صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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cleanness. Zerbino, s. m. a spark, a beau, a fop.-Fare il zerbino, to be foppish or beauish. Zero, s. m. zero, a cypher, a naught.--Zero, naught, nothing, a trifle.--Non vale un zero, it is worth nothing.Non ve ne darei un zero, I would not give you a straw for it. -Non vi pensavo un zero, I did not think of it at all-Marte ho per un poltron, per zero amore, I look upon Mars as a poltroon, and I don't value love a fig. Il suo affare è un zero, his business is a trifle. Zéta. s. f. the letter zed. Zettovário, s. m. zedoary, a root like ginger. Zézzo, adj. last.--Al da zezzo, at last.

Zézzolo, s. m. nipple, the teat

of a breast. Zía, s. f. aunt. Zibaldonáccio, s. m. a bad hodge-podge, a confused medley. Zibaldóne, s. m. mixture, medley, hodge-podge.-Zibaldone, a book in which one writes such passages as strike him in reading.

Zibellino, s. m. a sable, a little wild beast less than a marten that yields a very rich fur.Pelle zibell na, a sable skin. Zibétto, s. m. a civet-cat.Zibètto, s. m. civet, a perfume like musk, contained in the groin of a civet-cat. Zibibbo, s. m. a kind of grapes. -Zibibbo, jar-raisins. Ziemo, s. m. my uncle. Obs. Zieso, s. m. his or her uncle. Obs.

Zigolo, s. m. a green finch. Zilobálsamo, s. m. xylo-balsa mum, the wood of the balsam


a thrush.

Zirlo, s. m. the whistling of a thrush.

s. f. a kind of grapes.

Zisiga, S
Zitélla, s. f. a girl, a lass.
s. m. a boy.
Zito, Obs.

lare. Zimbello, s. m. a bird tied to a stick fastened to a branch of a tree, and at the end there Zisica, is a little cord, which being drawn makes the bird flutter, so that the other birds fly to him, and are caught.-Zimbéllo, allurement, cajoling, coaxing, courting, false show or appearance.-Non risponde il zimbel secondo il fischio, the business don't answer. Es sere il zimbello, Servir di zimbello, to be a laughing-stock to, to be a may-game.-Zimbello, a little bag full of flax or wool, tied to a stick, with which children beat one another in playing.


Zitto, s. m. hush, silence. Zitto, hush there.-Star zitto, to hush, to keep silence.Zitto, quiet, still, silent. Zizza, s. f. the breast, pap, teat, or dug. Obs. Zizzánia, s. f. tare, darnel, cockleweed.-Zizzania, discord, dissention, division.Seminar ziazanie, to sow dissension, to cause discord amongst friends. Zimíno, s. m. a kind of meat, | Zizzanióso, adj.sowing discord, so called. turbulent.

Zinépro, s. m. the juniper-tree. Zizziba, s. f. jujube, a sort of Obs.


Zinfonía, v. Sinfonía. Zingano, s. m. 2 a gypsy, Zingana, s. f. rambling man or woman, that tells people's fortunes.

Zingarésca, s. f. a song after the way of gypsies, sung by masked people in carnival


Zizzibo, s. m. jujube-tree.Zizzibo, dry grapes that come from Turkey. Zizzifa, v. Zizziba. Zázzifo, s. m. jujube-tree. Zizzoláre, to drink, to quaff, to tope briskly. Zizzoláto, p. p. of Zizzolare. Zoccolájo, s. m. a patten or wooden shoe-maker. Zoccolánte, an observantine, a friar of one of the orders of Zinghinája, s. f. Ex. Gettar la St. Francis, who wear wooden zinghinaja, to be on the mend-shoes. ing hand.


Zingarésco, adj. of a gypsy, belonging to gypsies. Zingaro, t. Zingano.

[blocks in formation]

Zimár, s. m. verdegrease, the
green of copper.
Zimárra, s. f. a night-gown.
Zimarráccia, s. f. a heavy, rag-
ged, or greasy night-gown.
Zimarróne, s. m. a large night-

Zimbelláre, to allure birds with
other birds, or by other
means. Zumbelláre, to beat
with a little sack full of flax
or wool.

Zio, s

m. uncle.--Cadere in grembo al zio, to fall just as one could wish. Zipolétto, s. m. a little spigot. Zipolare, to shut up a tub or cask with a cock. Zipolo, s. m. a cock for a cask. -Far d' una lancia un zipolo, to make a little out of a great deal.

Zirbo, s. m. a double membrane spread over the entrails.

Zimbelláta, s. f. a blow given Zirlaménto, s. m. the whistling with a little sack full of flax of a thrush. or wool.

Zirláre.towhistle as thrushes do. Zimbelláto, p. p. of Zimbel-Zirlétto, s. m. the whistling of

Zóccolo, s. m. wooden shoes, pattens, sandal.——— Andare in zoccoli, to wear wooden shoes. -Zoccolo, zocle, (in architecture) a square member lower than its breadth, serving to support a pillar or any other part of a building, instead of a pedestal, base, or plinth. Zoccolo, a silly gull, a sot, a fool, a blockhead, a ninny, a dunce.-Zoccoli! a word used to express wonder.-Dire zoccoli, to say wonders or wonderful things.-Star sotto la tocca del zoccolo, to stand in awe.Andar le gatte in zoccoli, to be extremely merry-In casa vosira hanno a ir stasera le gatte in zoccoli, they shall be very merry at your house to-night.Zodíaco, s. m. zodiac. Zólfa, s. f. the notes of music. -Cantare ad uno la zolfa, to reprimand, to rebuke, to reprove or chide.-Zolfa degli Armeni, the church music used by the Armenians.---Ell' e la

[blocks in formation]

Zolfatúra, s. f. the smoke which
comes out of the brimstone.
Zolfino, s. m. match, a small.
stick or other matter with a
little brimstone at top, with
which fire is lighted.
Zoltino, adj. sulphureous.-
Zolfino, of a sulphur colour
Zólfo,s.m. sulphur, brimstone,
z. Solfo, and its derivatives.
Zolla, s. f. clod, a lump of earth,
Zollétta, s. f. a little clod, or
lump of earth.
Zoloso, adj. glebous, full of
clods, cloddy.
Zombamento, s. m. banging,
beating, striking.
Zombare, to bang, to beat, to

dle of the two temperate zones, being divided by the equator into equal parts. Zónfo, adv. Ex. Andare a zonso, to rove and ramble about. -Che se'l colpiva sul cappel di bronzo, il cervel su pel prato andava a sonzo, for if he had hit him upon the head-piece, he had dashed out his brains.-) Mandar il cervello a zonzo, to puzzle one's self with variety of thoughts. Una donna che va a zonzo, a woman that walks the streets, a woman that goes

after a man.

-Zucca, a dry, hollow gourd
to keep in fish or salt, a gourd-
bottle-veca, the noddle or
head.-Aver poca sale in zucca,
to have no salt in one's head,
to be dull, stupid, witless.-
Ia zicca, bare-headed.-re
in zucca, to be uncovered or
bare-headed.—Zucca al tents,
a vain man.

Zuccaja, s. f. a kind of grape.
Zuccajo,s. m a piece of ground
sowed with gourds.
Zuccajuólo, s. m. a kind of in-


Zuccheráto, adj. sugared, sweetened with sugar, sweet.

Zootito, s. m. zoophytes, cer-
tain substances, which par-Zuccherino, s. m. a kind of
take of the nature of plants sweetmeats.
and living creatures.
Zoppaccio, s. m. a wicked lame


Zoppicánte, adj. lame, that
goes haking.
Zoppicáre,to go lame, to limp,
to halt. So di che piede zoppi-
ce, I know his ways.-Zoppi-
care, to lean, to incline.
Zoppicato, p. p. of Zoppicare.
ad. halting,lame.

Zuccherino, adj. sugarish; sweet. --Allume zucchermo, sweet alum.-Zuccherino solstico, a physical composition, made with sugar and conserve of roses.


Zucchero, s. m. sugar.
chero rosato, conserve of roses
and sugar. Zucchero candite,
sugar-candy.-Zucchera biance,
retined sugar.—Zucchero rosso,
se sugar.-Zucchero in pun-
ni, loaf sugar.---Zucchero co-
leto, a confection of violets
with sugar-Zucchero di più
coffe, double-refined sugar.—
Avere il cuor nel zucchero, to be
pleased and contented.—-Ve-
nire come lo zucchero in dogana,
to come in a chest.-Di zuc-
chero, sweet.-Labbra di C-
churo, sweet lips.-—— Ben mio
dolce di zucchero, my dear love.

Zombáto, adj. banged, beaten,

-nlar zoppicone, to go lame,
to halt.

Zoppo, adj. lame, crippled.--
Andare a pie zoppo, to go lame,
to walk halting--La compa-
razione corre a piè zoppo, this is
a lame comparison.-Vassi
capra zoppa se'l lupo non l' in-
toppa, difficult things some-
times succeed, if they don't
meet with new obstacles
Chi pratica cot zoppo gli se ne
appicca, mocking is catching.
-La bugia è zoppa, liars are
soon found out.-, Andare a
caccia col buc zoppo, to go poor-
Verso zoppo, a

Zombatore, he that bangs or
Zombatrice, fem. of Zomba-
Zombatúra, s. f. a beat-
Zombolamento, s. m. Š ing,
banging, striking.
Zomboláre, to bang, to beat or
Zomboláto, adj. banged, beat-ly to work.
en, stricken.
Zombolatore, s. m. he or
Zombolatrice, s. f. she that

hobbling verse.
Zoticaccio, a downright clown,
an ill-bred churlish fellow.
Zoticággine, s. f. rusticity,
clownishness, churlishness.
Zoticamente, adv. rustically,
rudely, clownishly.
Zotichetto, adj. somewhat
clownish or boorish.
Zotichezza, s. f. clownishness,
rusticity, churlishness.
Zótico, adj. rude,

bangs, beats, or strikes.
Zombolatúra, s. f. v. Zombo-
Zóna, s. f. a zone, a space con-
tained between two parallels,
or divisions of the heaven or
earth.-Zona frigidu, the frigid
or frozen zone.-Zona tempe-
ráta, the temperate zone, is
that which is between the tor-
rid and the two frigid zones.
-Zona torrida,the torrid zone,
is that which is bounded by Zoticóne,adj. very rude,clown-|
the tropics of Cancer and Ca-ish, or boorish.

-Uno spila zucchero, a whining lover, an affected


Zuccheróso, adj. sugared,


Zucchetta, s. f. a small gourd.
-Zucchetta, a head-piece-
Zucchella di vetro, a glass-bot-

Zucchettína, dim. of Zucchet-
ta.-Zucchettina, the tendrils
of a gourd.

Zúccolo, s. m. the crown of
the head.
Zucconamento, s. m, the cat
ting the hair of one's head
quite close.
boorish,Zurconáre, to cut the hair of
one's head quite close.
Zucconáto, adj. that has the
hair of the head cut quite

Zoticonaccio, adj. perfectly

pricorn, and lies in the mid- Zúcca, s. f. gourd, pumpkin.

Zucconatore, a hair-cutter, one that shaves the head. Obs. ·

Zucconatrice, s. f. fem. of Zucconatore. Obs. Zucconatúra, s. f. a shearing or cutting the hair of one's head quite close. Zuccóne, s. m. he that the hair of his head shaved quite close. -Zuccone, s. f. a great gourd. Zuccotto, s. m. a head-piece; and a small gourd. Zúffa, s f. strife, quarrel, dispute, contest, debate, fight, battle, fray.

Zuffetta, s. f. a little battle, a light skirmish.. Zuffettina, s. f. dimin. of Zuffetta.

Zufolamento, s. m. whistling, hissing, whizzing. Zufolare, to whistle.-Zufolare, to hiss, to make a hissing noise. -Zufolare, to whistle, to hiss, to whiz-Zufolare, to buzz as a gnat does.-Tu puoi zufolare quanto vuoi, you may talk,

you may say what you will, I don't care.Zufolar negli orecchi, to whisper or buz a thing in one's ear, to prompt. Zufolátore, a whistler. Zufolatrice, feminine of Zufolatore.

Zufolétto, s. m. a little whisZufolíno, tle or flageolet.

Zúfolo, s. m. a whistle or flageolet.-Zufolo, a blockhead, a sot, a ninny, a dunce. Zufolo, a whistling, hissing, or whizzing. Zufolóne, s. m. a great whistle, a flute.

Zughétto, s. m. dim of Zugo. Zugo, s. m. a kind of fritters. -Zugo, an honest simpleton.

-Rimanere un zugo, to be cheated or tricked, to be dashed out of countenance. Zúppa, s. f. bread soaked in wine, or in any other liquid. -Chi fa l'altrui mestiere ja la

zuppa nel paniere, who under takes to do what he does not know, loses his time and his labour; everyone to his trade. -Mangiar la zuppa co' ciechi, to deal with fools.So quel che dico quando dico zuppa, I am not a fool, I know what I say.

-Zuppa segreta, the act of drinking with one's mouth full. Vulgar.

Zuppóne, s. m. a large sop in


Zurláre, to make merry, to be transported with joy. Zurlátro, p. p. of Zurlare. Zúrlo, s. m. mirth, joy, content, delight, gladness.-Andare in zurlo, to be merry or cheerful.-Mettere in zurlo, to make one merry, to rejoice or divert one. Zúrro, s. m. v. Ruzzo.




Printed by T. DAVISON, Whitefriars.

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