صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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non sarebbe venuto, I thought. he would not come. Apportáre, to bring, to convey.-Apportare, to bring, to procure-apportare, to come into harbour. Apportatore, he that brings. Apportatrice, she that brings.

pposizione, addition.-pposizi ne, apposition,when two substantives are put together

in the came case. Appósta, adv. on purpose, with a design. Appostamento, s. m. ambush,


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Appostataménte, adv. design edly.

Appostíccio, adj. added, done after.Colore opposticcio, paint. Appósto, part. of ApporeBen mi sono apposto, I thought


Appostolático, s. m. the papal dignity.

Appostoláto, s. m. apostolate, apostleship.

Appostolicale, adj.belonging to the pontiff or chief-priest, pontifical, apostolical. Appostolicamente, adv. after the manner of the apostles. Appostólico, adj. apostolical, apostolick.

Appostolo, s. m. apostle. Apprendente, adj. that learns. Apprendere, to learn-pprin dere, to apprehend, to con ceive. Non apprendo come ci possa rin cire, I cannot conceive how this can succeed-pprendersi d'amore, to fall in love.

catch, to be catching-La tito.
peste s'appicca col siato, the Appiuólo, s. m. a kind of apple-
plague is caught by the tree.
breath.-Appicarsi, to grow,
to thrive. La mal erba s'ap-
picca per tutto, ill weeds thrive
every where-Appiccar suna-
gli, to cry down, to slander.
•Appiccarla ad uno, to play
one a trick.

Applaudire, to applaud, to
clap.Applaudire, to praise, to
recommend. Applaudirsi, to
admire one's self.
Applauso, s. m. applause.
Applicábile, adj. applicable.
Applicáre, to assign, to appoint.
Applicarsi, to apply.pp/i-
carsi allo stud della legge, to
apply to the law.
Applicatúre, s. m. one that ap-
plies to.

Applicazione, s. f. application,
care, attention, diligence, stu-

Appostáre, to spy, to watch,
to dog, to observe.-Appostáre,.
Appo, prep. near, by.-Appo, to place, to put, to lay-sp-
to, in comparison.-La vostra pisture, to appoint, to design.
disgrazia è nulla appo la mia, póstar Pallklute,to be a spy,
your misfortune is nothing to
to spy.


Appiccaticcio, adj. clammy,
sticky, like birdlime.-Un ap-
piccaticcio, smell-feast, trench-
er-friend, hanger-on.
Appiccatújo, s. in. holdfast,
Appiccatúra, s. f. the ironwork
of a window, or of a door.
Appicciáre, to stick fast to,
Appiccicánte, adj. sticking fast,
Appiccicáre, to cling, to stick,
to stick fast.
Appicciníre, v. Appiccoláre. Appoggiare, to lay any thing
Appicco, s. m. adhesion.-Dare against another that may sup-
appicco, to give hopes. Ippic-port it.-Appoggiare, to sup-
co, occasion, motive, cause, port, to countenance, to back,
reason, matter.
to favour, to protect.-Appog-
giarsi, to lean, to rest.—;
giársi ad un bastone, to lean up-
on a stick-Appoggiársi, to
trust to,torely or depend upon.
Appoggiatéjo, s. m. any thing
that serves to lean upon.
Appoggio, s. m. prop, stay.
Sedia d'appoggio, elbowchair,
armchair.--Appoggio, support,
strength, prop, defence.
Egli è Pappoggio della famiglia,
he is the support of the fami-
Appigionamento, s. m. the actly.—Non posso far nulla senza il
costra appúggio, I can do no-
thing without your help.
E' un uomo che ha dell' appoggio
in corte, he is protected at
court. E' senza appoggio, he is
without help, he has no pró-

Appiccolamento, s. m. diminu


Appiccolare, to diminish, to
lessen, to shorten.-ippicco-
lare le vivande ad uno, to re-
trench one's victuals.Appic-
colársi, to lessen, to grow less,
to grow short.
Appie, adv. down, at the foot.
Appie del monte, at the foot
of the mountain.
Appieno, adv. full, entirely.

Appollajársi, to roost.
Apponérsi, to guess, to con-
jecture. Ben t'apponesti, you
guessed right. Or non m'appo-

of taking a house or lodging
for a time, and the rent paid
for it.
Appigionáre, to let, to let out
to hire.
Appigliamento, the act of stick-
ing, fastening to a thing-p-tection.
pigliamento, the act of taking
-Appigliarsi, to take hold,
to stick fast.ippigliarsi ad un
ramo, to take hold of a branch.
-Appiglaírsi, to adhere.—Ap-
pigliarsi, to betake one's self
to.-. Appigliarsi, to take root.
Appigrire, to make lazy, idle,
slothfulppigrirsi, to grow
idle, or lazy.
Appio, s. m. parsley, smallage.
Appio domestico, garden pars-
Ley-ppio palustre, wild pars-
leyppio montano, hill pars-
ley-Apio macedónico, celle-
Typpio silvestre, horsera-


Appitíto, 6. m. vulgar for Appe

sa che la cosa sarebbe cost? did
I not say that the thing would
be so?

Apporre, to lay one thing on
another.Apporre, to impute,
to charge with, to find fault
with. voi s'appone la sua
disgrazia, they impute his mis-
fortune to you.Apporre, to
oppose, to object, to allege.
Che potete apporre a questo?
what have you to say to this?

Apporsi, to have a guess,
to conjecture.-W'apposi che

Il fuoco s'apprinde facilmente alle cose secche, dry things easi ly take fire-Bisogna appren derci all'ajuto degli amici, we

must have recourse to our

Apprendimento, s. m. learning,
Apprenditore, apprentice,
learner, new-beginner.
Apprensióne, s. f. comprehen-
sion, apprehension, under-
standing Apprenzióne, appre
hension, jealousy, fear.
Apprensiva, s. f. apprehension,
judgment, understanding.
Apprensivo, adj. fearful, timo-


Appresentáre, to shew, to let Appropiáre, v. Appropriáre.
see, to place before-Appre- Appropinquagióne, s. f. 2
sentare, to represent one, to
hold his place.
Appréso, adj comprehended, v.
Appressamento, s.m. approach,
the act of approaching, com-
ing nigh, drawing near-Ap-
pressamento, neighbourhood,

Appressáre, to draw near, to
approach.drpressársi, to
come nigh.-L'ora s'appressa,
the time draws near.-S'ap
pressava al cinquantesimo anno,
he was almost fifty.
Appresso; prep. near, by-Ap-
presso di me, near me, by me.


Appropinquaménto,s.m. proximation, approach. Appropinquare, to draw near, to approach.-Appropinquarsi, to approach, to come near. Appropriarsi, to appropriate to one's self.-Appropriare, to apply one thing to another. Appropriato, adj.appropriated. Appropriato, fit, good. Approssimaménto, s. m. approach, the act of coming nigh.

Approssimánte, adj. near, nigh. Approssimánza, s. f. nearness, proximity.

Approssimáre, to come nigh, to draw near, to approach. L'inverno appríssima, winter is coming. Approssimazióne, proach.



s. f. ap

ppresso, after, next to.Ritornò quattro giorno appresso, he came back four days after. -Uno appresso l'altro, one after another.-Appresso, adv. after, afterwards, next-Lo Approvagióne, s.f. approbavidi la mattina d'appresso, I saw him the next morning-Ap-Approvaménto, s. m. approbapresso a poco, almost, near.- tion-Approtamento, consent. Aveva appresso, a poco cinquant' Approváre, to approve, to apenni, he was near fifty years old. prove of, to allow of, to like. Apprestamento, s. m. prepara-approvare, to confirm, to tion, the act of getting ready. Apprestáre, to prepare, to get ready. Apprestar da mangiare, to make dinner ready.-Apprestarsi, to prepare one's self. Apprésto, s. m. preparation. Fare appresti di guerra, to make preparations for war. Apprezzabile, adj. valuable. Apprezzamento, s. m. the act of appraising, valuation. Apprezzáre, to appraise, to value, to rate, to prize. Apprezzire, to esteem, to have a value for. Approbáre, v. Approvare. Approbazióne, s. f. approbation, liking, consent. Approcciaménto, s. m. approach. Approcciáre, to approach, to draw near, to bring near. Approcciarsi, to draw near, to

Approvataménte, adv. in an approvable manner. Un ap-Apritúra, s. f. slit, chink, gap. prováto antico, an old and com- Aquário, s. m. Aquarius, one mon saying-Approvato, adj. of the signs of the Zodiac. approved. Aquático, adj. of or belonging to the water, breeding or growing in or about the water, aquatic.Aquatico, waterish, rainy. Aqueitá, aqueousness, waterish quality.

Approvatóre, approver. Approvazione, s. f. approbation, liking, consent. Appulcráre, to embellish. Appuntamento, s. m. convention, agreement. Appuntáre, to stitch, to sew. -Appuntáre, to blame, to find fault withAppuntáre, to sharpen, to make sharp Appuntáre, to enter a thing into a book. Appuntáre uno, to set one down. Appuntáre, to find fault, to find amiss.

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come near.

Aprico, adj. sunny, that lies in
the sun-Piaggia aprica, an
open plain.
Aprile, s. m. April-Nell'
Aprile dell' età, in the prime of
Apriménto, s. m. the act of

Aprire, to open, to set open,
Aprire, to cleave, to cut open.

Aprire, to let see, to disco-
ver. Che non m'aprite il vostro
bisogno? why don't you tell
me your want?-Aprirsi, to
stretch the arms.Aprira, to
blow, to open as flowers do.
Aprirsi, to chap, to chink, as
the ground does-Aprirsi, to
clear up, as the air does.
Aprire la mente a qualche cosa,
to mind, to take heed, to be
attentive.Aprir gli occhi ad
uno, to forewarn one, to make
him wary.-La povertà fa aprir
gli occhi a molti, poverty makes
many look about themselves.
Aprir bottega, to set up a
shop.- Aprir casa, to begin to
keep a house.
Apritivo, adj. aperitive.
Apritóre, he that opens.
Apriture di case, housebreak-


Appuntataménte, adv. exactly,
punctually, duly, diligently.
Appuntáto, adj. stitched.

Appuntato, sharpened, pointed.
Appuntatére, critic, censurer.
ap-Appuntatúra, s. f. mark.

Approccio, approach-Gli approcci d'un assedio, the proaches in a siege. Approdare, to reach the shore.

Approdare, to do good. Spero che l'aria deila campagna 'approderà, I hope the country air will do you good. Approdare, to become valiant, or courageous.

Approfittáre, c. Profittáre.

Appuntellare, to stay, to prop,
to support.

Appuntino, adv. just, precisely,

Appunto, adj. just, exactly
Per l'appunto, just, exactly,

to poison with

A'queo, adj. watery, aqueous.
Aquidétto, s. m. aqueduct.
A'quila, s. f. eagle-quila non
piglia noche, I don't stand
upon trifles.Occhi d'aquila,
piercing eyes, good eyes.
Aquilino, s. m. eaglet. quik-
no, adj. hawked-Naso acer-
no, hawked nose, Romaa


Aquilonáre, s. m. north-wind..
Aquilóne, north-wind.---Verso
aquione, towards the north.-
Aguilóne, large eagle.
Aquilótto, s. m. eaglet.
Aquiso,. Acqueso.
Ara, s. f. altar.ara, §. f. a star

so called.

Arabesco, adj. Arabian, Ara-

Arabico, adj. Arabic.
Arábile, adj. arable.
Arabo, s. m. Arabic --Arabo,

Arcáccia, a contemptuous word | for Arca.

tetto, adj. belonging to architecture.--Dottrina architetta, the knowledge of architec


Architettore, v. Architetto. Architettúra, s. f. architecture, the art of building.

Architráve, s. m. architrave, the first member of the enta

Arcadóre, s. m. archer, bowman.-Arcadire, cheat. Arcágnolo, s. m. archangel. Arcále, s. m. arch of a door. Arcanamente, adv. secretly. Arcángelo, s. m. archangel. Arcáno, s. m. secret, mystery. Arcáre, to shoot, to dart.-Ar-blature which is upon the pilcáre, to bend like a bow, to lars and under the frize. arch, to vault.-Arcáre, to Archivista, s. m. recorder, he cheat, to bubble, to gull. that keeps the records. Arcáta, s. f. bow-shot.-Di- Archívio, s. m. archives, the móra lungi dalla mia casa un' ar- place where old records are cata, he lives a bow-shot from kept. my house.-Tirar in arcáta, to Arcidiaconáto, s. m. archdeajudge at random, rashly, in- conship, the dignity of an considerately. archdeacon. Arcáto, adj. fashioned like a bow, arched, bent. Arcatóre, archer, bow-man.

Arágno, spider.
Araldo, s. m. herald, king at


Araménto, s. m. tillage, plow-

Arancia, s. f. the fruit of the
Aranciáta, s. f. a sweetmeat
made of orange peel.
Aráncio, s. m. orange-tree.-
Arancio, orange.
A ránda a ránda, exactly, just-
ly, precisely.
Aráre, to plough.
Arátolo, s. m. plough.
Aratóre, s, m. husbandman,
tiller, plougher.
Arátro, s. m. plough.
Aratúra, s.f. tillage, ploughing.
Arazzería, s. f. tapestry, hang-

Arazziére, s. m. a tapestry-Arcavólo, the great grandfather's or grandmother's grandfather.


Arázzo, s. m. tapestry, hangings.

Arbitránte, s. m. that arbi


Arbitráre, to arbitrate, to ad-
Arbitrariaménte, adv. arbitra-
rily, despotically.
Arbitrário, adj. arbitrary, left
to a man's choice.
Arbitráto, s. m. arbitration,

Arbitratore, s. m. arbiter, arbi


Arbítrio, s. m. will, pleasure,
faculty of the soul to choose
one thing rather than an-
other. Libero arbitrio, free-
will.--Arbitrio, authority,
power.-Voi volete fare sempre
le cose di vostro arbitrio, you
will always do things of your
own head.

A'rbitro, s. m. arbitrator, ar-
biter-Arbitro, arbiter, mas-
ter, sovereign, disposer.-Voi
siete l'arbitro della mia volontà,
you are the sovereign master
of my will, I have no other
will but yours.
A'rbore, s. f. tree.
Arbóreo, adj. woody, full of


Arboscéllo, s. m. little tree.
Arbustíno, s. m. wild vine.
Arbusto, s. m. shrub, sprout.
Arca, s. f. chest, coffer.-Arca
di Noe, Noah's ark.-L'arca
santa, the ark of the covenant.
-Arca, monument.-All' arca
aperta il giusto vi pecca, oppor-
tunity makes a thief.

Arcidiacóno, archdeacon. Arcidúca, archduke. Arciduchéssa, archduchess. Arciepiscopále, adj. archiepiscopal, of or belonging to the archbishop.

Arciére, s.m. archer, bow-man. Arcifánfano, s. m. babbler. Arcígno, adj. grim, that hath a sour, dogged, sullen look or countenance.-Far viso arcigno, to frown, to look sourly. Arcigiulláre, s. m. buffoon, jester, droll, great fool.

Archeggiáre, to bend like a bow, to arch, to vault. Archeggiato, adj. fashioned like a bow or arch. Archetipo, s. m. first example or pattern, archetype. Archettino, s. m. dim. of Archétto. Archetto, s. m. little bow.-Arcíone, s. m. saddle-bow. Archetto, a bow to play on a Arcióne, saddle, (in poetry). violin, fiddlestick-Archetto, a Arcipelago, s. m. Archipelago. bow made of horse-hair to Arcipresso, s. m. cypress-tree. catch birds with.-Archetto, a Arcipréte, archpriest. little bow.-Star su gli archetti, Arcivescovo, archbishop. to be in wait, to be upon the Arcivescovato, s. m. archbishopric.


Archibusáre, to shoot, to kill with an arquebuse or any fire-arm.

Archibusáta, s. f. arquebusade, the shot of an arqucbuse or hand-gun.

Archibusiéra, s. f. a small opening left in a wall to fire through with an arquebuse, loop-hole. Archibusiére, arquebusier, one that serves or shoots with an arquebuse.

Archibúso, s. m. arquebuse, a sort of hand-gun. Archidiacono, v. Arcidiacono. Archimandrita, the chiefleader of a flock.Archimandrita, prelate, ruler, chief. Archimia, s. f. v. Alchimia. Archipéndolo, s. m. Archipénzolo, s. m. cal instrument so called.


Architettáre, to build. Architetto, architect


Arco, s. m. bow, hand-bow,
long-bow-Corda d'urco, bow-
string-Tender Larco, to bend
a bow. Allentar l'arco, to un-
bend a bow-Arco, arch, a
piece of work in architecture.
-L'arco d'un ponte, the arch of
a bridge. L'arco della schiena,
chine, back-bone, the ridge of
the back. Arco, rainbow.-
Arco, turn, going about.
Far una cosa coll' arco dell'osso,
to do a thing with all one's
might.--Star coll' arco teso, to
watch, to look about, to look
every way.

Arcobaleno, 6. m. rainbow.
Arcobúgio/s. m. v. Archibuso.
Arcola s. m. pl. castles in the
air, whims.

geo-Arcolajo, s. m. a reel. Aggirar nno come un arcelajo, to puzzle



Arconcello, s. m. little bow.

Archi-| Arcorreggiare, to belch, to


break wind upwards.

Not] Arduaménte, adv. arduously,"
with difficulty.
Arduità, s. f. difficulty.
A'rduo, adj. hard, difficult.
Arduo, high, inaccessible.
Arduo, perilous, of great con-
cern.-L'impresa è più ardua di
quel che mi pensava, the enter-
prise is of greater danger than
I thought.

in use. Arcúccio, s. m. little arch. Arcuato, adj. vaulted, arched. -Naso arcuato, crooked nose. Ardente, adj. hot, burning, burning hot, glowing, fiery.Ardente, ardent, hot, violent, vehement, mettlesome-Ardente, eager, hasty.Acqua ardente, brandy. Ardentemente, adv. ardently, vehemently, eagerly, fervently.

Ardénza, s. f. v. Ardore.

A'rdere, to burn, to consume by fire-Ardere, to burn, to be inflamed.-A'rdere d'amore, to be vehemently in love. Ardo di sapere se e vivo o morto, I am impatient to know whether he is alive or dead.Tu ardi di ritornartene a casa, you long to go home again.Ardere, to shine, to cast a light or brightness, to be bright. Ardiglione, s. m. the tongue of a buckle.


Arégano, s. m. origan, wild marjarom:

Aréna, s. f. sand, gravel.Aréna, a place in the amphitheatre, where masteries were tried and prizes fought, pit. Arenosità, s. f. quantity of gravel.

Arenóso, adj. sandy, gravelly, full of sand or gravel. Arfasátto, s. m. any man that carries on a poor trade, as a cobler, a translator, a dictionary-maker.

Argano, s. m. capstan, windbeam, draw-beam, crane, iron crow.

Argentajo, s. m. silversmith. Argentále, adj. white or bright as silver.

Argentário, silversmith. Argentáto, adj. silvered over, overlaid, or plated with sil


[blocks in formation]

conjecture, presumption.L' andar sempre ai diporti è argo mento che non amate lo studio, A conjecture from your going abroad so often that you don't love to study.---Argomento, trick, device, way, contrivance. Non so che argomento trovare per isbrigarmi di lui, I don't know how to contrive to get rid of him.-. Irgomento, pretence or pretext, cloak, colour, appearance, shew.Argomento, instrument, tool, engine, implement.-Argomento, glister-Argomento, argument, theme, subject. Argomentoso, adj. effectual, prevailing, done with contriArgentiéra, s. f. silver-mine. vance, wit and skill.—ArgoArgentiére, silversmith. mentoso, expert, skilful, of Argentino, adj.silver-coloured, good experience. bright, white as silver. Arguire, to argue, to reason.— Sono argentino, clear sound. Arguire, to argue, to infer, to Argento, s. m. silver. Argento conclude.-Arquire, to check, fiato, silverwire.-Argéntovivo,¦ to reprimand, to chide. quicksilver, mercury.D'ar- Argumentáre, v. Argomengento,silver-coloured.-Capelli tare.

Argentatore, s. m. lackerer. Argenteo, adj. of the colour of silver.

Argentería, s. f. plate, silver plate.


Argutaménte, adv. subtly, cunningly.


Arguto, adj. subtle, sharp, cun-ning, witty, brisk. Argúzia, s. f. smartness, quaintness, repartee, quirk. A'ria, s. f. air, that of the four elements which environs the water and the earth-riu salubre, wholesome air.-'ria grossa, thick air, feggy air.→→→

Ardiménto, s. m. boldness, cons
fidence, assurance, impu-
dence-Ardimento, boldness,
freedom, courage.-Ii suo ar-
dimento lo liberò da un gran peri-
colo, his courage delivered
him from a great danger.
Ardimentoso, adj. bold, coura-
geous, daring, stout.-Ardi-
mentóso, bold, confident, im-
Ardíre, v. n. to dare, to be
bold. Ardireste farlo? could
you be so bold as to do it?
Non ardisco uscir per questo tem-
po, I dare not go out in this
weather-Ardire, s. m. bold-
ness, courage, confidence, as-
surance, daringness. Irdire,
boldness, impudence.
Arditaggio, very great bold-
ness, intrepid courage.
Arditamente, adv.boldly,stout- |
ly, courageously, confidently,
with assurance.
Arditánza, s. f. confidence,
courage. Obs. assurance,
pudence. Obs.

d'argento, silver hair, hoary Argumento, s. m. v. Argomen-
Argiglia, s. f. white clay, such
as potters use, potters earth.
Argiglio, adj. claycy, full of
white clay.
im-Argilla, s. f. potters carth.
The same as Argiglia.
Argilloso, clayey, full of white
clay.-Terra argillosa, clayey

Arditézza, s. f. v. Ardiménto.
Ardito, adj. beld, courageous,
daring Ardito, confident, ground.

Ardore, s. m. heat, burning
heate-Lerdore del sole, the
heat of the sun-Ardére, af-
fection, love, inclination, pas-
sion-Ardure, ardour, eager-
ness, fervency, zeal.

Arginale. s. m. Obs.) bank or
Arginamento, s. m.
Argine, s. m.

to resist

Argináre, to fortify, to ram-

Argináto, adj. bordered with

'ria settle, sharp air.-Pigliar un poco d'aria, to take some fresh air. Il ária scoperta, in the open air-frie, wind.→→ In aria, in vain, vainly, silliby,


Batter l'aria, to beat the air. -Aria, air, carriage, form, book, aspect, presence, mien. -Ha una aria nobile, he has a noble air.—Si di dell' arie, he carries it high, he gives him self airs.—I'ria, air, tune. Aria, song.

Aridizza, s. f. aridity, dry


Ariditá, s. f. aridity, dryness. Arido, adj. arid, dry, withered, barren. Terra árida, dry or barren ground.-Discorso dri, a dry or jejune discourse. -Frido, poor, sorry, pitiful, wretched. E un luogo arido, drze si troca appena del pane, it is a wretched place where bread is scarce to be found. Arientáto, adj. v. Argentá


Ariento, v. Argento. Obs. Arietáre, to strike with the ram, to batter down walls with the ram as the ancients did.

Ariete, s. m. Aries, a celestial sign-Ariéte, battering ram, a warlike engine. Arietta, s. f. air or song. Arimmética, s. f. arithmetic. Arimmético, arithmetical. Aringa, s. f. harangue, discourse, speech.-E un aringa che ha piaciuto a tutti, it is a speech that every body liked. -riage, herring. Aringamento, S. m. a long speech made in public, and upon public business. Aringáre, to harangue, to make a speech in public. Aringatóre, speech-maker, speaker. Aringheria, s.. f. speech, discourse, harangue. Aringhiera, s. f. chair, pulpit, bar.

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Aringo, s. m. lists. Correr

argo, to run for a prize.-
Entrar nell' aringo, to enter the
Arióne, v. Airone.

Arioso, adj. lightsome, full of
light, well seated, situate in a
fine air, airy-Ariso, comely,
Arismética, arithmetic.
Arista, s. f. chine of pork.
Aristocrático, aristocratical.
Aristocrazia, aristocracy, poli-
tical government exercised by
some of the most eminent in

a state.


Aritmética, s. f. arithmetic.
Aritmético, arithmetician, ac-
comptant-ritmético, adj.
arithmetical, done according
to the rules of arithmetic.
Arlótto, s. m. glutton, greedy
gut, great eater, devourer.
Arma, v. Arme.
Armacóllo, crosswise-Portare
ad armacollo, to wear cross-

Armádio, v. Armario.
Armadúra, s. f. iron coat, coat.
of mail, panoply.—Armadura,
men armed with a coat of
mail.-Armadura, arms.-dr-
madura, prop, stay, tressel.
Armadura delle ragne, part of
the fowling-net.
Armajuólo, s.
Armamentário, s. m. armoury.
Armamento, s. m. armour.
irmamento, armament, war-
like preparations, raising of

m. armourer,

Armáre, to arm, to put on ar-
mour.-Irmáre, to arm, to
make preparations of war.-
Armare un vascello, to fit out a
ship.--drmare, to prop, to
stay.Armare una volta, to stay
a vault with centers.-Armare
una ragna, to draw up a net.-
Armarsi, to take up arms.
Armarsi, to arm one's self, to
put on one's arms.-irmársi,
to fortify, to arm, to fence, to
strengthen, to secure one's self
against.-Armársi di pazienza,
to be patient.--.irmársi di co-
stanza, to put on a stout reso-

Armário, s. m. chest, drawer,

Armata, s. f. navy, fleet, arma-
da.-N. B. Some say armata
for a land-army, but that is a
Gallicism, and the true word
for it is Esercito.
Armatamente, adv, with arms,
in a hostile manner.
Armatélla, s. f. a
Armatetta, Aleet.
Armáto, adj. armed, harnessed,
fenced-Una nove ben armáta,
a ship well equipped or fitted



Armatore, s. m. captain of a
privateering ship. Armatore,
privateer, a ship fitted up for
Armatúra, s. f. armour, pano-

armour, harness, weapon of-
fensive or defensive.-Arme a
fuoco, fire-arms.-Arme bianche,
any arms that are not fire-
arms.-Pigliar l'armi, to take
up arms-Portar l'armi, to
bear arms, to be a soldier.-
Deponer l'armi, to lay down
-All'armi, to arms; a


military cry.-Passar perzie armi, to shoot to death, to be shot to death.-Uom d'armi, soldier.-Genie d'armi, militia, soldiery. Opera d'arme, military action-Futto d'arme, exploit, feat, achievement, battle.-Far il viso delle arme, to look angry, or in a passion.➡ Esser in arme, to be in arms. Far d'arme, to fight-Sospension d'arme, cessation of arms. truce- -Arme, arms, coat of


Armeggería, s. f. play of arms.
Armeggevole, adj. warlike,
contentious, quarrelsome.
Armeggiamento, s. m. play at


Armeggiáre, to play, to sport in arms, to fight only for diversion.-Armeggiare, to confound one's self in talking, to speak nonsense.--Armeggiare un vascello, to moor a ship. Sea term.

Armeggiata, fighting, justing,

Armeggiatore, s. m. juster, one
that runs a tilt.
Arméggio, s. m. the act of
fighting in play..
Armellino, ermine.
Arménto, s. m. herd or drove
of cattle, properly of oxen or


Armería, s. f. armoury, conser
vatory for arms.
Armicella, s. f. small arms.
Armigero, adj. valiant in arms,
warlike, martial.
Armílla, s. f. bracelet, jewel
worn on the arm or wrist.
Armilláre, adj. which has worn
or wears bracelets.
Armistizio, s. m. cessation from
arms for a time, short truce.
Armónia, s. f. harmony, con-
cert, agreement of sounds.
Armoniaco, s. m. gum armo-
niac.-Armoníaco, a sort of
salt dug out of the sands.
Armoniale, adj. harmonious,
melodious, musical.
Armoniáto, adj. set in order,,
ranked, ranged, set in array."

Aristologia, hartwort, birth-Arme, §. f, arms, all kinds of Obs.

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