صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

street-iditeln, an alley or thy man. Obs. walk in a garden. Virudióso, adj. virtuous, hoípera, s. f. a viper.-Lingual ner upright, worthy. Obs. di pera, a virulent tongue. Virtuosamente, adv. virtuousViperájo, s. m. a viper catcher ly, uprightly, honestly, woror hunter.


the laws-iolar l'amicizia, to break the friendship.-icláre, to mar, to corrupt, to deprave.—Volare l'altrui fama, to stain or blemish one's reputation. Violato, p. p. of Viclare.-Viperáto, adj. of or belong-Virtuoso adj virtuous, honest, Violato, purple, of violet co- Vipéreo, ing to a viper. worthy, upright.—Preise, lour.-Violito, made with Viperino, s. m. a young or learned, skilled, skilful, full an infusion of violets.-Sci- little viper, a viper's whelp. of learning-Fino o, virturoppo violato, syrup of vio-iperino, adj. of or belong-ous, efficacious, that has virlets. ing to vipers. Veleno viperi- tue, force, or efficacy in itViolatore, a ravisher, he that no, viper's poison. self, good-Porzuola l'arque ravishes a woman.-Viola Virgapastóris, s. m. fullers- son così virtuɔse come a Lucca, tore, breaker, infringer, trans- weed, teazil. the waters of Pozzuolo are gressor. Virénte, adj. green, verdant. as good as those of Lucca Virginále, adj. virginal, mai- Visáccio, s. m. an ugly face. denly, virgin-like.—Modestra Visaggio, s. m. face, viste. virginule, virginal or maiden-Viscera, s. f.

the bowels, ly look-Bellezza virginale, Viscere s. f. pl. entrails. virginal or modest beauty. Vischio, s. m. bird-lime.

Violatrice, fem. of Violatore.
Violazione, s. f. violation,
transgression, infringement.
-Violazione, a rape.
Violentáre, to force, to com-
pel.-Violentare una femmi-Virgineo, adj. v. Virginale.
na, to force a woman. Virginità, s. f. virginity, mai-
Violentatore, he that forces or
compels.Fiolentatore di
donna, a ravisher.
Violentatrice, s. £. a female
Violentemente, adv. violently,



Vrcho, misletoe, a sort of shrub, out of whose berries bird-lime is made. Vischioso, adj. viscous, clam


Virgola, s. f. a comma, a little
stroke of the pen in writing.
Virgulto, s m. young sprig,
sprout or twic.
Vindità, s. f. greenness.
Virile, adj. of or belonging to
a man.-Virile, stout, va- Viscioláto, s. m. a kind of jel-
liant, manly-Forza virile, ly, or liquor drawn from the
mightiness, great power or sour cherry.
strength.-Animo irile, a Visciolina, s. f. a cherry of
manly courage.-Magnificen- the smallest sort.
za virile, great magnificence. Visco, . Vischio.
Età virile, virility, man- Viscontádo, s. m. viscounty,
the dignity of a viscount.-

Viscido, adj. viscous, clammy,

Visciola, s. f. the red or sour

Violento, adj. violent, fierce,
vehement, boisterous-Ri-
med o violento, a violent re-
medy.-Morte violenta,
violent, unnatural, untimely
death.-Avere in se man sio-
Lenta, to lay a violent hand
upon one's self, to murder
one's self. to commit suicide. Virilità, s. f. manliness, stout-
Vento violento, a boisterous, ness. -Virilità, virility,
fierce wind.-
man's estate, manhood.
violento, a deadly poison.-Virilmente, adv. valiantly,
Busse violente, hard, heavy manly, manfully.
blows.Violento, violent, Viro, s. m. a man, a man earl.

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contudo, viscounty, the ter ritory and jurisdiction of a viscount.

Visconte, s. m. viscount, next in degree below a count er

Viscontéa, ?
Virtù, s. f. virtue, knowledge Viscontería, S

s. f. viscounty.

Violenza, s. f. violence, out--Virtù,virtue,efficacy, force, Viscosità, s. f. viscosity, clam power, property.La virtù miness, a gluish quality." d'un rimedio, the virtue or Viscosetto, adj. a little visco force of a medicine.-La virtù or clammy.

rage, oppression, force. Violenza, violence, fierceness, boisterousness, vehemence. iolenza, violence, eagerness, earnestness. Violétta, s. f. a violet.

Violetto, adj. of a violet colour.


Violino, s. m. violin, fiddle.
-Suonator di violino,
player upon the violin, a fid-
Violoncello, s. m. a violoncel-
lo, a musical instrument so

d'un erba, the virtue of an Viscoso, adj. viscous, clammy, herb.-Le quattrovirtù cardina- slimy.

, the four cardinal virtues:Visétio, s. m. a small tece. prudence, temperance, jus-Visibile, adj. visibile, that may tice, and fortitude.-Le vir be seen or discovered. teoligali, the theological vir-Visibilio, ex. Andere in visibilio, tues; faith, hope, and chari- to disappear, to vanish. 2ty.- Virt, virtues.

Violóne, s. m. a bass-viol.
Viottola, s. f. a by-street, a
Viottolo, s. m. S little narrow


Vituale, adj. effectual, poten-Visibilmente, adv. visibly, de-
tial, virtual.
monstrably, plainly, clearly.
Virtualmente, adv. virtually, Visiera, s. f. the sight or visor
effectually, potentially. of a head-piece.—Mandar
Virtudiosamente, adv. virtu- la visiera, to pull off one's
ously, uprightly, worthily, mask, to pay no respect to
like an honest, upright,wor- any.

Visióne, s. f. vision, every thing one sees in a dream. Visione, vision, apparition, phantasm.--Visióne, vision, seeing, sight.

Visita, s. f. visit.-Fare una visita, to pay or to make a visit. Render una visita, to return a visit.-Andare in visita, to go visiting-Andare in visita, to make the visitation of a diocese.-Visita d'un medico, the visit of a physician. -Visita, search, searching. Visitamento, s. m. visitation, the act of visiting. Visitante, adj. visiting, that


Visitáre, to visit, to go to see. -Visitare un ammalato, to visit a sick body.-Visitare un amico, to visit a friend, to make a visit. Visitare uno con lettere, to write to one, to send him a lettter.-Visitare, to visit, to make a visitation.-Visitáre, to search.-Visiture un vascello, to search a ship.-Visitare delle mercanzie, to search commodities. Il chirurgo ha visitato la ferita, the surgeon searched the wound.-Icommissari hanno visitato il corpo del morto, the coroner sat upon the dead body.--Visitare una casa, to view or survey a house. Visitáto, adj. visited, v. Visi


d'una cosa, not to succeed, to come poorly off-Mostrare il viso, to show one's teeth to one, to look resolute, not to be afraid.-Mostrar buon viso, to look pleasantly upon, to shew one's self kind to.Fur cattivo viso ad uno, to look upon one sourly, or with an ill eye.-Fare viso arcigno, to look gruff or sourly.-Fare il viso rosso, to colour, to blush. Fare viso torto, to look surly upon, or with an ill eye. Dare nel viso, to look very impudent, to have an impudent look.- A viso aperto, a viso scoperto, adv. courageously, boldly.-Dir sul viso, to tell a thing to one's face, freely, frankly.Andar sul viso, to meet one with a threatening countenance.Colle mani e coll' armi vanno in sul viso agli ambasciadori, they go to meet the ambassadors, threatening them with their hands and their arms.-Sul viso, to one's face, before him.-Far viso lieto, to look merrily or chearful.—A viso a viso, adv.before, in the presence, face to face.

Star col viso basso, to look down.-Alzare il viso, to look proud or haughty.-Viso, the sight. Viso, the little black speck of French beans. Vispézza, s. f. briskness, liveliness, vivacity, merriness, gaiety.

Vispistrello, s. m. a bat, a rare


vial, merry.

Vissúto, P. p. of Vivere. Vista, s. f. sight, eye-sight, one of the five senses.Vista acuta, a keen and piercing sight. Perder la vista, to lose one's sight.-Esser di corta vista, to have a weak or dim sight, to be pore-blind.-Vista, sight, view, or eyes.--Perder una cosa di vista, to lose sight of a thing, to see it no more.

Visitatore, a visitor.-Visitatore, a searcher. Visitatrice, fem. of Visitatore. Visitazióne, s. f. visitation.La Visitazione della Madonna, Vispo, adj. brisk, lively, jothe Visitation of our Lady. Visivamente, adv. visibly, Visso, clearly, plainly. Visivo, adj. visual, belonging to the sight.-Visivo, visible, that may be seen. Viso, s. in. face, visage.Guardare uno nel viso, to look one in the face.-Divenir vermiglio nel viso, to blush, to colour.-Vio, look, covatenance.Viso aperto, open, frank, sincere look.-Viso al legro, a chearful countenance. Viso arcigno, grim face, sour, crabbed, gruff look.-Star col viso duro, to look surly.-Mal viso, a surly, crabbed look.Fare il viso a brusco, fare il viso dell' arme, to pout, to look gruff or surly.Cavar buon viso d'una cosa, to succeed or come off well-Cavar mal viso VOL, I.

Lettera di cambio pasabile a vista, a bill of exchange payable at sight.-Grudicare d'una cosa a vista, to judge of a thing at first sight or view.Di prima vista, Į at first sight,| A prima vista

as soon as

seep.-Fare una cosa a vista d tutti, to do a thing in the sight of all the world.-Vista, look,

appearance, show.-Questa casa è di bella vista, this house looks very fine. Questo giardino fu una bella vista, this garden makes a very fine show. -L'oro fa una bella vistu sopra 'l turchino, gold makes a fine show upon blue.-Vista, pros pect.-Vista, search, searching-Questa cassa non si può aprire fin che i veditori non fanno la vista, this chest cannot be opened till the searchers have searched it.-Vista, show, pretence, appearance, outside.Far vista, to make as if, to feign, to pretend, to affect.

Fece vista di non conoscermi, he made as if he did not know me.-Fece vista d'esser malato, he pretended to be sick.-Non fate vista di nulla, take no notice of any thing.

-Bastar la vista, to have the courage to do any thing.-Vi basterebbe la vista di lasciarmi? have you the heart to leave me? could you be so cruel as to leave me?-Etti bastato la vista di maltrattarla? how could you have the heart to abuse her?--Di vista, adv. by sight. -Lo conosco di vista, I know him by sight. Vistamente, adv. quickly, nimbly, swiftly, immediately. Visto, adj. seen.-Visto che, because.-Visto, brisk, lively, quick, sprightly, subtle.-Un uomo visto d'ingegno, a sharp


Vistosamente, adv. prettily, neatly, handsomely, sight


Vistosetto, adj. pretty, handsome, or comely. Vistóso, adj. handsome, comely, graceful, sightly. Visuale, adj. visual. Visualmente, adv. visually. Vita, s. f. life, the union of the soul with the body.Tor la vita, to take one's Trar di vita, life away, to kill him.-Trar vita, o trar la vita, to live.-Non ho di che trarre la mia vita, I have nothing to live upon.-Quando non si ha danari si trae una miserabil vita, one leads a miserable life without money. Vi va della vita, life is at V'è pena della vito, stake, it is death.-Andare alla vita, to attempt upon one's life.Dar la vita, to give one his 4 C

living, that has life,
Vitáre, to avoid, to shun.
Vite, s. f. a vine.Vite, a
screw, a vice.-Una scatola
falta a vite, a screwing-box
Scala a vite, a winding stair-
case, a winding stairs.
Vitebiánca, s. f. briony.
Vitellino, s. m. a small calf.
----Vitellino, adj. yellow, like
the yolk of an egg.
Vitello, s. m. a calt-Della vi-
tella, veal.-Vitella di latte, a
sucking calf.
Viticcio, s. m, the tendril or
young twig of a vine.-Vitic-
cio, a sconce for a candle.
Viticélla, s. f. a young vine.
Vitigno, s. m. a sort of vine so

life, to forgive him.-Doman-
dar la vita, to beg one's life,
to cry quarters.-Dar la vita,
to charm, to please.-Vita,
life, the course of one's life.
In tutta la mia vita non ho
visto una cosa simile, I never
saw the like in all the course
of my life.-Chi ha tempo, ha
vita, as long as one lives, he
may hope for better.-Dare
a vita, to give any thing for
life.la, livelihood, food.
Mendicar la sua vita, to beg
for one's livelihood, to beg
one's bread.-Guadagnar la
sua vita, to get one's liveli-
hood. Regger la vita, to get
one's livelihood.- quanto
sistenta a regger la vita,oh what
trouble to get a livelihood.
Vita, lite, way of living-Far
buona vita, to live well.-Far
mala vita, to lead a sad and
painful life.-Fur vila regolata,
to lead a regular life, to live
regularly.-Menar una vita so-Vittima, s. f. victim, the beast
taria, to lead a solitary life. which the ancients designed
for the sacrifice.-Vittima, a
victim or sacrifice.
Vitto, s. m. food, diet.-Cose
necessario al vitlo, provisions,
victuals.-Guadagnarsi il vitto,
to get one's livelihood.-Gli
do un tanto al giorno per il vitto,
I give him so much a day for
his board.-Vitto, adj. van-
quished, overcome.-Il vitto,
s. m. he that is vanquished or

Vitreo, adj. of or made of
glass, glassy, clear like glass,

Vitrióla, s. f. a plant so called.
Vitriuólo, s. m. vitriol, (a mi-

quisher. Obs.
Vittória, s. f. victory, the up-
per hand, the better.-Aver la
vittorie, to get the victory, to
get the better, to carry the

Nessun mai fu che la sua vita intera senza doglia menasse, no man ever lived without meeting with some troubles.Fassare all' altra vita, to make one's exit, to die.-Passare a miglior vita, to make one's exit, to pass to a better life, to die. Vita, one's way of living, life, course of life.Vita solitaria, a solitary life.Fare una bella vita, to live well, to live a merry life.-Abbrac-Vittore, s. m. conqueror, vanciare la vita religiosa, to embrace a religious life.-Darsi vila e buon tempo, to make much of one's self, to pass away one's time merrily La tua vita non mi piace, I don't like your way of living.Vita, course of life, way of living.-Uomo di santu vita, a man that leads a religious life, or holy life.-Uomo di scellerata vila, a man that leads a wicked life, a wicked man. Vittorioso, adj. victorious. Vita, life, the history of a Vittrice, she that vanquishes. man's life.--Le vite de santi, Vittuaglia, s. f. victuals, prothe lives of the saints.-Vita, Vittuária, vision.-Vittuuria, shape, gait, carriage.-Una food, diet. donna di bella vita, a woman of a fine shape, carriage, or gait.Andare in sulla vita, portur bene la vita, to walk grace


Vithita, s. f. wild-vine.
Vitale, adj. vital-Gi spiriti
vitali, the vital spirits.--Vitale

Vittoriáre, to get the victory.

Vittoreggiante, adj. trium-
phant, victorious. Obs.
Vittoriosamente, adv. victori-

rare.-Vituperato, dishonoured, vile, base, villainous, infamous.

Vituperatóre, he that blames
and reviles.Vituperatóre,
defamer, calumniator, slan-

Vituperatrice, s. f. she that
blames, defames, dishonours,
or slanders.
Vituperazione, a blaming, di
honouring, defaming.-V
perazione, dishonour, shame,
disgrace, infamy.
Vituperévole, adj. blame-wor
thy, blameable. Vituperele,
dishonourable, shameful, in-
famous, discreditable, igno-
Vituperevolmente, adv. blame-
ably, dishonourably, shame.
fully, disgracefully, infamous-
ly, ignominiously.
Vitupéro, 2 s. m. infamy, dis-
Vituperio, honour, ignomi-
ny.-Vitupéro, a shameful act
or action.
Vituperosamente, adv. disho-
nourably, shamefully, igno-

Vituperóso, adj. infamous, dis-
honourable, shameful, dis-

Viva, interj. long live.-Vita
il re, long live the king, God
save the king.—Viva l'Itela
pe' frutti e pel buon vino, give
me Italy for fruits and good

Viváce, adj. lively, brisk, met-
tlesome, sprightly.-Uomo
ace, a sprightly, lively, or
brisk man.
Color vivace, a
lively colour.-Vivace, bright,
adv. lively,

briskly, sprightly.
Vivacézza, s. f. v. Vivacità.
Vivacità, s. f. vivacity, liveli
ness, fire, mettle, sprightliness.
Vivágno, s. m. list of cloth.-
Vivagno, bank, shore, water-


Vivajo, s. m. a pond, a fish-
Vivamente, adv. briskly,
sharply, smartly, vigorously,
strenuously. Vivamente, to
the quick-Offender uno viva-
mente, to offend one to the

Vituperabile, adj. blame-wor-
thy, that may be blamed, or
found fault with.
Vituperare, to speak of igno-Vivánda, s. f. victuals, meat,
miniously, to revile, to blame. food, viands, provisions-La
Vituperativo, adj. that brings vivanda vera è l'animo e la cera,
shame upon, disgraceful. a hearty welcome is the best
Vituperato, p. p. of Vitupe- victuals.

Vivandáre, to eat many things all well dressed, to live the life of a glutton. Not used. Vivandétta, s. f. a rágoo. Vivandiére, s. m. a sutler. Vivente, a living man.-Costei era la piu bella cosa che giammai per alcun vivente veduta fosse, no living man had ever seen a finer thing than this woman. Non si trovare da alcun vivente, to be a great scarcity of.-I miseri viventi, the poor mortals.-Vivente, adj. living, alive.-Le creature viventi, the living creatures.-Non v'è uomo vivente che ardisca dire il contrario, there's no living man. that dares to say the contrary-Vivente il padre, in the

father's time.

Vivere, s. m. provisions, vic-
Vivere, to live, to be living
or alive.Vivere splen-
diamente, to live splendidly,
magnificently.. -Viver alla
grande, to live nobly.-Viver
meschinamente, to live poorly.
-Viver bene, to live well, to
live in clover.-Viver di per
di, to live from hand to
mouth.--Vivere, to live, to
lead a sort of life-Viver da
uomo dabbene, to live like a
good or honest man.-Vivere
regolarmente, religiosamente, to
live regularly, religiously
Viver male, to lead an ill life.
-Non sa vivere, he knows not
how to behave himself.
insegnerò ben io a vivere, I will
teach you how to behave
yourself.-Vivere, to feed, to
live upon-Gli animali vivono
d'erba, brutes feed upon grass.

E se tu fai cosi, di che viverem
nci? and if you go on at that
rate, what shall we live upon?
-Viver d'accatto, to live upon
charity.-Viver del suo, to live
on one's own.-Viver tra due,
to live in suspense.-Vivi pur
sicuro, you may assure your-
self, you may depend upon.
Vivézza, s. f. vivacity, liveli-
ness, mettle, sprightliness.
Vivido, adj. lively, brisk, met-
-tlesome, strong, lusty.
Vivificánte, adj. that revives
or vivifies.
Vivificáre, to vivify, to quick-
en, to revive.

Vivificativo, adj. vivifying, quickening, reviving Vivificáto, adj. vivified, quick

ened, revived.
Vivificatore, he that vivifies,
quickens, and revives.
Vivificatrice, fem. of Vivifica-


Vivoróso, adj.vigorous, strong,
lusty. Obs.

Vivuóla, s. f. v. Vivóla.
Vivuólo, s. m. the gilliflower.
Vivúto, adj. lived.
Víúzza, s. f. narrow street,
Víúzzo, s. m. Sa byway street,
a lane, an alley.
Viziáre, to vitiate, to corrupt,
to spoil, to deprave, to mar.
Viziatamente, adv. fraudulent-

Vivificazióne, s. f. vivification,
the act of giving life.
Vivífico, adj. vivific, reviving.
Vivo, adj. alive, living, that has
life.-Mio padre è viv, my fa-
ther is living.-Trota viva, a
live trout.—Vivo vivo, all alive._ly, deceitfully.
Fu bruciato vivo, he was
burnt alive.-Vivo, lively, brisk,
mettlesome, sprightly--Un
uomo vivo, a brisk lively man.
-Un cavallo vivo, a mettlesome
horse. Occhi vivi, bright,
sparkling or piercing eyes.
Color vivo, a bright or lively
colour-Viva speme, a great
aspiring hope-Pietro viva,
a flint, a flint stone.-Carbone
vivo, a light coal.-Calcina
viva, quick lime.-Fuoco vivo,
brisk fire.-Vivo dolore, a smart
or violent pain.-Di viva voce,
by word of mouth.- Viva
fame, a sharp appetite, a great
hunger.-Per viva fame man-
giavano l'erba, being starved
they eat grass.- -Carne viva,
the quick-Tagliare alla carne
vica, to cut to the quick.-
Viva bellezza, a lively, bloom-
ing beauty..--Argento vico,
quicksilver.- -Anima viva, a
living soul.-Non vi è anima
viva, there's not a living soul, i
there's no body at all-Far
vivo, to vivify, to quicken, to
revive. Farsi vivo, to take!
courage, to chear up.-Via
necessità, extreme or great ne-
cessity.-A viva forza, per viva
forza, by main force, forcibly.

Viziáto, adj. vitiated, corrupt-
ed, spoiled, depraved, marr-
ed-Viziato, cunning, crafty,
sly.Viziato, expert, expe-
rienced, used, skilled.
Vízio, s. m. vice, contrary to
virtue.-Vizio, vice, sin, lewd-
ness, debauchery, wickedness.



-Acqua viva, spring-water.
Fiume vivo, a stream.-Vivo,
s. m. the quick.-Il vivo d'un!
albero, the wood, the inside of
a tree-Questo mi tocca piu nel
vivo, this nearly concerns me.
—Al vivo, adv. to the quick,
to the life.Toccar al vivo, to
touch to the quick-Questo
ritratto è fatto al vivo, this pic-
ture is drawn to the life.
Vivóla, s. f. a viol, a musical
instrument so called.
Vivole, s. f. pl. the vives, a dis-
ease in horses.
Vivóre, s. m. vigour, force,
strength. Obs.
Vivório, s. m. ivory. Obs.
Vivorosamente, adv. vigorous-
ly: Obs.

-Vizio, vice, fault, defect, default, blemish, imperfection, il quality.-Vizio, a longing of a woman with child. Viziosaménte, adv. vitiously. Viziosità, s. f. the quality of being vicious. Vizióso, adj. vitious. Vizzato, s. m. wild vine or black briony. Vizzo, adj. flabby, soft.-Pix20, withered, decayed. Ulcera, s. f. an ulcer, a sore full of putrid matter. Ulceragióne, s. f. v. ElceUlceraménto, s. m. razione. Ulceráre, to ulcerate, to disease with sores.-. Ulcerare, to come to an ulcer. Ulceráto, adj. ulcerated. Ulcerazioncella, s. f. dim, of Ulcerazione. Ulcerazióne, s. f. ulceration,


Ulcero, s. m. v. Ulcera. Obs.
Ulceróso, adj. ulcerous, full of

Uligine, s. f. moistness, damp-
ness, moisture.-Uligine, dus-
tiness, dryness.
Uliginóso, adj. uliginous,moist,
damp, moorish.
Uliménto, s. m. odour, smell,
scent, flavour. Obs.
Ulimíre, to have an odour or
smell, to smell. Obs.
Ulimóso, adj. sweet, sweet-
smelling, fragrant, odorifer-
ous. Obs.
Uíre, v. Olire. Obs.
Uliva, s. f. olive.
Ulivággine, s. f. wild olive
tree. Obs.

Uliváre, adj. of the shape of
an olive.

Ulivástro, s. m. a wild olive

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Umettativo, adj. moistening, that moistens. Umettáto, adj. moistened. Umettoso, adj. moistening. Umettazione, s. f. humectation, moistening. Umidétto, adj. dampish. Umidezza, S. f. humidity, moistness, dampness. Umidíccio, adj. dampish. Umidire, to moisten, to hu


Umidità, s. f. humidity, moist


Umidíto, adj. moistened, hu


Ultimataménte, adv. lastly, at
last, lately, not long ago.
Ultimáto, adj. terminated, fi-
nished, complete, perfect.-
Ultimato, s. Ultimatum.
Ultimo, adj. last.-Domani è
l'ultimo di nel mese, to-morrow
will be the last day of the
month. All' ultimo, adv.
lastly, at last, in the end.
Ultóre, s. m. a revenger, or
radical moisture.
Ultrice, fem. of Ultore-Ul-Umidóre, S.
trice, adv. reveaging, revenge-
ful.-Mano ultrice, a revenge-
ful hand.-Ira ultrice, a wrath
that breathes revenge.
Ululare, to howl, to roar as
the wolf or the mastiff
Ululáto, s. m. howling, roar-
Ululo, Sing.
Umanamente, adv. humanely,
after man's manner.-Umana-
mente, humanely, friendly,
kindly, gently, courteously,
Umanarsi, to take human flesh.
Umanáto, adj. that has taken
human flesh.-Iddio umanato,
God that has taken human
Umanísta, a humanist, one
who is skilled in classic learn-
Umanità, s. f. humanity, hu-
man nature.--Umanità, bu-
manity, mildness, kindness,
good nature, civility, friend-
liness, benignity.
Umáno, adj. human, belong
ing to man-La natura uma-
na, human nature.-Le cose
umane, human things.Let-

Umido, adj. moist, wet, damp,
humid.--Luogo umido, a damp
place.-U'mido, s. m. moisture,
humidity.--Umido radicale, the


Umére, s. m. humour, moisture.- -Umore, humour, phlegm.-Umére, humour, temper, mood, genius, disposition.-Non sono d'umore di scriver oggi, I am not in humour to write to-day-Umr malinconico, hypocondriacal humour.-Umáre, humour, fancy, whim, whimsy.-Ber umore, a humoursome or whimsical man.-Non fair i bell' umore, none of your tricks, I desire you. Umorista, s. m. a whimsical, fickle,humoursome or changeable man, a humorist. Umorosità, s. f. humidity, dampness, moistness. Umorósó, adj. humid, wet, moist, damp.

Un, a. an, one.-Un cœulle, a horse. Una,adv.together, in company. Una volta, once.—Una volta, adv. finally, at last. Unanimamente, adv. unanimously, with one consent or accord.

Unánime, adj. unanimous, of one mind, of one accord. Unanimità, s. f. unanimity, common or general consent. Uncico, u. Uncino. Obs. Uncicare, to hook in.-UUncináre, cináre, to snatch, to wring, to wrest. Uncináto, adj. hooked in, snatched, wringed.-Uncináto, crooked, hooked.-Egli a le mani uncinate, he is lightfingered.

Uncinéllo, s. m. a little hook. Uncinetto, S

m. humidity, moistness, dampness. Obs. Umile, adj. humble, modest, submissive, respectful.U'mile, low, mean, base.-Un uomo di nascita umile, a man of a mean or obscure birth. In poetry we say umile and mile. Umileménte, v. Umilmente. Umiliáca, s. f. a kind of apri-Uncíno, s. m. a hook-Alteccar l'uncing, to lie with a woman- -Aver le mani a uncini, to be light-fingered. Uncinúto, adį, hooked, crooked.Uncinuto, rapacious, greedy, covetous.--Aver la muno uncinuta, to be light-fingered. Undécimo, adj. the eleUndicesimo, venth. Undici, eleven. Undunque, adv. Obs. v. Ovun- ·

Uniliáco, s. m. a kind of apricot-tree.

Umiliáuza, s. f. humility. Obs. Umiliáre, to humble, to depress, to bring low. Umiliársi, to humble one's self. Umiliato, adj. humbled. Umiliazióne, s. f. humiliation, mortification, submission. Umillimo, very humble, modest, submissive, respectful. Obs.

Umilità, Obs. v. Umiltà. Umilmente, adv. humbly, Umileménte, submissively, respectfully, modestly. Umiltà, s. f. humility, lowliness, humbleness, submission, respect. Umoráccio, s. m. bad humour.

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