صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Aissáre, v. Aizzáre.
Aíta, s. f. help, assistance.
Aitáre, to help, to assist.
Aitório, s. m. help, assistance.
Aiuola, s. f. a small barn-floor.
Aiuólo, s. m. a net for small
birds.-Tirar l'aiuólo, to die.
Aiutaménto, s. m. help, suc-


Aiutánte, adj. strong, robust.
Aiutante, s. m. helper, assist-

[blocks in formation]

Alberello, s. m. a gallipot. Alberése, s. f. a whitish hard stone, whereof they make grinding or mill-stones. Alberéta, s. f. a place where trees grow, a nursery. Alberetto, s. m. a small tree. Albergáre, to receive into one's antiulante di campo, aide-house-lbergare, to dwell, to inhabit, to live.Albergato, stored with lodgings. Albergatóre, host, innkeeper. Albergatrice, hostess. Alberghetto, s. m. small inn, small lodging. Albérgo, s. m. inn, lodgings. Alberino, s. m. small tree. Albero, s. m. a tree-Albero fruttifero, a fruit tree-Albero di vascello, the mast of a ship. Albero di vita, the tree of life. Andar su per le cime degli alberi, to pretend more than one ought.

de-camp. Aiutunte di camera, groom of the chamber. Aiutáre, to aid, to assist. Aiutatívo, adj. helpful. Aiutatóre, helper, assistant. Aiutatrice, she that helps. Aiutévole, adj. propitious, kind. Aiúto, s. m. aid, help, assistance.-Aiuto di costa, a help towards maintenance. Aiutóre, s. m. helper, assist


Aiutório, s. m. help, relief.
Aiutrice, she that helps.
Aizzaménto, s. m. inticement,
Aizzáre, to set dogs to fight.
Aixture, to provoke, to urge,
to anger, to exasperate.
Aizzatore, he that provokes.
Aizzatrice, fem. of Aizzatore.

Albiccio, adj. whitish.
Albicocco, s. m. apricot-tree.
Albicócca, s. f. the fruit of the

Albitráte, v. Arbitráre. Obs.
Albítrio, v. Arbitrio. Obs.
Albo, adj. white, whitish.


Albore, a tree.
Albúgine, s. f. a disease in the
cornea of the eye.
Albúme, s. m. the white of an

Ala, wing-Ala, wing, pro-Albóre, s. m. the dawn of day.
tection. Ala di capello, the
-Matulini albori, the break of
brim of a hat-Le ale d'un day--Albóre, light, bright-
mulino a vento, the sails of a
windmill.-Ala di pesce, fin of
a fish.—Ala, an ell-Star sull
ali, to be ready to go.-Far
ala, to make room.
Alabarda, s. f. halberd.
Alabardiére, an halberdeer.
Alabastríno, adj. of alabaster.
Alabastro, alabaster.
Alacrità, s. f. alacrity.
Alamánna, s. f. a grape so call- gull.


Alamiré, a note in music. Alána, s. m. a bulldog, or mastiff-ilare, s. m. an andiron. Aláto, adj. winged, having wings.

Alcalí, s. m. alkali.
Alcánna, s. f. an herb where-
with they dye red.
Alcatrózzo, s. m. a kind of sea-)

Alce, s. m. an elk.
Alchimia, the art of alchymy.
-Alchimia, craft, trick, sub-

Alega, s. f. a sea-weed.
Aléggere, to choose, to elect.

Aleggiáre, to clap the wings.
Alenamento, s. m. breath.
Alenáre, to give or take breath.
-Alenure, to feed.
Alenóso, adj. out of breath.
Alepárdo, s. m. leopard.
Alessifármaco, s. m. an anti-

Alétta, s. f small wing-Alette
di pesce, fins of fishes.
Alfa, the first letter in the
Greek alphabet-lifa ed ome-
ga, the first and the last.
Alfabeto, s. m. alphabet.
Alfabético, adj. alphabetical.
Alfána, s. f. a kind of wild
horse, imagined by poets.
ensign, standard-

Alga, s. f. a sea-weed.
Algebra, s. f. algebra.
Algebrista, algebraist.
Algente, adj. cold, chill.
Algére, to be chill.
Algóre, s. m. great cold, chill-


Algoso, adj. full of sea-weed.
Alia, s. f. wing.
Aliáre, to

turn or wheel
round. Aliáre, to fly round
as a hawk does.
Alice, s. f. pilchard.
Alidíre, to dry, to wither, to

Alido, adj. dry, parched.
Alieggiare, v. Aliáre.
Alienabile, adj. alienable.
Alienáre, to estrange, to alie-
nate.-Alienarsi, to withdraw
one's self from one.
Alienatamente, adv. foolish-
Alienáto, adj. alienated.-Mente
alienát, unsettled mind.
Alienazione, s. f. alienation.
Aliéno, adj. of another coun-
try-Alieno dal opinione, co-
mune, singular in opinion.-
Alieno dui libri, averse


Alba, s. f. the dawn.
Albagia, s. f. ostentation, pride.
Albáno, s. m. a sweet amber-
coloured wine near Rome.
Albático, s. m. a kind of white
Albeggiaménto, s. m. whitish-


Albeggiante, adj. whitish.
Albeggiare, to be of a whitish
colour-Albeggidre, to dawn.
Alberáre, to set up, to set on

Alchimista, alchymist.
Alchimizzáre, to exercise the
art of alchy my.. Ilchimizzáre,
to sophisticate, to mingle, to

Alcióne, s. m. halcyon.
Alcuna volta, adv. sometimes.
Alcúno, some one,somebody.-
Alcuno, one.-Alcuni, some



Alcunóra, adv.
Alcunótta, adv. Š
Aldárga, s. f. a target.
Aléffe, the first Hebrew letter.

A'liga, s. f. sca-weed.
Aligero, adj. having wings.
Alimentáre, to nourish, feed,


Aliménto, s. m. food, victuals.
Alípede, a surname to Mer-
Aliquanta parte,
Aliquota parte,


Alitáre, to pant, to breathe short.-Alitáre, to breathe


Alito, s. m. breath-lito, gentle gale, breeze-Alito, a vapour, fume or steam. Alla buona, plainly, without any ill design.-Alla Francése, after the French fashion. Alla grossolana, clownishly. Allaccévole, adj. that may be intangled. Allacciamento, s. m. the act of intangling. Allacciare, to intangle, to insnare, to allure.

lay-Allegguire, to lighten, Allevatrice, s. f. midwife. disburden. Alleviamento, case, relief. Alleviare, to ease, lighten.Alleviarsi d'un fanciullo, to bring forth a child-Alleviare il dolore, to appease the pain. Alleviazione, s. f. ease, comfort. Allibíre, to turn pale for fear.. Allibraménto, s. m. entering into a book.

Alleggiatore, s. m. comforter.
Alleggiatrice, she that easeth
or comforts.
Allegória, s. f. allegory.
Allegoricamente, allegorically.
Allegórico, allegorical.
Allegorizzàre, to allegorize.
Allegrággio, s. m. v. Allegréz-
za, Obs.
Allegraménte, joyfully, gladly.
Allegráre, to rejoice.

Allacciársela, to be presuming, Allegrársi, to cheer up, to be

to have a good opinion of one's self.

Allacciatúra, s. f. tying knot, bandage. Allagaménto, s. m. overflow, inundation. Allagáre, to overflow.-Allagare, to overwhelm. Allagazione, s. f. overflow. Allapidáre, to stone to death. Allargamento, s. m. amplifica


Allargáre, to enlarge, to spread. -Allargare la mano, to use liberality-Allargare la piazza, to bring plenty. Allargáto, abounding, plenti

ful. Allassamento, s. m. weariness. Allassare, to weary, or fatigue. Allastricáre, to pave. Alláto, near, by.-illato-allato, adv. close to. Allattamento, s. f. suckling. Allattáre, to suckle, to give suck. Allattáre, to suck. Alleanza, s. f. confederacy. Alleáto, adj. confederate, al


Alleficáre, to take root. Obs. Allegagióne, s. allegation. Allegamento, s.m. Allegamento di denti, one's teeth on edge. Allegáre, to allege, to quote. Allegáre, to set the teeth on edge. Allegarsi, to make an alliance with. Allegáto, ally, confederate. Allegato, allayed. Allegazione, s. f. quotation. Alleggeramento, . Allegerimento, Obs. Alleggerare, u. Alleggerire. Alleggeriménto, s. m. ease, relief. Alleggerire, to ease.-Alleggerire, to appease, assuage, to mitigate. Alleggiamento, s. m. ease, com


Alleggiare, to alleviate, to al


Allegrezza, s. f. joy, gladness. Allegria, s. f joy, gladness. Allégro, adj. merry, cheerful, jocund, jovial.-Allegro, sú, cheer up-Allegro, allegro, opposite to the pathetic in music.

Allelúia, s. m. hallelujah, praise the Lord-All' alleluia, adv. at the end.-Venire all' alleluia,

to come too late.

Allenaménto, s. m. want of breath.

Allenáre, to decay, to become weak and faint for want of breath.-Allenáre, to use, to accustom. Allenáre, to suage, to appease -Allenáre, to abate.

Allibráre, to register, to enter into a book.

Allibrarsi, to set one's name in
a book.

Alliévo, s. m. scholar, pupil.
Allifánte, elephant. Obs.
Allignáre, to take root, to

Allinguáto, adj. long-tongued.
Alliquidíre, to melt like wax.
Allividíre, to grow pale.
Allodola, s. f. lark.-Mangiar
carne d'allédola, to take plea-
sure in being praised-Dar
l'allodola, to flatter.
Allogagióne, letting for rent.
Allogare, to place, put, lay, or
seat Allogare qualcuno, to get
one a place. Allogare, to let,
to farm.

Allogársi, to settle, to set up. as-Allogatóre, landlord.

Allenire, to soften, to allay. Allentaménte, s. m. relaxation. -Allentemento, slowness, dullness.--- -Allentamento, mitigation.

Allentáre, to slacken, to unbend.-Allentáre, to release, to let go.-Allentar la mano, to give more liberty-Allentáre, to tarry, stay, or linger.Allentare, to lessen, to abate. Allenzamento, s. m. bandage. Allenzáre, to wrap up, to fold


All'érta, adv. ex.--Stare allerta, to stand upon one's guard. Allestire, to prepare, to get ready.

Alletamáre, to dung, to scatter

manure on.

Allettaménto, allurement. Allettáre, to allure, to intice. Allettatore, inticer, allurer. Allettarrice, fem, of Alletta


Alletterato, learned, lettered. Allevamento, s. m. nurture. Alleváre, to bring up, rear, to foster-Alleváre, to instruct, to teach.

Allevato nella bambágia, bred delicately.

Allogatrice, landlady. Alloggiaménto, s. m. inn, lodg ing-Levar gli alloggiuménti, to march off Alloggiamento di soldati, soldiers quarters. Alloggiáre, to lodge.-Alloggiure, to quarter soldiers. Alloggiare, to make a lodgment, to quarter a body of troops. Alloggio, s. m. v. Alloggiamento.

Allontanamento, s. m. distance,


Allontanáre, to remove, to send a great way.

Allontanarsi, to remove, to go fromAllontanarsi dal soggetto, to ramble from the subject.Quanto ci siamo allontanati dalla città? how far are we got from the city? Alloppiáre, to cast into sleep with opium.

Allóppio, s. m. any thing that causes a profound sleep. Allóra, adv. then, at that time. -Secondo il tempo d'allora, according to those times.-D'al "lora innanzi, since that time D'allora in qui, since, since that-Allora-allora, at that very time. Allorino, adj. made of laurel,


of the nature and quality of Alquanto, adv. somewhat, a little-Alquanto meglio, somewhat better.-Alquanto tempo, a little while-Alquanto, adj.

Allóro, s. m. the laurel.
Allótta, adv. then, at that time.
Alluciare, to fix one's eyes

some, not many. Altaléna, . m. a swing. Altalenáre, to swing as boys


Allúda, s. f. thin leather to
make white gloves with.
Alludere, to allude to.
Allumáre, to light.-Allumáre,
to steep in alum water.
Allume, s. m. alum.Allume
di rocca, rock alum
di piuma, stone alumn.
Alluminamento, s. m. illumina-Altáre, s. m. altar.
tion-Alluminamento, inspira-Altaríno, s. m. small altar.

Altaménte, adv. on high, aloft.
Aitamente, deeply. #ta-
ménte, loud.-- Altaminte, nobly,
generously, splendidly.
Altána, s. f. terras, the leads of
a house.


Alumináre, to illuminate, to -enlighten, to give light to. Alluminare, to light.-Alluminare, to do the clothes with

nate, to limn.

Altéa, s. f. marsh-mallows. Alterábile, adj. alterable. Alteraménte, v. Altieramente, Alteráre, to alter.

Alterársi, to grow angry.

alum-Allumináre, to illumi-Alterativo, adj. that can move. Alteráto, adj. changed, altered. Alterazione, s. f. alteration, change.

Alluminóso, adj. full of alum. Allungamento, s. m. drawing out in length-Allungamento, Altercare, to wrangle, to scold. distance, interval.-Allinga- Altercazione, s. f. altercation. mento, remoteness. Alteréllo, adj. somewhat high. Allungare, to lengthen.-Al-Alterézza, s. f. haughtiness, lungarsi, to remove from. Allungatóre, he that lengthens. Allusióne, s. f. allusion. Alluvione, s. f. alluvion. Alma, s. f. soul.

Almagesto, s. m. almagest. Almanaccáre, to build castles in the air.

Almanacco, s. m. almanac.
Almánco, adv. at least.

Alméno, adv.at least.

pride. Alterigia, s. f. ostentation, pride.

Alternamente, adv. by turns. Alternáre, to do by turns. Alternatíva, s. f. alternative. Alternativamente, by turns. Alternáto, adj. reciprocal. Alternazione, s. f. change by


Altérno, adj. alternate, done

Aimiránte, s. m. an admiral. by turn. Almo, adj. nourishing, foster-Altéro, adj. proud, disdainful. ing. Almo, famous, excellent. Alteróso, high-minded, proud. lno, fair, lovely.-Almo, Obs. kind, courteous.—Almo, blessed.-Almo, good, agreeable. Alócco, s. m. an owlAlicco, sot, booby, silly fellow, block


Aloe, s. m. aloes.
Alopecía, s. f. a disease that
causes the hair to fall off.
Alpe, s. f. Alp, high mountain.

Le Alpi, the Alps.
Alpéstre, adj. mountainous.-
Alpestri morti, high mountains.

Alpestri fiere, wild beasts. Alpistre, savage, unsociable. Alpestre, rough, harsh, severe. Alpestro, the same as Alpes


Altétto, adj. somewhat high. Altezza, s. f. height.-Allezza, depth. Altezza, powertezza, heights, greatness, sublimity-Altezza, valiantness, courage, greatness of spirit. Altezza, highness.--Sun allezza, his highness.

Altezzoso, adj. proud. Obs. Alticcio, adv. somewhat high. Alteraménte, haughtily, arrogantly, nobly, with grandeur. Alterézza, pride, haughtiness. Altiero, adj. proud, haughty

Altiero, splendid, great; noble. Altimétria, s. f. the measuring of heights.

that thunders

Alpigiano, adj. Alpine, that Altire, to ascend, to mount. lives in the Alps. Obs. Alpigno, adj. Alpine, inhabit- Altitonánte, ant of the Alps-Luogo al- from above. pigno, a rugged place. Altitúdine, s. f. altitude.

Alto, adj. high, tall, deep.Alto sonno, sound sleep.Alto mare, high sea, main sea. -Voce alta, loud voice-Di alto, from above.-.llto, high, great, excellent, eminent, sublime, lofty-Uno d' alto sapere, man of great learningDonna d'alto lignaggie, woman of noble extraction-Alto, dangerous, hazardous, perilous.Alto, broad.-Panno alto, broad cloth.Alto di colore, high-coloured.--Alto, adv. loud.-Mirare in alto, to look above-Fare alto, to halt-Fure alto e basso, to do as one pleases.Alto, treble, upper part in music. Altraménte, v. Altrimente. Altresi, adv. also, too, likewise. Altrettanto, as much.-Altrettanto, same.-Io sono d'altrettanta età che voi, I am as old as you. Altrettanto, adv. as much


Altriménte, adv.

otherwise, Non altrimente, just so,

else exactly.

Altro, other, another.-L'uno e altro, Gli uni e gli altri, both.— Ne l'uno ne l'altro, neither.Dall' altra parte, on the other side. Un altra volta, another time, once more-Gli uni dicono di sì, gli altri di nò, some say yes, and some say noAltri, sometimes is used in the singular number-ditri dice, some say, others savRoba d'altri, another man's goods. -Volete altro, will you have any thing else.--Non ho bisogno d' altro che di riposo, I want nothing but rest-Fer altro, yet, nevertheless, however. Altro che, altri che, adv. except, saving, but-Altro che te non volevo, you are the very person I wanted.-Non dite altro, speak no more No esser da altro, to be good for nothing else.

Altronde, elsewhere--D'al tronde, adv. from elsewhere. Altrove, adv. to another place, somewhere else, elsewl.ére. Altrúi, others- che tormenti te stesso ed altrui, why do you vex yourself and others too?

Non bisogna desiderare l'altrui, we must not covet other people's goods.Aver compasSione del male altrui, to pity. other men's misfortunes. L'altrúi, other men's or peo

ple's goods. Altúra, v. Altezza.

Al tutto, adv. wholly, utterly.
--E' al tutto rovinato, he is ut-
terly ruined.

Alúccia, s. f. a little wing.
Alveário, s. m. hive; beehive.
Alveo, s. m. pipe, water-con-
duit, canal. Lalveo dun
fiume, the bed of a river.
Alúme, s. m. alum, v. Allume.
Alunno, s. m. a pupil.
Alvo, s. m. womb. Poetical.
Alzája, s. f. a rope which is
tied to the mast of small ves-
sels, to drag them in rivers.
Alzaménto, s. m. rising, ascent,

Amaretto, adj. bitterish.
Amarézza, s. f. bitterness.
Amarézza, grief, affliction.
Amarezzáre, v. Amareggiare.
Amaricáre, to imbitter. Obs.
Amaricato, disordered, dis-
Amariccio, adj. bitterish.
Amaríno, s. m. a sort of tart

Amaríre, to imbitter.
Amaritúdine, s. f. bitterness.
Amaritudine, grief, discontent.
Amaro, adj. bitter.-Amaro,
grievous. imáro, cruel, hard,
fierce,barbarous-maro, s.m.


Amarógnolo, adj. bitterish.

Ambracáne, s. f. ambergrise.
Ambráre, to infuse a smell of

Ambrósia, ambrosia, the food
of the gods.
Ambuláre, to go away.
Amendue, adj. both.
Amendúni, both.
Amenitá, s. f. pleasantness.
Améno, adj. pleasant.-Paese
ameno, delightful country.
Amiánto, s. m. a kind of stone
which was formerly spun.
Amicábile, adj. v. Amichevole.
Amicamente, adv. friendly.
Amicársi, to contract a friend.

Amichevole, adj. amicable.

bly, friendly.

Alzare, to raise, to lift up, to Amarore, m. bitterness-ma-Amichevolménte, adv. amicahoist.-Alzar uno fin al cielo, róre, grief-Amaróre, severity. to commend one highly-Amatista, s. f. amethyst. Alzar le carte, to cut the cards. Amatíta, s. f. hæmatites. Alzare i mazzi, to run away. Amatóre, lover. Alzare il grembiule, to be Amatrice, she that loves. with child.-Alzarsi, to rise Amázzone, s. f. amazon. up.-Alzarsi da letto, to rise up, Ambáge, s. f. long circumle

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Am'bassi, s. m. ambs ace.
Ambe, adj. both.
Ambidúe, both.
Ambi, both. .

Ambiánte, adj. ambling.
Ambiáre, to amble or pace.
Ambiatúra, s. f. amble.
Ambidéstro, adj. ambidexter.

Amarásco, s. m. a kind of Ambidúi, v. Ambidue.

cherry-tree so called.

Amáre, tolove, tolike.-Amare, Ambiguamente, adv. ambi

Ambiénte, ambient.

s. f. ambiguity.

to love, to delight in-Amar guously.
meglio, to have rather, to Ambiguézza,?
choose rather.-Amare, to Ambiguità, S
thrive most in.-I pioppi ama-Ambiguo, adj. ambiguous.
no le ripe de fiumi, poplar-trees Uomo ambiguo, an irresolute
thrive best on the bank of a

Amareggiamento, s. m. bitter


Amareggiare, to imbitter.
Amareggiare, to grieve, to af-
Amarella, s. f. mugwort, a sort
of plant.

Amarena, a sort of cherry.


A'mbio, s. m. amble.
Ambire, to aspire with ambi-
tion.-Imbre, to environ.
Ambizioncélla, s. f. dimin. of

Ambizióne, s. f. ambition.
Ambizioso, adj. ambitious.
Ambo, both.
Ambra, s. f. amber.

Amicizia, s. f. friendship.
Amico, s. m. friend-Amico
stretto, intimate friend.-Amico
da bonaccia, a table friend.-
Amica, mistress. Fortuna
amica, favourable fortune.
A'mido, s. m. starch.
Amistà, s. f. friendship, amity.
v. Amistà.

Ammaccaménto, s. m. v. Am-

Ammaccáre, to squash, to crush.

Ammaccatúra, s. f. bruise.
Ammacchiare, to hide amongst
the briars.

Ammacchiato, adj. hid, hidden.
Ammaestraménto, s. m.2 in-
Ammaestránza, s. f. S struc-
tion, education.

Ammaestráre, to instruct, to




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Ammazzolárie, to make into Ammirazione, admiration. nosegays. Ammiseráre, to become miAmmenda, s. f. récompence, serable, wretched, stingy. satisfaction, amends.-Am-' Ammistióne, s. f. mixture. menda, fine, mulct, penalty. Incorrer l'ammenda, to forfeit. Ammendaménto, s. m. the act of bettering-Ammendamento d'un campo, the improven.ent of a piece of ground-immendamento, amendment. Ammendáre, to mend, to bet- mass. ter-immendar la vita passáta, | Ammodataménte, adv. mode to live more regularly.- m-rately.

Ammentáre, to call to mind. Obs.

Ammisuratamente, adv. mode rately, temperately. Ammiísuráto, adj. temperate, sober, moderate. Ammitto, amict, a linen gar ment which covers the priest's head when he goes to say

mendar le leggi, to reform the Ammodáto, adj. moderate, sor laws. ber. Ammendársi, to be reformed. Aumoderataménte, adv. moArmendare il danno, to make derately, soberly. good the loss. Ammodernáre, to modernize. Ammendazione, s. f. amend- Ammogliáre, to give a wife, to ment. marry a wife. Ammoináre, to caress, to coax. Ammollamento, the act of mollifying, sortening. Ammolláre, to mellity, to sof - Ammailure, to grow wet, or moist.-Ammollare, to appease, to assuage.--Ammollare, to let go, to let down, to let loose.



Ammellíre, to open, to loosen the belly.Amrollire, touch, move, or affect. Ammonigióne, s. f. admoAmmoniménto, s. m.) nition, warning.


Ammaliatore, s. m. witch, sor


Ammaliatrice, s. f. sorceress,

Ammaliatúra, s. f. bewitch-
ment, charm.
Ammanettáre, to manacle.
Ammannamento, s. m. prepa-
ration.-mmannaménti di nave,
ropes or cordage belonging
to a ship.

Ammannáre, to prepare, to
get ready.

Ammannire, v. Ammannare. Ammansare, to tame. Ammansáto, adj. tame. Ammantáre, to cloak, to mantle.-Ammantáre, to defend, to preserve. Ammantatúra, s. f. covering with a cloak or mantle.Ammantatira, mantle, cloak. Ammantellare, to cover with a mantle, to hide, to conceal. Ammánto, s. m. mantle. Ammarcíre, v. Marcire. Ammargináre, v. Rammargináre.

Ammartelláre, to hammer.Ammartelláre, to make one jealous. Ammartelláto, jealous. Ammassaménto, s. m. a heap. Ammassáre, to heap up.-Ammassare danari, to hoard up money-Ammassarsi, to gather, to get together. Ammassatóre, one that heaps up. Ammassicciáre, to heap up little by little. Ammásso, s. m. heap. Ammatassáre, to wind into skains.

Ammattire, to go distracted. Ammattire, to make mad. Ammattonamento, s. m. pavement of bricks. Ammattonáre, to pave with bricks. Ammattonáto, s. m. a place paved with bricks.Ammattonáta, adj. paved with bricks. Ammazzamento, s. m. slaughter, massacre, carnage. Ammazzáre, to kill, to mur


Aminazzarsi, to kill one's self.

Ammazzarsi, to take abundance of pains. Ammazzatojo, s. m. slaughterhouse.

Ammazzatore, murderer. Ammazzeráre, to make or become tough.


Ammésso, part. admitted.
Ammettere, to admit.
Ammezzamento, s. m. the act
of parting in the middle.-
Ammezzamento, half.
Ammezzáre, to cut in two.-
Ammézzar la via, to meet half-
way.Ammezzare, to grow
mellow or ripe.
Ammezzatore, he that divides
into two parts.
Ammiccáre, to wink, to make
signs with the eyes.
Ammigliorare, v. Migliorare.
Amministragióne, s. f. v. Am-
Amministrare, to administer.
Amministratore, administrator.
Amministratrice, administra-


Amministrazióne, s. f. admini-

Amminutáre, to cut very small.
Amminutáre, to break in
small bits
Ammirabile, admirable.
Ammirabilmente, admirably.
Ammiragliato, s. m. admiral-

Ammiraglio, admiral-Ammi-
raglio, looking-glass Obs.
Ammiraménto, s. m. admira-
tion. Obs.
Ammirándo, adj. to be admir-


Ammiránza, v. Ammirazione.
Ammirare, to admire.ammi-
rarsi, to wonder, to marvel, to
be amazed.

Ammirativo, adj. admirative.
Ammiratóre, admirer.
Ammiratrice, fem. of Ammi-


Ammoníre, to admonish, to warn.-Ammonire, to repri


Ammonitóre, s. m. admonisher.

Ammonizióne, s. f. admonition. Ammontáre, to heap together, to gather into heaps. Ammonticáre,to amass, to heap up. Ammonticelláre, to make heaps


to soften.

Ammonticchiáre, to heap up. Ammonzicchiáre, ( Ammorbáre, to infect, to taint, to poison with stink. Aminorbidaménto, s. m. gentleness, softness. Ammorbidáre,, Ammorbidire, j Amniorscliáto, s. m. a kind of minced meat with eggs. Ammortamento, s. m. the act of quenching. Ammortale, to quench, to Ammortire, extinguish, to

put out.

Ammorzáre, to quench, to extinguish.-Ammorzáre, to reprèss, to tame, to mitigate,

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