صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

gulf, a whirlpool, a quag

mire. Voráre, v. Divorare. Obs. Vorató e, a devo er, he that

devours. Obs.

Voratrice, femin. of Voratore.


Voratúra, s. f. the act of de-
vouring. Obs.
Vortice, s. f. vortex, whirl-

Vorticóso, adj. full of whirl-

Uosa, s. f. spatterdashes. Obs.
Vosco, with you.
Vostríssimo, more than yours,
yours again.--Vostro, vos
trissimo, yours and yours
Vostro, adj. your.-Vostro pa-
dre, your father.-Vostra ma-
dre, your mother.-lo son vos-
tro, I am yours.-Questo è vos-
tro, this is yours.-Vostro, .
m. your estate, your goods
or wealth.-Io vi vidi sul vos-
tro, I saw you in your estate.
-Perchè volete splendere il vos-
tro così prodigamente? why will
you squander away your
wealth so profusely?-
vostri, your relations or

Upúpa, s. f. a bird called
whoop or hoop.
Urbanaménte, adv. civilly,
courteously, gracefully.
Urbanità, s. f. urbanity, civi
lity, civil behaviour, good


Luogo voto, an empty place.
-Una borsa vota, an empty
purse-Voto, defective, poor,
wanting, jejune, void. Un
uomo voto di giudizio, a man
without judgment, wit, or
sense. Mani cote, empty
hands, that bring no presents.
-Corpo voto, an empty sto-
mach.-Bestia vota, an empty
beast of burden, that is with-
out burden.-Cavallo voto, an
empty horse, without a rider.
-In voto, in vain.
Voto, s. m. a vow.-Far voto, Urgente, adj. urgent, press
to make a vow.-Adempiere ing, earnest.-Urgenti bisogni,
il voto, to perform or fulfil a
urgent necessities.
vow-lo fo voto a Dio, I vow Urgenteménte, adv. in an ur-
to God, I swear.- -Voto, agent or pressing manner.
vow, a little image which is Urgénza, s. f. urgency, press-
put in the churches in com- ing necessity, haste or busi
pliance to one's vow.-Voto, ness.
a vote, voice, advice, or opi-
nion concerning a matter in

Urbáno, adj. civil, courteous,

Uretére, s. f. pl. ureters, the
two urine pipes from the
reins to the bladder.
U'retra, s. the passage of the

Uovicíno, s. m. a small egg.
Uovo, s. m. an egg-Piene come
un uovo, as full as an egg.-
Uova di pesce, the spawn of
fishes.-Pasqua d'uovo, Easter.
-1-Far l'uova, to lay eggs.-E'
non è come l'uovo fresco, ne d'og-
gi nè di jeri, he is not a child,
he was not born yesterday.
-Acconciar l'uova nel paniere,
to make up one's business.

U'rgere, to urge, to press or
provoke. Obs,

Uria, s. f. augury, sign, token,
omen. Obs.
Urlamento, s. m. a howling,

Votabórse, adj. expensive, chargeable.-Un votaborse, s. m. an expensive, extravagant




Urlánte, adj. howling, roaring,
that howls, that roars.
Urláre, to howl, to roar.
Urlato, adj. howled, roared.
Urlatóre, he that howls or

Urlatrice, fem. of Urlatóre.
Urlo, s. m. howl, howling.-
Urlo; voce mesta e lamentecole
che si manda fuori per dolore, la-
mentation, the act of be-
moaning or bewailing, moan-
ful shriek.

Urna, s. f. pitcher, water-pot, urn.-Urn, an urn into which they used to put the ashes of the dead-Urna, an urn or ballot-box.

Urtaménto, s. m. a push, a

Voler l'uovo mondo, to have a Votacésso, s. m. a gold-finder. mind for a thing without Votagióne, s. f. giving one's self the trouble Votaménto, s. m. to look for it.-E' non c'è uova, Votare, to empty, to clear, to che non guazz, 'tis a good horse make void or empty.-Volare that never stumbles, and a un fiasco, to empty a bottle.- good wife that never grum Far votar la sella ad uno, to bles -Rompere l'uovo in bocca, throw one down from his to break one's measures, to horse.-Volare una camera, to disappoint or baffle his declear a room.-Votare uno stag-signs, to interrupt him that no, to drain a pond.-Votare is speaking.-Vedere il pel nell' un luogo, to leave a place, to uovo, to be clear-sighted, or march away.-Votare il paese, of an acute wit.-Cercure iling, butting. to leave the country.-Votare, pel nell' uo, to mind every to vow, to promise.-Votare, individual thing, to look narto vote, to give in one's voice. rowly into a thing, to be Votársi, to devote or conse- over scrupulous in examinacrate one's self. tion.-E meglio oggi l'uovo che Votato, adj. emptied.—Vitáto, non domani la gallina, a bird in vowed, promised, devoted. the hand is worth two in a Votatóre, s. m. he that empties. bush.

Votature, he that vows or
makes vows. Not in use.
Votatrice, fem. of Votatore.
Votézza, s. f. emptiness, va-
Votivo, adj. that is promised
by a vow, votive.
Voto, adj. empty or void.-

Uòvolo, s. m. a white sort of
mushroom, not good to eat.
-Uórol, the knot of a reed.
-Uévolo, the slip of an olive-
tree for planting.Uovólo,
wave, ogee (in architecture.)
Upiglio, s. m. great or wild
garlic, African garlic.


Urtante, adj. knocking, dash

Urtare, to knock, to hit, to
dash, to run against-Urtere
contro i nemici, to fall upon the
enemy, to rush upon the ene-
my.-Urtáre, to contradict, to
gainsay.- -Prese consiglio lo
Imperadore di non urtare co'
Fiorentini, the Emperor re
solved not to fall out with
the Florentines.
Urtáta, s. f. dashing, strik-
Urtatúra, ing, running

Urtáto, p. p. of Urtare.
Urto, s. m. shock, onset, en-
counter.-Torsi in urte uno,

[blocks in formation]

use of. Not used.
Usátto, s. m. buskin, spatter-


Usattíno, s. m. spatterdash,
small boot.
Usbérgo, s. m. corslet, cuirass,
an armour for the back and

country. Tu sa' il mio usato, to prove abortive.--Mi e' cayou know my way-Com'è duto il presente sull' uscio, my l'usato loro, as they used to be. designs are miscarried, have -Piu dell' usato, more than proved abortive.Strignere usual.—Ben mi par di vederla fra l'uscio, e 'l muro, to force, piu dell' usato suo cangiata in to press, to urge.--Trovarsi vista, I think she is very much fra l'uscio el muro, to find altered in her countenance one's self in great distress.from what she used to be. Attaccar le voglie alla campanella Usato, adj. common, usual, dell' uscio, to lay aside one's inordinary, wonted.Usato, clinations.--Entrar per l'uscio, accustomed, used, inured. to go the right way to work.. Io non sono usato a questa ma-E scritto sull' uscio, it is as niera di vita, I am not used to plain as the day.--Nascer ti this way of living.-Egli è possa l'erba all' uscio, may no molto usato alla chiesa e alla man ever enter your house. predica, he goes very often to An imprecation. church and to sermon.- Usciolino, s. m. a little door. Usato, wonted, frequented. Uscire, to go or come out.→→→ E una vietta non troppo usata, it Uscir da casa, to go out of is a path not much frequent- doors.-Questo non è tempo d' ed.-Usato, worn out, old.- uscire, this is not a time to go Abito usato, old or second-out.-Uscire, to go to.-Questa hand clothes.-Libri usati, old porte esce al giardino, this door or second-hand books. goes to the garden.-Uscir Usatore, he that uses or makes sangue del naso, to bleed at the nose.-M' esce sangue del naso, my nose bleeds.——Uscire, to dispatch or make haste.Uscir di se, to be astonished or surprised, to be out of one's wits.-Voi mi fate uscir di me, you amaze or surprise me.Uscir del proposto, to talk out of the purpose, to go astray from one's purpose.-Uscir di senno, to grow mad-Uscir di bando, to be recalled from banishment -Uscir de gangheri, to grow mad, to rave, to be light-headed.---Tu mi faresti uscir de gangheri, you could make me mad.--Uscir ruzzo, to be out of conceit with a thing.Egli me nè uscito il ruzzo, my mind is over, I have no more mind to it.-Uscir di passo, to take quite another course.-lo lo faro ben uscir di U'scio, s. m. a door, a gate. passo, I shall order him right. Tenere ad alcuno l'uscio, to for--Uscir dell' animo, to go out bid the house.-Dissigli che of one's mind, to think of a niuno uscio della mia casa gli si thing no more-Uscir di mente, poteva tener serrato, I told him to go out of one's head, to that my house was never shut forget.-Uscire a riva, to comə against him, that I never for- ashore, to land.--Uscir del lacbid him my house.-Vedersi i cio, to escape.-Uscir di pena, nemici all' uscio, to see the ene- to end or finish one's trouble my at one's heels.-Uscio, the or pain. Fiaccandoti tu il collo door that shuts or opens.-- uscirai della pena nella quale esser D'avorio uscio, e finestre di zaf- ti pare, if you break your firo, door of ivory, and win- neck, you will get out of that dows of sapphire.-Picchiar pain that you think you are l'uscio col pie, to give or to in.User di strada, to go out make presents.-Cadere il pre- of one's way, to go astray. sente in sull' uscia, to miscarry, Uscire, to end.--Non so dove

Uscénte, adj. going or gushing
out.-Uscente il Maggio, at the
latter end of May.
Uscétto, s m. a little door.
Usciále, s. m. a piece of tapes-
try; a skreen before a door
to keep out the wind.
Usciéra, s. f. a she door-keep-

Usáre, to be wont.-Usare, to
converse, to keep company
with, to haunt. -Usare con
uno, to frequent, to converse
or keep company with one-
Usare, to use, to make use of,
to employ. A niuna persona
fa ingiuria chi onestamente usa
la sua ragione, he wrongs no-
body who uses his own rea-
son.-Usare un' espressione, to
use or make use of an expres-
sion.-Usare con una donna, to Usciére, s. m. porter, door-
have to do with a woman.- keeper, a keeper of a prison.
Usar misericordia, to shew mer--Usciere, a transport-ship.
cy.-Usáre, to go or resort often
to a place.-Usar le taverne, to
frequent taverns.-Usare, to
use, to waste, to consume.-

Si usano molte legna in quella casa, they burn a deal of wood in that house.-Usare, to wear out, to wear off.-Usare un abito, delle scarpe, &c. to wear out a suit of clothes, shoes, &c.-Usar male, to abuse, to misuse. Usáta, s. f. fashion, custom, way. Obs. Usatamente, adv. commonly, usually, generally. Usáto, s. m.custom,usage, common practice, fashion, way. -E l'usato del paese, that's the use, custom, fashion of the


Usciménto, s. m. a going out,
a way out.-Uscimento, issue,
success, end.

to have the use Usufruttuáre, and profit of a thing without property. Usufruttato, participles of

gale. Usitataménte, adv. usually, commonly, generally. Usitato, adj. usual, common, Usufruttuato, Usufruttare and Usufruttuare.


voglia uscire, I don't know Usignuólo, s. m. a nightin-Usufruttare, what he would be at.--Uscir l'ira, to be friends again.Marcia che esce d'una piaga, the matter that issues from a wound.Uscir della predica, della commedia, to come from Uso, s. m. use, custom, usage, Usufrutto, s. m. use and profit the sermon, or out of the play. common practice, fashion, without property. -Uscir dell' infanzia, to be way-Lungo uso vince dritto e Usufruttuário, s. m. usufructupast a child.-Uscire odore, to ragione, an old custom is bet- ary, one who has the use and smell, to yield a good smell. ter than right and reason.—Esce un buon odore di questa Il bene dell' uomo non è posto property and right of it. profit of a thing, but not the rosa, this rose smells well.-nell ungo spazio del tempo ma nell' Usúra, s. f. usury, higher inUscir di vita, to make one's us, the happiness of a man is terest of money than one exit, to die.--Ustir del corpo, placed not in the long space ought to pay.-Prestare a to void. Un luogo da uscir of time, but in the way of usura, to lend upon usury.del corpo, a house of office. using it.-L'uso è quello che è il Prestatore ad usura, an usurer, Uscir di bocca parole ad uno, to vero maestro in ogni cosa, use is one who lends upon usury. talk rashly.Usrir del semi- the umpire in every thing.-Render con usura, to return nato, v. Seminato.--Fare uscire Mettere una cosu in uso, to use with usury. uno, to induce, to urge or a thing. Ciò non è più in uso, Usurájo, s. m. an usurer.press one. -Guardati di non that is out of use. - Aver biasimare nè dir male di loro im-1 per Usurajo, adj. usurious. uso, to use, or be used or ac-Usureggiamento, s. prese e faccende, eziandio che elle customed.-Uso, practice, exm. the trade of an usurer. sieno cuttive, slatti cheto, e non ercise. Arte senza uso non Usureggiáre, to lend upon uscire le non a commendari, giova mollo, art without prac- usury. take care not to blame their tice does not do much good. actions or business, howso- -L'uso e la sperienza signoregever bad they might be; begiano Parti, practice and exquiet, and do not speak of perience rule all arts.-Uso, them if it should not be in conversation, companytheir praise.-Fare uscire, to Avendone per tanto privati la fordrive out, to strike out, to tuna dell' uso d'un tanto amico, squeeze.-Fare uscire un uomo therefore, fortune having dedi prigione, to get a man out of prived us of the conversation 'prison.-Fare uscire un chiodo of so great a friend. Uso, per forza, to drive out a nail use, advantage, benefit, useby force.-Fare uscire il sugo fulness.-Io ho solamente l'uso d'un limone, to squeeze the di questa casa, I have only the juice out of a lemon.--Fare use of his house.—A uso, adv. uscire del fuoco d'una pietra, to like.-A uso di capello, like a strike fire out of a flint. hat.-Uso fu legge, custom beUscita, s. f. a going out.-Vie- comes a law. Uso si converte tare l'uscita ad uno, to stop in natura, use is a second naone's way or passage.-Uscita, ture.-A uso, at usance.a way out, a door.--La mia Lettera di cambio a uso, a bill casa ha l'uscita ne' campi, my of exchange at usance. house has a way out to the Uso, adj. used, accustomed, fields.-Uscita, diarrhoea, lax- inured.- -Non sono uso anativeness, looseness.--Uscita, dare a piè, I am not used to excrement.- -Uscita, event, walk.


issue, success, end.--Con lirta | Usofrútto, v. Usufruttu.
uscita, happily, successfully. Usoliére, s. m. a ribbon, a
Uscita, expences.Il libro string to tie one's breeches
dell' entrata e dell uscita, the with, or any other thing.
ledger or ledger-book.--
Meller a uscita, to put at in- Usso, s. m. a gypsy. Not in
terest.--Uscita, end.--All' usci- use.
ta d'Agosto, at the end of Au-Ustoláre, to expect that food
be given, and it is said of
Ustorio, adj. ex. specchio ustorio,
burning-glass, burning-mir-

Uscito, p. p. of Uscire.--Usci-
to, s. m. out-law.--Uscito, dung.

Uscitúra, s. f. a going out.-
Uscitúra, excrements. Obs.
Usciuolo, s. m, a little door.


Usuále, adj. usual, customary,
common, ordinary.

Usureggiáto, adj. lent upon


Usurière, s. m. an usurer, one
who lends upon usury.
Usurpaménto, s.m. usurpation.
Usurpáre, to usurp, to en-
croach upon.
Usurpativamente, adv. usurp-
erlike, in a usurping or ea-
croaching manner.
Usurpato, adj. usurped.
Usurpatóre, s. m. an usurper.
Usurpatrice, fem. of Usurpa-


Usurpazioncélla, s. f. a small usurpation.

Usurpazióne, s. f. usurpation. Utéllo, s. m. a cruse, a phial, a glass or pot for oil or vinegar. Obs. lo uterino, uterine brother, a Uterino, adj. uterine.-Fratelbrother by the mother's side only.-Sorello uterina, uterine sister, a sister by the mother's side only. Utero, s. m. the womb. Utile, s. m. utility, usefulness, benefit, advantage.-Cio non torna in mio utile, that does not turn to my advantage. Utile, interest, profit. piccolo utile ogni quantità di danari gli avrebbe prestata, he would have lent him any money upon a small interest. Utile, adj. useful, beneficial,profitable, advantageous, good, serviceable.


Utileménte, adv. ». Utilmente.

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Uva de fati, a ZACCAGNA, s. f. the skin plant so named.-Uca di volpe,!_ of the forepart of one's head. the herb nightshade.--Uva Zaccarale, s. m. a press for sbina, a gooseberry-tree. wine, oil, cyder, and the like. Uva spina, gooseberry.-Puca uva e molia foglia, a great cry and little wool.

U'vea, s. f. one of the tunicles

of the eye.

Uvero, s. m. uber, breast, pap.

Zacchera, s. f. dirt or splash.--
Zacchern, a thing of no great,

U'veo, adj. of grapes, belong-value, a trifle.- Zacchera, a
ing to grapes.
debt.-Venne in Firenze e la-
sc'ommi una zacchera di parecchi
fiorini, poi n' andò in Verona al
soldo, he came to Florence,
left me a debt of several flo-
rins, then went to Verona to
enlist himself a soldier.-Zac-
chera, nothing, a trifle.-
Quel che io ho fatto mi pare una
zacchera, what I have done
seems to me nothing.
Zaccherélla, s. f. dim. of Zac-

Vui, you. Poetical..
Uvízzolo, s. m. a kind of wild

Vulgare, v. Volgare, and all its
Vulgáto, adj. common, gene-
ral, trivial.—Proverbio vulgato,
a common proverb or saying.
Vulgo, s. m. v. Volgo.
Vulnerabile, adj. vulnerable,
that may be wounded.
Vulneráre, to wound.
Vulneráto, p. p. of Vulnerare.
Vultúrno, s. m. the north-east

Vúlva, s. f. the passage or neck

of the womb.

Vulvária, s. f. the name of a
plant so called from its smell.
U'vola, s. f. v. Ugola.
Uzzolo, s. m. an itching desire.



Zaccheróso, adj. that has his
stockings or clothes bespat-
tered or splashed with dirt.
Zaccherúzza, v. Zaccherella.
Zacconato, a word used by
peasants in Boccaccio's time.
whose signification is now

Zaffaménto, s. m. a stoppage,
the act of stopping.
Zaffardóso, adj. nasty, dirty.
Zaffare, adj. to stop, to shut
or dam up.

Zaffata, s. f. that stroke which
liquors give in one's face
when rushing out suddenly
and impetuously and Zaffu-
ta we call also that kind of
percussion which is felt at the
unexpected and sudden eva-
poration of any thing that
has a strong smell.-Zaffata,
a sharp, cutting, satirical
word.--Dare una calfata ad uno,
to give one a cut.
Zaffataccia, s. f. augm. of Zaf-

Zafferano, s. m. saffron.
Zaffetica, s.f. assafoetida, a gum
or rosin brought from the
East Indies.

Zafiro, s. m. sapphire, a sap-
phire stone.

Zaffo, s. in. a serjeant, a catchpole, a bailiff-Zallo, stopple, cork.

Zailróne, s. m. saffron of the

garden, a bastard saffron. Zagaglia, s. f. a long kind of dart or lance, in use amongst the Moors.

Zagaglietta, s. m. dimin. of
Zainetto, a small shepherd's

Záino, s. f. a shepherd's pouch,
the bag or poke wherein the
shepherd puts his bread.
Zalfética, v. Zaffetica.
Zamberlúcco, s. m. a kind of

[ocr errors]

Zámbra, s. f. a chamber. Obs.
Zambra, a house of office.
Zambrácca, s. f. a strumpet, a
Zambraccáccia, s. m. a harlot,
a quean, a common whore,
Zambraccare, to whore, to
wench.- --Zambraccáto, adj.
whored, wenched.
Zambúco, s. m. elder-tree.
Zámpa, s. f. paw, the fore-
foot of a beast.-
-Zampa ď
orso, di line, di gatta, the paw
of a bear, lion, or cat.-Zam-
pe d'un granchio o d'un gambero,
the claws of a crab or lobster.
Zampáre, to stamp or beat the
ground with the fore-feet, as


horses do. Zampáta, s. f. a blow with a paw-Zampato, p. p. of Zam


Zampétta, s. f. a little paw.
Zampettáre, to begin to move
the feet, and it is said of qua-
drupeds only.
Zampettáto, p. p. of Zampet-

X, Is not used in the Italian language. We translate the

X found in Latin words with
a double S, as ALESSANDRO
for Alexander, and sometimes
with a single S, as ESEMPLO
for exemplum, which some of
our ancient authors wrote
also ESSEMPLO. And if any
of them ever used the letter,
they did it merely for fear of
an equivoke, as in the word
XANTO, a Greek river; which

Zaffato, adj. stopped up.
Zaffatúra, s. f. v. Zaffamento.
Zafferanato, adj. done, infused
or mixed with saffron, saf-
froned.-Zajeranito, of saf-

from colour.


Zempétto, s. m. a little paw. -Zampetto di castrato o di porco, sheeps feet, petty toes. Zampillánte, adj. gushing out, springing, spouting. Zampilláre, to spring, to shoot or gush out, to spout out.-Il sangue zampiliava dulle sue vene. the blood gushed out of his veins.

Zampilláto, p. p. of Zampillare.

Zampillétto,s. m. a little spout




or water-spout ---Zampil- and raging to the battle, and Zedoaria, s. I. the root of a letto, a cup, a drinking-cup breathes Dothing but blood tree. Obs.

and fire.

Zeffiro, s. m. zephyr, a sret. Lampillio, s. m. a gushing or Zoppata, p. p. of Zappare. Zetiro, wind, which in sorre spouting out.

Zippatore, a digger, a tiller, a part of Italy begins to bow Zampillo, $. m. a spout, a ploughman, a husbandman. about the beginninFe water-sport.

Zappatorillo, a young tiller, a bruary. Zampino, s. m. a little paw. - young husbandman. Zelamina, s. f. lapis calami.

Tanto va la galla al lardo, che vi Zappétta, s. f. a small spade. Daris. lascia lo zampino, the pitcher Zappettáre, to dig the ground Zelámte, adj. zealous, fuil of goes so often to the water, not very deep, to rake or zeal. that at last it comes home scrape the ground. Zelantemente, adv. zealousy, broken.-Zumpino, a kind of Zappettina, s. f. a very small with zeal. fir-tree.


Zeláre, to be zealous. Zampógoa, s. f. a pipe, a bag. Zapponáre, to dig or open Zeláto, adj. zealous, sell of pipe.

the ground with a mattock. zeal Zampognáre, to play upon Zappone, s. m. a mattock. Zelacóre, ) zealot, stickle, a che pipe, to pipe.

Zára, s. f. hazard, a game at Zelatiíce, } zealous man or Zampognatore, a piper, a bag- dice. Zara a chi iocca, let piper.

every one take care of him. Zelo, s. m. zeal, ardent affece Zampognétta, s. f. a small bag- self.-juarduteri pugan che vien tion or passion for any thing, pipe.

la morte : cara all' ur izo, omni more especially for one's ree Zana, s. f. a basket.--Zana, a non ci è più giuoco, take care ligion and welfare of one's cradle.--Zana, trick, deceit. of yourselves, pagans; your country;

Appiccar zanr, to revile, to death approaches, you are Zelosamente, adv. zealously. traduce.- Zana, s. m. a bas- undone, your life lies at stake. with zeal. ket-man, a porter.

Zára, hazard, peril, danger.--Zelóso, adj. zealous, full of Zanajúola, s. f. a basket-wo- Meltere a zara la fua riputazione, zeal. Zanajúolo, s. m. S man, a bas- to expose one's reputation. Zendado, s. m. a kind of this ket-man, a porter.

Zaróso, adj. dangerous, hazard silk stuff. Zanára, s. f. a basket-full.

ous, perilous.--- itwe zaroso, Zenit, s. m. Zenith, the verter Zánca, s. f. a leg. a ticklish business.

or point in the heavens which Zanga, s. f. tusk

Zátta, s. f. a kind of melon. is directly over one's head, Zannáta, s. f. buffoonery, scur- Zatra, 2 s. f. afloat of timber, ninety degrees distan: from rility, jesting, drollery:-Zan. Zattera,} a raft.

the horizon, and its cpposite nata, a blow given with the Zavardársi, to bespatter one's is called Nadir. tusk.

self by walking or running Zenzára, :. Zanzara. Zánni, s. m. a buffoon, a droll, in the mud.

Zenzarétta, s. Zanzaretta, a merry-andrew, a fool. Zavórra, s. f. ballast, 2a. Zenzariére, *. Zanzariere. Zannútó, adj. tusked.

vórra, a gravel-pit. Zenzero, Zanzára, s. f. a gnat.

Zazzeátu, adj. a word used Zenzévero, ss. m. ginger. Zanzarétta, s. m. a little gnat. amongst countrymen in the Zenzóvero, Zanzariere, s. m. a curtain that time of Boccaccio, whose sig. Zenzoreráta, s. f. a composi. hangs about beds, made of nification is now unknown. tion of several medical innet-work, to keep away flies Zazzera, s. f. a head of hair. gredients. and guats.

Zazzerina, s. f. ? a short head Zeppa, s. f. a wedge or coin. Zanzaveráta, s. f. a composi- Zazzeríno, s. m.) of hair. -Metier uppa, tu sow discord tion of several ingredients to Zazzeróne, s. m. a thick and or dissention.—Egli è una ma

awake appetite, a sauce. long head of hair.-Zazze- la zeppa, he is a sower of disZáppa, s. f. a spade.-Darsi li róne, a man that has a thick cord. zappa sul piede, to cut one's and long head of hair. Zeppamento, s. m. the state own legs, to be the cause of Zazzerúto, adj. that has a long of being filled or crammed. one's own misfortune.- Al head of hair.

Zeppáre, to fili, to cram, to sillan dagli la sappa, use one ac- Zazzeráccia, s. f. a nasty hcad stuff. cording to his deserts or con- of hair.

Zeppáto, adj. full, crammed, dition. Zéba, s. f. a goat.

stuffed. Zappadóre, a clown, a digger, | Zécca, s. f. mint, the place Zeppatore, s. m. he that fills, a tiller of ground. where money is coined.

crans or stuff's Zappáre, to dig, to till, to Nvoto dizeca, uscito di zecca, Zeppatúra, 5. f. a filling, crame break the ground with a brand-new, fire-new.--Zecca, ming, or stuffing: spade.--Zaspáre, to under- a tike or tick, a dng-louse. Zéppe, adj. fuil, crassmed, inine, to sap, to ruin.--Zap- Zecchiére, s. m. the superin- stiitfed.- - Questa critè páre le mura d'una città, to un- tendant of the mint, or he piena zeppa d' crrori, it is a ritdermine the walls of a town, th it works in the mint. ing is quite full of faults, --Mugghiundo esce e zuppemdo Zecchino, s. m. a sequin, an swarms with errors. alla battaglia, c ferrue fuoco cola Italian gold coin so called, Zerbinería, s. 'f. foppishness, fronte sgras.a, he comes roaring1 worth ncar ten shillings. over-doing in dress is to

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