صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Arrabbiarsi, to grow very angry.

Arrabbiatamente, adv. outrageously, madly, furiously.

Armoniosamente, adv. harmoniously, melodiously, musical-Arrabbiato, adj. mad.-Cane arrabbiato, mad dog.-ArrabArmonizzáre, to make harmo- bidto, furious, fierce, cruel,




Armoráccio, s. m. ox-fly, gad-Arraffare, to wrest, to snatch. bee, dun-fly.

Arnése, s. m. household-stuff, implements, furniture, all things moveable within the house, harness-Esser male in arnise, to be ill equipped, to be in a sorry dress or garb. Arnese, ornament.-Arnése, figure, form, shape.-Si che egli era a vederlo strano arnése, so that he was the most comical figure to look at.

A'rnia, s. f. hive, bee-hive.
Arnióne. s. m. kidney.

Aromatário, s. m. druggist.






quality or


-Arraffare, to catch, to lay hold on. Arramacciáre, to drag along upon a hurdle. Arramatáre, to kill birds with boughs of trees in the night. Arrampicáre, to climb, to clamber up.

Arrancáre, to run apace as some cripples do.-Arrancáre, to row with speed. Andare a voga arrancata, to go very fast. Arrandelláre, to tie fast with a packing stick.-Arrandelláre, to throw, to fling, to cast, to hurl.--Arrandellare, to run away with, to take or carry away. Arrantoláto, hoarse.

Aromatico, adj. aromatical, Arrapináto, adj. humoursome, aromatic, spicy, odoriferous, morose, hard to please, cross, sweet, sweet-smelling.-Aro- wayward, peevish. mático, humorous, morose, Arrappáre, to snatch, to wring, hard to please, cross, peevish. to wrest.

Arómato, s. m. all sweet-smell-Arrappatóre, s. m. snatcher. ing spices, as cassia, clove, Arrappatrice, s. f. snatcher, mace, ginger, all sorts of drugs ravisher, robber. in general, grocery ware.- Arraspáre, v. Raspáre. Aromato, adj. sweet, odorife-Arrecare, to bring, to convey. rous, fragrant, aromatic. Arómo, s. m. v. Aromato. Arpa, s. f. harp. Arpe, s. f. harp. Arpeggiaménto, s. m. the act of harping upon a musical instrument.

Arpeggiare, to harp, to play
upon the harp.
Arpeggio, s. m. the same as
Arpía, s f. harpy.

-Che novelle m'arréchi? what news do you bring me?-Ció m'arreca maraviglia, I wonder at it.

Arrecatóre, he that brings. Arredare, to prepare, to dispose beforehand, to get ready, to put in readiness.-Arredare un vascello, to equip, to fit out a ship. Arredare una casa, to furnish a house. Arrédo,s.m.householdgoods,im

Arpicórdo, s. m. a musical in-plements, furniture, all things strument so called. moveable within the house.Arpióne, s. m. the hinge of a Arredi di nave, rigging of a gate, the hook whereon the ship.-Arredi di chiesa, paradoor hangs and moves.-Ar- ments, altar ornaments.pione, hook, tenter. Arrédi da uomo, man's apparel. -Arrédi da donna, woman's attire.

Arra, s. f. earnest, money given for the striking up a bargain. Arrabbattáre, to be busy, to stir. Arrabbiaménto, s. m. hydrophoby, raging madness. Arrabbiáre, to enrage, to go mad, to rage-Arrabbiar di fame, to be mad for hunger.

Arrenamento, s. m. running aground or on shore, to put aground.

Arrenáre, to run aground, or on shore, to put aground. Arrendre, to cease, to leave off, to desist, to give over.-Arrenáre un negozio, to put a stand

to an affair.-Arrenáre, to grind or polish marble. Arrendatóre, renter,, he that rents a house or any thing else.

Arrendatrice, fem. of Arrendatóre.

Arréndersi, to surrender.-Arrendersi, to bend, to bow, to yield.

Arrendévole, adj. tractable, easy, supple, obedient, pliant. -Arrendécole, flexible, apt to be persuaded or intreated. Arrendevolezza, s. f. flexibility, tractableness. Arrendiménto, s. m. surrender. Arréso, adj. surrendered.. Arrestaménto, s. m. the act of arresting.

Arrestáre, to arrest one, to seize him.-Arrestáre, to keep, to detain, to hinder, to keep from. Altro non m'arresta, 'tis the only obstacle I have to it. -Arrestársi, to stay, to tarry, to make a stand, to make a halt.-S'arrestò srnarrito nel vedermi, he stopped surprised to see me.-Arrestar la lancia, to couch the lance.

Arrésto, s. m. arrest.—Arrésto, delay, stay, stop.

Arretrársi, to draw back.

Non m'arretro da quel che vi ho promesso, I don't go back from what I promised you.-Arretráre, to put off, to delay, to retard.

Arrettízio, oppressed, overcharged.

Arri, s. m. a word which carriers use to make their asses or mules walk faster. Arricchiménto, enriching. Arricchire, to enrich-Arrie chire, to enrich, to adorn, to embellish.

Arricchirsi, to grow rich, to thrive.

Arricciaménto, s. m. the act of curling-Arricciaménto, s. m, horror, dread. Arricciáre, to curl.-Arricciare, to stand on end with horror. —Arricciar il muso, to shew an aversion for, to disdain-Arricciare il muro, to rough-cast a wall.-Arricciarsi, to be very angry, to fall in a passion. Arricciato, s. m. silver or gold brocade.

Arridere, to smile, to look pleasantly upon, to shew a liking or satisfaction in the countenance, to favour.-La


fortuna d'arride, fortune smiles Arrómpere (rompere) to break. destruction, confusion. upon you. -Arrompere, to remove, to go Arrozzire, to make rough, Arringáre, v. Aringáre. away, to go from. rugged, or uneven.-Il freddo Arringaménto, v. Aringaménto. Arroncáre, to weed, to sarcle. arrozzisce le mani, cold makes Arringo, v. Aringo. Arroncigliáre, to twist, to wind the hands rough.-Arrozzirsi, Arripare, to come to the coast about. to grow rough or harsh. or shore, to land. Arroráre, to sprinkle, to as-Arrubigliáre, to make red, Arrischiare, to venture, to ha- perse with water. Arrubináre, S and of the cozard, to expose, to bring into Arrossáre, to blush, to co- lour of a ruby-Arrubinare il danger, to run the risk or ha-Arrossire, lour, to redden. fiasco, to fill a bottle with red zard-Arrischiarsi, to dare, to -Dovresti arrossare, you ought wine. be bold, to presume.--Non to be ashamed.-Arrossire, to voglio arrischiarmi d'uscire, I will redden, to grow red. not venture to go out.-Chi Arrossiménto, s. m. the act of Ron arrischia non acquista, no- reddening or blushing. thing ventured, nothing got. Arrostársi, to strive against, Arrischiévole, bold, hardy, dar- to endeavour, to struggle.-Arruffianáre, to pimp.-Arrufing, that ventures. Arrostársi colla spada, to parry fianáre, to clean, to polish up. Arrisicare, to venture, to ha- with the sword.-Arróstar le Arrugginire, to grow rusty. zard,, to run the risk-Voi mosche, to drive out the flies. Arrugginire, to make rusty. non arrisicate niente, you run no Arrosticiána, s. f. steak.-Ar-Arruotáre, v. Arrotare. hazard in it. rosticiana di vitella, veal-cutlet. Arruotoláre,'to round, to make Arrischievole, adj. resolute, Arrosticiána di manzo, beef- round. stout, bold. steak-Arrosticiána di castráto, mutton-chop.

Arrissáre, to brawl, to scold, to quarrel.

Arrivaménto, s. m. arrival. Arriváre, to come to the shore, to land.-Arriváre, to arrive at, to come to a place, to reach.-Non vi potremo arrivare stasera, we shall not reach there to-night.-Arriváre, to come to, to arrive at a thing one aims at.—Arriváre, to rise,

Arrostíre, to roast.-Arrostire
sopra graticola, to broil.-Ar-
rostire, to burn, to parch, to
parch up.
Arrostito, adj. roasted.-Pane
arrostito, toast.

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Arruffáre, to intangle or ravel
the hair.-Arruffársi, to pimp.
A vulgar word.
Arruffatóre, s. m. he that in-

Arruvidáre, to grow rough or

Arsélla, s. f. a kind of fish.
Arsenále, s. m. dock, arsenal.
Arsénico, s. m. arsenic.
Arsibile, adj. apt to take fire.
Arsicciáre, to burn a little, to

to amount.-Il vostro conto arriva a dieci scudi, your bill amounts to ten crowns.-Arricáre, to overtake-Arrivare ad una certa età, to come to a certain age.--Arrivare, to reach, to come to.-Non ci arTivo, I cannot reach it. Arrivo, s. m. arrival, coming. Arrizzáre, to set upright. Arrobbiare, to dye in goslin

weed or clivers.

Arrocáre, to grow hoarse, to
make one's self hoarse.
Arrocáto, adj. hoarse.
Arrocchiare, to cut in pieces.
-Arrocchiare, to cobble, to

Arrósto, s. m. roast-meat.
Arróta, s. f. surplusage, over-
plus, more than weight, num-
ber, or measure. Per arrota
alle mie digrazie, to complete
my misfortunes.
Arrotaménto, s. m. the act of
sharpening any cutting tool.
Arrotáre, to whet, to sharpen.
Arrotáre, to sleek, to smooth,

to make smooth.
Arrotíno, a knife-grinder.
Arróto, part. pass. of Arro,
gére. Not used.
Arrotoláre, to make up into a
ball or paper-cornet.
Arrovelláre, to be angry.
Arrovellataménte, adv, madly,

Arrovellato, adj. mad, furious,

very angry.
Arroventáre, to make fiery
or hot.

Arroventíre, to wax hot, to be
on fire, to grow red.
at-Arrovesciaménto, s. m. over-
throw, subversion, ruin, dis-

Arrogante, adj. arrogant.
Arroganteménte, arrogantly.
Arroganza, s. f. arrogance.
Arrogársi, to arrogate, to
tribute to one's self.
Arrógere, to give something to
bootArrogere, to add, to
join, to put to.
Arrogimento, s. m. addition,

Arroláre, to enroll.
Arrolársi, to enroll one's self, to

Arrovesciare, to put the wrong
side outward, to overthrow.
Arrovesciare, to turn upside
down or topsy turvy, to con-
found, to overturn, to over-

Arrovesciatúra, s. m. disorder,


Arsicciáto, ?
Arsiccio, adj.)

half burned.
Arsióne, s. f. v. Arsura.
Arso, adj. burnt, consumed by

Arsúra, s. f. burning, heat,
Arshra, drought, dryness.
Artagoticamente, adv. wonder-

Artataménte, artfully, inge-
niously, cunningly, with de-
sign, subtilly.
Arte, s. f. art, science.-Arte,
art, skill, address.-Arte, cun-
ning, subtilty, craftiness, sli-
ness. Ad arte, adv. on pur-
pose, purposedly.-Ognuno ha
buona moglie e cattiv' arte, no
tradesman is contented with
his trade.--Chi ha arte ha parte,
a man that has any ability can
live any where.
Artéfice, tradesman, artisan,
workman.-Artéfice, artificer,
author, contriver.
Arteficello, a degrading dimi-
nutive of Artéfice.
Artemísia, s. f. mug-wort.
Artéria, s. f. artery.
Arterioso, adj. arterious, that
has something of the nature
of an artery. Vena arteriosa,
arterious vein.
Arteriúzza, s. f. a small arte-


Artética, s. f. gout, a disease in the joints.

Artético, adj. sick of the gout, gouty.-Malattia artetica, joint


Artezza, s. f. narrowness. Articélla, s. f. small art, not very lucrative. Artico, s.m. the arctic or northern pole. Articolare, to articulate, to join as bones do.-Articolare, to utter distinctly.-Articolare, adj. v. Artetico. Articolataménte, distinctly, articulately.

Articolazione, s. f. articulate and distinct pronunciation. Articolo, s. m. article, a joint of the body where the bones meet, knuckle.-.hticolo, article, head, point, clause.Sta sn articolo della morte, he is at the point of death.-irticolo, article, a term of gram


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Ascélla, s. f. arm-hole, arm- Ascoságlia, s. f. hiding-place. pit. Ascosaménte, adv. secretly. Ascendénte, s. m. horoscope, Ascóso, adj. hid or hidden. the ascendant of one's nativi-Ascostamente, adv. secretly. ty, the part of a constellation Ascósto, adj. concealed. which at the time of one's Ascrivére, to impute, to asbirth rises up from the cribe. Ascrivere, to set down among others.


Ascendere, to ascend, to climb, to get up, to mount. Ascendimento, s. m. ascent. Ascensionário, adj. ascending. Ascensióne, s. f. ascension, a term used in astronomy. Ascensióne, ascension, the going up of our Saviour into heaven.--L'ascensióne, the Ascension-day. Ascésa, s. f. ascent. Asceso, adj. gone up, ascended. Ascésso, s.m. an abscess, apos


Artiére, tradesman, artisan. Artificiale, adj. artificial. Artificialmente, adv. artificial-Ascendénza, s. f. rise, ascent. ly, artfully. Artificiato, adj. artificial, artful. Artifício, s. m. art, industry, skill, workmanship-Artifcio, artifice, cunning, craft,| deceit, device.-Artificio, instrument, tool, engine, implement.--Fuoco d'artificio, fire-work. Artificiosamente, adv. artificially. Articiosamente, cunningly, craftily. Artificiosetto, adj. somewhat artful, prettily cunning. Artificiosità, s. f. art, skill.Artificiosità, artifice, cunning, craft, artfulness. Artificioso, adj. skilful, artificial. Irtificioso, cunning, subtle crafty. Artificiatamente, adv. artificially. Artifiziale, adj. v. Artificiale. Artifizio, v. Artificio. Artigiano, tradesman, artisan. Artigliare, to catch, to lay hold with the claws, to wound with the talons. Artigliere, gunner. Artigliería, s. f. artillery, ord


Artiglio, s. m. claw, clutch, talon-Usen dagh ortigli, to escape, to get away. Artimone, s. f. the mizzen-sail. -Arbore dell artimóne, the

Aschiáncio, adv. across, athwart.

Aschiare, to envy.

A schifo, adv. ex.-Avere a schifo, to loath, to nauseate, to abhor.

A'schio, s. m. envy.
Aschioso, adj. envious, jealous.
A'scia, s. f. chip-ax, great hat-


Asciáre, to cut or hew smooth with an ax.

Aséquio, funeral obsequies.

Asfalto, s. m. a kind of bitumen
so called.
Asfodillo, s. m. daffodil.
Asia, s. f. Asia.

Asiático, adj. Asiatic.
Asilo, s. m. asylum, sanctuary.
A'sima, s. f. asthma.
Asimáto, adj. short of breath,

A'sina, s. f. she-ass.
Asinaccio, a sot, a booby.
Asinaggine, s. f. ignorance.
Asinajo, s. m. ass-driver.
Asinello, s. m. small ass, young
ass, ass-colt-Asinello, the
main beam of a house.
Asinería, s. f. ignorance, im-
pertinence, stubbornness.
Asincscaménte, adv. after the
manner of an ass, stupidly.
Asinésco, adj. of an ass.
Asinétto, a small ass.
Asinile, adj. of, or belonging

to an ass.

Asinino, clownish. Asinità, s. f. incivility, clown

A'sino, s. m. ass.-A'sino, uncivil, rude, ill-bred.--Legar Pásino, to fall to sleep.—C'om' asino sape, cosi minuzza rape, a man can do no more than he can do.'sino salvatico, a wild-ass.

Asciogliere, to absolve. Obs.
Asciolvere, s. m. breakfast.-ishness.
Asciblvere, to breakfast.
Asciugaggine, s. f. drought
Asciugamento, s. m. § dryness.
Asciugare, to dry, to dry up.-
Asciugare, to wipe.
Asciugatújo, s. m. towel.
Asciuttamente, adv. drily.
Asciuttézza, s. f. siccity.
Asciutto,s. m. dryness, drought.

Asinóne, s. m. great ass. Asma, asthma.

Asmático, adj. asthmatic.
Asmoso, adj. asthmatic. Obs.
Aspalto, v. Asfalto.
Aspárago, s. m. asparagus.
Aspe, s. m. aspic asp.
Asperare, to exasperate, to

Asperartéria, s. f. the wind-

Aspergere, to besprinkle.
Asperitá, s. f. c. Asprézza.
A'spero, adj. v. Aspro.

-Aspro, fierce, cruel.-] fian, cut-throat.-Occhi assas-
Aspra pena, bitter grief- sini, killing eyes.

Aspro, rough, rugged, un-Assavoráre, v. Assaporare.
even. Aspro, severe, austere, Asse, s. f. plank, board.-Asse,
crabbed, sullen, rigid.-Aspra an imaginary line drawn from
legge, rigid, strict law-spro, one pole to the other, about
biting,stinging.--Aspro,clown- which the whole frame moves,
ish, boorish, rustical.
Assafétida, s. f. assa-fetida.
Assaggiamento, assay.


Asseccáre, v. Seccare. Obs.
Assecondáre, v. Secondare.

Assaggiáre, to taste.-Assag-Assecuráre, v. Assicurare.
giare, to assay, to try gold.

Aspersióne, the act of sprink-Assaggiatore, taster, fore-taster.


Asperso, adj. sprinkled.
Aspersório, s. m. aspersory.
Aspettaménto, s. m. expecta-
tion-Aspettamento, expecta-
tion, hope. Obs.
Aspettánza, s. f. expectation.


Aspettáre, to expect, to wait. -Che aspettiamo? what do we stay for?-1spettate un poco, tarry a while.-Aspettarsi, to appertain, to belong to, to concern.-Io non voglio intramettermi in quelle faccende che non mi s'aspettano, I won't intermeddle in affairs that do not belong to me. Aspettativa, s. f. expectation, hope.

Aspettatore, he that looks for
any thing.

Aspettatrice, feminine of As-
Aspettazione, s. f. expectation,
hope, waiting.
Aspetto, aspect, sight, countè-
nance-Aspetto, look, sight,
aspect.-Aspetto, presence.
aspic, asp.
A'spido, s. m.
Aspirare, to aspire, to aim at.
Ispirar lh, to aspire the h
in pronouncing it.
Aspirazione, s. f. aspiration.
Aspo, reel to wind yarn or
thread on.

-Assaggiatore d'oro, essayer,
assayer, an officer of the
mint.-Assaggiatore di cini, a

Assaggiatúra, s. f. proof,trial,
Assaggio, s. m. essay, spe-
cimen.-li mando questo vino
per un assaggio, I send you this
wine for a taste.

Assecutore, t. Esecutóre. Obs.
Assediamento, s. m. siege.
Assediáre, to besiege, to lay
siege.-Assediáre, to surround,
to beset.-Gli assediáti, the be-

Assediatore, besieger.
Assédio, s. m. siege.--Stringer
l'assedio, to besiege closely.—
Porre assédio, to teaze.
Asséggio, s. m. c. Assédio.

Assegnamento, s. m. assign


Assegnáre, to assign.—Asseg‐ náre, to allege, to produce. Assegnatamente, adv. sparingly-Assegnatamente, particularly, especially.

Assagliménto, v. Assaliménto.
Assai, s. m. pl. many, good
many.-Issai, adv. more.-
Chi poco e chi assai, sqme little,
some much.-Assái, enough,
sufficiently.-Assadi bene, pretty
well.-D'assai, by far-Lon-
dra è d'assai più grande di Ro-
ma, London is a great deal Assegnazione, s. f. assignment.
bigger than Rome. Issai pa, Asseguire, v. Eseguire. Obs.
much more..1ssai volte, seve-Asseguizione, s. f. v. Esecu-
ral times-Assai per tempo, zione. Obs.
very early.
Assembiamento, v. Assembra-
Assaissimo, very much.
ménto. Obs.
Assaliménto, s. m. assault, at-Assembiáre,
Assembléa, s. f. assembly.
Assembránza, s. f. Obs. con-
ference, company, meeting,


Assalire, to assault, to assail, to
attack.- issalire, to come
upon. Mi sento assalire dalla
febbre, I feel the fever coming
upon me.

Assalita, s. m. attack. Qbs.
Assalitóre, an aggressor.
Assaltaménto, s. m. assault, at-

v. Assembrare.

Assembrare, to gather up, to
bring together, to assemble
together. Issembrave, to ap-
pear, to seem.. Issembrársi, to
prepare, to set in order, to
put in battalia.
Assembráto, put in array.


A praménte, adv. roughly, harshly, austerely, rigorousiy, severely, strictly. Aspreggiáre, to use roughly, to exasperate.

Asprétto, adj. somewhat rough,

Asprezza, s. f. roughness,
harshness, sharpness, tart-
ness-Asprezza, wildness
sprezza, severity.Asprezza,
austerity, hardship.
Asprigno, adj, tartish.
Asprità, s. f. harshness, tart-


Aspro, adj. sharp, harsh, sour,

Assaltáre, to attack, to assault.
Assaltatóre, v. Assalitōre.
Assaltatrice, female aggressor.
Assalto, s. m. assault, onset, at-
tack, shock.

Assannáre, to lay hold with
the tusks.

Assannato, tusked.
Assaporare, to taste.-- 1ssapo-
rare, to feel, to prove-Assa-
poráre, to hearken, to give


Assassinamento, s. m. assassin-

Assassináre, to assassinate.
Assassinatore, s. m. assassin.
Assassinio, s. m. assassination.
Assassino, robber on the high-
way--Issassino, assassin, ruf-


Assémplo, v. Esempio. Obs.
Assémpro, c. Esempio. Obs.
Assennáre, to warn, to tell.

Assennatézza, s. f. prudence,
wisdom, cautious or wary pro-

Assennato, adj. wise, discrect,

Assenso, s. m. assent, consent.
Assentamento, s. m. absence.
Assentársi, to absent one's self,-
to keep out of the way.
Assentatore, flatterer.
Assénte, adj. absent.

Assentimento, s. m. consent, cold, to quake for cold.


Assentíre, to consent, to agree.

Assentire, to approve, to


Assentíto, wary, provident,
Assénza, s. f. absence.
Assenziato, adj. mixed with

Assénzio, s. m. wormwood.
Asserélla, s. f. little board,
Asseréllo, s. m. shingle, lath.
Asserenáre, to make clear, to
clear up.

Asserire, to assert, to affirm.
Asserragliare, to block up.
Assertivamente, adv. confi-
dently, with good assurance.
Asserzióne, assertion.

Assessore, a justice on the

Assestáre, to weigh, to poise.
Assestar uno schiaffo ad uno, to
give a good box on the ear.
Assetáre, to make dry.
Assetáto, adj. dry, thirsty.
Assettamento, s. m. agreement.
Assettáre, to fit one thing to
another.—Assettáre, to settle.
-Assettársi, to prepare one's

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Assideráto, adj. chill with cold.
-Assideráto, benumbed.-
Maniassiderate, numbed hands.
Assidérsi, to sit down.
Assidere, to besiege. Obs.
Assiduamente, adv. assiduous-

vere, to finish, to make an end,
to perfect. Assolvere, to deli-
ver, to set at liberty.-La
morte assolve da tutti i guai,
death is the end of all trou-
Assolutamente, absolutely-
Assolutamente, positively, cer-

Assidúità, s. f. assiduity.
Assíduo, adj. assiduous.
Assiepáre, to hedge round.
Assilláccio, s. m. augm. of
Assilláre, to smart.-Assilláre,
to make mad, to enrage.
Assillo, s. m. a fly that stings
beasts.-Aver l'assillo, to be Assomigliaménto, s. m. like-

Assoluto, adj. absolute.-Volontá assoluta, unlimited will. As-Assoluzione, s. f. discharge, acquittal. Assoluzione, absolution, forgiveness of sins. Assomáre, to lay a burden upon. Obs.


Assimigliagióne, v. Assimig-Assomigliante, adj. like, alike.
Assomiglianza, s. f. resem
Assimigliamento, v. Assimig-blance, likeness, similitude.
Assomigliare, to compare.
Assomigliársi, to be like.
Assomiglio, s. m. a picture.

Assimiglianza, s. f. likeness, re-
semblance. Assimiglianza, si-
militude, comparison.
Assimigliare, to liken, to com-
pare, to resemble.
Assindicáre, v. Sindicare.
Assióma, s. m. axiom.
Assisa, s. f. devise, livery.
Assísa, impost, imposition.
Assíso, adj. sitting.
Assisténte, s. m. assistant.
Assistenza, s. f. assistance, aid,
help, succour.
Assistere, to assist, to be pre-
sent. Assistere alla messa, to
hear mass.-Assistere, to as-
sist, to help, to succour.-As-
sistere, to assist, to attend.
Assíto, s. m. partition made of

Assituáto, adj. situated. Obs.
Assiuólo, s. m. horn-owl.
Asso, s. m. ace at dice or cards.
Esser ridotto in asso, to be
reduced to beg.-Aver fatto
ambassi i fondo, to have squan-
dered away all one had-
Lasciare in asso, to forsake.
Esser più cattivo, di tre assi, to
be good for nothing.
Associare, to bring into part-
nership.-Associarsi, to asso-
ciate with one.
Associazióne, s. f. association.
Assodaménto, s. m. solidity.
Assodáre, to make firm and

Assolatío, adj. sunny.
Assolcáre, to make furrows.
Assoldáre, to enlist soldiers.
Assolfoníre, to get the quality
of brimstone.
Assólto, adj. absolved.

Assiderare, to be grievously | Assolvere, to absolve.-Assúl

[blocks in formation]

Assottigliáre, to make thin or
slender-La nebbia s'assottiglia,
the fog begins to disperse.-
Assottigliare, to sharpen, to
whet.--Assottigliare, to use
subtilties.-Chi troppo l'assottig
lia la spezza, strain a thing too
much, and it will break.-As-
sottigliarsi, to grow thinner.—
Assottigliarsi, to stir, to bestir
one's self.

Assottigliatore, he that dimi-
nishes, that impairs.
Assozzáre, to make nasty.
Assuefáre, to accustom, to use.
-Assuefarsi, to inure one's
Assuefátto, adj. accustomed.
Assuefazione, s. f. habit, use.
Assuéto, adj. accustomed, used,
Assuetúdine, s. f. custom, use.
Assúmere, to assume.-Assu-
mere, to lift, to extol.
Assúnta, v. Assunzione.
Assunto, assumed.-Assunto,

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