m. he that people are more inclined 20 Di dietro ria, by the back equals, or makes shares equal, pleasures than study.--La way. Di fuora ia, by the leveller.

dottrina deze via più stimar- outside.-Alla via, ready.Ugualále, to equal, to make si che non le ricchezze, learn

Il carallo è alla zia, the horse equal.

ing ought to be este med be- is ready.--Via crocs, a cross Ugualáto, adj. equal, uniform, yoni riches. ja, come,

way or street.--Cosa ricor. like.

-l'in, andiamo, daia va per via, talk of the Uguále, adj. equal, conforma- come, let us go.--Or via non.

devil and he'll appear. ble, proportionable, alike. temete, come on, don't be Viaggéito, s. m. a little journey Ugualità, s, f. equality, like- afraid.lin, fye, fye upon, or voyage. ness, conformity.

out upon it.--E disse, zia Viaggiante, a traveller. Ugualmente, adv. equally, a- muffiano ; qui non so femmine Viazuiare, to travel, to go on a like.

du coniy, and said, iye upon journey or voyage. Unguánno, s, m. this year. you, pimp, there are no Viaggiato, adj. travelled. Unguannóito, s. mn. a fish one

strumpets here.-; ja, away. iaggiatóre, a traveller.
Aidaria, in go away.-

Viagio, s. m juicy.Piag:
Uh! an interjection of sorrow. Via via, immediately, in a g?o, voyage.----Jettter. jt
Vi, adv. there.--Vi sono stato, moment, presently.- E poco viaggio, to go upon a journey.
I have been there.-Quando fa si dicuri la posia d'essere

- Fare un viaggia, to travel, vi ritornsrete ? when will you insieme vin ia, and a little to take a journey --Esser in go there again? Vi, to you while ago they made an ap- szaggio, to be upon a jouse

come on.

year old.

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fortuna, every one is subject to the vicissitudes of fortune. -A vicenda, per vicenda, adv. by turns, in order, one after another.

was almost dead, orhe thought to die.-Vicino vicino, adv. very near.

Vicissitudine, s. f.. vicissitude, change, turn, the succeeding Vicendévole, adj. reciprocal, of one thing after another. mutual, interchangeable.-Vicitáre, d. Visitare. Obs. Vicendevole amore, recipro-Vicitatóre, v. Visitatore. Obs. cal love. Vicitazione, v. Visitazione.

Vicendevolezza, s. f. recipro- Obs. calness, interchange, mutu-Vico, s. m. a narrow street, a alness. narrow lane, a court. Vicendevolmente, adv. reci-Vicolétto, s. m. dim. of Viprocally, mutually, inter- colo. changeably.

Vicerè, s. m vice-roy, one who governs a state instead of a king.

Vicereggente, s. m. vice-regent one who governs for another. Viceregina, s. f. a vice-queen. Vicheria, s. f. vicarage, the jurisdiction of a vicar. Obs. Vicinále, adj. neighbouring, bordering upon, confining. Vicinaménte, adj. near, nearly. Vicinánza, s. f. neighbour hood, vicinity, propinquity. -Vicinanza, the neighbours, -Far buona vicinanza, to be a good neighbour. Vicináre, to be nigh or near, to border upon. Vicináta, s. f.

Vicolo, s. m. dim. of Vico.
Vie, adv. much, much more.

-La sua compagna fece parere il viaggio vie più grato, his company rendered our journey much more agreeable.

Vié. a, s. f. an iron bolt. Vietaménto, s. m. prohibition.

Vietáre, to prohibit, to forbid or defend, to bar or keep from. Vietáre, to avoid, to shun, to escape, or eschew. Vietarivo, adj. that forbids. Vietáto, adj. forbidden, prohibited, avoided, shunned. Vietatore, he that forbids. Vieratrice, fem. of Vietatore. neighbour-Viéto, adj. mouldy, musty,

stale, rusty, stinking, unsavoury, rammush.-- -Questa carne sa di viéto, this meat is a little upon the hogoo. Viéto, old. Vietta, s. f. a narrow street, a by way, a path.

Vicináto, s. m. hood. Vicinità, s. f. proximity, propinquity, nearness.-Vicinità, neighbourhood. Vicíno, s. m a neighbour.Meglio è ricin di presso che fatet da lunge, a good neigh. bour is better than a bad bro-Vitúme, s. m. stale things, ther.-Chi ha mal vicino ha mouldy things.

mal mutuliino, who has a Vie via, adv, so so, pretty bad neighbour has a bad well. morning.-Aver cattivi cici-Vigere, to be strong, lusty, ni, to praise one's self.- fresh. Obs.-0 donna in cui la mia speranza vige, O woman, in whom I have put all my hopes.

icino, adj. near, nigh, neigh bouring, bordering, adjacent, adjoming, neighbours.La mis casa è acina al fiume, my house stands near the river side.--Una provincia vicina, a neighbouring province.--Vicino, prep. near, by. -Sta qui vicino, he lives near this place.-- icino, near, alm st.-Egli è stato in lia. la vicino a tre anni, he lived in Italy almost three years. Si contano in questa terra vicino a mille anime, they reckon in this town near a thousand people. Esser vicino al fare una cosa, to be going about a thing. Eglia fu vicino morire, he

Vigésimo, adj. the twentieth. Vigilante, adj. vigilant, watchful, careful, diligent, wary, circumspect. Vigilanteménte, adv. vigilantly, watchfully, carefully, circumspectly, warily. Vigilanza, s. f. vigilance watchfulness, carefulness, wariness, diligence, circumspection. Vigilare, to be awake, to watch, to be vigilant or watchful. Vigilato, adj. watched.

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igile, adj. vigilant, watchful, careful, diligent.

Viaréccio, adj. travelling, fit to Carry in a journey.-Abito viareccio, a travelling coat. Viático, s. m. all things necessary for a journey, as victuals, money, and the like; voyage provisions.--Vidtico, viati cum, the sacrament given to dying persons.

Viatore, a traveller, a passenger.



the spi

Vibrare, to brandish.-Vibrar ruggi, to shoot forth beams. Vibrato, adj. brandished. Vibratore, he that brandishes. Vibrazióne, s. f. vibration, brandishing or shaking. Vibúrno, s. m. the wild vine or hedge-plant. Vicareria, s. f. Obs. Vicaría, s. f. Vicariato, s. m. ritual cure, benefice, and jurisdiction of a vicar. Vicário, s. m. a vicar.-Il cario d'un.escovo, a bishop's vicar.-Vicdrio, a deputy in a secular office. Vice, s. f. business, affair.Vice vice, a particie used with some nouns, and signifies as much as instead of. Viceconsólo, s. m. a viceconsul. Vicegerente, s. m. vicegerent. one who governs or acts for or under another, a deputy,

a lieutenant.
Vicelegáto, s. m. a vicelegate.
Vicenda, s. f. recompence, one
for another, requital.-Ren-
der la icenda to requite, to
render like for like. icénda,
turn order -Ognuno a i
cenda, every one in his turn
or order.-A er vicenda con

uno, to have a familiarity,
correspondence or acquaint-
ance with one.--Vicenda,
lieu, stead.-Vicenda, busi-
ness, affair.-In buona veri-
tà, che io vo infino alla città
per alcuna mia vicenda, in-
deed I am going as far as the
city for some business.-
Vicenda, vicissitude, altera-
tion change, turn-Ognuno,
è sonoposto alle vicende della.

igilia, s. f. watching giliu, eve or vigil, the day

Vigoreggiato, adj. encouraged,
inclined, stirred up.
Vigorézza, Obs. s. f. vigour,


before.—La vigilia di Natale | Vigoreggiante, adj. that shows front, to revile. Christmas eve.-Vigilia, life. it is vigorous.Vigor gg-Villaneggiato, adj. abused, af -Vigilia, night-guard.-- ante, vigorous, lusty, stout. fronted, reviled. gitin, a watch, or part of the Vigoreggiare, to encourage, to night.-Vigilia, the prayers give courage, to incite, to stir which are sung by the priests up. of the Roman religion over the corpse of the dead the day before they are interred. Vigliaccamente, adv. cowardly, unmanlily. Vigliaccheria, s. f. cowardice, cowardliness, a cowardly act. Vigliaccio, . Vigliuolo. Vigliacco, adj. cowardly, unmanly. Un vigliúcco, s m. a poltroon, a coward, a cow,ardly man. Vigliaccóne, s. m. a very great coward, a despicable coward Vigliamento, s. m. the sweeping off with a broom the husks of corn after being threshed.

Vigorire, to grow vigorous,
stout or strong again. Obs.
-Vigurire, to strengthen, to
make strong, vigorous,



Vigorosamente, adv. vigorous-
ly, stoutly, lustily.
Vigorosità, s.f. vigour, strength.
Vigoróso, adj. vigorous, lusty,



Villaneggiatore, an outrageous, injurious, abusive man. Villanéllo, a country-man, a young clown.--Villanéllo, adj. rural, rustical, country-like.Festa villanella, a rural of country-feast. Villanescaménte, adv. rudely, clownishly, coarsely, in a coarse of gross manner. Villanésco, adj. rustic, rustical, homely, clownish, coarseDrappi villaneschi, coarse clothes. Villanesco, rural, rustical, belonging to the fields, country-like. Villania, s. f. injury, wrong, outrage, offence, abuse, ililanguage. Dir villanie ad uno, to abuse one, to give him abusive language, to call him names.-Villania, a base ac tion, villany, baseness.--Gran villania sarebbe ia mia s'io ogni cosa che a grado i fosse non m' ingegnassi di fare, it would be very base in me, if I did not study to do every thing to please you.--Villania, wrong, injury, injustice.— Messer voi fate villania e non mi far ragione e non volermi udire, Sir, 'tis a wrong thing for you not to do me justice, nor to hear me. Villáno, s. m. villager, an indespis-habitant of a village, a country man, a peasant, a clown, or

Vilánza, s. f. v. Viltà.
Vile, adj. vile, of no account,
despicable, mean, paltry,
base, wicked.-A:ere a vile,
to make no account of, to de-
spise, to scorn, to contemn,
to undervalue. - Vile, base,
cowardly, fearful, timid.-
Vendere o Comprare a vile
prezzo, to sell or buy very
cheap. - Vile, adv. vilely, in
a vile or base manner.
Vilézza, v. Viltà. Obs.
Vilia, s. f. eve or vigil, the day
before. La v lia di Natale,
Christmas eve.

Vigliare, to sweep off with a
broom the husks out of the
corn after it is threshed.
Vigliato, adj. pp. of Vigliare.
Vigliatúra, s. f. separation of
the corn from the husk.
Viglietto, s. m. a note, a billet,
or billet-doux.
Vighuólo, s. m. ears of corn,
or husks which are swept off,
after the corn is threshed.
Vigna, s. f. vineyard.-Vigna,
an engine of war used in for-
mer times.-Porre o piantare
una vigua, not to mind what
others say. E non è terr n da
porri vigan, he is not a man
to be depended on, one can-
not rely on what he says.-Vilipéndio, s. m.
La paura guarda la signa, Vilipensióne, s. f.
the fear of punishment keeps scorn.
offenders from doing ill.
Vignájo, a vine-dresser, a keep-
er of a vine-yard.-Vignajo,
a vine-yard.
Vignajuólo, s. m. a vine dresser,
a keeper of a vineyard.
Vignare, to plant vines.
Vignajo, adj. planted with


s. m. a vineyard.
Vignetta, s. f. a little vine-


Vignuóla, s. f. a small vine.


Vignuolo, s. m. & small vine Vigogna, s. f. an American qadruped so called.

Vigóre. s. m. vigour, strength,
stoutness, sprightliness, force.

Vilificáre, to vilify, to despise,
to undervalue.
Vilificáto, adj. vilified,
ed, undervalued.
Vilipendere, to despise, to vili- country clown.--Però girı fər-


Vilipéso, adj. vilified, despised,

Vilire, to despise. Obs.
Vilità, v. Viltà. Obs.
Villa, s. f. country seat,
try-house, farm house.-Vil-
la, villa.


Villaggio, s. f. village, a num-
ber of country houses or cot-
tages without any wall.
Villanáccio, s. m. a clown, an
uncivil rascal.
Villanamente, adv. uncourte-
ously, rudely, homely, un-
mannerly, uncivilly.-Villa-
na mente, cruelly, barbarously,
inhumanly, unmercifully.
Villanánza, s. f. unkindness,ill-
breeding, clownishness. Obs.
Villaneggiáre, to abuse, to af

tuna la sua ruota come le piace e'l villan la sua marra, therefore let fortune turn her wheel as she pleases, and the peasant his matttock. — FilLáno, a villain, a rogue, a pitiful, sordid fellow.-Villino, adj. rude, clownish, rustic, or rustical, boorish, homely.Villano, villainous, unwor thy, base, pitiful, sordid, shameful.-Villano, cruel, barbarous, inhuman. Villanótto, a lusty strong pea


Villanzóne, a peasant, a coun-
tryman, a husbandman, a
clown.--Cazallone vilian-
zone, a strong horse.
Villáta, s. f. a village.
Villático, adj. rustic, rustical,
of or belonging to a village or
country. Luogo villatico,
rural or country place.

Villeggiare, to dwell in the country, to go to one's country seat.

Villegiato, p. p. of Villeggi


Villeggiatúra, s. f. the being in the country, and the time fit to be in the country for plea


Villeréccio, adj, rural, rustical,
belonging to the fields or
country, country-like.
Villeresco, adj. rustical, ru-
Villésco, ral, of or belong-
ing to the country.-Voca-
bolo villeresco, a word used
among the country people.
-Abito villeresco, country
s. f. a little
Villicciuóla, market-town
or village.

Vilmente, adv. vilely, basely.
Vilpistrello, v. Vispistrello.
Viltà, s. f. cowardice, faint-
heartedness, cowardly act.-
Viltà, pusillanimity, mean.
ness, lowliness.-Viltà, vile-
ness, inconsiderableness.
Viltà, cheapness.
Vilúcchio, s. m. a plant so
Vilúme, s.
Vilumétto, s. m. a small vo-
lume. Obs.

m. a volume.

Viluppo, s. m. thread, silk, or
worsted wrapt up together.
Tiluppo, a pacquet, a bun-
dle.Viluppo, confusion,
disorder, intricacy, embar-
rassment, crowd, trouble, in-
cumbrance, perplexity of
mind, clog, hindrance.
Vime, s. m. a twig or wicker of
osier.Vime, a string, tie,
band or bond. Obs.
Vimine, s. m. a twig or wicker

of osier.
Vináccia, s. f. the kernels or
husks of grapes after the last

Vinacciólo, s. m. the kernel in

[blocks in formation]


Vino, s. m. wine-Vin bionco, white wine.-Vin nero, red wine.-Dimandar l'oste s' egli ha buon vino, nobody will cry stinking fish.-Il buon vino fa buon sangue, good wine makes good blood. -Fin di lecore, a very small wine.-Cavare o Trurre altrui il vin della testa, to make one sober again, to make one know his duty.-Al buon vino non bisogna frasca, good

rod, a switch, a wand.
with conditions or articles.
Vincénte, adj. conquering, Vincolato, p. p. of Vincoláre.
vanquishing, vanquisher.-Vincolo, s. m. tie, band, knot.
Esser vincente, to get the bet-Vincolo, bonds, chains,
ter. -Vincénte, exceeding, bondage.
that exceeds, surpassing. Víndice, adj. revengeful, vin-
Vincere, to vanquish, to sub- dictive-indice Dea, re-
due, to overcome, to con- vengeful Goddess.
quer.-Vincere, to surmount, Vinéllo, s. m. small wine.
to overcome or conquer ob- Vinettino, s. m. small, thin,
stacles to difficulties.-in-Vinétto, S but pleasant
cer se stesso, to conquer one's
self.—Lasciarsi vincere, to
be prevailed upon, to yield,
to give way to.--Lasciarsi
vincere alla pietà, to be
moved to pity.- -Lasciarsi
cincere all' ira, to give way
to passion.-Lasciarsi vin-
cere al dolore, to give one's)
self over to grief.-Vincere, to
surpass, to surmount.-L2
bianchezza della sua carna-
gione vince la neve, the white-
ness of her complexion sur-
passes that of the snow-V-
cere, to root, to root out, to ex-Vinolénto, adj. given to drink
tirpate, to pluck up by the
roots, to destroy.-Vincer il
partito, to carry by majority
of votes.-Vincer una lite,
to carry the cause, to have
judgment given on one's side.
-Vincer danari, to win mo-
ney.—Vincer della mano, to
get the start, to be before-
hand, to prevent.-Vincer di
cortesia, to overcome with ci-
vilities. Dar la vinta, to
yield, to submit, to knock
under. Ve la do vinta, 1
knock under.-Nè si può vin-
cere nè patiare, we cannot a-

Vincévole, adj. vincible, that
may be overcome.
Vinchéto, s. m. a willow-plot,
an ozier-bed.
Vincibile, adj. vincible, that
may be overcome.
Vincibósco, s. m. a plant so

Víncido, adj. soft, flabby.
Vinciglio, s. m. a withe, a
twig to tie a faggot or any
thing else with.
Vinciménto, s. m. victory.
Vincta, s. f. gain, what one
wins in gaming.
Vincitóre, a conqueror, van-

Vincurice, fem. of Vincitore.
Vinco, s. m. osier, or water-
willow.-Finco, a twig, a
withe to tie faggots with.
Vincoláre, to oblige legally

wine wants no bush.

much wine. Un vinolento, a great drinker. Vinolénza, s. f. drunkenness. Vinóso, adj. juicy, full of wine; said of grapes.—Il vinoso Dio, Bacchus. Poet. Vinta, s. f. victory. Obs. Vinto, adj. var.quished, subdued, overcome, conquered. -Vinto, prevailed upon, or with-Vinto, weakened, debilitated, decayed.-Dar vinto, Concedere per vinto, to yield, to give over.-Darla vinta, to agree, to grant.Dar la vinta, to adapt one's self to other people's humours.-Darsi into, Darsi per vinto, to yield, to lay down one's arms, to surren der or submit. Vinúccio, s. m. small wine. Viola, s. f. a violet.—Avviluppar frasche e viole, to tell idle stories, to tell lies.-Viola, a viol, a musical instru- . ment so called. Violacea, s f. a kind of herb. Violamámmola, s. f. a double violet.

Violamento, s. m. violation, transgression.-Violamento, a

rape. Violare, to ravish or force a woman, to commit a rape upon her.-Violáre, to violate, to break, to infringe of transgress.-Violare le leggi, to violate, to break or infringe

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