صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

1 m. charge, care.
Assunzione, the assumption.
Assurdo, absurd.
Asta, s. f. spear, lance.
Astánte, adj. by-stander.
Astáta, s. f. a stroke with a


Astáto, adj. armed with a pike.
Astegnénza, s. f. abstinence.
Astémio, adj. abstemious.
Astenérsi, to abstain, to for-
Astergere, to clean by rub-

Asterisco, s.m. asterisk.



s. f. cleansing,

Astersivo, adj. abstersive.
Astiáre, to envy.
Asticciuola, small spear.
Astinénte, continent, tempe-


Astinénza, s. f. abstinence.
A'stio, s. m. envy.
Astióso, adj. that envies.
Astóre, s. m. a kind of hawk.
Astorlomía, Obs. v. Astrono-

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Ateísmo, s. m. atheism. Ateísta, s. m. atheist. Atléta, s. m. athlete, wrestler. Atométto, small atom. A'tomo, s. m. atom.-In un atomo, in a moment. A'trio, s. m. a portico before a house, vestibule. A'tro, adj. black, dark, dreadful.-Barba atra, black and shabby beard.-Atri pensieri, cruel thoughts. Atróce, adj. atrocious. Atrocemente, adv. atrociously. Atrocità, &. f. atrociousness. Attaccaménto, s. m. the state of sticking, cleaving, or fastening to a thing. Attaccare, to hang-Attaccare, to tie, to bind, to fasten.Attaccare i buoi all' aratro, to tie the oxen to the plough. Attaccarsi, to give or apply one's mind to a thing. taccarla ad uno, to play one a trick.-Attaccarsi, to catch.Attaccar la guerra, to kindle the war-Attaccar il fuoco, to set on fire. Attaccarsi il fuoco, to catch fire, to take fire. Allaccarsi di parole, to quarrel, to fall out.-Attaccar l'inimico, to attack the enemy. Attaccatíccio, adj. gummy, Astro, s. m. star, luminous gluish, clammy, viscous.


Astraére, to separate, to
Astrárre, take off.
Astrále, adj. astral.
Astrattamente, adv. abstract-
Astrattézza, s. f. abstraction.
Astrátto, adj. abstracted.
Astrazione, s. f. abstraction.
Astretto, adj. obliged, forced.
Astrignente, adj. astringent.
Astrignénza, s. f. the act or
quality of binding fast.
Astrignere, to constrain,
Astringere, S to force, to


Astrolabio, s. m. astrolabe. Astrolagáre, to practise astrology.

Astrolago, astrologer, fortuneteller.

Astrologáre, v. Astrolagáre.
Astrologastro, s. m. a silly as-

Astrología, s. f. astrology.
Astrológico, adj. astrological.
Astrólogo, s. m. astrologer.
Astronomía, astronomy.
Astronómico, adj. astronomi-


Astrónomo, s. m. astronomer.
Astrúso, abstruse, obscure.
Astúccio, s. m. a case.
Astutáccio, adj. crafty.
Astutamente, adv. subtly, cun-
Astezza, s. f. cunning.

Atteggiaménto, s. m. gesture, demeanour.

Atteggiare, to express the ges
ture of any figure.-Atteggiare,
to use much gesture.
Attegnénza, s. f. kindred.
Attempársi, to grow old.
Attempatétto, adj. oldish.
Attempáto, adj. old.-Un uomo
attempato, an elderly man.
Attempatétto, adj. fresh-look-
ing, though old.

Attemperáre, u. Temperare.
Attendaménto, s. m. encamp-


Attendáre, to pitch a camp.
Attendere, to mind.-attendere
to mind, to take notice, to
consider.-Attendere, to wait,
to stay for.-V'attende, he
waits for you.-Qui m'attendi,
stay here till I come.-Atten-
de e, to keep a promise.-Me
l'attenderete? will you be as
good as your word?—Atten-
dere a fure, to go on with a
thing begun.

Attendimento, s. m. attention,
application, care.
Attenénte, adj. belonging to.-
Attenente, adv. near, by.
Attenénza, s. f. appurtenance.
Al-Attenére, to keep one's pro-

Attaccatúra, s. f. the act of
Attacco, s. m. S sticking.
Dare attacco, to give hopes.
Attagliare, to please one.
Attalentare, Fete quel ce
'attaglia, do what you please.
-lo fo sempre quel che m' atta-
lenta, I always do what I have

a mind to.
Attaménte, adv. fitly.
Attanagliare, to pinch with
red-hot pincers.
Attapinamento, s. m. lamenta-
tion, whining.
Attapináre, to complain, to


Attardársi, to grow late.
Non vattardate, don't stay

Attare, to fit or make fit.
Attecchire, to grow, to thrive.
Attediáre, to weary, to tire.

mise.-Attenérsi, to stick to a thing-Allenérsi, to take hold, to hold fast.-M' attenni ad un ramo, I laid hold of a branch.Atteneteci a me, lay hold of me. Attentamente, adv. attentively. Attentáre, to attempt.-Allentársi, to dare.

Attentáto, s. m. attempt.
Atténto, adj. attentive.
Attenuáre, to make thin or
slender, to attenuate.
Attenuato, adj. grown thin or

Attenuazione, s. f. the act of
diminishing or lessening.

5. f. attention,

Attergáre, to turn the back to.
Atterraménto, s. m. the act of
casting down, of felling or
cutting down.
Atterráre, to bear down, to
overthrow, to demolish -At-
terrare, to debase, to humble.
-Allerrare, to cast down.
zitter rarsi, to humble one's self.
Atterratóre, s. m. one that.
pulls down.

Atterrire, to affright, to fright.
Atterzáre, to reduce, to bring
to the third part.
Attésa, s. f. attention, heed.


Attesaménte, attentively. Obs.

every side, round about, on
all sides. -

Attéso, attentive. Obs.-it-Attortigliáre, to wrap, twist,

teso che, because.


Attestáre, to hit head against Attoscáre, to poison.

head. Attestáre, to bear wit- Attossicagióne, s. f. the act

ness, to attest.

Attestato, s. m. certificate.
Attézza, s. f. aptness.
Atti, acts or deeds legally
"done; a law term.
Atticciáto, adj. well limbed.
Attignére, to draw up.-Attig-
nere, to guess.Attignere, to
reach, to arrive at.
Attigniménto, s. m. the act of
taking in water.
Atiignitójo, s. m. a bucket.
Attillataménte, adv. finely,
Attillato, adj. spruce, becom-
ing, nicely elegant.
Attillatúra, s. f. neatness, hand-
someness, spruceness, nice ele-

Attimo, s. m. a moment, an



Attossicaménto, the same as
Attossicáre, to poison.
Attrabaccáto, adj. incamped.
Attraente, adj. attracting.
Attraiménto, s. m. attraction.
Attrappáre, to catch, to seize.
-Attrappáre, to over-reach.
Not used.

Attrárre, to attract-Attrarre,
to allure, to wheedle.
Attrattiva, s. f. power of at-

Attrattivo, adj. attractive.
Attrátto, adj. drawn to, at-
tracted.-Attratto, that has his
limbs distorted.
Attraversare, to cross, to go
cross. Attraversare, to put
cross-ways-Attraversare, to
traverse, thwart, cross.


Attrazióne, s. f. attraction.-
Attrazione, contraction of



Attrecciare, to tress, to knit, to
tie. Not in use. Attrecciare
capelli, to weave or tress the


Attrezzo, s. m. tool, engine,

Attingere, to come to.
Attinto, adj. touched, come to, Attraversatóre, s. m. that cross-
Attitúdine, s. f. aptness.-Alti-Attraverso, v. Traverso.
thidine, posture.
Attivamente, adv. actively.
Attività, s. f. activity, brisk-
ness, quickness, nimbleness,
Attivo, adj. active-Verbo at-
tivo, active verb.
Attizzamento, s. m. the act of
stirring or mending the fire.-
Attizzamento, the act of pro-
Attizzáre, to mend the fire.-
Attizzáre, to provoke.
Atto, s. m. action, act, deed.
Atto, sign, nod, beck-Allo,
posture-Atto di comedia, act,
part of a play-Atto, adj.
proper, fit, apt.-Atto, suita-
ble, agreeable, proper.
Attóllere, to lift up, to raise.
Attonitággine, stupefaction.
Attónito, astonished.

Attopáto, adj. full of rats.
Attorcere, to twist, to twine.

Attribuíre, to attribute.
Attribuirsi, to arrogate to one's


Attristire, to grow worse and

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Attúccio, s. m. dim. of Atto.
Attuffamiento, s. m, the act of
Attuffare, to plunge.-Attuffur
si, to dive under water.
Attuffaménto, s. m. the act
Attuffatúra, s. f. J of plung-
ing in the water.
Attujáre, to darken, to cloud.

Atturáre, v. Turare.
Atturáre, to quench, to put
out. In a figurative sense, to
calm, to appease.
Attutíre, v. Attutáre.
Ava, s. f. grandmother.
Avaccévole, adj. swift, speedy.
Obs.-Avaccévole, careful, di-
ligent. Obs.
Avaccézza, s. f. quickness,
Avacciaménte, adv. quickly.

Avacciaménto, s. m.? quick-
Avaccianza, s. f. S ness.

Avacciáre, to hasten. Not
much in use.
Avacciatamente, adv. in haste,
with speed.
Aváccio, adv. quickly, with
speed.-Aváccio, s. m. speed,
haste, quickness.--Aváccio,
adj. swift, speedy, quick.
Avále, adv. just now,

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A válle, adv. downwards. Attribúto, s. m. attribute. Avanguardia, v. Vanguardia. Attrice, actress, woman player. Avania, s. f. an imposition, an Attristamento, s. m. sadness. exaction required by a cusAttristante, adj. vexatious. tom-house officer in Turkey. Attristare, to grieve, to sad--Avania, wrong, injury. den-Attristarsi, to fret, to Avannótto, s. m. a fish one year old. Avánte, before.-Avanti, adv. Avánti, S forward.-Più avanti, further, farther.--Troppo avanti, too far.-Avanti che, adv. before-Avanti, rather. -La cosa è molto avanti, the business is very forwardAndate avanti nel vostro discorso, go on with your discourse. sor-Avanticamera, s. f. antichamber. Obs.


Attristito, vexed, grieved.
Attritáre, to break into small

Attorcigliáre, the same as At-Attritáto, broke into small

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Avanzare, to advance.-Avan- | Avértere, to turn another A'uncinar'si, to grow crooked,

e, to increase, to augment, to improve.—Avanzáre, to exceed— Avanzare, to be superfluous, to be over and above -Se vi avanza del panno, portátesels, if there be any cloth left, bring it to me. Avantára, to take courage. Avanzaticcio, s. m. scraps, fragments.

Avinzo, s. m. rest, remainder, remaant.-Avánzɔ, profit,


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Aúguráre, to divine, to conjec-
ture, to foretell-Auguráre, to

Auguratóre, s. m. augur, sooth-
Auguratrice, fem of Augura-


A'unghiáre, v. Augnare.
Avo, v. A'volo.

Avocáre, to carry or bring a
suit or action at law from one
court to another.
Avólio, u. Avorio.
A'volo, grandfather.
Avolterare, to commit adulte
ry. Obs.
Avolteráta, adultress. Obs.
Avolteráto, adj. counterfeit,
falsified. Obs."

Avolteratóre, adulterer. Obs.
Avoltería, s. f. adultery Obs.
Avolteríno, adj. begotten in
adultery. Obs.Avolierino,
counterfeit, forged. Obs.

Avóltero, s. m.) adultery. Obs.

Avoltójo, s. m. vulture.
Avório, s. m. ivory-Un pet-
tine d'avorio, an ivory comb.
Avornillo, a kind of tree
Avornio, like the ash-


Aura, s. f. gale, breeze.-Aura,,
favour, applause.-Aura popo
lare, popular applause.
Auráto, adj. gilded.
Aurélia, s f. the worm when
shut up in his pod.

Aúgure, s. m. augur.
Auguriáre, v. Augurare. Obs.
Augúrio, s. m. augury, divina-Aureo, adj. golden..
tion, soothsaying-Un buono
augurio, a good omen.
Auguróso, adj. superstitious.

Augusto, adj. august, sacred,

Avidamente, adv. greedily, ea-

save you. Arellana, s. f. filbert. Avellino, filbert-tree. Avellere, to pull by force. Avello, sm grave, tomb. Avemmaria, s m. a short prayer to the Virgin Mary, so called Avemmaria,the tolling of a bell at break of day, at ness. noon, and at the dusk of the evening. All'avemmaria, at the dusk of the evening. Avena, s. f. reed, pipe.céna,

$. f. oats.

Avidítà, s. f. avidity, greedi

A'vido, adj. greedy, covetous, desirous, eager, voracious. Avironáre, to surround. Obs. Avisáre, v. Avvisare, and all its derivatives. Avere, to have.-Aver fame, to Aula, s. f. king's palace, royal be hungry-Avere a caro, to house, royal hall. be glad. Avere, to look upon | Aúlico, adj. of the court, aulic.¦ - tho per un gran vigliaceo, I Aumentamento, augmentation. look upon thee as a great Aumentáre, to augment, to intoward.-Avere, to be-Non


più speranza, there is no Aumentativo, adj. increasing. hope left Aver faccia, to Aumentatóre, improver. bok like.-Avere al sole, to Aumentatrice, s. f. a woman have an estate in land.-Aver that improves. costume, to be used to.- Aumentazione, s. f. augmentaAre in pregio, to value, to es- tion, increase. teem-Acere, s m. estate, Auménto, s. m. growth, inrid. .es, substance-E`un vomo crease, augmentation. grande avere, he is a man of a great estate, of great wealth. Averno, s. m. hell. Aversióne, aversion.

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uránza, s. f. an assembly.
A'unáre, to assemble together.

Aurétta, s. f. a small breeze, a gentle gale.

Aurícola, s f a part or appen-
dage of the human heart so

Auricome, adj. that has hair as
yellow as gold, (poetical).
Auricula, s. f. ear.
Aurifiamma, s. f. oriflame, the
royal standard of the ancient
kings of France
Auríno, adj gulden, gold-like.
Auro, s. m gold, (poetical).
Auróra, s. f. the morning, the


Ausiliário, adj auxiliary.
Ausílio, s. m. aid, help.
Auso, adj. bold, daring, (poe-.

Auspicio, s. m. auspice, pre-
sage.--Auspicio, protection,
conduct, guidance, govern-


Austeraménte, adv. austerely.
Austerità, s. f. sharpness, sour-
ness, austerity, severity, ri
gour, mortification.
Austéro, adj. austere, severe.
-Austéro, grave, reserved.→→→
Austero, sour, sharp to the


Austrále, adj. southern..
Vento dastrale, south-wild.




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Austríno, adj southern.

ry, opposer. Obs. Austro, s. south-wind. Avvenentemente, adv. with Avversatrice, female adversary, Autenticamente, adv. authen- grace, handsomely.

Obs. tically

Avvenentezza, s.' f. beauty, Avversióne, s. f. aversion. Autenticáre, to make authen- comeliness, grace.

Avversità, s. f. adversity. tic.

Avvenenza, s. f. sightliness, Avvérso, adj. adverse, contra. Autenticazione, s. f. authen- agreeableness, comeliness. ry-Avverso, turned towards tication.

Avvenévole, adj. fair, comely, us, opposite. Atvérso, conAuténtico, authentic. Fer au- graceful.- Avvenévole, conve. trary, cross, unlucky..-(asi téntico, in an authentic mannient, proper.

avtersi, unlucky accidents.Avvenevolezza, s. f. grace, Arverso, prep. against. Autóre, author, writer, com- pretty way, comeliness. Avvertentemente, advisedly, poser, inventor.-- Autóre, au- Avvenevolmente, adv. hand- warily. thor, cause

somely, with grace, agree- Avvertenza, s. f. caution, care. Autorevole, adj. of authority. ably.

Avvertimento, 5. m. admoniAutorità, s. f. authority.-- Ar-Avvengachè, . Avvegnachè. tion, warning, advertisement. tonta, authority, a passage or Avvenimento, s. m. fall, hap, Avvertíre, to warn. -Hvvertire, testimony quoted to make chance, adventure, mischance, to inform, to give notice. good what one says. Autori- event, success


- Avvenimento, Auvertire, to mind,to take care. tà, authority, imperiousness. coming, arrival, accession. - Stare avvertilo, to be upon Autorizzáre, to authorize, to Avvenire, to happen, to be- one's guard. impower

fall.-Avvenire, s. m. future, Avvezzamento, s. m. habit, Autrice, s. f. authoress.

time to come.- Per l'avvenire, Autunnále, adj. autumnal. for the future. dovenirsi, to Avvezzáre, to accustom, to Autunno, s. m. autumn. light upon, to meet with. use-Aurezzarsi, to accustom Avvalláre, to oppress, to over-Avventamento, s. m. the act of one's self. bear. Obs.

throwing with violence. Avvézzo, adj. accustomed, Avvaloraménto, s. m. valour. Avventáre, to shoot, to fling.I used. Avvaloráre, to hearten up... -- Juvenlársi, to fall upon. - Avviamento, s. m. going, ryn.

Avunborársi, to take courage. Avventársi, to catch.- Qvesta Avvjáre, to begin, to set forAvvampamento, s. m. burn- malattia s'avventa conversando, ward, to set a going.-sluviuring, blazing this disease is caught by con

si, to go forward. Avvampáre, to singe.- Arvam- versing one with another. Avviáto, wise, sober, modepáre, to blaze, to burn. Avventato,shuttle-brained, gid- rate. Avvantaggiamento, s. m. ad dy-headed.



Avventizio, adj. adventitious. proach. Avvantaggiáre, to have or to Avvento, s.m. coming, arrived. Avvicinanza, s, f. approach. take advantage.

+-Avvento, the feast of Advent. Avvicináre, to approach. Avvantaggio, s. m. advantage. Avventore, s. m. customer. Avvicinazione, s. f. approach. -Dar dell' avvantaggio, to give Avventúra, adventure.- Arven- Avvignáre, to plant the vine. odds. túra, chance, luck.

Avviliménto, s. m. consternaAvvantaggioso, adj. advanta- Avventuráre, to adventure, to tion, great fear. geous.

venture - Avventurársi, to run Avvilire, to undervalue, to viAvvantaggiúzzo, s. m. small a hazard.

lify, to despised tvilársi, to advantage, small profit. Avventuratamente, luckily, despond, to lose courage. Avvedersi, to perceive, to dis- Avventuráto, adj. happy, for-Avviluppamento, s. m. disor- 4tredirsi de' suor erro

der, confusion.
Ti, to repent of one's faults: Avventuriére, adventurer.--Avviluppare, to wrap up, to
Avvedimento, s. m. foresight. Attenturiére, volunteer. involve.

- Advedimento, judgment, rea- Avventuróso, adj. lucky, suc- Avviluppatore, disturber, shuf-
son, understanding

Ning man, deceiver, be-
Avvedimentoso, adj. sagacious. Avvenuto, adj. happened, be- gyler.-Atviluppatúre, great

enter. Obs.
Avvedutamente, adv. warily. Avverraménto, versification. Arvináto, adj. mingled with
Avvedutézza, s. f. foresight. Avveráre, to aver.

wine.citrinuto, of a wine Avveduto, adj. wary, circum- Avverbiale, adv. adverbial. colour.

1 spect.Fare acredito, to warn, Avverbio, s. m. adverb. Avvinazzarsi, to fuddle one's to give one notice.

Avverificáre, to aver.' Obs. self.
Avvegnachè, because, Avversamente adv.wretchedly, Avvincere to bind, to tie
Avvegnadioché, adv.) where- poorly:

Avvinchide up ---vvinchia-
Avversário, adversary.-ritter- logli il collo, having embraced
Avvelenáre, to poison. sário, adj. contrary.-La parte him.
Avvelenatore, s m. poisoner. avversaria,

the adverse party. Avvincigliáre, to bind, to tie
Avvenente,adj. handsome, neat, Avversáro, s. m. the Devil, old up.
genteel, agreeable, sightly.- Nick.

Avvinghiáre, to encompass.Naudi avtenenti, agreeable man- Avversatére, enemy, adversal string hiáre, to comprehend,

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to conceive, to apprehend, to not to know where one is.

Avvolgimento, s. m. winding
Avrinto, adj. tied, wrapt, gird about.
ed about.
Avvolgitore, gull, cheat.

Arviottoláre, v. Avviáre. Avvolontatamente, adv. rash-
Arvisaménto, judgment, rea- ly, unadvisedly:
son.-Avvisamento, encounter, Avvolontáto, adj. eager, fond.

B, In composition, has the engagement. Obs. Avvolpacchiáre, to cheat, to

same sound in Italian that Arvisare, to advertise, to give catch. Obs.

it has in linglish. Datice. Avvisáre, to mind, Avvolpináre, to deceive, to Babbáccio, to remark, to regard. Arvia beguile. Obs.


Ś a dolt, a fool. sre, to see, to descry, to ken, Avvoltacchiáre, v. Avvoltic- Babbéo, s. m. a blockheado a discover - Avvisure, to chiare.

fool. wink with one eye, and to Avvoltáre, to wrap up, to Babbióne, a dullard, a blocklook straight on the mark with

head. the other -Avvisársi, to pre- Avvolticchiáre, to wrest, to Babbo, papa, dad, father.pare one's self.- Atvisársi, to wreath, to whirl about.

si ndare a babboriséggoli

, to die. engage in fight. Obs.

Avvolto, adj. wrapt, ravelled, Babbuassággine, s. f. stupidity. Arvisatamente, adv. warily.-entangled, involved.

Babbuásso, adj. foolish, sillyAvvisatamente, on purpose,

Avvoltúra, s. f. twisting. Un bibbuússo, a fool. with a design

A'uzzamento, s. m. the act of Babbuino, s. m. baboon.—BabAvvisato, wise, well-advised, making sharp.

buino, a monkey face.-Babcircumspect. Irviseto, cun- A'uzzáre, to whet, to sharpen buino, simpleton, booby. ning, sly, crafty, subtle, sharp. – dúzzáre, to irritate, to pro- Babbúsco, adj. large and tall. - Fare avvisato, to make acvoke, to exasperate.

Bacaláre, a great man, ironi. readiness at hand, prepared.quainted. Juisúto, ready, in A'uzzatúra, s. f. the making of cally speakinge presumption. any thing sharp.

Bacalería, pride, feriatore.prizer,valuer, rater. A'uzzino, v. Aguzzino.

Bacáre, to breed worms. Arvisatrice, s. f. fem. of Avvi- | A'uzzo, adj. keen, acute, Bacaticcio, adj. 2 sickly, sub



Sject to sickAvvisatúra, s. f. look, counte- Azienda, s. f. administration of ness, often sick.

domestic affairs.

Bacca, s. f. berry. Arviso, s. m. advice, opinion. Azióne, s. f. action.-Azióne, Baccalá, s. m. stock-fish, baca-A mio avviso, in my opinion. claim.

lao. -adiso advice.news, inform- | Azza, s. f. ax, hatchet.

Baccaláre, v. Bacalare. ation, intelligence.-rlvviso, Azzampáto, adj. that has Baccanále, s. f. bacchanal. advice, counsel.


Baccanello, dim. of Baccano. Avvistato, adj. handsome, Azzannáre, to lay hold with Baccano, s. noise, stir, comely the tusks.

bustle. Avviticchiamento, s.

m. the Arzeruóla, s. f. a sort of med- Baccante, bacchant, priestess twisting of the vines on the lar.

of Bacchus. trees.

Azzardáre, to hazard. Baccato, adj. drunken. Obs. Avviticchiare, to twist, to gird Azzárdo, s. m. hazard.

Baccellería, degree of bachelor. about, to twine.

Azzicársi, to move, to stir. Baccelliére, a bachelor of arts. Avviváre, to enliven, to give Obs.

Baccellétto, dim. of Baccello. vigour.Avvivársi, to grow Azzimársi, to make one's self Baccéllo, shell of a bean-Bacstrong, fresh, lively.

fine. Obs.-Un nzimalo, a céllo, new beans. Dacielio, dvvizzáre,/ to dry up, to fade beau, a spark. Obs.

fool, blockhead. Arrizzire, i. away.

Azzimella, s. f. unleavened Baccellóne, dunce, blockhead, Avvocare, to follow the law. bread.

aukward fellow. Obs.

A'zzimo, adj. unleavened. Bácchera, s. f. a Syrian plant, Avvocaria, s. f. the office of Azzimútto, s. m. azimuth. thought in old time to repel an advocate

Azzoppáre, to maim, to lame. witchcraft. Avvocáta, s. f. patroness.

Azzuttamento, s. m. quarrel. Bacchetta, s. f. little stick, rod. Arvocato, S. m. advocate, Azzulärsi, to engage, to fight. -Governare a burchella, to counsellor.lvvocato, pro- Azzuffatóre, he that is basty, command despotically. tector, supporter.

soon angry, passionate. Bacchétte, gantlope, a miliAvvocazione, the office of an Azzuolo, adj. dark blue.

tary punishment Avtochería, advocate. Azzurreggiare, to be almost of Bacchettáta, s. f. blow with a Avvolgere, to wrap an azure colour.

rod. abour, to roll together, to en- azzurríccio, coloured with Bacchettonería, S. t. hypo

hypocrite. compass.drvólyere, to go Azzurrigno, win ling about. Azzurrino,

Bacchettonismo, s m. Arvolgersi, to wander, to stray. Azzurro, s. in. azure.

Bacchettúzza, little rod Avvigersi, to lose one's self, Azzurrógnolo, a. Azzurriccio Bacchiare, to beat with a stick.

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