صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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whereby it is fastened to the knap. Obs.--Unghia di cacallo, a horse's hoof.--Unghia della gran bestia, an elk's hoof. -Unghia cavallina, colt's foot, an herb so called.-Unghia edorata, a kind of drug so called. Unghia, a disease in the eye, called a haw. Unghiato, adj. that has nails. Unghióni, s. m. pl. claws. Unghiúto, adj. that has nails and claws.

U'ngola, s. f. a thin membrane,
which extends itself over the
tunic of the eye.
Unguánno, this year.
Unguentáre, to anoint.
Unguentário, s. m. he that
sells and makes ointments and
perfumes, a perfumer.
Unguentáto, p. p. of Unguen-


Unguentiére, s. m. a perfumer.


Unguénto, unguent, salve, any
ointment.-Avere unguento a
ogni piaga, to have a remedy
for every sore.
Unibile, adj. that may be unit-
ed, easy to be joined.
Unicamente, adv. only, singu-
larly.Unicamente, entirely,
without reserve.--Unicamente,
dearly.Unicamente amato,
dearly beloved.
Unico, adj. only, sole.-
figlio unico, an only son..
Unico, singular.-E unico nel
suo mestiere, he is a singular
person in his trade.
Unicórno, s. m. an unicorn.
Unicornuto, adj. that has but
one horn.
Uniforme, adj. uniform, even,
of one fashion, regular.
Uniformemente, adv. after the
same fashion.
Uniformità, s. f. uniformity.
Unigenito, s. m an only son.
Uniménto, s. m. 2 union, the
Unióne, s. f. Sconjunction
or combination of several
things into onc.-- -Unione,
union, unity, concord, socie-
ty, intelligence, agreement.
Unire, to unite, to join toge-
ther.-Unire, to smooth, to
level, to make smooth, level
Or even -Onire, to curse,
. Obs. and only used in tran-
slating the motto on the En-
glish garter, as follows:
Unito sia che mal vi pensa, hony
soit qui mal y pense.
Unisono, s. m, unison.

Unitamente, adv. jointly, to-

Unità, s. f. unity, unit.-Il nu-
mero è composto d'unità, the
number is composed of units.

Unità, conjunction.-Unità,
union, concord, society, in-
telligence, agreement.-L'u-
mitù della chiesa, the unity of
the church.

Unitivo, adj. unitive, that


Unito, p. p. of Unire.-Unito,
adj. of one mind and will, of
one assent, unanimous, peace-

Unitóre, an agreement-maker,
a compounder of differences,
a peace-maker.
Unitrice, fem. of Unitore.
Univálvo, adj. that has one
single hole; said of some


Universále, adj. universal, ge-
neral.-Universale, s. m. uni-
versity, the whole in general,
generality.Universále, an
universal, that which is com-
mon in several things, a pre-

Universalità, s. f. universality,
Universalmente, adv. univer-
Universamente, sally, ge-
nerally, without any excep-


tere in uno, to bring or put to gether.-Uno, the same.-Ad un' ora avea piacere e noja neil animo, at the same time he was pleased and displeased.

Ad una voce, unanimously. -Ad una, adv. unanimously, with one accord.-Uno, the first, the second.—Gli uni dis cono di si, gli altri dicono di no, some say yes, some say no.-Luno e l'altro, the one and the other, both.—

A uno a uno, one after ano-
A un per uno, ther, singly.
-L'un l'altro, one another,
each other.-S'amano l'un l'al-
tro, they love one another, or
each other.-Nè l'uno nè l'al-
tro, neither.-Tal' uno, some.
-Tule uno, all one.-E tute
unq, it is all one, it is the same,
or the same thing.-E tutť
uno, it is all one, it is no mat-
per L'altro, one with
another.-Un, a certain.-Gli
venne a memoria un Ser Ciappel-
letto da Prato, it came into his
head a certain Mr. Ciappel-
letto of Prato.-Uno, about.

adv. never, ever.

- adv. never, ever.

Questo può valere un dieci scudi, this may be worth about ten crowns. -Uno, piece, head.-Un tunio per uno, so much a piece or head. Unqua, Università, s. f. university, the Unque, S whole in general, generality. Unquanche, -Università, university, a Unquánco, body-politic, a corporation. Unquemái, -Università, university, a Untare, to anoint. nursery, where youth is in- Untáto, adj. anointed. structed in the languages, Un tempo, adv. a long while. arts, and sciences. -Un tempo, formerly, a great Universo, s. m. the universe, while ago. the world, the whole world. Unticcio, adj. a little greasy, -Universo, the university, somewhat greasy. the whole in general, genera- Unto, adj. anointed, greasy.lity.-Universo, adj. univer- Pan unto, a piece of bread sal, general.-L'universo mon- dipped in sauce.-Unlo, s. m. do, the whole world. grease. -Unto bisunto, a fat Univocaménte, adv.univocally. capor-Unto, unction. Univoco, adj. univocal, con- Untório, s. m. ointment. sisting of one voice, sound, or Untosità, s. f. unctuosity, oiliname.-Termini univoci,, univocal terms, such whose name and nature is the same.Segni univoci, univocal signs. Uno, adj. one, a, an. Uno, due, tre, one, two, three. --Uno a uno, one by one.Un uono, a man.-Una donna, Linziońcélla, f. a small or a woman.-Un obbligo, an ob- light unction. bligation.-Tre per uno, each Unzióne, s. f. unction, anointone three. In uno, adv. to- ing-Estrema unzione, the exgether.Recare in, une mo- treme unction.

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Untúme, s. m. unctuosity,
Untuosità, s. f. (an unctuous
matter, the quality of anoint-
ing or greasing.
Untuóso, adj. unctuous, oily,

Vocabolário,s. m. vocabula-
Vocabolista, ry, a dictionary
or book containing a collec-
tion of words alphabetically

Vocabolistário, s. m. a voca-
bularist, a dictionary maker,
a lexicographer.
Vocabolo, s. m. word, name,


Vocale, adj. vocal, belonging
to the voice.--Musica vocale,
vocal music.Nervi vocali,
Vocal nerves, nerves which
supply the muscles of the la-
rynx. Lellera vocale, a vowel,
a single sounding letter.
Vocalizzáre, to use a great
many vowels, or to add vow-
els to the consonants. No
fine word.
Vocalizzato, p. p. of Vocaliz-


Vocalmente, adv. vocally.
Vocare, to call, to name. Obs.
Vocativo, s. m. the vocative


Vocáto, adj. called, named.

Vocazione, s. f. vocation, call-
ing, course of life to which
one is appointed, or inclined.
Voce, s. f. voice.-Voce forte,
strong voice.-Voce acuta, a
shrill voice.Ad alta voce,
aloud, with a loud voice.-
Voce d'un oca, the cackling of
́a goose.-Parlar sotto voce, to
speak softly, or with a low
voice.-Voce, word.-Voce an-
tica, an obsolete word.-Voce,
voice, vote, suffrage.—Dar la
sua voce, to give one's voice
or vote.-Voce attiva, e pasiva,
active and passive voice.
Aver voce in capitolo, to have
great interest or authority.
Egli non ha voce in capitolo, he
is not minded, no body minds
what he says.-Va voce, it is
reported or given out.-Dar
voce, to give out, to spread

have a bad character in the world.-Coprire ad altrui la voce, to drown one's voice, to hinder one's voice from being heard. Eléggere o creare a voce, o a viva voce, to choose by the plurality of votes.-Con voce sommessa, with a low voice.-Ad una voce, unanimously, by one consent.--Dare in sulla voce, to interDar sulla voce, Srupt one in his discourse, to still his din, to make him hold his tongue.-Dure una voce ad uno, to give one a call. Vocerellína, s. f. a little shrill Vogliolóso, v. Voglioso.—Donvoice, a pretty little voice. na vogliolosa, a longing woVociáccia, s. f. a bad, disagree-man. able voice.

great mind, to long.—Di glia, adv. willingly.-Di malz voglia, adv. against one's will, by force-Dar In" voglia, to excite, incite, *provoke, or encourage.-Buona o mala ve glia, good or bad habit of the body.-Voglia, a mole, a spot upon the body. Vogliente, adj. willing. Obs. Voglienza, s. f. will, desire. Obs. Vogliévole, adj. desirous, covetous, lover.

Vociférante, adj. bawling,
crying out aloud.
Vociferare, to bawl, to cry
out aloud.Vociferáre, to
whisper about, to be report-
ed or given out.
Vociferato, p. p. of Vocife-


Vociferatóre, a noisy fellow, a
vociferous declaimer.
Vociferatrice, fem. of Vocife-


Vociferazione, s. f. vocifera-
tion, bawling or crying
aloud.-Vociferazione, bruit,
rumour, news, report, fame.
-E vociferasione, it is report-

ed about.

Vogliolosamente, adv. t. Vogliosamente.

Vogliosaménte, adv. desirously, willingly, eagerly, pas sionately.

Voglioso, adj. desirous, covet ous, longing, willing.-glioso, bold, audacious, daring. Vogliúzza, s. f. some little de sire, the beginning of a longing desire.

Voi, pron. you, ye.-O voi, ele siete in piccioletta baren, O you that are in that little boat.Voi, you. Se a voi aggrate, if you please.

Volamento, s. m. the flying or flight.

Volánte, s, m. shuttle-cockVolánte, adj. flying.-Destrier volante, a flying horse.-Cam Vocina, s. f. a little thin voice. po volante, a flying camp or Vocolézza, s. f. blindness. Obs. army.-Volánte, inconstant, Vócolo, adj. blind. Obs. fickle, light, changeable. Voga, s. f. the rowing-Met- Voláre, to fly.—Voláre, to go ter i remi in voga, to begin to up in the air.-Il vento fa to row.-Voga, way, course.- lar la polvere, the wind makes Pigliar voga in verso un luogo, the dust fly about.-Voláre, to go towards some place, to to fly, to run, to post away. set forward.--Voga, vogue.- Il tempo vola, the time flies or Voga, mode, fashion.-Esser passes away.-Far volar uno in voga, to be in vogue, to be da cavallo, to fling one down cried up. from his horse.-Far eclare Vogare, to row. una mina, to blow up a mine. Vogato, p. p. of Vogare. -Aver il cervel che voli, to Vogatóre, a rower. be inconstant, fickle, light, it is reported or Vogatrice, fem. of Vogatóre. changeable. Corre voce, said.-Nascer voce, Voglia, s. f. mind, desire, long-Voláre,s. m. to be whispered about.Daring, fancy, humour.--Ho gran Volata, s. f. ( buona voce ad uno, to give one veglia d'andarci, I have a great a good character.-Dur catti- mind to go there.-Compir le va voce ad uno, to give one a sue voglie, to gratify one's bad character.-Aver buona wish or desire.--Far le sue vovoce, to have a strong voice. ghe, to follow one's inclina--Aver buona voce, to have a tion.-Cavarsi le sue voglie, to good character in the world, satisfy one's self to the full. to be reputed an honest man.

E voce,

-Aver mala voce, to have a bad voice. Aver mula voce, to

-Aver mala voglia contro a qual cuno, to bear one an ill-will. -Morirsi di voglia, to have a

flight or flying. Volática, s. f. tetter, ring.


Volátile, adj. volatile, that flies or can fly.-Animale ve latile, a flying creature.-V latile, volatile-Spirito volatile, volatile spirit.-Sale volatile, volatile salt.-I volatili, s. m. pl. all flying creatures collectively taken.

Volatio, s. m. poultry, fowl.

Obs. Voláto, s. m. the flight or flying of a bird. Volato, adj. fled, flown. Volatúre, s. m. flier, flying, that flies.-Volator destriere, a flying horse.

Volatrice, fem. of Volatore. Volénte, adj. willing.-Non volente, not willing, unwilling. Volentiéri, adv. willingly, readily, freely, gladly, chearfully.

Volentierménte, adv. willingly.


Volenza, s. f. will, mind,

sure. Obs.

Volére, to will, to be willing, to please, to be pleased, to have a mind-Se voi volete, if you will, if you please.-Voglio che sia così, I will have it so.-Fatelo quando volele, do it when you please, or when you have a mind.-Io non voglio, I will not, I won't.-Io vo' che sappi, I will have you know. Non dir più così, voglitene venir meco, say no more, but come along with me. -Idilio lo voglia, God grant it. Iddio non vogla, God forbid.-Volere, to wish. -Vorrei che, I would, I wish that.

quelche delle vesti, one ought| to use lovers as one's cloaths. -Voler piovere, it looks as if it would rain.-Il pane non vorrebbe passar il giorno, bread ought to be of one day's baking-Voler l' accusativo, to govern the accusative case.


-Amare vuol l'accusativo, to love governs the accusative case. Voler la gatta, to be in earnest.-Non voler la gatta, to be in jest.-Chi non può quel che vuol, quel che può soglia, they who cannot as they will, must will as they may. plea---Volerla con uno, to have a design upon a person.-2ualsivoglia, whosoever, whatsoever. Sia come si voglia, be as it will, however it be, however.-Vulere, to be.-0 vuoi di seta o di lana, be of silk or worsted.-Volere, s. will, pleasure.-Secondo il vostru volere, according to your will or pleasure.-Mulvolere, ill-will or intention.-Di buon volere, willingly. Volganaménte, adv. vulgarly, commonly. Obs. Volgáre, adj. vulgar, common, general.-Lingua volgare, vulgar, vernacular tongue.-Volgare, vulgar, common, ordinary, mean, base, vile, trivial.Como volgure, a vulgar mean man, an idiot, a man of no learning-Volgáre, s. m. the vulgar tongue; that is, Italian when opposed to Latin.-Tradurredi Latinoinvolgare, to translate Latin into Italian. Volgarizzaménto, s. m. translation in the vulgar tongue; that is, in Italian. Volgarizzare, to translate out of a dead language into the vulgar tongue; that is, in Italian-Volgarizzáre, to explain or expound, to make plain or intelligible. Volgarizzáto, adj. translated into the vulgar tongue, or into Italian. Volgarizzatore, a translator out of a dead language into the vulgar tongue; that is, in Italian.

Che volete? what would you have?-Non sa quel si voglia, he does not know his own mind.-Volére, to must,

ex.-L'ulivo non vuol esser tagliato, the olive-tree must not be cut. Volere, to think, to be of opinion or mind.-Altri vogliono altrimente, some think otherwise-Voler bene a qualcheduno, to love one, to wish one well, to be his hearty friend.-Voler male ad uno, to hate one, to bear him an illwill, to be his enemy.Non gli lasciò in capo capello che ben ghi volesse, she tore every hair off his head.--Voler dire, to nean, to signify.-Che vuol dir ciò? what means that? what is the meaning of that? Ciò vuol dire tal cosa, that signifies such a thing-Volere, to be fit, convenient, or necessary-Elle si vorrebber vive Volgarizzatrice, fem. of Volmetter nel fuoco, they ought to garizzatore. be burnt alive.-Chi ha a fare con Tosco, non vuol esser lesco, who has to deal with the Tuscans must be cunning. Si vuole appunto far degli amanti

Volgarmente, adv. vulgarly, commonly.-Volgarmente, in the vulgar tongue, in Italian. Volgénte, adj. turning, that


Vólgere, to turn-Volgere gli occhi, to turn one's eyes.Volger a drita, o a finistra, to turn to the right or to the left.-Volgere indietro, to turn backwards.-Volger i passi verso qualche luogo, to go towards some place. Non so dove volgermi, I don't know which way to turn myself.-Il tempo si volge a freddo, the weather grows cold.—Volger il pensiero a qualche cosa, to turn or bend one's thoughts upon a thing.-Mille cose mi si volgon nel pensiero, a thousand things revolve in my mind.-Volger l'ira sopra una persona, to vent or wreak one's auger upon one.-Già il festo anno volgea che in oriente passò il campo Cristiano all' alta impresa, it was the sixth year since the Christian army went to the East for the great conquest.-Vulgere, to induce, to lead, to entice, to persuade or draw on.-Ostinato in sulla sua credenza, volger non si lisciaza, fixed in his opinion, he would not be persuaded.-Volger le spalle, to run away, to betake one's self to flight, or to one's heels.-Volgere, to turn round. -Volgere un mulino, to turn a mill. Volgere, to rule, to manage or govern-Volger l'armi contro il nemico, to turn one's forces against the enemy.-Votersi, to traverse, to thwart or cross-ler ogni fuscel d paglia che vi si volge fra i piedi, bestemminte Iddio, e. la madre, e tutta la corte del paradiso, a bit of straw which. you meet in your way makes you curse God, his mother, and all paradise-Vilgere, to move, to stir.-Volere, to incline.-2esto fiore volge al turch no, this flower inclines. to blue.-Folgere, to change,s to alter.-Voi er lo dine delle cose, to change or alter the order of things.-Folgere to vault, to make an arch roof, to arch.-Valgere un ponte, to arch or make the arches of a bridge.Volgersi, to turn, said of wine when it, spoils and grows acid.-l vino comincia a volgersi, the wine be gins to turn, to spoil.-Volgersi aduno, to go over to one, to side with him, to be of his side.

crafty. Obs.

to take one's turn.-Toccer la volta, to supplant one.Alle volte, sometimes. Voltabile, adj. changeable, inconstant, fickle, variable. Voltamento, s. m. the act of turning, turning. Voltánte, adj. turning. turn-Voltáre, to turn.-Voltar i val

Volgimento, s. m. the act of Volpígno, adj. of or belong-
whirling or turning round, Volpino, ing to a fox, craf-
turning or winding about, ty, cunning, sly, witty, subtle.
fetching a compass.-Volgi- Volpo, adj. siy, cunning, wily,
mento di testa, a dizziness or
giddiness.- –Volgimenti della
fortuna, vicissitudes of fortune.
Volgitóre, he that turns about.
Polgitrice, fem. of Volgitore.
Volgitrice, adj. that turns.-La
fortuna volgutrice, fortune that
turns, changes, or alters every
Volgo, s. m. the vulgar, the
common people, the rabble,
the multitude.
Volitáre, to flutter.
Volitóre, s. m. a lover, he that
loves or likes. Obs.-Io jui
sempre volitor di pace, I always
was a lover of peace.
Vollienza, t. Volontà.
Volo, s. m. flight, the flying of
a bird.-Levarsi a volo, to soar,
to fly.-Levarsi a volo, to do
a thing rashly, unadvisedly.
-Dure il volo, to forsake one,
to leave one in the lurch.
Di volo, adv. suddenly, im-
Col volo,mediately, in a



Volonta', s. f. the will, a faculty of the soul.-Volontà, will, mind, pleasure.-Di sua volontà, voluntarily, spontaneously, freely, of one's own accord-Di volontà, willingly. Volontariamente, adv. voluntarily, freely, spontaneously. Volontário, adj. voluntary, spontaneous.--Volontário, S. m. a volunteer.

Volontarioso, adj. desirous,
willing. Obs.

Volonterosamente, adv. volun-
tarily, spontaneously, wil-
Volonteraso, adj. desirous,
willing, ready.-Volonteroso,
desirous, covetous.
Volpato, adj. of or belonging
to a fox.-Volpato, blighted,
blasted.-Grano colpato, blast-
ed corn.

Volpe, s. f. a fox.-Volpe, a
cunning fox, a sly cunning
manE'v'abboja la volpe,
'tis dangerous to go there.
➡Belle volņi si piglia, cunning
men sometimes are taken in.
-Volpe, blight, a malady that
Ettacks plants and trees.
Vo-petta, s. f.
Volpicella, s. f.
Volpicína, s. f.
Volpicino, s. m.

a fox cub.

to come back.

to, to turn one's face.-Volter

faccia, Voltar le spalle, to turn one's back, to run away.Voltare a dritta o a finistre, to turn to the right or left hand. --Poltáre, to change.-Voltare, to roll, to wallow, to tumble.

Paltare, to wane, to decrease.-Voltársi, to change or alter one's mind. Voltáto, adj. turned. Voltazióne, s. f. the act of whirling or turning round, a turning or winding about. Not in use.

Volpóne, s. m. a large fox, or
a male fox-Volpone, a cun-
ning, sly, crafty man.
Volta, s. f. a whirling or
ing round, a turning or wind-
ing about.-Volta di tempo,
alteration or vicissitude of
time.-Dar volta, to turn one's
back, to fly, to run away.--
Dar la volta tonda, to turn
Dar colta,
Dar a volta,
-Dar la volta, to set, to go
down; speaking of the sun.
Dar la volta, to wane or de-
crease, speaking of the moon.
-Stare sulle volte, to be or lie
upon the catch.-Rubar la
volta, to turn too short.-An- Volteggiamento, s. m. the act of
dare in volta, to rove or ram- turning about, of whirling.
ble about.-Fur le volte del Volteggiáre, to turn, to turn,
lione, to pass and repass, to about, to go about, to go turn
go to and fro-Dare o pigliare ing and winding, to whirl or
una volta, to take a walk-wheel about.
Dar la volta ad un vaso, to Volticciuóla, s. f. a small vault
overturn a vessel.--Dar la or arched place.
volta al canto, to go beside
one's self, to grow mad.-Dar
la volta, to turn, to grow
sour, speaking of wine.-Vol-
ta, a vault, a vaulted roof or
cieling.- -Volta, a vault, a
wine-cellar.-Dopo volta, af-
terwards.-Star in su le volte,
to labour, to roll as a ship
does in a calm.-Alla volta,
prep. towards.-Alla volta di
Roma, towads Rome.-Alla
volta mia, towards me.-Volta,
time.-ento volte, hundred
times.-Una volta, once-Due
volte, twice.-Tre volte, three
times.-Uno alla voita, one at
a time. Altre volte, formerly, Voltoláre, to tumble, to roll-
some time ago.-Assai volte, Voltolare uno nel fango, to'
several times.-Più volte, very tumble or roll one in the dirt.
often, many a time.-Tulie-Voltolársi, to roll one's self,
volte che, every time that. to wallow.-Voltolársi nel lette,
Tutte volte, however.-Le pu to turn about and about ia
volte, very often.--Parecchie¦ bed.-Votolarsi nel funge, to
volte, several times, often.- wallow, to welter in the dirt.
Alcuna volta, sometimes.-Da
-Poltolaito, part. pass. of Vol.-
una volta in sù, more than tolare.
once.--I più delle volte, for the
most part.--Ogni volta, every
time, whenever.--Volta per
volta, by turns, alternately.
Toccur la volta, to be in one's
turn-La volta to:ca a voi, it
is your turn.-Piglar la volta,

Volto, adj. turned.-Volto, reddish colour.-Vin volto, sour wine.-Volto, s. m. face, visage.- -Gittare al volto, o in volto, to twit in the teeth, to throw a thing in one's dish. -Mostrare il volto, to show one's teeth, to show one's self resolute.-Egli non ha volto da mostrarsi, he has not the face to shew himself, he is ashamed to shew himself. Voltójo, s. m. the snaffle of a bridle.

Voltolamento, s. m. a rolling, tumbling, tossing, or wallowing.

Voltolóni, adv. tumbling, roll-
ing.-Andar voltoloni, to roll
or tumble about.
Voltúra, s. f. revolution, change
or turn of affairs. Obs.-Pol-
túra, assignment, a making
over of a thing for the pay


ment of a sum. Volúbile, adj. unconstant, changeable, mutable. lubile, s. f. rope-weed, withewind, bind-weed. Volubilita', s. f. volubility, fickleness, inconstancy, changeableness.-La volubilità d' una ruota, the volubility of a wheel.-Volubilità di lingua, volubility, fluentness, or nimbleness of tongue. Volubilmente, adv. with vo. lubility, nimbly, fickly, Volvere, v. Volgere. Volvitóre, s. mhe or she Volvitrice, s. f. that turns or rolls about.-Fortuna voltitrice, changeable or inconstant fortune.

of bad character. Vomire, to vomit, to spue, to cast or bring up. Obs. Vomitaménto, s. m. a vomiting.

Vomitáre, to vomit, to spue, to cast or bring up.-Vomitare, to expel, to drive out. Vomitato, p. p. of Vomitare. Vomitatório, s. m. a vomitory, a medicine that causes provokes vomiting, a vomi tive. Vomitévole, adj. that causes or provokes vomit.


Volúme, s. m. volume, a part
of a large book, tome.-Vo-
lume, a mass of any thing.
-Volume, confusion, disor
der, trouble. Obs.
Volumétto, s. f. a small book,
a small tome.

Volunta', s. f. v. Volontà. Obs.
Voluntariamente, v. Volonta-
riamente. Obs.
Volúta, s. f. volute, that
of the capital of a pillar
turned into spiral lines.-
Voluto, part. pass. of the verb

Volutta', s. f. voluptuousness,

Voluttuoso, adj. voluptuous,
sensual, given to pleasures.
Uomaccino, s. m. a puny, slen-
der, or little man.
Uomáccio, s. m. a clumsy, ill-
shaped man; a clownish-look-
ing fellow,a good-for-nothing
tall or fat man.
Uomaccióne, s, m. a tall fellow,
a very clownish, clumsy, ill-
shaped, unsightly, ill-man-

nered fellow.

Vómere,s.m.coulter, plough-
Vomero, share.

Vómica, s. f. a kind of distem-
per-Vomica, a kind of eme-
tic medicine.

Vomicáre, to vomit, to cast
or bring up.
Vomicato, p. p. of Vomicare.
Vomichevole, adj. vomitory,
that causes or provokes vo-
miting-Medicina comichevole,
an emetic medicine.
Uomiciátto, s.
a shrimp.
Uomináccio, s. m. a senseless
fellow, a mean man, a man

m. a little
man, a dwarf,

Vomitivo, adj. vomitory, that provokes vomiting.-Un vomitivo, s. m. a vomitive, an emetic, a potion to cause vomiting.

Vómito, s. m. vomit, that matter that is vomited.-Il cane ritorna al vómito, the dog returns to his vomit.-Ritornare al vémito, to commit the same fault again.-Vomito, p. p. of Vomire.


Uomo, s. m. a man.-Uomo, one, a man, a body.-Uomo, a husband.-Io trovai l'uom tuo che andava a città, I met with husband, who was going to town.--Uomo, a subject a vassal.--Il Marchese di Saluzzo da' suoi uomini costretta di pigliar moglie, the marquis of Saluzzo, compelled by his subjects, to marry.-Uomo d'arme, a military man, a soldier, a martial man.-Como d'arme, a cuirassier, a horseman.--Uomo di corte, a courtier.-Uomo di tempo, an old man.Uomo di mondo, o del mondo, a worldly, sensual man, a man of pleasure.Uomo di mondo, a man who knows the world, a man of experience.-Uomo d'animo, a godly or religious man.-Uomo di sangue, blood-thirsty, bloody, cruel, sanguinary man.-Uomo di testa, an obstinate, stubborn, head-strong man.-Uomo di buona testa, a long-headed man, a wise prudent man.-Uomo dolce, a gentle, mild, meek, sweetnatured,sweet-tempered,tractable, affable man. — Uomo dolce di sale, a shallow-brained man.-Uomo di ferro, a strong, stout, vigorous man.-Uomo vivente, a living man.-Uomo di garbo, a worthy man, a man of good address.Uomo di

buona pasta, a good-natured man.-Uomo di grossa pata, a clumsy, dull, clownish, unpolished man.-Uomo fatto, a grown man.-Uʊmo da bosco e da riviera, a clever, handy, cunningman.-Esser un uomo, to be a reputable man, a man of note.-Conoscere uomo, to know man, to have a carnal knowledge of man.-Uomo di penna, a merchant.-Uomo di penna, a writer.-Uomo di spada, a man that wears a sword, a swords-man.-Uomo di spada, a soldier.-Uomo di toga, a lawyer or magistrate. -Fare da uomo, to act like a man of courage.-Fare l'uomo addosso altrui, to hector, to insult, to abuse another, to bully one.- -Uomo onorato, a man of honour.-Uomo di conto, a man of distinction.-Uomo di reputazione, a man of good reputation, a reputable man.— Uomo basso, a mean man, a man of low birth.-Uomo orgoglioso, a proud man.-Uomo rigoglioso, a tall, lusty, jolly man.-Uomo chetc, a peaceable man, a man of few words. -Uomo fatto da alcuno, one that has been made or preferred by another.-Uomo di messo, mediator.-Uomo di guerra, a man of war, a soldier.-Uomo, a man of courage. Uomo di paglia, a man

of straw.

Uopo, s. m. good, benefit, advantage, interest.-Ciò potrebbe esser a vostro uopo, this might be for your good.Bene a tuo uopo se tu stai cheto e lascini fare, it will be better for you to be quiet and let me do what I have a mind -Mule a tuo uopo, so much the worse for you.-Adumo assaggiò male a sno nopo dei frutto che gli fu vietato, Adam eat of the forbidden fruit to his loss or detriment.- Uupo, need, want, necessity, lack.

E uopo, 'tis needful or ne. cessary.- Aver uopo, to be needful or necessary. Voráce, adj. voracious, ravenous, gluttonous, immoderate in eating.-Animal vorace, a ravenous beast.-Fiamma vorace, a fierce flame. Voracità, s. f. voracity, greedi ness, gluttony. Voragine, s. f. a swallow or

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