These are specially reduced rates, i.e., specially reduced by the Norwich Union Society for readers of the WINDSOR MAGA ZINE. It has been found in practice by insurance companies that some women have a singular dislike for stating, even in confidence, their exact age, and for giving personal and family details as to health, etc., required under certain circumstances. To meet the view of those who manifest this weakness another plan has been adopted by the WINDSOR MAGAZINE in conjunction with the Norwich Union Society, whereby, instead of an annuity, a sum down is insured for, say, £100 or £1,000, payable after any given number of years-five, ten, fifteen, twenty, or thirty, as may be desired. In this case, there is no need to calculate the number of years for which the person so insured may probably live over and above the specified time, and as in the case of an annuity, no questions are asked as to present age or family history. Pure endowments of £100 and upwards, with return of premiums in event of earlier death, and option of return of premiums in the event of marriage, are thus arranged for by the Norwich Union Society for readers who take advantage of this scheme and present all the different WINDSOR MAGAZINE coupons. When the endowment falls through, the purchaser, if by that time no longer concerned to keep her age a secret, has the option of declaring it and receiving a proportionate annuity, a prudent arrangement that may commend itself to non-speculative minds. In the case of parents, if any such there be, who think their girls, like their boys, should shift for themselves, and who having equipped them with a good education expect them to fight the battle of life on their own account, we have an alternative scheme to offer. They can insure the children, not for a dowry on marriage, or at the age of twenty, but for a sum of money down at fifty or fifty-five at very low rates indeed. Thus securing some provision for them at a time when, presumably, they will need it most: with youth and beauty left behind, and strength, perhaps, beginning to fail. To secure £100 to a child when she reaches the age of fifty or fifty-five the following annual payments must be made, accompanied by a WINDSOR MAGAZINE Coupon. Under this scheme, and by the above rate of payment, a woman of thirty may secure to herself £1,000 down when she is fiftythree, and in all probability still hale and hearty, by taking in the WINDSOR MAGAZINE regularly and paying £27 11s. 8d. a year. She has thus actually paid £634 8s. 4d. herself by easy instalments extending over twenty-three years, and receives the balance from the insurance company. If she pre And now to give practical effect to the scheme I can only add that a "Form of Proposal" will be found on page xxiv. of this issue for the use of all who are anxious to use this plan of Insurance on Marriage. This should be filled up and addressed to "Insurance," c/o The Editor of the WINDSOR MAGAZINE, Salisbury Square, London, E.C., when it will meet with due attention. |