صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Be to, adj. blessed, happy.-Beccuccio, s. m. dim. of Becco. subject ---Bello, fine, pretty, Beito, s. m. a saint.

-Beccaccio, s. m. the pipe of neat, fair.-Bello, spruce to Beatrice, s. f. that makes hap- a limbeck. - Beccuccio,' the Bello, clean, neat.-Bello, rich, PY beak of a mug.

costly, splendid. Bel tempo, Becca, s. f. a garter.

Befána, s. f. puppet - "fana, fine weather. Veder il bello, Beccaccia, s. f. a woodcock. an ugly woman.

to know the time, the best Beccaccino, s. m. a snipe. Befanía, s. f. twelfth-day. opportunity.--.Un bello in Beccaccio, s. m. a large ill- Beffa, s.f. trick, joke.-Giuocar piazza, a great boaster.-Bello

shapen he-goat, an old stink- di beffe, to play for nothing.-- e nuovo, quite new.-Bello e ing he-goat.

Firsi beffa, to laugh at.-Beffa, fatto, quite done.--Far il bello Beccáficáta, s. f. a great cating trifles, frippery.

umore, to carry it highof fig-peckers made by many Beffardo, s. m. a jester.

Bello, sometimes signifies notogether for jollity. Beffáre, to rally, to banter.- thing, but gives emphasis to Peccafico, s..m. a fig-pecker, Beffóre, to cheat, to trick.- the expression. Di bel mezzo beccafico.

Bejlársi, to laugh at, not to di, at fioon.--Mi costa dieci Beccajo, s, m. butcher.- Un care for.

belle ghinee, it costs me ten beccujo in Italia non è accettato Beffatóre, s. m. a mocker. guineas. per testimonio, a butcherin Italy Beffeggiáre, to mock to scoff. Bellóccio, adj. handsome and cannot bear witness in any Beffeggiatore, s. m. a mocker. big.

Beffivole, contemptible. Bellóre, s. m. beauty. Obs. Beccaláglio, s. m. a kind of Beghína, a sort of nuns that Belluccio, adj

. pretty. . m game among children. live not in convents.

Bélo, s. m. the cry of sheep. Beccalíte, s. m. caviller. Bégole, fem. pl. trifles. Obs. Belóne, s. m. one that bleats, Beccamorti, s. m. grave-digger. Beitore, s. m. a drinker. Obs. and it is said to a child in Beccare, to peck.-Beccarsi il Belaménto, s. m. the cry of scolding him. cervello, to puzzle one's self.- sheep.

Beltà, s. f. beauty. Bestursi i geti, to take pains to Beláre, to bleat, as sheep do. Belva, s. f. a wild beast, poeno purpose. --Beccar qualche Beláre, to prate, to chatter.- tical. cos., to catch something. Belúre, to cry as children do. Bembè, adv. very well. Beccastrino, s. m. a mattock. Bel bello, fair and softly. Benacconciamente, adv. right. Beccáta, s. f. a stroke with a Bel che, s. m. a fine thing in- ly, well. bil-Beccata, cold.

deed. E un bel che certo. da Benagurosamente, adv. luckily. Beccatélia, s. f. a hawk's lure. furne tunto strepito, a great Benaudáta, drinking money. Beccatéllo, s. m. in masonry, a matter indeed to make such Benanventuranza, s. f. good bracket.-Beccatéllo, a kid. noise!

luck, good fortune. Obs. Beccatójo, s. m. tray, kimnel. Bellaménte, adv. fairly.-Bel- Benavventurataménte, ady. Becchereilo, s. m. a kid. lamén[e, slowly...Bellamente, lucky. Beccheria, s. f. the shambles, handsomely.

Benavventuroso, adj. lucky. slaughter-bouseAndare alla Bellétta, s. f. mud, slime. Ben bene, adv. very well. berceria, to go to market for Belletto, s. m. paint, wash for Benchè, adv. although, though. meat.--Carne di beccheria, but the face.

Benda, s. f. a band, it swathi cher's meat. Bellezza, s. f. beauty.

band.--:enda, a nun's peak. Becchetto, s. m. the fore part Bellico, s. m. the navel.---Bel Auer una benda avanti gli occhi; of a boat.

lico, the middle.-Bellico, adj. to be blindfolded. Becchico, adj. stomachic, pec- warlike.-Bellici stromenti

, in- Bendáre, to bind, ar tie with a toral.

struments of war.Bellico va. fillet.-Bendáre, to blindfold, Becchino, s. m. a grave-digger. lore, martial valour.

to hoodwink--- Bendáre, to Becco, s. m. bill, beak.-Becco, Belliconchio, s. m. a gut hang- crown. mouth.- Immollar il becco, to ing on children's navels when Bendatúra, s. f. ligature, bandrink.---Mettere il becco in mo'le, they are born.

dage. to begin to prate.-Becro, the Bellicone, s. m. a water-pot. Bendella, s. f. a small band. beak of a ship.-Becco, the Bellicóso, adj. warlike. Bendóne, s. m, pendants of a pipe of a limbeck.-Becco, he- Bellígero, adj. warlike. bishop's mitre, lappets of a Fuat.—Ho trovato il becco più Bellimbústo, s. m. a handsome woman's head-clothes. duro a mugnere di quel che mi but good for nothing young Bendúccio, s. m. child's muck. pensada, I found the task

ender.-Ha soffiato nel benduce harder than I thought.-Di- Bellino, adj. pretty fine. cio, he has lost all. A vulgar Tizzare il becco agli sparvieri, to Béllo, s. m. beauty.--Bello, phrase. attempt impossibilities. --Bec- s. m. opportunity, convenient Bene, s. m. good, advantage. co, cuckold.

time.Bello, adj. proper, Rene, happiness, felicity.-Beccusaccio, augm. of Bec- seemly, meet.-Bello, beauti- Bene, benefit, kindness, facine.

ful, handsome.-Farsi bello di vour-Voler del bene, to love. Beecóne, a large buck-goat.- che che sia, to assume or arto- Bene, virtue, goodness. Berrone, an infamous cuckold. gate to one's self-Ha parlato Un uomo da bene, à good ho-Beecúne, adj. stupid, block- bello sopra questo soggetto, he nest man.--Una donna da bene, ish.

made a fine speech upon that a virtuous woman..--Bene;


Ben gli stà, he deserves it.
Benignamente, adv. kindly.
Benignánza, s. f. goodness.

Benignità, s. f. benignity.
Benigno, adj. benign.
Beninánza, s. f. benignity.

praise, commendation-Dir good.
del bene, to speak well of one. Benfátto, adj. well shaped,
-Pigliar per bene, to take in well made.
good part.-Lene, estate,
means, riches.--Bene, adv.
well, right.—Starei bene se non
avessi altro a vivere, it would go
ill with me if I had nothing
else to live upon.-Bene, an
expletive that gives more em-
phasis to the expression.
Ha guadagnato ben dieci mila
lire, he has got full ten thou-
sand pounds. Ben vi sta, you
deserve it. Si bene, willingly.
-Beni stabili, beni mobili, chat-
Benedetta, s. f. thunderbolt.
A ludicrous word.
Benedetto, adj. blessed, blest.
Benedetto, s. m. the falling

[blocks in formation]

Benefattore, s. m. benefactor.
Benefattrice, s. f. benefactress.
Beneficáre, to do good to.
Beneficatóre, s. f. benefactor.
Beneficenza, s. f. beneficence.
Beneficiále, adj. beneficial.
Beneficáre, to benefit.
Beneficiáto, adj. that has a be-
Benefício, s. m. benefit, kind-
ness.-beneficio, a benefice, a
living.—Beneficio, profit, ad-
vantage. A beneficio di natura,
at random, carelessly.
Beneficióne, s. m. a fat living.
Beneficiuólo, a small living.
Benéfico, adj. beneficent, libe-

Benefízio, v. Beneficio.
Benemerénza, s. f. desert, me-

Benemérito, adj. well-deserv-
Beneplácito, s. m. good-will
and pleasure.-lo fo a mio be
neplacito, I do as I please, I act
as I list.

Bene spesso, adj. very often.
Benestante, adj. rich, wealthy.
Benevolenza, s. f. good-will.
Benévola, adj. benevolent,

Benefacente, adj. that does

Beníno, adv. rather well.
Benivogliénte, adj. benevolent.
Benivoglienza, s. f. benevo-

Benivolente, adj. humane,

Benivolénza, s. f. good-will, be-

Benivolo, adj. benevolent.
Benmontáto, adj. well-mount-

Benna, s. f. a dung-cart.
| Bennáto, adj. well-born.-Ben-
nato, happy, lucky.
Ben'one, great love. A ludi-
Clous word.


Bérgolo, adj. voluble, change-
able.-Bergolu, s. m. a kind of
Bericuocolájo, s. m. confection-


Bericuócolo, s. m. a kind of

Berillo, s. m. a beril.
Berlína, s. f. pillory.
Berlingáccino, s. m. the Thurs-
day before Shrove-Tuesday.
Berlingáccio, s. m. Shrove-

Berlingacciolo, v. Perlingaccio.
Berlingáre, to drink freely, to
prate over one's cups.
Berlingatóre, s. m. a merry
lad, a jolly companion.
Berlinghiere, s. m. a prattling
or talkative man.
Berlingozzo, s. m. a kind of


Bernaccia, s. f. a kind of grape so called.

Bérnia, s. f. a riding-hood. Berniésco, o Bernésco, burlesque. Stile Berniesco, Berni's style.

Bensai, adv. certainly.
Benservito, a servant's charac-
Bernóccolo, s. m. a bunch, a
Benvogliente, adj. benevolent. swelling caused by a knock.
Benvoglienza, s. f. benevo-Bernoccolo, a knob in the


Benvolentieri, adv. very wil-

Benvolére, s. m. benevolence-
Benvalere, to love.-Si fu ben-
volere da tutti, he is beloved by
every body.

Benvolúto, adj. well beloved.
Beóne, s. m. a toper.
Berbéna, v. Verbena. Obs.
Bérberi, s. m. pl. the barberry


Bernoccolúto, adj. knobby.
Berrétta, s. f. man's cap, bon-
net.-Acere il cervello sopra la
berrétta, to proceed rashly.-
Far di berrelta, to pull off one's
cap, to salute one.
Berrettáccia, s. f. an old cap.
Berrettájo, a cap or bonnet-
maker or seller.
Berrettina, s. f. a small cap.
Berrettino, s. m. a small cap.-
Berrettino, adj. crafty, cun-
ning.-Berrettino, a kind of

dark colour.

Berrettóna, s. f.) any great
Berrettóne, s. m. cap or bon-


Berbice, s. f. a sheep. Obs.
Bere, to drink -Bere un uovo,
to sip up an egg. Mi convien
berla, I must bear it.-Ber
grosso, not to be strict.-Fere
o affogare, to be obliged to do.
-Dare a bere, to make one Berriuóla, s. f. a night-cap.
believe.-bersi una cosa, to Obs.
take a thing for granted.
Ber biano, to be disappointed.
Ber paesi, to drink wine not
for its pleasantness, but be-
cause it is grown in a distant
country.-Per con gli occhi, to
devour with one's eyes.-
Bere, s. m. drink, liquor.
Bergamotto, s. m. the tree that
produces the bergamot-pear.
Bergamótta, s. f. a bergamot-

Berroviére, s. m. a ruffian.—
Berroviére, a mace-bearer, a

Bersaglio, s. m. butt, a mark to shoot at.-bersaglio laughingstock.-lo sono il bersagizo deta fortuna, I am the sport of for



Berta, s. f. trifle, story-Dar la berta, to jest, to banter.Berta, a magpye-Eerta, gos.ping woman.-Wetter la Berghinella, s. f. a low woman. Lerta ia gabbia, to be frighted. Bergolináre, to pun, to quib-;-Berta, a rammer.






Berteggiamento, the act of Beva,

drink, li- blankDar carta bianca, to laughing at.


quor, po- give full liberty.--Restar bianBerteggiare, to laugh at. Beveraggio, s. m. tion, cu, to be at a loss. --Bianco, Berteggiatore, s. m. mocker, drench.- Questo vino è nella sua pale, bleak, wan. jarrer.

beza, this wine is fit to drink. Biancolino, adj. whitish. Bertésca, s. f. a kind of rampart - Beverággio, drinking money. Biancomangiare, s. m. blancof war made upon towers.- Beveratójo, s. m. vessel to drink manger. Bertésea, any thing dangerous in.

Biancóre, s. m. whiteness. to get upon. Pérere, v. Bere.

Biancóso, adj. white. Bertescine, 9. m. a large ram- Beveria, s. f. drinking. Biancospino, s. m. white-thorn, part on a tower. Bevero, s. m. a beaver.

hawthorn. A bertolútto, for nothing:- Bereróne, drink, potion.-Be- Piante, s. in. a vagabond. Jlcnciare a bertolottu, tu be ceróne, a drench for a horse. Biasciamento, s. m. chewing. scot free, to eat at free cost. Bevigióne, v. Bevánda.


to chew. Bertine, s. m. a whore's sup- Bevimento, s. m. drinking. Biascicáre, porter.--Hertóne, horse! Bevitóre, s. m. drinking.er Biasimamento, s.

m. blame. whose ears have been cut. Bevitrice, s. f. a female toper.

Obs. Eertovélio, s. m. a net made of Bevitúra, drinking.

Biasimárc, to blame. twins, to catch fish or birds. Bevóne, s. m. toper:

Biasimatóre, s. m. a blamer, a Bertuccia, s. f. a monkey. kevúca, s. f. adrinking-bout.--censorious man. Bertuccino, a littie monkey. dd ogni beuta, at every glass. Biasimatrice, s. f. a cenzorious Bertúecio, s. m. v. Bertuccia.

Bezzi, nioncy:- - lon ho brazi, I Bertuccione, s. m. old ape. have no money.

Biasimévole, adj. blameable. Ber67.7.0), s. m. a countryman's Bezzieáre, to peck, to bill, to Biasimevolmente, blameably. breakfast.

nib.-Pezzicáre, to scold, to Biasimo, s. m. blame, reproach. Berza, s. f. the shank of a leg. quarrel.

Biasimáre, v. Biasimáre. Berzáglio, v. Berságlio. | Bezzicatúra, s. f. billing, peck- Biasmo, v. Bissimo. Bescio, adj. siinple, foolish, dull. ing.

Esiena, ö Bestemmia. Be-ságinc, s. f. folly, silli- Bezzo, s. m. a small brass coin Biastemmire, Obs. e. BesBusseria, i

in Venice.

Blastemmiure, i tenuniare. Besso, adj. foolish, dull.-In Biácca, s. f. ceruse, white lead. Bibbia, s. f.the Bible.-bibbia, besso, a sot, a fool. -Bess, that - Questo mal non è di bicicu, a long story. has an impediment in his this disease is not easily cured. Dibita, potion. specch.

Biada, s. f. standing corn. Bibliotica, s. f. a library: Bestemmia, s. f. blasphemy.- Páda, corn-Bride, any corn Bibliotecario, s. m. a libraryBestemnia, cursing and swear- reaped, except wheat.--Biuda, keeper, librarian. oats, a kind of corn.

Fica, s. f. a rick of corn, a hayBesiemmiárc, to blaspheme, 10 Biadajuólo, s. i. a corn-cland- stuck. --Bicu, a pile, a heap. curse. ler.

--- Vlontar su tu bica, to fly into Bestemmiatore, a blasphemer. Biadétto, s. m. a bluish colour a passion. Bestemmiatrice, s. f. a woman that painters use.de ito, Bicchiera jo, a drinking-glass that blasphemes.

adj. of a bluish colour. maker ur seller. Bestia, s. s. a reast.--Entrere in Biancastro, adj. whitish, in- Liechiire, a drinking-yhiss bestia, to fall into a passion. clining to white.

In bicchien cii iinu, a glass of Bestiáccia, s. f. a nasty beast. Biancheggiamento, s. m. whi- wine. - Bestiaccia, a great fool. tening

Bicchierétto, l diminutives of Bestiále, adj. beastly, brutish. Biancheggi.nte, adj. whitish. Bicchierino, Bicchiere.

- Bestiale, thick, heavy, Biancheggiare, to grow white. Bicicócca, a little casile upon lumpish.-l'n bestiale, an in- Biancheria, s. f. linen clothes. Bicocca, s a mountain...-dija considerate fool.

Bianchetto, adj. whitish. cucci, a hamlet, a little paltry Bestialità, s. f. beastliness.- Binchézza, whiteness. Bestilú, folly, stupidity. Bianchiccio, adj. whitish. Bestialmente, adv. beastly. Bianchimento, s. m. washing. Bicórno,

horns. Bestiáme, s. in. cattle. Dianchire, to whiten.--- Bicornito, s Besticciuola, s. f. a little living chire, to grow old.- il bian. Bidale, s. ill. light horsemen

chir del giorno, at the break of formerly used in France. Best iévole, adj. v. Bessiále. day.

Bidillo, s. in. a headle. Bestiolúccia, v. Bestiuóla. Biancicáre, to grow white. Bidente, 5. 111. a pitchfork. Bestiónc, s. m. a great beast. Bianco, s. m. white.-Biunco Bideti, 8.211. a little nag. Bestiuóla, s. f.) a little beast. drow), the white of an egg.--Dietanente, adv. squintingly. Bestiuólo, s. m ) --Bestiuúlo, a Bianco, adj. white.--V'in bino Bricco, indj'stern, sour, crabbed, silly man, a fool.

co, white winc.-Capeli hinn- doggel. Occhi becki, squintBértola, s. f. a cook's shop. chi, grey hair.--Bianco inan- ing eyes.-R mirar con occhio Bettoliére, the man that keeps giare, blanc-manger.-lulul bieco, ro look with an envious the Bettola.

bianco, a blank in the lottery.l. eye.--Ito bieco, a bad acBettonica, betony.

---Lasciare in bianco, to leave a tíon.



Bicórne, ? adij. that has two


Biéta, } Bietola, j

s. f. beet.

Bietolóne, s. m. a simpleton.
Biétta, s. f. wedge, to cleave
wood.-Fsser una mala bietta,
to be a sad fellow.
Bifóglio, s. m. tway-blade,
Bifólca, s. f. acre.
Bifolchéria, s. f. husbandry.
Bifolco, s. m. a ploughman, a
Biforcaménto, s. m. separation,
Biforcáto, adj. forked, clo-
Biforcúto, ven.
Biforme, adj. of two shapes.
Bifronte, adj. Janus-like, dou-

Bifúlco, s. m. Obs. v. Bifolco.
Biga, s. f. tumbrel, a dung-


[blocks in formation]

Bigátto, s. m. silkworm.-Mal bigatto, an ill man.

Bigáttolo, s m. a small worm that spoils the corn.

[blocks in formation]

Bilancíno, s. m. small scales.-
Bilancino, s. f. the horse of the
Bíláncio, s. m. the balance of
an account.Il bilancio batte,
the balance is right.
Bile, s. f. choler-Bile, anger,
passion, wrath.-Non mi fate
montar la bile, don't provoke


Bilénco, adj. having crooked

Bília, s. f. a piece of wood, to
pack up a bale of cloth, and
make it tight.
Biliário, adj. bilious.—Vesi bi-
liar, bilious vessels.
Bilicáre, to counterpoise.
Bílico, s. m. balancing, poising.
--Stare in bilico, to be near
falling-Mettere in bilico, to
Biliórsa, s. f. chimera, a beast
imagined by poets.
Bilióso, adj. choleric.

Birra, s. f. beer.


Birrácchio, s. m. a calf a year old.

pudent, frontless.. Biriésco, adj. vile, wicked, imBirre, s. m. a bum-bailiff, a catchpole.

pouches to it.-Esser alla bi-
Bisáccia, s. f. a bag with two
saccin, to be very poor.
Bisánte, s. m. an old coin so
Bisante, 2
s. m. spangle.
Bisarcávola, s. f. great-great-
Bisarcavolo, s. m. great-great-

Bisávo, s m. a great-grand-
Bisbeticamente, adv. oddly.
Bisavólo,J father.
Bisbético, adj. maggot-headed,

Biliottáto, adj. speckled, spot- Bisbigliamento, whispering.

Billéra, s. f. a jest.

Bisbigliare, to whisper.
Bishigliatore, a whisperer.

Billi-billi, a way of calling Bisbigliatório, adj. ˆ whisper


Bigello, s. m. coarse cloth.ted.
Bigello, sheep's russet colour.
Bigerógnolo, adj. greyish.
Bighellóne, a dunce.
Bigherájo, a droll, a Merry-
Andrew-Bigherajo, one that
makes or sells bonelace.
Bigheráto, adj. adorned with
Bighero, s. m. bonelace.
Bigherúzzo, s. m. a little edg-

Bigiccio, adj. greyish.
Bigio, adj. grey.
Biglietto, s. m. billet, note.
Bigollóne, Bighellóne.
Bigoncétta, s. f. dim. di bigon-


Biltà, v. Beltà. Obs.
Bílustre, adj. ten years old.
Biméstre, adj. two months old.
Bimbo, s. f. a sucking baby.
Bimmólle, s. m. a musical term.
Bináre, to make twins.
Binato, s. m. a twin.
Bindoléria, s. f. cunning.
Bindolo, s. m. a swing.
Bióccolo, s. m. a lock of wool.
Biónda, s. f. wash lye for wo-
men's hair.
Biondella, s. f. a kind of herb.
Biondeggiáre, to be yellow.
Biondétto, adj. somewhat fair.
Biondézza, s. f. fair colour.
Biondo, adj. fair, light, flaxen.
-Capelli biondi, light hair.-
Il bindo dio, Cupid.
Biordáre, to revel, to dance.


Bisbiglio, s. m. whisper, ru-
mour, noise.

Biscajuólo, s. m. gamester.
Bisca, s. f. a gaming-place.
Biscantáre, to sing often,
Biscanterelláre, to sing and
sing again.

Biscánto, s. m. a kind of duetto,
where two are singing.
Biscázza, s. f. v. Bisca.
Biscazzáre, to game.


Bigóncia, s. f. a sort of tub.-
Bigóncia, a pulpit or chair.-
Montare in bigoncia, to mount
the pulpit.

Bigoncína, dim. of Bigoncia.
Bigonciuolo, v. Bigoncétta.
Bigórdo, s. m. a staff. Obs.
Potare sopra bigordi, to carry
under a canopy.
Bilancétta, s. f. a little balance,

Biláncia, s. f. a pair of scales. Dar il tracollo alla bilancia, to turn the scale-Esser in bilancia, to waver-Bilancia, a hoop-net-bilancia, the splinter-yard of a coach. Bilanciáre, to balance, to poise.


Biótto, s. m. poor.
Bipartire, to part in two.
strument, poetical.
Bipénne, s. f. a two-edged in-

bond-Pirba, a vagabond's
Birba, s. f. a wanderer, a vaga-
trade.--Fatter la birba, to
Birbánte, s. m. a beggar, à va-
mump, to go about mumping.

Birbóne, s. m. a wanderer, a
Birbonáta, s. f. a rogue's trick.

Biscazziére, s. m. gamester.
Bischétca, s. f. an offensive

Bischerellino, dim. of BischeBischeréllo, dim. of Bischero. rello. Eischero, s. m. pin or peg of any instrument. Bischerúccio, small peg. Bischizzo, s. m. expedient, in


Físcia, s. f. snake, adder.-Cam-
minare a biscia, to walk vermi-
cularly, not in a straight line.
Andarci come la biscia all' incanto,
to do a thing against one's

Biscióne, s. m. a large snake.
Biscióla, s. f. a little snake.
Biscolore, s. m. of sundry co-
Biscottáre, to bake twice.



Biseottino, s, in. little biscuits. Bisténto, s. m. distress, want, vole alla bocca, pleasant to the -Biscottino, & m. a sllip on penury

palate.---Bocca, people.-Ho the nose.

Bisticciare, to strive, to con- più di dieci bocche a mantenere, I Biscotto, s. m. sea biscuit.-tend, to fall out.

have ten mouths or people to Entrar in mar senza bi cotto, to Bistíccio, s. m. pun, or quib- feed.-Stare a bocca aperta, to go hand over head in an af. ble.

hearken attentively.--Metter fair without making the due Bistondo, adj. almost round. di bocca, to say more than the provisions for it.

Bistórta, s. f. a kind of crook- truth.--A bocca baciata, easily, Biscróma, s. f. a musical term. ed-pointed lancet that sure willingly.-Favellar con la bocca A bisdósso, bare-backed. geons use.

piccina, to speak with caution. Bisestile, adj. bissextile.--- Anno Bistórto, adj. crooked.-Bistór- -Parlare a bucca aperta, to binestrle, leap-year, to, deceitful.

speak inconsiderately, at ran. Bisésto, s. n. the odd day of the Bistrattáre, to treat ill. dom-Esser largo di boccu, to leap-year, which falls every Bisúnto, adj. filthy, nasty. talk inconsiderately-In bocce fourth year.

Un bisunto, s. m. a sloven. chiusa non entrò mai mosca, noBisfórme, of two forms.

Una bisunta, a slut.

thing asked, nothing had. Bisgénero, s. m. the husband of Bitontóne, a kind of great fig. Esser di buona bocca, to be a my grand-daughter. Bitórzo, s. m. tumour, swell- great eater.Bocca a bocca, Bisacco, adj. capricious.

face to face-Largo di bocca, Eslessáre, to boil a little. Bitorzoláto, adj. v. Bitorzolúto stretto di mano, great cry and Bislángo, adj. longish. Bitorzoletto, s. n. a little tu- little wool. Far la bocca al Kismálva, s. f. marshmallows.

forno, to make an end of an Bisnipóte, s. m. great-grandson. Bitórzolo, o. Bitórzo.

affair.-Bocca, the mouth of Bisnonna, fein. of Bisnonno. Bitorzolúto, adj. full of swell- something.--La bocce d'un Bisaénno, s. m. great-grandfa- ings, knobby as wood is. fiume, the mouth of a river.ther. Bitúme, bitumen.

La bocca dello stomaco, the pit Bisógaa, s. f. work, business. Bituminoso, adj. bituminous. of thestomach.- Bocca di fuoco, Bisognáre, verb. imperf. ’ris an Biválvo, adj.' having two fire-arm.- Far bocche, to make impersonal verb only used in mouths.

mouths. these tenses. Bisogna ch'io Bívio, s. m. a way, or street, Boccaccévole, adj. according to tada, I must go. Bisogna im- parting in two.

Boccace's way.-- Parole boccacpar ate questo, you must learn Biúta, s. f. any thick plaster. cevoli, affected words. this.-Ci bisogna morire, we Bizzarraménte, oddly. Boccaccevolménte, adv. after must die. Vi bisognæa venir Bizzarría, s. f. fantasticalness, the manner or style of Bocpriua, you should come soon- smartness, spruceness, brisk- caccio. er-Mi bisognò partire, I was ness, prettiness.

Boccaccia, s. f. an ugly mouth. forced to go. Vi bisognerà Bizzárro, adj. fantastical, gid- Boccaláccio, s. m. a great pot. farlo, you must do it-Biseg- dy-headed, humoursome, Boccale, s. m. any drinkingserebbe che io glielo facessi sapere, whimsical, extravagant. Bizo pot, a mug —Egli è scritto pie I should let him know of it. zárro, smart, spruce.

borcali, he is known by every Sometimes we use it in the Bizzóco, adj. coarse, clownish. body. third person plural, and then -Bizcoco, š. m. a secular man Boccaletto, s. m. a little pot. it signifies necessity or want. dressed in a religious habit. Boccáto, s. m. a mouthful.- vi bisognano danari, ve ne Un bizzoco, a puritan, a hypo- Boccato, a blow given over the presterd, if you want money, crite,'a bigot.--Una bizzoca, a mouth with an open hand. ru lend you some.- Me ne bi- woman that lives at her house Non ne saper boccato, to know sograveno jeri, ma non adesso, I like a nun.

nothing of the matter. wanted some yesterday, but Bizzocone, s. m. a clown, a fel- Boccetta, s. f. a vial. not now.-Ce ne bisogneranno low of rude behaviour. Boccheggiamento, s. m. pantquattro, we shall want four. Blandiménto, s. m. allurement, ing, gaping. Bisognévole, adj. wanting.


Boccheggiáre, to gape as fishes Bisogno, s. m. need, want.--A2 Blandire, to flatter, to cajole, do when they lie dying. biogro ci conosce un amico, a to wheedle.

Bocchetta, s. 6. a little pretty friend in need is a friend in- Blando, adj. kind, gentle. Bocchino, s. m. S mouth. deed.-Bisógno, convenience, Plasfémo, V. Bestemmiatore. Bóccia, s. f. a bud.-Buccia di ease.- Al bisogno, opportune Obs.


a rose-bud-Boccia, a ly, in time. A un bisogno, Bloccare, to block up. vessel in chymistry. upon an occasion.-Bisogno, a Boattiére, s. m. a keeper of Bocciata, adv. nothing. fresh-water sailor. Obs. oxen, a grazier.

Boccino, o. Bovino. Bisognosamente, needfully. Bobóica, s. f. a herdsman's Bocciolína, a little bud. Bisognóso, adj. indigent.--Bi- wife.

Bocciolóso, full of buds. sozzáso, necessary, requisite. Bobolco, s. m. a herdsman, a Boccitóla, s. f. a little bud Bisso, s. m. fine linen like cam- plowman.

Bocciola di tromlette, that part bric or lawn, poetical, Bocca, s. f. che mouth.-Dire u of the trumpet that is put into Bistentáre, to be in great pe- bocca, to tell by word of the mouth. bury or want.

mouth.Bocca, taste. -Piace- Bocciuolo, s, in v. Boccia.




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