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League, and with it the independence of Greece; but the recollection of the Achaean power was perpetusted by the name of Achaia, which the Romans gave to the south of Greece, when they formed it into a province. (Paus. vii. 16, sub fin.)

The history of the Achaean League has been treated with ability by several modern writers. The best works on the subject are:- - Helwing, Geschichte des Achäischen Bundes, Lemgo, 1829; Schorn, Geschichte Griechenland's von der Entstehung des Aetol. und Achäischen Bundes bis auf die Zerstörung Corinths, Bonn, 1833; Flathe's Geschichte Macedoniens, vol. ii., Leipz. 1832; Merleker, Achaicorum Libri III., Darmst. 1837; Brandstäter, Gesch. des Aetolischen Landes, Volkes und Bundes, Berlin, 1844; Droysen, Hellenismus, vol. ii., Hamburg, 1843; Thirlwall, History of Greece, vol. viii.


The following is a list of the towns of Achaia from E. to W.: PELLENE, with its harbour Aristonautae, and its dependent fortresses Olurus and Goncessa, or Donussa: AEGEIRA, with its fortress Phelloë: AEGAE: BURA: CERYNEIA: HELICE: AEGIUM, with the dependent places Leuctrum and Erineum: the harbour of PANORMUS between the promontories of Drepanum and Rhium: PATRAE, with the dependent places Boline and Argyra: OLENUS with the dependent places Peirae and Euryteiae DYME, with the dependent places Teichos, Hecatombaton and Langon. In the interior PHARAE: LEONTIUM: TRITAEA. The following towns, of which the sites are unknown, are mentioned only by Stephanus Byzantinus: Acarra (Akappa): Alos (Aλos): Anace ('Aváên): Ascheion ("Aσxelov): Azotus (A(aros): Pella (Пéλλa): Phaestus (Parrós): Politeia (ПoAlтeia): Psophis (woís): Scolis (ExbAus): Tarne (Tápvn): Teneium (ThVLOV): Thrius (Opious), which first belonged to Achaia, afterwards to Elis, and lay near Patrae. Athenaeus (xiv. p. 658) mentions an Achaean town, named Tromileia (Tpoμíλeta) celebrated for its cheese.

Respecting the geography of Achaia in general see Müller, Dorians, vol. ii. p. 428, seq.; Leake's Morea, vols. ii. & iii., and Peloponnesiaca; Boblaye, Recherches, p. 15, seq.; Curtius, Peloponnesos, vol. i. p. 403. seq.


allusion to the establishment of a Roman province, although we find mention of various regulations adopted by the Romans for the consolidation of their power. 2. Many of these regulations would have been unnecessary if a provincial government had been established. Thus we are told that the government of each city was placed in the hands of the wealthy, and that all federal assemblies were abolished. Through the influence of Polybius the federal assemblies were afterwards allowed to be held, and some of the more stringent regulations were repealed. (Pol. xl. 8-10; Paus. vii. 16. § 10.) The re-establishment of these ancient forms appears to have been described by the Romans as a restoration of liberty to Greece. Thus we find in an inscription discovered at Dyme mention of aπodedoμEVη Kaтà KOLVòv Toîs "EXλnow èλevoepía, and also of ἡ ἀποδοθεῖσα τοῖς Ἀχαίοις ὑπὸ Ῥωμαίων ToλíTea, language which could not have been used if the Roman jurisdiction had been introduced into the country. (Böckh, Corp. Inscript. No. 1543 comp. Thirlwall, vol. viii. p. 458.) 3. We are expressly told by Plutarch (Cim. 2), that in the time of Lucullus the Romans had not yet begun to send praetors into Greece (ouw eis tǹv 'Eλλáda 'Pwμaîor σTpaTnyoùs dieлéμTOVтO); and that disputes in the country were referred to the decision of the governor of Macedonia. There is the less reason for questioning this statement. since it is in accordance with the description of the proceedings of L. Piso, when governor of Macedonia, who is represented as plundering the countries of southern Greece, and exercising sovereignty over them, which he could hardly have done, if they had been subject to a provincial administration of their own. (Cic. c. Pis. 40.) It is probable that the south of Greece was first made a separate province by Julius Caesar; since the first governor of the province of whom any mention is made (as far as we are aware) was Serv. Sulpicius, and he was appointed to this office by Caesar (Cic. ad Fam. vi. 6. § 10.)

In the division of the provinces made by Augustus, the whole of Greece was divided into the provinces of Achaia, Macedonia, and Epeirus, the latter of which formed part of Illyris. Achaia was one of the provinces assigned to the senate and was governed by a proconsul. (Strab. p. 840; Dion Cass. liii. 12.) Tiberius in the second year of his reign (A. D. 16) took it away from the senate and made it an imperial province (Tac. Ann. i. 76), but Claudius gave it back again to the senate (Suet. Claud. 25). In the reign of this emperor Corinth was the residence of the proconsul, and it was here that the Apostle Paul was brought before Junius Gallio as proconsul of Achaia. (Acta Apost. xviii. 12.) Nero abolished the province of Achaia, and gave the Greeks their liberty; but Vespasian again established the provincial government and compelled the Greeks to pay a yearly tribute. (Paus. vii. 17. §§ 3, 4; Suet. Vesp. 8.)

3. ACHAIA, the Roman province, including the whole of Peloponnesus and the greater part of Hellas proper with the adjacent islands. The time, however, at which this country was reduced to the form of a Roman province, as well as its exact limits, are open to much discussion. It is usually stated by modern writers that the province was formed on the conquest of the Achaeans in B. C. 146; but there are several reasons for questioning this statement. In the first place it is not stated by any ancient writer that Greece was formed into a province at this time. The silence of Poly-πроowρioтai. "The seventh (province) is Achaia, up bius on the subject would be conclusive, if we possessed entire that part of his history which related the conquest of the Achaeans; but in the existing fragments of that portion of his work, there is no

The boundaries between the provinces of Macedonia, Epeirus, and Achaia, are difficult to determine. Strabo (p. 840), in his enumeration of the provinces of the Roman empire, says: 'EBôóunv 'Axatav μέχρι Θετταλίας καὶ Αἰτωλῶν καὶ Ακαρνάνων, καί τινων Ηπειρωτικῶν ἐθνῶν, ὅσα τῇ Μακεδονία

to Thessaly and the Aetolians and Acarnanians and some Epeirot tribes, which border upon Macedonia. Most modern writers understand μéxp as inclusive, and consequently make Achaia include Thessaly,

ACHA'RACA ('Axápaña), a village of Lydia, on the road from Tralles to Nysa, with a Plutonium or a temple of Pluto, and a cave, named Charonium, where the sick were healed under the direction of the priests. (Strab. xiv. pp. 649, 650.)

It was

Aetolia and Acarnania. Their interpretation is con- Achates between Thermae and Selinus, in the SW. firmed by a passage in Tacitus, in which Nicopolis quarter of the island. It cannot, therefore, be the in the south of Epeirus is called by Tacitus (Ann. Dirillo, but its modern name is unknown. (Plin. ii1. ii. 53) a city of Achaia; but too much stress must 8. s. 14, xxxvii. 10. s. 54; Theophrast. de Lapid. not be laid upon this passage, as Tacitus may only § 31; Vib. Seq. p. 3; Solin. 5. § 25; Cluver. Sicil. have used Achaia in its widest signification as p. 201.) [E. H. B.] equivalent to Greece. If μéxp is not inclusive, ACHELOUS (Αχελῷος, Epic Αχελώος). Thessaly, Aetolia, and Acarnania must be assigned | 1. (Aspropotamo), the largest and most celebrated either wholly to Macedonia, or partly to Macedonia | river in Greece, rose in Mount Pindus, and after and partly to Eperus. Ptolemy (iii. 2, seq.), in flowing through the mountaincus country of the his division of Greece, assigns Thessaly to Mace- Dolopians and Agraeans, entered the plain of donia, Acarnania to Epeirus, and Aetolia to Achaia; Acarnania and Aetolia near Stratus, and discharged and it is probable that this represents the political itself into the Ionian sea, near the Acarnanian division of the country at the time at which he lived town of Oeniadae. It subsequently formed the (A.D. 150). Achaia continued to be a Roman pro- boundary between Acarnania and Aetolia, but in vince governed by proconsuls down to the time of the time of Thucydides the territory of Oeniadae Justinian. (Kruse, Hellas, vol. i. p. 573.) extended east of the river. It is usually called a river of Acarnania, but it is sometimes assigned to Aetolia. Its general direction is from north to south. Its waters are of a whitish yellow or cream colour, whence it derives its modern name of Aspropotamo or the White river, and to which Dionysius ACHARNAE ('Axapraí: Eth. 'Axapveús, Achar- (432) probably alludes in the epithet apyvpodivns. nanus, Nep. Them. 1.; Adj. 'Axapvikós), the prin. It is said to have been called more anciently Thoas, cipal demus of Attica, belonging to the tribe Oeneis, Axenus and Thestius (Thuc. ii. 102; Strab. pp. was situated 60 stadia N. of Athens, and conse- 449, 450, 458; Plut. de Fluv. 22; Steph. B. s. r.) quently not far from the foot of Mt. Parnes. We learn from Leake that the reputed sources of from the woods of this mountain that the Achar- the Achelous are at a village called Khaliki, which nians were enabled to carry on that traffic in char- is probably a corruption of Chalcis, at which place coal for which they were noted among the Athenians. Dionysius Periegetes (496) places the sources of (Aristoph. Acharn. 332.) Their land was fertile; the river. Its waters are swelled by numerous their population was rough and warlike; and they torrents, which it receives in its passage through furnished at the commencement of the Peloponnesian the mountains, and when it emerges into the plain war 3000 hoplites, or a tenth of the whole infantry near Stratus its bed is not less than three-quarters of the republic. They possessed sanctuaries or of a mile in width. In winter the entire bed altars of Apollo Aguieus, of Heracles, of Athena is often filled, but in the middle of summer the Hygieia, of Athena Hippia, of Dionysus Melpomenus, river is divided into five or six rapid streams, of and of Dionysus Cissus, so called, because the which only two are of a considerable size. After Acharnians said that the ivy first grew in this leaving Stratus the river becomes narrower; and, demus. One of the plays of Aristophanes bears the in the lower part of its course, the plain through name of the Acharnians. Leake supposes that which it flows was called in antiquity Paracheloitis branch of the plain of Athens, which is included after the river. This plain was celebrated for its between the foot of the hills of Khassi and a fertility, though covered in great part with marshes, projection of the range of Aegaleos, stretching east several of which were formed by the overflowings of ward from the northern termination of that moun- the Achelous. In this part of its course the river tain, to have been the district of the demus Acharnae. presents the most extraordinary series of wanderThe exact situation of the town has not yet been ings; and these deflexions, observes a recent tradiscovered. Some Hellenic remains, situated of a veller, are not only so sudden, but so extensive, mile to the westward of Menidhi, have generally as to render it difficult to trace the exact line of its been taken for those of Archarnae; but Menidhi is bed,-and sometimes, for several miles, having its more probably a corruption of Пatovida. (Thuc. ii. direct course towards the sea, it appears to flow 13, 19-21; Lucian, Icaro-Menip. 18; Pind. back into the mountains in which it rises. The Nem. ii. 25; Paus. i. 31. § 6; Athen. p. 234; Achelous brings down from the mountains an Steph. B. s. v.; Leake, Demi of Attica, p. 35, seq.) immense quantity of earthy particles, which have ACHARRAE, a town of Thessaly in the district formed a number of small islands at its mouth, Thessaliotis, on the river Pamisus, mentioned only which belong to the group anciently called Echiby Livy (xxxii. 13), but apparently the same place nades; and part of the mainland near its mouth is as the Acharne of Pliny (iv. 9. s. 16). only alluvial deposition. [ECHINADES.] (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. i. p. 136, seq., vol. iii. p. 513, vol. iv. p. 211; Mure, Journal of a Tour in Greece, vol. i. p. 102.) The chief tributaries of the Achelous were:-on its left, the CAMPYLUS (Kaunúλos, Diod. xix. 67: Medghova), a river of considerable size, flowing from Dolopia through the territory of the Dryopes and Eurytanes, and the CYATHUS (Kualos, Pol. ap. Ath. p. 424, c.) flowing out of the lake Hyrie into the main stream just above Conope:- -on its right the PETITARUS (Liv. xliii. 22) in Aperantia, and the ANAPUS (ˇ vaños), which fell into the main stream in Acarnania 80 stadia S. of Stratus. (Thuc. ii. 82.)

ACHATES ('Axáτns), a small river in Sicily, noticed by Silius Italicus for the remarkable clearness of its waters (perlucentem splendenti gurgite Achaten, xiv. 228), and by various other writers as the place where agates were found, and from whence they derived the name of "lapis Achates," which they have retained in all modern languages. It has been identified by Cluverius (followed by most modern geographers) with the river Dirillo, a small stream on the S. coast of Sicily, about 7 miles E. of Terranova, which is indeed remarkable for the clearness of its waters: but Pliny, the only author who affords any clue to its position, distinctly places the


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The Achelous was regarded as the ruler and representative of all fresh water in Hellas. Hence he is called by Homer (Il. xx. 194) Kpeiwv 'AxeAutos, and was worshipped as a mighty god throughout Greece. He is celebrated in mythology on account of his combat with Heracles for the possession of Deïaneira. The river-god first attacked Heracles in the form of a serpent, and on being worsted assumed that of a bull. The hero wrenched off one of his horns, which forthwith became a cornucopia, or horn of plenty. (Soph. Trach. 9; Ov. Met. ix. 8, seq.: Apollod. ii. 7. § 5.) This legend alludes apparently to some efforts made at an early period to check the ravages, which the inundations of the river caused in this district; and if the river was confined within its bed by embankments, the region would be converted in modern times into a land of plenty. For further details respecting the mythological character of the Achelous, see Dict. of Biogr. and Myth. 8. v.

In the Roman poets we find Acheloïdes, i. e. the Sirenes, the daughters of Achelous (Ov. Met. v. 552): Acheloia Callirhoë, because Callirhoë was the daughter of Achelous (Ov. Met. ix. 413): pocula Acheloia, i. e. water in general (Virg. Georg. i. 9): Acheloïus heros, that is, Tydeus, son of Oeneus, king of Calydon, Acheloïus here being equivalent to Aetolian. (Stat. Theb. ii. 142.)

2. A river of Thessaly, in the district of Malis, flowing near Lamia. (Strab. pp. 434, 450.)

3. A mountain torrent in Arcadia, flowing into the Alpheus, from the north of Mount Lycaeus. (Pans. viii. 38. § 9.)

4. Also called PEIRUS, a river in Achaia, flowing near Dyme. (Strab. pp. 342, 450.)

ACHERDUS (A xepdoûs, -aûrtos: Eth. 'Axep boros), a demus of Attica of uncertain site, belonging to the tribe Hippothoontis. Aristophanes (Eccl. 362) in joke, uses the form 'Axpadovo Los instead of 'Axepoovaios. (Steph. B. s. vv. 'Axepbous, 'Axpadoùs; Aeschin. in Tim. § 110, ed. Bekker; Leake, Demi of Attica, p. 185.)

the surrounding district bore according to Thucydides the name of Elaeatis ('Exaiâris). The Acheron is the modern Gurla or river of Suli, the Cocytus is the Vuvó, and the great marsh or lake below Kastri the Acherusia. The water of the Vuvó is reported to be bad, which agrees with the account of Pausanias (i. 17. § 5) in relation to the water of the Cocytus (üdwp атерnéσтатоv). The Glycys Limen is called Port Fanári, and its water is still fresh; and in the lower part of the plain the river is commonly called the river of Fanári. The upper part of the plain is called Glyky; and thus the ancient name of the harbour has been transferred from the coast into the interior. On the Acheron Aidoneus, the king of the lower world, is said to have reigned, and to have detained here Theseus as a prisoner; and on its banks was an oracle called VEKVOμAVTETOV (Herod. v. 92. § 7), which was consulted by evoking the spirits of the dead. (Thuc. i. 46; Liv. viii. 24; Strab. p. 324; Steph. B. s. v. ; Paus. i. 17. § 5; Dion Cass. 1. 12; Scylax, p. 11; Ptolem. iii. 14. §5; Leake, Northern Greece, vol. i. p. 232, seq. iv. p. 53.)

2. A river of Elis, a tributary of the Alpheius. (Strab. p. 344; Leake, Morea, vol. ii. p. 89.)

A'CHERON ('Axépwv), a small river in Bruttium, near Pandosia. Its name is mentioned in conjunction with that city both by Strabo and Justin, from whom we learn that it was on its banks that Alexander, king of Epirus, fell in battle against the Lucanians and Bruttians, B. C. 326. (Strab. p. 256; Justin. xii. 2.) Pliny also mentions it as a river of Bruttium (iii. 5. s. 10.), but appears erroneously to connect it with the town of Acherontia in Lucania. It has been supposed to be a small stream, still called the Arconti, which falls into the river Crathis just below Consentia; but its identification must depend upon that of Pandosia. [PANDOSIA.] [E. H. B.]

ACHERONTIA (Αχεροντίς oι Αχεροντία), a small town of Apulia, near the frontiers of Lucania, situated about 14 miles S. of Venusia, and 6 SE. of Ferentum. Its position on a lofty hill is alluded to ACHERINI, the inhabitants of a small town in by Horace in a well-known passage (celsae nidum Sicily, mentioned only by Cicero among the victims Acherontiae, Carm. iii. 4. 14; and Acron ad loc.), of the oppressions of Verres. Its position is quite and the modern town of Acerenza retains the site as uncertain; whence modern scholars propose to read well as name of the ancient one. It is built on a either Scherini, or Achetini from ACHETUM, a town hill of considerable elevation, precipitous on three supposed to be mentioned by Silius Italicus (xiv. sides, and affording only a very steep approach on 268); but the "pubes liquentis Acheti" (or Achaeti, the fourth. (Romanelli, vol. ii. p. 238.) It seems as the name stands in the best MSS.) of that author to have been always but a small town, and is not menwould seem to indicate a river rather than a town. tioned by any ancient geographer; but the strength There is, however, no authority for either emendation. of its position gave it importance in a military point (Cic. Verr. iii. 43; Zumpt ud loc.; Orell. Onomast. of view: and during the wars of the Goths against p. 6; Cluver. Sicil. p. 381.) [E. H. B.] the generals of Justinian, it was occupied by Totila A'CHERON ('Axépwv), the name of several with a garrison, and became one of the chief strongrivers, all of which were, at least at one time, he-holds of the Gothic leaders throughout the contest. ieved to be connected with the lower world. The Acheron as a river of the lower world, is described in the Dict. of Biogr. and Myth.

1. A river of Epeirus in Thesprotia, which passed through the lake Acherusia ('Axepovoía Xíμvn), and after receiving the river Cocytus (KúкUTOS), flowed into the Ionian sea, S. of the promontory Cheimerium. Pliny (iv. 1) erroneously states that the river flowed into the Ambraciot gulf. The bay of the sea into which it flowed was usually called Glycys Limen (гàvíùs λiμýv) or Sweet-Harbour, because the water was fresh on account of the quantity poured into it from the lake and river. Seylax and Ptolemy call the harbour Elaea (Exa.a), and

(Procop. de B. G. iii. 23, 26, iv. 26, 33.) The reading Acherunto in Livy (ix. 20), which has been adopted by Romanelli and Cramer, and considered to refer to the same place, is wholly unsupported by authority. (Alschefski, ad loc.) The coins assigned to this city belong to AQUILONIA. [E. H. B.]

ACHERU'SIA PALUS ('Axepovolā Xiμvn), the name of several lakes, which, like the various rivers of the name of Acheron, were at some time believed to be connected with the lower world, until at last the Acherusia came to be considered in the lower world itself. The most important of those was the lake in Thesprotia, through which the Acheron flowed. [ACHERON.] There was a small lake of

this name near Hermione in Argolis. (Paus. ii. 35. § 10.)

ACHERU'SIA PALUS ('Axepovoía Xíuvn), the name given to a small lake or saltwater pool in Campania separated from the sea only by a bar of sand, between Cumae and Cape Misenum, now called Lago di Fusaro. The name appears to have been bestowed on it (probably by the Greeks of Cumae) in consequence of its proximity to Avernus, when the legends connecting that lake with the entrance to the infernal regions had become established. [AVERNUS.] On this account the name was by some applied to the Lucrine lake, while Artemidorus maintained that the Acherusian lake and Avernus were the same. (Strab. v. pp. 243,245; Plin. iii. 5. s. 9.) The Lago di Fusaro could never have had any direct connection with the volcanic phenomena of the region, nor could it have partaken of the gloomy and mysterious character of Lake Avernus. The expressions applied to it by Lycophron (Alex. 695) are mere poetical hyperbole : and Virgil, where he speaks of tenebrosa palus Acheronte refuso (Aen. vi. 107), would seem to refer to Avernus itself rather than to the lake in question. In later times, its banks were adorned, in common with the neighbouring shores of Baiae, with the villas of wealthy Romans; one of these, which belonged to Servilius Vatia, is particularly described by Seneca (Ep. 55). [E. H. B.]

ACHETUM. [ACHERINI.] ACHILLA, ACHOLLA, or ACHULLA ('Axóλλa: Eth. 'Axo Maios, Achillitānus: El Aliah, large Ru.), a town on the sea-coast of Africa Propria (Byzacena), a little above the N. extremity of the Lesser Syrtis, and about 20 G. miles S. of Thapsus. It was a colony from the island of Melita (Malta), the people of which were colonists from Carthage. Under the Romans, it was a free city. In the African war, B. C. 46, it submitted to Caesar, for whom it was held by Messius; and it was in vain besieged by the Pompeian commander Considius. Among its ruins, of a late style, but very extensive, there has been found an interesting bilingual inscription, in Phoenician and Latin, in which the name is spelt Achulla (Steph. B. s. v.; Strab. p. 831; Liv. xxxiii. 48; Appian. Pun. 94; Hirtius, Bell. Afric. 33—43; Plin. v. 4; Ptol.; Tab. Peut., name corrupted into Anolla; Shaw's Travels, p. 193; Barth, Wanderungen, &c. vol. i. p. 176; Gesenius, Monum. Phoenic. p. 139.) [P.S.]

ACHILLE OS DROMOS (Apóμos 'AxiλAños, or 'Axiλλéws, or 'Axíλλeios, or 'Axıλλños), a long narrow strip of land in the Euxine, NW. of the Chersonesus Taurica (Crimea) and S. of the mouth of the Borysthenes (Dnieper), running W. and E., with a slight inclination N. and S., for about 80 miles, including that portion of the coast from which it is a prolongation both ways. It is now divided by a narrow gap, which insulates its W. portion, into two parts, called Kosa (i. e. tongue) Tendra on the W., and Kosa Djarilgatch on the E. In the ancient legends, which connected Achilles with the NW. shores of the Euxine, this strip of land was pitched upon as a sort of natural stadium on which he might have exercised that swiftness of foot which Homer sings; and he was supposed to have instituted games there. Further to the W., off the mouth of the Ister, lay a small island, also sacred to the hero, who had a temple there. This island, called Achillis Insula, or Leuce ('Axiλλéws †) Aevky vñσos), was said to be the place to which Thetis transported the body of Achilles. By some it was made the abode of the

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shades of the blest, where Achilles and other heroes were the judges of the dead. Geographers identify it with the little island of Zmievoï, or Oulan Adassi (i. e. Serpents' Island) in 30° 10′ E long., 45° 15' N. lat. (Herod. iv. 55, 76; Eurip. Iphig. in Taur. 438; Pind. Olymp. ii. 85; Paus. iii. 19. § 11; Strab. pp. 306-308, foll.; and other passages collected by Ukert, vol. iii. p. 2, pp. 442, foll., and Forbiger, vol. iii. pp. 1121–1122.) [P.S.]

ACHILLE'UM ('Axíλλeiov), a small town near the promontory Sigeum in the Troad (Herod. v. 94), where, according to tradition, the tomb of Achilles was. (Strab. p. 594.) When Alexander visited the place on his Asiatic expedition, B. C. 334, he placed chaplets on the tomb of Achilles. (Arrian, i. 12.) [G. L.] ACHILLIS INSULA. [ACHILLEOS DROMOS.] ACHOLLA. [ACHILLA.] ACHRADU'S. [ACHERDUS.]


A'CILA (AKλa), which seems to be identical with OCELIS (Okŋλis), now Zee Hill or Ghela, a seaport of the Sabaei Nomades, in Arabia Felix, a short distance to the S. of Mocha, and to the N. of the opening of the strait of Babel Mandeb. (Strab. p. 769; Plin. vi. 23. s. 26, 28. s. 32; Ptol. vi. 7. § 7.) By some geographers it is identified with the Bouxikás of the Homeritae mentioned by Procopius (B. P. i. 19). [W. R.]

ACIMINCUM, ACUMINCUM CARO For Ptol. ii. 16. § 5: Alt-Salankemen), a station or permanent cavalry barrack in Pannonia. (Amm. Marc. xix. 11. §7; Notit. Imp.) By George of Ravenns (iv. 19), and on the Peutingerian Table, the name is written ACUNUM. [W. B. D.]

ACINCUM, AQUINCUM ('AкоÚукоν, Ptol. ii. 16. § 4; Tab. Peut.; Orelli, Inscript. 506, 959, 963, 3924; Amm. Marc. xxx. 5; Itin. Anton.), a Roman colony and a strong fortress in Pannonia, where the legion Adjutrix Secunda was in garrison (Dion. Cass. lv. 24), and where also there was a large manufactory of bucklers. Acincum, being the centre of the operations on the Roman frontier against the neighbouring lazyges (Slovács), was occasionally the head-quarters of the emperors. answers to the present Alt-Buda, where Roman basements and broken pillars of aqueducts are still visible. On the opposite bank of the Danube, and within the territory of the Iazyges, stood a Roman fort or outpost called, from its relative position, ContraAcineum (Not. Imp.), which was connected with Acincum by a bridge. Contra-Acincum is named Пéootor by Ptolemy (iii. 7. § 2). [W. B. D.]


ACI'NIPO ('AKivinпw: Ronda la Vieja, Ru. 2 leagues N. of Ronda), a town of Hispania Baetica, on a lofty mountain. Ptolemy calls it a city of the Celtici (ii. 4. § 15.) Its site is marked by the ruins of an aqueduct and a theatre, amidst which many coins are found inscribed with the name of the place. (Florez, Esp. Sagr. vol. ix. pp. 16—60; Eckhel, vol. i. p. 14.) [P.S.]




ACIRIS (Akipis), a river of Lucania, mentioned both by Pliny and Strabo, as flowing near to Heraclea on the N. side, as the Siris did on the S. It is still called the Acri or Agri, and has a course of above 50 miles, rising in the Apennines near Marsico Nuovo, and flowing into the Gulf of Tarentum, a little to the N. of Policoro, the site of the ancient Heraclea. (Plin. iii. 11. s. 15; Strab. p. 264.) The ACIDIOS of the Itinerary is supposed by Cluverius to be a corruption of this name, but it would appear to be that of a town, rather than a river. (Itin. Ant. p. 104.) [E. H. B.]

ACIS (AKIS), a river of Sicily, on the eastern coast of the island, and immediately at the foot of Aetna. It is celebrated on account of the mythological fable connected with its origin, which was ascribed to the blood of the youthful Acis, crushed under an enormous rock by his rival Polyphemus. (Ovid. Met. xiii. 750, &c.; Sil. Ital. xiv. 221-226; Anth. Lat. i. 148; Serv. ad Virg. Ecl. ix. 39, who erroneously writes the name Acinius.) It is evidently in allusion to the same story that Theocritus speaks of the "sacred waters of Acis." (Aridos lepov voæp, Idyll. i. 69.) From this fable itself we may infer that it was a small stream gushing forth from under a rock; the extreme coldness of its waters noticed by Solinus (Solin. 5. § 17) also points to the same conclusion. The last circumstance might lead us to identify it with the stream now called Fiume Freddo, but there is every appearance that the town of Acium derived its name from the river, and this was certainly further south. There can be no doubt that Cluverius is right in identifying it with the little river still called Fiume di Jaci, known also by the name of the Acque Grandi, which rises under a rock of lava, and has a very short course to the sea, passing by the modern town of Aci Reale (Acium). The Acis was certainly quite distinct from the Acesines or Asines, with which it has been confounded by several writers. (Cluver. Sicil. p. 115; Smyth's Sicily, p. 132; Ortolani, Diz. Geogr. p. 9; Ferrara, Descriz. dell Etna, p. 32.) [E. H. B.]

A'CIUM, a small town on the E. coast of Sicily, mentioned only in the Itinerary (Itin. Ant. p 87), which places it on the high road from Catana to Tauromenium, at the distance of 9 M. P. from the former city. It evidently derived its name from the little river Acis, and is probably identical with the modern Aci Reale, a considerable town, about a mile from the sea, in the neighbourhood of which, on the road to Catania, are extensive remains of Roman Thermae. (Biscari, Viaggio in Sicilia, p. 22; Ortolani, Diz. Geogr. p. 9.) [E. H. B.]

ACMONIA ('Ακμονία: Eth. Ακμονιεύς, Ακμόvios, Acmonensis), a city of Phrygia, mentioned by Cicero (Pro Flacc. 15.) It was on the road from Dorylacum to Philadelphia, 36 Roman miles SW. of Cotyaeum; and under the Romans belonged to the Conventus Juridicus of Apamea. The site has been fixed at Ahatkoi; but it still seems doubtful. (Ha milton, Researches, &c. vol. i. p. 115.) [G. L.]


ACO'NTIA or ACUTIA (AKOVTía, Strab. p. 152; 'AKOÚтELα, Steph. B.), a town of the Vaccaei, in Hispania Tarraconensis, on the river Durius (Douro), which had a ford here. Its site is unknown. [P. S.] ACONTISMA, a station in Macedonia on the coast and on the Via Egnatia, 8 or 9 miles eastward of Neapolis, is placed by Leake near the end of the passes of the Sapaei, which were formed by the mountainous coast stretching eastward from Kavála. Tafel considers it to be identical with Christopolis and the modern Kavála. (Amm. Marc. xxvii. 4; It. Ant. and Hierocl.; Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iii. p. 180; Tafel, De Viae Egnatiae Parte Orient. p. 13, seq.)

A'CORIS ('AKоpís), a town of Egypt, on the east bank of the Nile in the Cynopolite Nome, 17 miles N. of Antinoopolis. (Ptol. iv. 5. § 59; Tab. Peut.) ACRA LEUCE (Aкра Aeuк), a great city of Hispania Tarraconensis, founded by Hamilcar Barcas (Diod. Sic. xxv. 2), and probably identical with the Castrum Album of Livy (xxiv. 41). Its position seems to have been on the coast of the Sinus I tanus, N. of Ilici, near the modern Alicante (Ukert, vol. ii. pt. 1, p. 403). [P.S.]

ACRAE (Aкрai, Thuc. et alii; "Axpа, Steph. B.; "Akpalai, Ptol.; 'Arpaiol, Steph. B.; Acrenses, Plin.; Palazzolo), a city of Sicily, situated in the southern portion of the island, on a lofty hill, nearly due W. of Syracuse, from which it was distant, according to the Itineraries, 24 Roman miles (Itin. Ant. p. 87; Tab. Peut.). It was a colony of Syracuse, founded, as we learn from Thucydides, 70 years after its parent city, i. e. 663 B. c. (Thuc. vi. 5), but it did not rise to any great importance, and continued almost always in a state of dependence on Syracuse. Its position must, however, have always given it some consequence in a military point of view; and we find Dion, when marching upon Syracuse, halting at Acrae to watch the effect of his proceedings. (Plut. Dion, 27, where we should certainly read "Akpas for Makpás.) By the treaty concluded by the Romans with Hieron, king of Syracuse, Acrae was included in the dominions of that monarch (Diod. xxiii. Exc. p. 502), and this was probably the period of its greatest prosperity. During the Second Punic War it followed the fortunes of Syracuse, and afforded a place of refuge to Hippocrates, after his defeat by Marcellus at Acrillae, B. C. 214. (Liv. xxiv. 36.) This is the last mention of it in history, and its name is not once noticed by Cicero. It was probably in his time a mere dependency of Syracuse, though it is found in Pliny's list of the "stipendiariae civitates," so that it must then have possessed a separate municipal existence. (Plin. iii. 8; Ptol. iii. 4. § 14.) The site of Acrae was correctly fixed by Fazello at the modern Palazzolo, the lofty and bleak situation of which corresponds with the description of Silius Italicus ("tumulis glacialibus Acrae," xiv. 206), and its distance from Syracuse with that assigned by the Itineraries. The summit of the hill occupied by the modern town is said to be still called Acremonte. Fazello speaks of the ruins visible there as "egregium urbis cadaver," and the recent researches and excavations carried on by the Baron Judica have brought to light ancient remains of much interest. The most considerable of these are two theatres, both in very fair preservation, of which the largest is turned towards the N., while immediately adjacent to it on the W. is a much smaller one, hollowed out in great part from the rock, and supposed from some peculiarities in its construction to have been intended to

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